1 /***************************************************************************
2                           list.c  -  description
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Sun Sep 2 2001
5     copyright            : (C) 2001 by Michael Speck
6     email                : kulkanie@gmx.net
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
18 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include "list.h"
22 /*
23 ====================================================================
24 Create a new list
25   auto_delete:  Free memory of data pointer when deleting entry
26   callback:     Use this callback to free memory of data including
27                 the data pointer itself.
28 Return Value: List pointer
29 ====================================================================
30 */
list_create(int auto_delete,void (* callback)(void *))31 List *list_create( int auto_delete, void (*callback)(void*) )
32 {
33     List *list = calloc( 1, sizeof( List ) );
34     list->head = calloc( 1, sizeof( ListEntry ) );
35     list->tail = calloc( 1, sizeof( ListEntry ) );
36     list->head->next = list->tail;
37     list->head->prev = list->head;
38     list->tail->next = list->tail;
39     list->tail->prev = list->head;
40     list->auto_delete = auto_delete;
41     list->callback = callback;
42     list->cur_entry = list->head;
43     return list;
44 }
45 /*
46 ====================================================================
47 Delete list and entries.
48 ====================================================================
49 */
list_delete(List * list)50 void list_delete( List *list )
51 {
52     list_clear( list );
53     free( list->head );
54     free( list->tail );
55     free( list );
56 }
57 /*
58 ====================================================================
59 Delete all entries but keep the list. Reset current_entry to head
60 pointer.
61 ====================================================================
62 */
list_clear(List * list)63 void list_clear( List *list )
64 {
65     while( !list_empty( list ) ) list_delete_pos( list, 0 );
66 }
67 /*
68 ====================================================================
69 Insert new item at position.
70 Return Value: True if successful else False.
71 ====================================================================
72 */
list_insert(List * list,void * item,int pos)73 int list_insert( List *list, void *item, int pos )
74 {
75     int         i;
76     ListEntry    *cur = list->head;
77     ListEntry    *new_entry = 0;
79     /* check if insertion possible */
80     if ( pos < 0 || pos > list->count ) return 0;
81     if ( item == 0 ) return 0;
82     /* get to previous entry */
83     for (i = 0; i < pos; i++) cur = cur->next;
84     /* create and anchor new entry */
85     new_entry = calloc( 1, sizeof( ListEntry ) );
86     new_entry->item = item;
87     new_entry->next = cur->next;
88     new_entry->prev = cur;
89     cur->next->prev = new_entry;
90     cur->next = new_entry;
91     list->count++;
92     return 1;
93 }
94 /*
95 ====================================================================
96 Add new item at the end of the list.
97 ====================================================================
98 */
list_add(List * list,void * item)99 int list_add( List *list, void *item )
100 {
101     ListEntry    *new_entry = 0;
102     /* check if insertion possible */
103     if ( item == 0 ) return 0;
104     /* create and anchor new entry */
105     new_entry = calloc( 1, sizeof( ListEntry ) );
106     new_entry->item = item;
107     new_entry->next = list->tail;
108     new_entry->prev = list->tail->prev;
109     list->tail->prev->next = new_entry;
110     list->tail->prev = new_entry;
111     list->count++;
112     return 1;
113 }
114 /*
115 ====================================================================
116 Delete item at position. If this was the current entry update
117 current_entry to valid previous pointer.
118 Return Value: True if successful else False.
119 ====================================================================
120 */
list_delete_pos(List * list,int pos)121 int list_delete_pos( List *list, int pos )
122 {
123     int         i;
124     ListEntry  *cur = list->head;
126     /* check if deletion possbile */
127     if ( list_empty( list ) ) return 0;
128     if ( pos < 0 || pos >= list->count ) return 0;
129     /* get to correct entry */
130     for ( i = 0; i <= pos; i++ ) cur = cur->next;
131     /* modify anchors */
132     cur->next->prev = cur->prev;
133     cur->prev->next = cur->next;
134     /* decrease counter */
135     list->count--;
136     /* check current_entry */
137     if ( list->cur_entry == cur )
138         list->cur_entry = list->cur_entry->prev;
139     /* free memory */
140     if ( list->auto_delete ) {
141         if ( list->callback )
142             (list->callback)( cur->item );
143         else
144             free( cur->item );
145     }
146     free( cur );
147     return 1;
148 }
149 /*
150 ====================================================================
151 Delete item if in list. If this was the current entry update
152 current_entry to valid previous pointer.
153 Return Value: True if successful else False.
154 ====================================================================
155 */
list_delete_item(List * list,void * item)156 int list_delete_item( List *list, void *item )
157 {
158     return list_delete_pos( list, list_check( list, item ) );
159 }
160 /*
161 ====================================================================
162 Delete entry.
163 Return Value: True if successful else False.
164 ====================================================================
165 */
list_delete_entry(List * list,ListEntry * entry)166 int list_delete_entry( List *list, ListEntry *entry )
167 {
168     /* delete possible? */
169     if ( entry == 0 ) return 0;
170     if ( list->count == 0 ) return 0;
171     if ( entry == list->head || entry == list->tail ) return 0;
172     /* adjust anchor and counter */
173     entry->prev->next = entry->next;
174     entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
175     list->count--;
176     /* check current_entry */
177     if ( list->cur_entry == entry )
178         list->cur_entry = list->cur_entry->prev;
179     /* free memory */
180     if ( list->auto_delete ) {
181         if ( list->callback )
182             (list->callback)( entry->item );
183         else
184             free( entry->item );
185     }
186     free( entry );
187     return 1;
188 }
189 /*
190 ====================================================================
191 Get item from position if in list.
192 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null pointer.
193 ====================================================================
194 */
list_get(List * list,int pos)195 void* list_get( List *list, int pos )
196 {
197     int i;
198     ListEntry *cur = list->head;
200     if ( pos < 0 || pos >= list->count ) return 0;
201     for ( i = 0; i <= pos; i++ ) cur = cur->next;
202     return cur->item;
203 }
204 /*
205 ====================================================================
206 Check if item's in list.
207 Return Value: Position of item else -1.
208 ====================================================================
209 */
list_check(List * list,void * item)210 int list_check( List *list, void *item )
211 {
212     int pos = -1;
213     ListEntry *cur = list->head->next;
214     while ( cur != list->tail ) {
215         pos++;
216         if ( cur->item == item ) break;
217         cur = cur->next;
218     }
219     if ( cur == list->tail ) pos = -1; /* item not found */
220     return pos;
221 }
222 /*
223 ====================================================================
224 Return first item stored in list and set current_entry to this
225 entry.
226 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null pointer.
227 ====================================================================
228 */
list_first(List * list)229 void* list_first( List *list )
230 {
231     list->cur_entry = list->head->next;
232     return list->head->next->item;
233 }
234 /*
235 ====================================================================
236 Return last item stored in list and set current_entry to this
237 entry.
238 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null pointer.
239 ====================================================================
240 */
list_last(List * list)241 void* list_last( List *list )
242 {
243     list->cur_entry = list->tail->prev;
244     return list->tail->prev->item;
245 }
246 /*
247 ====================================================================
248 Return item in current_entry.
249 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null pointer.
250 ====================================================================
251 */
list_current(List * list)252 void* list_current( List *list )
253 {
254     return list->cur_entry->item;
255 }
256 /*
257 ====================================================================
258 Reset current_entry to head of list.
259 ====================================================================
260 */
list_reset(List * list)261 void list_reset( List *list )
262 {
263     list->cur_entry = list->head;
264 }
265 /*
266 ====================================================================
267 Get next item and update current_entry (reset if tail reached)
268 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null (if tail of list).
269 ====================================================================
270 */
list_next(List * list)271 void* list_next( List *list )
272 {
273     list->cur_entry = list->cur_entry->next;
274     if ( list->cur_entry == list->tail ) list_reset( list );
275     return list->cur_entry->item;
276 }
277 /*
278 ====================================================================
279 Get previous item and update current_entry.
280 Return Value: Item pointer if found else Null (if head of list).
281 ====================================================================
282 */
list_prev(List * list)283 void* list_prev( List *list )
284 {
285     list->cur_entry = list->cur_entry->prev;
286     return list->cur_entry->item;
287 }
288 /*
289 ====================================================================
290 Delete the current entry if not tail or head. This is the entry
291 that contains the last returned item by list_next/prev().
292 Return Value: True if it  was a valid deleteable entry.
293 ====================================================================
294 */
list_delete_current(List * list)295 int list_delete_current( List *list )
296 {
297 	if ( list->cur_entry == 0 || list->cur_entry == list->head || list->cur_entry == list->tail ) return 0;
298 	list_delete_entry( list, list->cur_entry );
299 	return 1;
300 }
301 /*
302 ====================================================================
303 Check if list is empty.
304 Return Value: True if list counter is 0 else False.
305 ====================================================================
306 */
list_empty(List * list)307 int list_empty( List *list )
308 {
309     return list->count == 0;
310 }
311 /*
312 ====================================================================
313 Return entry containing the passed item.
314 Return Value: True if entry found else False.
315 ====================================================================
316 */
list_entry(List * list,void * item)317 ListEntry *list_entry( List *list, void *item )
318 {
319     ListEntry *entry = list->head->next;
320     while ( entry != list->tail ) {
321         if ( entry->item == item ) return entry;
322         entry = entry->next;
323     }
324     return 0;
325 }
326 /*
327 ====================================================================
328 Transfer an entry from one list to another list by removing from
329 'source' and adding to 'dest' thus if source does not contain
330 the item this is equvalent to list_add( dest, item ).
331 ====================================================================
332 */
list_transfer(List * source,List * dest,void * item)333 void list_transfer( List *source, List *dest, void *item )
334 {
335     int old_auto_flag;
336     /* add to destination */
337     list_add( dest, item );
338     /* as the pointer is added to dest without changes only the empty
339     entry must be deleted in source */
340     old_auto_flag = source->auto_delete;
341     source->auto_delete = LIST_NO_AUTO_DELETE;
342     list_delete_item( source, item );
343     source->auto_delete = old_auto_flag;
344 }
345 /*
346 ====================================================================
347 Deqeue the first list entry. (must not use auto_delete therefore)
348 ====================================================================
349 */
list_dequeue(List * list)350 void *list_dequeue( List *list )
351 {
352     void *item;
353     if ( list->count > 0 ) {
354         item = list->head->next->item;
355         list_delete_pos( list, 0 );
356         return item;
357     }
358     else
359         return 0;
360 }