1 /*
2  * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
3  * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com>
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
17  */
19 #ifndef HWFORM_H
20 #define HWFORM_H
22 #include <QMainWindow>
23 #include <QStack>
24 #include <QTime>
25 #include <QPointer>
26 #include <QPropertyAnimation>
27 #include <QUrl>
28 #include <QNetworkReply>
29 #include <QNetworkRequest>
30 #include <QNetworkAccessManager>
32 #include "netserver.h"
33 #include "game.h"
34 #include "ui_hwform.h"
35 #include "SDLInteraction.h"
36 #include "bgwidget.h"
37 #include "campaign.h"
39 #ifdef __APPLE__
40 #include "InstallController.h"
41 #endif
43 class HWGame;
44 class HWTeam;
45 class HWNamegen;
46 class HWNewNet;
47 class GameUIConfig;
48 class HWNetRegisterServer;
49 class QCloseEvent;
50 class GameSchemeModel;
51 class QSettings;
52 class QSignalMapper;
54 extern bool frontendEffects;
55 extern bool demoIsPresent;
56 extern QString playerHash;
58 class HWForm : public QMainWindow
59 {
60         Q_OBJECT
62     public:
63         HWForm(QWidget *parent = 0, QString styleSheet = "");
64         Ui_HWForm ui;
65         static GameUIConfig * config;
66         void exit();
67         void setButtonDescription(QString desc);
68         void backDescription();
69         void GoToVideos();
70         void GoToTraining();
72         void NetConnectQuick(const QString & host, quint16 port);
73         void PlayDemoQuick(const QString & demofilename);
75     private slots:
76         void GoToSaves();
77         void GoToDemos();
78         void GoToNet();
79         void GoToHelp();
80         void GoToEditWeapons();
81         void GoToNewWeapons();
82         void GoToWeapons(int index);
83         void GoToScheme(int index);
84         void GoToEditScheme();
85         void GoToNewScheme();
86         void GoToPage(int id);
87         void GoBack();
88         void OpenSnapshotFolder();
89         QString getDemoArguments();
90         void AssociateFiles();
91         void btnExitPressed();
92         void IntermediateSetup();
93         void NewTeam();
94         void EditTeam(const QString & teamName);
95         void AfterTeamEdit();
96         void DeleteTeam(const QString & teamName);
97         void DeleteScheme();
98         void DeleteWeaponSet();
99         void SimpleGame();
100         void PlayDemo();
101         void startTraining(const QString&, const QString&);
102         void StartCampaign();
103         void NetConnect();
104         void NetConnectServer(const QString & host, quint16 port, bool useTls);
105         void NetConnectOfficialServer();
106         void NetStartServer();
107         void NetRedirected(quint16 port);
108         void NetDisconnect();
109         void NetConnected();
110         void NetError(const QString & errmsg);
111         void NetWarning(const QString & wrnmsg);
112         void NetGameEnter();
113         void NetPassword(const QString & nick);
114         void NetNickRegistered(const QString & nick);
115         void NetNickNotRegistered(const QString & nick);
116         void NetNickTaken(const QString & nick);
117         void NetAuthFailed();
118         void askRoomPassword();
119         bool RetryDialog(const QString & title, const QString & label);
120         void NetTeamAccepted(const QString& team);
121         void AddNetTeam(const HWTeam& team);
122         void RemoveNetTeam(const HWTeam& team);
123         void StartMPGame();
124         void GameStateChanged(GameState gameState);
125         void DemoPresenceChanged(bool hasDemo);
126         void ForcedDisconnect(const QString & reason);
127         void ShowFatalErrorMessage(const QString &);
128         void GetRecord(RecordType type, const QByteArray & record);
129         void CreateNetGame();
130         void PlayOfficialServerDemo();
131         void UpdateWeapons();
132         void DeleteWeapons(QString weaponsName);
133         void AddWeapons(QString weaponsName, QString ammo);
134         void EditWeapons(QString oldWeaponsName, QString newWeaponsName, QString ammo);
135         void onFrontendFullscreen(bool value);
136         void onFrontendEffects(bool value);
137         void onFrontendSoundsToggled(bool value);
138         void Music(bool checked);
139         void UpdateCampaignPage(int index);
140         void UpdateCampaignPageTeam(int index);
141         void UpdateCampaignPageProgress(int index);
142         void UpdateCampaignPageMission(int index);
143         void UpdateTrainingPageTeam(int index);
144         void InitCampaignPage();
145         void RestoreSingleplayerTeamSelection();
146         void showFeedbackDialog();
147         void showFeedbackDialogNetChecked();
149         void NetGameChangeStatus(bool isMaster);
150         void NetGameMaster();
151         void NetGameSlave();
153         void AsyncNetServerStart();
154         void NetLeftRoom(const QString & reason);
155         void selectFirstNetScheme();
157         void saveDemoWithCustomName();
158         void openRegistrationPage();
160         void startGame();
161         void restartGame();
163         void FromNetProxySlot(const QByteArray &);
165     private:
166         void _NetConnect(const QString & hostName, quint16 port, bool useTls, QString nick);
167         int  AskForNickAndPwd(void);
168         void UpdateTeamsLists();
169         void CreateGame(GameCFGWidget * gamecfg, TeamSelWidget* pTeamSelWidget, QString ammo);
170         void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event);
171         void CustomizePalettes();
172         void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * event);
173         QString stringifyPageId(quint32 id);
174         //void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *event);
176         enum PageIDs
177         {
178             ID_PAGE_SETUP_TEAM     ,
179             ID_PAGE_SETUP          ,
180             ID_PAGE_MULTIPLAYER    ,
181             ID_PAGE_DEMOS          ,
182             ID_PAGE_NET            ,
183             ID_PAGE_NETGAME        ,
184             ID_PAGE_INFO           ,
185             ID_PAGE_MAIN           ,
186             ID_PAGE_GAMESTATS      ,
187             ID_PAGE_SINGLEPLAYER   ,
188             ID_PAGE_TRAINING       ,
189             ID_PAGE_SELECTWEAPON   ,
190             ID_PAGE_NETSERVER      ,
191             ID_PAGE_INGAME         ,
192             ID_PAGE_ROOMSLIST      ,
193             ID_PAGE_CONNECTING     ,
194             ID_PAGE_SCHEME         ,
195             ID_PAGE_ADMIN          ,
196             ID_PAGE_CAMPAIGN       ,
197             ID_PAGE_DRAWMAP        ,
198             ID_PAGE_DATADOWNLOAD   ,
199             ID_PAGE_VIDEOS         ,
200             MAX_PAGE
201         };
202         QPointer<HWGame> game;
203         QPointer<HWNetServer> pnetserver;
204         QPointer<HWNetRegisterServer> pRegisterServer;
205         QPointer<HWTeam> editedTeam;
206         QPointer<HWNewNet> hwnet;
207         HWNamegen * namegen;
208         GameSchemeModel * gameSchemeModel;
209         QStack<int> PagesStack;
210         QString previousCampaignName;
211         QString previousTeamName;
212         QList<MissionInfo> campaignMissionInfo;
213         QTime eggTimer;
214         BGWidget * wBackground;
215         QSignalMapper * pageSwitchMapper;
216         QByteArray m_lastDemo;
218         QPropertyAnimation *animationNewSlide;
219         QPropertyAnimation *animationOldSlide;
220         QPropertyAnimation *animationNewOpacity;
221         QPropertyAnimation *animationOldOpacity;
223 #ifdef __APPLE__
224         InstallController * panel;
225 #endif
227         void OnPageShown(quint8 id, quint8 lastid=0);
228 };
230 #endif