1 /* boost random/discrete_distribution.hpp header file
2  *
3  * Copyright Steven Watanabe 2009-2011
4  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
5  * accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
6  * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
7  *
8  * See http://www.boost.org for most recent version including documentation.
9  *
10  * $Id: discrete_distribution.hpp 71018 2011-04-05 21:27:52Z steven_watanabe $
11  */
16 #include <vector>
17 #include <limits>
18 #include <numeric>
19 #include <utility>
20 #include <iterator>
21 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
22 #include <boost/random/uniform_01.hpp>
23 #include <boost/random/uniform_int.hpp>
24 #include <boost/random/detail/config.hpp>
25 #include <boost/random/detail/operators.hpp>
26 #include <boost/random/detail/vector_io.hpp>
29 #include <initializer_list>
30 #endif
32 #include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
33 #include <boost/range/end.hpp>
35 #include <boost/random/detail/disable_warnings.hpp>
37 namespace boost {
38 namespace random {
40 /**
41  * The class @c discrete_distribution models a \random_distribution.
42  * It produces integers in the range [0, n) with the probability
43  * of producing each value is specified by the parameters of the
44  * distribution.
45  */
46 template<class IntType = int, class WeightType = double>
47 class discrete_distribution {
48 public:
49     typedef WeightType input_type;
50     typedef IntType result_type;
52     class param_type {
53     public:
55         typedef discrete_distribution distribution_type;
57         /**
58          * Constructs a @c param_type object, representing a distribution
59          * with \f$p(0) = 1\f$ and \f$p(k|k>0) = 0\f$.
60          */
param_type()61         param_type() : _probabilities(1, static_cast<WeightType>(1)) {}
62         /**
63          * If @c first == @c last, equivalent to the default constructor.
64          * Otherwise, the values of the range represent weights for the
65          * possible values of the distribution.
66          */
67         template<class Iter>
param_type(Iter first,Iter last)68         param_type(Iter first, Iter last) : _probabilities(first, last)
69         {
70             normalize();
71         }
73         /**
74          * If wl.size() == 0, equivalent to the default constructor.
75          * Otherwise, the values of the @c initializer_list represent
76          * weights for the possible values of the distribution.
77          */
param_type(const std::initializer_list<WeightType> & wl)78         param_type(const std::initializer_list<WeightType>& wl)
79           : _probabilities(wl)
80         {
81             normalize();
82         }
83 #endif
84         /**
85          * If the range is empty, equivalent to the default constructor.
86          * Otherwise, the elements of the range represent
87          * weights for the possible values of the distribution.
88          */
89         template<class Range>
param_type(const Range & range)90         explicit param_type(const Range& range)
91           : _probabilities(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range))
92         {
93             normalize();
94         }
96         /**
97          * If nw is zero, equivalent to the default constructor.
98          * Otherwise, the range of the distribution is [0, nw),
99          * and the weights are found by  calling fw with values
100          * evenly distributed between \f$\mbox{xmin} + \delta/2\f$ and
101          * \f$\mbox{xmax} - \delta/2\f$, where
102          * \f$\delta = (\mbox{xmax} - \mbox{xmin})/\mbox{nw}\f$.
103          */
104         template<class Func>
param_type(std::size_t nw,double xmin,double xmax,Func fw)105         param_type(std::size_t nw, double xmin, double xmax, Func fw)
106         {
107             std::size_t n = (nw == 0) ? 1 : nw;
108             double delta = (xmax - xmin) / n;
109             BOOST_ASSERT(delta > 0);
110             for(std::size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
111                 _probabilities.push_back(fw(xmin + k*delta + delta/2));
112             }
113             normalize();
114         }
116         /**
117          * Returns a vector containing the probabilities of each possible
118          * value of the distribution.
119          */
probabilities() const120         std::vector<WeightType> probabilities() const
121         {
122             return _probabilities;
123         }
125         /** Writes the parameters to a @c std::ostream. */
127         {
128             detail::print_vector(os, parm._probabilities);
129             return os;
130         }
132         /** Reads the parameters from a @c std::istream. */
134         {
135             std::vector<WeightType> temp;
136             detail::read_vector(is, temp);
137             if(is) {
138                 parm._probabilities.swap(temp);
139             }
140             return is;
141         }
143         /** Returns true if the two sets of parameters are the same. */
145         {
146             return lhs._probabilities == rhs._probabilities;
147         }
148         /** Returns true if the two sets of parameters are different. */
150     private:
151         /// @cond show_private
152         friend class discrete_distribution;
param_type(const discrete_distribution & dist)153         explicit param_type(const discrete_distribution& dist)
154           : _probabilities(dist.probabilities())
155         {}
normalize()156         void normalize()
157         {
158             WeightType sum =
159                 std::accumulate(_probabilities.begin(), _probabilities.end(),
160                                 static_cast<WeightType>(0));
161             for(typename std::vector<WeightType>::iterator
162                     iter = _probabilities.begin(),
163                     end = _probabilities.end();
164                     iter != end; ++iter)
165             {
166                 *iter /= sum;
167             }
168         }
169         std::vector<WeightType> _probabilities;
170         /// @endcond
171     };
173     /**
174      * Creates a new @c discrete_distribution object that has
175      * \f$p(0) = 1\f$ and \f$p(i|i>0) = 0\f$.
176      */
discrete_distribution()177     discrete_distribution()
178     {
179         _alias_table.push_back(std::make_pair(static_cast<WeightType>(1),
180                                               static_cast<IntType>(0)));
181     }
182     /**
183      * Constructs a discrete_distribution from an iterator range.
184      * If @c first == @c last, equivalent to the default constructor.
185      * Otherwise, the values of the range represent weights for the
186      * possible values of the distribution.
187      */
188     template<class Iter>
discrete_distribution(Iter first,Iter last)189     discrete_distribution(Iter first, Iter last)
190     {
191         init(first, last);
192     }
194     /**
195      * Constructs a @c discrete_distribution from a @c std::initializer_list.
196      * If the @c initializer_list is empty, equivalent to the default
197      * constructor.  Otherwise, the values of the @c initializer_list
198      * represent weights for the possible values of the distribution.
199      * For example, given the distribution
200      *
201      * @code
202      * discrete_distribution<> dist{1, 4, 5};
203      * @endcode
204      *
205      * The probability of a 0 is 1/10, the probability of a 1 is 2/5,
206      * the probability of a 2 is 1/2, and no other values are possible.
207      */
discrete_distribution(std::initializer_list<WeightType> wl)208     discrete_distribution(std::initializer_list<WeightType> wl)
209     {
210         init(wl.begin(), wl.end());
211     }
212 #endif
213     /**
214      * Constructs a discrete_distribution from a Boost.Range range.
215      * If the range is empty, equivalent to the default constructor.
216      * Otherwise, the values of the range represent weights for the
217      * possible values of the distribution.
218      */
219     template<class Range>
discrete_distribution(const Range & range)220     explicit discrete_distribution(const Range& range)
221     {
222         init(boost::begin(range), boost::end(range));
223     }
224     /**
225      * Constructs a discrete_distribution that approximates a function.
226      * If nw is zero, equivalent to the default constructor.
227      * Otherwise, the range of the distribution is [0, nw),
228      * and the weights are found by  calling fw with values
229      * evenly distributed between \f$\mbox{xmin} + \delta/2\f$ and
230      * \f$\mbox{xmax} - \delta/2\f$, where
231      * \f$\delta = (\mbox{xmax} - \mbox{xmin})/\mbox{nw}\f$.
232      */
233     template<class Func>
discrete_distribution(std::size_t nw,double xmin,double xmax,Func fw)234     discrete_distribution(std::size_t nw, double xmin, double xmax, Func fw)
235     {
236         std::size_t n = (nw == 0) ? 1 : nw;
237         double delta = (xmax - xmin) / n;
238         BOOST_ASSERT(delta > 0);
239         std::vector<WeightType> weights;
240         for(std::size_t k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
241             weights.push_back(fw(xmin + k*delta + delta/2));
242         }
243         init(weights.begin(), weights.end());
244     }
245     /**
246      * Constructs a discrete_distribution from its parameters.
247      */
discrete_distribution(const param_type & parm)248     explicit discrete_distribution(const param_type& parm)
249     {
250         param(parm);
251     }
253     /**
254      * Returns a value distributed according to the parameters of the
255      * discrete_distribution.
256      */
257     template<class URNG>
operator ()(URNG & urng) const258     IntType operator()(URNG& urng) const
259     {
260         BOOST_ASSERT(!_alias_table.empty());
261         WeightType test = uniform_01<WeightType>()(urng);
262         IntType result = uniform_int<IntType>((min)(), (max)())(urng);
263         if(test < _alias_table[result].first) {
264             return result;
265         } else {
266             return(_alias_table[result].second);
267         }
268     }
270     /**
271      * Returns a value distributed according to the parameters
272      * specified by param.
273      */
274     template<class URNG>
operator ()(URNG & urng,const param_type & parm) const275     IntType operator()(URNG& urng, const param_type& parm) const
276     {
277         while(true) {
278             WeightType val = uniform_01<WeightType>()(urng);
279             WeightType sum = 0;
280             std::size_t result = 0;
281             for(typename std::vector<WeightType>::const_iterator
282                 iter = parm._probabilities.begin(),
283                 end = parm._probabilities.end();
284                 iter != end; ++iter, ++result)
285             {
286                 sum += *iter;
287                 if(sum > val) {
288                     return result;
289                 }
290             }
291         }
292     }
294     /** Returns the smallest value that the distribution can produce. */
BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION() const295     result_type min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION () const { return 0; }
296     /** Returns the largest value that the distribution can produce. */
298     { return static_cast<result_type>(_alias_table.size() - 1); }
300     /**
301      * Returns a vector containing the probabilities of each
302      * value of the distribution.  For example, given
303      *
304      * @code
305      * discrete_distribution<> dist = { 1, 4, 5 };
306      * std::vector<double> p = dist.param();
307      * @endcode
308      *
309      * the vector, p will contain {0.1, 0.4, 0.5}.
310      */
probabilities() const311     std::vector<WeightType> probabilities() const
312     {
313         std::vector<WeightType> result(_alias_table.size());
314         const WeightType mean =
315             static_cast<WeightType>(1) / _alias_table.size();
316         std::size_t i = 0;
317         for(typename alias_table_t::const_iterator
318                 iter = _alias_table.begin(),
319                 end = _alias_table.end();
320                 iter != end; ++iter, ++i)
321         {
322             WeightType val = iter->first * mean;
323             result[i] += val;
324             result[iter->second] += mean - val;
325         }
326         return(result);
327     }
329     /** Returns the parameters of the distribution. */
param() const330     param_type param() const
331     {
332         return param_type(*this);
333     }
334     /** Sets the parameters of the distribution. */
param(const param_type & parm)335     void param(const param_type& parm)
336     {
337         init(parm._probabilities.begin(), parm._probabilities.end());
338     }
340     /**
341      * Effects: Subsequent uses of the distribution do not depend
342      * on values produced by any engine prior to invoking reset.
343      */
reset()344     void reset() {}
346     /** Writes a distribution to a @c std::ostream. */
BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_OSTREAM_OPERATOR(os,discrete_distribution,dd)347     BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_OSTREAM_OPERATOR(os, discrete_distribution, dd)
348     {
349         os << dd.param();
350         return os;
351     }
353     /** Reads a distribution from a @c std::istream */
BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_ISTREAM_OPERATOR(is,discrete_distribution,dd)354     BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_ISTREAM_OPERATOR(is, discrete_distribution, dd)
355     {
356         param_type parm;
357         if(is >> parm) {
358             dd.param(parm);
359         }
360         return is;
361     }
363     /**
364      * Returns true if the two distributions will return the
365      * same sequence of values, when passed equal generators.
366      */
BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_EQUALITY_OPERATOR(discrete_distribution,lhs,rhs)367     BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_EQUALITY_OPERATOR(discrete_distribution, lhs, rhs)
368     {
369         return lhs._alias_table == rhs._alias_table;
370     }
371     /**
372      * Returns true if the two distributions may return different
373      * sequences of values, when passed equal generators.
374      */
375     BOOST_RANDOM_DETAIL_INEQUALITY_OPERATOR(discrete_distribution)
377 private:
379     /// @cond show_private
381     template<class Iter>
init(Iter first,Iter last,std::input_iterator_tag)382     void init(Iter first, Iter last, std::input_iterator_tag)
383     {
384         std::vector<WeightType> temp(first, last);
385         init(temp.begin(), temp.end());
386     }
387     template<class Iter>
init(Iter first,Iter last,std::forward_iterator_tag)388     void init(Iter first, Iter last, std::forward_iterator_tag)
389     {
390         std::vector<std::pair<WeightType, IntType> > below_average;
391         std::vector<std::pair<WeightType, IntType> > above_average;
392         std::size_t size = std::distance(first, last);
393         WeightType weight_sum =
394             std::accumulate(first, last, static_cast<WeightType>(0));
395         WeightType weight_average = weight_sum / size;
396         std::size_t i = 0;
397         for(; first != last; ++first, ++i) {
398             WeightType val = *first / weight_average;
399             std::pair<WeightType, IntType> elem(val, static_cast<IntType>(i));
400             if(val < static_cast<WeightType>(1)) {
401                 below_average.push_back(elem);
402             } else {
403                 above_average.push_back(elem);
404             }
405         }
407         _alias_table.resize(size);
408         typename alias_table_t::iterator
409             b_iter = below_average.begin(),
410             b_end = below_average.end(),
411             a_iter = above_average.begin(),
412             a_end = above_average.end()
413             ;
414         while(b_iter != b_end && a_iter != a_end) {
415             _alias_table[b_iter->second] =
416                 std::make_pair(b_iter->first, a_iter->second);
417             a_iter->first -= (static_cast<WeightType>(1) - b_iter->first);
418             if(a_iter->first < static_cast<WeightType>(1)) {
419                 *b_iter = *a_iter++;
420             } else {
421                 ++b_iter;
422             }
423         }
424         for(; b_iter != b_end; ++b_iter) {
425             _alias_table[b_iter->second].first = static_cast<WeightType>(1);
426         }
427         for(; a_iter != a_end; ++a_iter) {
428             _alias_table[a_iter->second].first = static_cast<WeightType>(1);
429         }
430     }
431     template<class Iter>
init(Iter first,Iter last)432     void init(Iter first, Iter last)
433     {
434         if(first == last) {
435             _alias_table.clear();
436             _alias_table.push_back(std::make_pair(static_cast<WeightType>(1),
437                                                   static_cast<IntType>(0)));
438         } else {
439             typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category category;
440             init(first, last, category);
441         }
442     }
443     typedef std::vector<std::pair<WeightType, IntType> > alias_table_t;
444     alias_table_t _alias_table;
445     /// @endcond
446 };
448 }
449 }
451 #include <boost/random/detail/enable_warnings.hpp>
453 #endif