1 #ifndef _Pathfinder_h_
2 #define _Pathfinder_h_
4 #include "UniverseObject.h"
6 #include <vector>
7 #include <map>
8 #include <set>
9 #include <unordered_set>
11 #ifdef FREEORION_WIN32
12 // because the linker gets confused about Win32 API functions...
13 #  undef GetObject
14 #  undef GetObjectA
15 #endif
17 /** The Pathfinder  class contains the locations of systems, the
18   * starlanes and functions to determine pathing and trip duration
19   * around the Universe. */
20 class FO_COMMON_API Pathfinder {
21 public:
22     typedef std::shared_ptr<const Pathfinder> ConstPtr;
23     typedef std::shared_ptr<UniverseObjectVisitor> SystemExclusionPredicateType;
25     /** \name Structors */ //@{
26     Pathfinder();
27     virtual ~Pathfinder();
28     //@}
30     /** \name Accessors */ //@{
32     /** Returns the straight-line distance between the objects with the given
33       * IDs. \throw std::out_of_range This function will throw if either object
34       * ID is out of range. */
35     double LinearDistance(int object1_id, int object2_id) const;
37     /** Returns the number of starlane jumps between the systems with the given
38       * IDs. If there is no path between the systems, -1 is returned.
39       * \throw std::out_of_range This function will throw if either system
40       * ID is not a valid system id. */
41     short JumpDistanceBetweenSystems(int system1_id, int system2_id) const;
43     /** Returns the number of starlane jumps between any two objects, accounting
44       * for cases where one or the other are fleets / ships on starlanes between
45       * systems. Returns INT_MAX when no path exists, or either object does not
46       * exist. */
47     int JumpDistanceBetweenObjects(int object1_id, int object2_id) const;
49     /** Returns the sequence of systems, including \a system1_id and
50       * \a system2_id, that defines the shortest path from \a system1 to
51       * \a system2, and the distance travelled to get there.  If no such path
52       * exists, the list will be empty.  Note that the path returned may be via
53       * one or more starlane, or may be "offroad".  The path is calculated
54       * using the visibility for empire \a empire_id, or without regard to
55       * visibility if \a empire_id == ALL_EMPIRES.
56       * \throw std::out_of_range This function will throw if either system ID
57       * is out of range, or if the empire ID is not known. */
58     std::pair<std::list<int>, double> ShortestPath(int system1_id, int system2_id, int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
60     /** Shortest path known to an empire between two systems, excluding routes
61      *  for systems containing objects for @p system_predicate.
62      * @param system1_id source System id
63      * @param system2_id destination System id
64      * @param empire_id ID of viewing Empire
65      * @param system_predicate UniverseObjectVisitor, A System is excluded as a potential node in any route
66      *                         if it is or contains a matched object
67      *
68      * @returns list of System ids, distance between systems */
69     std::pair<std::list<int>, double> ShortestPath(int system1_id, int system2_id, int empire_id,
70                                                    const SystemExclusionPredicateType& system_predicate) const;
72     /** Returns the shortest starlane path distance between any two objects, accounting
73       * for cases where one or the other are fleets / ships on starlanes between
74       * systems. Returns -1 when no path exists, or either object does not
75       * exist. */
76     double ShortestPathDistance(int object1_id, int object2_id) const;
78     /** Returns the sequence of systems, including \a system1 and \a system2,
79       * that defines the path with the fewest jumps from \a system1 to
80       * \a system2, and the number of jumps to get there.  If no such path
81       * exists, the list will be empty.  The path is calculated using the
82       * visibility for empire \a empire_id, or without regard to visibility if
83       * \a empire_id == ALL_EMPIRES.  \throw std::out_of_range This function
84       * will throw if either system ID is out of range or if the empire ID is
85       * not known. */
86     std::pair<std::list<int>, int> LeastJumpsPath(int system1_id, int system2_id, int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES,
87                                                   int max_jumps = INT_MAX) const;
89     /** Returns whether there is a path known to empire \a empire_id between
90       * system \a system1 and system \a system2.  The path is calculated using
91       * the visibility for empire \a empire_id, or without regard to visibility
92       * if \a empire_id == ALL_EMPIRES.  \throw std::out_of_range This function
93       * will throw if either system ID is out of range or if the empire ID is
94       * not known. */
95     bool SystemsConnected(int system1_id, int system2_id, int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
97     /** Returns true iff \a system is reachable from another system (i.e. it
98       * has at least one known starlane to it).   This does not guarantee that
99       * the system is reachable from any specific other system, as two separate
100       * groups of locally but not globally interconnected systems may exist.
101       * The starlanes considered depend on their visibility for empire
102       * \a empire_id, or without regard to visibility if
103       * \a empire_id == ALL_EMPIRES. */
104     bool SystemHasVisibleStarlanes(int system_id, int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
106     /** Returns the systems that are one starlane hop away from system
107       * \a system.  The returned systems are indexed by distance from
108       * \a system.  The neighborhood is calculated using the visibility
109       * for empire \a empire_id, or without regard to visibility if
110       * \a empire_id == ALL_EMPIRES.
111       * \throw std::out_of_range This function will throw if the  system
112       * ID is out of range. */
113     //TODO empire_id is never set to anything other than self, which in
114     //the AI's is the same as ALL_EMPIRES
115     std::multimap<double, int> ImmediateNeighbors(int system_id, int empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES) const;
117     /** Returns the system ids of systems that are within \p jumps of the \p
118         candidates system ids.*/
119     std::unordered_set<int> WithinJumps(size_t jumps, const std::vector<int>& candidates) const;
121     /** Returns the partition (near, far) of the \p candidate objects into two sets, those that are within \p
122         jumps of the \p stationary objects and that are not.*/
123     std::pair<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>>,
124               std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>>>
125         WithinJumpsOfOthers(
126             int jumps,
127             const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>>& candidates,
128             const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const UniverseObject>>& stationary) const;
130     /** Returns the id of the System object that is closest to the specified
131       * (\a x, \a y) location on the map, by direct-line distance. */
132     int                                     NearestSystemTo(double x, double y) const;
134     //@}
136     /** \name Mutators */ //@{
138     /** Fills pathfinding data structure and determines least jumps distances
139       * between systems for the empire with id \a for_empire_id or uses the
140       * main / true / visible objects if \a for_empire_id is ALL_EMPIRES*/
141     void InitializeSystemGraph(const std::vector<int> system_ids, int for_empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES);
143     /** Regenerates per-empire system view graphs by filtering the complete
144       * system graph based on empire visibility.  Does not regenerate the base
145       * graph to account for actual system-starlane connectivity changes. */
146     void UpdateEmpireVisibilityFilteredSystemGraphs(int for_empire_id = ALL_EMPIRES);
147     //@}
149     class PathfinderImpl;
150 private:
151     const std::unique_ptr<PathfinderImpl> pimpl;
152 };
154 #endif // _Pathfinder_h_