1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   Copyright (C) 2004-2005 by                                            *
3  *     Paolo Sacconier   <axa1981@tin.it>                                  *
4  *     Francesco Tamagni <minchiahead@hacari.org>                          *
5  *                                                                         *
6  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
7  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
8  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
9  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
12  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
14  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
15  *                                                                         *
16  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
17  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
18  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
19  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
20  ***************************************************************************/
21 #include "omnicar.h"
23 namespace gillo {
24 sgVec3 Omnicar::dirDim = { 0.04, 0.35, 0.04 };
25 // sgVec3 Omnicar::carDim  = { 0.04, 0.12, 0.02 };
26 sgVec3 Omnicar::carDim  = { 0.05, 0.12, 0.05 };
Omnicar(Context & c,SimpleBall & b,float pi,int plid,int nw)27 Omnicar::Omnicar(Context& c, SimpleBall& b, float pi, int plid, int nw)
28  : Entity(c), ball(b), speed(0), steering(0), backwards(false), jumping(false), steerAngle(0), ballJoint(0), jumpForce(Omnicar::maxJumpForce), fire(false), fireTime(1.0), IBallPicker(pi, plid), nWheels(nw)
29 {
30 	carBid = new dBodyID[nw];
31 	wheelBid = new dBodyID[nw];
32 	wheelTrans = new ssgTransform* [nw];
33 	carTrans = new ssgTransform* [nw];
35 	charge = savedCharge = 3;
37 	const double wheelRadius = 0.1;
38 	sgVec3 zero = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
41 	const double wheelDistance = carDim[1] + wheelRadius;
43 	sgVec3 dirCenter = { 0.0, dirDim[1]/2, 0.0 };
45 // 	sgVec3 carCenter[3]   = { {    1*carDim[1]/2,                        0, 0 },
46 // 							  { -0.5*carDim[1]/2,  1.7320508/2*carDim[1]/2, 0 },
47 // 							  { -0.5*carDim[1]/2, -1.7320508/2*carDim[1]/2, 0 } };
48 //
49 // 	sgVec3 wheelCenter[3] = { {    1*wheelDistance,                          0, 0 },
50 // 							  { -0.5*wheelDistance,  1.7320508/2*wheelDistance, 0 },
51 // 							  { -0.5*wheelDistance, -1.7320508/2*wheelDistance, 0 } };
53 	dMass carMass, wheelMass, dirMass;
54 	dGeomID * carGid = new dGeomID[nw];
55 	dGeomID * wheelGid = new dGeomID[nw];
57 	dJointID joe;
59 	type = CAR;
61 	jid = dJointGroupCreate(0);
62 	dSpaceID sid = dSimpleSpaceCreate(c.getSid());
63 	gid = (dGeomID) sid;
64 	c.getScenePtr()->addKid(&trans);
66 	ssgEntity* e;
67 	if (plid <= 1) {
68 		e = c.searchInPool("OmniCarBody1");
69 		if (e == NULL) {
70 			e = ssgLoadAC( "omnicar_1.ac" ) ;
71 			e -> setName          ("OmniCarBody1") ;
72 		}
73 	} else {
74 		e = c.searchInPool("OmniCarBody2");
75 		if (e == NULL) {
76 			e = ssgLoadAC( "omnicar_2.ac" ) ;
77 			e -> setName          ("OmniCarBody2") ;
78 		}
79 	}
81 	if (e != NULL) {
82 		ssgFlatten ( e ) ;
83 		ssgStripify( e ) ;
84 		c.addToPool(e);
85 	}
87 	ssgTransform * carObj = new ssgTransform();
88 	sgMat4 scalm;
89 	sgMakeIdentMat4(scalm);
90 	scalm[0][0] = carDim[0];
91 	scalm[1][1] = carDim[1];
92 	scalm[2][2] = carDim[2];
93 	carObj->setTransform(scalm);
94 	carObj->addKid(e);
97 	ssgEntity* wheelObj = c.searchInPool("Wheel");
98 	if (wheelObj == NULL) {
99 		ssgaSphere* w =  new ssgaSphere     () ;
100 		w -> setSize          ( 2*wheelRadius ) ;
101 		w -> setCenter        ( zero ) ;
102 		w -> setKidState      ( c.getState(STA_CAR_WHEEL) ) ;
103 		w -> regenerate       () ;
104 		w -> setName          ("Wheel") ;
105 		wheelObj = (ssgEntity*) w;
106 		c.addToPool(wheelObj);
107 	}
109 	dMassSetBoxTotal    ( &carMass,   ODE_CAR_MASS, carDim[0], carDim[1], carDim[2]);
110 	dMassSetSphereTotal ( &wheelMass, ODE_WHEEL_MASS, wheelRadius);
112 	jam = new dJointID[nw];
114 	for (int i = 0; i < nw; i++) {
115 		dMatrix3 R;
116 		double angle = ((double) i)*2.0/((double) nw)*M_PI;
117 		carTrans[i] = new ssgTransform();
118 		c.getScenePtr()->addKid(carTrans[i]);
119 		carTrans[i]->addKid(carObj);
120 		carBid[i] = dBodyCreate(c.getWid());
121 		carGid[i] = dCreateBox (sid, carDim[0], carDim[1], carDim[2]);
122 		dGeomSetBody (carGid[i], carBid[i]);
123 		dGeomSetData (carGid[i], this);
124 		dRFromAxisAndAngle (R, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, angle+M_PI/2);
125 		dBodySetRotation(carBid[i], R);
126 // 		dGeomSetPosition (carGid[i], (dReal) carCenter[i][0], (dReal) carCenter[i][1], (dReal) carCenter[i][2]);
127 		dGeomSetPosition (carGid[i], (dReal) cos(angle)*carDim[1]/2.0, (dReal) sin(angle)*carDim[1]/2.0, 0.0);
129 		dBodySetMass(carBid[i], &carMass);
131 		wheelTrans[i] = new ssgTransform();
132 		c.getScenePtr()->addKid(wheelTrans[i]);
133 		wheelTrans[i]->addKid(wheelObj);
134 		wheelBid[i] = dBodyCreate(c.getWid());
135 		wheelGid[i] = dCreateSphere (sid, wheelRadius);
136 		dGeomSetBody (wheelGid[i], wheelBid[i]);
137 		dGeomSetData (wheelGid[i], this);
138 		dGeomSetPosition (wheelGid[i], (dReal) cos(angle)*wheelDistance, (dReal) sin(angle)*wheelDistance, 0);
139 		dBodySetMass(wheelBid[i], &wheelMass);
140 		joe = dJointCreateBall (c.getWid(), jid);
141 		dJointAttach (joe, carBid[i], wheelBid[i]);
142 		dJointSetBallAnchor (joe, (dReal) cos(angle)*wheelDistance, (dReal) sin(angle)*wheelDistance, 0);
144 		jam[i] = dJointCreateAMotor (c.getWid(), jid);
145 		dJointAttach (jam[i], carBid[i], wheelBid[i]);
146 		dJointSetAMotorMode (jam[i], dAMotorEuler);
147 		dJointSetAMotorNumAxes (jam[i], 3);
148 		dJointSetAMotorAxis (jam[i], 0, 1, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
149 		dJointSetAMotorAxis (jam[i], 2, 2, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
150 	}
152 	for (int i = 1; i < nw; i++) {
153 		joe = dJointCreateFixed (c.getWid(), jid);
154 		dJointAttach (joe, carBid[i], carBid[i-1]);
155 		dJointSetFixed(joe);
156 	}
157 // 	joe = dJointCreateFixed (c.getWid(), jid);
158 // 	dJointAttach (joe, carBid[2], carBid[1]);
159 // 	dJointSetFixed(joe);
161 // 	dMassSetBoxTotal    ( &dirMass, 0.1, carDim[0], carDim[1], carDim[2]);
162 	dMassSetBoxTotal    ( &dirMass, 0.1, dirDim[0], dirDim[1], dirDim[2]);
164 	e = c.searchInPool("Picker");
165 	if (e == NULL) {
166 		e = ssgLoadAC( "picker.ac" ) ;
167 		ssgFlatten ( e ) ;
168 		ssgStripify( e ) ;
169 		e -> setName          ("Picker") ;
170 		c.addToPool(e);
171 	}
173 	ssgTransform * dirObj = new ssgTransform();
174 	sgMakeIdentMat4(scalm);
175 	scalm[0][0] = dirDim[0];
176 	scalm[1][1] = dirDim[1];
177 	scalm[2][2] = dirDim[2];
178 	dirObj->setTransform(scalm);
179 	dirObj->addKid(e);
181 	dirTrans = new ssgTransform();
182 	c.getScenePtr()->addKid(dirTrans);
183 	dirTrans->addKid(dirObj);
185 	dirBid = dBodyCreate(c.getWid());
186 	dBodySetMass(dirBid, &dirMass);
187 	dBodySetPosition (dirBid, (dReal) dirCenter[0], (dReal) dirCenter[1], (dReal) dirCenter[2]);
189 	dirGid = dCreateBox (sid, dirDim[0], dirDim[1], dirDim[2]);
190 	dGeomSetBody (dirGid, dirBid);
191 	dGeomSetData (dirGid, this);
193 	joe = dJointCreateBall (c.getWid(), jid);
194 	dJointAttach (joe, carBid[0], dirBid);
195 	dJointSetBallAnchor (joe, (dReal) zero[0], (dReal) zero[1], (dReal) zero[2]);
197 	diram = dJointCreateAMotor (c.getWid(), jid);
198 	dJointAttach (diram, carBid[0], dirBid);
199 	dJointSetAMotorMode (diram, dAMotorEuler);
200 	dJointSetAMotorNumAxes (diram, 3);
201 	dJointSetAMotorAxis (diram, 0, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
202 	dJointSetAMotorAxis (diram, 2, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
204 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamLoStop, 0);
205 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamHiStop, 0);
206 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamLoStop2, 0);
207 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamHiStop2, 0);
209 }
isPickerGeom(dGeomID o)211 bool Omnicar::isPickerGeom( dGeomID o ) {
212 	if ( o == dirGid)
213 		return true;
214 	return false;
215 }
~Omnicar()217 Omnicar::~Omnicar()
218 {
219 	if (this->stickyBall)
220 		this->context.releaseBall((IBallPicker*) this);
221 	dJointGroupEmpty (jid);
222 	for (int i=0; i<nWheels; i++) {
223 		dBodyDestroy(wheelBid[i]);
224 		dBodyDestroy(carBid[i]);
225 		context.getScenePtr()->removeKid(wheelTrans[i]);
226 		context.getScenePtr()->removeKid(carTrans[i]);
227 	}
228 	dBodyDestroy(dirBid);
229 	context.getScenePtr()->removeKid(dirTrans);
230 }
releaseBall()232 void Omnicar::releaseBall() {
233 	this->fireTime = 0;
234 	this->stickyBall = false;
235 	if (ballJoint != 0) {
236 		dJointDestroy(ballJoint);
237 		ballJoint = 0;
238 	}
239 	this->charge = this->savedCharge;
241 	sgVec3 f;
242 	sgNormalizeVec3(f, this->bodyDir);
243 	sgScaleVec3(f, 100.0);
244 	this->ball.addForce(f);
245 }
update(float dt)247 void Omnicar::update(float dt) {
249 	sgVec3 normal;	// direction normal to the ideal car plane
250 	sgMat4 rot;
251 	// getting the normal from the ssg node transform
252 // 	this->carTrans[0]->getTransform(rot);
253 // 	sgCopyVec3(normal, rot[2]);
257 	dVector3 rotDir;
258 	dJointGetAMotorAxis(diram, 2, rotDir);
259 	normal[0] = (float) rotDir[0];
260 	normal[1] = (float) rotDir[1];
261 	normal[2] = (float) rotDir[2];
262 	sgNormalizeVec3(normal);
264 // 	if (steering != 0) {
265 // 		sgMakeRotMat4(rot, steering*dt, normal);
266 // 		sgXformVec3(direction, rot);
267 // 	}
269 	float steer = steering;
270 	// since the car is double face we want the normal always point upward
271 	if(sgScalarProductVec3(this->context.getGravity(), normal) > 0) {
272 // 		sgNegateVec3(normal);
273 // 		printf("Dio %f\n",dt);
274 		steer = -steering;
275 	}
276 // 	sgVec3 axis;
277 // 	sgVectorProductVec3(axis, normal, direction);
278 // 	sgNormalizeVec3(axis);
279 //
280 // 	sgVec3 normalDir;
281 // 	sgNormalizeVec3(normalDir, direction);
282 //
283 // 	float angle = 90 -180/M_PI*acos(sgScalarProductVec3(normalDir, normal));
284 // 	sgMakeRotMat4(rot, angle, axis);
285 // 	sgXformVec3(direction, rot);
287 	dVector3 currentDir;
288 	dJointGetAMotorAxis(diram, 0, currentDir);
289 	bodyDir[0] = (float) currentDir[0];
290 	bodyDir[1] = (float) currentDir[1];
291 	bodyDir[2] = (float) currentDir[2];
292 	sgNormalizeVec3(bodyDir);
294 // 	float bodyAngle = M_PI/2.0 - acos(sgScalarProductVec3(bodyDir, normalDir));
295 // 	float bodyAngularVel = bodyAngle/dt;
296 //
297 // 	printf("ANG %f\n", bodyAngle*180/M_PI);
298 //
299 // 	if (steering!=0) {
300 // 		bodyAngularVel -= steer;
301 // 	}
302 // 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamVel3 ,   bodyAngularVel);
303 // 	dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamFMax3,   20);
305 	sgMat4 trans, res;
306 	sgVec3 dirHpr;
307 	sgVec3 dirPos;
308 	const dReal* carPos;
309 	sgVec3 ballDistance, temp;
310 	const dReal* ballPos = dBodyGetPosition(this->ball.getBid());
311 	this->getPos(dirPos);
312 	sgScaleVec3(temp, bodyDir, dirDim[1] + this->ball.getSize()/2.0*1.1);
314 	sgAddVec3(dirPos, temp);
315 	ballDistance[0] = ballPos[0] - dirPos[0];
316 	ballDistance[1] = ballPos[1] - dirPos[1];
317 	ballDistance[2] = ballPos[2] - dirPos[2];
320 	if (stickyBall && possessionIncrement!=0)
321 		this->ball.setPossessionIncrement(possessionIncrement);
323 	if (!stickyBall)
324 		this->fireTime += dt;
325 	if (sgLengthVec3(ballDistance) < this->ball.getSize()/1.7 && !stickyBall && (this->fireTime > 1.0)) {
326 		this->context.releaseBall((IBallPicker*) this);
327 		this->savedCharge = this->charge;
328 		this->charge = 0;
329 		stickyBall = true;
330 		if (ballJoint != 0)
331 			dJointDestroy(ballJoint);
332 		ballJoint = dJointCreateBall (this->context.getWid(), 0);
333 // 		dJointSetFeedback (ballJoint, &jf);
334 		dJointAttach (ballJoint, dirBid, this->ball.getBid());
335 		dBodySetPosition(this->ball.getBid(), (double) dirPos[0], (double) dirPos[1], (double) dirPos[2]);
336 		dJointSetBallAnchor (ballJoint, (double) dirPos[0], (double) dirPos[1], (double) dirPos[2]);
337 	}
338 	if (fire) {
339 		this->fire = false;
340 		if (stickyBall)
341 			this->releaseBall();
342 		this->charge = -this->charge;
343 	}
344 	if (speed != 0) {
345 // 		sgNormalizeVec3(direction);
346 // 		sgScaleVec3(direction, speed);
347 		sgScaleVec3(bodyDir, speed);
348 	}
349 	if (steering != 0) {
350 // 		sgMakeRotMat4(rot, steering*dt, normal);
351 // 		sgXformVec3(direction, rot);
352 		dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamVel3 ,   -steer);
353 		dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamFMax3,   5);
354 	}
355 	else {
356 		dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamVel3 ,   0);
357 		dJointSetAMotorParam (diram, dParamFMax3,   5);
358 	}
360 	sgVec3 jumpDir;
361 	if (jumping && (jumpForce > 0)) {
362 		sgNormalizeVec3(jumpDir, this->context.getGravity());
363 		sgVec3 jumpDirs;
364 // 		jumpForce -= 100*dt;
365 		for(int i = 0; i<nWheels; i++){
366 			sgScaleVec3(jumpDirs, jumpDir, -jumpForce*ODE_CAR_MASS);
367 			dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], jumpDirs[0], jumpDirs[1], jumpDirs[2]);
368 			sgScaleVec3(jumpDirs, jumpDir, -jumpForce*ODE_WHEEL_MASS);
369 			dBodyAddForce(this->wheelBid[i], jumpDirs[0], jumpDirs[1], jumpDirs[2]);
370 		}
371 		if (stickyBall){
372 			sgScaleVec3(jumpDirs, jumpDir, -jumpForce*ODE_BALL_MASS);
373 			dBodyAddForce(this->ball.getBid(), jumpDirs[0], jumpDirs[1], jumpDirs[2]);
374 		}
375 		sgScaleVec3(jumpDirs, jumpDir, -jumpForce*0.1);
376 		dBodyAddForce(this->dirBid, jumpDirs[0], jumpDirs[1], jumpDirs[2]);
377 	}
378 	else if (jumpForce < Omnicar::maxJumpForce) {
379 // 		jumpForce += 10*dt;
380 	}
381 	Entity::odeTrans2ssgTrans(this->dirBid, *(this->dirTrans));
382 	sgMat4 mtx;
383 	for (int i = 0; i < nWheels; i++) {
384 		Entity::odeTrans2ssgTrans(this->carBid[i],   *(this->carTrans[i]));
385 		Entity::odeTrans2ssgTrans(this->wheelBid[i], *(this->wheelTrans[i]));
386 		if (speed!=0){
387 			if (!backwards)
388 				dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], bodyDir[0], bodyDir[1], bodyDir[2]);
389 			else
390 				dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], -bodyDir[0], -bodyDir[1], -bodyDir[2]);
391 // 			if (!backwards)
392 // 				dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], direction[0], direction[1], direction[2]);
393 // 			else
394 // 				dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], -direction[0], -direction[1], -direction[2]);
395 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax, 0);
396 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax2, 0);
397 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax3, 0);
398 		}
399 		else {
400 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamVel,    0.01);
401 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax, 5);
402 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamVel2,   0.01);
403 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax2, 5);
404 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamVel3,   0.01);
405 			dJointSetAMotorParam (jam[i], dParamFMax3, 5);
406 		}
408 	}
410 /*	printf("angle:      %f\n", angle);
411 	printf("normal:    (%f) %f %f %f\n", sgLengthVec3(normal), normal[0], normal[1], normal[2]);
412 	printf("axis:      (%f) %f %f %f\n", sgLengthVec3(axis), axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
413 	printf("direction: (%f) %f %f %f\n", sgLengthVec3(direction), direction[0], direction[1], direction[2]);*/
414 }
getPos(sgVec3 out)416 void Omnicar::getPos(sgVec3 out)
417 {
418 	const dReal* carPos;
419 	sgZeroVec3(out);
420 	for (int i = 0; i<nWheels; i++){
421 		carPos = dBodyGetPosition(carBid[i]);
422 		out[0] += carPos[0];
423 		out[1] += carPos[1];
424 		out[2] += carPos[2];
425 	}
426 	sgScaleVec3(out, 1.0/((float) nWheels));
427 }
traslateBody(dBodyID b,dVector3 diff)429 void Omnicar::traslateBody(dBodyID b, dVector3 diff) {
430 	const dReal * bodyPos = dBodyGetPosition(b);
431 	dBodySetLinearVel  (b, 0, 0, 0);
432 	dBodySetAngularVel (b, 0, 0, 0);
433 	dBodySetPosition(b, bodyPos[0]+diff[0], bodyPos[1]+diff[1], bodyPos[2]+diff[2]);
434 }
setPos(double x,double y,double z)436 void Omnicar::setPos(double x, double y, double z)
437 {
438 	sgVec3 currPos;
439 	this->getPos(currPos);
440 	dVector3 diff;
442 	diff[0] = (dReal) x - currPos[0];
443 	diff[1] = (dReal) y - currPos[1];
444 	diff[2] = (dReal) z - currPos[2];
446 	for (int i = 0; i < nWheels; i++){
447 		Omnicar::traslateBody(carBid[i], diff);
448 		Omnicar::traslateBody(wheelBid[i], diff);
450 	}
451 	Omnicar::traslateBody(dirBid, diff);
452 // 	Omnicar::traslateBody(rejBid, diff);
454 // 	for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
455 // 		Omnicar::traslateBody(borBid[i], diff);
457 }
getMagnetDir(sgVec3 out)459 void Omnicar::getMagnetDir(sgVec3 out) {
460 	sgNormalizeVec3(out, bodyDir);
461 }
addForce(sgVec3 force)463 void Omnicar::addForce(sgVec3 force) {
464 	for (int i = 0; i < nWheels; i++)
465 		dBodyAddForce(this->carBid[i], force[0], force[1], force[2]);
466 }
getMagnetPos(sgVec3 out)468 void Omnicar::getMagnetPos(sgVec3 out)
469 {
470 	sgVec3 ndir;
471 	this->getPos(out);
472 // 	sgNormalizeVec3(ndir, direction);
473 	sgNormalizeVec3(ndir, bodyDir);
474 	sgScaleVec3(ndir, dirDim[1] + this->ball.getSize()/2.0);
475 	sgAddVec3(out, ndir);
476 }
move(Entity::Move m)478 void Omnicar::move(Entity::Move m)
479 {
480 	switch (m) {
481 		case GO_FWRD:
482 			speed = 100;
483 			backwards = false;
484 			break;
485 		case GO_BWRD:
486 			speed = 120;
487 			backwards = true;
488 			break;
489 		case TURN_LEFT:
490 			steering = 5;
491 			break;
492 		case TURN_RIGHT:
493 			steering = -5;
494 			break;
495 		case FIRE:
496 			this->fire = true;
497 			this->context.sound.play(Sound::FIRE);
498 			break;
499 		case JUMP:
500 			printf("boing!\n");
501 // 			this->context.sound.play(Sound::FIRE);
502 			jumping = true;
503 			break;
504 		case GO_STOP:
505 			backwards = false;
506 			speed = 0;
507 			break;
508 		case TURN_STOP:
509 			steering = 0;
510 			break;
511 		case JUMP_STOP:
512 			printf("being!\n");
513 			jumping = false;
514 			break;
515 		default:
516 			printf("Warning: unimplemented movement in %s.", this->toString());
517 			break;
518 	}
519 }
522 };