1 /* C compiler: prof.out input
3 prof.out format:
4 #files
5     name
6     ... (#files-1 times)
7 #functions
8     name file# x y count caller file x y
9     ... (#functions-1 times)
10 #points
11     file# x y count
12     ... (#points-1 times)
13 */
14 #include "c.h"
17 struct count {			/* count data: */
18 	int x, y;			/* source coordinate */
19 	int count;			/* associated execution count */
20 };
22 #define MAXTOKEN 64
24 struct file {			/* per-file prof.out data: */
25 	struct file *link;		/* link to next file */
26 	char *name;			/* file name */
27 	int size;			/* size of counts[] */
28 	int count;			/* counts[0..count-1] hold valid data */
29 	struct count *counts;		/* count data */
30 	struct func {			/* function data: */
31 		struct func *link;		/* link to next function */
32 		char *name;			/* function name */
33 		struct count count;		/* total number of calls */
34 		struct caller {		/* caller data: */
35 			struct caller *link;	/* link to next caller */
36 			char *name;		/* caller's name */
37 			char *file;		/* call site: file, x, y */
38 			int x, y;
39 			int count;		/* number of calls from this site */
40 		} *callers;
41 	} *funcs;			/* list of functions */
42 } *filelist;
43 FILE *fp;
45 /* acaller - add caller and site (file,x,y) to callee's callers list */
acaller(char * caller,char * file,int x,int y,int count,struct func * callee)46 static void acaller(char *caller, char *file, int x, int y, int count, struct func *callee) {
47 	struct caller *q;
49 	assert(callee);
50 	for (q = callee->callers; q && (caller != q->name
51 		|| file != q->file || x != q->x || y != q->y); q = q->link)
52 		;
53 	if (!q) {
54 		struct caller **r;
55 		NEW(q, PERM);
56 		q->name = caller;
57 		q->file = file;
58 		q->x = x;
59 		q->y = y;
60 		q->count = 0;
61 		for (r = &callee->callers; *r && (strcmp(q->name, (*r)->name) > 0
62 			|| strcmp(q->file, (*r)->file) > 0 || q->y > (*r)->y || q->y > (*r)->y); r = &(*r)->link)
63 			;
64 		q->link = *r;
65 		*r = q;
66 	}
67 	q->count += count;
68 }
70 /* compare - return <0, 0, >0 if a<b, a==b, a>b, resp. */
compare(struct count * a,struct count * b)71 static int compare(struct count *a, struct count *b) {
72 	if (a->y == b->y)
73 		return a->x - b->x;
74 	return a->y - b->y;
75 }
77 /* findfile - return file name's file list entry, or 0 */
findfile(char * name)78 static struct file *findfile(char *name) {
79 	struct file *p;
81 	for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link)
82 		if (p->name == name)
83 			return p;
84 	return 0;
85 }
87 /* afunction - add function name and its data to file's function list */
afunction(char * name,char * file,int x,int y,int count)88 static struct func *afunction(char *name, char *file, int x, int y, int count) {
89 	struct file *p = findfile(file);
90 	struct func *q;
92 	assert(p);
93 	for (q = p->funcs; q && name != q->name; q = q->link)
94 		;
95 	if (!q) {
96 		struct func **r;
97 		NEW(q, PERM);
98 		q->name = name;
99 		q->count.x = x;
100 		q->count.y = y;
101 		q->count.count = 0;
102 		q->callers = 0;
103 		for (r = &p->funcs; *r && compare(&q->count, &(*r)->count) > 0; r = &(*r)->link)
104 			;
105 		q->link = *r;
106 		*r = q;
107 	}
108 	q->count.count += count;
109 	return q;
110 }
112 /* apoint - append execution point i to file's data */
apoint(int i,char * file,int x,int y,int count)113 static void apoint(int i, char *file, int x, int y, int count) {
114 	struct file *p = findfile(file);
116 	assert(p);
117 	if (i >= p->size) {
118 		int j;
119 		if (p->size == 0) {
120 			p->size = i >= 200 ? 2*i : 200;
121 			p->counts = newarray(p->size, sizeof *p->counts, PERM);
122 		} else {
123 			struct count *new;
124 			p->size = 2*i;
125 			new = newarray(p->size, sizeof *new, PERM);
126 			for (j = 0; j < p->count; j++)
127 				new[j] = p->counts[j];
128 			p->counts = new;
129 		}
130 		for (j = p->count; j < p->size; j++) {
131 			static struct count z;
132 			p->counts[j] = z;
133 		}
134 	}
135 	p->counts[i].x = x;
136 	p->counts[i].y = y;
137 	p->counts[i].count += count;
138 	if (i >= p->count)
139 		p->count = i + 1;
140 }
142 /* findcount - return count associated with (file,x,y) or -1 */
findcount(char * file,int x,int y)143 int findcount(char *file, int x, int y) {
144 	static struct file *cursor;
146 	if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file)
147 		cursor = findfile(file);
148 	if (cursor) {
149 		int l, u;
150 		struct count *c = cursor->counts;
151 		for (l = 0, u = cursor->count - 1; l <= u; ) {
152 			int k = (l + u)/2;
153 			if (c[k].y > y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x > x))
154 				u = k - 1;
155 			else if (c[k].y < y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x < x))
156 				l = k + 1;
157 			else
158 				return c[k].count;
159 		}
160 	}
161 	return -1;
162 }
164 /* findfunc - return count associated with function name in file or -1 */
findfunc(char * name,char * file)165 int findfunc(char *name, char *file) {
166 	static struct file *cursor;
168 	if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file)
169 		cursor = findfile(file);
170 	if (cursor) {
171 		struct func *p;
172 		for (p = cursor->funcs; p; p = p->link)
173 			if (p->name == name)
174 				return p->count.count;
175 	}
176 	return -1;
177 }
179 /* getd - read a nonnegative number */
getd(void)180 static int getd(void) {
181 	int c, n = 0;
183 	while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'))
184 		;
185 	if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
186 		do
187 			n = 10*n + (c - '0');
188 		while ((c = getc(fp)) >= '0' && c <= '9');
189 		return n;
190 	}
191 	return -1;
192 }
194 /* getstr - read a string */
getstr(void)195 static char *getstr(void) {
196 	int c;
197 	char buf[MAXTOKEN], *s = buf;
199 	while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')
200 		if (s - buf < (int)sizeof buf - 2)
201 			*s++ = c;
202 	*s = 0;
203 	return s == buf ? (char *)0 : string(buf);
204 }
206 /* gather - read prof.out data from fd */
gather(void)207 static int gather(void) {
208 	int i, nfiles, nfuncs, npoints;
209 	char *files[64];
211 	if ((nfiles = getd()) < 0)
212 		return 0;
213 	assert(nfiles < NELEMS(files));
214 	for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
215 		if ((files[i] = getstr()) == 0)
216 			return -1;
217 		if (!findfile(files[i])) {
218 			struct file *new;
219 			NEW(new, PERM);
220 			new->name = files[i];
221 			new->size = new->count = 0;
222 			new->counts = 0;
223 			new->funcs = 0;
224 			new->link = filelist;
225 			filelist = new;
226 		}
227 	}
228 	if ((nfuncs = getd()) < 0)
229 		return -1;
230 	for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) {
231 		struct func *q;
232 		char *name, *file;
233 		int f, x, y, count;
234 		if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (f = getd()) <= 0
235 		|| (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0 || (count = getd()) < 0)
236 			return -1;
237 		q = afunction(name, files[f-1], x, y, count);
238 		if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (file = getstr()) == 0
239 		|| (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0)
240 			return -1;
241 		if (*name != '?')
242 			acaller(name, file, x, y, count, q);
243 	}
244 	if ((npoints = getd()) < 0)
245 		return -1;
246 	for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
247 		int f, x, y, count;
248 		if ((f = getd()) < 0 || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0
249 		|| (count = getd()) < 0)
250 			return -1;
251 		if (f)
252 			apoint(i, files[f-1], x, y, count);
253 	}
254 	return 1;
255 }
257 /* process - read prof.out data from file */
process(char * file)258 int process(char *file) {
259 	int more;
261 	if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) {
262 		struct file *p;
263 		while ((more = gather()) > 0)
264 			;
265 		fclose(fp);
266 		if (more < 0)
267 			return more;
268 		for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link)
269 			qsort(p->counts, p->count, sizeof *p->counts,
270 				(int (*)(const void *, const void *))
271 				compare);
273 		return 1;
274 	}
275 	return 0;
276 }