1 /*
2  *  This file is part of Dune Legacy.
3  *
4  *  Dune Legacy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7  *  (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  *  Dune Legacy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  *  along with Dune Legacy.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16  */
18 #ifndef OBJECTDATA_H
19 #define OBJECTDATA_H
21 #include <string>
23 #include <misc/InputStream.h>
24 #include <misc/OutputStream.h>
25 #include <fixmath/FixPoint.h>
26 #include <data.h>
27 #include <DataTypes.h>
29 #include <bitset>
31 class INIFile;
33 /// This class stores all the unit/structure data
34 class ObjectData {
35 public:
36     /**
37         Default constructur. Initializes everything with zero
38     */
39     ObjectData();
41     /**
42         Destructor.
43     */
44     virtual ~ObjectData();
46     /**
47         This method loads all data from an INI-File specified by filename. There should be two sections
48         in the INI-File for default values: "default structure" and "default unit". The other sections are
49         for exactly one unit.
50         Example:<br>
51             [structure name]<br>
52             Enabled = true<br>
53             HitPoints = 500<br>
54             Price = 300<br>
55             Power = 10<br>
56             ViewRange = 3<br>
57             Capacity = 1000<br>
58             BuildTime = 80<br>
59             InfSpawnProp = 45<br>
60             <br>
61             [unit name]
62             Enabled = true<br>
63             HitPoints = 100<br>
64             Price = 100<br>
65             ViewRange = 5<br>
66             WeaponDamage = 10<br>
67             WeaponRange = 4<br>
68             WeaponReloadTime = 100<br>
69             Speed = 3.0<br>
70             TurnSpeed = 0.25<br>
71             BuildTime = 56<br>
72             InfSpawnProp = 45<br>
73         \param filename the INI-File to load.
74     */
75     void loadFromINIFile(const std::string& filename);
77     /**
78         Saves all stored data out into a binary stream.
79         \param stream   the stream to save to
80         \see load
81     */
82     void save(OutputStream& stream) const;
84     /**
85         Loads all stored data from a stream.
86         \param stream   the stream to load from
87         \see save
88     */
89     void load(InputStream& stream);
91     struct ObjectDataStruct {
92         bool     enabled;                                             ///< is this unit/structure available?
93         Sint32   hitpoints;                                           ///< what is the maximum health of this unit/structure?
94         Sint32   price;                                               ///< how much does this structure cost?
95         Sint32   power;                                               ///< how much power do this structure require. Wind traps have negative values because they produce power?
96         Sint32   viewrange;                                           ///< much terrain is revealed when this structure is placed or this unit moves?
97         Sint32   capacity;                                            ///< how much spice can this structure contain?
98         Sint32   weapondamage;                                        ///< how much damage does the weapon of this unit/structure have?
99         Sint32   weaponrange;                                         ///< how far can this unit/structure shoot?
100         Sint32   weaponreloadtime;                                    ///< how many frames does it take to reload the weapon?
101         FixPoint maxspeed;                                            ///< how fast can this unit move?
102         FixPoint turnspeed;                                           ///< how fast can this unit turn around?
103         Sint32   buildtime;                                           ///< how much time does the production of this structure/unit take?
104         Sint32   infspawnprop;                                        ///< what is the probability (in percent) that a infantry soldier is spawn on destruction?
105         int      builder;                                             ///< In which building can this item be built
106         std::bitset<Structure_LastID>   prerequisiteStructuresSet;    ///< What buildings are prerequisite for building this item
107         Sint8    techLevel;                                           ///< What techLevel is needed to build this item (in campaign mode this equals to mission number)
108         Sint8    upgradeLevel;                                        ///< How many upgrades must the builder already have made
109     };
111     ObjectDataStruct data[Num_ItemID][NUM_HOUSES];      ///< here is all the data stored. It is public for easy and fast access. Use only read-only.
113 private:
115     int loadIntValue(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, int defaultValue = 0);
116     bool loadBoolValue(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, bool defaultValue = false);
117     FixPoint loadFixPointValue(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, FixPoint defaultValue = 0);
118     std::string loadStringValue(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, const std::string& defaultValue = "");
119     int loadItemID(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, int defaultValue = ItemID_Invalid);
120     std::bitset<Structure_LastID> loadPrerequisiteStructuresSet(const INIFile& objectDataFile, const std::string& section, const std::string& key, char houseChar, std::bitset<Structure_LastID> defaultValue = std::bitset<Structure_LastID>());
121 };
123 #endif // OBJECTDATA_H