1 /********************************************************************
2  *                                                                  *
7  *                                                                  *
8  * THE libopusfile SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2012           *
9  * by the Xiph.Org Foundation and contributors http://www.xiph.org/ *
10  *                                                                  *
11  ********************************************************************
13  function: stdio-based convenience library for opening/seeking/decoding
14  last mod: $Id: vorbisfile.c 17573 2010-10-27 14:53:59Z xiphmont $
16  ********************************************************************/
17 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include "internal.h"
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <errno.h>
25 #include <limits.h>
26 #include <string.h>
27 #include <math.h>
29 #include "opusfile.h"
31 /*This implementation is largely based off of libvorbisfile.
32   All of the Ogg bits work roughly the same, though I have made some
33    "improvements" that have not been folded back there, yet.*/
35 /*A 'chained bitstream' is an Ogg Opus bitstream that contains more than one
36    logical bitstream arranged end to end (the only form of Ogg multiplexing
37    supported by this library.
38   Grouping (parallel multiplexing) is not supported, except to the extent that
39    if there are multiple logical Ogg streams in a single link of the chain, we
40    will ignore all but the first Opus stream we find.*/
42 /*An Ogg Opus file can be played beginning to end (streamed) without worrying
43    ahead of time about chaining (see opusdec from the opus-tools package).
44   If we have the whole file, however, and want random access
45    (seeking/scrubbing) or desire to know the total length/time of a file, we
46    need to account for the possibility of chaining.*/
48 /*We can handle things a number of ways.
49   We can determine the entire bitstream structure right off the bat, or find
50    pieces on demand.
51   This library determines and caches structure for the entire bitstream, but
52    builds a virtual decoder on the fly when moving between links in the chain.*/
54 /*There are also different ways to implement seeking.
55   Enough information exists in an Ogg bitstream to seek to sample-granularity
56    positions in the output.
57   Or, one can seek by picking some portion of the stream roughly in the desired
58    area if we only want coarse navigation through the stream.
59   We implement and expose both strategies.*/
61 /*The maximum number of bytes in a page (including the page headers).*/
62 #define OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX  (65307)
63 /*The default amount to seek backwards per step when trying to find the
64    previous page.
65   This must be at least as large as the maximum size of a page.*/
66 #define OP_CHUNK_SIZE     (65536)
67 /*The maximum amount to seek backwards per step when trying to find the
68    previous page.*/
69 #define OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX (1024*(opus_int32)1024)
70 /*A smaller read size is needed for low-rate streaming.*/
71 #define OP_READ_SIZE      (2048)
op_test(OpusHead * _head,const unsigned char * _initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes)73 int op_test(OpusHead *_head,
74  const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes){
75   ogg_sync_state  oy;
76   char           *data;
77   int             err;
78   /*The first page of a normal Opus file will be at most 57 bytes (27 Ogg
79      page header bytes + 1 lacing value + 21 Opus header bytes + 8 channel
80      mapping bytes).
81     It will be at least 47 bytes (27 Ogg page header bytes + 1 lacing value +
82      19 Opus header bytes using channel mapping family 0).
83     If we don't have at least that much data, give up now.*/
84   if(_initial_bytes<47)return OP_FALSE;
85   /*Only proceed if we start with the magic OggS string.
86     This is to prevent us spending a lot of time allocating memory and looking
87      for Ogg pages in non-Ogg files.*/
88   if(memcmp(_initial_data,"OggS",4)!=0)return OP_ENOTFORMAT;
89   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_initial_bytes>(size_t)LONG_MAX))return OP_EFAULT;
90   ogg_sync_init(&oy);
91   data=ogg_sync_buffer(&oy,(long)_initial_bytes);
92   if(data!=NULL){
93     ogg_stream_state os;
94     ogg_page         og;
95     int              ret;
96     memcpy(data,_initial_data,_initial_bytes);
97     ogg_sync_wrote(&oy,(long)_initial_bytes);
98     ogg_stream_init(&os,-1);
99     err=OP_FALSE;
100     do{
101       ogg_packet op;
102       ret=ogg_sync_pageout(&oy,&og);
103       /*Ignore holes.*/
104       if(ret<0)continue;
105       /*Stop if we run out of data.*/
106       if(!ret)break;
107       ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&os,ogg_page_serialno(&og));
108       ogg_stream_pagein(&os,&og);
109       /*Only process the first packet on this page (if it's a BOS packet,
110          it's required to be the only one).*/
111       if(ogg_stream_packetout(&os,&op)==1){
112         if(op.b_o_s){
113           ret=opus_head_parse(_head,op.packet,op.bytes);
114           /*If this didn't look like Opus, keep going.*/
115           if(ret==OP_ENOTFORMAT)continue;
116           /*Otherwise we're done, one way or another.*/
117           err=ret;
118         }
119         /*We finished parsing the headers.
120           There is no Opus to be found.*/
121         else err=OP_ENOTFORMAT;
122       }
123     }
124     while(err==OP_FALSE);
125     ogg_stream_clear(&os);
126   }
127   else err=OP_EFAULT;
128   ogg_sync_clear(&oy);
129   return err;
130 }
132 /*Many, many internal helpers.
133   The intention is not to be confusing.
134   Rampant duplication and monolithic function implementation (though we do have
135    some large, omnibus functions still) would be harder to understand anyway.
136   The high level functions are last.
137   Begin grokking near the end of the file if you prefer to read things
138    top-down.*/
140 /*The read/seek functions track absolute position within the stream.*/
142 /*Read a little more data from the file/pipe into the ogg_sync framer.
143   _nbytes: The maximum number of bytes to read.
144   Return: A positive number of bytes read on success, 0 on end-of-file, or a
145            negative value on failure.*/
op_get_data(OggOpusFile * _of,int _nbytes)146 static int op_get_data(OggOpusFile *_of,int _nbytes){
147   unsigned char *buffer;
148   int            nbytes;
149   OP_ASSERT(_nbytes>0);
150   buffer=(unsigned char *)ogg_sync_buffer(&_of->oy,_nbytes);
151   nbytes=(int)(*_of->callbacks.read)(_of->stream,buffer,_nbytes);
152   OP_ASSERT(nbytes<=_nbytes);
153   if(OP_LIKELY(nbytes>0))ogg_sync_wrote(&_of->oy,nbytes);
154   return nbytes;
155 }
157 /*Save a tiny smidge of verbosity to make the code more readable.*/
op_seek_helper(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int64 _offset)158 static int op_seek_helper(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int64 _offset){
159   if(_offset==_of->offset)return 0;
160   if(_of->callbacks.seek==NULL
161    ||(*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->stream,_offset,SEEK_SET)){
162     return OP_EREAD;
163   }
164   _of->offset=_offset;
165   ogg_sync_reset(&_of->oy);
166   return 0;
167 }
169 /*Get the current position indicator of the underlying stream.
170   This should be the same as the value reported by tell().*/
op_position(const OggOpusFile * _of)171 static opus_int64 op_position(const OggOpusFile *_of){
172   /*The current position indicator is _not_ simply offset.
173     We may also have unprocessed, buffered data in the sync state.*/
174   return _of->offset+_of->oy.fill-_of->oy.returned;
175 }
177 /*From the head of the stream, get the next page.
178   _boundary specifies if the function is allowed to fetch more data from the
179    stream (and how much) or only use internally buffered data.
180   _boundary: -1: Unbounded search.
181               0: Read no additional data.
182                  Use only cached data.
183               n: Search for the start of a new page up to file position n.
184   Return: n>=0:       Found a page at absolute offset n.
185           OP_FALSE:   Hit the _boundary limit.
186           OP_EREAD:   An underlying read operation failed.
187           OP_BADLINK: We hit end-of-file before reaching _boundary.*/
op_get_next_page(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_page * _og,opus_int64 _boundary)188 static opus_int64 op_get_next_page(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_page *_og,
189  opus_int64 _boundary){
190   while(_boundary<=0||_of->offset<_boundary){
191     int more;
192     more=ogg_sync_pageseek(&_of->oy,_og);
193     /*Skipped (-more) bytes.*/
194     if(OP_UNLIKELY(more<0))_of->offset-=more;
195     else if(more==0){
196       int read_nbytes;
197       int ret;
198       /*Send more paramedics.*/
199       if(!_boundary)return OP_FALSE;
200       if(_boundary<0)read_nbytes=OP_READ_SIZE;
201       else{
202         opus_int64 position;
203         position=op_position(_of);
204         if(position>=_boundary)return OP_FALSE;
205         read_nbytes=(int)OP_MIN(_boundary-position,OP_READ_SIZE);
206       }
207       ret=op_get_data(_of,read_nbytes);
208       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EREAD;
209       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret==0)){
210         /*Only fail cleanly on EOF if we didn't have a known boundary.
211           Otherwise, we should have been able to reach that boundary, and this
212            is a fatal error.*/
213         return OP_UNLIKELY(_boundary<0)?OP_FALSE:OP_EBADLINK;
214       }
215     }
216     else{
217       /*Got a page.
218         Return the page start offset and advance the internal offset past the
219          page end.*/
220       opus_int64 page_offset;
221       page_offset=_of->offset;
222       _of->offset+=more;
223       OP_ASSERT(page_offset>=0);
224       return page_offset;
225     }
226   }
227   return OP_FALSE;
228 }
op_add_serialno(const ogg_page * _og,ogg_uint32_t ** _serialnos,int * _nserialnos,int * _cserialnos)230 static int op_add_serialno(const ogg_page *_og,
231  ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,int *_cserialnos){
232   ogg_uint32_t *serialnos;
233   int           nserialnos;
234   int           cserialnos;
235   ogg_uint32_t s;
236   s=ogg_page_serialno(_og);
237   serialnos=*_serialnos;
238   nserialnos=*_nserialnos;
239   cserialnos=*_cserialnos;
240   if(OP_UNLIKELY(nserialnos>=cserialnos)){
241     if(OP_UNLIKELY(cserialnos>INT_MAX/(int)sizeof(*serialnos)-1>>1)){
242       return OP_EFAULT;
243     }
244     cserialnos=2*cserialnos+1;
245     OP_ASSERT(nserialnos<cserialnos);
246     serialnos=(ogg_uint32_t *)_ogg_realloc(serialnos,
247      sizeof(*serialnos)*cserialnos);
248     if(OP_UNLIKELY(serialnos==NULL))return OP_EFAULT;
249   }
250   serialnos[nserialnos++]=s;
251   *_serialnos=serialnos;
252   *_nserialnos=nserialnos;
253   *_cserialnos=cserialnos;
254   return 0;
255 }
257 /*Returns nonzero if found.*/
op_lookup_serialno(ogg_uint32_t _s,const ogg_uint32_t * _serialnos,int _nserialnos)258 static int op_lookup_serialno(ogg_uint32_t _s,
259  const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos){
260   int i;
261   for(i=0;i<_nserialnos&&_serialnos[i]!=_s;i++);
262   return i<_nserialnos;
263 }
op_lookup_page_serialno(const ogg_page * _og,const ogg_uint32_t * _serialnos,int _nserialnos)265 static int op_lookup_page_serialno(const ogg_page *_og,
266  const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos){
267   return op_lookup_serialno(ogg_page_serialno(_og),_serialnos,_nserialnos);
268 }
270 typedef struct OpusSeekRecord OpusSeekRecord;
272 /*We use this to remember the pages we found while enumerating the links of a
273    chained stream.
274   We keep track of the starting and ending offsets, as well as the point we
275    started searching from, so we know where to bisect.
276   We also keep the serial number, so we can tell if the page belonged to the
277    current link or not, as well as the granule position, to aid in estimating
278    the start of the link.*/
279 struct OpusSeekRecord{
280   /*The earliest byte we know of such that reading forward from it causes
281      capture to be regained at this page.*/
282   opus_int64   search_start;
283   /*The offset of this page.*/
284   opus_int64   offset;
285   /*The size of this page.*/
286   opus_int32   size;
287   /*The serial number of this page.*/
288   ogg_uint32_t serialno;
289   /*The granule position of this page.*/
290   ogg_int64_t  gp;
291 };
293 /*Find the last page beginning before _offset with a valid granule position.
294   There is no '_boundary' parameter as it will always have to read more data.
295   This is much dirtier than the above, as Ogg doesn't have any backward search
296    linkage.
297   This search prefers pages of the specified serial number.
298   If a page of the specified serial number is spotted during the
299    seek-back-and-read-forward, it will return the info of last page of the
300    matching serial number, instead of the very last page, unless the very last
301    page belongs to a different link than preferred serial number.
302   If no page of the specified serial number is seen, it will return the info of
303    the last page.
304   [out] _sr:   Returns information about the page that was found on success.
305   _offset:     The _offset before which to find a page.
306                Any page returned will consist of data entirely before _offset.
307   _serialno:   The preferred serial number.
308                If a page with this serial number is found, it will be returned
309                 even if another page in the same link is found closer to
310                 _offset.
311                This is purely opportunistic: there is no guarantee such a page
312                 will be found if it exists.
313   _serialnos:  The list of serial numbers in the link that contains the
314                 preferred serial number.
315   _nserialnos: The number of serial numbers in the current link.
316   Return: 0 on success, or a negative value on failure.
317           OP_EREAD:    Failed to read more data (error or EOF).
318           OP_EBADLINK: We couldn't find a page even after seeking back to the
319                         start of the stream.*/
op_get_prev_page_serial(OggOpusFile * _of,OpusSeekRecord * _sr,opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno,const ogg_uint32_t * _serialnos,int _nserialnos)320 static int op_get_prev_page_serial(OggOpusFile *_of,OpusSeekRecord *_sr,
321  opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno,
322  const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos){
323   OpusSeekRecord preferred_sr;
324   ogg_page       og;
325   opus_int64     begin;
326   opus_int64     end;
327   opus_int64     original_end;
328   opus_int32     chunk_size;
329   int            preferred_found;
330   original_end=end=begin=_offset;
331   preferred_found=0;
332   _offset=-1;
333   chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
334   do{
335     opus_int64 search_start;
336     int        ret;
337     OP_ASSERT(chunk_size>=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX);
338     begin=OP_MAX(begin-chunk_size,0);
339     ret=op_seek_helper(_of,begin);
340     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
341     search_start=begin;
342     while(_of->offset<end){
343       opus_int64   llret;
344       ogg_uint32_t serialno;
345       llret=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,end);
346       if(OP_UNLIKELY(llret<OP_FALSE))return (int)llret;
347       else if(llret==OP_FALSE)break;
348       serialno=ogg_page_serialno(&og);
349       /*Save the information for this page.
350         We're not interested in the page itself... just the serial number, byte
351          offset, page size, and granule position.*/
352       _sr->search_start=search_start;
353       _sr->offset=_offset=llret;
354       _sr->serialno=serialno;
355       OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset>=0);
356       OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-_offset<=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX);
357       _sr->size=(opus_int32)(_of->offset-_offset);
358       _sr->gp=ogg_page_granulepos(&og);
359       /*If this page is from the stream we're looking for, remember it.*/
360       if(serialno==_serialno){
361         preferred_found=1;
362         *&preferred_sr=*_sr;
363       }
364       if(!op_lookup_serialno(serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos)){
365         /*We fell off the end of the link, which means we seeked back too far
366            and shouldn't have been looking in that link to begin with.
367           If we found the preferred serial number, forget that we saw it.*/
368         preferred_found=0;
369       }
370       search_start=llret+1;
371     }
372     /*We started from the beginning of the stream and found nothing.
373       This should be impossible unless the contents of the stream changed out
374        from under us after we read from it.*/
375     if(OP_UNLIKELY(!begin)&&OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<0))return OP_EBADLINK;
376     /*Bump up the chunk size.
377       This is mildly helpful when seeks are very expensive (http).*/
378     chunk_size=OP_MIN(2*chunk_size,OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX);
379     /*Avoid quadratic complexity if we hit an invalid patch of the file.*/
380     end=OP_MIN(begin+OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX-1,original_end);
381   }
382   while(_offset<0);
383   if(preferred_found)*_sr=*&preferred_sr;
384   return 0;
385 }
387 /*Find the last page beginning before _offset with the given serial number and
388    a valid granule position.
389   Unlike the above search, this continues until it finds such a page, but does
390    not stray outside the current link.
391   We could implement it (inefficiently) by calling op_get_prev_page_serial()
392    repeatedly until it returned a page that had both our preferred serial
393    number and a valid granule position, but doing it with a separate function
394    allows us to avoid repeatedly re-scanning valid pages from other streams as
395    we seek-back-and-read-forward.
396   [out] _gp:   Returns the granule position of the page that was found on
397                 success.
398   _offset:     The _offset before which to find a page.
399                Any page returned will consist of data entirely before _offset.
400   _serialno:   The target serial number.
401   _serialnos:  The list of serial numbers in the link that contains the
402                 preferred serial number.
403   _nserialnos: The number of serial numbers in the current link.
404   Return: The offset of the page on success, or a negative value on failure.
405           OP_EREAD:    Failed to read more data (error or EOF).
406           OP_EBADLINK: We couldn't find a page even after seeking back past the
407                         beginning of the link.*/
op_get_last_page(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_int64_t * _gp,opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno,const ogg_uint32_t * _serialnos,int _nserialnos)408 static opus_int64 op_get_last_page(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_int64_t *_gp,
409  opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno,
410  const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos){
411   ogg_page    og;
412   ogg_int64_t gp;
413   opus_int64  begin;
414   opus_int64  end;
415   opus_int64  original_end;
416   opus_int32  chunk_size;
417   /*The target serial number must belong to the current link.*/
418   OP_ASSERT(op_lookup_serialno(_serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos));
419   original_end=end=begin=_offset;
420   _offset=-1;
421   /*We shouldn't have to initialize gp, but gcc is too dumb to figure out that
422      ret>=0 implies we entered the if(page_gp!=-1) block at least once.*/
423   gp=-1;
424   chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
425   do{
426     int left_link;
427     int ret;
428     OP_ASSERT(chunk_size>=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX);
429     begin=OP_MAX(begin-chunk_size,0);
430     ret=op_seek_helper(_of,begin);
431     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
432     left_link=0;
433     while(_of->offset<end){
434       opus_int64   llret;
435       ogg_uint32_t serialno;
436       llret=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,end);
437       if(OP_UNLIKELY(llret<OP_FALSE))return llret;
438       else if(llret==OP_FALSE)break;
439       serialno=ogg_page_serialno(&og);
440       if(serialno==_serialno){
441         ogg_int64_t page_gp;
442         /*The page is from the right stream...*/
443         page_gp=ogg_page_granulepos(&og);
444         if(page_gp!=-1){
445           /*And has a valid granule position.
446             Let's remember it.*/
447           _offset=llret;
448           gp=page_gp;
449         }
450       }
451       else if(OP_UNLIKELY(!op_lookup_serialno(serialno,
452        _serialnos,_nserialnos))){
453         /*We fell off the start of the link, which means we don't need to keep
454            seeking any farther back.*/
455         left_link=1;
456       }
457     }
458     /*We started from at or before the beginning of the link and found nothing.
459       This should be impossible unless the contents of the stream changed out
460        from under us after we read from it.*/
461     if((OP_UNLIKELY(left_link)||OP_UNLIKELY(!begin))&&OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<0)){
462       return OP_EBADLINK;
463     }
464     /*Bump up the chunk size.
465       This is mildly helpful when seeks are very expensive (http).*/
466     chunk_size=OP_MIN(2*chunk_size,OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX);
467     /*Avoid quadratic complexity if we hit an invalid patch of the file.*/
468     end=OP_MIN(begin+OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX-1,original_end);
469   }
470   while(_offset<0);
471   *_gp=gp;
472   return _offset;
473 }
475 /*Uses the local ogg_stream storage in _of.
476   This is important for non-streaming input sources.*/
op_fetch_headers_impl(OggOpusFile * _of,OpusHead * _head,OpusTags * _tags,ogg_uint32_t ** _serialnos,int * _nserialnos,int * _cserialnos,ogg_page * _og)477 static int op_fetch_headers_impl(OggOpusFile *_of,OpusHead *_head,
478  OpusTags *_tags,ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,
479  int *_cserialnos,ogg_page *_og){
480   ogg_packet op;
481   int        ret;
482   if(_serialnos!=NULL)*_nserialnos=0;
483   /*Extract the serialnos of all BOS pages plus the first set of Opus headers
484      we see in the link.*/
485   while(ogg_page_bos(_og)){
486     if(_serialnos!=NULL){
487       if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_lookup_page_serialno(_og,*_serialnos,*_nserialnos))){
488         /*A dupe serialnumber in an initial header packet set==invalid stream.*/
489         return OP_EBADHEADER;
490       }
491       ret=op_add_serialno(_og,_serialnos,_nserialnos,_cserialnos);
492       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
493     }
494     if(_of->ready_state<OP_STREAMSET){
495       /*We don't have an Opus stream in this link yet, so begin prospective
496          stream setup.
497         We need a stream to get packets.*/
498       ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&_of->os,ogg_page_serialno(_og));
499       ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og);
500       if(OP_LIKELY(ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op)>0)){
501         ret=opus_head_parse(_head,op.packet,op.bytes);
502         /*Found a valid Opus header.
503           Continue setup.*/
504         if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))_of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
505         /*If it's just a stream type we don't recognize, ignore it.
506           Everything else is fatal.*/
507         else if(ret!=OP_ENOTFORMAT)return ret;
508       }
509       /*TODO: Should a BOS page with no packets be an error?*/
510     }
511     /*Get the next page.
512       No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all errors
513        become OP_ENOTFORMAT or OP_EBADHEADER.*/
514     if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,_og,
515      OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){
516       return _of->ready_state<OP_STREAMSET?OP_ENOTFORMAT:OP_EBADHEADER;
517     }
518   }
519   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state!=OP_STREAMSET))return OP_ENOTFORMAT;
520   /*If the first non-header page belonged to our Opus stream, submit it.*/
521   if(_of->os.serialno==ogg_page_serialno(_og))ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og);
522   /*Loop getting packets.*/
523   for(;;){
524     switch(ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op)){
525       case 0:{
526         /*Loop getting pages.*/
527         for(;;){
528           /*No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all
529              errors become OP_EBADHEADER.*/
530           if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,_og,
531            OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){
532             return OP_EBADHEADER;
533           }
534           /*If this page belongs to the correct stream, go parse it.*/
535           if(_of->os.serialno==ogg_page_serialno(_og)){
536             ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og);
537             break;
538           }
539           /*If the link ends before we see the Opus comment header, abort.*/
540           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ogg_page_bos(_og)))return OP_EBADHEADER;
541           /*Otherwise, keep looking.*/
542         }
543       }break;
544       /*We shouldn't get a hole in the headers!*/
545       case -1:return OP_EBADHEADER;
546       default:{
547         /*Got a packet.
548           It should be the comment header.*/
549         ret=opus_tags_parse(_tags,op.packet,op.bytes);
550         if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
551         /*Make sure the page terminated at the end of the comment header.
552           If there is another packet on the page, or part of a packet, then
553            reject the stream.
554           Otherwise seekable sources won't be able to seek back to the start
555            properly.*/
556         ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op);
557         if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret!=0)
558          ||OP_UNLIKELY(_og->header[_og->header_len-1]==255)){
559           /*If we fail, the caller assumes our tags are uninitialized.*/
560           opus_tags_clear(_tags);
561           return OP_EBADHEADER;
562         }
563         return 0;
564       }
565     }
566   }
567 }
op_fetch_headers(OggOpusFile * _of,OpusHead * _head,OpusTags * _tags,ogg_uint32_t ** _serialnos,int * _nserialnos,int * _cserialnos,ogg_page * _og)569 static int op_fetch_headers(OggOpusFile *_of,OpusHead *_head,
570  OpusTags *_tags,ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,
571  int *_cserialnos,ogg_page *_og){
572   ogg_page og;
573   int      ret;
574   if(!_og){
575     /*No need to clamp the boundary offset against _of->end, as all errors
576        become OP_ENOTFORMAT.*/
577     if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_get_next_page(_of,&og,
578      OP_ADV_OFFSET(_of->offset,OP_CHUNK_SIZE))<0)){
579       return OP_ENOTFORMAT;
580     }
581     _og=&og;
582   }
583   _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED;
584   ret=op_fetch_headers_impl(_of,_head,_tags,_serialnos,_nserialnos,
585    _cserialnos,_og);
586   /*Revert back from OP_STREAMSET to OP_OPENED on failure, to prevent
587      double-free of the tags in an unseekable stream.*/
588   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))_of->ready_state=OP_OPENED;
589   return ret;
590 }
592 /*Granule position manipulation routines.
593   A granule position is defined to be an unsigned 64-bit integer, with the
594    special value -1 in two's complement indicating an unset or invalid granule
595    position.
596   We are not guaranteed to have an unsigned 64-bit type, so we construct the
597    following routines that
598    a) Properly order negative numbers as larger than positive numbers, and
599    b) Check for underflow or overflow past the special -1 value.
600   This lets us operate on the full, valid range of granule positions in a
601    consistent and safe manner.
602   This full range is organized into distinct regions:
603    [ -1 (invalid) ][ 0 ... OP_INT64_MAX ][ OP_INT64_MIN ... -2 ][-1 (invalid) ]
605   No one should actually use granule positions so large that they're negative,
606    even if they are technically valid, as very little software handles them
607    correctly (including most of Xiph.Org's).
608   This library also refuses to support durations so large they won't fit in a
609    signed 64-bit integer (to avoid exposing this mess to the application, and
610    to simplify a good deal of internal arithmetic), so the only way to use them
611    successfully is if pcm_start is very large.
612   This means there isn't anything you can do with negative granule positions
613    that you couldn't have done with purely non-negative ones.
614   The main purpose of these routines is to allow us to think very explicitly
615    about the possible failure cases of all granule position manipulations.*/
617 /*Safely adds a small signed integer to a valid (not -1) granule position.
618   The result can use the full 64-bit range of values (both positive and
619    negative), but will fail on overflow (wrapping past -1; wrapping past
620    OP_INT64_MAX is explicitly okay).
621   [out] _dst_gp: The resulting granule position.
622                  Only modified on success.
623   _src_gp:       The granule position to add to.
624                  This must not be -1.
625   _delta:        The amount to add.
626                  This is allowed to be up to 32 bits to support the maximum
627                   duration of a single Ogg page (255 packets * 120 ms per
628                   packet == 1,468,800 samples at 48 kHz).
629   Return: 0 on success, or OP_EINVAL if the result would wrap around past -1.*/
op_granpos_add(ogg_int64_t * _dst_gp,ogg_int64_t _src_gp,opus_int32 _delta)630 static int op_granpos_add(ogg_int64_t *_dst_gp,ogg_int64_t _src_gp,
631  opus_int32 _delta){
632   /*The code below handles this case correctly, but there's no reason we
633      should ever be called with these values, so make sure we aren't.*/
634   OP_ASSERT(_src_gp!=-1);
635   if(_delta>0){
636     /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow its 64-bit
637        range.*/
638     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp<0)&&OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp>=-1-_delta))return OP_EINVAL;
639     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp>OP_INT64_MAX-_delta)){
640       /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow the positive
641          half of its 64-bit range.
642         Since signed overflow is undefined in C, do it in a way the compiler
643          isn't allowed to screw up.*/
644       _delta-=(opus_int32)(OP_INT64_MAX-_src_gp)+1;
645       _src_gp=OP_INT64_MIN;
646     }
647   }
648   else if(_delta<0){
649     /*Subtracting this amount from the granule position would underflow its
650        64-bit range.*/
651     if(_src_gp>=0&&OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp<-_delta))return OP_EINVAL;
652     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_src_gp<OP_INT64_MIN-_delta)){
653       /*Subtracting this amount from the granule position would underflow the
654          negative half of its 64-bit range.
655         Since signed underflow is undefined in C, do it in a way the compiler
656          isn't allowed to screw up.*/
657       _delta+=(opus_int32)(_src_gp-OP_INT64_MIN)+1;
658       _src_gp=OP_INT64_MAX;
659     }
660   }
661   *_dst_gp=_src_gp+_delta;
662   return 0;
663 }
665 /*Safely computes the difference between two granule positions.
666   The difference must fit in a signed 64-bit integer, or the function fails.
667   It correctly handles the case where the granule position has wrapped around
668    from positive values to negative ones.
669   [out] _delta: The difference between the granule positions.
670                 Only modified on success.
671   _gp_a:        The granule position to subtract from.
672                 This must not be -1.
673   _gp_b:        The granule position to subtract.
674                 This must not be -1.
675   Return: 0 on success, or OP_EINVAL if the result would not fit in a signed
676            64-bit integer.*/
op_granpos_diff(ogg_int64_t * _delta,ogg_int64_t _gp_a,ogg_int64_t _gp_b)677 static int op_granpos_diff(ogg_int64_t *_delta,
678  ogg_int64_t _gp_a,ogg_int64_t _gp_b){
679   int gp_a_negative;
680   int gp_b_negative;
681   /*The code below handles these cases correctly, but there's no reason we
682      should ever be called with these values, so make sure we aren't.*/
683   OP_ASSERT(_gp_a!=-1);
684   OP_ASSERT(_gp_b!=-1);
685   gp_a_negative=OP_UNLIKELY(_gp_a<0);
686   gp_b_negative=OP_UNLIKELY(_gp_b<0);
687   if(OP_UNLIKELY(gp_a_negative^gp_b_negative)){
688     ogg_int64_t da;
689     ogg_int64_t db;
690     if(gp_a_negative){
691       /*_gp_a has wrapped to a negative value but _gp_b hasn't: the difference
692          should be positive.*/
693       /*Step 1: Handle wrapping.*/
694       /*_gp_a < 0 => da < 0.*/
695       da=(OP_INT64_MIN-_gp_a)-1;
696       /*_gp_b >= 0  => db >= 0.*/
697       db=OP_INT64_MAX-_gp_b;
698       /*Step 2: Check for overflow.*/
699       if(OP_UNLIKELY(OP_INT64_MAX+da<db))return OP_EINVAL;
700       *_delta=db-da;
701     }
702     else{
703       /*_gp_b has wrapped to a negative value but _gp_a hasn't: the difference
704          should be negative.*/
705       /*Step 1: Handle wrapping.*/
706       /*_gp_a >= 0 => da <= 0*/
707       da=_gp_a+OP_INT64_MIN;
708       /*_gp_b < 0 => db <= 0*/
709       db=OP_INT64_MIN-_gp_b;
710       /*Step 2: Check for overflow.*/
711       if(OP_UNLIKELY(da<OP_INT64_MIN-db))return OP_EINVAL;
712       *_delta=da+db;
713     }
714   }
715   else *_delta=_gp_a-_gp_b;
716   return 0;
717 }
op_granpos_cmp(ogg_int64_t _gp_a,ogg_int64_t _gp_b)719 static int op_granpos_cmp(ogg_int64_t _gp_a,ogg_int64_t _gp_b){
720   /*The invalid granule position -1 should behave like NaN: neither greater
721      than nor less than any other granule position, nor equal to any other
722      granule position, including itself.
723     However, that means there isn't anything we could sensibly return from this
724      function for it.*/
725   OP_ASSERT(_gp_a!=-1);
726   OP_ASSERT(_gp_b!=-1);
727   /*Handle the wrapping cases.*/
728   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_gp_a<0)){
729     if(_gp_b>=0)return 1;
730     /*Else fall through.*/
731   }
732   else if(OP_UNLIKELY(_gp_b<0))return -1;
733   /*No wrapping case.*/
734   return (_gp_a>_gp_b)-(_gp_b>_gp_a);
735 }
737 /*Returns the duration of the packet (in samples at 48 kHz), or a negative
738    value on error.*/
op_get_packet_duration(const unsigned char * _data,int _len)739 static int op_get_packet_duration(const unsigned char *_data,int _len){
740   int nframes;
741   int frame_size;
742   int nsamples;
743   nframes=opus_packet_get_nb_frames(_data,_len);
744   if(OP_UNLIKELY(nframes<0))return OP_EBADPACKET;
745   frame_size=opus_packet_get_samples_per_frame(_data,48000);
746   nsamples=nframes*frame_size;
747   if(OP_UNLIKELY(nsamples>120*48))return OP_EBADPACKET;
748   return nsamples;
749 }
751 /*This function more properly belongs in info.c, but we define it here to allow
752    the static granule position manipulation functions to remain static.*/
opus_granule_sample(const OpusHead * _head,ogg_int64_t _gp)753 ogg_int64_t opus_granule_sample(const OpusHead *_head,ogg_int64_t _gp){
754   opus_int32 pre_skip;
755   pre_skip=_head->pre_skip;
756   if(_gp!=-1&&op_granpos_add(&_gp,_gp,-pre_skip))_gp=-1;
757   return _gp;
758 }
760 /*Grab all the packets currently in the stream state, and compute their
761    durations.
762   _of->op_count is set to the number of packets collected.
763   [out] _durations: Returns the durations of the individual packets.
764   Return: The total duration of all packets, or OP_HOLE if there was a hole.*/
op_collect_audio_packets(OggOpusFile * _of,int _durations[255])765 static opus_int32 op_collect_audio_packets(OggOpusFile *_of,
766  int _durations[255]){
767   opus_int32 total_duration;
768   int        op_count;
769   /*Count the durations of all packets in the page.*/
770   op_count=0;
771   total_duration=0;
772   for(;;){
773     int ret;
774     /*This takes advantage of undocumented libogg behavior that returned
775        ogg_packet buffers are valid at least until the next page is
776        submitted.
777       Relying on this is not too terrible, as _none_ of the Ogg memory
778        ownership/lifetime rules are well-documented.
779       But I can read its code and know this will work.*/
780     ret=ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,_of->op+op_count);
781     if(!ret)break;
782     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0)){
783       /*We shouldn't get holes in the middle of pages.*/
784       OP_ASSERT(op_count==0);
785       /*Set the return value and break out of the loop.
786         We want to make sure op_count gets set to 0, because we've ingested a
787          page, so any previously loaded packets are now invalid.*/
788       total_duration=OP_HOLE;
789       break;
790     }
791     /*Unless libogg is broken, we can't get more than 255 packets from a
792        single page.*/
793     OP_ASSERT(op_count<255);
794     _durations[op_count]=op_get_packet_duration(_of->op[op_count].packet,
795      _of->op[op_count].bytes);
796     if(OP_LIKELY(_durations[op_count]>0)){
797       /*With at most 255 packets on a page, this can't overflow.*/
798       total_duration+=_durations[op_count++];
799     }
800     /*Ignore packets with an invalid TOC sequence.*/
801     else if(op_count>0){
802       /*But save the granule position, if there was one.*/
803       _of->op[op_count-1].granulepos=_of->op[op_count].granulepos;
804     }
805   }
806   _of->op_pos=0;
807   _of->op_count=op_count;
808   return total_duration;
809 }
811 /*Starting from current cursor position, get the initial PCM offset of the next
812    page.
813   This also validates the granule position on the first page with a completed
814    audio data packet, as required by the spec.
815   If this link is completely empty (no pages with completed packets), then this
816    function sets pcm_start=pcm_end=0 and returns the BOS page of the next link
817    (if any).
818   In the seekable case, we initialize pcm_end=-1 before calling this function,
819    so that later we can detect that the link was empty before calling
820    op_find_final_pcm_offset().
821   [inout] _link: The link for which to find pcm_start.
822   [out] _og:     Returns the BOS page of the next link if this link was empty.
823                  In the unseekable case, we can then feed this to
824                   op_fetch_headers() to start the next link.
825                  The caller may pass NULL (e.g., for seekable streams), in
826                   which case this page will be discarded.
827   Return: 0 on success, 1 if there is a buffered BOS page available, or a
828            negative value on unrecoverable error.*/
op_find_initial_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile * _of,OggOpusLink * _link,ogg_page * _og)829 static int op_find_initial_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile *_of,
830  OggOpusLink *_link,ogg_page *_og){
831   ogg_page     og;
832   opus_int64   page_offset;
833   ogg_int64_t  pcm_start;
834   ogg_int64_t  prev_packet_gp;
835   ogg_int64_t  cur_page_gp;
836   ogg_uint32_t serialno;
837   opus_int32   total_duration;
838   int          durations[255];
839   int          cur_page_eos;
840   int          op_count;
841   int          pi;
842   if(_og==NULL)_og=&og;
843   serialno=_of->os.serialno;
844   op_count=0;
845   /*We shouldn't have to initialize total_duration, but gcc is too dumb to
846      figure out that op_count>0 implies we've been through the whole loop at
847      least once.*/
848   total_duration=0;
849   do{
850     page_offset=op_get_next_page(_of,_og,_of->end);
851     /*We should get a page unless the file is truncated or mangled.
852       Otherwise there are no audio data packets in the whole logical stream.*/
853     if(OP_UNLIKELY(page_offset<0)){
854       /*Fail if there was a read error.*/
855       if(page_offset<OP_FALSE)return (int)page_offset;
856       /*Fail if the pre-skip is non-zero, since it's asking us to skip more
857          samples than exist.*/
858       if(_link->head.pre_skip>0)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
859       _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
860       /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to
861          op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/
862       _link->pcm_start=_link->pcm_end=0;
863       _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset;
864       return 0;
865     }
866     /*Similarly, if we hit the next link in the chain, we've gone too far.*/
867     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ogg_page_bos(_og))){
868       if(_link->head.pre_skip>0)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
869       /*Set pcm_end and end_offset so we can skip the call to
870          op_find_final_pcm_offset().*/
871       _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
872       _link->pcm_start=_link->pcm_end=0;
873       _link->end_offset=_link->data_offset;
874       /*Tell the caller we've got a buffered page for them.*/
875       return 1;
876     }
877     /*Ignore pages from other streams (not strictly necessary, because of the
878        checks in ogg_stream_pagein(), but saves some work).*/
879     if(serialno!=(ogg_uint32_t)ogg_page_serialno(_og))continue;
880     ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og);
881     /*Bitrate tracking: add the header's bytes here.
882       The body bytes are counted when we consume the packets.*/
883     _of->bytes_tracked+=_og->header_len;
884     /*Count the durations of all packets in the page.*/
885     do total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations);
886     /*Ignore holes.*/
887     while(OP_UNLIKELY(total_duration<0));
888     op_count=_of->op_count;
889   }
890   while(op_count<=0);
891   /*We found the first page with a completed audio data packet: actually look
892      at the granule position.
893     RFC 3533 says, "A special value of -1 (in two's complement) indicates that
894      no packets finish on this page," which does not say that a granule
895      position that is NOT -1 indicates that some packets DO finish on that page
896      (even though this was the intention, libogg itself violated this intention
897      for years before we fixed it).
898     The Ogg Opus specification only imposes its start-time requirements
899      on the granule position of the first page with completed packets,
900      so we ignore any set granule positions until then.*/
901   cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos;
902   /*But getting a packet without a valid granule position on the page is not
903      okay.*/
904   if(cur_page_gp==-1)return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
905   cur_page_eos=_of->op[op_count-1].e_o_s;
906   if(OP_LIKELY(!cur_page_eos)){
907     /*The EOS flag wasn't set.
908       Work backwards from the provided granule position to get the starting PCM
909        offset.*/
910     if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&pcm_start,cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){
911       /*The starting granule position MUST not be smaller than the amount of
912          audio on the first page with completed packets.*/
913       return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
914     }
915   }
916   else{
917     /*The first page with completed packets was also the last.*/
918     if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_add(&pcm_start,cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){
919       /*If there's less audio on the page than indicated by the granule
920          position, then we're doing end-trimming, and the starting PCM offset
921          is zero by spec mandate.*/
922       pcm_start=0;
923       /*However, the end-trimming MUST not ask us to trim more samples than
924          exist after applying the pre-skip.*/
925       if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(cur_page_gp,_link->head.pre_skip)<0)){
926         return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
927       }
928     }
929   }
930   /*Timestamp the individual packets.*/
931   prev_packet_gp=pcm_start;
932   for(pi=0;pi<op_count;pi++){
933     if(cur_page_eos){
934       ogg_int64_t diff=0;
935       OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_page_gp,prev_packet_gp));
936       diff=durations[pi]-diff;
937       /*If we have samples to trim...*/
938       if(diff>0){
939         /*If we trimmed the entire packet, stop (the spec says encoders
940            shouldn't do this, but we support it anyway).*/
941         if(OP_UNLIKELY(diff>durations[pi]))break;
942         _of->op[pi].granulepos=prev_packet_gp=cur_page_gp;
943         /*Move the EOS flag to this packet, if necessary, so we'll trim the
944            samples.*/
945         _of->op[pi].e_o_s=1;
946         continue;
947       }
948     }
949     /*Update the granule position as normal.*/
950     OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&_of->op[pi].granulepos,
951      prev_packet_gp,durations[pi]));
952     prev_packet_gp=_of->op[pi].granulepos;
953   }
954   /*Update the packet count after end-trimming.*/
955   _of->op_count=pi;
956   _of->cur_discard_count=_link->head.pre_skip;
957   _link->pcm_file_offset=0;
958   _of->prev_packet_gp=_link->pcm_start=pcm_start;
959   _of->prev_page_offset=page_offset;
960   return 0;
961 }
963 /*Starting from current cursor position, get the final PCM offset of the
964    previous page.
965   This also validates the duration of the link, which, while not strictly
966    required by the spec, we need to ensure duration calculations don't
967    overflow.
968   This is only done for seekable sources.
969   We must validate that op_find_initial_pcm_offset() succeeded for this link
970    before calling this function, otherwise it will scan the entire stream
971    backwards until it reaches the start, and then fail.*/
op_find_final_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile * _of,const ogg_uint32_t * _serialnos,int _nserialnos,OggOpusLink * _link,opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _end_serialno,ogg_int64_t _end_gp,ogg_int64_t * _total_duration)972 static int op_find_final_pcm_offset(OggOpusFile *_of,
973  const ogg_uint32_t *_serialnos,int _nserialnos,OggOpusLink *_link,
974  opus_int64 _offset,ogg_uint32_t _end_serialno,ogg_int64_t _end_gp,
975  ogg_int64_t *_total_duration){
976   ogg_int64_t  total_duration;
977   ogg_int64_t  duration;
978   ogg_uint32_t cur_serialno;
979   /*For the time being, fetch end PCM offset the simple way.*/
980   cur_serialno=_link->serialno;
981   if(_end_serialno!=cur_serialno||_end_gp==-1){
982     _offset=op_get_last_page(_of,&_end_gp,_offset,
983      cur_serialno,_serialnos,_nserialnos);
984     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<0))return (int)_offset;
985   }
986   /*At worst we should have found the first page with completed packets.*/
987   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_offset<_link->data_offset))return OP_EBADLINK;
988   /*This implementation requires that the difference between the first and last
989      granule positions in each link be representable in a signed, 64-bit
990      number, and that each link also have at least as many samples as the
991      pre-skip requires.*/
992   if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_diff(&duration,_end_gp,_link->pcm_start)<0)
993    ||OP_UNLIKELY(duration<_link->head.pre_skip)){
994     return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
995   }
996   /*We also require that the total duration be representable in a signed,
997      64-bit number.*/
998   duration-=_link->head.pre_skip;
999   total_duration=*_total_duration;
1000   if(OP_UNLIKELY(OP_INT64_MAX-duration<total_duration))return OP_EBADTIMESTAMP;
1001   *_total_duration=total_duration+duration;
1002   _link->pcm_end=_end_gp;
1003   _link->end_offset=_offset;
1004   return 0;
1005 }
1007 /*Rescale the number _x from the range [0,_from] to [0,_to].
1008   _from and _to must be positive.*/
op_rescale64(opus_int64 _x,opus_int64 _from,opus_int64 _to)1009 static opus_int64 op_rescale64(opus_int64 _x,opus_int64 _from,opus_int64 _to){
1010   opus_int64 frac;
1011   opus_int64 ret;
1012   int        i;
1013   if(_x>=_from)return _to;
1014   if(_x<=0)return 0;
1015   frac=0;
1016   for(i=0;i<63;i++){
1017     frac<<=1;
1018     OP_ASSERT(_x<=_from);
1019     if(_x>=_from>>1){
1020       _x-=_from-_x;
1021       frac|=1;
1022     }
1023     else _x<<=1;
1024   }
1025   ret=0;
1026   for(i=0;i<63;i++){
1027     if(frac&1)ret=(ret&_to&1)+(ret>>1)+(_to>>1);
1028     else ret>>=1;
1029     frac>>=1;
1030   }
1031   return ret;
1032 }
1034 /*The minimum granule position spacing allowed for making predictions.
1035   This corresponds to about 1 second of audio at 48 kHz for both Opus and
1036    Vorbis, or one keyframe interval in Theora with the default keyframe spacing
1037    of 256.*/
1038 #define OP_GP_SPACING_MIN (48000)
1040 /*Try to estimate the location of the next link using the current seek
1041    records, assuming the initial granule position of any streams we've found is
1042    0.*/
op_predict_link_start(const OpusSeekRecord * _sr,int _nsr,opus_int64 _searched,opus_int64 _end_searched,opus_int32 _bias)1043 static opus_int64 op_predict_link_start(const OpusSeekRecord *_sr,int _nsr,
1044  opus_int64 _searched,opus_int64 _end_searched,opus_int32 _bias){
1045   opus_int64 bisect;
1046   int        sri;
1047   int        srj;
1048   /*Require that we be at least OP_CHUNK_SIZE from the end.
1049     We don't require that we be at least OP_CHUNK_SIZE from the beginning,
1050      because if we are we'll just scan forward without seeking.*/
1051   _end_searched-=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
1052   if(_searched>=_end_searched)return -1;
1053   bisect=_end_searched;
1054   for(sri=0;sri<_nsr;sri++){
1055     ogg_int64_t  gp1;
1056     ogg_int64_t  gp2_min;
1057     ogg_uint32_t serialno1;
1058     opus_int64   offset1;
1059     /*If the granule position is negative, either it's invalid or we'd cause
1060        overflow.*/
1061     gp1=_sr[sri].gp;
1062     if(gp1<0)continue;
1063     /*We require some minimum distance between granule positions to make an
1064        estimate.
1065       We don't actually know what granule position scheme is being used,
1066        because we have no idea what kind of stream these came from.
1067       Therefore we require a minimum spacing between them, with the
1068        expectation that while bitrates and granule position increments might
1069        vary locally in quite complex ways, they are globally smooth.*/
1070     if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&gp2_min,gp1,OP_GP_SPACING_MIN)<0)){
1071       /*No granule position would satisfy us.*/
1072       continue;
1073     }
1074     offset1=_sr[sri].offset;
1075     serialno1=_sr[sri].serialno;
1076     for(srj=sri;srj-->0;){
1077       ogg_int64_t gp2;
1078       opus_int64  offset2;
1079       opus_int64  num;
1080       ogg_int64_t den;
1081       ogg_int64_t ipart;
1082       gp2=_sr[srj].gp;
1083       if(gp2<gp2_min)continue;
1084       /*Oh, and also make sure these came from the same stream.*/
1085       if(_sr[srj].serialno!=serialno1)continue;
1086       offset2=_sr[srj].offset;
1087       /*For once, we can subtract with impunity.*/
1088       den=gp2-gp1;
1089       ipart=gp2/den;
1090       num=offset2-offset1;
1091       OP_ASSERT(num>0);
1092       if(ipart>0&&(offset2-_searched)/ipart<num)continue;
1093       offset2-=ipart*num;
1094       gp2-=ipart*den;
1095       offset2-=op_rescale64(gp2,den,num)-_bias;
1096       if(offset2<_searched)continue;
1097       bisect=OP_MIN(bisect,offset2);
1098       break;
1099     }
1100   }
1101   return bisect>=_end_searched?-1:bisect;
1102 }
1104 /*Finds each bitstream link, one at a time, using a bisection search.
1105   This has to begin by knowing the offset of the first link's initial page.*/
op_bisect_forward_serialno(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int64 _searched,OpusSeekRecord * _sr,int _csr,ogg_uint32_t ** _serialnos,int * _nserialnos,int * _cserialnos)1106 static int op_bisect_forward_serialno(OggOpusFile *_of,
1107  opus_int64 _searched,OpusSeekRecord *_sr,int _csr,
1108  ogg_uint32_t **_serialnos,int *_nserialnos,int *_cserialnos){
1109   ogg_page      og;
1110   OggOpusLink  *links;
1111   int           nlinks;
1112   int           clinks;
1113   ogg_uint32_t *serialnos;
1114   int           nserialnos;
1115   ogg_int64_t   total_duration;
1116   int           nsr;
1117   int           ret;
1118   links=_of->links;
1119   nlinks=clinks=_of->nlinks;
1120   total_duration=0;
1121   /*We start with one seek record, for the last page in the file.
1122     We build up a list of records for places we seek to during link
1123      enumeration.
1124     This list is kept sorted in reverse order.
1125     We only care about seek locations that were _not_ in the current link,
1126      therefore we can add them one at a time to the end of the list as we
1127      improve the lower bound on the location where the next link starts.*/
1128   nsr=1;
1129   for(;;){
1130     opus_int64  end_searched;
1131     opus_int64  bisect;
1132     opus_int64  next;
1133     opus_int64  last;
1134     ogg_int64_t end_offset;
1135     ogg_int64_t end_gp;
1136     int         sri;
1137     serialnos=*_serialnos;
1138     nserialnos=*_nserialnos;
1139     if(OP_UNLIKELY(nlinks>=clinks)){
1140       if(OP_UNLIKELY(clinks>INT_MAX-1>>1))return OP_EFAULT;
1141       clinks=2*clinks+1;
1142       OP_ASSERT(nlinks<clinks);
1143       links=(OggOpusLink *)_ogg_realloc(links,sizeof(*links)*clinks);
1144       if(OP_UNLIKELY(links==NULL))return OP_EFAULT;
1145       _of->links=links;
1146     }
1147     /*Invariants:
1148       We have the headers and serial numbers for the link beginning at 'begin'.
1149       We have the offset and granule position of the last page in the file
1150        (potentially not a page we care about).*/
1151     /*Scan the seek records we already have to save us some bisection.*/
1152     for(sri=0;sri<nsr;sri++){
1153       if(op_lookup_serialno(_sr[sri].serialno,serialnos,nserialnos))break;
1154     }
1155     /*Is the last page in our current list of serial numbers?*/
1156     if(sri<=0)break;
1157     /*Last page wasn't found.
1158       We have at least one more link.*/
1159     last=-1;
1160     end_searched=_sr[sri-1].search_start;
1161     next=_sr[sri-1].offset;
1162     end_gp=-1;
1163     if(sri<nsr){
1164       _searched=_sr[sri].offset+_sr[sri].size;
1165       if(_sr[sri].serialno==links[nlinks-1].serialno){
1166         end_gp=_sr[sri].gp;
1167         end_offset=_sr[sri].offset;
1168       }
1169     }
1170     nsr=sri;
1171     bisect=-1;
1172     /*If we've already found the end of at least one link, try to pick the
1173        first bisection point at twice the average link size.
1174       This is a good choice for files with lots of links that are all about the
1175        same size.*/
1176     if(nlinks>1){
1177       opus_int64 last_offset;
1178       opus_int64 avg_link_size;
1179       opus_int64 upper_limit;
1180       last_offset=links[nlinks-1].offset;
1181       avg_link_size=last_offset/(nlinks-1);
1182       upper_limit=end_searched-OP_CHUNK_SIZE-avg_link_size;
1183       if(OP_LIKELY(last_offset>_searched-avg_link_size)
1184        &&OP_LIKELY(last_offset<upper_limit)){
1185         bisect=last_offset+avg_link_size;
1186         if(OP_LIKELY(bisect<upper_limit))bisect+=avg_link_size;
1187       }
1188     }
1189     /*We guard against garbage separating the last and first pages of two
1190        links below.*/
1191     while(_searched<end_searched){
1192       opus_int32 next_bias;
1193       /*If we don't have a better estimate, use simple bisection.*/
1194       if(bisect==-1)bisect=_searched+(end_searched-_searched>>1);
1195       /*If we're within OP_CHUNK_SIZE of the start, scan forward.*/
1196       if(bisect-_searched<OP_CHUNK_SIZE)bisect=_searched;
1197       /*Otherwise we're skipping data.
1198         Forget the end page, if we saw one, as we might miss a later one.*/
1199       else end_gp=-1;
1200       ret=op_seek_helper(_of,bisect);
1201       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1202       last=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,_sr[nsr-1].offset);
1203       if(OP_UNLIKELY(last<OP_FALSE))return (int)last;
1204       next_bias=0;
1205       if(last==OP_FALSE)end_searched=bisect;
1206       else{
1207         ogg_uint32_t serialno;
1208         ogg_int64_t  gp;
1209         serialno=ogg_page_serialno(&og);
1210         gp=ogg_page_granulepos(&og);
1211         if(!op_lookup_serialno(serialno,serialnos,nserialnos)){
1212           end_searched=bisect;
1213           next=last;
1214           /*In reality we should always have enough room, but be paranoid.*/
1215           if(OP_LIKELY(nsr<_csr)){
1216             _sr[nsr].search_start=bisect;
1217             _sr[nsr].offset=last;
1218             OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-last>=0);
1219             OP_ASSERT(_of->offset-last<=OP_PAGE_SIZE_MAX);
1220             _sr[nsr].size=(opus_int32)(_of->offset-last);
1221             _sr[nsr].serialno=serialno;
1222             _sr[nsr].gp=gp;
1223             nsr++;
1224           }
1225         }
1226         else{
1227           _searched=_of->offset;
1228           next_bias=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
1229           if(serialno==links[nlinks-1].serialno){
1230             /*This page was from the stream we want, remember it.
1231               If it's the last such page in the link, we won't have to go back
1232                looking for it later.*/
1233             end_gp=gp;
1234             end_offset=last;
1235           }
1236         }
1237       }
1238       bisect=op_predict_link_start(_sr,nsr,_searched,end_searched,next_bias);
1239     }
1240     /*Bisection point found.
1241       Get the final granule position of the previous link, assuming
1242        op_find_initial_pcm_offset() didn't already determine the link was
1243        empty.*/
1244     if(OP_LIKELY(links[nlinks-1].pcm_end==-1)){
1245       if(end_gp==-1){
1246         /*If we don't know where the end page is, we'll have to seek back and
1247            look for it, starting from the end of the link.*/
1248         end_offset=next;
1249         /*Also forget the last page we read.
1250           It won't be available after the seek.*/
1251         last=-1;
1252       }
1253       ret=op_find_final_pcm_offset(_of,serialnos,nserialnos,
1254        links+nlinks-1,end_offset,links[nlinks-1].serialno,end_gp,
1255        &total_duration);
1256       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1257     }
1258     if(last!=next){
1259       /*The last page we read was not the first page the next link.
1260         Move the cursor position to the offset of that first page.
1261         This only performs an actual seek if the first page of the next link
1262          does not start at the end of the last page from the current Opus
1263          stream with a valid granule position.*/
1264       ret=op_seek_helper(_of,next);
1265       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1266     }
1267     ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&links[nlinks].head,&links[nlinks].tags,
1268      _serialnos,_nserialnos,_cserialnos,last!=next?NULL:&og);
1269     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1270     links[nlinks].offset=next;
1271     links[nlinks].data_offset=_of->offset;
1272     links[nlinks].serialno=_of->os.serialno;
1273     links[nlinks].pcm_end=-1;
1274     /*This might consume a page from the next link, however the next bisection
1275        always starts with a seek.*/
1276     ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,links+nlinks,NULL);
1277     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1278     links[nlinks].pcm_file_offset=total_duration;
1279     _searched=_of->offset;
1280     /*Mark the current link count so it can be cleaned up on error.*/
1281     _of->nlinks=++nlinks;
1282   }
1283   /*Last page is in the starting serialno list, so we've reached the last link.
1284     Now find the last granule position for it (if we didn't the first time we
1285      looked at the end of the stream, and if op_find_initial_pcm_offset()
1286      didn't already determine the link was empty).*/
1287   if(OP_LIKELY(links[nlinks-1].pcm_end==-1)){
1288     ret=op_find_final_pcm_offset(_of,serialnos,nserialnos,
1289      links+nlinks-1,_sr[0].offset,_sr[0].serialno,_sr[0].gp,&total_duration);
1290     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1291   }
1292   /*Trim back the links array if necessary.*/
1293   links=(OggOpusLink *)_ogg_realloc(links,sizeof(*links)*nlinks);
1294   if(OP_LIKELY(links!=NULL))_of->links=links;
1295   /*We also don't need these anymore.*/
1296   _ogg_free(*_serialnos);
1297   *_serialnos=NULL;
1298   *_cserialnos=*_nserialnos=0;
1299   return 0;
1300 }
op_update_gain(OggOpusFile * _of)1302 static void op_update_gain(OggOpusFile *_of){
1303   OpusHead   *head;
1304   opus_int32  gain_q8;
1305   int         li;
1306   /*If decode isn't ready, then we'll apply the gain when we initialize the
1307      decoder.*/
1308   if(_of->ready_state<OP_INITSET)return;
1309   gain_q8=_of->gain_offset_q8;
1310   li=_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0;
1311   head=&_of->links[li].head;
1312   /*We don't have to worry about overflow here because the header gain and
1313      track gain must lie in the range [-32768,32767], and the user-supplied
1314      offset has been pre-clamped to [-98302,98303].*/
1315   switch(_of->gain_type){
1316     case OP_ALBUM_GAIN:{
1317       int album_gain_q8;
1318       album_gain_q8=0;
1319       opus_tags_get_album_gain(&_of->links[li].tags,&album_gain_q8);
1320       gain_q8+=album_gain_q8;
1321       gain_q8+=head->output_gain;
1322     }break;
1323     case OP_TRACK_GAIN:{
1324       int track_gain_q8;
1325       track_gain_q8=0;
1326       opus_tags_get_track_gain(&_of->links[li].tags,&track_gain_q8);
1327       gain_q8+=track_gain_q8;
1328       gain_q8+=head->output_gain;
1329     }break;
1330     case OP_HEADER_GAIN:gain_q8+=head->output_gain;break;
1331     case OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN:break;
1332     default:OP_ASSERT(0);
1333   }
1334   gain_q8=OP_CLAMP(-32768,gain_q8,32767);
1335   OP_ASSERT(_of->od!=NULL);
1336 #if defined(OPUS_SET_GAIN)
1337   opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_SET_GAIN(gain_q8));
1338 #else
1339 /*A fallback that works with both float and fixed-point is a bunch of work,
1340    so just force people to use a sufficiently new version.
1341   This is deployed well enough at this point that this shouldn't be a burden.*/
1342 # error "libopus 1.0.1 or later required"
1343 #endif
1344 }
op_make_decode_ready(OggOpusFile * _of)1346 static int op_make_decode_ready(OggOpusFile *_of){
1347   const OpusHead *head;
1348   int             li;
1349   int             stream_count;
1350   int             coupled_count;
1351   int             channel_count;
1352   if(_of->ready_state>OP_STREAMSET)return 0;
1353   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_STREAMSET))return OP_EFAULT;
1354   li=_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0;
1355   head=&_of->links[li].head;
1356   stream_count=head->stream_count;
1357   coupled_count=head->coupled_count;
1358   channel_count=head->channel_count;
1359   /*Check to see if the current decoder is compatible with the current link.*/
1360   if(_of->od!=NULL&&_of->od_stream_count==stream_count
1361    &&_of->od_coupled_count==coupled_count&&_of->od_channel_count==channel_count
1362    &&memcmp(_of->od_mapping,head->mapping,
1363    sizeof(*head->mapping)*channel_count)==0){
1364     opus_multistream_decoder_ctl(_of->od,OPUS_RESET_STATE);
1365   }
1366   else{
1367     int err;
1368     opus_multistream_decoder_destroy(_of->od);
1369     _of->od=opus_multistream_decoder_create(48000,channel_count,
1370      stream_count,coupled_count,head->mapping,&err);
1371     if(_of->od==NULL)return OP_EFAULT;
1372     _of->od_stream_count=stream_count;
1373     _of->od_coupled_count=coupled_count;
1374     _of->od_channel_count=channel_count;
1375     memcpy(_of->od_mapping,head->mapping,sizeof(*head->mapping)*channel_count);
1376   }
1377   _of->ready_state=OP_INITSET;
1378   _of->bytes_tracked=0;
1379   _of->samples_tracked=0;
1380 #if !defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
1381   _of->state_channel_count=0;
1382   /*Use the serial number for the PRNG seed to get repeatable output for
1383      straight play-throughs.*/
1384   _of->dither_seed=_of->links[li].serialno;
1385 #endif
1386   op_update_gain(_of);
1387   return 0;
1388 }
op_open_seekable2_impl(OggOpusFile * _of)1390 static int op_open_seekable2_impl(OggOpusFile *_of){
1391   /*64 seek records should be enough for anybody.
1392     Actually, with a bisection search in a 63-bit range down to OP_CHUNK_SIZE
1393      granularity, much more than enough.*/
1394   OpusSeekRecord sr[64];
1395   opus_int64     data_offset;
1396   int            ret;
1397   /*We can seek, so set out learning all about this file.*/
1398   (*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->stream,0,SEEK_END);
1399   _of->offset=_of->end=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream);
1400   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<0))return OP_EREAD;
1401   data_offset=_of->links[0].data_offset;
1402   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<data_offset))return OP_EBADLINK;
1403   /*Get the offset of the last page of the physical bitstream, or, if we're
1404      lucky, the last Opus page of the first link, as most Ogg Opus files will
1405      contain a single logical bitstream.*/
1406   ret=op_get_prev_page_serial(_of,sr,_of->end,
1407    _of->links[0].serialno,_of->serialnos,_of->nserialnos);
1408   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1409   /*If there's any trailing junk, forget about it.*/
1410   _of->end=sr[0].offset+sr[0].size;
1411   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->end<data_offset))return OP_EBADLINK;
1412   /*Now enumerate the bitstream structure.*/
1413   return op_bisect_forward_serialno(_of,data_offset,sr,sizeof(sr)/sizeof(*sr),
1414    &_of->serialnos,&_of->nserialnos,&_of->cserialnos);
1415 }
op_open_seekable2(OggOpusFile * _of)1417 static int op_open_seekable2(OggOpusFile *_of){
1418   ogg_sync_state    oy_start;
1419   ogg_stream_state  os_start;
1420   ogg_packet       *op_start;
1421   opus_int64        prev_page_offset;
1422   opus_int64        start_offset;
1423   int               start_op_count;
1424   int               ret;
1425   /*We're partially open and have a first link header state in storage in _of.
1426     Save off that stream state so we can come back to it.
1427     It would be simpler to just dump all this state and seek back to
1428      links[0].data_offset when we're done.
1429     But we do the extra work to allow us to seek back to _exactly_ the same
1430      stream position we're at now.
1431     This allows, e.g., the HTTP backend to continue reading from the original
1432      connection (if it's still available), instead of opening a new one.
1433     This means we can open and start playing a normal Opus file with a single
1434      link and reasonable packet sizes using only two HTTP requests.*/
1435   start_op_count=_of->op_count;
1436   /*This is a bit too large to put on the stack unconditionally.*/
1437   op_start=(ogg_packet *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*op_start)*start_op_count);
1438   if(op_start==NULL)return OP_EFAULT;
1439   *&oy_start=_of->oy;
1440   *&os_start=_of->os;
1441   prev_page_offset=_of->prev_page_offset;
1442   start_offset=_of->offset;
1443   memcpy(op_start,_of->op,sizeof(*op_start)*start_op_count);
1444   OP_ASSERT((*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream)==op_position(_of));
1445   ogg_sync_init(&_of->oy);
1446   ogg_stream_init(&_of->os,-1);
1447   ret=op_open_seekable2_impl(_of);
1448   /*Restore the old stream state.*/
1449   ogg_stream_clear(&_of->os);
1450   ogg_sync_clear(&_of->oy);
1451   *&_of->oy=*&oy_start;
1452   *&_of->os=*&os_start;
1453   _of->offset=start_offset;
1454   _of->op_count=start_op_count;
1455   memcpy(_of->op,op_start,sizeof(*_of->op)*start_op_count);
1456   _ogg_free(op_start);
1457   _of->prev_packet_gp=_of->links[0].pcm_start;
1458   _of->prev_page_offset=prev_page_offset;
1459   _of->cur_discard_count=_of->links[0].head.pre_skip;
1460   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1461   /*And restore the position indicator.*/
1462   ret=(*_of->callbacks.seek)(_of->stream,op_position(_of),SEEK_SET);
1463   return OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0)?OP_EREAD:0;
1464 }
1466 /*Clear out the current logical bitstream decoder.*/
op_decode_clear(OggOpusFile * _of)1467 static void op_decode_clear(OggOpusFile *_of){
1468   /*We don't actually free the decoder.
1469     We might be able to re-use it for the next link.*/
1470   _of->op_count=0;
1471   _of->od_buffer_size=0;
1472   _of->prev_packet_gp=-1;
1473   _of->prev_page_offset=-1;
1474   if(!_of->seekable){
1475     OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET);
1476     opus_tags_clear(&_of->links[0].tags);
1477   }
1478   _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED;
1479 }
op_clear(OggOpusFile * _of)1481 static void op_clear(OggOpusFile *_of){
1482   OggOpusLink *links;
1483   _ogg_free(_of->od_buffer);
1484   if(_of->od!=NULL)opus_multistream_decoder_destroy(_of->od);
1485   links=_of->links;
1486   if(!_of->seekable){
1487     if(_of->ready_state>OP_OPENED||_of->ready_state==OP_PARTOPEN){
1488       opus_tags_clear(&links[0].tags);
1489     }
1490   }
1491   else if(OP_LIKELY(links!=NULL)){
1492     int nlinks;
1493     int link;
1494     nlinks=_of->nlinks;
1495     for(link=0;link<nlinks;link++)opus_tags_clear(&links[link].tags);
1496   }
1497   _ogg_free(links);
1498   _ogg_free(_of->serialnos);
1499   ogg_stream_clear(&_of->os);
1500   ogg_sync_clear(&_of->oy);
1501   if(_of->callbacks.close!=NULL)(*_of->callbacks.close)(_of->stream);
1502 }
op_open1(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _stream,const OpusFileCallbacks * _cb,const unsigned char * _initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes)1504 static int op_open1(OggOpusFile *_of,
1505  void *_stream,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,
1506  const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes){
1507   ogg_page  og;
1508   ogg_page *pog;
1509   int       seekable;
1510   int       ret;
1511   memset(_of,0,sizeof(*_of));
1512   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_initial_bytes>(size_t)LONG_MAX))return OP_EFAULT;
1513   _of->end=-1;
1514   _of->stream=_stream;
1515   *&_of->callbacks=*_cb;
1516   /*At a minimum, we need to be able to read data.*/
1517   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->callbacks.read==NULL))return OP_EREAD;
1518   /*Initialize the framing state.*/
1519   ogg_sync_init(&_of->oy);
1520   /*Perhaps some data was previously read into a buffer for testing against
1521      other stream types.
1522     Allow initialization from this previously read data (especially as we may
1523      be reading from a non-seekable stream).
1524     This requires copying it into a buffer allocated by ogg_sync_buffer() and
1525      doesn't support seeking, so this is not a good mechanism to use for
1526      decoding entire files from RAM.*/
1527   if(_initial_bytes>0){
1528     char *buffer;
1529     buffer=ogg_sync_buffer(&_of->oy,(long)_initial_bytes);
1530     memcpy(buffer,_initial_data,_initial_bytes*sizeof(*buffer));
1531     ogg_sync_wrote(&_of->oy,(long)_initial_bytes);
1532   }
1533   /*Can we seek?
1534     Stevens suggests the seek test is portable.*/
1535   seekable=_cb->seek!=NULL&&(*_cb->seek)(_stream,0,SEEK_CUR)!=-1;
1536   /*If seek is implemented, tell must also be implemented.*/
1537   if(seekable){
1538     opus_int64 pos;
1539     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->callbacks.tell==NULL))return OP_EINVAL;
1540     pos=(*_of->callbacks.tell)(_of->stream);
1541     /*If the current position is not equal to the initial bytes consumed,
1542        absolute seeking will not work.*/
1543     if(OP_UNLIKELY(pos!=(opus_int64)_initial_bytes))return OP_EINVAL;
1544   }
1545   _of->seekable=seekable;
1546   /*Don't seek yet.
1547     Set up a 'single' (current) logical bitstream entry for partial open.*/
1548   _of->links=(OggOpusLink *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*_of->links));
1549   /*The serialno gets filled in later by op_fetch_headers().*/
1550   ogg_stream_init(&_of->os,-1);
1551   pog=NULL;
1552   for(;;){
1553     /*Fetch all BOS pages, store the Opus header and all seen serial numbers,
1554       and load subsequent Opus setup headers.*/
1555     ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&_of->links[0].head,&_of->links[0].tags,
1556      &_of->serialnos,&_of->nserialnos,&_of->cserialnos,pog);
1557     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))break;
1558     _of->nlinks=1;
1559     _of->links[0].offset=0;
1560     _of->links[0].data_offset=_of->offset;
1561     _of->links[0].pcm_end=-1;
1562     _of->links[0].serialno=_of->os.serialno;
1563     /*Fetch the initial PCM offset.*/
1564     ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,_of->links,&og);
1565     if(seekable||OP_LIKELY(ret<=0))break;
1566     /*This link was empty, but we already have the BOS page for the next one in
1567        og.
1568       We can't seek, so start processing the next link right now.*/
1569     opus_tags_clear(&_of->links[0].tags);
1570     _of->nlinks=0;
1571     if(!seekable)_of->cur_link++;
1572     pog=&og;
1573   }
1574   if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))_of->ready_state=OP_PARTOPEN;
1575   return ret;
1576 }
op_open2(OggOpusFile * _of)1578 static int op_open2(OggOpusFile *_of){
1579   int ret;
1580   OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state==OP_PARTOPEN);
1581   if(_of->seekable){
1582     _of->ready_state=OP_OPENED;
1583     ret=op_open_seekable2(_of);
1584   }
1585   else ret=0;
1586   if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)){
1587     /*We have buffered packets from op_find_initial_pcm_offset().
1588       Move to OP_INITSET so we can use them.*/
1589     _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
1590     ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of);
1591     if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))return 0;
1592   }
1593   /*Don't auto-close the stream on failure.*/
1594   _of->callbacks.close=NULL;
1595   op_clear(_of);
1596   return ret;
1597 }
op_test_callbacks(void * _stream,const OpusFileCallbacks * _cb,const unsigned char * _initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int * _error)1599 OggOpusFile *op_test_callbacks(void *_stream,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,
1600  const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int *_error){
1601   OggOpusFile *of;
1602   int          ret;
1603   of=(OggOpusFile *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*of));
1604   ret=OP_EFAULT;
1605   if(OP_LIKELY(of!=NULL)){
1606     ret=op_open1(of,_stream,_cb,_initial_data,_initial_bytes);
1607     if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)){
1608       if(_error!=NULL)*_error=0;
1609       return of;
1610     }
1611     /*Don't auto-close the stream on failure.*/
1612     of->callbacks.close=NULL;
1613     op_clear(of);
1614     _ogg_free(of);
1615   }
1616   if(_error!=NULL)*_error=ret;
1617   return NULL;
1618 }
op_open_callbacks(void * _stream,const OpusFileCallbacks * _cb,const unsigned char * _initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int * _error)1620 OggOpusFile *op_open_callbacks(void *_stream,const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,
1621  const unsigned char *_initial_data,size_t _initial_bytes,int *_error){
1622   OggOpusFile *of;
1623   of=op_test_callbacks(_stream,_cb,_initial_data,_initial_bytes,_error);
1624   if(OP_LIKELY(of!=NULL)){
1625     int ret;
1626     ret=op_open2(of);
1627     if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0))return of;
1628     if(_error!=NULL)*_error=ret;
1629     _ogg_free(of);
1630   }
1631   return NULL;
1632 }
1634 /*Convenience routine to clean up from failure for the open functions that
1635    create their own streams.*/
op_open_close_on_failure(void * _stream,const OpusFileCallbacks * _cb,int * _error)1636 static OggOpusFile *op_open_close_on_failure(void *_stream,
1637  const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,int *_error){
1638   OggOpusFile *of;
1639   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_stream==NULL)){
1640     if(_error!=NULL)*_error=OP_EFAULT;
1641     return NULL;
1642   }
1643   of=op_open_callbacks(_stream,_cb,NULL,0,_error);
1644   if(OP_UNLIKELY(of==NULL))(*_cb->close)(_stream);
1645   return of;
1646 }
op_open_file(const char * _path,int * _error)1648 OggOpusFile *op_open_file(const char *_path,int *_error){
1649   OpusFileCallbacks cb;
1650   return op_open_close_on_failure(op_fopen(&cb,_path,"rb"),&cb,_error);
1651 }
op_open_memory(const unsigned char * _data,size_t _size,int * _error)1653 OggOpusFile *op_open_memory(const unsigned char *_data,size_t _size,
1654  int *_error){
1655   OpusFileCallbacks cb;
1656   return op_open_close_on_failure(op_mem_stream_create(&cb,_data,_size),&cb,
1657    _error);
1658 }
1660 /*Convenience routine to clean up from failure for the open functions that
1661    create their own streams.*/
op_test_close_on_failure(void * _stream,const OpusFileCallbacks * _cb,int * _error)1662 static OggOpusFile *op_test_close_on_failure(void *_stream,
1663  const OpusFileCallbacks *_cb,int *_error){
1664   OggOpusFile *of;
1665   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_stream==NULL)){
1666     if(_error!=NULL)*_error=OP_EFAULT;
1667     return NULL;
1668   }
1669   of=op_test_callbacks(_stream,_cb,NULL,0,_error);
1670   if(OP_UNLIKELY(of==NULL))(*_cb->close)(_stream);
1671   return of;
1672 }
op_test_file(const char * _path,int * _error)1674 OggOpusFile *op_test_file(const char *_path,int *_error){
1675   OpusFileCallbacks cb;
1676   return op_test_close_on_failure(op_fopen(&cb,_path,"rb"),&cb,_error);
1677 }
op_test_memory(const unsigned char * _data,size_t _size,int * _error)1679 OggOpusFile *op_test_memory(const unsigned char *_data,size_t _size,
1680  int *_error){
1681   OpusFileCallbacks cb;
1682   return op_test_close_on_failure(op_mem_stream_create(&cb,_data,_size),&cb,
1683    _error);
1684 }
op_test_open(OggOpusFile * _of)1686 int op_test_open(OggOpusFile *_of){
1687   int ret;
1688   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state!=OP_PARTOPEN))return OP_EINVAL;
1689   ret=op_open2(_of);
1690   /*op_open2() will clear this structure on failure.
1691     Reset its contents to prevent double-frees in op_free().*/
1692   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))memset(_of,0,sizeof(*_of));
1693   return ret;
1694 }
op_free(OggOpusFile * _of)1696 void op_free(OggOpusFile *_of){
1697   if(OP_LIKELY(_of!=NULL)){
1698     op_clear(_of);
1699     _ogg_free(_of);
1700   }
1701 }
op_seekable(const OggOpusFile * _of)1703 int op_seekable(const OggOpusFile *_of){
1704   return _of->seekable;
1705 }
op_link_count(const OggOpusFile * _of)1707 int op_link_count(const OggOpusFile *_of){
1708   return _of->nlinks;
1709 }
op_serialno(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1711 opus_uint32 op_serialno(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1712   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1;
1713   if(!_of->seekable)_li=0;
1714   return _of->links[_li<0?_of->cur_link:_li].serialno;
1715 }
op_channel_count(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1717 int op_channel_count(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1718   return op_head(_of,_li)->channel_count;
1719 }
op_raw_total(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1721 opus_int64 op_raw_total(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1722   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED)
1723    ||OP_UNLIKELY(!_of->seekable)
1724    ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks)){
1725     return OP_EINVAL;
1726   }
1727   if(_li<0)return _of->end;
1728   return (_li+1>=_of->nlinks?_of->end:_of->links[_li+1].offset)
1729    -(_li>0?_of->links[_li].offset:0);
1730 }
op_pcm_total(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1732 ogg_int64_t op_pcm_total(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1733   OggOpusLink *links;
1734   ogg_int64_t  pcm_total;
1735   ogg_int64_t  diff=0;
1736   int          nlinks;
1737   nlinks=_of->nlinks;
1738   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED)
1739    ||OP_UNLIKELY(!_of->seekable)
1740    ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=nlinks)){
1741     return OP_EINVAL;
1742   }
1743   links=_of->links;
1744   /*We verify that the granule position differences are larger than the
1745      pre-skip and that the total duration does not overflow during link
1746      enumeration, so we don't have to check here.*/
1747   pcm_total=0;
1748   if(_li<0){
1749     pcm_total=links[nlinks-1].pcm_file_offset;
1750     _li=nlinks-1;
1751   }
1752   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,
1753    links[_li].pcm_end,links[_li].pcm_start));
1754   return pcm_total+diff-links[_li].head.pre_skip;
1755 }
op_head(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1757 const OpusHead *op_head(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1758   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1;
1759   if(!_of->seekable)_li=0;
1760   return &_of->links[_li<0?_of->cur_link:_li].head;
1761 }
op_tags(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1763 const OpusTags *op_tags(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1764   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks))_li=_of->nlinks-1;
1765   if(!_of->seekable){
1766     if(_of->ready_state<OP_STREAMSET&&_of->ready_state!=OP_PARTOPEN){
1767       return NULL;
1768     }
1769     _li=0;
1770   }
1771   else if(_li<0)_li=_of->ready_state>=OP_STREAMSET?_of->cur_link:0;
1772   return &_of->links[_li].tags;
1773 }
op_current_link(const OggOpusFile * _of)1775 int op_current_link(const OggOpusFile *_of){
1776   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
1777   return _of->cur_link;
1778 }
1780 /*Compute an average bitrate given a byte and sample count.
1781   Return: The bitrate in bits per second.*/
op_calc_bitrate(opus_int64 _bytes,ogg_int64_t _samples)1782 static opus_int32 op_calc_bitrate(opus_int64 _bytes,ogg_int64_t _samples){
1783   /*These rates are absurd, but let's handle them anyway.*/
1784   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_bytes>(OP_INT64_MAX-(_samples>>1))/(48000*8))){
1785     ogg_int64_t den;
1786     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_bytes/(OP_INT32_MAX/(48000*8))>=_samples)){
1787       return OP_INT32_MAX;
1788     }
1789     den=_samples/(48000*8);
1790     return (opus_int32)((_bytes+(den>>1))/den);
1791   }
1792   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_samples<=0))return OP_INT32_MAX;
1793   /*This can't actually overflow in normal operation: even with a pre-skip of
1794      545 2.5 ms frames with 8 streams running at 1282*8+1 bytes per packet
1795      (1275 byte frames + Opus framing overhead + Ogg lacing values), that all
1796      produce a single sample of decoded output, we still don't top 45 Mbps.
1797     The only way to get bitrates larger than that is with excessive Opus
1798      padding, more encoded streams than output channels, or lots and lots of
1799      Ogg pages with no packets on them.*/
1800   return (opus_int32)OP_MIN((_bytes*48000*8+(_samples>>1))/_samples,
1801    OP_INT32_MAX);
1802 }
op_bitrate(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _li)1804 opus_int32 op_bitrate(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li){
1805   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED)||OP_UNLIKELY(!_of->seekable)
1806    ||OP_UNLIKELY(_li>=_of->nlinks)){
1807     return OP_EINVAL;
1808   }
1809   return op_calc_bitrate(op_raw_total(_of,_li),op_pcm_total(_of,_li));
1810 }
op_bitrate_instant(OggOpusFile * _of)1812 opus_int32 op_bitrate_instant(OggOpusFile *_of){
1813   ogg_int64_t samples_tracked;
1814   opus_int32  ret;
1815   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
1816   samples_tracked=_of->samples_tracked;
1817   if(OP_UNLIKELY(samples_tracked==0))return OP_FALSE;
1818   ret=op_calc_bitrate(_of->bytes_tracked,samples_tracked);
1819   _of->bytes_tracked=0;
1820   _of->samples_tracked=0;
1821   return ret;
1822 }
1824 /*Given a serialno, find a link with a corresponding Opus stream, if it exists.
1825   Return: The index of the link to which the page belongs, or a negative number
1826            if it was not a desired Opus bitstream section.*/
op_get_link_from_serialno(const OggOpusFile * _of,int _cur_link,opus_int64 _page_offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno)1827 static int op_get_link_from_serialno(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _cur_link,
1828  opus_int64 _page_offset,ogg_uint32_t _serialno){
1829   const OggOpusLink *links;
1830   int                nlinks;
1831   int                li_lo;
1832   int                li_hi;
1833   OP_ASSERT(_of->seekable);
1834   links=_of->links;
1835   nlinks=_of->nlinks;
1836   li_lo=0;
1837   /*Start off by guessing we're just a multiplexed page in the current link.*/
1838   li_hi=_cur_link+1<nlinks&&_page_offset<links[nlinks+1].offset?
1839    _cur_link+1:nlinks;
1840   do{
1841     if(_page_offset>=links[_cur_link].offset)li_lo=_cur_link;
1842     else li_hi=_cur_link;
1843     _cur_link=li_lo+(li_hi-li_lo>>1);
1844   }
1845   while(li_hi-li_lo>1);
1846   /*We've identified the link that should contain this page.
1847     Make sure it's a page we care about.*/
1848   if(links[_cur_link].serialno!=_serialno)return OP_FALSE;
1849   return _cur_link;
1850 }
1852 /*Fetch and process a page.
1853   This handles the case where we're at a bitstream boundary and dumps the
1854    decoding machine.
1855   If the decoding machine is unloaded, it loads it.
1856   It also keeps prev_packet_gp up to date (seek and read both use this).
1857   Return: <0) Error, OP_HOLE (lost packet), or OP_EOF.
1858            0) Got at least one audio data packet.*/
op_fetch_and_process_page(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_page * _og,opus_int64 _page_offset,int _spanp,int _ignore_holes)1859 static int op_fetch_and_process_page(OggOpusFile *_of,
1860  ogg_page *_og,opus_int64 _page_offset,int _spanp,int _ignore_holes){
1861   OggOpusLink  *links;
1862   ogg_uint32_t  cur_serialno;
1863   int           seekable;
1864   int           cur_link;
1865   int           ret;
1866   /*We shouldn't get here if we have unprocessed packets.*/
1867   OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state<OP_INITSET||_of->op_pos>=_of->op_count);
1868   seekable=_of->seekable;
1869   links=_of->links;
1870   cur_link=seekable?_of->cur_link:0;
1871   cur_serialno=links[cur_link].serialno;
1872   /*Handle one page.*/
1873   for(;;){
1874     ogg_page og;
1875     OP_ASSERT(_of->ready_state>=OP_OPENED);
1876     /*If we were given a page to use, use it.*/
1877     if(_og!=NULL){
1878       *&og=*_og;
1879       _og=NULL;
1880     }
1881     /*Keep reading until we get a page with the correct serialno.*/
1882     else _page_offset=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,_of->end);
1883     /*EOF: Leave uninitialized.*/
1884     if(_page_offset<0)return _page_offset<OP_FALSE?(int)_page_offset:OP_EOF;
1885     if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_STREAMSET)
1886      &&cur_serialno!=(ogg_uint32_t)ogg_page_serialno(&og)){
1887       /*Two possibilities:
1888          1) Another stream is multiplexed into this logical section, or*/
1889       if(OP_LIKELY(!ogg_page_bos(&og)))continue;
1890       /* 2) Our decoding just traversed a bitstream boundary.*/
1891       if(!_spanp)return OP_EOF;
1892       if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET))op_decode_clear(_of);
1893     }
1894     /*Bitrate tracking: add the header's bytes here.
1895       The body bytes are counted when we consume the packets.*/
1896     else _of->bytes_tracked+=og.header_len;
1897     /*Do we need to load a new machine before submitting the page?
1898       This is different in the seekable and non-seekable cases.
1899       In the seekable case, we already have all the header information loaded
1900        and cached.
1901       We just initialize the machine with it and continue on our merry way.
1902       In the non-seekable (streaming) case, we'll only be at a boundary if we
1903        just left the previous logical bitstream, and we're now nominally at the
1904        header of the next bitstream.*/
1905     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_STREAMSET)){
1906       if(seekable){
1907         ogg_uint32_t serialno;
1908         serialno=ogg_page_serialno(&og);
1909         /*Match the serialno to bitstream section.*/
1910         OP_ASSERT(cur_link>=0&&cur_link<_of->nlinks);
1911         if(links[cur_link].serialno!=serialno){
1912           /*It wasn't a page from the current link.
1913             Is it from the next one?*/
1914           if(OP_LIKELY(cur_link+1<_of->nlinks&&links[cur_link+1].serialno==
1915            serialno)){
1916             cur_link++;
1917           }
1918           else{
1919             int new_link;
1920             new_link=
1921              op_get_link_from_serialno(_of,cur_link,_page_offset,serialno);
1922             /*Not a desired Opus bitstream section.
1923               Keep trying.*/
1924             if(new_link<0)continue;
1925             cur_link=new_link;
1926           }
1927         }
1928         cur_serialno=serialno;
1929         _of->cur_link=cur_link;
1930         ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&_of->os,serialno);
1931         _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
1932         /*If we're at the start of this link, initialize the granule position
1933            and pre-skip tracking.*/
1934         if(_page_offset<=links[cur_link].data_offset){
1935           _of->prev_packet_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_start;
1936           _of->prev_page_offset=-1;
1937           _of->cur_discard_count=links[cur_link].head.pre_skip;
1938           /*Ignore a hole at the start of a new link (this is common for
1939              streams joined in the middle) or after seeking.*/
1940           _ignore_holes=1;
1941         }
1942       }
1943       else{
1944         do{
1945           /*We're streaming.
1946             Fetch the two header packets, build the info struct.*/
1947           ret=op_fetch_headers(_of,&links[0].head,&links[0].tags,
1948            NULL,NULL,NULL,&og);
1949           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1950           /*op_find_initial_pcm_offset() will suppress any initial hole for us,
1951              so no need to set _ignore_holes.*/
1952           ret=op_find_initial_pcm_offset(_of,links,&og);
1953           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1954           _of->links[0].serialno=cur_serialno=_of->os.serialno;
1955           _of->cur_link++;
1956         }
1957         /*If the link was empty, keep going, because we already have the
1958            BOS page of the next one in og.*/
1959         while(OP_UNLIKELY(ret>0));
1960         /*If we didn't get any packets out of op_find_initial_pcm_offset(),
1961            keep going (this is possible if end-trimming trimmed them all).*/
1962         if(_of->op_count<=0)continue;
1963         /*Otherwise, we're done.
1964           TODO: This resets bytes_tracked, which misses the header bytes
1965            already processed by op_find_initial_pcm_offset().*/
1966         ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of);
1967         if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1968         return 0;
1969       }
1970     }
1971     /*The buffered page is the data we want, and we're ready for it.
1972       Add it to the stream state.*/
1973     if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state==OP_STREAMSET)){
1974       ret=op_make_decode_ready(_of);
1975       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
1976     }
1977     /*Extract all the packets from the current page.*/
1978     ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,&og);
1979     if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET)){
1980       opus_int32 total_duration;
1981       int        durations[255];
1982       int        op_count;
1983       int        report_hole;
1984       report_hole=0;
1985       total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations);
1986       if(OP_UNLIKELY(total_duration<0)){
1987         /*libogg reported a hole (a gap in the page sequence numbers).
1988           Drain the packets from the page anyway.
1989           If we don't, they'll still be there when we fetch the next page.
1990           Then, when we go to pull out packets, we might get more than 255,
1991            which would overrun our packet buffer.*/
1992         total_duration=op_collect_audio_packets(_of,durations);
1993         OP_ASSERT(total_duration>=0);
1994         if(!_ignore_holes){
1995           /*Report the hole to the caller after we finish timestamping the
1996              packets.*/
1997           report_hole=1;
1998           /*We had lost or damaged pages, so reset our granule position
1999              tracking.
2000             This makes holes behave the same as a small raw seek.
2001             If the next page is the EOS page, we'll discard it (because we
2002              can't perform end trimming properly), and we'll always discard at
2003              least 80 ms of audio (to allow decoder state to re-converge).
2004             We could try to fill in the gap with PLC by looking at timestamps
2005              in the non-EOS case, but that's complicated and error prone and we
2006              can't rely on the timestamps being valid.*/
2007           _of->prev_packet_gp=-1;
2008         }
2009       }
2010       op_count=_of->op_count;
2011       /*If we found at least one audio data packet, compute per-packet granule
2012          positions for them.*/
2013       if(op_count>0){
2014         ogg_int64_t diff;
2015         ogg_int64_t prev_packet_gp;
2016         ogg_int64_t cur_packet_gp;
2017         ogg_int64_t cur_page_gp;
2018         int         cur_page_eos;
2019         int         pi;
2020         cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos;
2021         cur_page_eos=_of->op[op_count-1].e_o_s;
2022         prev_packet_gp=_of->prev_packet_gp;
2023         if(OP_UNLIKELY(prev_packet_gp==-1)){
2024           opus_int32 cur_discard_count;
2025           /*This is the first call after a raw seek.
2026             Try to reconstruct prev_packet_gp from scratch.*/
2027           OP_ASSERT(seekable);
2028           if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_eos)){
2029             /*If the first page we hit after our seek was the EOS page, and
2030                we didn't start from data_offset or before, we don't have
2031                enough information to do end-trimming.
2032               Proceed to the next link, rather than risk playing back some
2033                samples that shouldn't have been played.*/
2034             _of->op_count=0;
2035             if(report_hole)return OP_HOLE;
2036             continue;
2037           }
2038           /*By default discard 80 ms of data after a seek, unless we seek
2039              into the pre-skip region.*/
2040           cur_discard_count=80*48;
2041           cur_page_gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos;
2042           /*Try to initialize prev_packet_gp.
2043             If the current page had packets but didn't have a granule
2044              position, or the granule position it had was too small (both
2045              illegal), just use the starting granule position for the link.*/
2046           prev_packet_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_start;
2047           if(OP_LIKELY(cur_page_gp!=-1)){
2048             op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp,cur_page_gp,-total_duration);
2049           }
2050           if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,
2051            prev_packet_gp,links[cur_link].pcm_start))){
2052             opus_int32 pre_skip;
2053             /*If we start at the beginning of the pre-skip region, or we're
2054                at least 80 ms from the end of the pre-skip region, we discard
2055                to the end of the pre-skip region.
2056               Otherwise, we still use the 80 ms default, which will discard
2057                past the end of the pre-skip region.*/
2058             pre_skip=links[cur_link].head.pre_skip;
2059             if(diff>=0&&diff<=OP_MAX(0,pre_skip-80*48)){
2060               cur_discard_count=pre_skip-(int)diff;
2061             }
2062           }
2063           _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count;
2064         }
2065         if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_gp==-1)){
2066           /*This page had completed packets but didn't have a valid granule
2067              position.
2068             This is illegal, but we'll try to handle it by continuing to count
2069              forwards from the previous page.*/
2070           if(op_granpos_add(&cur_page_gp,prev_packet_gp,total_duration)<0){
2071             /*The timestamp for this page overflowed.*/
2072             cur_page_gp=links[cur_link].pcm_end;
2073           }
2074         }
2075         /*If we hit the last page, handle end-trimming.*/
2076         if(OP_UNLIKELY(cur_page_eos)
2077          &&OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_page_gp,prev_packet_gp))
2078          &&OP_LIKELY(diff<total_duration)){
2079           cur_packet_gp=prev_packet_gp;
2080           for(pi=0;pi<op_count;pi++){
2081             diff=durations[pi]-diff;
2082             /*If we have samples to trim...*/
2083             if(diff>0){
2084               /*If we trimmed the entire packet, stop (the spec says encoders
2085                  shouldn't do this, but we support it anyway).*/
2086               if(OP_UNLIKELY(diff>durations[pi]))break;
2087               cur_packet_gp=cur_page_gp;
2088               /*Move the EOS flag to this packet, if necessary, so we'll trim
2089                  the samples during decode.*/
2090               _of->op[pi].e_o_s=1;
2091             }
2092             else{
2093               /*Update the granule position as normal.*/
2094               OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&cur_packet_gp,
2095                cur_packet_gp,durations[pi]));
2096             }
2097             _of->op[pi].granulepos=cur_packet_gp;
2098             OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_page_gp,cur_packet_gp));
2099           }
2100         }
2101         else{
2102           /*Propagate timestamps to earlier packets.
2103             op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp,prev_packet_gp,total_duration)
2104              should succeed and give prev_packet_gp==cur_page_gp.
2105             But we don't bother to check that, as there isn't much we can do
2106              if it's not true, and it actually will not be true on the first
2107              page after a seek, if there was a continued packet.
2108             The only thing we guarantee is that the start and end granule
2109              positions of the packets are valid, and that they are monotonic
2110              within a page.
2111             They might be completely out of range for this link (we'll check
2112              that elsewhere), or non-monotonic between pages.*/
2113           if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&prev_packet_gp,
2114            cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){
2115             /*The starting timestamp for the first packet on this page
2116                underflowed.
2117               This is illegal, but we ignore it.*/
2118             prev_packet_gp=0;
2119           }
2120           for(pi=0;pi<op_count;pi++){
2121             if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&cur_packet_gp,
2122              cur_page_gp,-total_duration)<0)){
2123               /*The start timestamp for this packet underflowed.
2124                 This is illegal, but we ignore it.*/
2125               cur_packet_gp=0;
2126             }
2127             total_duration-=durations[pi];
2128             OP_ASSERT(total_duration>=0);
2129             OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&cur_packet_gp,
2130              cur_packet_gp,durations[pi]));
2131             _of->op[pi].granulepos=cur_packet_gp;
2132           }
2133           OP_ASSERT(total_duration==0);
2134         }
2135         _of->prev_packet_gp=prev_packet_gp;
2136         _of->prev_page_offset=_page_offset;
2137         _of->op_count=op_count=pi;
2138       }
2139       if(report_hole)return OP_HOLE;
2140       /*If end-trimming didn't trim all the packets, we're done.*/
2141       if(op_count>0)return 0;
2142     }
2143   }
2144 }
op_raw_seek(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int64 _pos)2146 int op_raw_seek(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int64 _pos){
2147   int ret;
2148   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
2149   /*Don't dump the decoder state if we can't seek.*/
2150   if(OP_UNLIKELY(!_of->seekable))return OP_ENOSEEK;
2151   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_pos<0)||OP_UNLIKELY(_pos>_of->end))return OP_EINVAL;
2152   /*Clear out any buffered, decoded data.*/
2153   op_decode_clear(_of);
2154   _of->bytes_tracked=0;
2155   _of->samples_tracked=0;
2156   ret=op_seek_helper(_of,_pos);
2157   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EREAD;
2158   ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,NULL,-1,1,1);
2159   /*If we hit EOF, op_fetch_and_process_page() leaves us uninitialized.
2160     Instead, jump to the end.*/
2161   if(ret==OP_EOF){
2162     int cur_link;
2163     op_decode_clear(_of);
2164     cur_link=_of->nlinks-1;
2165     _of->cur_link=cur_link;
2166     _of->prev_packet_gp=_of->links[cur_link].pcm_end;
2167     _of->cur_discard_count=0;
2168     ret=0;
2169   }
2170   return ret;
2171 }
2173 /*Convert a PCM offset relative to the start of the whole stream to a granule
2174    position in an individual link.*/
op_get_granulepos(const OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset,int * _li)2175 static ogg_int64_t op_get_granulepos(const OggOpusFile *_of,
2176  ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset,int *_li){
2177   const OggOpusLink *links;
2178   ogg_int64_t        duration=0;
2179   ogg_int64_t        pcm_start;
2180   opus_int32         pre_skip;
2181   int                nlinks;
2182   int                li_lo;
2183   int                li_hi;
2184   OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset>=0);
2185   nlinks=_of->nlinks;
2186   links=_of->links;
2187   li_lo=0;
2188   li_hi=nlinks;
2189   do{
2190     int li;
2191     li=li_lo+(li_hi-li_lo>>1);
2192     if(links[li].pcm_file_offset<=_pcm_offset)li_lo=li;
2193     else li_hi=li;
2194   }
2195   while(li_hi-li_lo>1);
2196   _pcm_offset-=links[li_lo].pcm_file_offset;
2197   pcm_start=links[li_lo].pcm_start;
2198   pre_skip=links[li_lo].head.pre_skip;
2199   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&duration,links[li_lo].pcm_end,pcm_start));
2200   duration-=pre_skip;
2201   if(_pcm_offset>=duration)return -1;
2202   _pcm_offset+=pre_skip;
2203   if(OP_UNLIKELY(pcm_start>OP_INT64_MAX-_pcm_offset)){
2204     /*Adding this amount to the granule position would overflow the positive
2205        half of its 64-bit range.
2206       Since signed overflow is undefined in C, do it in a way the compiler
2207        isn't allowed to screw up.*/
2208     _pcm_offset-=OP_INT64_MAX-pcm_start+1;
2209     pcm_start=OP_INT64_MIN;
2210   }
2211   pcm_start+=_pcm_offset;
2212   *_li=li_lo;
2213   return pcm_start;
2214 }
2216 /*A small helper to determine if an Ogg page contains data that continues onto
2217    a subsequent page.*/
op_page_continues(const ogg_page * _og)2218 static int op_page_continues(const ogg_page *_og){
2219   int nlacing;
2220   OP_ASSERT(_og->header_len>=27);
2221   nlacing=_og->header[26];
2222   OP_ASSERT(_og->header_len>=27+nlacing);
2223   /*This also correctly handles the (unlikely) case of nlacing==0, because
2224      0!=255.*/
2225   return _og->header[27+nlacing-1]==255;
2226 }
2228 /*A small helper to buffer the continued packet data from a page.*/
op_buffer_continued_data(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_page * _og)2229 static void op_buffer_continued_data(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_page *_og){
2230   ogg_packet op;
2231   ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,_og);
2232   /*Drain any packets that did end on this page (and ignore holes).
2233     We only care about the continued packet data.*/
2234   while(ogg_stream_packetout(&_of->os,&op));
2235 }
2237 /*This controls how close the target has to be to use the current stream
2238    position to subdivide the initial range.
2239   Two minutes seems to be a good default.*/
2240 #define OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH (120*48*(opus_int32)1000)
2242 /*Note: The OP_SMALL_FOOTPRINT #define doesn't (currently) save much code size,
2243    but it's meant to serve as documentation for portions of the seeking
2244    algorithm that are purely optional, to aid others learning from/porting this
2245    code to other contexts.*/
2246 /*#define OP_SMALL_FOOTPRINT (1)*/
2248 /*Search within link _li for the page with the highest granule position
2249    preceding (or equal to) _target_gp.
2250   There is a danger here: missing pages or incorrect frame number information
2251    in the bitstream could make our task impossible.
2252   Account for that (and report it as an error condition).*/
op_pcm_seek_page(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_int64_t _target_gp,int _li)2253 static int op_pcm_seek_page(OggOpusFile *_of,
2254  ogg_int64_t _target_gp,int _li){
2255   const OggOpusLink *link;
2256   ogg_page           og;
2257   ogg_int64_t        pcm_pre_skip=0;
2258   ogg_int64_t        pcm_start;
2259   ogg_int64_t        pcm_end;
2260   ogg_int64_t        best_gp;
2261   ogg_int64_t        diff=0;
2262   ogg_uint32_t       serialno;
2263   opus_int32         pre_skip;
2264   opus_int64         begin;
2265   opus_int64         end;
2266   opus_int64         boundary;
2267   opus_int64         best;
2268   opus_int64         best_start;
2269   opus_int64         page_offset;
2270   opus_int64         d0;
2271   opus_int64         d1;
2272   opus_int64         d2;
2273   int                force_bisect;
2274   int                buffering;
2275   int                ret;
2276   _of->bytes_tracked=0;
2277   _of->samples_tracked=0;
2278   link=_of->links+_li;
2279   best_gp=pcm_start=link->pcm_start;
2280   pcm_end=link->pcm_end;
2281   serialno=link->serialno;
2282   best=best_start=begin=link->data_offset;
2283   page_offset=-1;
2284   buffering=0;
2285   /*We discard the first 80 ms of data after a seek, so seek back that much
2286      farther.
2287     If we can't, simply seek to the beginning of the link.*/
2288   if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_add(&_target_gp,_target_gp,-80*48)<0)
2289    ||OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_target_gp,pcm_start)<0)){
2290     _target_gp=pcm_start;
2291   }
2292   /*Special case seeking to the start of the link.*/
2293   pre_skip=link->head.pre_skip;
2294   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&pcm_pre_skip,pcm_start,pre_skip));
2295   if(op_granpos_cmp(_target_gp,pcm_pre_skip)<0)end=boundary=begin;
2296   else{
2297     end=boundary=link->end_offset;
2298 #if !defined(OP_SMALL_FOOTPRINT)
2299     /*If we were decoding from this link, we can narrow the range a bit.*/
2300     if(_li==_of->cur_link&&_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET){
2301       opus_int64 offset;
2302       int        op_count;
2303       op_count=_of->op_count;
2304       /*The only way the offset can be invalid _and_ we can fail the granule
2305          position checks below is if someone changed the contents of the last
2306          page since we read it.
2307         We'd be within our rights to just return OP_EBADLINK in that case, but
2308          we'll simply ignore the current position instead.*/
2309       offset=_of->offset;
2310       if(op_count>0&&OP_LIKELY(offset<=end)){
2311         ogg_int64_t gp;
2312         /*Make sure the timestamp is valid.
2313           The granule position might be -1 if we collected the packets from a
2314            page without a granule position after reporting a hole.*/
2315         gp=_of->op[op_count-1].granulepos;
2316         if(OP_LIKELY(gp!=-1)&&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)<0)
2317          &&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)>0)){
2318           OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,gp,_target_gp));
2319           /*We only actually use the current time if either
2320             a) We can cut off at least half the range, or
2321             b) We're seeking sufficiently close to the current position that
2322                 it's likely to be informative.
2323             Otherwise it appears using the whole link range to estimate the
2324              first seek location gives better results, on average.*/
2325           if(diff<0){
2326             OP_ASSERT(offset>=begin);
2327             if(offset-begin>=end-begin>>1||diff>-OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH){
2328               best=begin=offset;
2329               best_gp=pcm_start=gp;
2330               /*If we have buffered data from a continued packet, remember the
2331                  offset of the previous page's start, so that if we do wind up
2332                  having to seek back here later, we can prime the stream with
2333                  the continued packet data.
2334                 With no continued packet, we remember the end of the page.*/
2335               best_start=_of->os.body_returned<_of->os.body_fill?
2336                _of->prev_page_offset:best;
2337               /*If there's completed packets and data in the stream state,
2338                  prev_page_offset should always be set.*/
2339               OP_ASSERT(best_start>=0);
2340               /*Buffer any continued packet data starting from here.*/
2341               buffering=1;
2342             }
2343           }
2344           else{
2345             ogg_int64_t prev_page_gp=0;
2346             /*We might get lucky and already have the packet with the target
2347                buffered.
2348               Worth checking.
2349               For very small files (with all of the data in a single page,
2350                generally 1 second or less), we can loop them continuously
2351                without seeking at all.*/
2352             OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&prev_page_gp,_of->op[0].granulepos,
2353              -op_get_packet_duration(_of->op[0].packet,_of->op[0].bytes)));
2354             if(op_granpos_cmp(prev_page_gp,_target_gp)<=0){
2355               /*Don't call op_decode_clear(), because it will dump our
2356                  packets.*/
2357               _of->op_pos=0;
2358               _of->od_buffer_size=0;
2359               _of->prev_packet_gp=prev_page_gp;
2360               /*_of->prev_page_offset already points to the right place.*/
2361               _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
2362               return op_make_decode_ready(_of);
2363             }
2364             /*No such luck.
2365               Check if we can cut off at least half the range, though.*/
2366             if(offset-begin<=end-begin>>1||diff<OP_CUR_TIME_THRESH){
2367               /*We really want the page start here, but this will do.*/
2368               end=boundary=offset;
2369               pcm_end=gp;
2370             }
2371           }
2372         }
2373       }
2374     }
2375 #endif
2376   }
2377   /*This code was originally based on the "new search algorithm by HB (Nicholas
2378      Vinen)" from libvorbisfile.
2379     It has been modified substantially since.*/
2380   op_decode_clear(_of);
2381   if(!buffering)ogg_stream_reset_serialno(&_of->os,serialno);
2382   _of->cur_link=_li;
2383   _of->ready_state=OP_STREAMSET;
2384   /*Initialize the interval size history.*/
2385   d2=d1=d0=end-begin;
2386   force_bisect=0;
2387   while(begin<end){
2388     opus_int64 bisect;
2389     opus_int64 next_boundary;
2390     opus_int32 chunk_size;
2391     if(end-begin<OP_CHUNK_SIZE)bisect=begin;
2392     else{
2393       /*Update the interval size history.*/
2394       d0=d1>>1;
2395       d1=d2>>1;
2396       d2=end-begin>>1;
2397       if(force_bisect)bisect=begin+(end-begin>>1);
2398       else{
2399         ogg_int64_t diff2=0;
2400         OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,_target_gp,pcm_start));
2401         OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff2,pcm_end,pcm_start));
2402         /*Take a (pretty decent) guess.*/
2403         bisect=begin+op_rescale64(diff,diff2,end-begin)-OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
2404       }
2405       if(bisect-OP_CHUNK_SIZE<begin)bisect=begin;
2406       force_bisect=0;
2407     }
2408     if(bisect!=_of->offset){
2409       /*Discard any buffered continued packet data.*/
2410       if(buffering)ogg_stream_reset(&_of->os);
2411       buffering=0;
2412       page_offset=-1;
2413       ret=op_seek_helper(_of,bisect);
2414       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2415     }
2416     chunk_size=OP_CHUNK_SIZE;
2417     next_boundary=boundary;
2418     /*Now scan forward and figure out where we landed.
2419       In the ideal case, we will see a page with a granule position at or
2420        before our target, followed by a page with a granule position after our
2421        target (or the end of the search interval).
2422       Then we can just drop out and will have all of the data we need with no
2423        additional seeking.
2424       If we landed too far before, or after, we'll break out and do another
2425        bisection.*/
2426     while(begin<end){
2427       page_offset=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,boundary);
2428       if(page_offset<0){
2429         if(page_offset<OP_FALSE)return (int)page_offset;
2430         /*There are no more pages in our interval from our stream with a valid
2431            timestamp that start at position bisect or later.*/
2432         /*If we scanned the whole interval, we're done.*/
2433         if(bisect<=begin+1)end=begin;
2434         else{
2435           /*Otherwise, back up one chunk.
2436             First, discard any data from a continued packet.*/
2437           if(buffering)ogg_stream_reset(&_of->os);
2438           buffering=0;
2439           bisect=OP_MAX(bisect-chunk_size,begin);
2440           ret=op_seek_helper(_of,bisect);
2441           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2442           /*Bump up the chunk size.*/
2443           chunk_size=OP_MIN(2*chunk_size,OP_CHUNK_SIZE_MAX);
2444           /*If we did find a page from another stream or without a timestamp,
2445              don't read past it.*/
2446           boundary=next_boundary;
2447         }
2448       }
2449       else{
2450         ogg_int64_t gp;
2451         int         has_packets;
2452         /*Save the offset of the first page we found after the seek, regardless
2453            of the stream it came from or whether or not it has a timestamp.*/
2454         next_boundary=OP_MIN(page_offset,next_boundary);
2455         if(serialno!=(ogg_uint32_t)ogg_page_serialno(&og))continue;
2456         has_packets=ogg_page_packets(&og)>0;
2457         /*Force the gp to -1 (as it should be per spec) if no packets end on
2458            this page.
2459           Otherwise we might get confused when we try to pull out a packet
2460            with that timestamp and can't find it.*/
2461         gp=has_packets?ogg_page_granulepos(&og):-1;
2462         if(gp==-1){
2463           if(buffering){
2464             if(OP_LIKELY(!has_packets))ogg_stream_pagein(&_of->os,&og);
2465             else{
2466               /*If packets did end on this page, but we still didn't have a
2467                  valid granule position (in violation of the spec!), stop
2468                  buffering continued packet data.
2469                 Otherwise we might continue past the packet we actually
2470                  wanted.*/
2471               ogg_stream_reset(&_of->os);
2472               buffering=0;
2473             }
2474           }
2475           continue;
2476         }
2477         if(op_granpos_cmp(gp,_target_gp)<0){
2478           /*We found a page that ends before our target.
2479             Advance to the raw offset of the next page.*/
2480           begin=_of->offset;
2481           if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)>0)
2482            ||OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)<0)){
2483             /*Don't let pcm_start get out of range!
2484               That could happen with an invalid timestamp.*/
2485             break;
2486           }
2487           /*Save the byte offset of the end of the page with this granule
2488              position.*/
2489           best=best_start=begin;
2490           /*Buffer any data from a continued packet, if necessary.
2491             This avoids the need to seek back here if the next timestamp we
2492              encounter while scanning forward lies after our target.*/
2493           if(buffering)ogg_stream_reset(&_of->os);
2494           if(op_page_continues(&og)){
2495             op_buffer_continued_data(_of,&og);
2496             /*If we have a continued packet, remember the offset of this
2497                page's start, so that if we do wind up having to seek back here
2498                later, we can prime the stream with the continued packet data.
2499               With no continued packet, we remember the end of the page.*/
2500             best_start=page_offset;
2501           }
2502           /*Then force buffering on, so that if a packet starts (but does not
2503              end) on the next page, we still avoid the extra seek back.*/
2504           buffering=1;
2505           best_gp=pcm_start=gp;
2506           OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,_target_gp,pcm_start));
2507           /*If we're more than a second away from our target, break out and
2508              do another bisection.*/
2509           if(diff>48000)break;
2510           /*Otherwise, keep scanning forward (do NOT use begin+1).*/
2511           bisect=begin;
2512         }
2513         else{
2514           /*We found a page that ends after our target.*/
2515           /*If we scanned the whole interval before we found it, we're done.*/
2516           if(bisect<=begin+1)end=begin;
2517           else{
2518             end=bisect;
2519             /*In later iterations, don't read past the first page we found.*/
2520             boundary=next_boundary;
2521             /*If we're not making much progress shrinking the interval size,
2522                start forcing straight bisection to limit the worst case.*/
2523             force_bisect=end-begin>d0*2;
2524             /*Don't let pcm_end get out of range!
2525               That could happen with an invalid timestamp.*/
2526             if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_end,gp)>0)
2527              &&OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pcm_start,gp)<=0)){
2528               pcm_end=gp;
2529             }
2530             break;
2531           }
2532         }
2533       }
2534     }
2535   }
2536   /*Found our page.*/
2537   OP_ASSERT(op_granpos_cmp(best_gp,pcm_start)>=0);
2538   /*Seek, if necessary.
2539     If we were buffering data from a continued packet, we should be able to
2540      continue to scan forward to get the rest of the data (even if
2541      page_offset==-1).
2542     Otherwise, we need to seek back to best_start.*/
2543   if(!buffering){
2544     if(best_start!=page_offset){
2545       page_offset=-1;
2546       ret=op_seek_helper(_of,best_start);
2547       if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2548     }
2549     if(best_start<best){
2550       /*Retrieve the page at best_start, if we do not already have it.*/
2551       if(page_offset<0){
2552         page_offset=op_get_next_page(_of,&og,link->end_offset);
2553         if(OP_UNLIKELY(page_offset<OP_FALSE))return (int)page_offset;
2554         if(OP_UNLIKELY(page_offset!=best_start))return OP_EBADLINK;
2555       }
2556       op_buffer_continued_data(_of,&og);
2557       page_offset=-1;
2558     }
2559   }
2560   /*Update prev_packet_gp to allow per-packet granule position assignment.*/
2561   _of->prev_packet_gp=best_gp;
2562   _of->prev_page_offset=best_start;
2563   ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,page_offset<0?NULL:&og,page_offset,0,1);
2564   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EBADLINK;
2565   /*Verify result.*/
2566   if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_of->prev_packet_gp,_target_gp)>0)){
2567     return OP_EBADLINK;
2568   }
2569   /*Our caller will set cur_discard_count to handle pre-roll.*/
2570   return 0;
2571 }
op_pcm_seek(OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset)2573 int op_pcm_seek(OggOpusFile *_of,ogg_int64_t _pcm_offset){
2574   const OggOpusLink *link;
2575   ogg_int64_t        pcm_start;
2576   ogg_int64_t        target_gp;
2577   ogg_int64_t        prev_packet_gp;
2578   ogg_int64_t        skip;
2579   ogg_int64_t        diff;
2580   int                op_count;
2581   int                op_pos;
2582   int                ret;
2583   int                li;
2584   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
2585   if(OP_UNLIKELY(!_of->seekable))return OP_ENOSEEK;
2586   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_pcm_offset<0))return OP_EINVAL;
2587   target_gp=op_get_granulepos(_of,_pcm_offset,&li);
2588   if(OP_UNLIKELY(target_gp==-1))return OP_EINVAL;
2589   link=_of->links+li;
2590   pcm_start=link->pcm_start;
2591   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&_pcm_offset,target_gp,pcm_start));
2592 #if !defined(OP_SMALL_FOOTPRINT)
2593   /*For small (90 ms or less) forward seeks within the same link, just decode
2594      forward.
2595     This also optimizes the case of seeking to the current position.*/
2596   if(li==_of->cur_link&&_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET){
2597     ogg_int64_t gp;
2598     gp=_of->prev_packet_gp;
2599     if(OP_LIKELY(gp!=-1)){
2600       int nbuffered;
2601       nbuffered=OP_MAX(_of->od_buffer_size-_of->od_buffer_pos,0);
2602       OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&gp,gp,-nbuffered));
2603       /*We do _not_ add cur_discard_count to gp.
2604         Otherwise the total amount to discard could grow without bound, and it
2605          would be better just to do a full seek.*/
2606       if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,gp,pcm_start))){
2607         ogg_int64_t discard_count;
2608         discard_count=_pcm_offset-diff;
2609         /*We use a threshold of 90 ms instead of 80, since 80 ms is the
2610            _minimum_ we would have discarded after a full seek.
2611           Assuming 20 ms frames (the default), we'd discard 90 ms on average.*/
2612         if(discard_count>=0&&OP_UNLIKELY(discard_count<90*48)){
2613           _of->cur_discard_count=(opus_int32)discard_count;
2614           return 0;
2615         }
2616       }
2617     }
2618   }
2619 #endif
2620   ret=op_pcm_seek_page(_of,target_gp,li);
2621   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2622   /*Now skip samples until we actually get to our target.*/
2623   /*Figure out where we should skip to.*/
2624   if(_pcm_offset<=link->head.pre_skip)skip=0;
2625   else skip=OP_MAX(_pcm_offset-80*48,0);
2626   OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-skip>=0);
2627   OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-skip<OP_INT32_MAX-120*48);
2628   /*Skip packets until we find one with samples past our skip target.*/
2629   for(;;){
2630     op_count=_of->op_count;
2631     prev_packet_gp=_of->prev_packet_gp;
2632     for(op_pos=_of->op_pos;op_pos<op_count;op_pos++){
2633       ogg_int64_t cur_packet_gp;
2634       cur_packet_gp=_of->op[op_pos].granulepos;
2635       if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,cur_packet_gp,pcm_start))
2636        &&diff>skip){
2637         break;
2638       }
2639       prev_packet_gp=cur_packet_gp;
2640     }
2641     _of->prev_packet_gp=prev_packet_gp;
2642     _of->op_pos=op_pos;
2643     if(op_pos<op_count)break;
2644     /*We skipped all the packets on this page.
2645       Fetch another.*/
2646     ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,NULL,-1,0,1);
2647     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EBADLINK;
2648   }
2649   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,prev_packet_gp,pcm_start));
2650   /*We skipped too far.
2651     Either the timestamps were illegal or there was a hole in the data.*/
2652   if(diff>skip)return OP_EBADLINK;
2653   OP_ASSERT(_pcm_offset-diff<OP_INT32_MAX);
2654   /*TODO: If there are further holes/illegal timestamps, we still won't decode
2655      to the correct sample.
2656     However, at least op_pcm_tell() will report the correct value immediately
2657      after returning.*/
2658   _of->cur_discard_count=(opus_int32)(_pcm_offset-diff);
2659   return 0;
2660 }
op_raw_tell(const OggOpusFile * _of)2662 opus_int64 op_raw_tell(const OggOpusFile *_of){
2663   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
2664   return _of->offset;
2665 }
2667 /*Convert a granule position from a given link to a PCM offset relative to the
2668    start of the whole stream.
2669   For unseekable sources, this gets reset to 0 at the beginning of each link.*/
op_get_pcm_offset(const OggOpusFile * _of,ogg_int64_t _gp,int _li)2670 static ogg_int64_t op_get_pcm_offset(const OggOpusFile *_of,
2671  ogg_int64_t _gp,int _li){
2672   const OggOpusLink *links;
2673   ogg_int64_t        pcm_offset;
2674   links=_of->links;
2675   OP_ASSERT(_li>=0&&_li<_of->nlinks);
2676   pcm_offset=links[_li].pcm_file_offset;
2677   if(_of->seekable&&OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_gp,links[_li].pcm_end)>0)){
2678     _gp=links[_li].pcm_end;
2679   }
2680   if(OP_LIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(_gp,links[_li].pcm_start)>0)){
2681     ogg_int64_t delta;
2682     if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_diff(&delta,_gp,links[_li].pcm_start)<0)){
2683       /*This means an unseekable stream claimed to have a page from more than
2684          2 billion days after we joined.*/
2685       OP_ASSERT(!_of->seekable);
2686       return OP_INT64_MAX;
2687     }
2688     if(delta<links[_li].head.pre_skip)delta=0;
2689     else delta-=links[_li].head.pre_skip;
2690     /*In the seekable case, _gp was limited by pcm_end.
2691       In the unseekable case, pcm_offset should be 0.*/
2692     OP_ASSERT(pcm_offset<=OP_INT64_MAX-delta);
2693     pcm_offset+=delta;
2694   }
2695   return pcm_offset;
2696 }
op_pcm_tell(const OggOpusFile * _of)2698 ogg_int64_t op_pcm_tell(const OggOpusFile *_of){
2699   ogg_int64_t gp;
2700   int         nbuffered;
2701   int         li;
2702   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
2703   gp=_of->prev_packet_gp;
2704   if(gp==-1)return 0;
2705   nbuffered=OP_MAX(_of->od_buffer_size-_of->od_buffer_pos,0);
2706   OP_ALWAYS_TRUE(!op_granpos_add(&gp,gp,-nbuffered));
2707   li=_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0;
2708   if(op_granpos_add(&gp,gp,_of->cur_discard_count)<0){
2709     gp=_of->links[li].pcm_end;
2710   }
2711   return op_get_pcm_offset(_of,gp,li);
2712 }
op_set_decode_callback(OggOpusFile * _of,op_decode_cb_func _decode_cb,void * _ctx)2714 void op_set_decode_callback(OggOpusFile *_of,
2715  op_decode_cb_func _decode_cb,void *_ctx){
2716   _of->decode_cb=_decode_cb;
2717   _of->decode_cb_ctx=_ctx;
2718 }
op_set_gain_offset(OggOpusFile * _of,int _gain_type,opus_int32 _gain_offset_q8)2720 int op_set_gain_offset(OggOpusFile *_of,
2721  int _gain_type,opus_int32 _gain_offset_q8){
2722   if(_gain_type!=OP_HEADER_GAIN&&_gain_type!=OP_ALBUM_GAIN
2723    &&_gain_type!=OP_TRACK_GAIN&&_gain_type!=OP_ABSOLUTE_GAIN){
2724     return OP_EINVAL;
2725   }
2726   _of->gain_type=_gain_type;
2727   /*The sum of header gain and track gain lies in the range [-65536,65534].
2728     These bounds allow the offset to set the final value to anywhere in the
2729      range [-32768,32767], which is what we'll clamp it to before applying.*/
2730   _of->gain_offset_q8=OP_CLAMP(-98302,_gain_offset_q8,98303);
2731   op_update_gain(_of);
2732   return 0;
2733 }
op_set_dither_enabled(OggOpusFile * _of,int _enabled)2735 void op_set_dither_enabled(OggOpusFile *_of,int _enabled){
2736 #if !defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
2737   _of->dither_disabled=!_enabled;
2738   if(!_enabled)_of->dither_mute=65;
2739 #endif
2740 }
2742 /*Allocate the decoder scratch buffer.
2743   This is done lazily, since if the user provides large enough buffers, we'll
2744    never need it.*/
op_init_buffer(OggOpusFile * _of)2745 static int op_init_buffer(OggOpusFile *_of){
2746   int nchannels_max;
2747   if(_of->seekable){
2748     const OggOpusLink *links;
2749     int                nlinks;
2750     int                li;
2751     links=_of->links;
2752     nlinks=_of->nlinks;
2753     nchannels_max=1;
2754     for(li=0;li<nlinks;li++){
2755       nchannels_max=OP_MAX(nchannels_max,links[li].head.channel_count);
2756     }
2757   }
2758   else nchannels_max=OP_NCHANNELS_MAX;
2759   _of->od_buffer=(op_sample *)_ogg_malloc(
2760    sizeof(*_of->od_buffer)*nchannels_max*120*48);
2761   if(_of->od_buffer==NULL)return OP_EFAULT;
2762   return 0;
2763 }
2765 /*Decode a single packet into the target buffer.*/
op_decode(OggOpusFile * _of,op_sample * _pcm,const ogg_packet * _op,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)2766 static int op_decode(OggOpusFile *_of,op_sample *_pcm,
2767  const ogg_packet *_op,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
2768   int ret;
2769   /*First we try using the application-provided decode callback.*/
2770   if(_of->decode_cb!=NULL){
2771 #if defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
2772     ret=(*_of->decode_cb)(_of->decode_cb_ctx,_of->od,_pcm,_op,
2773      _nsamples,_nchannels,OP_DEC_FORMAT_SHORT,_of->cur_link);
2774 #else
2775     ret=(*_of->decode_cb)(_of->decode_cb_ctx,_of->od,_pcm,_op,
2776      _nsamples,_nchannels,OP_DEC_FORMAT_FLOAT,_of->cur_link);
2777 #endif
2778   }
2779   else ret=OP_DEC_USE_DEFAULT;
2780   /*If the application didn't want to handle decoding, do it ourselves.*/
2781   if(ret==OP_DEC_USE_DEFAULT){
2782 #if defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
2783     ret=opus_multistream_decode(_of->od,
2784      _op->packet,_op->bytes,_pcm,_nsamples,0);
2785 #else
2786     ret=opus_multistream_decode_float(_of->od,
2787      _op->packet,_op->bytes,_pcm,_nsamples,0);
2788 #endif
2789     OP_ASSERT(ret<0||ret==_nsamples);
2790   }
2791   /*If the application returned a positive value other than 0 or
2792      OP_DEC_USE_DEFAULT, fail.*/
2793   else if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret>0))return OP_EBADPACKET;
2794   if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return OP_EBADPACKET;
2795   return ret;
2796 }
2798 /*Read more samples from the stream, using the same API as op_read() or
2799    op_read_float().*/
op_read_native(OggOpusFile * _of,op_sample * _pcm,int _buf_size,int * _li)2800 static int op_read_native(OggOpusFile *_of,
2801  op_sample *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){
2802   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_of->ready_state<OP_OPENED))return OP_EINVAL;
2803   for(;;){
2804     int ret;
2805     if(OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET)){
2806       int nchannels;
2807       int od_buffer_pos;
2808       int nsamples;
2809       int op_pos;
2810       nchannels=_of->links[_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0].head.channel_count;
2811       od_buffer_pos=_of->od_buffer_pos;
2812       nsamples=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos;
2813       /*If we have buffered samples, return them.*/
2814       if(nsamples>0){
2815         if(nsamples*nchannels>_buf_size)nsamples=_buf_size/nchannels;
2816         memcpy(_pcm,_of->od_buffer+nchannels*od_buffer_pos,
2817          sizeof(*_pcm)*nchannels*nsamples);
2818         od_buffer_pos+=nsamples;
2819         _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos;
2820         if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link;
2821         return nsamples;
2822       }
2823       /*If we have buffered packets, decode one.*/
2824       op_pos=_of->op_pos;
2825       if(OP_LIKELY(op_pos<_of->op_count)){
2826         const ogg_packet *pop;
2827         ogg_int64_t       diff;
2828         opus_int32        cur_discard_count;
2829         int               duration;
2830         int               trimmed_duration;
2831         pop=_of->op+op_pos++;
2832         _of->op_pos=op_pos;
2833         cur_discard_count=_of->cur_discard_count;
2834         duration=op_get_packet_duration(pop->packet,pop->bytes);
2835         /*We don't buffer packets with an invalid TOC sequence.*/
2836         OP_ASSERT(duration>0);
2837         trimmed_duration=duration;
2838         /*Perform end-trimming.*/
2839         if(OP_UNLIKELY(pop->e_o_s)){
2840           if(OP_UNLIKELY(op_granpos_cmp(pop->granulepos,
2841            _of->prev_packet_gp)<=0)){
2842             trimmed_duration=0;
2843           }
2844           else if(OP_LIKELY(!op_granpos_diff(&diff,
2845            pop->granulepos,_of->prev_packet_gp))){
2846             trimmed_duration=(int)OP_MIN(diff,trimmed_duration);
2847           }
2848         }
2849         _of->prev_packet_gp=pop->granulepos;
2850         if(OP_UNLIKELY(duration*nchannels>_buf_size)){
2851           op_sample *buf;
2852           /*If the user's buffer is too small, decode into a scratch buffer.*/
2853           buf=_of->od_buffer;
2854           if(OP_UNLIKELY(buf==NULL)){
2855             ret=op_init_buffer(_of);
2856             if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2857             buf=_of->od_buffer;
2858           }
2859           ret=op_decode(_of,buf,pop,duration,nchannels);
2860           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2861           /*Perform pre-skip/pre-roll.*/
2862           od_buffer_pos=(int)OP_MIN(trimmed_duration,cur_discard_count);
2863           cur_discard_count-=od_buffer_pos;
2864           _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count;
2865           _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos;
2866           _of->od_buffer_size=trimmed_duration;
2867           /*Update bitrate tracking based on the actual samples we used from
2868              what was decoded.*/
2869           _of->bytes_tracked+=pop->bytes;
2870           _of->samples_tracked+=trimmed_duration-od_buffer_pos;
2871         }
2872         else{
2873           /*Otherwise decode directly into the user's buffer.*/
2874           ret=op_decode(_of,_pcm,pop,duration,nchannels);
2875           if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2876           if(OP_LIKELY(trimmed_duration>0)){
2877             /*Perform pre-skip/pre-roll.*/
2878             od_buffer_pos=(int)OP_MIN(trimmed_duration,cur_discard_count);
2879             cur_discard_count-=od_buffer_pos;
2880             _of->cur_discard_count=cur_discard_count;
2881             trimmed_duration-=od_buffer_pos;
2882             if(OP_LIKELY(trimmed_duration>0)
2883              &&OP_UNLIKELY(od_buffer_pos>0)){
2884               memmove(_pcm,_pcm+od_buffer_pos*nchannels,
2885                sizeof(*_pcm)*trimmed_duration*nchannels);
2886             }
2887             /*Update bitrate tracking based on the actual samples we used from
2888                what was decoded.*/
2889             _of->bytes_tracked+=pop->bytes;
2890             _of->samples_tracked+=trimmed_duration;
2891             if(OP_LIKELY(trimmed_duration>0)){
2892               if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link;
2893               return trimmed_duration;
2894             }
2895           }
2896         }
2897         /*Don't grab another page yet.
2898           This one might have more packets, or might have buffered data now.*/
2899         continue;
2900       }
2901     }
2902     /*Suck in another page.*/
2903     ret=op_fetch_and_process_page(_of,NULL,-1,1,0);
2904     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret==OP_EOF)){
2905       if(_li!=NULL)*_li=_of->cur_link;
2906       return 0;
2907     }
2908     if(OP_UNLIKELY(ret<0))return ret;
2909   }
2910 }
2912 /*A generic filter to apply to the decoded audio data.
2913   _src is non-const because we will destructively modify the contents of the
2914    source buffer that we consume in some cases.*/
2915 typedef int (*op_read_filter_func)(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
2916  op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels);
2918 /*Decode some samples and then apply a custom filter to them.
2919   This is used to convert to different output formats.*/
op_filter_read_native(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_read_filter_func _filter,int * _li)2920 static int op_filter_read_native(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
2921  op_read_filter_func _filter,int *_li){
2922   int ret;
2923   /*Ensure we have some decoded samples in our buffer.*/
2924   ret=op_read_native(_of,NULL,0,_li);
2925   /*Now apply the filter to them.*/
2926   if(OP_LIKELY(ret>=0)&&OP_LIKELY(_of->ready_state>=OP_INITSET)){
2927     int od_buffer_pos;
2928     od_buffer_pos=_of->od_buffer_pos;
2929     ret=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos;
2930     if(OP_LIKELY(ret>0)){
2931       int nchannels;
2932       nchannels=_of->links[_of->seekable?_of->cur_link:0].head.channel_count;
2933       ret=(*_filter)(_of,_dst,_dst_sz,
2934        _of->od_buffer+nchannels*od_buffer_pos,ret,nchannels);
2935       OP_ASSERT(ret>=0);
2936       OP_ASSERT(ret<=_of->od_buffer_size-od_buffer_pos);
2937       od_buffer_pos+=ret;
2938       _of->od_buffer_pos=od_buffer_pos;
2939     }
2940   }
2941   return ret;
2942 }
2944 #if !defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)||!defined(OP_DISABLE_FLOAT_API)
2946 /*Matrices for downmixing from the supported channel counts to stereo.
2947   The matrices with 5 or more channels are normalized to a total volume of 2.0,
2948    since most mixes sound too quiet if normalized to 1.0 (as there is generally
2949    little volume in the side/rear channels).*/
2951   /*3.0*/
2952   {
2953     {0.5858F,0.0F},{0.4142F,0.4142F},{0.0F,0.5858F}
2954   },
2955   /*quadrophonic*/
2956   {
2957     {0.4226F,0.0F},{0.0F,0.4226F},{0.366F,0.2114F},{0.2114F,0.336F}
2958   },
2959   /*5.0*/
2960   {
2961     {0.651F,0.0F},{0.46F,0.46F},{0.0F,0.651F},{0.5636F,0.3254F},
2962     {0.3254F,0.5636F}
2963   },
2964   /*5.1*/
2965   {
2966     {0.529F,0.0F},{0.3741F,0.3741F},{0.0F,0.529F},{0.4582F,0.2645F},
2967     {0.2645F,0.4582F},{0.3741F,0.3741F}
2968   },
2969   /*6.1*/
2970   {
2971     {0.4553F,0.0F},{0.322F,0.322F},{0.0F,0.4553F},{0.3943F,0.2277F},
2972     {0.2277F,0.3943F},{0.2788F,0.2788F},{0.322F,0.322F}
2973   },
2974   /*7.1*/
2975   {
2976     {0.3886F,0.0F},{0.2748F,0.2748F},{0.0F,0.3886F},{0.3366F,0.1943F},
2977     {0.1943F,0.3366F},{0.3366F,0.1943F},{0.1943F,0.3366F},{0.2748F,0.2748F}
2978   }
2979 };
2981 #endif
2983 #if defined(OP_FIXED_POINT)
2985 /*Matrices for downmixing from the supported channel counts to stereo.
2986   The matrices with 5 or more channels are normalized to a total volume of 2.0,
2987    since most mixes sound too quiet if normalized to 1.0 (as there is generally
2988    little volume in the side/rear channels).
2989   Hence we keep the coefficients in Q14, so the downmix values won't overflow a
2990    32-bit number.*/
2991 static const opus_int16 OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14
2993   /*3.0*/
2994   {
2995     {9598,0},{6786,6786},{0,9598}
2996   },
2997   /*quadrophonic*/
2998   {
2999     {6924,0},{0,6924},{5996,3464},{3464,5996}
3000   },
3001   /*5.0*/
3002   {
3003     {10666,0},{7537,7537},{0,10666},{9234,5331},{5331,9234}
3004   },
3005   /*5.1*/
3006   {
3007     {8668,0},{6129,6129},{0,8668},{7507,4335},{4335,7507},{6129,6129}
3008   },
3009   /*6.1*/
3010   {
3011     {7459,0},{5275,5275},{0,7459},{6460,3731},{3731,6460},{4568,4568},
3012     {5275,5275}
3013   },
3014   /*7.1*/
3015   {
3016     {6368,0},{4502,4502},{0,6368},{5515,3183},{3183,5515},{5515,3183},
3017     {3183,5515},{4502,4502}
3018   }
3019 };
op_read(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int16 * _pcm,int _buf_size,int * _li)3021 int op_read(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){
3022   return op_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,_li);
3023 }
op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3025 static int op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
3026  op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3027   (void)_of;
3028   _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1);
3029   if(_nchannels==2)memcpy(_dst,_src,_nsamples*2*sizeof(*_src));
3030   else{
3031     opus_int16 *dst;
3032     int         i;
3033     dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst;
3034     if(_nchannels==1){
3035       for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=_src[i];
3036     }
3037     else{
3038       for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){
3039         opus_int32 l;
3040         opus_int32 r;
3041         int        ci;
3042         l=r=0;
3043         for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
3044           opus_int32 s;
3045           s=_src[_nchannels*i+ci];
3046           l+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14[_nchannels-3][ci][0]*s;
3047           r+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX_Q14[_nchannels-3][ci][1]*s;
3048         }
3049         /*TODO: For 5 or more channels, we should do soft clipping here.*/
3050         dst[2*i+0]=(opus_int16)OP_CLAMP(-32768,l+8192>>14,32767);
3051         dst[2*i+1]=(opus_int16)OP_CLAMP(-32768,r+8192>>14,32767);
3052       }
3053     }
3054   }
3055   return _nsamples;
3056 }
op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int16 * _pcm,int _buf_size)3058 int op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size){
3059   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_stereo_filter,NULL);
3060 }
3062 # if !defined(OP_DISABLE_FLOAT_API)
op_short2float_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3064 static int op_short2float_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
3065  op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3066   float *dst;
3067   int    i;
3068   (void)_of;
3069   dst=(float *)_dst;
3070   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_nsamples*_nchannels>_dst_sz))_nsamples=_dst_sz/_nchannels;
3071   _dst_sz=_nsamples*_nchannels;
3072   for(i=0;i<_dst_sz;i++)dst[i]=(1.0F/32768)*_src[i];
3073   return _nsamples;
3074 }
op_read_float(OggOpusFile * _of,float * _pcm,int _buf_size,int * _li)3076 int op_read_float(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){
3077   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_short2float_filter,_li);
3078 }
op_short2float_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3080 static int op_short2float_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,
3081  void *_dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3082   float *dst;
3083   int    i;
3084   dst=(float *)_dst;
3085   _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1);
3086   if(_nchannels==1){
3087     _nsamples=op_short2float_filter(_of,dst,_nsamples,_src,_nsamples,1);
3088     for(i=_nsamples;i-->0;)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=dst[i];
3089   }
3090   else if(_nchannels<5){
3091     /*For 3 or 4 channels, we can downmix in fixed point without risk of
3092        clipping.*/
3093     if(_nchannels>2){
3094       _nsamples=op_stereo_filter(_of,_src,_nsamples*2,
3095        _src,_nsamples,_nchannels);
3096     }
3097     return op_short2float_filter(_of,dst,_dst_sz,_src,_nsamples,2);
3098   }
3099   else{
3100     /*For 5 or more channels, we convert to floats and then downmix (so that we
3101        don't risk clipping).*/
3102     for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){
3103       float l;
3104       float r;
3105       int   ci;
3106       l=r=0;
3107       for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
3108         float s;
3109         s=(1.0F/32768)*_src[_nchannels*i+ci];
3110         l+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][0]*s;
3111         r+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][1]*s;
3112       }
3113       dst[2*i+0]=l;
3114       dst[2*i+1]=r;
3115     }
3116   }
3117   return _nsamples;
3118 }
op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile * _of,float * _pcm,int _buf_size)3120 int op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size){
3121   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,
3122    op_short2float_stereo_filter,NULL);
3123 }
3125 # endif
3127 #else
3129 # if defined(OP_HAVE_LRINTF)
3130 #  include <math.h>
3131 #  define op_float2int(_x) (lrintf(_x))
3132 # else
3133 #  define op_float2int(_x) ((int)((_x)+((_x)<0?-0.5F:0.5F)))
3134 # endif
3136 /*The dithering code here is adapted from opusdec, part of opus-tools.
3137   It was originally written by Greg Maxwell.*/
op_rand(opus_uint32 _seed)3139 static opus_uint32 op_rand(opus_uint32 _seed){
3140   return _seed*96314165+907633515&0xFFFFFFFFU;
3141 }
3143 /*This implements 16-bit quantization with full triangular dither and IIR noise
3144    shaping.
3145   The noise shaping filters were designed by Sebastian Gesemann, and are based
3146    on the LAME ATH curves with flattening to limit their peak gain to 20 dB.
3147   Everyone else's noise shaping filters are mildly crazy.
3148   The 48 kHz version of this filter is just a warped version of the 44.1 kHz
3149    filter and probably could be improved by shifting the HF shelf up in
3150    frequency a little bit, since 48 kHz has a bit more room and being more
3151    conservative against bat-ears is probably more important than more noise
3152    suppression.
3153   This process can increase the peak level of the signal (in theory by the peak
3154    error of 1.5 +20 dB, though that is unobservably rare).
3155   To avoid clipping, the signal is attenuated by a couple thousandths of a dB.
3156   Initially, the approach taken here was to only attenuate by the 99.9th
3157    percentile, making clipping rare but not impossible (like SoX), but the
3158    limited gain of the filter means that the worst case was only two
3159    thousandths of a dB more, so this just uses the worst case.
3160   The attenuation is probably also helpful to prevent clipping in the DAC
3161    reconstruction filters or downstream resampling, in any case.*/
3163 # define OP_GAIN (32753.0F)
3165 # define OP_PRNG_GAIN (1.0F/0xFFFFFFFF)
3167 /*48 kHz noise shaping filter, sd=2.34.*/
3169 static const float OP_FCOEF_B[4]={
3170   2.2374F,-0.7339F,-0.1251F,-0.6033F
3171 };
3173 static const float OP_FCOEF_A[4]={
3174   0.9030F,0.0116F,-0.5853F,-0.2571F
3175 };
op_float2short_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,float * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3177 static int op_float2short_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
3178  float *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3179   opus_int16 *dst;
3180   int         ci;
3181   int         i;
3182   dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst;
3183   if(OP_UNLIKELY(_nsamples*_nchannels>_dst_sz))_nsamples=_dst_sz/_nchannels;
3184 # if defined(OP_SOFT_CLIP)
3185   if(_of->state_channel_count!=_nchannels){
3186     for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++)_of->clip_state[ci]=0;
3187   }
3188   opus_pcm_soft_clip(_src,_nsamples,_nchannels,_of->clip_state);
3189 # endif
3190   if(_of->dither_disabled){
3191     for(i=0;i<_nchannels*_nsamples;i++){
3192       dst[i]=op_float2int(OP_CLAMP(-32768,32768.0F*_src[i],32767));
3193     }
3194   }
3195   else{
3196     opus_uint32 seed;
3197     int         mute;
3198     seed=_of->dither_seed;
3199     mute=_of->dither_mute;
3200     if(_of->state_channel_count!=_nchannels)mute=65;
3201     /*In order to avoid replacing digital silence with quiet dither noise, we
3202        mute if the output has been silent for a while.*/
3203     if(mute>64)memset(_of->dither_a,0,sizeof(*_of->dither_a)*4*_nchannels);
3204     for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){
3205       int silent;
3206       silent=1;
3207       for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
3208         float r;
3209         float s;
3210         float err;
3211         int   si;
3212         int   j;
3213         s=_src[_nchannels*i+ci];
3214         silent&=s==0;
3215         s*=OP_GAIN;
3216         err=0;
3217         for(j=0;j<4;j++){
3218           err+=OP_FCOEF_B[j]*_of->dither_b[ci*4+j]
3219            -OP_FCOEF_A[j]*_of->dither_a[ci*4+j];
3220         }
3221         for(j=3;j-->0;)_of->dither_a[ci*4+j+1]=_of->dither_a[ci*4+j];
3222         for(j=3;j-->0;)_of->dither_b[ci*4+j+1]=_of->dither_b[ci*4+j];
3223         _of->dither_a[ci*4]=err;
3224         s-=err;
3225         if(mute>16)r=0;
3226         else{
3227           seed=op_rand(seed);
3228           r=seed*OP_PRNG_GAIN;
3229           seed=op_rand(seed);
3230           r-=seed*OP_PRNG_GAIN;
3231         }
3232         /*Clamp in float out of paranoia that the input will be > 96 dBFS and
3233            wrap if the integer is clamped.*/
3234         si=op_float2int(OP_CLAMP(-32768,s+r,32767));
3235         dst[_nchannels*i+ci]=(opus_int16)si;
3236         /*Including clipping in the noise shaping is generally disastrous: the
3237            futile effort to restore the clipped energy results in more clipping.
3238           However, small amounts---at the level which could normally be created
3239            by dither and rounding---are harmless and can even reduce clipping
3240            somewhat due to the clipping sometimes reducing the dither + rounding
3241            error.*/
3242         _of->dither_b[ci*4]=mute>16?0:OP_CLAMP(-1.5F,si-s,1.5F);
3243       }
3244       mute++;
3245       if(!silent)mute=0;
3246     }
3247     _of->dither_mute=OP_MIN(mute,65);
3248     _of->dither_seed=seed;
3249   }
3250   _of->state_channel_count=_nchannels;
3251   return _nsamples;
3252 }
op_read(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int16 * _pcm,int _buf_size,int * _li)3254 int op_read(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){
3255   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_float2short_filter,_li);
3256 }
op_read_float(OggOpusFile * _of,float * _pcm,int _buf_size,int * _li)3258 int op_read_float(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size,int *_li){
3259   _of->state_channel_count=0;
3260   return op_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,_li);
3261 }
op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3263 static int op_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,void *_dst,int _dst_sz,
3264  op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3265   (void)_of;
3266   _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1);
3267   if(_nchannels==2)memcpy(_dst,_src,_nsamples*2*sizeof(*_src));
3268   else{
3269     float *dst;
3270     int    i;
3271     dst=(float *)_dst;
3272     if(_nchannels==1){
3273       for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=_src[i];
3274     }
3275     else{
3276       for(i=0;i<_nsamples;i++){
3277         float l;
3278         float r;
3279         int   ci;
3280         l=r=0;
3281         for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
3282           l+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][0]*_src[_nchannels*i+ci];
3283           r+=OP_STEREO_DOWNMIX[_nchannels-3][ci][1]*_src[_nchannels*i+ci];
3284         }
3285         dst[2*i+0]=l;
3286         dst[2*i+1]=r;
3287       }
3288     }
3289   }
3290   return _nsamples;
3291 }
op_float2short_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile * _of,void * _dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample * _src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels)3293 static int op_float2short_stereo_filter(OggOpusFile *_of,
3294  void *_dst,int _dst_sz,op_sample *_src,int _nsamples,int _nchannels){
3295   opus_int16 *dst;
3296   dst=(opus_int16 *)_dst;
3297   if(_nchannels==1){
3298     int i;
3299     _nsamples=op_float2short_filter(_of,dst,_dst_sz>>1,_src,_nsamples,1);
3300     for(i=_nsamples;i-->0;)dst[2*i+0]=dst[2*i+1]=dst[i];
3301   }
3302   else{
3303     if(_nchannels>2){
3304       _nsamples=OP_MIN(_nsamples,_dst_sz>>1);
3305       _nsamples=op_stereo_filter(_of,_src,_nsamples*2,
3306        _src,_nsamples,_nchannels);
3307     }
3308     _nsamples=op_float2short_filter(_of,dst,_dst_sz,_src,_nsamples,2);
3309   }
3310   return _nsamples;
3311 }
op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile * _of,opus_int16 * _pcm,int _buf_size)3313 int op_read_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,opus_int16 *_pcm,int _buf_size){
3314   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,
3315    op_float2short_stereo_filter,NULL);
3316 }
op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile * _of,float * _pcm,int _buf_size)3318 int op_read_float_stereo(OggOpusFile *_of,float *_pcm,int _buf_size){
3319   _of->state_channel_count=0;
3320   return op_filter_read_native(_of,_pcm,_buf_size,op_stereo_filter,NULL);
3321 }
3323 #endif