1 /*
2 ===========================================================================
4 Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code
5 Copyright (C) 1999-2010 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
7 This file is part of the Return to Castle Wolfenstein single player GPL Source Code (“RTCW SP Source Code”).
9 RTCW SP Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 RTCW SP Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with RTCW SP Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 In addition, the RTCW SP Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the RTCW SP Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
24 If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
26 ===========================================================================
27 */
30 /*****************************************************************************
31  * name:		l_precomp.h
32  *
33  * desc:		pre compiler
34  *
35  *
36  *****************************************************************************/
39 	#if defined( WIN32 ) | defined( _WIN32 ) | defined( __NT__ ) | defined( __WINDOWS__ ) | defined( __WINDOWS_386__ )
40 		#define PATHSEPERATOR_STR       "\\"
41 	#else
42 		#define PATHSEPERATOR_STR       "/"
43 	#endif
44 #endif
46 	#if defined( WIN32 ) | defined( _WIN32 ) | defined( __NT__ ) | defined( __WINDOWS__ ) | defined( __WINDOWS_386__ )
47 		#define PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR      '\\'
48 	#else
49 		#define PATHSEPERATOR_CHAR      '/'
50 	#endif
51 #endif
54 #define DEFINE_FIXED            0x0001
56 #define BUILTIN_LINE            1
57 #define BUILTIN_FILE            2
58 #define BUILTIN_DATE            3
59 #define BUILTIN_TIME            4
60 #define BUILTIN_STDC            5
62 #define INDENT_IF               0x0001
63 #define INDENT_ELSE             0x0002
64 #define INDENT_ELIF             0x0004
65 #define INDENT_IFDEF            0x0008
66 #define INDENT_IFNDEF           0x0010
68 //macro definitions
69 typedef struct define_s
70 {
71 	char *name;                         //define name
72 	int flags;                          //define flags
73 	int builtin;                        // > 0 if builtin define
74 	int numparms;                       //number of define parameters
75 	token_t *parms;                     //define parameters
76 	token_t *tokens;                    //macro tokens (possibly containing parm tokens)
77 	struct define_s *next;              //next defined macro in a list
78 	struct define_s *hashnext;          //next define in the hash chain
79 } define_t;
81 //indents
82 //used for conditional compilation directives:
83 //#if, #else, #elif, #ifdef, #ifndef
84 typedef struct indent_s
85 {
86 	int type;                               //indent type
87 	int skip;                               //true if skipping current indent
88 	script_t *script;                       //script the indent was in
89 	struct indent_s *next;                  //next indent on the indent stack
90 } indent_t;
92 //source file
93 typedef struct source_s
94 {
95 	char filename[MAX_QPATH];              //file name of the script
96 	char includepath[MAX_QPATH];           //path to include files
97 	punctuation_t *punctuations;            //punctuations to use
98 	script_t *scriptstack;                  //stack with scripts of the source
99 	token_t *tokens;                        //tokens to read first
100 	define_t *defines;                      //list with macro definitions
101 	define_t **definehash;                  //hash chain with defines
102 	indent_t *indentstack;                  //stack with indents
103 	int skip;                               // > 0 if skipping conditional code
104 	token_t token;                          //last read token
105 } source_t;
108 //read a token from the source
109 int PC_ReadToken( source_t *source, token_t *token );
110 //expect a certain token
111 int PC_ExpectTokenString( source_t *source, char *string );
112 //expect a certain token type
113 int PC_ExpectTokenType( source_t *source, int type, int subtype, token_t *token );
114 //expect a token
115 int PC_ExpectAnyToken( source_t *source, token_t *token );
116 //returns true when the token is available
117 int PC_CheckTokenString( source_t *source, char *string );
118 //returns true and reads the token when a token with the given type is available
119 int PC_CheckTokenType( source_t *source, int type, int subtype, token_t *token );
120 //skip tokens until the given token string is read
121 int PC_SkipUntilString( source_t *source, char *string );
122 //unread the last token read from the script
123 void PC_UnreadLastToken( source_t *source );
124 //unread the given token
125 void PC_UnreadToken( source_t *source, token_t *token );
126 //read a token only if on the same line, lines are concatenated with a slash
127 int PC_ReadLine( source_t *source, token_t *token );
128 //returns true if there was a white space in front of the token
129 int PC_WhiteSpaceBeforeToken( token_t *token );
130 //add a define to the source
131 int PC_AddDefine( source_t *source, char *string );
132 //add a globals define that will be added to all opened sources
133 int PC_AddGlobalDefine( char *string );
134 //remove the given global define
135 int PC_RemoveGlobalDefine( char *name );
136 //remove all globals defines
137 void PC_RemoveAllGlobalDefines( void );
138 //add builtin defines
139 void PC_AddBuiltinDefines( source_t *source );
140 //set the source include path
141 void PC_SetIncludePath( source_t *source, char *path );
142 //set the punction set
143 void PC_SetPunctuations( source_t *source, punctuation_t *p );
144 //set the base folder to load files from
145 void PC_SetBaseFolder( char *path );
146 //load a source file
147 source_t *LoadSourceFile( const char *filename );
148 //load a source from memory
149 source_t *LoadSourceMemory( char *ptr, int length, char *name );
150 //free the given source
151 void FreeSource( source_t *source );
152 //print a source error
153 void QDECL SourceError(source_t *source, char *str, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
154 //print a source warning
155 void QDECL SourceWarning(source_t *source, char *str, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
157 //
158 int PC_LoadSourceHandle( const char *filename );
159 int PC_FreeSourceHandle( int handle );
160 int PC_ReadTokenHandle( int handle, struct pc_token_s *pc_token );
161 int PC_SourceFileAndLine( int handle, char *filename, int *line );
162 void PC_CheckOpenSourceHandles( void );