4  arena scrolling
5  automake
6  transparency
7  pngs
8  collisions
9  ball source/target
10  bitmap pool
11  enemies (partial)
12  weapons (partial)
13  explosions
14  air resistance
15  tractor graphic (partial)
16  tractor improvements (mass)
17  exhaust graphic
18  font
19  screen window
20  player status, player damage
21  money
22  shop/more weapons (partial)
23  better collisions (player ship bounces wierdly)
24  levels
25  level descriptions
26  player rescue collisions
27  collision avoidance
28  Title screen/game restart
29  score
30  switches+gates
31  Make extra engines available in shop.
32  Make bought equipment increase mass of ship
33  weapon graphics in shop
34  Player energy/generators - make it so weapons/engines use energy when fired, make extra generators available in shop.
35  invulnerability grace period
37  (0.1 released)
39  Sound: we can play sound now, but many events don't have suitable effects
40  Hi scores
41  Removed framerate-dependency
42  Better (expensive) generators
43  Windows version: it can build in mingw now!
44  Better collisions (rockets won't pass through walls any more.)
45  Hac^H^H^HFixed problems with collisions involving blocks under the shop
46  Even more awesome weapons! (scatter shot)
47  More levels
49  (0.2 released)
51  Fixed the Stupid AOE Bug: damage from area effects was based on the centre of
52    the enemy - but some enemies, like the level 10 UFO, are so large that they
53    can be *hit* by a rocket and yet not have their centre inside the blast
54    radius, so they counted as outside its area of effect and took no damage.
55    Doh!  Increased miner hitpoints so they won't chain-react under the new system.
56  Improved framerate.  Mover-scenery collision detection was unbelievably slow,
57    because it was unbelievably stupid.  Fixed this by doing a quick test first.
58    Slowness and stupidity are now back at believable levels.
59  Made it possible to load levels from text files
60  Made collision direction work better (hitting the diagonal tiles was particuarly bad)
61    All collisions seem reasonable now except for jamming the ship into a corner, which
62    behaves rather strangely
63  Added some command line options (help, fullscreen, window, list directories)
64  Proper installation (make install now works)
65  Even more even more awesome weapons! (r.b.g, sniper)
66  Added fireworks to hi score table.  Apart from looking nice, this helps indicate change in
67    state (input->display)
69(0.3 released)
70  Changed the way damage is done by plasmoids and recking balls so that it's not
71  framerate-dependent any more.  This heavily nerfs the plasmoid - the big red UFO boss will
72  now require more than one shot to kill it.  (Recking ball is every bit as ludicrous as it was before)
74  Even more even more awesome weapons! (scoop)
75  Better error reporting when loading levels.  And when failing to load them, due to, y'know, errors.
77  Level-dependent physics: gravity and air resistance can now be changed.
79  Added  command-line argument to set the resolution.
80  Graphics improvements: ship rotation, ball and sink graphics are now a bit less horrible.
82  We're now using Boost!  Updated autoconf scripts so that they complain if it's not there.
83  There is now a background - finally, there is something to see through those transparent pixels!
84  Hi-scores are loaded and saved!
86  Cleaned up shop code a bit.
88(0.4 Released)
90Not done yet:
92  Come up with some way for the player to know if DR is blocking all damage.
93  Less hideous graphics
94  Avoid ridiculously large bitmaps in the arena
95  weapon configurations
97  Firing of scooped enemies?
98  More levels
99  More enemies
101  more sound effects? (engine noise, level exit, distinctly different ufo firing noise)
102  Music ?
104  Some sort of reward for finishing the game would be nice