1 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 #include "stdafx.h"
4 #include <cassert>
6 #include "panel.h"
7 #include "game.h"
8 #include "utils.h"
9 #include "sector.h"
10 #include "screen.h"
11 #include "image.h"
12 #include "sound.h"
14 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
registerClick()16 void registerClick() {
17 	//LOG("registerClick()\n");
18 	// call for gui items to be registered as a mouse click, rather than continuous press
19 	playSample(game_g->s_guiclick, SOUND_CHANNEL_FX);
20     game_g->s_guiclick->setVolume(0.125f);
21 }
PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y)23 PanelPage::PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y) {
24 	init_panelpage();
25 	this->offset_x = offset_x;
26 	this->offset_y = offset_y;
27 }
PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y,const char * infoLMB)29 PanelPage::PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y,const char *infoLMB) {
30 	init_panelpage();
31 	this->offset_x = offset_x;
32 	this->offset_y = offset_y;
33 	this->setInfoLMB(infoLMB);
34 }
PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y,int w,int h)36 PanelPage::PanelPage(int offset_x,int offset_y,int w,int h) {
37 	init_panelpage();
38 	this->offset_x = offset_x;
39 	this->offset_y = offset_y;
40 	this->w = w;
41 	this->h = h;
42 }
~PanelPage()44 PanelPage::~PanelPage() {
45 	if( owner != NULL )
46 		owner->remove(this);
47 	free(true);
48 	delete children;
49 }
init_panelpage()51 void PanelPage::init_panelpage() {
52 	this->owner = NULL;
53 	this->modal_child = NULL;
54 	this->offset_x = 0;
55 	this->offset_y = 0;
56 	this->w = 0;
57 	this->h = 0;
58 	this->has_background = false;
59 	for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
60 		this->background[i] = 0;
61 	this->tolerance = game_g->isMobileUI() ? 2 : 0;
62 	this->visible = true;
63 	this->enabled = true;
64 	this->children = new vector<PanelPage *>();
65 	this->popup_item = false;
66 	this->popup_x = 0;
67 	this->popup_y = 0;
68 	this->is_inside_area = false;
69 	this->inside_area_time = 0;
70 	this->survive_owner = false;
71 	this->helpTextOn = true;
72 }
add(PanelPage * panel)74 void PanelPage::add(PanelPage *panel) {
75 	this->children->push_back(panel);
76 	panel->owner = this;
77 }
remove(PanelPage * panel)79 void PanelPage::remove(PanelPage *panel) {
80 	if( panel == this->modal_child )
81 		this->modal_child = NULL;
82 	panel->owner = NULL;
83 	remove_vec(this->children, panel);
84 }
getLeft() const86 int PanelPage::getLeft() const {
87 	int parent_left = owner != NULL ? owner->getLeft() : 0;
88 	return parent_left + offset_x;
89 }
getTop() const91 int PanelPage::getTop() const {
92 	int parent_top = owner != NULL ? owner->getTop() : 0;
93 	return parent_top + offset_y;
94 }
getRight() const96 int PanelPage::getRight() const {
97 	return owner->getLeft() + offset_x + w;
98 }
getXCentre() const100 int PanelPage::getXCentre() const {
101 	return owner->getLeft() + offset_x + w/2;
102 }
getYCentre() const104 int PanelPage::getYCentre() const {
105 	return owner->getTop() + offset_y + h/2;
106 }
getBottom() const108 int PanelPage::getBottom() const {
109 	return owner->getTop() + offset_y + h;
110 }
findById(const string & id)112 PanelPage *PanelPage::findById(const string &id) {
113 	if( this->id == id )
114 		return this;
115 	for(int i=0;i<nChildren();i++) {
116 		PanelPage *panel = get(i);
117 		PanelPage *found = panel->findById(id);
118 		if( found != NULL )
119 			return found;
120 	}
121 	return NULL;
122 }
setVisible(bool visible)124 void PanelPage::setVisible(bool visible) {
125 	this->visible = visible;
126 	for(int i=0;i<nChildren();i++) {
127 		PanelPage *panel = get(i);
128 		panel->setVisible(visible);
129 	}
130 }
setEnabled(bool enabled)132 void PanelPage::setEnabled(bool enabled) {
133 	this->enabled = enabled;
134 	for(int i=0;i<nChildren();i++) {
135 		PanelPage *panel = get(i);
136 		panel->setEnabled(enabled);
137 	}
138 }
setInfoLMB(const char * text)140 void PanelPage::setInfoLMB(const char *text) {
141 	/*strncpy(infoLMB, text, GUI_MAX_STRING);
142 	infoLMB[GUI_MAX_STRING] = '\0';*/
143 	infoLMB = text;
144 }
setInfoRMB(const char * text)146 void PanelPage::setInfoRMB(const char *text) {
147 	/*strncpy(infoRMB, text, GUI_MAX_STRING);
148 	infoRMB[GUI_MAX_STRING] = '\0';*/
149 	infoRMB = text;
150 }
152 /*void PanelPage::setInfoBMB(const char *text) {
153 	infoBMB = text;
154 }*/
getInfoLMB() const156 const char *PanelPage::getInfoLMB() const {
157 	//return ( *infoLMB == '\0' ) ? NULL : infoLMB;
158 	return infoLMB.length() == 0 ? NULL : infoLMB.c_str();
159 }
getInfoRMB() const161 const char *PanelPage::getInfoRMB() const {
162 	//return ( *infoRMB == '\0' ) ? NULL : infoRMB;
163 	return infoRMB.length() == 0 ? NULL : infoRMB.c_str();
164 }
166 /*const char *PanelPage::getInfoBMB() const {
167 	return infoBMB.length() == 0 ? NULL : infoBMB.c_str();
168 }*/
free(bool free_this)170 void PanelPage::free(bool free_this) {
171 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<children->size();i++) {
172 		PanelPage *panel = children->at(i);
173 		// panel should be non-NULL, but to satisfy VS Code Analysis...
174 		if( panel != NULL && !panel->survive_owner ) {
175 			if( free_this ) {
176 				panel->owner = NULL; // this must be done before deletion!
177 				delete panel;
178 			}
179 			else
180 				panel->free(true);
181 		}
182 	}
183 	if( free_this ) {
184 		children->clear();
185 	}
186 	if( this->modal_child != NULL && free_this ) {
187 		modal_child = NULL;
188 	}
189 }
drawPopups()191 void PanelPage::drawPopups() {
192 	if( game_g->isMobileUI() ) {
193 		return;
194 	}
195 	/*if( owner != NULL )
196     {
197         // DEBUG
198         int sx = (int)((owner->getLeft() + offset_x - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleWidth());
199         int sy = (int)((owner->getTop() + offset_y - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleHeight());
200         game_g->getScreen()->fillRect(sx, sy, (this->w+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleWidth(), (this->h+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleHeight(), 255, 0, 255);
201     }*/
202 	// popup text
203 	int m_x = 0, m_y = 0;
204 	game_g->getScreen()->getMouseCoords(&m_x, &m_y);
205 	PanelPage *panel = this;
206 	const char *lmb_text = panel->getInfoLMB();
207 	const char *rmb_text = panel->getInfoRMB();
208 	//const char *bmb_text = panel->getInfoBMB();
209 	if( is_inside_area ) {
210 		if( !panel->mouseOver(m_x, m_y) ) {
211 			is_inside_area = false;
212 			inside_area_time = 0;
213 		}
214 	}
215 	else {
216 		if( panel->mouseOver(m_x, m_y) ) {
217 			is_inside_area = true;
218 			inside_area_time = game_g->getRealTime();
219 		}
220 	}
221 	if( lmb_text != NULL || rmb_text != NULL /*|| bmb_text != NULL*/ ) {
222 		if( panel->isHelpTextOn() && is_inside_area && game_g->getRealTime() < inside_area_time + 5000 ) {
223 			if( !popup_item ) {
224 				//LOG("create popup\n");
225 				popup_item = true;
226 				popup_x = (int)(m_x/game_g->getScaleWidth());
227 				popup_y = (int)(m_y/game_g->getScaleHeight());
228 				popup_x = (int)(popup_x*game_g->getScaleWidth());
229 				popup_y = (int)(popup_y*game_g->getScaleHeight());
230 			}
231 			//LOG("draw popup\n");
232 			{
233 				int n_texts = 0;
234 				/*const char *text[3] = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
235 				int mice_indx[3] = {-1, -1, -1};*/
236 				const char *text[3] = {NULL, NULL};
237 				int mice_indx[3] = {-1, -1};
238 				if( rmb_text != NULL ) {
239 					text[n_texts] = rmb_text;
240 					mice_indx[n_texts] = 1;
241 					n_texts++;
242 				}
243 				if( lmb_text != NULL ) {
244 					text[n_texts] = lmb_text;
245 					mice_indx[n_texts] = 0;
246 					n_texts++;
247 				}
248 				/*if( bmb_text != NULL ) {
249 					text[n_texts] = bmb_text;
250 					mice_indx[n_texts] = 2;
251 					n_texts++;
252 				}*/
253 				int w = game_g->letters_small[0]->getScaledWidth();
254 				int h = game_g->letters_small[0]->getScaledHeight() + 2;
255 				int off_x = (int)(popup_x/game_g->getScaleWidth() + 24);
256 				int gap_left = 20;
257 				int gap_right = 4;
258 				int gap_y = 4;
259 				int between_lines_y = 2;
260 				int between_texts_y = 4;
261 				bool one_line[3];
262 				int n_lines[3];
263 				int total_lines = 0;
264 				int max_wid = 0;
265 				for(int j=0;j<n_texts;j++) {
266 					int this_max_wid = 0;
267 					textLines(&n_lines[j], &this_max_wid, text[j], w, w);
268 					if( this_max_wid > max_wid )
269 						max_wid = this_max_wid;
270 					one_line[j] = n_lines[j] == 1;
271 					if( one_line[j] )
272 						n_lines[j] = 2;
273 					total_lines += n_lines[j];
274 				}
276 				int rect_x = (int)(off_x * game_g->getScaleWidth());
277 				int rect_y = (int)(popup_y - gap_y * game_g->getScaleHeight());
278 				int rect_w = (int)(( max_wid + gap_left + gap_right ) * game_g->getScaleWidth());
279 				int rect_h = (int)(( 2 * gap_y + h * total_lines +
280 					between_lines_y * ( total_lines - 1 ) +
281 					( between_texts_y - between_lines_y ) * ( n_texts - 1 ) ) * game_g->getScaleHeight());
282 				if( rect_x + rect_w >= default_width_c * game_g->getScaleWidth() ) {
283 					off_x = (int)(default_width_c - 8 - rect_w/game_g->getScaleWidth());
284 					rect_x = (int)(off_x * game_g->getScaleWidth());
285 					// also adjust y
286 					int new_y = (int)(panel->getBottom() * game_g->getScaleHeight());
287 					if( new_y + rect_h >= default_height_c * game_g->getScaleHeight() ) {
288 						new_y = (int)(panel->getTop() * game_g->getScaleHeight() - rect_h);
289 					}
290 					popup_y += new_y - rect_y;
291 					rect_y = new_y;
292 				}
293 				else if( rect_y + rect_h >= default_height_c * game_g->getScaleHeight() ) {
294 					int new_y = (int)(( default_height_c - 1 ) * game_g->getScaleHeight() - rect_h);
295 					popup_y += new_y - rect_y;
296 					rect_y = new_y;
297 				}
298 				rect_x++;
299 				rect_y++;
300 				rect_w -= 2;
301 				rect_h -= 2;
302 				const unsigned char panel_background_r = 128;
303 				const unsigned char panel_background_g = 128;
304 				const unsigned char panel_background_b = 128;
305 				const unsigned char panel_background_a = 160;
306 #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION == 1
307 				Image *fill_rect = Image::createBlankImage(rect_w, rect_h, 24);
308 				fill_rect->fillRect(0, 0, rect_w, rect_h, panel_background_r, panel_background_g, panel_background_b);
309 				fill_rect->convertToDisplayFormat();
310 				fill_rect->drawWithAlpha(rect_x, rect_y, panel_background_a);
311 				delete fill_rect;
312 #else
313 				game_g->getScreen()->fillRectWithAlpha(rect_x, rect_y, rect_w, rect_h, panel_background_r, panel_background_g, panel_background_b, panel_background_a);
314 #endif
316 				int py = (int)(popup_y/game_g->getScaleHeight());
317 				for(int j=0;j<n_texts;j++) {
318 					game_g->icon_mice[mice_indx[j]]->draw(off_x + 4, py);
319 					Image::write(off_x + gap_left, py + (one_line[j] ? h/2 : 0), game_g->letters_small, text[j], Image::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
320 					py += n_lines[j] * h + between_texts_y;
321 				}
322 			}
323 		}
324 		else
325 			popup_item = false;
326 	}
327 	else
328 		popup_item = false;
331 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<children->size();i++) {
332 		PanelPage *panel = children->at(i);
333 		panel->drawPopups();
334 	}
335 }
drawBackground()337 void PanelPage::drawBackground() {
338 	if( this->has_background && this->visible ) {
339 		int rect_x = (int)(game_g->getScaleWidth()*(owner->getLeft() + offset_x));
340 		int rect_y = (int)(game_g->getScaleWidth()*(owner->getTop() + offset_y));
341 		int rect_w = (int)(game_g->getScaleWidth()*this->w);
342 		int rect_h = (int)(game_g->getScaleHeight()*this->h);
343 #if SDL_MAJOR_VERSION == 1
344 		Image *fill_rect = Image::createBlankImage(rect_w, rect_h, 24);
345 		fill_rect->fillRect(0, 0, rect_w, rect_h, background[0], background[1], background[2]);
346 		fill_rect->convertToDisplayFormat();
347 		fill_rect->drawWithAlpha(rect_x, rect_y, background[3]);
348 		delete fill_rect;
349 #else
350 		game_g->getScreen()->fillRectWithAlpha((short)rect_x, (short)rect_y, (short)rect_w, (short)rect_h, background[0], background[1], background[2], background[3]);
351 #endif
352 	}
353 }
drawForeground()355 void PanelPage::drawForeground() {
356 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<children->size();i++) {
357 		PanelPage *panel = children->at(i);
358 		panel->draw();
359 	}
361 	this->drawPopups();
362 }
draw()364 void PanelPage::draw() {
365 	this->drawBackground();
366 	this->drawForeground();
367 }
mouseOver(int m_x,int m_y) const369 bool PanelPage::mouseOver(int m_x,int m_y) const {
370 	if( visible && enabled &&
371         m_x >= ( this->getLeft() - tolerance ) * game_g->getScaleWidth() &&
372         m_x < ( this->getLeft() + w + tolerance ) * game_g->getScaleWidth() &&
373         m_y >= ( this->getTop() - tolerance ) * game_g->getScaleHeight() &&
374         m_y < ( this->getTop() + h + tolerance ) * game_g->getScaleHeight() ) {
375 			return true;
376 	}
377 	return false;
378 }
input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click)380 void PanelPage::input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click) {
381 	// mouseOver check disabled, as PanelPages currently have 0 width and height
382 	/*if( !mouseOver(m_x, m_y) ) {
383 	return;
384 	}*/
385 	if( this->modal_child != NULL ) {
386 		this->modal_child->input(m_x, m_y, m_left, m_middle, m_right, click);
387         return;
388 	}
389 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<children->size();i++) {
390 		PanelPage *panel = children->at(i);
391 		panel->input(m_x, m_y, m_left, m_middle, m_right, click);
392 	}
393 }
395 /*Button::Button(int x,int y,Image *image) : PanelPage(x, y) {
396 init_button();
397 this->image = image;
398 this->w = image->getScaledWidth();
399 this->h = image->getScaledHeight();
400 }
402 Button::Button(int x,int y,Image *image,char *infoLMB) : PanelPage(x, y, infoLMB) {
403 init_button();
404 this->image = image;
405 this->w = image->getScaledWidth();
406 this->h = image->getScaledHeight();
407 }
409 Button::Button(int x,int y,int w, int h,Image *image) : PanelPage(x, y) {
410 init_button();
411 this->w = w;
412 this->h = h;
413 this->image = image;
414 }*/
Button(int x,int y,const char * text,Image * font[])416 Button::Button(int x,int y,const char *text,Image *font[]) : PanelPage(x, y) {
417 	this->text = text;
418 	this->font = font;
419 	this->w = font[0]->getScaledWidth() * this->text.length() + 2;
420 	this->h = font[0]->getScaledHeight() + 2;
421 	this->draw_offset_x = 0;
422 	if( game_g->isMobileUI() ) {
423 		this->tolerance += 4;
424 		//this->h += 8; // useful for Android, where touches often seem to register lower than I seem to expect
425 	}
426 }
Button(int x,int y,int h,const char * text,Image * font[])428 Button::Button(int x,int y,int h,const char *text,Image *font[]) : PanelPage(x, y) {
429 	this->text = text;
430 	this->font = font;
431 	this->w = font[0]->getScaledWidth() * this->text.length() + 2;
432 	this->h = h;
433 	this->draw_offset_x = 0;
434 	if( game_g->isMobileUI() ) {
435 		this->tolerance += 4;
436 		//this->h += 8; // useful for Android, where touches often seem to register lower than I seem to expect
437 	}
438 }
Button(int x,int y,int draw_offset_x,int h,const char * text,Image * font[])440 Button::Button(int x,int y,int draw_offset_x,int h,const char *text,Image *font[]) : PanelPage(x, y) {
441 	this->text = text;
442 	this->font = font;
443 	this->w = draw_offset_x + font[0]->getScaledWidth() * this->text.length() + 2;
444 	this->h = h;
445 	this->draw_offset_x = draw_offset_x;
446 	if( game_g->isMobileUI() ) {
447 		this->tolerance += 4;
448 		//this->h += 8; // useful for Android, where touches often seem to register lower than I seem to expect
449 	}
450 }
~Button()452 Button::~Button() {
453 }
draw()455 void Button::draw() {
456 	this->drawBackground();
457 	if( visible ) {
458         //LOG("write: %s\n", this->text.c_str());
459        /*{
460             // DEBUG
461             int sx = (int)((owner->getLeft() + offset_x - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleWidth());
462             int sy = (int)((owner->getTop() + offset_y - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleHeight());
463             game_g->getScreen()->fillRect(sx, sy, (this->w+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleWidth(), (this->h+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleHeight(), 255, 0, 255);
464         }*/
465 		Image::writeMixedCase(owner->getLeft() + offset_x  + draw_offset_x + 1, owner->getTop() + offset_y + 1, this->font, this->font, game_g->numbers_yellow, this->text.c_str(), Image::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
466 	}
467 	this->drawForeground();
468 }
ImageButton(int x,int y,const Image * image)470 ImageButton::ImageButton(int x,int y,const Image *image) : PanelPage(x, y) {
471 	ASSERT(image != NULL);
472 	this->image = image;
473     /*this->has_alpha = false;
474     this->alpha = 255;*/
475 	this->w = image->getScaledWidth();
476 	this->h = image->getScaledHeight();
477 }
ImageButton(int x,int y,const Image * image,const char * infoLMB)479 ImageButton::ImageButton(int x,int y,const Image *image,const char *infoLMB) : PanelPage(x, y, infoLMB) {
480 	ASSERT(image != NULL);
481 	this->image = image;
482     /*this->has_alpha = false;
483     this->alpha = 255;*/
484     this->w = image->getScaledWidth();
485 	this->h = image->getScaledHeight();
486 }
ImageButton(int x,int y,int w,int h,const Image * image)488 ImageButton::ImageButton(int x,int y,int w, int h,const Image *image) : PanelPage(x, y) {
489 	ASSERT(image != NULL);
490 	this->image = image;
491     /*this->has_alpha = false;
492     this->alpha = 255;*/
493     this->w = w;
494 	this->h = h;
495 }
ImageButton(int x,int y,int w,int h,const Image * image,const char * infoLMB)497 ImageButton::ImageButton(int x,int y,int w, int h,const Image *image,const char *infoLMB) : PanelPage(x, y, infoLMB) {
498 	ASSERT(image != NULL);
499 	this->image = image;
500     /*this->has_alpha = false;
501     this->alpha = 255;*/
502     this->w = w;
503 	this->h = h;
504 }
~ImageButton()506 ImageButton::~ImageButton() {
507 }
draw()509 void ImageButton::draw() {
510 	this->drawBackground();
511     if( visible && image != NULL ) {
512         //LOG("imagebutton: %d, %d\n", owner->getLeft() + offset_x, owner->getTop() + offset_y);
513         /*{
514             // DEBUG
515             int sx = (int)((owner->getLeft() + offset_x - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleWidth());
516             int sy = (int)((owner->getTop() + offset_y - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleHeight());
517             game_g->getScreen()->fillRect(sx, sy, (this->w+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleWidth(), (this->h+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleHeight(), 255, 0, 255);
518         }*/
519         /*if( has_alpha ) {
520             image->drawWithAlpha(owner->getLeft() + offset_x, owner->getTop() + offset_y, alpha);
521         }
522         else {
523             image->draw(owner->getLeft() + offset_x, owner->getTop() + offset_y, true);
524         }*/
525         image->draw(owner->getLeft() + offset_x, owner->getTop() + offset_y);
526     }
527 	this->drawForeground();
528 }
CycleButton(int x,int y,const char * texts[],int n_texts,Image * font[])530 CycleButton::CycleButton(int x,int y,const char *texts[],int n_texts,Image *font[]) : PanelPage(x, y) {
531 	ASSERT( n_texts > 0 );
532 	this->n_texts = n_texts;
533 	this->texts = new char *[n_texts];
534 	int max_len = 0;
535 	for(int i=0;i<n_texts;i++) {
536 		int len = strlen(texts[i]);
537 		if( len > max_len )
538 			max_len = len;
539 		this->texts[i] = new char[ len + 1 ];
540 		strncpy(this->texts[i], texts[i], len);
541 		(this->texts[i])[len] = '\0';
542 	}
543 	this->font = font;
544 	this->w = font[0]->getScaledWidth() * max_len + 2;
545 	this->h = font[0]->getScaledHeight() + 2;
546 	this->active = 0;
547 	if( game_g->isMobileUI() ) {
548 		this->tolerance += 4;
549 		//this->h += 8; // useful for Android, where touches often seem to register lower than I seem to expect
550 	}
551 }
~CycleButton()553 CycleButton::~CycleButton() {
554 	for(int i=0;i<n_texts;i++) {
555 		delete [] (texts[i]);
556 	}
557 	delete [] texts;
558 }
draw()560 void CycleButton::draw() {
561 	this->drawBackground();
562 	if( visible ) {
563        /*{
564             // DEBUG
565             int sx = (int)((owner->getLeft() + offset_x - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleWidth());
566             int sy = (int)((owner->getTop() + offset_y - tolerance) * game_g->getScaleHeight());
567             game_g->getScreen()->fillRect(sx, sy, (this->w+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleWidth(), (this->h+2*tolerance)*game_g->getScaleHeight(), 255, 0, 255);
568         }*/
569 		Image::write(owner->getLeft() + offset_x + 1, owner->getTop() + offset_y + 1, this->font, this->texts[ this->active ], Image::JUSTIFY_LEFT);
570 	}
571 	this->drawForeground();
572 }
setActive(int active)574 void CycleButton::setActive(int active) {
575 	ASSERT( active >= 0 && active < n_texts );
576 	this->active = active;
577 }
input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click)579 void CycleButton::input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click) {
580 	if( this->mouseOver(m_x, m_y) && m_left && click ) {
581 		registerClick();
582 		this->active++;
583 		if( this->active == this->n_texts )
584 			this->active = 0;
585 	}
586 	PanelPage::input(m_x, m_y, m_left, m_middle, m_right, click);
587 }
MultiPanel(int n_pages,int x,int y)589 MultiPanel::MultiPanel(int n_pages, int x, int y) : PanelPage(x, y) {
590 	int i;
591 	//this->n_pages = n_pages;
592 	//this->pages = new PanelPage *[n_pages];
593 	for(i=0;i<n_pages;i++) {
594 		/*this->pages[i] = new PanelPage(0, 0);
595 		this->add( this->pages[i] );*/
596 		this->add( new PanelPage(0, 0) );
597 		//this->get(i)->owner = this;
598 	}
599 	this->c_page = 0;
601 }
~MultiPanel()603 MultiPanel::~MultiPanel() {
604 	this->free(true);
605 	//delete [] this->pages;
606 }
608 /*void MultiPanel::free() {
609 for(int i=0;i<this->nChildren();i++)
610 this->get(i)->free();
611 }
612 */
addToPanel(int page,PanelPage * panel)613 void MultiPanel::addToPanel(int page,PanelPage *panel) {
614 	//this->pages[page]->add(panel);
615 	this->get(page)->add(panel);
616 }
618 /*void MultiPanel::drawPopups() {
619 this->get(this->c_page)->drawPopups();
620 }*/
draw()622 void MultiPanel::draw() {
623 	//this->pages[this->c_page]->draw();
624 	this->get(this->c_page)->draw();
625 }
input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click)627 void MultiPanel::input(int m_x,int m_y,bool m_left,bool m_middle,bool m_right,bool click) {
628 	//this->pages[this->c_page]->input(m_x, m_y, m_b);
629 	this->get(this->c_page)->input(m_x, m_y, m_left, m_middle, m_right, click);
630 }