1 unit Adler32;
3 {ZLib - Adler32 checksum function}
5 interface
7 (*************************************************************************
9  DESCRIPTION     :  ZLib - Adler32 checksum function
11  REQUIREMENTS    :  TP5-7, D1-D7/D9-D10/D12, FPC, VP
13  EXTERNAL DATA   :  ---
15  MEMORY USAGE    :  ---
17  DISPLAY MODE    :  ---
19  REFERENCES      :  RFC 1950 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1950)
22  Version  Date      Author      Modification
23  -------  --------  -------     ------------------------------------------
24  0.10     30.08.03  W.Ehrhardt  Initial version based on MD5 layout
25  2.10     30.08.03  we          Common vers., XL versions for Win32
26  2.20     27.09.03  we          FPC/go32v2
27  2.30     05.10.03  we          STD.INC, TP5.0
28  2.40     10.10.03  we          common version, english comments
29  3.00     01.12.03  we          Common version 3.0
30  3.01     22.05.05  we          Adler32UpdateXL (i,n: integer)
31  3.02     17.12.05  we          Force $I- in Adler32File
32  3.03     07.08.06  we          $ifdef BIT32: (const fname: shortstring...)
33  3.04     10.02.07  we          Adler32File: no eof, XL and filemode via $ifdef
34  3.05     04.07.07  we          BASM16: speed-up factor 15
35  3.06     12.11.08  we          uses BTypes, Ptr2Inc and/or Str255
36  3.07     25.04.09  we          updated RFC URL(s)
37  3.08     19.07.09  we          D12 fix: assign with typecast string(fname)
38 **************************************************************************)
40 (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
41  (C) Copyright 2002-2009 Wolfgang Ehrhardt
43  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
44  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
45  the use of this software.
47  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
48  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
49  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
51  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
52     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
53     a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
54     appreciated but is not required.
56  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
57     misrepresented as being the original software.
59  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
60 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
62 (*
63 As per the license above, noting that this implementation of adler32 was stripped of everything we didn't need.
64 That means no btypes, file loading, and the assembly version disabled.
65 Also, the structure was removed to simplify C conversion
66 *)
Adler32Updatenull68 function Adler32Update (adler : longint; Msg     :Pointer; Len     :longint ) : longint;
70 implementation
72 (*
73 $ifdef BASM16
75 procedure Adler32Update(var adler: longint; Msg: pointer; Len: longint);
76     //-update Adler32 with Msg data
77 const
78     BASE = 65521; // max. prime < 65536
79     NMAX =  5552; // max. n with 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) < 2^32
80 type
81     LH    = packed record
82             L,H: word;
83             end;
84 var
85     s1,s2: longint;
86     n: integer;
87 begin
88     s1 := LH(adler).L;
89     s2 := LH(adler).H;
90     while Len > 0 do
91         begin
92     if Len<NMAX then
93         n := Len
94     else
95         n := NMAX;
96     //BASM increases speed from about 52 cyc/byte to about 3.7 cyc/byte
97     asm
98                     mov  cx,[n]
99             db $66; mov  ax,word ptr [s1]
100             db $66; mov  di,word ptr [s2]
101                     les  si,[msg]
102         @@1:  db $66, $26, $0f, $b6, $1c      // movzx ebx,es:[si]
103                     inc  si
104             db $66; add  ax,bx              // inc(s1, pByte(Msg)^)
105             db $66; add  di,ax              // inc(s2, s1
106                     dec  cx
107                     jnz  @@1
108             db $66; sub  cx,cx
109                     mov  cx,BASE
110             db $66; sub  dx,dx
111             db $66; div  cx
112             db $66; mov  word ptr [s1],dx   // s1 := s1 mod BASE
113             db $66; sub  dx,dx
114             db $66; mov  ax,di
115             db $66; div  cx
116             db $66; mov  word ptr [s2],dx   // s2 := s2 mod BASE
117                     mov  word ptr [msg],si  // save offset for next chunk
118         end;
119     dec(len, n);
120     end;
121     LH(adler).L := word(s1);
122     LH(adler).H := word(s2);
123 end;
124 *)
Adler32Updatenull126 function Adler32Update(adler:longint; Msg: Pointer; Len :longint) : longint;
127     {-update Adler32 with Msg data}
128     const
129         BASE = 65521; {max. prime < 65536 }
130         NMAX = 3854; {max. n with 255n(n+1)/2 + (n+1)(BASE-1) < 2^31}
131     var
132         s1, s2 : longint;
133         i, n   : integer;
134        m       : PByte;
135     begin
136         m  := PByte(Msg);
137         s1 := Longword(adler) and $FFFF;
138         s2 := Longword(adler) shr 16;
139         while Len>0 do
140             begin
141             if Len<NMAX then
142                 n := Len
143             else
144                 n := NMAX;
146             for i := 1 to n do
147                 begin
148                 inc(s1, m^);
149                 inc(m);
150                 inc(s2, s1);
151                 end;
152             s1 := s1 mod BASE;
153             s2 := s2 mod BASE;
154             dec(len, n);
155             end;
156         Adler32Update:= (s2 shl 16) or s1;
157     end;
159 end.