1 /*
2     This file is part of the KDE project "KBounce"
4     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2000-2005 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de>
5     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2007 Tomasz Boczkowski <tboczkowski@onet.pl>
7     SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
8 */
10 #ifndef BALL_H
11 #define BALL_H
13 #include <KGameRenderedItem>
15 #include "gameobject.h"
17 class KBounceRenderer;
18 class KBounceBoard;
20 /**
21  * KGameRenderedItem representing a ball
22  */
23 class KBounceBall : public KGameRenderedItem
24 {
25     public:
26         static const int BALL_ANIM_DELAY;
27         static const qreal BALL_RELATIVE_SIZE;
29         /**
30          * Constructor
31          */
32         KBounceBall( KBounceRenderer* renderer, KBounceBoard* board );
33         /**
34          * Destructor
35          */
36         ~KBounceBall() override;
38         /**
39          * Changes ball's state when collisions have been detected
40          * Called once per frame before advance()
41          */
42         void collide( const KBounceCollision& collision );
43         /**
44          * Performs move calculations
45          * This method is called once per frame
46          */
47         void goForward();
48         /**
49          * Updates ball position and pixmap.
50          * This method is called once per frame.
51          */
52         void update();
54         /*
55          * Returns ball's bounding rect in board coordinate system
56          * @see relativePos()
57          */
58         QRectF ballBoundingRect() const;
59         /*
60          * Returns ball's bounding rect expected in next frame
61          * used by colision test
62          */
63         QRectF nextBoundingRect() const;
64         /**
65          * Returns ball's position in board coordinate system.
66          * Relative board's coordinates are indepentent of actual GameWidget size.
67          */
68         QPointF relativePos();
69         /**
70          * Sets ball's position in board coordinate system.
71          * @see relativePos()
72          */
73         void setRelativePos( qreal x, qreal y );
74         /**
75          * Sets ball's position in board coordinate system
76          */
77         void setVelocity( qreal vX, qreal vY );
78         /**
79          * Returns ball's velocity in board coordinate system
80          */
81         KBounceVector velocity() const;
84         /**
85          * Sets width and height of ball.
86          */
87         void resize( const QSize& tileSize );
88         /**
89          * Rechecks the number of frames of ball animation and sets new pixmaps.
90          * This method is useful when changing game theme.
91          */
92         void resetPixmaps();
93         /**
94          * Sets a random ball's frame
95          */
96         void setRandomFrame();
98     protected:
99         KBounceRenderer* m_renderer;
100         KBounceBoard* m_board;
101         /**
102          * Time after emiting previous sound. If the value is too small,
103          * ball will not emit hit sound.
104          */
105         int m_soundDelay;
106         /**
107          * Size of a ball in GameWidget depentant coordinate system
108          */
109         QSize m_size;
110         /**
111          * Number of frames of ball's animation.
112          */
113         int m_framesNum;
114         qreal m_xPos;
115         qreal m_yPos;
116         KBounceVector m_velocity;
117         bool m_reflectX;
118         bool m_reflectY;
119         QRectF m_nextBoundingRect;
120 };
122 #endif