2id: "ct-cursor-map",
3prototype: ["player_input"],
4is_human: true,
5zorder: 5,
7properties: {
8	cdim: "list_single_divide(level.camera_position[2:4], 2)",
9	},
11vars: {
12	saved_maps: {},
13	ff: false,
14	},
16consts: {
17	mapSize: ["@eval 2668/2","@eval 1742/2"],
18	edit_mode: 0,
19	},
21on_load: "[
22	if(can_load_game() and (not vars.game_started or consts.edit_mode),
23		[load_game('instant'),],	//Remember to set vars.game_started to 0 in titlescreen.cfg.
24		[fire_event('enter_level'),
25		if(not consts.edit_mode, set(alpha, 0)),
26		]),
27	]",
29on_ctrl_tongue: "if(consts.edit_mode,
30	spawn(	'ct-map-marker',
31			midpoint_x, midpoint_y, 1,
32			[set(child.vars.reference_anchor, [midpoint_x,midpoint_y]),
33			set(child.vars.anchorPoint, 5),
34			]))",
36on_process: "[proto_event('player_input', 'process'),
37	if(ctrl_right, set(midpoint_x, constrain(0+margin, midpoint_x+velocity, consts.mapSize[0]-margin))),
38	if(ctrl_left, set(midpoint_x, constrain(0+margin, midpoint_x-velocity, consts.mapSize[0]-margin))),
39	if(ctrl_up, set(midpoint_y, constrain(0+margin, midpoint_y-velocity, consts.mapSize[1]-margin))),
40	if(ctrl_down, set(midpoint_y, constrain(0+margin, midpoint_y+velocity, consts.mapSize[1]-margin))),
41	set(level.lock_screen, [	constrain(0+cdim[0], level.player.midpoint_x, consts.mapSize[0]-cdim[0]), #These 'magic' numbers here are the large bounds of the map object. The map graphic starts at [0,0] and goes to [1334,871].#
42								constrain(0+cdim[1], level.player.midpoint_y, consts.mapSize[1]-cdim[1])]),
43	] where velocity = 25
44	where margin = img_h+10",
46on_enter_level: "[
47	set(tmp.playing_music, true),
48	if(not tmp.playing_music, music_onetime('TrainSongSlowerTempo.ogg')),
49	transform(level.chars, if(v.vars.is_widget or v.type = 'ct-map-marker.line', remove_object(v))),
50	transform(unique(vars.widgets), transform([v] + v.vars.targets, [add_object(v), fire_event(v, 'enter_level')])),
51	schedule(2, transform(unique(vars.widgets), [fire_event(v, 'enter_level')])),
52	schedule(2, fire_event('done_enter_level')),
53	set(vars.game_started, 1),
54	]",
56on_done_enter_level: "schedule(3, [
57	save_game(),
58	if(not find(filter(level.chars, value.type = 'ct-map-marker'), value.animation != 'green') or won_game, [
59		set(won_game, true),
60		fire_event('roll_credits'),
61		]),
62	])",
64on_ctrl_jump: "fire_event('roll_credits')",
66on_roll_credits: "[
67	map(level.chars, set(value.vars.button_disabled, true)),
68	spawn('ct-credits-whiteness', 0, 0, 1, [
69		set(child.alpha, 0),
70		set(child.event_handlers.end_credits, 'die()'),
71		set(child.event_handlers.process, 'add(alpha, 5)'), ]),
72	schedule(60, [
73		spawn('ct-credits-whiteness', 0, 0, 1, [
74			set(child.animation, 'grey'),
75			set(child.zorder, 21),
76			schedule(ff or blink_time, [
77				set(child.alpha, 0),
78				schedule((ff or wait_time)+1, remove_object(child)),
79				spawn('ct-credits-ct-logo', level.camera_position[2]/2, level.camera_position[3]/3-17, 1, [
80					set(child.event_handlers.end_credits, 'die()'),
81					set(child.id_str, 'credits-logo'),
82					]),
83				schedule(ff or wait_time, [
84					spawn('ct-credits-whiteness', 0, 0, 1, [
85						set(child.zorder, 21),
86						set(child.animation, 'grey'),
87						schedule(ff or blink_time, [
88							set(child.alpha, 0),
89							set(child.event_handlers.end_credits, 'die()'),
90							spawn('text_controller', level.camera_position[2]/2, level.camera_position[3]/3+120, 1, [
91								set(child.use_absolute_screen_coordinates, true),
92								set(child.id_str, 'byline'),
93								child.set_text({'text':'A David D. Roberts Game', align:'center', size:1})]),
94							schedule(ff or wait_time, [
95								map(range(size(credit_list)), schedule(ff or 130*value, movingText(credit_list[value]))) // #credit-timing
96									where credit_list = [	['Music', 'Ryan Reilly (Rain)'],
97															['Foley', 'Adam Rinsky (ActionJack)'],
98															['Core Engine Improvement', 'David White (Sirp)'],
99															['General Engine Improvement', 'Kristina Simpson (Krista^)'],
100															['Testing + Consulting', 'Richard Kettering (Jetrel)'],
101															['Anura game engine from', 'Frogatto and Friends'], ],
102								]),
103							set(child.event_handlers.end_credits, 'die()'),
104							schedule(ff or 830, [ // #credit-timing
105								movingText(['', 'Thanks, everyone!']),
106								schedule(ff or 190, [ // #credit-timing
107									movingText(['And you--', 'Thanks for playing.']),
108									schedule(ff or 160, /* #credit-timing */ ([// eval(q[ //Can't get spawned objects from above here. So, we'll just make a second event... not 'good' programming, but it's not worth the effort to go back and fix things to be the way they should be.
109										fire_event(self, 'roll_more_credits')
110										])),
111									]),
112								]),
113							]) where movingText = def(texts) [
114									spawn('text_controller', level.camera_position[2]/2-75, level.camera_position[3]/1.5-10, 1, [
115										common_commands(child),
116										child.set_text({'text':texts[0], size:1})]),
117									spawn('text_controller', level.camera_position[2]/2-55, level.camera_position[3]/1.5+10, 1, [
118										common_commands(child),
119										child.set_text({'text':texts[1]})]),
120									] where common_commands = def(child) [
121										schedule(display_duration, remove_object(child)),
122										set(child.use_absolute_screen_coordinates, true),
123										map(range(display_duration), 'frame',
124											schedule(frame, [
125												set(child.text_alpha,
126													constrain(0, 500*sin(tween(0,180, frame/decimal(display_duration))), 255)),
127												set(child.x, (child.x +
128														if(frame < display_duration/2,
129															max(tween_in, middle),
130															min(tween_out, middle)) - domain/2
131														where tween_in = 	tween(0, domain, sin(frame/decimal(display_duration)*180)	) + 25
132														where tween_out = 	tween(0, domain, 1-sin(frame/decimal(display_duration)*180)	) - 25
133														where middle = 		tween(0+15, domain-15, frame/decimal(display_duration)		)
134													)),
135												])),
136									] where display_duration = 140 // #credit-timing
137									where domain = 200,
138						]),
139					]),
140				]),
141			]),
142		]),
143	] where
144	blink_time = 9,
145	wait_time = 17,
146	text_display = 40",
148on_roll_more_credits: "[
149	map(range(80), schedule(value, set(obj.y, obj.y-value)) where obj = find(level.chars, value.id_str = 'credits-logo')),
150	map(range(50), schedule(value, set(obj.text_alpha, obj.text_alpha - value*5)) where obj = find(level.chars, value.id_str = 'byline')),
151	schedule(51, [
152		remove_object(find(level.chars, value.id_str = 'byline')),
153		spawn('text_controller', level.camera_position[2]/2, level.camera_position[3]/2, 1, [
154			set(child.use_absolute_screen_coordinates, true),
155			set(child.event_handlers.remove_final_score, 'die()'),
156			child.set_text({'text':'Your final score is:', align:'center', size:2})]),
157		schedule(ff or 40, [
158			spawn('text_controller', level.camera_position[2]/2, level.camera_position[3]/2+30, 1, [
159				set(child.use_absolute_screen_coordinates, true),
160				set(child.event_handlers.remove_final_score, 'die()'),
161				child.set_text({'text': sum(map(filter(level.chars, value.type = 'ct-map-marker' and not value.vars.level in ['editor', 'player']), value.vars.targetData.score)), align:'center', size:6})]),
162			schedule(40, [
163				spawn('ct-button-return', level.camera_position[2]/2, level.camera_position[3]-125, 1, [
164					set(child.event_handlers.remove_final_score, 'die()'),
165					set(child.event_handlers.mouse_over, q([proto_event('ct-button-nav', 'mouse_over'), swallow_event()])),
166					set(child.event_handlers.mouse_not_over, q([proto_event('ct-button-nav', 'mouse_not_over'), swallow_event()])),
167					set(child.vars.action, fire_event(self, 'done_credits')),
168					set(child.event_handlers.create, 'swallow_event()'),
169					set(child.event_handlers.first_cycle, 'swallow_event()'), ]),
170				]),
171			]),
172		]),
173	]",
175on_done_credits: "map(level.chars, [
176	fire_event(value, 'remove_final_score'),
177	fire_event(value, 'end_credits'),
178	set(value.vars.button_disabled, null),
179	])",
181animation: [
182	{
183		scale: 1,
185		"@base": true,
190	},
191		{
192			"id": "normal",
193			"image": "effects/particles.png",
194			"rect": [23,197,49,224]
195		},