1/* GCompris
2 *
3 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015 Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net>
4 *
5 * Authors:
6 *   Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin@gcompris.net> (GTK+ version)
7 *   Pulkit Gupta <pulkitgenius@gmail.com> (Qt Quick port)
8 *   Timothée Giet <animtim@gmail.com> (new SVG map)
9 *
10 *   SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
11 */
12import QtQuick 2.9
14QtObject {
15   property string instruction: qsTr("Provinces of China")
16   property var levels: [
17      {
18         "pixmapfile" : "china/china.svgz",
19         "type" : "SHAPE_BACKGROUND_IMAGE"
20      },
21      {
22         "pixmapfile" : "china/xinjiang.svgz",
23         //: Province of China: Xinjiang
24         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Xinjiang"),
25         "x" : "0.2116",
26         "y" : "0.3143"
27      },
28      {
29         "pixmapfile" : "china/gansu.svgz",
30         //: Province of China: Gansu
31         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Gansu"),
32         "x" : "0.4673",
33         "y" : "0.464"
34      },
35      {
36         "pixmapfile" : "china/inner_mongolia.svgz",
37         //: Province of China: Inner Mongolia
38         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Inner Mongolia"),
39         "x" : "0.6282",
40         "y" : "0.2569"
41      },
42      {
43         "pixmapfile" : "china/ningxia.svgz",
44         //: Province of China: Ningxia
45         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Ningxia"),
46         "x" : "0.5582",
47         "y" : "0.4768"
48      },
49      {
50         "pixmapfile" : "china/heilongjiang.svgz",
51         //: Province of China: Heilongjiang
52         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Heilongjiang"),
53         "x" : "0.8727",
54         "y" : "0.1435"
55      },
56      {
57         "pixmapfile" : "china/jilin.svgz",
58         //: Province of China: Jilin
59         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Jilin"),
60         "x" : "0.8762",
61         "y" : "0.2753"
62      },
63      {
64         "pixmapfile" : "china/liaoning.svgz",
65         //: Province of China: Liaoning
66         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Liaoning"),
67         "x" : "0.8247",
68         "y" : "0.3473"
69      },
70      {
71         "pixmapfile" : "china/tianjin.svgz",
72         //: Province of China: Tianjin
73         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Tianjin"),
74         "x" : "0.7495",
75         "y" : "0.4068"
76      },
77      {
78         "pixmapfile" : "china/beijing.svgz",
79         //: Province of China: Beijing
80         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Beijing"),
81         "x" : "0.7308",
82         "y" : "0.3868"
83      },
84      {
85         "pixmapfile" : "china/shandong.svgz",
86         //: Province of China: Shandong
87         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Shandong"),
88         "x" : "0.7803",
89         "y" : "0.4864"
90      },
91      {
92         "pixmapfile" : "china/shanxi.svgz",
93         //: Province of China: Shanxi
94         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Shanxi"),
95         "x" : "0.6678",
96         "y" : "0.4625"
97      },
98      {
99         "pixmapfile" : "china/shaanxi.svgz",
100         //: Province of China: Shaanxi
101         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Shaanxi"),
102         "x" : "0.6004",
103         "y" : "0.5184"
104      },
105      {
106         "pixmapfile" : "china/qinghai.svgz",
107         //: Province of China: Qinghai
108         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Qinghai"),
109         "x" : "0.3864",
110         "y" : "0.5161"
111      },
112      {
113         "pixmapfile" : "china/tibet.svgz",
114         //: Province of China: Tibet
115         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Tibet"),
116         "x" : "0.2439",
117         "y" : "0.5884"
118      },
119      {
120         "pixmapfile" : "china/sichuan.svgz",
121         //: Province of China: Sichuan
122         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Sichuan"),
123         "x" : "0.5045",
124         "y" : "0.6627"
125      },
126      {
127         "pixmapfile" : "china/chongqing.svgz",
128         //: Province of China: Chongqing
129         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Chongqing"),
130         "x" : "0.5924",
131         "y" : "0.6633"
132      },
133      {
134         "pixmapfile" : "china/henan.svgz",
135         //: Province of China: Henan
136         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Henan"),
137         "x" : "0.6939",
138         "y" : "0.5579"
139      },
140      {
141         "pixmapfile" : "china/jiangsu.svgz",
142         //: Province of China: Jiangsu
143         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Jiangsu"),
144         "x" : "0.7992",
145         "y" : "0.5674"
146      },
147      {
148         "pixmapfile" : "china/anhui.svgz",
149         //: Province of China: Anhui
150         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Anhui"),
151         "x" : "0.7676",
152         "y" : "0.5996"
153      },
154      {
155         "pixmapfile" : "china/hubei.svgz",
156         //: Province of China: Hubei
157         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Hubei"),
158         "x" : "0.6785",
159         "y" : "0.6356"
160      },
161      {
162         "pixmapfile" : "china/shanghai.svgz",
163         //: Province of China: Shanghai
164         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Shanghai"),
165         "x" : "0.8477",
166         "y" : "0.6062"
167      },
168      {
169         "pixmapfile" : "china/zhejiang.svgz",
170         //: Province of China: Zhejiang
171         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Zhejiang"),
172         "x" : "0.8298",
173         "y" : "0.6647"
174      },
175      {
176         "pixmapfile" : "china/fujian.svgz",
177         //: Province of China: Fujian
178         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Fujian"),
179         "x" : "0.7998",
180         "y" : "0.7563"
181      },
182      {
183         "pixmapfile" : "china/jiangxi.svgz",
184         //: Province of China: Jiangxi
185         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Jiangxi"),
186         "x" : "0.7542",
187         "y" : "0.7271"
188      },
189      {
190         "pixmapfile" : "china/hunan.svgz",
191         //: Province of China: Hunan
192         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Hunan"),
193         "x" : "0.6696",
194         "y" : "0.7335"
195      },
196      {
197         "pixmapfile" : "china/guizhou.svgz",
198         //: Province of China: Guizhou
199         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Guizhou"),
200         "x" : "0.5725",
201         "y" : "0.7496"
202      },
203      {
204         "pixmapfile" : "china/yunnan.svgz",
205         //: Province of China: Yunnan
206         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Yunnan"),
207         "x" : "0.478",
208         "y" : "0.7919"
209      },
210      {
211         "pixmapfile" : "china/guangxi.svgz",
212         //: Province of China: Guangxi
213         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Guangxi"),
214         "x" : "0.6073",
215         "y" : "0.8254"
216      },
217      {
218         "pixmapfile" : "china/guangdong.svgz",
219         //: Province of China: Guangdong
220         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Guangdong"),
221         "x" : "0.7137",
222         "y" : "0.8497"
223      },
224      {
225         "pixmapfile" : "china/hainan.svgz",
226         //: Province of China: Hainan
227         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Hainan"),
228         "x" : "0.6434",
229         "y" : "0.9463"
230      },
231      {
232         "pixmapfile" : "china/hebei.svgz",
233         //: Province of China: Hebei
234         "toolTipText" : qsTr("Hebei"),
235         "x" : "0.7374",
236         "y" : "0.411"
237      }
238   ]