1module Control where
3import Control.Monad.State.Strict
4import UI.NCurses (Event(..), Key(..))
5import qualified Data.Map as M
6import Data.Maybe
7import Control.Applicative
8import Prelude
10import Types
11import Status
12import Time
13import Player
14import Player.Move
15import Peruser
16import Spell
17import CharMap
18import Poison
19import Help
20import View
21import Curses
23mainLoop :: Step
24mainLoop (EventCharacter '\t') = forceRedraw
25mainLoop (EventCharacter c) = case M.lookup c charMap of
26	Just (CharControl (Movement d)) -> move d
27	Just (CharControl Inventory) -> inventory
28	Just (CharControl Help) -> showHelp
29	Just (CharControl Quit) -> checkQuit
30	Just (CharControl Wait) -> wait
31	Just (IngredientFor _ _) -> invokeSwallowed c
32	Just (Poison _) -> ignore
33	Nothing -> invokeSwallowed c
34mainLoop e = maybe ignore move (arrowDirection e)
36-- Does not step time
37ignore :: M NextStep
38ignore = next mainLoop
40-- Does step time
41continue :: M NextStep
42continue = runPeruser =<< next mainLoop
44wait :: M NextStep
45wait = continue
47showHelp :: M NextStep
48showHelp = do
49	modify $ \s -> s { helpShown = True }
50	helpWindow
51	next $ \_ -> clearWindows >> ignore
53diveIn :: M NextStep
54diveIn = go =<< diveThrough
55  where
56	go False = ignore
57	go True = do
58		modify $ \s -> s { helpShown = True }
59		continue
61move :: Direction -> M NextStep
62move DDive = diveIn
63move d = go =<< checkedMove =<< supportStaggaring d
64  where
65	go CannotMove = ignore
66	go EscapedScroll = escapedScroll
67	go (SuccessfulMove a) = a continue
68	go SuccessfulBacktrack = continue
69	go TooFullToMove = do
70		n <- length . mapMaybe segmentSwallowed . playerBody <$> gets player
71		showMessage $ concat
72			[ "You've swallowed "
73			, if n > 1 then "some letters" else "a letter"
74			, ", and cannot drag "
75			, if n > 1 then "them" else "it"
76			, " along."
77			]
78		ignore
80invokeSwallowed :: Char -> M NextStep
81invokeSwallowed c = do
82	p <- gets player
83	case toggleInvoke c p of
84		(InvokedChar, p') -> do
85			change p'
86			case checkInvokedSpells p' of
87				[] -> continue
88				l -> invoke l continue
89		(DeInvokedChar, p') -> do
90			change p'
91			continue
92		(NoInvoke, _) -> ignore
93  where
94	change p' = modifyPlayer (const p')
96inventory :: M NextStep
97inventory = do
98	showWindow (3, 0) =<< spellInventory
99	next $ \_ -> clearWindows >> ignore
101checkQuit :: M NextStep
102checkQuit = prompt "Are you sure you want to quit? [yn]" $ \i -> case i of
103	EventCharacter 'y' -> do
104		showMessage "Bye!"
105		endThread
106	_ -> do
107		clearMessage
108		ignore
110forceRedraw :: M NextStep
111forceRedraw = do
112	view <- lift . mkView =<< get
113	let view' = view { viewForceRedraw = True }
114	return $ NextStep view' (Just mainLoop)
116escapedScroll :: M NextStep
117escapedScroll = do
118	showMessage "You escaped the scroll! You win!"
119	next $ victorydance (30 :: Int)
120  where
121	victorydance 0 _ = endThread
122	victorydance n e = do
123		let dir = case e of
124			(EventCharacter c) -> case M.lookup c charMap of
125				Just (CharControl (Movement d))
126					| d /= DUp && d /= DDive -> d
127				_ -> DDown
128			(EventSpecialKey KeyLeftArrow) -> DLeft
129			(EventSpecialKey KeyRightArrow) -> DRight
130			_ -> DDown
131		moveaway DDown
132		when (dir /= DDown) $
133			moveaway dir
134		next $ victorydance (n-1)
136	moveaway dir = do
137		hpos <- getPos <$> gets player
138		let seg = Segment hpos dir CurrentSide Nothing False
139		setHeadPos $ directionOffset dir `offsetPos` hpos
140		modifyPlayer $ \p -> p { playerBody = shiftBody p seg }