1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2  * Closure compiler and functions; including the switch() code generation.
3  *
4  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
5  * Closures implement the possibility to treat code as data. This means
6  * both 'function pointers' (efun, simul-efun and lfun closures) as well
7  * as functions compiled from data at runtime (lambda closures).
8  *
9  * The data for closures are stored in two places: in T_CLOSURE-svalues and
10  * in additional lambda structures. The exact type of the closure is
11  * stored in the secondary type of the svalue, the x.closure_type.
12  * Depending on this closure type, the data part of the svalue (union u)
13  * holds additional data or not.
14  *
15  * operator closure:   type = CLOSURE_OPERATOR (-0x1800) + instr
16  *   These are the closures for the LPC operators (e.g. #'&& or #'?).
17  *   The 'instr' is usually the machine instruction implementing
18  *   the operator (see lex::symbol_operator() for the exact mapping).
19  *   u.ob is the object this closure is bound to.
20  *
21  * efun closure:       type = CLOSURE_EFUN (-0x1000) + instr
22  *   These are the closures for the LPC efuns (e.g. #'atan or #'call_other).
23  *   The 'instr' is usually the machine instruction implementing
24  *   the efun (see lex::symbol_efun() for the exact mapping).
25  *   u.ob is the object this closure is bound to.
26  *
27  * operator and efun closure could be implemented using the same number
28  * range because the use of unique machine instructions guarantees no
29  * value collision. This way however makes distinguishing the two cases
30  * easier.
31  *
32  * simul-efun closure: type = CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN (-0x0800) + index
33  *   These are the closures for the simul-efuns. The 'index' is the
34  *   the index of the simul-efun in the function table of the simul-efun
35  *   object.
36  *   u.ob is the object this closure is bound to.
37  *
38  * lfun closure:           type = CLOSURE_LFUN (0)
39  *   Reference to a lfun in an object.
40  *   u.lambda points to the lambda structure with the detailed data.
41  *
42  * identifier closure:     type = CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER (1)
43  *   Reference to a variable in this object.
44  *   u.lambda points to the lambda structure with the detailed data.
45  *
46  * preliminary closure:    type = CLOSURE_PRELIMINARY (2)
47  *   TODO: ???
48  *
49  * bound lambda closure:   type = CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA (3)
50  *   This is an unbound lambda closure which was bound to an object.
51  *   To allow binding the same unbound lambda to different objects
52  *   at the same time, this construct uses a double indirection:
53  *   u.lambda points to a lambda structure with the binding information,
54  *   which then points to the actual unbound lambda structure.
55  *
56  * lambda closure:         type = CLOSURE_LAMBDA (4)
57  *   Lambda closure bound to an object at compilation time.
58  *   u.lambda points to the lambda structure with the compiled function.
59  *
60  * unbound lambda closure: type = CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA (5)
61  *   Unbound lambda closure, which is not bound to any object at
62  *   compile time.
63  *   u.lambda points to the lambda structure with the compiled function.
64  *
65  *
66  * The additional information for closure are stored in structures
67  * of type lambda_s, which are refcounted. For lambda closures the lambda
68  * structure is in fact embedded in the middle of a larger memory block:
69  * it is prepended by an array of the svalues used as constants in
70  * the function, and followed by the actual function code.
71  *
72  *   struct lambda_s
73  *   {
74  *       svalue_t values[] (lambda closures only)
75  *           For lambda closures, the constant values used by the function
76  *           which are indexed from the end ((svalue_t*)lambda_t).
77  *       p_int ref;
78  *       object_t *ob;
79  *           Object the closure is bound to (for bound UNBOUND_LAMBDAs just
80  *           during the execution of the lambda).
81  *       union --- Closure information ---
82  *       {
83  *           unsigned short var_index;
84  *               _IDENTIFIER: index in the variable table
85  *               Function indices are lower than CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS
86  *               (0xe800), variable indices are higher.
87  *               The special value VANISHED_VARCLOSURE_INDEX (-1) is
88  *               used to mark vanished variables.
89  *
90  *           struct -- CLOSURE_LFUN
91  *           {
92  *               object_t *ob;
93  *                   Originating object
94  *               unsigned short  index
95  *                   Index in the objects function table
96  *           } lfun;
97  *
98  *           bytecode_t code[1];
99  *               LAMBDA and UNBOUND_LAMBDA closures: the function code.
100  *               The first bytes are:
101  *                 +0: uint8 num_values
102  *                 +1: uint8 num_args
103  *                 +2: uint8 num_vars
104  *                 +3...: the function code
105  *               'num_values' is the number of constants store before
106  *               the lambda structure. If it is 0xff, the actual number
107  *               is stored in .values[-0x100].u.number.
108  *
109  *           lambda_t *lambda;
110  *               BOUND_LAMBDA: pointer to the UNBOUND_LAMBDA structure.
111  *
112  *       } function;
113  *
114  *       svalue_t context[.lfun.context_size];
115  *          lfun-closure context variables, if any.
116  *          Putting this array into the function.lfun somehow causes memory
117  *          corruption because some lambda structures won't be allocated large
118  *          enough.
119  *   }
120  *
121  *
122  * If a lambda() is compiled while replace_program() is scheduled, the
123  * construction information is stored in the protector and the lambda
124  * is recompiled when the program replacement is put into place.
125  *
126  *
127  * To handle lambda closures, two more svalue types are needed:
128  *
129  * Symbols (T_SYMBOL svalue)
130  *     Symbols are names to be used as variable names.
131  *     The name is stored as shared string in u.string, the number
132  *     of quotes is stored in x.quotes.
133  *     If the number of quotes is reduced to 0, the lambda compiler
134  *     will find/create a local variable with this name.
135  *
136  * Quoted Arrays (T_QUOTED_ARRAY svalue)
137  *     Quoted arrays are needed to put array literals into lambda
138  *     closures which usually treat arrays as code.
139  *     u.vec is the reference to the array, x.quotes the number
140  *     of quotes.
141  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
142  */
144 #include "driver.h"
145 #include "typedefs.h"
147 #include "my-alloca.h"
148 #include <stdarg.h>
149 #include <stddef.h>
150 #include <stdio.h>
152 #include "closure.h"
153 #include "array.h"
154 #include "backend.h"
155 #include "exec.h"
156 #include "instrs.h"
157 #include "interpret.h"
158 #include "lex.h"
159 #include "main.h"
160 #include "mstrings.h"
161 #include "object.h"
162 #include "prolang.h"
163 #include "simulate.h"
164 #include "simul_efun.h"
165 #include "stdstrings.h"
166 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
167 #include "structs.h"
168 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
169 #include "svalue.h"
170 #include "swap.h"
171 #include "switch.h"
172 #include "xalloc.h"
174 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
175 #include "i-svalue_cmp.h"
176 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
178 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
180 #define MAX_LAMBDA_LEVELS 0x8000;
181   /* Maximum recursion depth for compile_value.
182    */
184 #define SYMTAB_START_SIZE       16
185   /* Initial number of entries in the work_area.symbols table.
186    */
188 #define CODE_BUFFER_START_SIZE  1024
189   /* Initial size of the work_area codebuffer.
190    */
192 #define VALUE_START_MAX         0x20
193   /* Initial number of value entries in the work_area.values table.
194    */
196 /* Flags passed to resp. returned by compile_value().
197  * They must fit into one bytecode_t (the #'? needs that)
198  */
199 #define ZERO_ACCEPTED     0x01  /* in:  a return value of zero need not be coded */
200 #define VOID_ACCEPTED     0x02  /* in:  any return value can be left out */
201 #define VOID_GIVEN        0x04  /* out: no return value given */
202 #define NEGATE_ACCEPTED   0x08  /* in:  Caller accepts a reversed logic result */
203 #define NEGATE_GIVEN      0x10  /* out: Result is in reversed logic */
204 #define REF_REJECTED      0x20  /* in:  lvalues not accepted */
207   /* all "don't care for the result" flags.
208    */
211 /* Flags passed to compile_lvalue()
212  */
213 #define USE_INDEX_LVALUE  0x1  /* Use INDEX_LVALUE instead of PUSH_INDEX_LVALUE */
214 #define PROTECT_LVALUE    0x2  /* Protect the generated lvalue */
217 #define UNIMPLEMENTED \
218             lambda_error("Unimplemented - contact the maintainer\n");
219   /* Guess :-)
220    */
222 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
223 /* Types */
225 typedef struct symbol_s    symbol_t;
226 typedef struct work_area_s work_area_t;
229 /* --- struct lambda_replace_program_protecter ---
230  *
231  * If closures are bound to objects for which a program replacement
232  * has been scheduled, a list of these structures, one for each closure,
233  * is kept in replace_ob_s.lambda_rpp to hold the necessary information
234  * to adjust the closures after the program has been replaced.
235  *
236  * The list is created by calls to lambda_ref_replace_program() and evaluated
237  * in lambda_replace_program_adjust().
238  */
240 struct lambda_replace_program_protector
241 {
242     struct lambda_replace_program_protector *next;  /* The list link */
243     svalue_t  l;      /* The closure bound, counted as reference */
244     p_int     size;   /* 0, or for lambda()s the number of parameters in .args */
245     vector_t *args;   /* If .size != 0: the parameter array of a lambda() */
246     svalue_t  block;  /* If .size != 0: the lambda() body */
247 };
250 /* --- struct symbol_s: Symbolentry ---
251  *
252  * All encountered local symbols (arguments and variables) are stored using
253  * this structure in a hashed symbol table in the work_area.
254  */
256 struct symbol_s
257 {
258     string_t *name;       /* Tabled name of the symbol (not counted as ref) */
259     symbol_t *next;        /* Next symbol structure in hash list */
260     symbol_t *next_local;
261     int index;             /* Index number of this symbol, -1 if unassigned */
262 };
265 /* --- struct work_area_s: Information for the lambda compilation ---
266  *
267  * This structure holds all the information for a lambda compilation.
268  * In theory this allows nested compilations, but this feature hasn't been
269  * implemented yet.
270  */
272 struct work_area_s
273 {
274     symbol_t   **symbols;         /* Dynamic ashtable of lists of symbols */
275     mp_int       symbol_max;      /* Allocated size of .symbols in byte */
276     mp_int       symbol_mask;     /* Mask hashvalue -> .symbols index */
277     mp_int       symbols_left;
278       /* Size(!) of symbols left to enter into .symbols before the table
279        * has to be enlarged.
280        */
281     bytecode_p   code;
282       /* Memory block for the generated code, filled from the beginning */
283     bytecode_p   codep;           /* First free bytecode in .code */
284     mp_int       code_max;        /* Size of .code in byte */
285     mp_int       code_left;       /* Unused .code left in byte */
286     svalue_t    *values;
287       /* Memory block for the values, filled from the end */
288     svalue_t    *valuep;          /* Last value assigned in .values */
289     mp_int       value_max;       /* Size of *.values in entries */
290     mp_int       values_left;     /* Number of unused values */
291     mp_int       num_locals;      /* Number of local vars, including args */
292     mp_int       levels_left;
293     object_t    *lambda_origin;   /* Object the lambda will be bound to */
294     int          break_stack;     /* Current size of the break stack */
295     int          max_break_stack; /* Max size of the break stack */
296 };
297 /* TODO: Use a pooled allocator for the memory held by the work_area (or
298  * TODO:: all workareas?)
299  */
301 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
302 /* Variables for the switch() code generator */
304 static Bool switch_initialized;
305   /* TRUE if the case_blocks/case_state variables are valid.
306    * Set to FALSE whenever a new lambda is compiled.
307    */
309 case_state_t case_state;
310   /* State of the current switch generation.
311    */
313 static case_list_entry_t *case_blocks = NULL;
314 static case_list_entry_t *case_blocks_last = NULL;
315   /* List of allocated case_list_entry_t blocks, freed in free_symbols().
316    * The blocks are arrays [CASE_BLOCKING_FACTOR] of case_list_entry_t's,
317    * and the first entry is used to link the blocks.
318    * The blocks are used from the beginning, case_state.free_block points
319    * the currently used block. There may be blocks following .free_block
320    * which were generated during the compilation of nested switch()es.
321    */
323 static case_list_entry_t *save_case_free_block;
324 static case_list_entry_t *save_case_next_free;
325 static case_list_entry_t *save_case_list0;
326 static case_list_entry_t *save_case_list1;
327   /* Saved case_state entries .free_block, .next_free, .list0, .list1
328    * from a LPC compilation. This happens when lambda() is called during
329    * a compile, e.g. from an LPC error handler.
330    * These values are too restored in free_symbols().
331    */
333 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
334 /* Lambda compiler variables */
336 static work_area_t current
337   = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
338   /* The current (and in this implementation only) work area.
339    */
341 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
342 /* Forward declarations */
344 static void lambda_error VARPROT((const char *error_str, ...), printf, 1, 2) NORETURN;
345 static void lambda_cerror(const char *s) FORMATDEBUG(printf,1,0) NORETURN;
346 static void lambda_cerrorl(const char *s1, const char *s2 UNUSED, int line1 UNUSED,
347                            int line2 UNUSED) NORETURN FORMATDEBUG(printf,1,0);
348 static void free_symbols(void);
349 static Bool is_lvalue (svalue_t *argp, int index_lvalue);
350 static void compile_lvalue(svalue_t *, int);
351 static lambda_t * lambda (vector_t *args, svalue_t *block, object_t *origin);
353 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
354 static INLINE int
function_cmp(const string_t * name,const program_t * prog,int ix)355 function_cmp (const string_t *name, const program_t *prog, int ix)
357 /* Compare <name> with the name of function number <ix> in <prog>ram.
358  * Result:  0: <name> is equal to the indexed name
359  *         >0: <name> is smaller
360  *         <0: <name> is bigger
361  *
362  * Note that both names are directly tabled strings, so only the pointers are
363  * compared.
364  */
366 {
367     funflag_t flags;
369     /* Set ix to the memory offset for the (possibly inherited) function
370      * function.
371      */
372     ix = prog->function_names[ix];
373     flags = prog->functions[ix];
374     while (flags & NAME_INHERITED)
375     {
376         inherit_t *inheritp;
378         inheritp = &prog->inherit[flags & INHERIT_MASK];
379         prog = inheritp->prog;
380         ix -= inheritp->function_index_offset;
381         flags = prog->functions[ix];
382     }
384     /* Return the result of the comparison */
385     /* Compare the two pointers.
386      * The comparison operation has to match the one in prolang.y:epilog().
387      */
388     return memcmp( &name, FUNCTION_NAMEP(prog->program + (flags & FUNSTART_MASK))
389                  , sizeof name
390     );
391 } /* function_cmp() */
393 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
394 long
find_function(const string_t * name,const program_t * prog)395 find_function (const string_t *name, const program_t *prog)
397 /* Find the function <name> (a shared string) in the <prog>ram.
398  * Result is the index of the function in the functions[] table,
399  * or -1 if the function hasn't been found.
400  */
401 {
402     int i, o, d;  /* Testindex, Partitionsize, Comparisonresult */
403     int size;     /* Number of functions */
405     if ( !(size = prog->num_function_names) )
406         return -1;
408     /* A simple binary search */
409     i = size >> 1;
410     o = (i+2) >> 1;
411     for (;;)
412     {
413         d = function_cmp(name, prog, i);
414         if (d<0)
415         {
416             i -= o;
417             if (i < 0)
418             {
419                 i = 0;
420             }
421         }
422         else if (d > 0)
423         {
424             i += o;
425             if (i >= size)
426             {
427                 i = size-1;
428             }
429         }
430         else
431         {
432             return prog->function_names[i];
433         }
435         if (o <= 1)
436         {
437             if (function_cmp(name, prog, i))
438                 return -1;
439             return prog->function_names[i];
440         }
441         o = (o+1) >> 1;
442     }
444     /* NOTREACHED */
445     return -1;
446 } /* find_function() */
448 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
449 Bool
closure_eq(svalue_t * left,svalue_t * right)450 closure_eq (svalue_t * left, svalue_t * right)
452 /* Compare the two closure svalues <left> and <right> and return TRUE if
453  * they refer to the same closure.
454  */
456 {
457     int i;
459     /* Operator, Efun and Simul efun closures don't have a .u.lambda
460      * part.
461      */
462     i = left->x.generic == right->x.generic;
464     if (i
465      && (   left->x.closure_type >= 0
466          || right->x.closure_type >= 0)
467        )
468         i = left->u.lambda  == right->u.lambda;
470     /* Lfun- and identifier closure can be equal even if
471      * their pointers differ.
472      */
473     if (!i
474      && left->x.closure_type == right->x.closure_type
475      && (   left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LFUN
476          || left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER
477         )
478      && left->u.lambda->ob == right->u.lambda->ob
479        )
480     {
481         if (left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LFUN)
482         {
483             i =    (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob
484                     == right->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob)
485                 && (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.index
486                     == right->u.lambda->function.lfun.index)
487                 && (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg
488                     == right->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg)
489                 && (    left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size
490                      == right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size)
491                 ;
493 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
494             if (i)
495             {
496                 unsigned int context_size, ix;
498                 /* There might be a difference is in the context svalues.
499                  * To prevent recursion, hide them while comparing them.
500                  */
502                 context_size = left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size;
503                 left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = 0;
504                 right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = 0;
506                 for (ix = 0; i && ix < context_size; ix++)
507                 {
508                     i = svalue_eq( &(left->u.lambda->context[ix])
509                                  , &(right->u.lambda->context[ix])
510                                  );
511                 }
513                 /* Restore the context size.
514                  */
515                 left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = context_size;
516                 right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = context_size;
517             }
518 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
519         }
520         else /* CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER */
521         {
522             i =    left->u.lambda->function.var_index
523                 == right->u.lambda->function.var_index;
524         }
525     }
527     return (Bool)i;
528 } /* closure_eq() */
530 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
531 int
closure_cmp(svalue_t * left,svalue_t * right)532 closure_cmp (svalue_t * left, svalue_t * right)
534 /* Compare the two closure svalues <left> and <right> and return a value
535  * describing their relation:
536  *  -1: <left> is 'smaller' than <right>
537  *   0: the closures are equal
538  *   1: <left> is 'greater' than <right>
539  */
541 {
542     if (closure_eq(left, right)) return 0;
544     /* First comparison criterium is the closure_type */
545     if (left->x.closure_type != right->x.closure_type)
546     {
547         return (left->x.closure_type < right->x.closure_type) ? -1 : 1;
548     }
550     /* The types are identical and determine the next comparison.
551      * For lfun/identifier closure, we compare the actual closure data,
552      * for other closures a comparison of the lambda pointer is sufficient.
553      */
554     if (left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER
555      || left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LFUN
556        )
557     {
558         if (left->u.lambda->ob != right->u.lambda->ob)
559         {
560             return (left->u.lambda->ob < right->u.lambda->ob) ? -1 : 1;
561         }
563         if (left->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LFUN)
564         {
565 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
566             unsigned context_size, i;
567             int d;
568 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
570             if ( left->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob
571               != right->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob)
572             {
573                 return (  left->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob
574                         < right->u.lambda->function.lfun.ob)
575                        ? -1 : 1;
576             }
578             if (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.index
579                 != right->u.lambda->function.lfun.index
580                )
581                 return (  left->u.lambda->function.lfun.index
582                         < right->u.lambda->function.lfun.index)
583                        ? -1 : 1;
585             if (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg
586                 != right->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg
587                )
588                 return (  left->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg
589                         < right->u.lambda->function.lfun.inhProg)
590                        ? -1 : 1;
592 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
593             /* The difference is in the context svalues.
594              * To prevent recursion, hide them while comparing them.
595              */
596             if (   left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size
597                 != right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size
598                )
599                 return (  left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size
600                         < right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size)
601                        ? -1 : 1;
603             context_size = left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size;
604             left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = 0;
605             right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = 0;
607             for (i = 0, d = 0; d == 0 && i < context_size; i++)
608             {
609                 d = svalue_cmp( &(left->u.lambda->context[i])
610                               , &(right->u.lambda->context[i])
611                               );
612             }
614             /* Restore the context size, the return the comparison
615              * result in d.
616              */
617             left->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = context_size;
618             right->u.lambda->function.lfun.context_size = context_size;
620             return d;
621 #else
622             return 0; /* Shouldn't be reached */
623 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
624         }
625         else /* CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER */
626         {
627             /* This is the only field left, so it is guaranteed to differ */
628             return (  left->u.lambda->function.var_index
629                     < right->u.lambda->function.var_index)
630                    ? -1 : 1;
631         }
632     }
634     /* Normal closure: compare the lambda pointers */
635     return (left->u.lambda < right->u.lambda) ? -1 : 1;
636 } /* closure_cmp() */
638 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
639 Bool
lambda_ref_replace_program(object_t * curobj,lambda_t * l,int type,p_int size,vector_t * args,svalue_t * block)640 lambda_ref_replace_program( object_t * curobj, lambda_t *l, int type
641                           , p_int size, vector_t *args, svalue_t *block)
643 /* The lambda <l> of type <type> is about to be bound to the object <curobj>
644  * which might be scheduled for program replacement.
645  * If that is the case, a(nother) protector is added to replace_ob_s.lambda_rpp
646  * and the function returns TRUE. Otherwise the function just returns FALSE.
647  *
648  * If <size> is not zero, it is the size of <args>, a vector with parameter
649  * descriptions for a lambda(), and <block> holds the body of the lambda().
650  * If <size> is zero, both <args> and <block> are undetermined.
651  */
653 {
654     replace_ob_t *r_ob;
656     /* Search for a program replacement scheduled for the current
657      * object.
658      */
659     for (r_ob = obj_list_replace; r_ob; r_ob = r_ob->next)
660     {
661         if (r_ob->ob == curobj)
662         {
663             /* Replacement found: add the protector */
665             struct lambda_replace_program_protector *lrpp;
667             l->ref++;
668             lrpp = xalloc(sizeof *lrpp);
669             lrpp->l.u.lambda = l;
670             lrpp->l.x.closure_type = (short)type;
671             lrpp->next = r_ob->lambda_rpp;
672             r_ob->lambda_rpp = lrpp;
673             if (size)
674             {
675                 lrpp->size = size;
676                 lrpp->args = ref_array(args);
677                 assign_svalue_no_free(&lrpp->block, block);
678             }
680             return MY_TRUE;
681         }
682     } /* for() */
684     /* No replacement found: return false */
685     return MY_FALSE;
686 } /* lambda_ref_replace_program() */
688 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
689 void
set_closure_user(svalue_t * svp,object_t * owner)690 set_closure_user (svalue_t *svp, object_t *owner)
692 /* Set <owner> as the new user of the closure stored in <svp> if the closure
693  * is an operator-, sefun- or efun-closure, or if the closure is under
694  * construction ("preliminary"). Finished lambda closures can't be rebound.
695  *
696  * Sideeffect: for preliminary closures, the function also determines the
697  * proper svp->x.closure_type and updates the closures .function.index.
698  */
700 {
701     int type;        /* Type of the closure */
703     if ( !CLOSURE_MALLOCED(type = svp->x.closure_type) )
704     {
705     	/* Operator-, sefun-, efun-closure: just rebind */
707         free_object(svp->u.ob, "set_closure_user");
708         svp->u.ob = ref_object(owner, "set_closure_user");
709     }
710     else if (type == CLOSURE_PRELIMINARY)
711     {
712     	/* lambda closure under construction: rebind, but take care
713     	 * of possible program replacement
714     	 */
716         int ix;
717         lambda_t *l;
718         funflag_t flags;
719         program_t *prog;
721         prog = owner->prog;
722         l = svp->u.lambda;
723         ix = l->function.lfun.index;
725         /* If the program is scheduled for replacement (or has been replaced),
726          * create the protector for the closure, otherwise mark the object
727          * as referenced by a lambda.
728          */
729         if ( !(prog->flags & P_REPLACE_ACTIVE)
730          || !lambda_ref_replace_program( owner, l
731                                        , ix >= CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS
732                                          ? CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER
733                                          : CLOSURE_LFUN
734                                        , 0, NULL, NULL)
735            )
736         {
737             owner->flags |= O_LAMBDA_REFERENCED;
738         }
740         /* Set the svp->x.closure_type to the type of the closure. */
742         if (ix >= CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS)
743         {
744             /* Identifier closure */
745             ix -= CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS;
746             svp->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER;
748             /* Update the closure index */
749             l->function.var_index = (unsigned short)ix;
750         }
751         else
752         {
753             /* lfun closure. Be careful to handle cross-defined lfuns
754              * correctly.
755              */
757             flags = prog->functions[ix];
758             if (flags & NAME_CROSS_DEFINED)
759             {
760                 ix += CROSSDEF_NAME_OFFSET(flags);
761             }
762             svp->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_LFUN;
764             /* Update the closure index */
765             l->function.lfun.ob = ref_object(owner, "closure");
766             l->function.lfun.index = (unsigned short)ix;
767 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
768             l->function.lfun.context_size = 0;
769 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
770         }
772         /* (Re)Bind the closure */
773         free_object(l->ob, "closure");
774         l->ob = ref_object(owner, "set_closure_user");
775     }
776 } /* set_closure_user() */
778 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
779 void
replace_program_lambda_adjust(replace_ob_t * r_ob)780 replace_program_lambda_adjust (replace_ob_t *r_ob)
782 /* This function is called as the last step during the replacement of an
783  * object's program, but only if the object has been marked to hold
784  * closure references.
785  *
786  * The function is called in the backend context and catches errors during
787  * its execution.
788  */
790 {
791     static struct lambda_replace_program_protector *current_lrpp;
792       /* Copy of lrpp, static to survive errors */
794     struct lambda_replace_program_protector *lrpp;
795       /* Current protector */
797     struct lambda_replace_program_protector *next_lrpp;
798       /* Next protector */
800     struct error_recovery_info error_recovery_info;
802     /* Loop through the list of lambda protectors, adjusting
803      * the lfun closures. Vanished lfun closures are replaced by
804      * references to master::dangling_lfun_closure() if existing.
805      * Vanished identifier closures are marked with a special value
806      * and just vanish.
807      * TODO: Store the name somehow for error messages/sprintf/to_string?
808      *
809      * This is done first because these are possible building blocks.
810      */
811     lrpp = r_ob->lambda_rpp;
812     do {
813         if ( !CLOSURE_HAS_CODE(lrpp->l.x.closure_type) )
814         {
815             /* Yup, it's an lfun or identifier */
817             if (lrpp->l.x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LFUN)
818             {
819                 lambda_t *l;
820                 int i;
822                 /* Adjust the index of the lfun
823                  * If the lfun closure is a reference to an inherited
824                  * program we need to check if the inheritance relation
825                  * changes.
826                  */
827                 l = lrpp->l.u.lambda;
829                 if (!l->function.lfun.inhProg)
830                     i = l->function.lfun.index -= r_ob->fun_offset;
831                 else if (l->function.lfun.inhProg == r_ob->new_prog)
832                 {
833                     /* First possibility: the new program is the same
834                      * one the closure is pointing to.
835                      * In that case, convert the closure into a straight
836                      * lfun closure.
837                      */
839                      i = l->function.lfun.index -= r_ob->fun_offset;
841                      free_prog(l->function.lfun.inhProg, MY_TRUE);
842                      l->function.lfun.inhProg = NULL;
843                 }
844                 else if (l->function.lfun.index >= r_ob->fun_offset &&
845                          l->function.lfun.index <
846                             r_ob->fun_offset + r_ob->new_prog->num_functions)
847                 {
848                     program_t *prog;
850                     /* Second possibility: the new program still
851                      * inherits the program the closure is referencing.
852                      * In that case, just update the inhIndex.
853                      */
855                     i = l->function.lfun.index -= r_ob->fun_offset;
857                     /* Checkt hat inhProg is still in the inherit chain.
858                      * If not, convert the closure into a straight
859                      * lfun closure.
860                      */
862                     prog = r_ob->new_prog;
864                     while(prog != l->function.lfun.inhProg)
865                     {
866                         inherit_t *inheritp;
868                         if (!prog->num_inherited)
869                         {
870                             /* Didn't find it. */
871                             l->function.lfun.inhProg = NULL;
872                             break;
873                         }
875                         inheritp = search_function_inherit(prog, i);
876                         i-= inheritp->function_index_offset;
877                         prog = inheritp->prog;
879                         if (i >= prog->num_functions)
880                         {
881                             /* We didn't find inhProg. */
882                              l->function.lfun.inhProg = NULL;
883                             break;
884                         }
885                     }
887                     i = l->function.lfun.index;
888                 }
889                 else
890                     i = -1;
892                 /* If the function vanished, replace it with a default */
893                 if (i < 0 || i >= r_ob->new_prog->num_functions)
894                 {
895                     assert_master_ob_loaded();
896                     free_object( l->function.lfun.ob
897                                , "replace_program_lambda_adjust");
898                     if(l->function.lfun.inhProg)
899                         free_prog(l->function.lfun.inhProg, MY_TRUE);
901                     l->function.lfun.ob
902                         = ref_object(master_ob
903                                     , "replace_program_lambda_adjust");
904                     i = find_function( STR_DANGLING_LFUN
905                                      , master_ob->prog);
906                     l->function.lfun.index = (unsigned short)(i < 0 ? 0 :i);
907                     l->function.lfun.inhProg = NULL;
908                 }
909             }
910             else /* CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER */
911             {
912                 lambda_t *l;
913                 int i;
915                 /* Adjust the index of the identifier */
916                 l = lrpp->l.u.lambda;
917                 i = l->function.var_index -= r_ob->var_offset;
919                 /* If it vanished, mark it as such */
920                 if (i >= r_ob->new_prog->num_variables)
921                 {
922                     l->function.var_index = VANISHED_VARCLOSURE_INDEX;
923                     /* TODO: This value should be properly publicized and
924                      * TODO:: tested.
925                      */
926                 }
927             }
928         } /* if (!CLOSURE_HAS_CODE()) */
929     } while ( NULL != (lrpp = lrpp->next) );
931     /* Second pass: now adjust the lambda closures.
932      * This is done by recompilation of every closure and comparison
933      * with the original one. If the two closures differ, the closure
934      * references now-vanished entities and has to be abandoned.
935      *
936      * In such a case, an error is generated and also caught: the code
937      * for the closure is replaced by the instruction "undef" so that
938      * accidental executions are caught.
939      */
941     error_recovery_info.rt.last = rt_context;
942     error_recovery_info.rt.type = ERROR_RECOVERY_BACKEND;
943     rt_context = (rt_context_t *)&error_recovery_info.rt;
944     if (setjmp(error_recovery_info.con.text))
945     {
946         bytecode_p p;
948         lrpp = current_lrpp;
950         /* Replace the function with "undef" */
951         p = LAMBDA_CODE(lrpp->l.u.lambda->function.code);
952         p[0] = F_UNDEF;
954         /* Free the protector and all held values */
955         free_array(lrpp->args);
956         free_svalue(&lrpp->block);
957         free_closure(&lrpp->l);
959         next_lrpp = lrpp->next;
960         xfree(lrpp);
962         /* Restart the loop */
963         lrpp = next_lrpp;
964     }
965     else
966         /* Set lrpp to the first lambda to process.
967          * (Doing it here makes gcc happy).
968          */
969         lrpp = r_ob->lambda_rpp;
972     /* lrpp here is the next protector to handle, or NULL */
974     if (lrpp) do
975     {
977     	/* If it's a lambda, adjust it */
978         if (lrpp->l.x.closure_type == CLOSURE_LAMBDA)
979         {
980             lambda_t *l, *l2;      /* Original and recompiled closure */
981             svalue_t *svp, *svp2;  /* Pointer to the two closure's values */
982             mp_int num_values, num_values2, code_size2;
984             current_lrpp = lrpp; /* in case an error occurs */
986             /* Remember the original lambda, and also recompile it */
987             l = lrpp->l.u.lambda;
988             l2 = lambda(lrpp->args, &lrpp->block, l->ob);
990             svp = (svalue_t *)l;
991             if ( (num_values = LAMBDA_NUM_VALUES(l->function.code)) == 0xff)
992                 num_values = svp[-0x100].u.number;
994             svp2 = (svalue_t *)l2;
995             if ( (num_values2 = LAMBDA_NUM_VALUES(l2->function.code)) == 0xff)
996                 num_values2 = svp2[-0x100].u.number;
997             code_size2 = current.code_max - current.code_left;
999             /* If the recompiled lambda differs from the original one, we
1000              * lose it.
1001              */
1002             if (num_values != num_values2 || lrpp->size != code_size2)
1003             {
1004                 free_svalue(&lrpp->block);
1006                 /* lrpp->block will be freed after the error, so lets fake
1007                  * a closure svalue and put the just-compiled closure in
1008                  * there.
1009                  */
1010                 lrpp->block.type = T_CLOSURE;
1011                 lrpp->block.x.closure_type = CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA;
1012                 lrpp->block.u.lambda = l2;
1014                 errorf("Cannot adjust lambda closure after replace_program(), "
1015                       "object %s\n", get_txt(r_ob->ob->name));
1016             }
1018             /* The recompiled lambda can be used (and has to: think changed
1019              * indices), so replace the original by the new one.
1020              * We have to keep the memory of the original one as other
1021              * code might already reference it.
1022              */
1023             while (--num_values >= 0)
1024                 transfer_svalue(--svp, --svp2);
1025             memcpy(l->function.code, l2->function.code, (size_t)code_size2);
1027             /* Free the (now empty) memory */
1028             if  (l2->ob)
1029                 free_object(l2->ob, "replace_program_lambda_adjust");
1030             if  (l2->prog_ob)
1031                 free_object(l2->prog_ob, "replace_program_lambda_adjust");
1032             xfree(svp2);
1033             free_array(lrpp->args);
1034             free_svalue(&lrpp->block);
1035         }
1037         /* lambda or not, the protector is no longer needed */
1038         free_closure(&lrpp->l);
1039         next_lrpp = lrpp->next;
1040         xfree(lrpp);
1042     } while ( NULL != (lrpp = next_lrpp) );
1044     /* Restore the old error recovery info */
1045     rt_context = error_recovery_info.rt.last;
1047 } /* replace_lambda_program_adjust() */
1049 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1050 void
closure_init_lambda(lambda_t * l,object_t * obj)1051 closure_init_lambda (lambda_t * l, object_t * obj)
1053 /* Initialize the freshly created lambda <l> to be bound to object <obj>
1054  * (if given), and set the other generic fields (.ref, .prog_ob, .prog_pc).
1055  */
1057 {
1058     l->ref = 1;
1059     if (current_prog)
1060     {
1061         l->prog_ob = ref_valid_object(current_prog->blueprint, "lambda creator");
1062         l->prog_pc = inter_pc - current_prog->program;
1063     }
1064     else
1065     {
1066         l->prog_ob = NULL;
1067         l->prog_pc = 0;
1068     }
1070     if (obj)
1071         l->ob = ref_object(obj, "lambda object");
1072     else
1073         l->ob = NULL;
1074 } /* closure_init_lambda() */
1076 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1077 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1078 lambda_t *
closure_new_lambda(object_t * obj,Bool raise_error)1079 closure_new_lambda (object_t * obj, Bool raise_error)
1080 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1081 lambda_t *
1082 closure_new_lambda ( object_t * obj,  unsigned short context_size
1083                    , Bool raise_error)
1084 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1086 /* Create a basic lambda closure structure, suitable to hold <context_size>
1087  * context values, and bound to <obj>. The structure has the generic
1088  * fields (.ref, .ob, .prog_ob, .prog_pc) initialized.
1089  *
1090  * The function may raise an error on out of memory if <raise_error> is TRUE,
1091  * or just return NULL.
1092  */
1094 {
1095     lambda_t *l;
1097     /* Allocate a new lambda structure */
1098 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1099     l = xalloc(sizeof(*l));
1100 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1101     l = xalloc(SIZEOF_LAMBDA(context_size));
1102 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1103     if (!l)
1104     {
1105         if (raise_error)
1106         {
1107 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1108             outofmem(sizeof(*l), "closure literal");
1109 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1110             outofmem(SIZEOF_LAMBDA(context_size)
1111                     , "closure literal");
1112 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1113             /* NOTREACHED */
1114         }
1115     	return NULL;
1116     }
1118     closure_init_lambda(l, obj);
1120     return l;
1121 } /* closure_new_lambda() */
1123 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1124 void
closure_identifier(svalue_t * dest,object_t * obj,int ix,Bool raise_error)1125 closure_identifier (svalue_t *dest, object_t * obj, int ix, Bool raise_error)
1127 /* Create a literal variable closure, bound to <obj> and with variable
1128  * index <ix>. The caller has to account for any variable offsets before
1129  * calling this  function.
1130  *
1131  * The created closure is stored as new svalue into *<dest>.
1132  *
1133  * The function may raise an error on out of memory if <raise_error> is TRUE,
1134  * or set *<dest> to svalue 0 else.
1135  */
1137 {
1138     lambda_t *l;
1140     /* Allocate an initialise a new lambda structure */
1141 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1142     l = closure_new_lambda(obj, raise_error);
1143 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1144     l = closure_new_lambda(obj, 0, raise_error);
1145 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1146     if (!l)
1147     {
1148         put_number(dest, 0);
1149         return;
1150     }
1152     /* If the object's program will be replaced, store the closure
1153      * in lambda protector, otherwise mark the object as referenced by
1154      * a closure.
1155      */
1156     if ( !(obj->prog->flags & P_REPLACE_ACTIVE)
1157      || !lambda_ref_replace_program( obj, l, CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER
1158                                    , 0, NULL, NULL)
1159        )
1160     {
1161         obj->flags |= O_LAMBDA_REFERENCED;
1162     }
1164     dest->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER;
1165     l->function.var_index = (unsigned short)ix;
1167     /* Fill in the rest of the lambda and of the result svalue */
1169     dest->type = T_CLOSURE;
1170     dest->u.lambda = l;
1171 } /* closure_identifier() */
1173 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1174 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1175 void
closure_lfun(svalue_t * dest,object_t * obj,program_t * prog,int ix,Bool raise_error)1176 closure_lfun ( svalue_t *dest, object_t *obj, program_t *prog, int ix
1177              , Bool raise_error)
1178 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1179 void
1180 closure_lfun ( svalue_t *dest, object_t *obj, program_t *prog, int ix
1181              , unsigned short num
1182              , Bool raise_error)
1183 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1185 /* Create a literal lfun closure, bound to the object <obj>. The resulting
1186  * svalue is stored in *<dest>.
1187  *
1188  * The closure is defined by the function index <ix>, for which the caller
1189  * has to make sure that all function offsets are applied before calling
1190  * this function. <ix> is relative to the object's program. <prog> is
1191  * the program used for the lookup of this function (but <ix> is nevertheless
1192  * the index into the object's function table, not neccessarily into the
1193  * function table of <prog>). <num> indicates the number of context variables
1194  * which are initialized to svalue-0.
1195  *
1196  * The function may raise an error on out of memory if <raise_error> is TRUE,
1197  * or set *<dest> to svalue 0 else.
1198  */
1200 {
1201     lambda_t *l;
1203     /* Allocate and initialise a new lambda structure */
1204 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1205     l = closure_new_lambda(obj, raise_error);
1206 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1207     l = closure_new_lambda(obj, num, raise_error);
1208 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1209     if (!l)
1210     {
1211         put_number(dest, 0);
1212         return;
1213     }
1215     /* If the object's program will be replaced, store the closure
1216      * in lambda protector, otherwise mark the object as referenced by
1217      * a closure.
1218      */
1219     if ( !(obj->prog->flags & P_REPLACE_ACTIVE)
1220      || !lambda_ref_replace_program( obj, l, CLOSURE_LFUN
1221                                    , 0, NULL, NULL)
1222        )
1223     {
1224         obj->flags |= O_LAMBDA_REFERENCED;
1225     }
1227     dest->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_LFUN;
1229     l->function.lfun.ob = ref_object(obj, "closure");
1230     l->function.lfun.index = (unsigned short)ix;
1231     l->function.lfun.inhProg = prog;
1232     if (prog)
1233         reference_prog(prog, "closure_lfun");
1234 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
1235     l->function.lfun.context_size = num;
1237     /* Init the context variables */
1238     while (num > 0)
1239     {
1240         num--;
1241         put_number(&(l->context[num]), 0);
1242     }
1243 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1245     /* Fill in the rest of the lambda and of the result svalue */
1247     dest->type = T_CLOSURE;
1248     dest->u.lambda = l;
1249 } /* closure_lfun() */
1251 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1252 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1253 void
closure_literal(svalue_t * dest,int ix,unsigned short inhIndex)1254 closure_literal (svalue_t *dest, int ix, unsigned short inhIndex)
1255 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1256 void
1257 closure_literal ( svalue_t *dest
1258                 , int ix, unsigned short inhIndex, unsigned short num)
1259 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1261 /* Create a literal closure (lfun or variable closure), bound to the
1262  * current object. The resulting svalue is stored in *<dest>. The function
1263  * implements the instruction F_CLOSURE.
1264  *
1265  * The closure is defined by the index <ix>/<inhIndex>, which is to be
1266  * interpreted in the context of the current, possibly inherited, program:
1267  * values < CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS are lfun indices, values above are
1268  * variable indices. For closures referencing inherited lfuns <inhIndex>
1269  * is the index+1 in the inherit list of <prog>. For lfun closures, <num>
1270  * indicates the number context variables which are initialized to svalue-0.
1271  *
1272  * The function may raise an error on out of memory.
1273  */
1275 {
1277     if (ix >= CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS)
1278     {
1279         ix += - CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER_OFFS
1280               + (current_variables - current_object->variables);
1281               /* the added difference takes into account that the
1282                * index is specified relative to the program which might
1283                * have been inherited.
1284                */
1285         closure_identifier(dest, current_object, ix, MY_TRUE);
1286     }
1287     else /* lfun closure */
1288     {
1289         funflag_t flags;
1290         program_t *prog;
1292         if (inhIndex)
1293         {
1294             /* inherited lfun closure */
1295             inherit_t *inh, *vinh;
1297             inh = &current_prog->inherit[inhIndex-1];
1298             /* Normalize pointers to functions of virtual inherits.
1299              * This is just for comparability of the closures.
1300              */
1301             vinh = adjust_variable_offsets(inh, current_prog, current_object);
1302             if (vinh)
1303                 inh = vinh;
1305             prog = inh->prog;
1307             flags = prog->functions[ix];
1308             if (!vinh)
1309                 ix += function_index_offset;
1310             ix += inh->function_index_offset;
1311         }
1312         else
1313         {
1314             ix += function_index_offset;
1315             flags = current_object->prog->functions[ix];
1316             prog = NULL;
1317         }
1319         if (flags & NAME_CROSS_DEFINED)
1320         {
1321             ix += CROSSDEF_NAME_OFFSET(flags);
1322         }
1324 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
1325         closure_lfun(dest, current_object, prog, ix, MY_TRUE);
1326 #else
1327         closure_lfun(dest, current_object, prog, ix, num, MY_TRUE);
1328 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
1329     }
1330 } /* closure_literal() */
1332 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1333 static void
realloc_values(void)1334 realloc_values (void)
1336 /* Double the size of the value block in the current workspace.
1337  * The function is called only when all values in the current block
1338  * have been assigned.
1339  *
1340  * Raise an error when out of memory.
1341  */
1343 {
1344     mp_int new_max;
1345     svalue_t *new_values;
1347     new_max = current.value_max * 2;
1349     new_values = xalloc(new_max * sizeof(*new_values));
1350     if (!new_values)
1351         lambda_error("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT
1352                      " bytes) for %"PRIdMPINT" new values\n",
1353                      new_max, new_max * sizeof(*new_values));
1355     current.values_left += current.value_max;
1356     memcpy( (current.valuep = new_values + current.value_max)
1357           , current.values
1358           , current.value_max * sizeof(*new_values)
1359           );
1360     xfree(current.values);
1362     current.values = new_values;
1363     current.value_max = new_max;
1364 } /* realloc_values() */
1366 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1367 static void
realloc_code(void)1368 realloc_code (void)
1370 /* Double the size of the code block in the current workspace.
1371  *
1372  * Raise an error when out of memory.
1373  */
1375 {
1376     mp_int new_max;
1377     bytecode_p new_code;
1378     ptrdiff_t curr_offset;
1380     curr_offset = current.codep - current.code;
1382     new_max = current.code_max * 2;
1383     new_code = rexalloc(current.code, (size_t)new_max);
1384     if (!new_code)
1385         lambda_error("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for new code\n",
1386                      new_max);
1388     current.code_left += current.code_max;
1389     current.code_max = new_max;
1390     current.code = new_code;
1391     current.codep = current.code + curr_offset;
1392 } /* realloc_code() */
1394 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1395 static void
lambda_error(const char * error_str,...)1396 lambda_error(const char *error_str, ...)
1398 /* Raise an errorf(error_str, ...) with 0 or 1 extra argument from within
1399  * the lambda compiler.
1400  *
1401  * The function takes care that all memory is deallocated.
1402  */
1404 {
1405     va_list va;
1407     /* Deallocate all memory held in the work_areas */
1408     free_symbols();
1409     if (current.code)
1410         xfree(current.code);
1412     if (current.values)
1413     {
1414         mp_int num_values = current.value_max - current.values_left;
1415         svalue_t *svp;
1417         for (svp = current.valuep; --num_values >= 0; )
1418             free_svalue(svp++);
1419         xfree(current.values);
1420     }
1422     /* Now raise the error */
1423     va_start(va, error_str);
1424     errorf(error_str, va_arg(va, char *)); /* One arg or nothing :-) */
1425     /* TODO: a verror() would be handy here */
1426     va_end(va);
1427 } /* lambda_error() */
1429 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1430 static void
lambda_cerror(const char * s)1431 lambda_cerror (const char *s)
1433 /* Callback for store_case_labels: raise an errorf(s) from within the
1434  * lambda compiler.
1435  *
1436  * The function takes care that all memory is deallocated.
1437  */
1439 {
1440     lambda_error("%s\n", s);
1441 } /* lambda_cerror() */
1443 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1444 static void
lambda_cerrorl(const char * s1,const char * s2 UNUSED,int line1 UNUSED,int line2 UNUSED)1445 lambda_cerrorl ( const char *s1, const char *s2 UNUSED
1446                , int line1 UNUSED, int line2 UNUSED)
1448 /* Callback for store_case_labels(): Raise an errorf(s1) from within the lambda
1449  * compiler. store_case_labels() also passes line numbers and filename, but
1450  * when compiling a lambda that information is not very useful.
1451  *
1452  * The function takes care that all memory is deallocated.
1453  */
1455 {
1456 #ifdef __MWERKS__
1457 #    pragma unused(s2,line1,line2)
1458 #endif
1459     lambda_error(s1, "\n");
1460 } /* lambda_errorl() */
1462 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1463 static bytecode_p
lambda_get_space(p_int size)1464 lambda_get_space (p_int size)
1466 /* Callback for store_case_labels(): Make space for <size> bytes in the
1467  * current code space and return the pointer to the first byte.
1468  *
1469  * Internally this function reallocates the code space when necessary.
1470  */
1472 {
1473     while (current.code_left < size)
1474         realloc_code();
1475     current.code_left -= size;
1476     current.codep += size;
1477     return current.codep - size;
1478 } /* lambda_get_space() */
1480 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1481 static void
lambda_move_switch_instructions(int len,p_int blocklen)1482 lambda_move_switch_instructions (int len, p_int blocklen)
1484 /* Callback from store_case_labels(): Move the last instructions
1485  * of <blocklen> bytes forward by <len> bytes.
1486  */
1488 {
1489     while (current.code_left < len)
1490         realloc_code();
1491     current.code_left -= len;
1492     current.codep += len;
1493     move_memory( current.codep - blocklen
1494                , current.codep - blocklen - len
1495                , (size_t)blocklen
1496                );
1497 } /* lambda_move_switch_instructions() */
1499 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1500 static void
free_symbols(void)1501 free_symbols (void)
1503 /* Free the symbols in the current workarea, and also the memory allocated
1504  * for the case blocks.
1505  */
1507 {
1508     p_int i;
1509     symbol_t **symp, *sym, *next;
1511     /* Free the symbols */
1512     i = current.symbol_max;
1513     symp = current.symbols;
1514     do {
1515         for (sym = *symp++; sym; sym = next)
1516         {
1517             next = sym->next;
1518             xfree(sym);
1519         }
1520     } while (i -= sizeof sym);
1522     xfree(current.symbols);
1524     /* Clean up the memory for the case blocks */
1525     if (switch_initialized)
1526     {
1527         if (current_loc.file)
1528         {
1529             case_state.free_block = save_case_free_block;
1530             case_state.next_free  = save_case_next_free;
1531             case_state.list0 = save_case_list0;
1532             case_state.list1 = save_case_list1;
1533         }
1534         else
1535         {
1536             free_case_blocks();
1537         }
1538     }
1539 } /* free_symbols() */
1541 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1542 static symbol_t *
make_symbol(string_t * name)1543 make_symbol (string_t *name)
1545 /* Look up the symbol <name> in the current symbol table and return the
1546  * pointer to the symbol_t structure. If <name> is not yet in the table,
1547  * a new structure is generated, linked in, and returned.
1548  *
1549  * If necessary, the symbol table is enlarged.
1550  */
1552 {
1553     p_int h;
1554     symbol_t *sym, **symp;
1556     /* Hash the <name> pointer and look it up in the table.
1557      * TODO: This assumes 32-Bit ints.
1558      */
1559     h = (p_int)name;
1560     h ^= h >> 16;
1561     h ^= h >> 8;
1562     h ^= h >> 4;
1564     h &= current.symbol_mask;
1565     symp = (symbol_t **)((char *)current.symbols + h);
1566     for (sym = *symp; sym; sym = sym->next)
1567     {
1568         if (sym->name == name)
1569             return sym;
1570     }
1572     /* Not found: generate a new symbol entry and link it in */
1573     sym = xalloc(sizeof *sym);
1574     if (!sym)
1575         lambda_error("Out of memory (%lu bytes) for symbol\n"
1576                     , (unsigned long) sizeof(*sym));
1577     sym->name = name;
1578     sym->index = -1;
1579     sym->next = *symp;
1580     *symp = sym;
1582     /* Does the table has to be enlarged now? */
1583     if ( !(current.symbols_left -= sizeof sym) )
1584     {
1585     	/* Yup. Double the size of the hashtable and re-hash all
1586     	 * existing entries.
1587     	 */
1589         symbol_t **newtab, *sym2;
1590         p_int i;
1592         sym2 = sym; /* Save the new entry */
1594         /* Allocate the new table and initialize it */
1595         current.symbols_left = current.symbol_max;
1596         current.symbol_max *= 2;
1597         symp = newtab = xalloc((size_t)current.symbol_max);
1598         if (!symp) {
1599             current.symbol_max /= 2;
1600             xfree(sym);
1601             lambda_error("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT" bytes) for symbol table\n"
1602                         , current.symbol_max);
1603         }
1604         current.symbol_mask = i = current.symbol_max - (long)sizeof sym;
1605         do {
1606             *symp++ = NULL;
1607         } while ((i -= sizeof sym) >= 0);
1609         /* Loop over the old table and all entries and rehash them
1610          * into the new table.
1611          * TODO: Again the hash assumes 32-Bit-ints.
1612          */
1613         i = current.symbols_left - (long)sizeof sym;
1614         do {
1615             symbol_t *next;
1617             for ( sym = *(symbol_t **)((char *)current.symbols+i)
1618                 ; sym; sym = next)
1619             {
1620                 next = sym->next;
1621                 h = (p_int)sym->name;
1622                 h ^= h >> 16;
1623                 h ^= h >> 8;
1624                 h ^= h >> 4;
1625                 h &= current.symbol_mask;
1626                 symp = (symbol_t **)((char *)newtab + h);
1627                 sym->next = *symp;
1628                 *symp = sym;
1629             }
1630         } while ((i -= sizeof sym) >= 0);
1632         /* Put the new table in place of the old one */
1633         xfree(current.symbols);
1634         current.symbols = newtab;
1636         sym = sym2; /* Restore the pointer to the new entry */
1637     }
1639     /* Return the new entry */
1640     return sym;
1641 } /* make_symbol() */
1643 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1644 static void
insert_value_push(svalue_t * value)1645 insert_value_push (svalue_t *value)
1647 /* Add the <value> to the value block of the closure, and insert
1648  * the appropriate F_LAMBDA_(C)CONSTANT instruction to the compiled
1649  * code.
1650  */
1652 {
1653     mp_int offset;  /* Index of the value in the value block */
1655     if (current.code_left < 3)
1656         realloc_code();
1658     offset = current.value_max - current.values_left;
1659     if (offset < 0xff)
1660     {
1661     	/* Less than 255 values: the short instruction */
1663         current.code_left -= 2;
1664         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LAMBDA_CCONSTANT);
1665         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)offset);
1666     }
1667     else
1668     {
1669     	/* More than 254 values: the long instruction */
1671         if (offset == 0xff)
1672         {
1673             /* Offset #0xff will be used to hold the actual
1674              * number of values.
1675              */
1676             current.values_left--;
1677             offset++;
1678             (--current.valuep)->type = T_INVALID;
1679         }
1680         current.code_left -= 3;
1681         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LAMBDA_CONSTANT);
1682         STORE_SHORT(current.codep, offset);
1683     }
1685     if (--current.values_left < 0)
1686         realloc_values();
1688     /* Don't forget to copy the value itself */
1689     assign_svalue_no_free(--current.valuep, value);
1690 } /* insert_value_push() */
1692 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1693 static int
compile_value(svalue_t * value,int opt_flags)1694 compile_value (svalue_t *value, int opt_flags)
1696 /* Compile the <value> into a closure in the context of the current
1697  * work_area. <opt_flags> gives additional instructions about what
1698  * to accept or reject. The generated code is appended to the code
1699  * buffer in the work_area, the function itself returns a flag whether
1700  * the code leaves a result on the stack or not.
1701  *
1702  * The function calls itself recursively for nested code sequences.
1703  *
1704  * <value> can be of these types:
1705  *    array: a block of instructions in lisp-ish array notation.
1706  *    quoted array: inserted as is with one quote less
1707  *    symbol, 1 quote:   resolved as local variable/argument
1708  *    symbol, > 1 quote: inserted as symbol with one quote less
1709  *    other: inserted as is
1710  */
1712 {
1713     if (!--current.levels_left)
1714         lambda_error("Too deep recursion inside lambda()\n");
1716     switch(value->type)
1717     {
1718     case T_POINTER:                            /* ----- T_POINTER ----- */
1719       {
1720         vector_t *block;  /* The block of svalues to compile */
1721         svalue_t *argp;   /* Pointer to the current svalue */
1722         ph_int type;      /* Various types */
1724         block = value->u.vec;
1725         argp = block->item;
1726         /* The first value must be a closure */
1727         if (block == &null_vector || argp->type != T_CLOSURE)
1728         {
1729             lambda_error("Missing function\n");
1730         }
1732         if ( (type = argp->x.closure_type) < (ph_int)CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN)
1733         {
1734             /* Most common case: closure is an efun or an operator */
1736             if (type < (ph_int)CLOSURE_EFUN)
1737             {
1738                 /* Closure is an operator */
1740                 mp_int block_size;  /* Number of entries */
1742                 block_size = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(block);
1743                 switch (type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR)
1744                 {
1745                 default:
1746                     lambda_error("Unimplemented operator %s for lambda()\n",
1747                       instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name);
1749                 /* ({ #'||, arg1, ...,  argn })
1750                  * ({ #'&&, arg1, ...,  argn })
1751                  */
1752                 case F_LOR:
1753                 case F_LAND:
1754                   {
1755                     /* For #'|| his is compiled into
1756                      *      <arg 1>
1757                      *      F_LAND end
1758                      *      <arg 2>
1759                      *      F_LAND end
1760                      *      ...
1761                      *      <arg n>
1762                      * end:
1763                      *
1764                      * If only the logical result is needed (VOID_ACCEPTED),
1765                      * F_LAND are replaced by F_BRANCH_ZERO. If the distance
1766                      * to end is too big, the F_LANDs are compiled as:
1767                      *
1768                      *      <arg i>
1769                      *      DUP
1770                      *      LBRANCH_ZERO end
1771                      *      POP
1772                      *      <arg i+1>
1773                      *
1774                      * respectively for the logical result:
1775                      *
1776                      *      <arg i>
1777                      *      LBRANCH_ZERO end
1778                      *      <arg i+1>
1779                      *
1780                      * Analog for F_LOR, here the branches are on _NON_ZERO.
1781                      */
1782                     mp_int *branchp;
1783                       /* Table storing the position of the branch/operator
1784                        * instruction after every compiled argument.
1785                        */
1786                     mp_int i;        /* most of the time: number of values left */
1787                     mp_int start;
1788                     mp_int end;      /* first free code byte */
1789                     Bool is_and;     /* TRUE if the operator is F_LAND */
1790                     int code;        /* Compiled instruction */
1791                     int void_given;
1793                     code = type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR;
1794                     is_and = code == (F_LAND);
1796                     /* If the caller doesn't need a return value,
1797                      * compile the operator as branches (much faster).
1798                      */
1799                     if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
1800                     {
1801                         code = is_and ? F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
1802                                       : F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO;
1803                         opt_flags |= VOID_GIVEN;
1804                     }
1806                     /* Generate the code for the arguments but the last one.
1807                      * After every compiled argument, insert <code> and
1808                      * an empty byte and store the position of the inserted
1809                      * byte in the branchp table.
1810                      */
1811                     i = block_size - 1;
1812                     branchp = alloca(i * sizeof *branchp);
1813                     while (--i > 0) {
1814                         compile_value(++argp, REF_REJECTED);
1815                         if (current.code_left < 2)
1816                             realloc_code();
1817                         *branchp++ = current.code_max - current.code_left;
1818                         current.code_left -= 2;
1819                         PUT_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)code);
1820                         current.codep += 2;
1821                     }
1823                     /* If i is != 0 here, no arguments were given.
1824                      * In that case, fake a result, otherwise compile the
1825                      * last argument.
1826                      */
1827                     if (i)
1828                         void_given = compile_value(is_and ? &const1 : &const0
1829                                          , opt_flags & (VOID_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED)
1830                                      );
1831                     else
1832                         void_given = compile_value(++argp
1833                                          , opt_flags & (VOID_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED)
1834                                      );
1836                     /* If the caller accepts void, but we compiled a result,
1837                      * remove it from the stack.
1838                      */
1839                     if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED && !(void_given & VOID_GIVEN))
1840                     {
1841                         if (current.code_left < 1)
1842                             realloc_code();
1843                         current.code_left--;
1844                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
1845                     }
1847                     /* Walk backwards through the generated code segments
1848                      * and store the correct offsets for the operator/branch
1849                      * instructions. If necessary, the short branches are
1850                      * converted into long ones.
1851                      */
1852                     i = block_size - 1;
1853                     end = current.code_max - current.code_left;
1854                       /* The target to jump to */
1855                     while (--i > 0)
1856                     {
1857                         mp_int offset;
1859                         start = *--branchp;
1860                         offset = end - start - 2;
1861                         if (offset <= 0xff)
1862                         {
1863                             PUT_UINT8(current.code+start+1, (unsigned char)offset);
1864                             continue;
1865                         }
1866                         else
1867                         {
1868                             /* We exceeded the limit of the short offsets.
1869                              * Prepare the extension of the remaining offsets
1870                              * to long offsets.
1871                              */
1873                             mp_int growth;        /* Additional bytes needed */
1874                             int    growth_factor; /* Additional byte per branch */
1875                             mp_int j;
1876                             bytecode_p p, q;      /* Src/Dest for code copying */
1878                             if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
1879                             {
1880                             	/* We don't need a result: just change the
1881                             	 * short into long branches.
1882                             	 */
1883                                 growth = i;
1884                                 growth_factor = 1;
1885                                 code = is_and ? F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
1886                                               : F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO;
1887                             }
1888                             else
1889                             {
1890                             	/* We need a result: change the OP instructions
1891                             	 * into OP/LBRANCH combinations.
1892                             	 */
1893                                 growth = i * 3;
1894                                 growth_factor = 3;
1895                                 code = is_and ? F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
1896                                               : F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO;
1897                             }
1899                             /* Prepare the copying of the code */
1900                             if (current.code_left < growth)
1901                                 realloc_code();
1902                             current.code_left -= growth;
1903                             current.codep += growth;
1904                             p = current.code + end;
1905                             q = p + growth;
1906                             end += growth_factor - 1;
1907                                 /* - 1 is precompensation for leading branch code */
1908                             if ( !(opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED) )
1909                                 /* offset precompensation for leading F_DUP */
1910                                 end--;
1912                             /* Restart the walk through the branchpoints */
1913                             branchp++;
1914                             do {
1915                                 start = *--branchp;
1916                                 offset = end - start;
1917                                 end += growth_factor;
1918                                 if (offset > 0x7fff)
1919                                     UNIMPLEMENTED
1921                                 /* Move the code from here back to the branch
1922                                  * point.
1923                                  */
1924                                 j = p - (bytecode_p)&current.code[start+2];
1925                                 do {
1926                                     *--q = *--p;
1927                                 } while (--j);
1929                                 /* Generate the new branch instructions instead
1930                                  * of copying the old.
1931                                  */
1932                                 p -= 2;
1933                                 if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
1934                                 {
1935                                     RSTORE_SHORT(q, offset);
1936                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, (bytecode_t)code);
1937                                 }
1938                                 else
1939                                 {
1940                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, F_POP_VALUE);
1941                                     RSTORE_SHORT(q, offset);
1942                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, (bytecode_t)code);
1943                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, F_DUP);
1944                                 }
1945                             } while (--i > 0);
1946                             break; /* outer while(), it's finished anyway */
1947                         }
1948                     } /* while(--i > 0); */
1949                     break;
1950                   }
1952                 /* ({#'?, expr, cond-part, ..., default-part })
1953                  * ({#'?!, expr, cond-part, ..., default-part })
1954                  */
1955                 case F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO:
1956                 case F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO:
1957                   {
1958                     /* For #'? is compiled into:
1959                      *
1960                      *   result required:           no result required:
1961                      *
1962                      *       <expr1>                    <expr1>
1963                      *       BRANCH_ZERO l1             BRANCH_ZERO l1
1964                      *       <cond1>                    <cond1>
1965                      *       BRANCH vd/nvd              BRANCH vd/nvd
1966                      * l1:   <expr2>              l1:   <expr2>
1967                      *       BRANCH_ZERO l2             BRANCH_ZERO l2
1968                      *       <cond2>                    <cond2>
1969                      *       BRANCH vd/nvd              BRANCH vd/nvd
1970                      * l2:   <expr3>              l2:   <expr3>
1971                      *       ...                        ...
1972                      * ln-1: <exprn>              ln-1: <exprn>
1973                      *       BRANCH_ZERO ln             BRANCH_ZERO ln
1974                      *       <condn>                    <condn>
1975                      *       BRANCH vd/nvd              BRANCH vd/nvd
1976                      * ln:   <default>            ln:   <default>
1977                      * nvd:  BRANCH +1            nvd:  POP
1978                      * vd:   CONST0               vd:
1979                      *
1980                      * (vd: void_dest, nvd: non_void_dest)
1981                      *
1982                      * The branch conditions after every <expr> are reversed
1983                      * for #'?! and/or if the <expr> returns a result in
1984                      * reverse logic. And of course the F_BRANCHes are converted
1985                      * into F_LBRANCHes where necessary.
1986                      *
1987                      * If <default> is required but not given, CONST0 is
1988                      * inserted in its place. In that case, the branches from
1989                      * <cond>s without a result are directed to that one CONST0
1990                      * as well.
1991                      *
1992                      * There are few other ways to compile the end of the
1993                      * sequence if no <default> is required and/or not given,
1994                      * or if no result is required - they are explained
1995                      * below.
1996                      */
1998                     mp_int *branchp;
1999                       /* Table storing two values for every argument pair: the
2000                        * position after the cond-part and the position after
2001                        * the cond. Yes, in reverse order.
2002                        */
2003                     mp_int i;
2004                     mp_int start;
2005                     mp_int end;
2006                     mp_int void_dest;     /* branch dest with no result */
2007                     mp_int non_void_dest; /* branch dest with a result */
2008                     Bool is_notif;        /* TRUE if this is #'?! */
2009                     int code;             /* The instruction to compile to */
2010                     int opt_used;         /* Current compile() result */
2011                     int all_void;         /* !0 if  cond-parts returns a value */
2012                     mp_int last_branch;   /* Position of branch after cond */
2014                     non_void_dest = 0;
2015                     code = type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR;
2016                     is_notif = (code == F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
2018                     /* If the default part exists, is the number 0 or at least
2019                      * has no side-effects, and if the caller accepts void/0
2020                      * for an answer, it is not compiled as it won't have
2021                      * any effect anyway.
2022                      */
2023                    if (!(block_size & 1)
2024                      && (opt_flags & (VOID_ACCEPTED|ZERO_ACCEPTED))
2025                      && ( opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED
2026                           ? argp[block_size-1].type != T_POINTER /* no side effect */
2027                           :     argp[block_size-1].type == T_NUMBER
2028                             && !argp[block_size-1].u.number
2029                          ) )
2030                     {
2031                     	/* Ignore the default-part by hiding it */
2032                         block_size--;
2033                     }
2035                     /* Generate the code for the (cond, cond-part) pairs,
2036                      * and add the necessary branch instructions.
2037                      * Also store the positions of the inserted code
2038                      * in the branchp table.
2039                      */
2040                     i = block_size;
2041                     branchp = alloca(i * sizeof *branchp);
2042                     all_void = VOID_GIVEN;
2043                     while ( (i -= 2) > 0)
2044                     {
2045                         mp_int offset;
2047                         /* Compile the condition and add the branch
2048                          * to skip the cond-part.
2049                          */
2050                         opt_used = compile_value(++argp, NEGATE_ACCEPTED);
2051                         if (current.code_left < 2)
2052                             realloc_code();
2053                         last_branch = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2054                         current.code_left -= 2;
2055                         if (opt_used & NEGATE_GIVEN)
2056                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
2057                               , (bytecode_t)
2058                                 (is_notif ? F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
2059                                           : F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO)
2060                                        );
2061                         else
2062                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)code);
2063                         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 0);
2065                         /* Compile the cond-part */
2066                         ++argp;
2067                         opt_used = compile_value(argp,
2068                             (i == 1 && !all_void) ?
2069                                 opt_flags & REF_REJECTED :
2070                                 opt_flags &
2071                                   (VOID_ACCEPTED|ZERO_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED)
2072                           );
2073                         all_void &= opt_used;
2074                         if (current.code_left < 4)
2075                             realloc_code();
2077                         /* Now that we know the size of the cond-part, store
2078                          * the branch offset into the branch instruction
2079                          * before the cond-part.
2080                          */
2081                         offset =
2082                           current.code_max - current.code_left - last_branch;
2084                         /* Make sure that the offset won't overflow
2085                          * when incremented later during backpatching.
2086                          */
2087                         if (offset > 0xfe)
2088                         {
2089                             /* The cond-part was too big, we have to change
2090                              * the 2-Byte F_BRANCH_ into an 3-Byte F_LBRANCH.
2091                              */
2092                             bytecode_p p;
2093                             mp_int j;
2095                             /* Move the cond-part one byte forward */
2096                             p = current.codep++;
2097                             j = offset - 2;
2098                             if (offset > 0x7ffd)
2099                                 UNIMPLEMENTED
2100                             do {
2101                                 p--;
2102                                 p[1] = *p;
2103                             } while (--j);
2105                             current.code_left--;
2106                             if (current.code[last_branch] == F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO)
2107                                 PUT_CODE(current.code+last_branch
2108                                         , F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
2109                             else
2110                                 PUT_CODE(current.code+last_branch
2111                                         , F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
2112                             PUT_SHORT(current.code+last_branch+1, offset+2);
2113                         }
2114                         else
2115                         {
2116                             /* The offset fits, just store it */
2117                             PUT_UINT8(current.code+last_branch+1
2118                                      , (unsigned char)offset);
2119                         }
2121                         /* Store the two branch positions */
2122                         *branchp++ = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2123                         *branchp++ = last_branch;
2125                         /* Add the unconditional branch. In place of the
2126                          * offset we store the opt_used flags so that the
2127                          * later backpatching run knows exactly what the cond-part
2128                          * left on the stack.
2129                          */
2130                         current.code_left -= 2;
2131                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BRANCH);
2132                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)opt_used);
2133                     } /* while() */
2134                     /* If i is not zero now, then there is no default part */
2136                     /* Now compile the default part.
2137                      * There are a few conditions to distinguish...
2138                      */
2139                     if ( i /* no default */
2140                      &&  (   opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED
2141                           || (all_void && opt_flags & ZERO_ACCEPTED)
2142                          ) )
2143                     {
2144                     	/* There is no default part, and the caller doesn't
2145                     	 * want a result or accepts a zero when we don't
2146                     	 * have one.
2147                     	 */
2149                         mp_int offset;  /* corrective offset for the branch after
2150                                          * the last cond
2151                                          */
2153                         opt_flags |= VOID_GIVEN;
2154                         if (all_void)
2155                         {
2156                             /* No cond-part returned a result, just remove
2157                              * the last F_BRANCH.
2158                              * The code sequence is therefore:
2159                              *
2160                              *       <expr1>
2161                              *       BRANCH_ZERO l1
2162                              *       <cond1>
2163                              *       BRANCH end
2164                              * l1:   <expr2>
2165                              *       ...
2166                              * ln-1: <exprn>
2167                              *       BRANCH_ZERO ln
2168                              *       <condn>
2169                              * ln: end:
2170                              */
2171                             if (block_size < 2)
2172                             {
2173                             	/* empty statement: all done */
2174                                 break; /* switch() */
2175                             }
2176                             offset = -2;
2177                             void_dest =
2178                               current.code_max - current.code_left - 2;
2179                         }
2180                         else
2181                         {
2182                             /* Some cond-parts returned a result: let them
2183                              * jump to a POP statement.
2184                              * The code sequence is therefore:
2185                              *
2186                              *       <expr1>
2187                              *       BRANCH_ZERO l1
2188                              *       <cond1>
2189                              *       BRANCH vd/nvd
2190                              * l1:   <expr2>
2191                              *       ...
2192                              * ln-1: <exprn>
2193                              *       BRANCH_ZERO ln
2194                              *       <condn>
2195                              * nvd:  POP
2196                              * ln: vd:
2197                              *
2198                              * TODO: Uhm what if <condn> is void?
2199                              */
2200                             /* Terminating void after non-void is avoided */
2201                             current.codep[-2] = F_POP_VALUE;
2202                             offset = -1;
2203                             non_void_dest =
2204                               current.code_max - current.code_left - 2;
2205                             void_dest = non_void_dest + 1;
2206                         }
2208                         /* Now rewrite the BRANCH_ZERO ln according to offset */
2210                         start = *--branchp;
2211                         code = GET_CODE(current.code+start);
2212                         if (code == F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
2213                          || code == F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO)
2214                         {
2215                             short old_offset;
2217                             GET_SHORT(old_offset, current.code+start+1);
2218                             PUT_SHORT(current.code+start+1, old_offset+offset);
2219                         }
2220                         else
2221                         {
2222                             PUT_INT8(current.code+start+1
2223                                      , GET_INT8(current.code+start+1) + offset);
2224                         }
2226                         /* Prepare for the backpatching run */
2227                         current.codep += offset;
2228                         current.code_left -= offset;
2229                         branchp--;
2230                         i = block_size - 2;
2231                     }
2232                     else
2233                     {
2234                     	/* We may or may not have a default part, but
2235                     	 * the caller expects a result.
2236                     	 */
2238                         /* the following assignment is only valid if
2239                          *
2240                          *   ( !all_void && i "no default" &&
2241                          *   ( (opt_flags & (VOID_ACCEPTED|ZERO_ACCEPTED)) ==
2242                          *     ZERO_ACCEPTED) )
2243                          *
2244                          * is met, and it is only needed when there is at
2245                          * least one void expression, too.
2246                          * However, it's easier to do the assignment
2247                          * all the time, and it does no harm here.
2248                          * The effect is that the 'const0' default synthesized
2249                          * will be used as result from the cond-part, too.
2250                          */
2251                         void_dest = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2253                         /* Compile the default part */
2254                         opt_used = compile_value(
2255                           i ? &const0 : ++argp,
2256                           opt_flags &
2257                             ( all_void ?
2258                               (VOID_ACCEPTED|ZERO_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED) :
2259                               REF_REJECTED
2260                             )
2261                         );
2263                         /* <cond>s with a result of course want to branch
2264                          * after the <default>.
2265                          */
2266                         non_void_dest = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2268                         if (opt_used & VOID_GIVEN)
2269                         {
2270                             /* Whoops, <default> didn't return a result.
2271                              * Prepare to insert a default, and let the
2272                              * void-<cond>s branch here, too.
2273                              */
2274                             void_dest = non_void_dest;
2275                             opt_flags |= VOID_GIVEN;
2276                         }
2277                         else if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2278                         {
2279                             /* We have a result, but the caller doesn't want
2280                              * it: add the code sequence
2281                              *
2282                              *   nvd: POP
2283                              *   vd:
2284                              */
2285                             opt_flags |= VOID_GIVEN;
2286                             if (current.code_left < 1)
2287                                 realloc_code();
2288                             current.code_left--;
2289                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
2290                             opt_used = VOID_GIVEN;
2291                             void_dest = non_void_dest + 1;
2292                         }
2293                         else if (all_void && block_size > 2)
2294                         {
2295                             /* The caller wants a result, <default> has one,
2296                              * but none of the <cond>s does (and they exist).
2297                              */
2298                             if (current.code_left < 3)
2299                                 realloc_code();
2300                             if (block_size > 4
2301                              || branchp[-2] - branchp[-1] > 0xfd)
2302                             {
2303                             	/* There is more than one <cond>, or the one
2304                             	 * <cond> alone needs a long branch: add
2305                             	 *
2306                             	 *    nvd: BRANCH +1
2307                             	 *    vd:  CONST0
2308                             	 */
2309                                 void_dest = non_void_dest + 2;
2310                                 current.code_left -= 3;
2311                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BRANCH);
2312                                 STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 1);
2313                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
2314                             }
2315                             else
2316                             {
2317                             	/* Just one <cond>: replace the 'BRANCH end'
2318                             	 * by 'CONST0; BRANCH end'.
2319                             	 */
2320                                 bytecode_p p;
2322                             	/* Make space for the CONST0 */
2323                                 current.code_left--;
2324                                 start = branchp[-2];
2325                                 move_memory(
2326                                   &current.code[start+1],
2327                                   &current.code[start],
2328                                   (size_t)(non_void_dest - start)
2329                                 );
2330                                 current.codep++;
2332                                 /* Add the CONST0 instruction */
2333                                 PUT_CODE(current.code+start, F_CONST0);
2335                                 /* Set the saved opt_flags to 'not void' */
2336                                 PUT_UINT8(current.code+start+2, 0);
2338                                 /* Increment the branch offset for the branch
2339                                  * skipping the <cond>
2340                                  */
2341                                 p = current.code+branchp[-1]+1;
2342                                 PUT_UINT8(p, GET_UINT8(p)+1);
2344                                 /* Update the stored position */
2345                                 branchp[-2] = start+1;
2347                                 non_void_dest++;
2348                                 /* void_dest = start; */
2349                                 /* all_void isn't used any more, else we'd
2350                                  * need to zero it now.
2351                                  */
2352                             }
2353                         }
2354                         else if (!i && !all_void
2355                               && opt_flags & ZERO_ACCEPTED)
2356                         {
2357                             /* We had a real <default> with result, there are
2358                              * some <cond> which return a result, and the
2359                              * caller accepts a zero for void-<conds>: add
2360                              *   nvd: BRANCH +1
2361                              *   vd:  CONST0
2362                              * if there are void-<conds>.
2363                              */
2364                             mp_int *branchp2, j;
2366                             /* Check all <cond>s if there is a void one */
2367                             branchp2 = branchp;
2368                             for (j = block_size;  (j -= 2) > 0; )
2369                             {
2370                                 start = *(branchp2 -= 2);
2371                                 if (current.code[start+1] & VOID_GIVEN)
2372                                 {
2373                                     /* Yup, we need the extra code.
2374                                      */
2375                                     void_dest = non_void_dest + 2;
2376                                     non_void_dest += 3;
2377                                     if (current.code_left < 3)
2378                                         realloc_code();
2379                                     current.code_left -= 3;
2380                                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BRANCH);
2381                                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 1);
2382                                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
2383                                     break;
2384                                 }
2385                             }
2386                         }
2388                         /* Prepare the backpatching run */
2389                         i = block_size;
2390                     }
2392                     /* Now walk backwards through all the <cond>branches, insert
2393                      * the proper offset and rewrite them to long branches where
2394                      * necessary.
2395                      */
2396                     end = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2397                     while ( (i -= 2) > 0)
2398                     {
2399                         mp_int offset;
2401                         /* Compute the distance to branch */
2402                         start = *(branchp -= 2);
2403                         offset = (GET_UINT8(current.code+start+1) & VOID_GIVEN)
2404                                  ? void_dest - start - 2
2405                                  : non_void_dest - start - 2;
2407                         if (offset <= 0xff)
2408                         {
2409                             /* A short branch is sufficient. */
2410                             PUT_UINT8(current.code+start+1, (bytecode_t)offset);
2411                             continue;
2412                         }
2413                         else
2414                         {
2415                             /* We have to rewrite this and all previous
2416                              * branches to long branches.
2417                              */
2418                             mp_int growth;  /* (Current) offset from old pos. */
2419                             mp_int j;
2420                             bytecode_p p, q;
2422                             /* Determine how much more is needed and allocate
2423                              * the memory
2424                              */
2425                             growth = (i+1) >> 1;
2426                             if (current.code_left < growth)
2427                                 realloc_code();
2428                             current.code_left -= growth;
2429                             current.codep += growth;
2431                             /* Now move the code, starting from the end,
2432                              * and rewriting the branches when we encounter
2433                              * them.
2434                              * The first move will move all the code up to
2435                              * the end, the next move just the code up to
2436                              * the following <cond>.
2437                              * The offset from the old position is given
2438                              * by (q-p).
2439                              */
2440                             p = current.code + end;
2441                             q = p + growth;
2443                             branchp += 2; /* have to reconsider this one */
2444                             do {
2445                             	unsigned short dist;
2446                             	bytecode_p pstart;
2448                                 /* First, increment the distance of the
2449                                  * branch skipping the previous <cond> (it might
2450                                  * already be a long branch).
2451                                  */
2452                                 start = *--branchp;
2453                                 pstart = current.code+start;
2454                                 code = GET_CODE(pstart);
2455                                 if (code == F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
2456                                  || code == F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO)
2457                                 {
2458                                     GET_SHORT(dist, pstart+1);
2459                                     PUT_SHORT(pstart+1, dist+1);
2460                                 }
2461                                 else
2462                                 {
2463                                     PUT_UINT8(pstart+1, GET_UINT8(pstart+1)+1);
2464                                 }
2466                                 /* Compute the distance for the <cond> branch */
2467                                 start = *--branchp;
2468                                 offset = (current.code[start+1] & VOID_GIVEN)
2469                                           ? void_dest - start - 1
2470                                           : non_void_dest - start - 1;
2472                                 /* Count the extra byte we're going to insert */
2473                                 end++;
2474                                 void_dest++;
2475                                 non_void_dest++;
2477                                 if (offset > 0x7fff)
2478                                     UNIMPLEMENTED
2480                                 /* Compute the distance to store while q and p
2481                                  * give the proper offset.
2482                                  */
2483                                 dist = (unsigned short)(offset + (q-p));
2485                                 /* Move the code after this branch.
2486                                  */
2487                                 j = (p - (current.code + start)) - 2;
2488                                 do {
2489                                     *--q = *--p;
2490                                 } while (--j);
2492                                 /* Store the new branch in place of the old one. */
2493                                 RSTORE_SHORT(q, dist);
2495                                 p -= 2;
2496                                 code = GET_CODE(p);
2497                                 if (code == F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO)
2498                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
2499                                 else if (code == F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO)
2500                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
2501                                 else if (code == F_BRANCH)
2502                                     RSTORE_CODE(q, F_LBRANCH);
2503                                 else
2504                                     fatal("Can't rewrite %s (%02x) at %p\n"
2505                                          , get_f_name(code), code, p);
2506                             } while ( (i -= 2) > 0);
2507                             break; /* outer while() - it's finished anyway */
2508                         }
2509                     } /* while() backpatching */
2510                     break;
2511                   }
2513                 /* ({#', <expr1>, <expr2>, ..., <exprn> })
2514                  */
2515                 case F_POP_VALUE:
2516                   {
2517                     /* This is compiled as:
2518                      *
2519                      *    <expr1>
2520                      *    POP
2521                      *    <expr2>
2522                      *    POP
2523                      *    ...
2524                      *    POP
2525                      *    <exprn>
2526                      *
2527                      * If an expression doesn't return a value, the following
2528                      * POP is omitted.
2529                      *
2530                      * If no expression is given, 'CONST0' is compiled.
2531                      */
2533                     mp_int i;
2534                     int void_given;
2536                     /* Compile the first n-1 expressions */
2537                     for (i = block_size - 1; --i > 0; )
2538                     {
2539                         void_given = compile_value(++argp, VOID_WANTED);
2541                         /* If we got a result, pop it */
2542                         if ( !(void_given & VOID_GIVEN) )
2543                         {
2544                             if (current.code_left < 1)
2545                                 realloc_code();
2546                             current.code_left--;
2547                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
2548                         }
2549                     }
2551                     /* Compile the last expression.
2552                      * If there is none (i != 0), use CONST0 instead.
2553                      */
2554                     opt_flags = compile_value(i ? &const0 : ++argp, opt_flags);
2555                     break;
2556                   }
2558                 /* ({#'=, <lvalue1>, <expr1>, ..., <lvaluen>, <exprn> })
2559                  */
2560                 case F_ASSIGN:
2561                   {
2562                     /* This is compiled as:
2563                      *
2564                      *   <expr1>
2565                      *   <lvalue1>
2566                      *   VOID_ASSIGN
2567                      *   <expr2>
2568                      *   <lvalue2>
2569                      *   VOID_ASSIGN
2570                      *   ...
2571                      *   <exprn>
2572                      *   <lvaluen>
2573                      *   ASSIGN
2574                      *
2575                      * If the caller doesn't require a result, the last
2576                      * ASSIGN is compiled as VOID_ASSIGN.
2577                      */
2579                     mp_int i;
2581                     /* There must be at least one assignment in order to get
2582                      * a return value.
2583                      */
2584                     if ( !(i = block_size - 1) || (i & 1) )
2585                         lambda_error("Missing value in assignment\n");
2586                     argp++;
2587                     for (; (i -= 2) >= 0; argp+=2)
2588                     {
2589                         compile_value(argp+1, REF_REJECTED);
2590                         compile_lvalue(argp, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2591                         if (!i)
2592                         {
2593                             /* Last assignment: we might need to keep this value */
2594                             if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2595                             {
2596                                 opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
2597                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_VOID_ASSIGN);
2598                             }
2599                             else
2600                             {
2601                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_ASSIGN);
2602                             }
2603                         }
2604                         else
2605                         {
2606                             /* First assignemnts: forget the value */
2607                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_VOID_ASSIGN);
2608                         }
2609                         current.code_left--;
2610                     }
2611                     break;
2612                   }
2614                 /* ({#'+=, <lvalue>, <expr> })
2615                  */
2616                 case F_ADD_EQ:
2617                     /* This is compiled as:
2618                      *
2619                      *   <expr>
2620                      *   <lvalue>
2621                      *   (VOID_)ADD_EQ
2622                      *
2623                      * For the special case <expr> == 1:
2624                      *
2625                      *   <lvalue>
2626                      *   (PRE_)INC
2627                      */
2629                     if (block_size != 3)
2630                         lambda_error(
2631                           "Bad number of arguments to #'%s\n",
2632                           instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name
2633                         );
2635                     if (argp[2].type == T_NUMBER && argp[2].u.number == 1)
2636                     {
2637                         compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2638                         if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2639                         {
2640                             opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
2641                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_INC);
2642                         }
2643                         else
2644                         {
2645                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PRE_INC);
2646                         }
2647                         current.code_left--;
2648                     }
2649                     else
2650                     {
2651                         compile_value(argp+2, REF_REJECTED);
2652                         compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2653                         if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2654                         {
2655                             opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
2656                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_VOID_ADD_EQ);
2657                         }
2658                         else
2659                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_ADD_EQ);
2660                         current.code_left--;
2661                     }
2662                     break;
2664                 /* ({#'-=, <lvalue>, <expr> })
2665                  */
2666                 case F_SUB_EQ:
2667                     /* This is compiled as:
2668                      *
2669                      *   <expr>
2670                      *   <lvalue>
2671                      *   SUB_EQ
2672                      *
2673                      * For the special case <expr> == 1:
2674                      *
2675                      *   <lvalue>
2676                      *   (PRE_)DEC
2677                      */
2679                     if (block_size != 3)
2680                         lambda_error(
2681                           "Bad number of arguments to #'%s\n",
2682                           instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name
2683                         );
2685                     if (argp[2].type == T_NUMBER && argp[2].u.number == 1)
2686                     {
2687                         compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2688                         if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2689                         {
2690                             opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
2691                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_DEC);
2692                         }
2693                         else
2694                         {
2695                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PRE_DEC);
2696                         }
2697                         current.code_left--;
2698                     }
2699                     else
2700                     {
2701                         compile_value(argp+2, REF_REJECTED);
2702                         compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2703                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SUB_EQ);
2704                         current.code_left--;
2705                     }
2706                     break;
2708                 /* ({#'op=, <lvalue>, <expr> })
2709                  * with op: *, &, |, ^, <<, >>, >>>, /, %, &&, ||
2710                  */
2711                 case F_MULT_EQ:
2712                 case F_AND_EQ:
2713                 case F_OR_EQ:
2714                 case F_XOR_EQ:
2715                 case F_LSH_EQ:
2716                 case F_RSH_EQ:
2717                 case F_RSHL_EQ:
2718                 case F_DIV_EQ:
2719                 case F_MOD_EQ:
2720                     /* This is compiled as:
2721                      *
2722                      *   <expr>
2723                      *   <lvalue>
2724                      *   <op>_EQ
2725                      */
2727                     if (block_size != 3)
2728                     {
2729                         lambda_error(
2730                           "Bad number of arguments to #'%s\n",
2731                           instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name
2732                         );
2733                     }
2734                     compile_value(argp+2, REF_REJECTED);
2735                     compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2736                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)(type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR));
2737                     current.code_left--;
2738                     break;
2740                 /* ({#'op=, <lvalue>, <expr> })
2741                  * with op: &&, ||
2742                  */
2743                 case F_LAND_EQ:
2744                 case F_LOR_EQ:
2745                   {
2746                     /* This is compiled as:
2747                      *
2748                      *      <lvalue>
2749                      *      LDUP
2750                      *      <op> l
2751                      *      <expr>
2752                      *   l: SWAP_VALUES
2753                      *      ASSIGN
2754                      *
2755                      * respectively for long branches:
2756                      *
2757                      *      <lvalue>
2758                      *      LDUP
2759                      *      DUP
2760                      *      LBRANCH l
2761                      *      POP
2762                      *      <expr>
2763                      *   l: SWAP_VALUES
2764                      *      ASSIGN
2765                      */
2767                     mp_int branchp;
2768                       /* The position of the branch/operator instruction.
2769                        */
2770                     int code;        /* Compiled instruction */
2771                     Bool is_and;     /* TRUE if the operator is F_LAND_EQ */
2772                     mp_int end;      /* The branch target */
2773                     mp_int offset;   /* The branch offset */
2775                     if (type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR == F_LAND_EQ)
2776                     {
2777                         code = F_LAND;
2778                         is_and = MY_TRUE;
2779                     }
2780                     else
2781                     {
2782                         code = F_LOR;
2783                         is_and = MY_FALSE;
2784                     }
2786                     if (block_size != 3)
2787                     {
2788                         lambda_error(
2789                           "Bad number of arguments to #'%s\n",
2790                           instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name
2791                         );
2792                     }
2794                     compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2796                     if (current.code_left < 3)
2797                         realloc_code();
2799                     current.code_left--;
2800                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)F_LDUP);
2802                     branchp = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2803                     current.code_left -= 2;
2804                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)code);
2805                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)0);
2807                     compile_value(argp+2, REF_REJECTED);
2809                     /* Store the correct offsets for the operator/branch
2810                      * instruction. If necessary, the short branch is
2811                      * converted into long ones.
2812                      */
2813                     end = current.code_max - current.code_left;
2814                       /* The target to jump to */
2815                     offset = end - branchp - 2;
2816                     if (offset <= 0xff)
2817                     {
2818                         PUT_UINT8(current.code+branchp+1, (unsigned char)offset);
2819                     }
2820                     else
2821                     {
2822                         /* We exceeded the limit of the short offsets.
2823                          * Extend the offset into long branch.
2824                          */
2826                         mp_int i;
2827                         bytecode_p p;
2829                         code = is_and ? F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO
2830                                       : F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO;
2832                         /* Prepare the copying of the code */
2833                         if (current.code_left < 3)
2834                             realloc_code();
2835                         current.code_left -= 3;
2836                         current.codep += 3;
2837                         p = current.code + end + 2;
2838                         for (i = offset; --i >= 0; --p )
2839                             *p = p[-3];
2840                         p[-4] = F_DUP;
2841                         p[-3] = code;
2842                         offset += 3;
2843                         PUT_SHORT((p-2), offset);
2844                         if (offset > 0x7fff)
2845                             UNIMPLEMENTED;
2846                         p[0]  = F_POP_VALUE;
2847                     }
2849                     if (current.code_left < 2)
2850                         realloc_code();
2851                     current.code_left -= 2;
2852                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)F_SWAP_VALUES);
2853                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)F_ASSIGN);
2854                     break;
2855                   }
2857                 /* ({#'++, <lvalue> })
2858                  * ({#'--, <lvalue> })
2859                  */
2860                 case F_POST_INC:
2861                 case F_POST_DEC:
2862                     /* This is compiled as:
2863                      *
2864                      *   <lvalue>        <lvalue>
2865                      *   (POST_)INC      (POST_)DEC
2866                      */
2868                     if (block_size != 2)
2869                     {
2870                         lambda_error(
2871                           "Bad number of arguments to #'%s\n",
2872                           instrs[type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR].name
2873                         );
2874                     }
2876                     compile_lvalue(argp+1, USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
2878                     if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
2879                     {
2880                         opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
2881                         if (type-CLOSURE_OPERATOR == F_POST_INC)
2882                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_INC);
2883                         else
2884                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_DEC);
2885                     }
2886                     else
2887                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)type);
2888                     current.code_left--;
2890                     break;
2892                 /* ({#'do, <body1>, ... <bodyn>, <cond>, <result> })
2893                  */
2894                 case F_BBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO:
2895                   {
2896                     /* This is compiled as:
2897                      *
2898                      *   l: <body>
2899                      *      POP
2900                      *      <body2>
2901                      *      ...
2902                      *      <bodyn>
2903                      *      POP
2904                      *      <cond>
2905                      *      BBRANCH_NON_ZERO l
2906                      *      <result>
2907                      *
2908                      * If a <body> doesn't return a value, the following POP
2909                      * is omitted.
2910                      *
2911                      * As usual, if the jump distance is too big, the BBRANCH
2912                      * is converted into a LBRANCH. Also, if the <cond>
2913                      * returns a result in reversed logic, the branch condition
2914                      * is reversed.
2915                      */
2917                     mp_int i;
2918                     int    void_given;
2919                     mp_int offset;      /* Position of first <body> */
2921                     i = block_size - 3;
2922                     if (i < 0)
2923                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'do\n");
2925                     offset = current.code_left - current.code_max;
2927                     /* Compile all the bodys */
2928                     if (i) do
2929                     {
2930                         void_given = compile_value(++argp, VOID_WANTED);
2931                         if ( !(void_given & VOID_GIVEN) )
2932                         {
2933                             /* POP the unwanted result */
2934                             if (current.code_left < 1)
2935                                 realloc_code();
2936                             current.code_left--;
2937                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
2938                         }
2939                     } while(--i);
2941                     /* Compile the condition */
2942                     void_given = compile_value(++argp, NEGATE_ACCEPTED);
2943                     offset += current.code_max - current.code_left + 1;
2945                     if (current.code_left < 3)
2946                         realloc_code();
2947                     if (offset > 0xff)
2948                     {
2949                     	/* We need a long branch */
2950                         if (offset > 0x8000)
2951                             UNIMPLEMENTED
2952                         current.code_left -= 3;
2953                         if (void_given & NEGATE_GIVEN)
2954                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
2955                         else
2956                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
2957                         STORE_SHORT(current.codep, -offset);
2958                     }
2959                     else
2960                     {
2961                         current.code_left -= 2;
2962                         if (void_given & NEGATE_GIVEN)
2963                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
2964                         else
2965                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
2966                         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, offset);
2967                     }
2969                     /* Compile the result */
2970                     opt_flags = compile_value(++argp, opt_flags);
2971                     break;
2972                   }
2974                 /* ({#'while, <cond>, <result>, <body1>, ... <bodyn> })
2975                  */
2976                 case F_BBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO:
2977                   {
2978                     /* This is compiled as:
2979                      *
2980                      *        BRANCH l1
2981                      *   l0:  <body>
2982                      *        POP
2983                      *        <body2>
2984                      *        ...
2985                      *        <bodyn>
2986                      *        POP
2987                      *   l1:  <cond>
2988                      *        BRANCH_NON_ZERO l0
2989                      *        <result>
2990                      *
2991                      * If a <body> doesn't return a value, the following POP
2992                      * is omitted.
2993                      *
2994                      * As usual, if the jump distances are too big, the (B)BRANCHes
2995                      * are converted into LBRANCHes. Also, if the <cond>
2996                      * returns a result in reversed logic, the branch condition
2997                      * is reversed.
2998                      */
3000                     mp_int i;
3001                     int    void_given;
3002                     mp_int start_branch;
3003                     mp_int offset;
3005                     /* Store the initial branch, and remember its position
3006                      * for the backpatching.
3007                      */
3008                     if (current.code_left < 2)
3009                         realloc_code();
3010                     current.code_left -= 2;
3011                     start_branch = current.code_max - current.code_left;
3012                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BRANCH);
3013                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 0);
3015                     i = block_size - 3;
3016                     if (i < 0)
3017                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'while\n");
3019                     /* Compile all bodies */
3020                     offset = current.code_left - current.code_max;
3021                     argp += 2;
3022                     if (i) do
3023                     {
3024                         void_given = compile_value(++argp, VOID_WANTED);
3025                         if ( !(void_given & VOID_GIVEN) )
3026                         {
3027                             /* The body returned a result: POP it */
3028                             if (current.code_left < 2)
3029                                 realloc_code();
3030                             current.code_left--;
3031                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
3032                         }
3033                     } while(--i);
3035                     /* Store the proper distance into the initial branch.
3036                      * Rewrite it to a long branch if necessary.
3037                      */
3038                     offset =
3039                       current.code_max - current.code_left - start_branch;
3040                     if (offset > 0xff)
3041                     {
3042                         bytecode_p p;
3044                         if (offset > 0x7ffd)
3045                             UNIMPLEMENTED
3046                         if (current.code_left < 1)
3047                             realloc_code();
3048                         current.code_left--;
3050                         /* Move the generated code */
3051                         p = (bytecode_p)current.codep++;
3052                         i = offset;
3053                         do {
3054                             p--;
3055                             p[1] = *p;
3056                         } while (--i);
3058                         /* Generate the LBRANCH */
3059                         p = current.code+start_branch-2;
3060                         PUT_CODE(p, F_LBRANCH);
3061                         PUT_SHORT(p+1, offset+2);
3062                         start_branch++;
3063                     }
3064                     else
3065                     {
3066                         PUT_UINT8(current.code+start_branch-1, (unsigned char)offset);
3067                     }
3069                     /* Compile the condition and generate the branch */
3070                     argp = block->item;
3071                     void_given = compile_value(++argp, NEGATE_ACCEPTED);
3073                     if (current.code_left < 3)
3074                         realloc_code();
3076                     offset =
3077                       current.code_max - current.code_left - start_branch + 1;
3078                     if (offset > 0xff)
3079                     {
3080                         if (offset > 0x8000)
3081                             UNIMPLEMENTED
3083                         current.code_left -= 3;
3084                         if (void_given & NEGATE_GIVEN)
3085                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
3086                         else
3087                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
3088                         STORE_SHORT(current.codep, -offset);
3089                     }
3090                     else
3091                     {
3092                         current.code_left -= 2;
3093                         if (void_given & NEGATE_GIVEN)
3094                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO);
3095                         else
3096                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO);
3097                         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (bytecode_t)offset);
3098                     }
3100                     /* Compile the result */
3101                     opt_flags = compile_value(++argp, opt_flags);
3102                     break;
3103                   }
3105                 /* ({#'foreach, <sym>, <expr>, <body1>, ... <bodyn> })
3106                  * ({#'foreach, ({ <sym1>, ... <symn> }), <expr>, <body1>, ... <bodyn> })
3107                  */
3108                 case F_FOREACH:
3109                   {
3110                     /* This is compiled as:
3111                      *
3112                      *       PUSH_(LOCAL_)LVALUE <var1>
3113                      *       ...
3114                      *       PUSH_(LOCAL_)LVALUE <varn>
3115                      *       <expr>
3116                      *       FOREACH <numargs> c
3117                      *    l: <body1>
3118                      *       POP
3119                      *       <body2>
3120                      *       ...
3121                      *       <bodyn>
3122                      *       POP
3123                      *    c: FOREACH_NEXT l
3124                      *    e: FOREACH_END
3125                      *       CONST0
3126                      *
3127                      * or if no bodies are given:
3128                      *
3129                      *       <expr>
3130                      *       POP_VALUE
3131                      *       CONST0
3132                      *
3133                      * If a <body> doesn't return a value, the following POP
3134                      * is omitted.
3135                      * If the caller doesn't require a result, the final CONST0
3136                      * is omitted.
3137                      */
3139                     mp_int i;
3140                     int    void_given;
3141                     mp_int start;
3142                     mp_int offset;
3143                     int    vars_given;
3144                     int    body_count;
3146                     body_count = block_size - 3;
3147                     if (body_count < 0)
3148                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'foreach\n");
3150                     if (!body_count)
3151                     {
3152                         /* Just create the code for the expression
3153                          * and pop the value
3154                          */
3155                         compile_value(argp+2, 0);
3156                         if (current.code_left < 2)
3157                             realloc_code();
3158                         current.code_left--;
3159                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
3161                         /* If a result is required, compile a 0 */
3162                         if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
3163                             opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
3164                         else
3165                         {
3166                             current.code_left--;
3167                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
3168                         }
3170                         break;
3171                     }
3173                     /* Create the code to push the variable lvalues
3174                      */
3175                     if ((++argp)->type != T_POINTER)
3176                     {
3177                         vars_given = 1;
3178                         if (!is_lvalue(argp, 0))
3179                             lambda_error("Missing variable lvalue to #'foreach\n");
3180                         compile_lvalue(argp, 0);
3181                     }
3182                     else
3183                     {
3184                         svalue_t * svp;
3186                         svp = argp->u.vec->item;
3187                         vars_given = i = (int)VEC_SIZE(argp->u.vec);
3189                         if (!vars_given)
3190                             lambda_error("Missing variable lvalue to #'foreach\n");
3191                         if (vars_given > 0xFE)
3192                             lambda_error("Too many lvalues to #'foreach: %d\n", vars_given);
3193                         for ( ; i > 0; i--, svp++)
3194                         {
3195                             if (!is_lvalue(svp, 0))
3196                                 lambda_error("Missing variable lvalue to #'foreach\n");
3197                             compile_lvalue(svp, 0);
3198                         }
3199                     }
3201                     /* Create the code for the expression */
3202                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3204                     /* Create the FOREACH instruction and remember the position
3205                      */
3206                     if (current.code_left < 4)
3207                         realloc_code();
3208                     current.code_left -= 4;
3209                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_FOREACH);
3210                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, vars_given+1);
3211                     STORE_SHORT(current.codep, 0);
3212                     start = current.code_max - current.code_left;
3214                     /* Compile all bodies.
3215                      */
3216                     for (i = body_count; i > 0; i--)
3217                     {
3218                         void_given = compile_value(++argp, VOID_WANTED);
3219                         if ( !(void_given & VOID_GIVEN) )
3220                         {
3221                             /* The body returned a result: POP it */
3222                             if (current.code_left < 2)
3223                                 realloc_code();
3224                             current.code_left--;
3225                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_POP_VALUE);
3226                         }
3227                     }
3229                     /* Store the proper distance into the initial offset.
3230                      */
3231                     offset = current.code_max - current.code_left - start;
3232                     PUT_SHORT(current.code+start-2, offset);
3234                     /* Generate the FOREACH_NEXT, followed by F_FOREACH_END.
3235                      */
3236                     if (current.code_left < 5)
3237                         realloc_code();
3238                     current.code_left -= 4;
3239                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_FOREACH_NEXT);
3240                     STORE_SHORT(current.codep, offset+3);
3241                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_FOREACH_END);
3243                     /* If a result is required, compile a 0 */
3244                     if (opt_flags & VOID_ACCEPTED)
3245                         opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
3246                     else
3247                     {
3248                         current.code_left--;
3249                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
3250                     }
3251                     break;
3252                   }
3254                 /* ({#'catch, <body> })
3255                  * ({#'catch, <body>, 'nolog })
3256                  * ({#'catch, <body>, 'publish })
3257                  * ({#'catch, <body>, 'nolog, 'publish })
3258                  * ({#'catch, <body>, 'nolog, 'publish, 'reserve, <expr> })
3259                  */
3260                 case F_CATCH:
3261                   {
3262                     /* This is compiled as:
3263                      *
3264                      *      CATCH l / CATCH_NO_LOG l
3265                      *      <body>
3266                      *   l: END_CATCH
3267                      */
3269                     mp_int start, offset;
3270                     int flags, i;
3271                     int void_given;
3273                     if (block_size < 2 && block_size > 6)
3274                         lambda_error("Wrong number of arguments to #'catch\n");
3276                     flags = 0;
3277                     for (i = 3; i <= block_size; i++)
3278                     {
3279                         if (argp[i-1].type == T_SYMBOL
3280                          && mstreq(argp[i-1].u.str, STR_NOLOG))
3281                             flags |= CATCH_FLAG_NOLOG;
3282                         else if (argp[i-1].type == T_SYMBOL
3283                          && mstreq(argp[i-1].u.str, STR_PUBLISH))
3284                             flags |= CATCH_FLAG_PUBLISH;
3285                         else if (argp[i-1].type == T_SYMBOL
3286                          && mstreq(argp[i-1].u.str, STR_RESERVE)
3287                                  )
3288                         {
3289                             if (i > block_size)
3290                                 lambda_error("Missing expression for 'reserve "
3291                                              "catch-modifier.\n");
3292                             flags |= CATCH_FLAG_RESERVE;
3293                             if (compile_value(argp+i, 0) & VOID_GIVEN)
3294                                 lambda_error("Expression for 'reserve "
3295                                              "doesn't return a value.\n");
3296                             i++;
3297                         }
3298                         else
3299                             lambda_error("Expected 'nolog, 'publish or "
3300                                          "'reserve as catch-modifier.\n");
3301                     }
3303                     if (current.code_left < 3)
3304                         realloc_code();
3305                     current.code_left -= 3;
3307                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CATCH);
3309                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, flags);
3311                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 0);
3312                     start = current.code_max - current.code_left;
3314                     void_given = compile_value(++argp, 0);
3315                     if (current.code_left < 1)
3316                         realloc_code();
3318                     current.code_left -= 1;
3319                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_END_CATCH);
3321                     offset = current.code_max - current.code_left - start;
3322                     if (offset > 0xff)
3323                     {
3324                         UNIMPLEMENTED
3325                     }
3326                     PUT_UINT8(current.code+start-1, (bytecode_t)offset);
3327                     break;
3328                   }
3330                 /* ({#'sscanf, <data>, <fmt>, <lvalue1>, ..., <lvalueN> })
3331                  */
3332                 case F_SSCANF:
3333                   {
3334                     /* This is compiled as:
3335                      *
3336                      *   <data>
3337                      *   <fmt>
3338                      *   <lvalue1>
3339                      *   ...
3340                      *   <lvalueN>
3341                      *   SSCANF N+2
3342                      */
3344                     int lvalues;
3346                     if ( (lvalues = block_size - 3) < 0)
3347                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'sscanf\n");
3349                     if (lvalues > 0xff - 2)
3350                         lambda_error("Too many arguments to #'sscanf\n");
3352                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3353                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3355                     while (--lvalues >= 0)
3356                     {
3357                         compile_lvalue(++argp, PROTECT_LVALUE|USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
3358                     }
3360                     if (current.code_left < 2)
3361                         realloc_code();
3362                     current.code_left -= 2;
3364                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SSCANF);
3365                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)(block_size - 1));
3366                     break;
3367                   }
3370                 /* ({#'parse_command, <data>, <fmt>, <data>, <lvalue1>, ..., <lvalueN> })
3371                  */
3372                 case F_PARSE_COMMAND:
3373                   {
3374                     /* This is compiled as:
3375                      *
3376                      *   <data>
3377                      *   <fmt>
3378                      *   <data>
3379                      *   <lvalue1>
3380                      *   ...
3381                      *   <lvalueN>
3382                      *   SSCANF N+2
3383                      */
3385                     int lvalues;
3387                     if ( (lvalues = block_size - 3) < 0)
3388                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'sscanf\n");
3390                     if (lvalues > 0xff - 2)
3391                         lambda_error("Too many arguments to #'sscanf\n");
3393                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3394                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3395                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
3397                     while (--lvalues >= 0)
3398                     {
3399                         compile_lvalue(++argp, PROTECT_LVALUE|USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
3400                     }
3402                     if (current.code_left < 2)
3403                         realloc_code();
3404                     current.code_left -= 2;
3406                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SSCANF);
3407                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)(block_size - 1));
3408                     break;
3409                   }
3410 #endif
3412                 /* ({#'({, <expr1>, ..., <exprN> })
3413                  */
3414                 case F_AGGREGATE:
3415                   {
3416                     /* This is compiled as:
3417                      *
3418                      *   <expr1>
3419                      *   ...
3420                      *   <exprN>
3421                      *   F_AGGREGATE N
3422                      */
3423                     int i, size;
3425                     size = i = block_size - 1;
3426                     while (--i >= 0)
3427                     {
3428                         compile_value(++argp, REF_REJECTED);
3429                     }
3430                     if (current.code_left < 3)
3431                         realloc_code();
3432                     current.code_left -= 3;
3433                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_AGGREGATE);
3434                     STORE_SHORT(current.codep, size);
3435                     break;
3436                   }
3438                 /* ({#'([, <array1>, ..., <arrayN> })
3439                  */
3440                 case F_M_CAGGREGATE:
3441                   {
3442                     /* This is compiled as:
3443                      *
3444                      *   <array1>[0]
3445                      *   ...
3446                      *   <array1>[M]
3447                      *   <array2>[0]
3448                      *   ...
3449                      *   <arrayN>[M]
3450                      *   M_(C)AGGREGATE N M
3451                      */
3452                     mp_int i, j;
3453                     mp_int num_keys;    /* Number of keys to add */
3454                     mp_int num_values;  /* Number of values per key */
3456                     num_values = 1;
3457                     i = block_size;
3458                     num_keys = i - 1;
3460                     /* Check and compile all mapping keys and values */
3461                     for (i = block_size; --i;)
3462                     {
3463                         svalue_t *element;
3465                         if ( (++argp)->type != T_POINTER )
3466                             lambda_error("Bad argument to #'([\n");
3468                         element = argp->u.vec->item;
3470                         /* The first array determines the width */
3471                         j = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(argp->u.vec);
3472                         if (j != num_values)
3473                         {
3474                             if (!j)
3475                                 lambda_error("#'([ : Missing key.\n");
3476                             if (i != num_keys)
3477                                 lambda_error(
3478                                   "#'([ : Inconsistent value count.\n");
3479                             num_values = j;
3480                         }
3482                         while (--j >= 0)
3483                         {
3484                             compile_value(element++, REF_REJECTED);
3485                         }
3486                     }
3488                     if (current.code_left < 5)
3489                         realloc_code();
3491                     num_values--; /* one item of each subarray is the key */
3492                     if ( (num_keys | num_values) & ~0xff)
3493                     {
3494                     	/* More than 255 keys or values: long instruction */
3495                         current.code_left -= 5;
3496                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_M_AGGREGATE);
3497                         STORE_SHORT(current.codep, num_keys);
3498                         STORE_SHORT(current.codep, num_values);
3499                     }
3500                     else
3501                     {
3502                     	/* Short instruction */
3503                         current.code_left -= 3;
3504                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_M_CAGGREGATE);
3505                         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)num_keys);
3506                         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)num_values);
3507                     }
3508                     break;
3509                   }
3511 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
3512                 /* ({#'(<, <template>, <expr1>, ..., <exprN> })
3513                  */
3514                 case F_S_AGGREGATE:
3515                   {
3516                     /* This is compiled as:
3517                      *
3518                      *   <template>
3519                      *   <expr1>
3520                      *   ...
3521                      *   <exprN>
3522                      *   F_S_AGGREGATE -1 N
3523                      */
3524                     int i, size;
3526                     size = block_size - 2;
3527                     if (size > STRUCT_MAX_MEMBERS)
3528                     {
3529                         lambda_error("Too many elements for struct.\n");
3530                         size = STRUCT_MAX_MEMBERS;
3531                     }
3533                     if (argp[1].type == T_STRUCT
3534                      && struct_size(argp[1].u.strct) < size)
3535                     {
3536                         lambda_error("Too many elements for struct %s.\n"
3537                                     , get_txt(struct_name(argp[1].u.strct))
3538                                     );
3539                         size = struct_size(argp[1].u.strct);
3540                     }
3541                     i = size+1;
3542                     while (--i >= 0)
3543                     {
3544                         compile_value(++argp, REF_REJECTED);
3545                     }
3546                     if (current.code_left < 4)
3547                         realloc_code();
3548                     current.code_left -= 4;
3549                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_S_AGGREGATE);
3550                     STORE_SHORT(current.codep, -1);
3551                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)size);
3552                     break;
3553                   }
3554 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
3556                 /* ({#'return })
3557                  * ({#'return, <expr> })
3558                  */
3559                 case F_RETURN:
3560                   {
3561                     /* This is compiled as:
3562                      *
3563                      *   <expr>    or    RETURN0
3564                      *   RETURN
3565                      */
3567                     if (block_size != 2)
3568                     {
3569                         if (block_size > 1)
3570                             lambda_error("Too many arguments to #'return\n");
3571                         opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
3572                     }
3573                     else
3574                     {
3575                         opt_flags =
3576                           compile_value(++argp, ZERO_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED);
3577                     }
3579                     if (current.code_left < 1)
3580                         realloc_code();
3581                     current.code_left--;
3582                     if (opt_flags & VOID_GIVEN)
3583                     {
3584                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_RETURN0);
3585                         opt_flags ^= VOID_GIVEN;
3586                     }
3587                     else
3588                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_RETURN);
3590                     break;
3591                   }
3593                 /* ({#'[.., <value>, <index> })
3594                  * ({#'[<.., <value>, <index> })
3595                  */
3596                 case F_NX_RANGE:
3597                 case F_RX_RANGE:
3598                 case F_AX_RANGE:
3599                   {
3600                     /* This is compiled as:
3601                      *     <value>
3602                      *     <index>
3603                      *     CONST1
3604                      *     NR_RANGE/RR_RANGE/AR_RANGE
3605                      */
3607                     bytecode_t opcode = (type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR);
3608                     const char *opname;
3610                     switch (type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR)
3611                     {
3612                     case F_NX_RANGE:
3613                         opcode = F_NR_RANGE;
3614                         opname = "#'[..";
3615                         break;
3616                     case F_RX_RANGE:
3617                         opcode = F_RR_RANGE;
3618                         opname = "#'[<..";
3619                         break;
3620                     case F_AX_RANGE:
3621                         opcode = F_AR_RANGE;
3622                         opname = "#'[>..";
3623                         break;
3624                     default:
3625                         fatal("Illegal operator %d\n", type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR);
3626                         break;
3627                     }
3629                     if (block_size != 3)
3630                         lambda_error("Bad number of arguments to %s\n"
3631                                     , opname);
3633                     compile_value(++argp, REF_REJECTED);
3635                     /* A numeric index can be compiled directly */
3636                     if ((++argp)->type == T_NUMBER)
3637                         compile_value(argp, 0);
3638                     else
3639                     {
3640                         compile_value(argp, REF_REJECTED);
3641                     }
3643                     if (current.code_left < 2)
3644                         realloc_code();
3645                     current.code_left -= 2;
3646                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST1);
3647                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, opcode);
3648                     break;
3649                   }
3651                 /* ({#'switch, <value>, {<case1>, <block1>, <delim>} })
3652                  *
3653                  * <case>s can be #'default, simple values, or arrays of values.
3654                  * <delim>s are #', or #'break.
3655                  */
3656                 case F_SWITCH:
3657                   {
3658                     /* This is compiled as:
3659                      *
3660                      *   <value>
3661                      *   SWITCH switchargs
3662                      *   <block1>
3663                      *   POP/BREAK
3664                      *   <block2>
3665                      *   POP/BREAK
3666                      *   ...
3667                      *   <blockN>
3668                      *   POP/BREAK
3669                      *   switchargs
3670                      *
3671                      * If no default case is given, a default 'CONST0; BREAK'
3672                      * is inserted after the last block.
3673                      *
3674                      * See interpret.c for a detailed description of the SWITCH
3675                      * instruction.
3676                      */
3678                     mp_int num_blocks;        /* Number different cases */
3679                     mp_int i;
3680                     mp_int switch_pc;         /* Position of the SWITCH+1. */
3681                     mp_int default_addr = 0;  /* Pos of the default case */
3682                     Bool some_numeric = MY_FALSE;
3683                       /* TRUE if some cases are numeric */
3684                     Bool no_string    = MY_TRUE;
3685                       /* TRUE if the case list contains no strings (yet) */
3686                     case_list_entry_t *zero = NULL;
3687                       /* Case label with value 0. */
3688                     case_list_entry_t *save_free_block;
3689                     case_list_entry_t *save_next_free;
3690                     case_list_entry_t *save_list0;
3691                     case_list_entry_t *save_list1;
3692                       /* Save the vitals of the outer switch.
3693                        * We don't need an explicite list of case_states
3694                        * because compile_value() recurses.
3695                        */
3697 #                   define REUSE_LIST_ENTRY \
3698                         case_state.list0 = case_state.list1; \
3699                         case_state.list1 = l->next; \
3700                         case_state.next_free++;
3702                     /* Initialize the globals if it didn't happen yet */
3703                     if (!switch_initialized)
3704                     {
3705                         switch_initialized = MY_TRUE;
3706                         if (current_loc.file)
3707                         {
3708                             /* lambda() is called while the LPC compiler
3709                              * was busy compiling a switch(), maybe from
3710                              * within the error handling.
3711                              */
3712                             save_case_free_block = case_state.free_block;
3713                             save_case_next_free  = case_state.next_free;
3714                             save_case_list0 = case_state.list0;
3715                             save_case_list1 = case_state.list1;
3716                         }
3717                         else
3718                         {
3719                             case_state.free_block = NULL;
3720                             case_state.next_free = NULL;
3721                         }
3722                     }
3724                     /* Let's begin */
3726                     num_blocks = (block_size) / 3;
3727                     if (block_size != 2 + num_blocks * 3)
3728                         lambda_error("Bad number of arguments to #'switch\n");
3730                     compile_value(++argp, REF_REJECTED);
3732                     if (current.code_left < 3)
3733                         realloc_code();
3734                     current.code_left -= 3;
3735                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SWITCH);
3736                     current.codep += 2; /* Space for b1 a2 */
3738                     /* Save position and prepare to compile the switch() */
3739                     switch_pc = current.code_max - current.code_left - 2;
3741                     if (++current.break_stack > current.max_break_stack)
3742                         current.max_break_stack = current.break_stack;
3744                     save_free_block = case_state.free_block;
3745                     save_next_free  = case_state.next_free;
3746                     save_list0 = case_state.list0;
3747                     save_list1 = case_state.list1;
3748                     case_state.list0 = case_state.list1 = NULL;
3750                     /* Collect the cases and compile the associated
3751                      * blocks.
3752                      */
3753                     for (i = num_blocks; --i >= 0;)
3754                     {
3755                         svalue_t *labels;     /* Label value(s) */
3756                         mp_int j;             /* Number of (remaining) labels */
3757                         case_list_entry_t *l;
3758                         int opt_used;
3760                         /* Compile the case labels */
3762                         ++argp;
3763                         if (argp->type == T_POINTER) {
3764                             labels = argp->u.vec->item;
3765                             j = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(argp->u.vec);
3766                         } else {
3767                             labels = argp;
3768                             j = 1;
3769                         }
3771                         for (; j--; labels++)
3772                         {
3773                             l = new_case_entry();
3774                             l->addr =
3775                               current.code_max - current.code_left - switch_pc;
3776                             l->line = 1;
3778                             /* Create the case_list_entry for this case label */
3779                             if (j && labels[1].type == T_CLOSURE
3780                                   && labels[1].x.closure_type == F_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN )
3781                             {
3782                                 /* It's a ({#'.., <low>, <high>}) range */
3784                                 if (j < 2) {
3785                                     lambda_error(
3786                                       "case label range lacks end\n"
3787                                     );
3788                                 }
3790                                 if (labels[0].type != T_NUMBER
3791                                  || labels[2].type != T_NUMBER )
3792                                 {
3793                                     lambda_error(
3794                                       "case label range must be numeric\n"
3795                                     );
3796                                 }
3798                                 if (!no_string)
3799                                     lambda_error(
3800                                       "mixed case label lists not supported\n"
3801                                     );
3803                                 some_numeric = MY_TRUE;
3804                                 l->key = labels->u.number;
3806                                 /* Get the upper end of the range */
3808                                 j -= 2;
3809                                 labels += 2;
3810                                 if (labels[-2].u.number == labels->u.number)
3811                                     continue;
3812                                     /* Single entry sufficient */
3814                                 if (labels[-2].u.number > labels->u.number)
3815                                 {
3816                                     /* <low> > <high>: invalid case */
3817                                     REUSE_LIST_ENTRY
3818                                     continue;
3819                                 }
3821                                 l->addr = 1;
3822                                 l = new_case_entry();
3823                                 l->addr =
3824                                   current.code_max - current.code_left -
3825                                     switch_pc;
3826                                 l->line = 0;
3827                                 l->key = labels->u.number;
3828                             }
3829                             else if (labels->type == T_STRING)
3830                             {
3831                             	/* String label: we have to make the string shared
3832                             	 * and store it in the value table (to keep the
3833                             	 * reference).
3834                             	 */
3836                                 svalue_t stmp;
3838                                 if (some_numeric)
3839                                     lambda_error(
3840                                       "mixed case label lists not supported\n"
3841                                     );
3843                                 if (--current.values_left < 0)
3844                                     realloc_values();
3845                                 no_string = MY_FALSE;
3846                                 put_string(&stmp
3847                                           , make_tabled_from(labels->u.str));
3848                                 *--current.valuep = stmp;
3850                                 l->key = (p_int)stmp.u.str;
3852                             }
3853                             else if (labels->type == T_NUMBER)
3854                             {
3855                             	/* Numeric label, with special treatment of
3856                             	 * the label 0.
3857                             	 */
3858                                 if ( 0 != (l->key = labels->u.number) )
3859                                 {
3860                                     if (!no_string)
3861                                         lambda_error(
3862                                          "mixed case label lists not supported\n"
3863                                         );
3864                                     some_numeric = MY_TRUE;
3865                                 }
3866                                 else
3867                                 {
3868                                     zero = l;
3869                                 }
3870                             }
3871                             else if (labels->type == T_CLOSURE
3872                                      && labels->x.closure_type == F_CSTRING0 +CLOSURE_OPERATOR)
3873                             {
3874                             	/* #'default label */
3876                                 if (default_addr)
3877                                     lambda_error("duplicate default\n");
3878                                 default_addr = l->addr;
3879                                 REUSE_LIST_ENTRY
3880                                 continue;
3881                             }
3882                             else
3883                             {
3884                             	/* Something else - bad wizard! */
3885                                 lambda_error("bad type of case label\n");
3886                             }
3887                         } /* for(j over labels) */
3889                         /* Compile the code block for this case */
3890                         argp++;
3891                         opt_used = compile_value(
3892                           argp,
3893                           argp[1].x.closure_type ==
3894                           F_POP_VALUE+CLOSURE_OPERATOR ?
3895                             REF_REJECTED | VOID_ACCEPTED :
3896                             REF_REJECTED
3897                         );
3899                         /* Check and compile the delimiter #', or #'break */
3901                         if ((++argp)->type != T_CLOSURE
3902                          || (   argp->x.closure_type !=
3903                                   F_BREAK+CLOSURE_OPERATOR
3904                              && (!i || argp->x.closure_type !=
3905                                        F_POP_VALUE+CLOSURE_OPERATOR)) )
3906                         {
3907                             lambda_error("Bad delimiter in #'switch\n");
3908                         }
3910                         if ( !(opt_used & VOID_GIVEN) )
3911                         {
3912                             if (current.code_left < 1)
3913                                 realloc_code();
3914                             current.code_left--;
3915                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
3916                                       , (bytecode_t) argp->x.closure_type);
3917                         }
3918                     } /* for (i = num_blocks) */
3920                     /* If there was not default case, create one. */
3921                     if (!default_addr)
3922                     {
3923                         default_addr =
3924                           current.code_max - current.code_left - switch_pc;
3925                         if (current.code_left < 2)
3926                             realloc_code();
3927                         current.code_left -= 2;
3928                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
3929                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_BREAK);
3930                     }
3932                     /* Create the rest of the switch instruction, especially
3933                      * the lookup tables.
3934                      */
3935                     store_case_labels(
3936                       current.code_max - current.code_left - switch_pc,
3937                       default_addr,
3938                       some_numeric || no_string, zero,
3939                       lambda_get_space, lambda_move_switch_instructions,
3940                       lambda_cerror, lambda_cerrorl
3941                     );
3943                     /* That's it: restore the previous switch context if any.
3944                      */
3945                     case_state.free_block = save_free_block;
3946                     case_state.next_free  = save_next_free;
3947                     case_state.list0 = save_list0;
3948                     case_state.list1 = save_list1;
3949                     current.break_stack--;
3950                     break;
3952 #                   undef REUSE_LIST_ENTRY
3953                   }
3954                 } /* switch(type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR) */
3956             }
3957             else /* it's an EFUN closure */
3958             {
3959                 mp_int block_size;  /* Number of entries */
3961                 block_size = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(block);
3963                 switch (type - CLOSURE_EFUN)
3964                 {
3965                 /* ({#'&, <expr1>, ..., <exprn> })
3966                  * ({#'&, <lvalue> })
3967                  */
3968                 case F_AND:
3969                   {
3970                     int i;
3972                     i = block_size - 2;
3974                     if ( i > 0 )
3975                     {
3976                     	/* This is compiled as:
3977                     	 *
3978                     	 *   <expr1>
3979                     	 *   <expr2>
3980                     	 *   AND
3981                     	 *   ...
3982                     	 *   <exprn>
3983                     	 *   AND
3984                     	 */
3985                         compile_value(++argp, 0);
3986                         do {
3987                             compile_value(++argp, 0);
3988                             if (current.code_left < 1)
3989                                 realloc_code();
3990                             current.code_left--;
3991                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_AND);
3992                         } while (--i);
3993                     }
3994                     else if (!i)
3995                     {
3996                     	/* This is compiled as:
3997                     	 *
3998                     	 *   <lvalue>
3999                     	 *
4000                     	 * (easy, isn't it?)
4001                     	 */
4002                         if (opt_flags & REF_REJECTED)
4003                             lambda_error("Reference value in bad position\n");
4004                         compile_lvalue(++argp, PROTECT_LVALUE|USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
4005                     }
4006                     else
4007                     {
4008                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'&\n");
4009                     }
4010                     break;
4011                   }
4013                 /* ({#'|, <expr1>, ..., <exprn> })
4014                  * ({#'|, <lvalue> })
4015                  */
4016                 case F_OR:
4017                   {
4018                     int i;
4020                     i = block_size - 2;
4022                     if ( i > 0 )
4023                     {
4024                     	/* This is compiled as:
4025                     	 *
4026                     	 *   <expr1>
4027                     	 *   <expr2>
4028                     	 *   OR
4029                     	 *   ...
4030                     	 *   <exprn>
4031                     	 *   OR
4032                     	 */
4033                         compile_value(++argp, 0);
4034                         do {
4035                             compile_value(++argp, 0);
4036                             if (current.code_left < 1)
4037                                 realloc_code();
4038                             current.code_left--;
4039                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_OR);
4040                         } while (--i);
4041                     }
4042                     else if (!i)
4043                     {
4044                     	/* This is compiled as:
4045                     	 *
4046                     	 *   <lvalue>
4047                     	 *
4048                     	 * (easy, isn't it?)
4049                     	 */
4050                         if (opt_flags & REF_REJECTED)
4051                             lambda_error("Reference value in bad position\n");
4052                         compile_lvalue(++argp, PROTECT_LVALUE|USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
4053                     }
4054                     else
4055                     {
4056                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'&\n");
4057                     }
4058                     break;
4059                   }
4061                 /* ({#'^, <expr1>, ..., <exprn> })
4062                  * ({#'^, <lvalue> })
4063                  */
4064                 case F_XOR:
4065                   {
4066                     int i;
4068                     i = block_size - 2;
4070                     if ( i > 0 )
4071                     {
4072                     	/* This is compiled as:
4073                     	 *
4074                     	 *   <expr1>
4075                     	 *   <expr2>
4076                     	 *   OR
4077                     	 *   ...
4078                     	 *   <exprn>
4079                     	 *   OR
4080                     	 */
4081                         compile_value(++argp, 0);
4082                         do {
4083                             compile_value(++argp, 0);
4084                             if (current.code_left < 1)
4085                                 realloc_code();
4086                             current.code_left--;
4087                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_XOR);
4088                         } while (--i);
4089                     }
4090                     else if (!i)
4091                     {
4092                     	/* This is compiled as:
4093                     	 *
4094                     	 *   <lvalue>
4095                     	 *
4096                     	 * (easy, isn't it?)
4097                     	 */
4098                         if (opt_flags & REF_REJECTED)
4099                             lambda_error("Reference value in bad position\n");
4100                         compile_lvalue(++argp, PROTECT_LVALUE|USE_INDEX_LVALUE);
4101                     }
4102                     else
4103                     {
4104                         lambda_error("Missing argument(s) to #'&\n");
4105                     }
4106                     break;
4107                   }
4109                 /* ({#'!, <expr> })
4110                  */
4111                 case F_NOT:
4112                   {
4113                     /* This is compiled as
4114                      *
4115                      *   <expr>
4116                      *   NOT
4117                      *
4118                      * If the caller accepts reversed logic, the NOT is
4119                      * omitted and the fact is stored in opt_flags:NEGATE_GIVEN.
4120                      */
4122                     if (block_size != 2)
4123                         lambda_error("Wrong number of arguments to #'!\n");
4125                     opt_flags |= compile_value(++argp, opt_flags & ~ZERO_ACCEPTED);
4126                     if (opt_flags & (NEGATE_ACCEPTED|VOID_GIVEN) )
4127                     {
4128                         opt_flags ^= NEGATE_GIVEN;
4129                     }
4130                     else
4131                     {
4132                         if (current.code_left < 1)
4133                             realloc_code();
4134                         current.code_left--;
4135                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_NOT);
4136                     }
4137                     break;
4138                   }
4140                 default:
4141                   {
4142                     /* This is compiled as:
4143                      *
4144                      *   optional <save_arg_frame>
4145                      *   <arg1>
4146                      *   <arg2>
4147                      *   ...
4148                      *   <argN>
4149                      *   <efun>
4150                      *   optional <restore_arg_frame>
4151                      */
4153                     mp_int i;
4154                     bytecode_p p;
4155                     int f;
4156                     Bool needs_ap;
4157                     mp_int num_arg;
4158                     mp_int min;
4159                     mp_int max;
4160                     mp_int def;
4162                     /* Get the instruction code */
4163                     f = type - CLOSURE_EFUN;
4164                     min = instrs[f].min_arg;
4165                     max = instrs[f].max_arg;
4167                     /* Handle the arg frame for varargs efuns */
4168                     needs_ap = MY_FALSE;
4169                     if (f >= EFUNV_OFFSET || f == F_CALL_OTHER)
4170                     {
4171                         needs_ap = MY_TRUE;
4172                         if (current.code_left < 1)
4173                             realloc_code();
4174                         current.code_left--;
4175                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME);
4176                     }
4178                     /* Compile the arguments */
4179                     num_arg = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(block) - 1;
4180                     for (i = num_arg; --i >= 0; )
4181                     {
4182                         compile_value(++argp, 0);
4183                     }
4185                     /* Get the instruction and check if it received the
4186                      * correct number of arguments.
4187                      */
4188                     argp = block->item;
4189                     if (current.code_left < 8)
4190                         realloc_code();
4192 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4193                     /* The 'efun' #'-> needs a hidden argument
4194                      * for the struct type index.
4195                      */
4196                     if (f == F_S_INDEX)
4197                     {
4198                         current.code_left--;
4199                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)F_NCONST1);
4200                     }
4201 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4203                     p = current.codep;
4204                     if (num_arg < min)
4205                     {
4206                         /* Not enough arguments... probably */
4208                         int g;
4210                         if (num_arg == min-1 && 0 != (def = instrs[f].Default))
4211                         {
4212                             /* We have a default argument */
4213                             if (instrs[def].prefix)
4214                             {
4215                                 STORE_CODE(p, instrs[def].prefix);
4216                                 current.code_left--;
4217                                 max--;
4218                                 min--;
4219                             }
4220                             STORE_CODE(p, instrs[def].opcode);
4221                             current.code_left--;
4222                             max--;
4223                             min--;
4224                         }
4225                         else
4226                             /* Maybe there is a replacement efun */
4227                              if ( (g = proxy_efun(f, num_arg)) < 0
4228                          ||  (f = g, MY_FALSE) )
4229                             /* No, there isn't */
4230                             lambda_error("Too few arguments to %s\n", instrs[f].name);
4231                     }
4232                     else if (num_arg > max && max != -1)
4233                     {
4234                         /* More arguments than the efun can handle */
4235                         if (f == F_INDEX && num_arg == 3)
4236                         {
4237                             /* Exception: indexing of wide mappings */
4238                             f = F_MAP_INDEX;
4239                         }
4240                         else
4241                         {
4242                             lambda_error(
4243                               "Too many arguments to %s\n",
4244                               instrs[f].name
4245                             );
4246                         }
4247                     }
4249                     /* Store function bytecode. */
4250                     if (instrs[f].prefix)
4251                     {
4252                         STORE_CODE(p, instrs[f].prefix);
4253                         current.code_left--;
4254                     }
4255                     STORE_CODE(p, instrs[f].opcode);
4256                     current.code_left--;
4258                     /* Note the type of the result, and add a CONST0 if
4259                      * the caller expects one from a void efun. Always
4260                      * add the CONST0 for void varargs efuns.
4261                      */
4262                     if ( instrs[f].ret_type.typeflags == TYPE_VOID )
4263                     {
4264                         if (f < EFUNV_OFFSET
4265                          && (opt_flags & (ZERO_ACCEPTED|VOID_ACCEPTED)))
4266                         {
4267                             opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
4268                         }
4269                         else
4270                         {
4271                             STORE_CODE(p, F_CONST0);
4272                             current.code_left--;
4273                         }
4274                     }
4276                     /* Handle the arg frame for varargs efuns */
4277                     if (needs_ap)
4278                     {
4279                         current.code_left--;
4280                         STORE_CODE(p, F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME);
4281                     }
4283                     current.codep = p;
4284                   } /* case default: */
4285                 } /* switch */
4286                 break;
4287             }
4288         } /* if (efun or operator closure) */
4289         else switch (type) /* type >= CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN */
4290         {
4291         default: /* SIMUL_EFUN closure */
4292           {
4293             /* This is compiled as:
4294              *    sefun <= 0xffff           sefun > 0xffff
4295              *
4296              *    opt. SAVE_ARG_FRAME       SAVE_ARG_FRAME
4297              *                              <sefun_object_name>
4298              *                              <sefun_name>
4299              *    <arg1>                    <arg1>
4300              *    ...                       ...
4301              *    <argN>                    <argN>
4302              *    SIMUL_EFUN <sefun>        CALL_DIRECT
4303              *    opt. RESTORE_ARG_FRAME    RESTORE_ARG_FRAME
4304              */
4306             int simul_efun;
4307             mp_int num_arg;
4308             int i;
4309             Bool needs_ap;
4310             Bool needs_call_direct;
4312             simul_efun = type - CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN;
4314             needs_ap = MY_FALSE;
4315             needs_call_direct = (simul_efun >= SEFUN_TABLE_SIZE);
4317             if (needs_call_direct)
4318             {
4319             	/* We have to call the sefun by name */
4320                 static svalue_t string_sv = { T_STRING };
4322                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4323                     realloc_code();
4324                 current.code_left -= 1;
4325                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME);
4326                 needs_ap = MY_TRUE;
4328                 string_sv.u.str = query_simul_efun_file_name();
4329                 compile_value(&string_sv, 0);
4330                 string_sv.u.str = simul_efunp[simul_efun].name;
4331                 compile_value(&string_sv, 0);
4332             }
4333             else if (simul_efunp[simul_efun].num_arg == SIMUL_EFUN_VARARGS
4334                   || 0 != (simul_efunp[simul_efun].flags & TYPE_MOD_XVARARGS)
4335                     )
4336             {
4337                 /* varargs efuns need the arg frame */
4339                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4340                     realloc_code();
4341                 current.code_left -= 1;
4342                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME);
4343                 needs_ap = MY_TRUE;
4344             }
4346             /* Compile the arguments */
4348             num_arg = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(block) - 1;
4349             if (!needs_call_direct)
4350             {
4351                 function_t *funp = &simul_efunp[simul_efun];
4352                 if (num_arg > funp->num_arg
4353                   && !(funp->flags & TYPE_MOD_XVARARGS)
4354                    )
4355                 {
4356                     lambda_error(
4357                       "Too many arguments to simul_efun %s\n"
4358                      , get_txt(funp->name)
4359                     );
4360                     num_arg = funp->num_arg;
4361                 }
4362             }
4364             for (i = num_arg; --i >= 0; )
4365             {
4366                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
4367             }
4369             /* and the simul-efun instruction */
4371             if (current.code_left < 3)
4372                 realloc_code();
4374             if (needs_call_direct)
4375             {
4376             	/* We need the call_other */
4377                 current.code_left -= 1;
4378                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CALL_DIRECT);
4379                 if (num_arg + 1 > 0xff)
4380                     lambda_error("Argument number overflow\n");
4381             }
4382             else
4383             {
4384             	/* We can call by index */
4386                 function_t *funp = &simul_efunp[simul_efun];
4388                 if (!needs_ap)
4389                 {
4390                     /* The function takes fixed number of args:
4391                      * push 0s onto the stack for missing args
4392                      */
4394                     if (num_arg < funp->num_arg
4395                       && funp->num_arg != SIMUL_EFUN_VARARGS
4396                        )
4397                     {
4398                         lambda_error(
4399                           "Missing arguments to simul_efun %s\n"
4400                          , get_txt(funp->name)
4401                         );
4402                     }
4404                     i = funp->num_arg - num_arg;
4405                     if (i > 1 && current.code_left < i + 4)
4406                         realloc_code();
4407                     current.code_left -= i;
4408                     while ( --i >= 0 ) {
4409                         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
4410                     }
4411                 }
4413                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_SIMUL_EFUN);
4414                 STORE_SHORT(current.codep, (short)simul_efun);
4415                 current.code_left -= 3;
4417                 if (needs_ap)
4418                 {
4419                     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME);
4420                     current.code_left--;
4421                 }
4422             }
4423             break;
4424           } /* CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN */
4426         case CLOSURE_PRELIMINARY:
4427             lambda_error("Unimplemented closure type for lambda()\n");
4429         case CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA:
4430         case CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA:
4431         case CLOSURE_LAMBDA:
4432         case CLOSURE_LFUN:
4433           {
4434             /* This is compiled as
4435              *   alien-lfun:             local lfun:
4436              *
4437              *   <lfun_closure>
4438              *   <arg1>                   <arg1>
4439              *   ...                      ...
4440              *   <argN>                   <argN>
4441              *   FUNCALL N+1              CALL_FUNCTION <lfun-index> N
4442              *
4443              * alien-lfun: lambda->ob != lambda->function.lfun.ob
4444              *
4445              * Inherited lfun closures, context lfun closures and lambda
4446              * closures are compiled similar to alien lfuns using
4447              * F_CALL_CLOSURE.
4448              */
4450             mp_int i;
4451             lambda_t *l;
4452             mp_int block_size;
4454             block_size = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(block);
4455             l = argp->u.lambda;
4456             if ((type != CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA && l->ob != current.lambda_origin)
4457              || (type == CLOSURE_LFUN && l->ob != l->function.lfun.ob)
4458                )
4459             {
4460                 /* Compile it like an alien lfun */
4462                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4463                     realloc_code();
4464                 current.code_left -= 1;
4465                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4467                 insert_value_push(argp); /* Push the closure */
4468                 for (i = block_size; --i; )
4469                 {
4470                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
4471                 }
4472                 if (current.code_left < 3)
4473                     realloc_code();
4474                 current.code_left -= 3;
4475                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_FUNCALL].prefix);
4476                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_FUNCALL].opcode);
4477                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4478             }
4479             else if (type != CLOSURE_LFUN
4480              || l->function.lfun.inhProg
4481 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
4482              || l->function.lfun.context_size
4483 #endif
4484                )
4485             {
4486                 /* Compile it using F_CALL_CLOSURE. */
4488                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4489                     realloc_code();
4490                 current.code_left -= 1;
4491                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4493                 insert_value_push(argp); /* Push the closure */
4494                 for (i = block_size; --i; )
4495                 {
4496                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
4497                 }
4498                 if (current.code_left < 3)
4499                     realloc_code();
4500                 current.code_left -= 3;
4501                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_CALL_CLOSURE].opcode);
4502                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_POP_SECOND].opcode);
4503                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4504             }
4505             else
4506             {
4507                 /* Intra-object call: we can call by address */
4509                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4510                     realloc_code();
4511                 current.code_left -= 1;
4512                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4514                 for (i = block_size; --i; )
4515                 {
4516                     compile_value(++argp, 0);
4517                 }
4519                 if (current.code_left < 6)
4520                     realloc_code();
4522                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CALL_FUNCTION);
4523                 STORE_SHORT(current.codep, l->function.lfun.index);
4524                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4526                 current.code_left -= 4;
4527                 if (block_size > 0x100)
4528                     lambda_error("Too many arguments to lfun closure\n");
4529             }
4530             break;
4531           } /* CLOSURE_LFUN */
4533         case CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER:
4534           {
4536             /* This is compiled as
4537              *   alien ident:             local ident:
4538              *
4539              *   <ident_closure>
4540              *   FUNCALL 1                IDENTIFIER <ident-index>
4541              *
4542              * The FUNCALL will call call_lambda() which in turn will
4543              * recognize the CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER and act accordingly.
4544              */
4546             lambda_t *l;
4548             l = argp->u.lambda;
4549             if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 1)
4550                 lambda_error("Argument to variable\n");
4552             if (l->ob != current.lambda_origin)
4553             {
4554             	/* We need the FUNCALL */
4556                 if (current.code_left < 1)
4557                     realloc_code();
4558                 current.code_left -= 1;
4559                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_SAVE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4561                 insert_value_push(argp);
4562                 if (current.code_left < 3)
4563                     realloc_code();
4564                 current.code_left -= 3;
4565                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_FUNCALL].prefix);
4566                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_FUNCALL].opcode);
4567                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, instrs[F_RESTORE_ARG_FRAME].opcode);
4568             }
4569             else
4570             {
4571             	/* We can use the IDENTIFIER */
4573                 if (current.code_left < 2)
4574                     realloc_code();
4575                 current.code_left -= 2;
4576                 if ((short)l->function.var_index < 0)
4577                     lambda_error("Variable not inherited\n");
4578                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_IDENTIFIER);
4579                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)l->function.var_index);
4580             }
4581             break;
4582           } /* CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER */
4583         } /* switch(type) for type >= CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN */
4584         break;
4585       } /* end of case T_POINTER (block compiling code) */
4587     case T_QUOTED_ARRAY:                  /* ----- T_QUOTED_ARRAY ----- */
4588         /* This compiles into the value itself minus one quote.
4589          */
4591         insert_value_push(value);
4592         if (!--current.valuep->x.quotes)
4593             current.valuep->type = T_POINTER;
4594         break;
4596     case T_SYMBOL:                              /* ----- T_SYMBOL ----- */
4597         /* Symbols with more than one quote compile into the value itself
4598          * minus one quote.
4599          * Symbols with just one quote compile into 'LOCAL <index>'. This may
4600          * create the local variable in the first place.
4601          */
4603         if (value->x.quotes > 1)
4604         {
4605             insert_value_push(value);
4606             --current.valuep->x.quotes;
4607         }
4608         else
4609         {
4610             /* Make/find the local variable to the symbol name and
4611              * compile the LOCAL instruction.
4612              */
4613             symbol_t *sym;
4615             sym = make_symbol(value->u.str);
4616             if (sym->index < 0)
4617                 lambda_error("Symbol '%s' not bound\n"
4618                             , get_txt(sym->name));
4619             if (current.code_left < 2)
4620                 realloc_code();
4621             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_LOCAL);
4622             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)sym->index);
4623             current.code_left -= 2;
4624         }
4625         break;
4627     case T_NUMBER:                              /* ----- T_NUMBER ----- */
4628       {
4629       	/* Number are compiled as optimal as possible:
4630       	 *   num == 0: CONST0
4631       	 *       == 1: CONST1
4632       	 *   1 < num < 0x100: CLIT <num>
4633       	 *   -0x100 < num < 0: NCLIT -<num>
4634       	 *
4635       	 * Other numbers are compiled as normal values.
4636       	 */
4638         mp_int i;
4640         i = value->u.number;
4641         if (i <= -0x100 || i >= 0x100)
4642         {
4643             insert_value_push(value);
4644         }
4645         else if (i >= 0)
4646         {
4647             if (current.code_left < 2)
4648                 realloc_code();
4649             if (!i)
4650             {
4651                 if (opt_flags & (VOID_ACCEPTED|ZERO_ACCEPTED))
4652                 {
4653                     /* The caller doesn't really need a value */
4654                     opt_flags = VOID_GIVEN;
4655                     break;
4656                 }
4657                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST0);
4658                 current.code_left--;
4659                 break;
4660             }
4661             else if (i == 1)
4662             {
4663                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CONST1);
4664                 current.code_left--;
4665                 break;
4666             }
4667             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_CLIT);
4668             STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)i);
4669             current.code_left -= 2;
4670             break;
4671         }
4672         else /* -0x100 < i < 0 */
4673         {
4674             if (current.code_left < 2)
4675                 realloc_code();
4676             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_NCLIT);
4677             STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (unsigned char)(-i));
4678             current.code_left -= 2;
4679             break;
4680         }
4681         break;
4682       }
4684     default:                                 /* ----- other value ----- */
4685         /* Generate a LAMBDA_(C)CONSTANT for this value. */
4686         insert_value_push(value);
4687         break;
4688     }
4690     /* Finish up */
4691     current.levels_left++;
4692     return opt_flags;
4694 } /* compile_value() */
4696 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4697 static Bool
is_lvalue(svalue_t * argp,int index_lvalue)4698 is_lvalue (svalue_t *argp, int index_lvalue)
4700 /* Test if the value <argp> can be compiled into a lvalue.
4701  * If <index_lvalue> is not zero, arrays compiling into an indexing
4702  * instruction are accepted, too.
4703  */
4705 {
4706     switch(argp->type)
4707     {
4708     case T_SYMBOL:
4709         return argp->x.quotes == 1;
4711     case T_POINTER:
4712         if (index_lvalue)
4713         {
4714             vector_t *block;
4716             block = argp->u.vec;
4717             if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 3)
4718                 break;
4720             argp = block->item;
4721             if (argp->type != T_CLOSURE)
4722             {
4723                 break;
4724             }
4726             switch (argp->x.closure_type)
4727             {
4728               case F_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN:
4729               case F_RINDEX+CLOSURE_EFUN:
4730               case F_AINDEX+CLOSURE_EFUN:
4731 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4732               case F_S_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN:
4733 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4734               case CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER:
4735                 return MY_TRUE;
4736             }
4737         }
4738         break;
4740     case T_CLOSURE:
4741         if (argp->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER)
4742             return MY_TRUE;
4743         break;
4744     }
4746      /* Default: it's not. */
4747     return MY_FALSE;
4748 } /* is_lvalue() */
4750 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
4751 static void
compile_lvalue(svalue_t * argp,int flags)4752 compile_lvalue (svalue_t *argp, int flags)
4754 /* Compile the <argp> into an lvalue, according to the <flags>. The function
4755  * allocates enough space in the code buffer to store the assignment code
4756  * (1 Byte) as well, so on return .code_left >= 1 holds.
4757  */
4759 {
4760     switch(argp->type) {
4762     /* 'a: Symbol of a local variable.
4763      */
4764     case T_SYMBOL:
4765       /* This compiles to:
4766        *
4767        *   PUSH_LOCAL_VARIABLE_LVALUE <index>
4768        */
4770       {
4771         symbol_t *sym;
4773         if (argp->x.quotes > 1)
4774             break;
4776         /* Find (or create) the variable for this symbol */
4777         sym = make_symbol(argp->u.str);
4778         if (sym->index < 0)
4779             sym->index = current.num_locals++;
4781         if (current.code_left < 3)
4782             realloc_code();
4783         current.code_left -= 2;
4784         STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PUSH_LOCAL_VARIABLE_LVALUE);
4785         STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (bytecode_t)sym->index);
4786         return;
4787       }
4789     /* ({ indexing operation })
4790      */
4791     case T_POINTER:
4792       {
4793         vector_t *block;
4795         block = argp->u.vec;
4796         if (block != &null_vector && (argp = block->item)->type == T_CLOSURE)
4797         {
4798             switch (argp->x.closure_type)
4799             {
4801             /* ({ #'[, map|array, index [, index] })
4802              * ({ #'[<, map|array, index })
4803              * ({ #'->, struct, index })
4804              */
4805             case F_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN:
4806             case F_RINDEX+CLOSURE_EFUN:
4807             case F_AINDEX+CLOSURE_EFUN:
4808 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4809             case F_S_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN:
4810 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4811                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) == 3)
4812                 {
4813                     /* Indexing of an array or normal mapping.
4814                      */
4815                     if (is_lvalue(argp+1, flags & USE_INDEX_LVALUE))
4816                     {
4817                         compile_value(argp+2, 0);
4819 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4820                         if (!(flags & PROTECT_LVALUE)
4821                          && argp->x.closure_type == F_S_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN
4822                            )
4823                         {
4824                             if (current.code_left < 1)
4825                                 realloc_code();
4826                             current.code_left--;
4827                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t) F_NCONST1);
4828                         }
4829 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4831                         compile_lvalue(argp+1, flags & PROTECT_LVALUE);
4832                         if (current.code_left < 3)
4833                             realloc_code();
4834                         if (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE)
4835                         {
4836                             current.code_left -= 1;
4837                             if (argp->x.closure_type == F_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4838                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4839                                           , (bytecode_t)
4840                                             (F_PROTECTED_INDEX_LVALUE));
4841                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_RINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4842                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4843                                           , (bytecode_t)
4844                                             (F_PROTECTED_RINDEX_LVALUE));
4845                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_AINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4846                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4847                                           , (bytecode_t)
4848                                             (F_PROTECTED_AINDEX_LVALUE));
4849 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4850                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_S_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4851                             {
4852                                 current.code_left -= 1;
4853                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t) F_NCONST1);
4854                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4855                                           , (bytecode_t)
4856                                             (F_PROTECTED_INDEX_S_LVALUE));
4857                             }
4858 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4859                         } else {
4860                             current.code_left -= 1;
4861                             if (argp->x.closure_type == F_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4862                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4863                                           , (bytecode_t)
4864                                             (F_INDEX_LVALUE));
4865                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_RINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4866                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4867                                           , (bytecode_t)
4868                                             (F_RINDEX_LVALUE));
4869                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_AINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4870                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4871                                           , (bytecode_t)
4872                                             (F_AINDEX_LVALUE));
4873 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4874                             else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_S_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4875                             {
4876                                 STORE_CODE(current.codep
4877                                           , (bytecode_t)
4878                                             (F_INDEX_S_LVALUE));
4879                             }
4880 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4881                         }
4882                         return;
4883                     }
4885                     compile_value(argp+1, 0);
4886                     compile_value(argp+2, 0);
4887                     if (current.code_left < 2)
4888                         realloc_code();
4889                     if (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) {
4890                         current.code_left -= 1;
4891                         if (argp->x.closure_type == F_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4892                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4893                                       , (bytecode_t)
4894                                         (F_PUSH_PROTECTED_INDEXED_LVALUE));
4895                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_RINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4896                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4897                                       , (bytecode_t)
4898                                         (F_PUSH_PROTECTED_RINDEXED_LVALUE));
4899                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_AINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4900                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4901                                       , (bytecode_t)
4902                                         (F_PUSH_PROTECTED_AINDEXED_LVALUE));
4903 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4904                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_S_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4905                         {
4906                             current.code_left -= 1;
4907                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t) F_NCONST1);
4908                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4909                                       , (bytecode_t)
4910                                         (F_PUSH_PROTECTED_INDEXED_S_LVALUE));
4911                         }
4912 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4913                     } else {
4914                         current.code_left -= 1;
4915                         if (argp->x.closure_type == F_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4916                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4917                                       , (bytecode_t)
4918                                         (F_PUSH_INDEXED_LVALUE));
4919                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_RINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4920                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4921                                       , (bytecode_t)
4922                                         (F_PUSH_RINDEXED_LVALUE));
4923                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_AINDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4924                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4925                                       , (bytecode_t)
4926                                         (F_PUSH_AINDEXED_LVALUE));
4927 #ifdef USE_STRUCTS
4928                         else if (argp->x.closure_type == F_S_INDEX + CLOSURE_EFUN)
4929                         {
4930                             current.code_left -= 1;
4931                             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t) F_NCONST1);
4932                             STORE_CODE(current.codep
4933                                       , (bytecode_t)
4934                                         (F_PUSH_INDEXED_S_LVALUE));
4935                         }
4936 #endif /* USE_STRUCTS */
4937                     }
4938                     return;
4939                 } /* if (VEC_SIZE(block) == 3) */
4941                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) == 4
4942                  && argp->x.closure_type == F_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN)
4943                 {
4944                     /* Indexing of a wide mapping.
4945                      */
4946                     compile_value(argp+1, 0);
4947                     compile_value(argp+2, 0);
4948                     compile_value(argp+3, 0);
4950                     if (current.code_left < 2)
4951                         realloc_code();
4953                     if (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE)
4954                     {
4955                         current.code_left -= 1;
4956                         STORE_CODE(current.codep,
4957                           F_PUSH_PROTECTED_INDEXED_MAP_LVALUE);
4958                     }
4959                     else
4960                     {
4961                         current.code_left -= 1;
4962                         STORE_CODE(current.codep,
4963                                      F_PUSH_INDEXED_MAP_LVALUE);
4964                     }
4965                     return;
4966                 } /* if (VEC_SIZE(block) == 4...) */
4968                 /* Otherwise: raise an error */
4969                 break;
4971             /* ({#'[..], map/array, index, index })
4972              */
4973             case F_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
4974                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 4)
4975                     break;
4976                 compile_value(argp += 2, 0);
4977                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
4978                 compile_lvalue(argp - 2, flags & PROTECT_LVALUE);
4980                 if (current.code_left < 2)
4981                     realloc_code();
4982                 if (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE)
4983                 {
4984                     current.code_left -= 1;
4985                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PROTECTED_RANGE_LVALUE);
4986                 }
4987                 else
4988                 {
4989                     current.code_left -= 1;
4990                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_RANGE_LVALUE);
4991                 }
4992                 return;
4994             /* ({#'[..<], map/array, index, index })
4995              * ({#'[<..], map/array, index, index })
4996              * ({#'[<..<], map/array, index, index })
4997              * ({#'[..>], map/array, index, index })
4998              * ({#'[>..], map/array, index, index })
4999              * ({#'[<..>], map/array, index, index })
5000              * ({#'[>..<], map/array, index, index })
5001              * ({#'[>..>], map/array, index, index })
5002              */
5003             case F_NR_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5004             case F_RN_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5005             case F_RR_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5006             case F_NA_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5007             case F_AN_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5008             case F_RA_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5009             case F_AR_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5010             case F_AA_RANGE +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5011               {
5012               	int code;
5014                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 4)
5015                     break;
5017                 code = F_ILLEGAL;
5018                 switch(argp->x.closure_type)
5019                 {
5020                 case F_NR_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5021                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_NR_RANGE_LVALUE
5022                                                     : F_NR_RANGE_LVALUE;
5023                     break;
5024                 case F_RN_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5025                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_RN_RANGE_LVALUE
5026                                                     : F_RN_RANGE_LVALUE;
5027                     break;
5028                 case F_RR_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5029                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_RR_RANGE_LVALUE
5030                                                     : F_RR_RANGE_LVALUE;
5031                 case F_NA_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5032                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_NA_RANGE_LVALUE
5033                                                     : F_NA_RANGE_LVALUE;
5034                     break;
5035                 case F_AN_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5036                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_AN_RANGE_LVALUE
5037                                                     : F_AN_RANGE_LVALUE;
5038                     break;
5039                 case F_RA_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5040                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_RA_RANGE_LVALUE
5041                                                     : F_RA_RANGE_LVALUE;
5042                     break;
5043                 case F_AR_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5044                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_AR_RANGE_LVALUE
5045                                                     : F_AR_RANGE_LVALUE;
5046                     break;
5047                 case F_AA_RANGE+CLOSURE_EFUN:
5048                     code = (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE) ? F_PROTECTED_AA_RANGE_LVALUE
5049                                                     : F_AA_RANGE_LVALUE;
5050                     break;
5051                 }
5053                 compile_value(argp += 2, 0);
5054                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
5055                 compile_lvalue(argp - 2, flags & PROTECT_LVALUE);
5057                 if (current.code_left < 2)
5058                     realloc_code();
5059                 current.code_left -= 1;
5060                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)code);
5061                 return;
5062               }
5064             /* ({ #'[, mapping, index [,index] })
5065              */
5066             case F_MAP_INDEX +CLOSURE_EFUN:
5067                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 4)
5068                     break;
5070                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
5071                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
5072                 compile_value(++argp, 0);
5074                 if (current.code_left < 2)
5075                     realloc_code();
5076                 if (flags & PROTECT_LVALUE)
5077                 {
5078                     current.code_left -= 1;
5079                     STORE_CODE(current.codep,
5080                       F_PUSH_PROTECTED_INDEXED_MAP_LVALUE);
5081                 }
5082                 else
5083                 {
5084                     current.code_left -= 1;
5085                     STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PUSH_INDEXED_MAP_LVALUE);
5086                 }
5087                 return;
5089             /* ({ #'global_var })
5090              */
5091             case CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER:
5092               {
5093                 lambda_t *l;
5095                 if (VEC_SIZE(block) != 1)
5096                     break;
5097                 l = argp->u.lambda;
5098                 if (l->ob != current.lambda_origin)
5099                     break;
5100                 if (current.code_left < 3)
5101                     realloc_code();
5102                 current.code_left -= 2;
5103                 if ((short)l->function.var_index < 0)
5104                     lambda_error("Variable not inherited\n");
5105                 STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PUSH_IDENTIFIER_LVALUE);
5106                 STORE_UINT8(current.codep, (bytecode_t)l->function.var_index);
5107                 return;
5108               }
5109             } /* switch(closure_type) */
5110         }
5111         break;
5112       } /* case T_POINTER */
5114     /* precomputed closure: only identifiers in this object are allowed
5115      */
5116     case T_CLOSURE:
5117       {
5118         switch (argp->x.closure_type)
5119         {
5120         case CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER:
5121           {
5122             lambda_t *l;
5124             l = argp->u.lambda;
5125             if (l->ob != current.lambda_origin)
5126                 break;
5127             if (current.code_left < 3)
5128                 realloc_code();
5129             current.code_left -= 2;
5130             if ((short)l->function.var_index < 0)
5131                 lambda_error("Variable not inherited\n");
5132             STORE_CODE(current.codep, F_PUSH_IDENTIFIER_LVALUE);
5133             STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)(l->function.var_index));
5134             return;
5135           }
5136         }
5137         break;
5138       }
5140     } /* switch(argp->type) */
5142     lambda_error("Illegal lvalue\n");
5143 } /* compile_lvalue() */
5145 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5146 static lambda_t *
lambda(vector_t * args,svalue_t * block,object_t * origin)5147 lambda (vector_t *args, svalue_t *block, object_t *origin)
5149 /* Compile a lambda closure with the arguments <args>, an array with symbols,
5150  * and the body <block>. If <origin> is given, the created lambda is bound
5151  * that object (with proper respect of scheduled program replacements).
5152  *
5153  * Result is a pointer to the created lambda structure, the size of the code
5154  * generated can be determined as current.code_max - current.code_left before
5155  * lambda() is called again.
5156  */
5158 {
5159     mp_int    i, j;
5160     svalue_t *argp;
5161     mp_int    num_values;   /* number of values needed */
5162     mp_int    values_size;  /* size of the value block */
5163     mp_int    code_size;    /* size of the generated code */
5164     char     *l0;           /* allocated memory for the lambda */
5165     lambda_t *l;            /* pointer to the lambda structure */
5166     int       void_given;   /* result flags from the compiler */
5168     /* Initialize the work area */
5170     current.symbols_left = current.symbol_max =
5171         sizeof current.symbols[0] * SYMTAB_START_SIZE;
5172     current.symbol_mask = (long)(current.symbol_max- sizeof(symbol_t *));
5173     current.code = NULL;
5174     current.values = NULL;
5175     current.symbols = xalloc((size_t)current.symbol_max);
5176     i = SYMTAB_START_SIZE - 1;
5177     do {
5178         current.symbols[i] = 0;
5179     } while (--i >= 0);
5181     switch_initialized = MY_FALSE;
5183     /* Evaluate the args array: check that all entries are symbols,
5184      * enter them into the symbol table and check for duplicates.
5185      */
5186     argp = args->item;
5187     j = (mp_int)VEC_SIZE(args);
5188     for (i = 0; i < j; i++, argp++)
5189     {
5190         symbol_t *sym;
5192         if (argp->type != T_SYMBOL)
5193         {
5194             lambda_error("Illegal argument type to lambda()\n");
5195         }
5196         sym = make_symbol(argp->u.str);
5197         if (sym->index >= 0)
5198             lambda_error("Double symbol name in lambda arguments\n");
5199         sym->index = i;
5200     }
5202     current.num_locals = i;  /* Args count as locals, too */
5204     /* Continue initializing the work area */
5206     current.break_stack = current.max_break_stack = 0;
5208     current.code_max = CODE_BUFFER_START_SIZE;
5209     current.code_left = CODE_BUFFER_START_SIZE-3;
5210     current.levels_left = MAX_LAMBDA_LEVELS;
5211     if ( !(current.code = current.codep = xalloc((size_t)current.code_max)) )
5212        lambda_error("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT
5213                     " bytes) for initial codebuffer\n", current.code_max);
5215     /* Store the lambda code header */
5216     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 0);          /* dummy for num values */
5217     STORE_INT8(current.codep, (char)current.num_locals); /* num arguments */
5218     STORE_UINT8(current.codep, 0);          /* dummy for num variables */
5220     current.value_max = current.values_left = VALUE_START_MAX;
5221     if ( !(current.values =
5222         xalloc(current.value_max * sizeof current.values[0])) )
5223     {
5224         lambda_error("Out of memory (%"PRIdMPINT
5225                      " bytes) for initial value buffer\n",
5226                      current.value_max * sizeof current.values[0]);
5227     }
5228     current.valuep = current.values + current.value_max;
5230     current.lambda_origin = origin;
5232     /* Now compile */
5234     void_given = compile_value(block, ZERO_ACCEPTED|REF_REJECTED);
5236     /* Add the final F_RETURN instruction */
5237     if (current.code_left < 1)
5238         realloc_code();
5239     current.code_left -= 1;
5240     STORE_CODE(current.codep, (bytecode_t)(void_given & VOID_GIVEN
5241                                             ? F_RETURN0
5242                                             : F_RETURN));
5244     /* Determine number and size of values needed */
5245     num_values = current.value_max - current.values_left;
5246     values_size = (long)(num_values * sizeof (svalue_t));
5247     code_size = current.code_max - current.code_left;
5249     if (num_values == 0xff)
5250     {
5251         /* Special case: we have exactly 255 values, that means
5252          * we are going to use the indirect way of storing the number
5253          * of values. At the same time, the extra entry to store
5254          * the number of values has not been reserved yet.
5255          * Do it now.
5256          */
5257         num_values++;
5258         values_size += (long)sizeof(svalue_t);
5259         current.values_left--;
5260         (--current.valuep)->type = T_INVALID;
5261     }
5263     /* Allocate the memory for values, lambda_t and code */
5264 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
5265     l0 = xalloc(values_size + sizeof *l - sizeof l->function + code_size);
5266 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
5267     l0 = xalloc(values_size + SIZEOF_LAMBDA(0) - sizeof l->function + code_size);
5268 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
5270     /* Copy the data */
5271     memcpy(l0, current.valuep, (size_t)values_size);
5272     l0 += values_size;
5273     l = (lambda_t *)l0;
5274     closure_init_lambda(l, origin);
5276     memcpy(l->function.code, current.code, (size_t)code_size);
5278     /* Fix number of constant values */
5279     if (num_values >= 0xff)
5280     {
5281     	/* The entry in the value block has been reserved for this */
5282         ((svalue_t *)l)[-0x100].u.number = num_values;
5283         PUT_UINT8(l->function.code, 0xff);
5284     }
5285     else
5286     {
5287         PUT_UINT8(l->function.code, (unsigned char)num_values);
5288     }
5290     /* Fix number of variables */
5291     PUT_UINT8( l->function.code+2
5292              , (unsigned char)(current.num_locals + current.max_break_stack));
5294     /* Clean up */
5295     free_symbols();
5296     xfree(current.code);
5297     xfree(current.values);
5299     /* If the lambda is to be bound to an object, check if the object's program
5300      * is scheduled for replacement. If not, mark the object as referenced.
5301      */
5302     if (origin
5303      && (   !(origin->prog->flags & P_REPLACE_ACTIVE)
5304          || !lambda_ref_replace_program(origin,  l, CLOSURE_LAMBDA, code_size, args, block)
5305     ) )
5306     {
5307         origin->flags |= O_LAMBDA_REFERENCED;
5308     }
5310     /* Return the lambda */
5311     return l;
5312 } /* lambda() */
5314 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5315 void
free_closure(svalue_t * svp)5316 free_closure (svalue_t *svp)
5318 /* Free the closure value in <svp> and all references it holds.
5319  */
5321 {
5322     lambda_t *l;
5323     int type;
5325     if (!CLOSURE_MALLOCED(type = svp->x.closure_type))
5326     {
5327     	/* Simple closure */
5328         free_object(svp->u.ob, "free_closure");
5329         return;
5330     }
5332     /* Lambda closure */
5334     l = svp->u.lambda;
5335     if (--l->ref)
5336         return;
5338     if (l->prog_ob)
5339         free_object(l->prog_ob, "free_closure: lambda creator");
5341     if (CLOSURE_HAS_CODE(type))
5342     {
5343     	/* Free all the values for this lambda, then the memory */
5345         mp_int num_values;
5347         if (type != CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA)
5348             free_object(l->ob, "free_closure");
5349         svp = (svalue_t *)l;
5350         if ( (num_values = EXTRACT_UCHAR(l->function.code)) == 0xff)
5351         {
5352             num_values = svp[-0x100].u.number;
5353         }
5354         while (--num_values >= 0)
5355             free_svalue(--svp);
5356         xfree(svp);
5357         return;
5358     }
5360     free_object(l->ob, "free_closure: lambda object");
5361     if (type == CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA)
5362     {
5363     	/* BOUND_LAMBDAs are indirections to UNBOUND_LAMBDA structures.
5364     	 * Free the BOUND_LAMBDA and then deref/free the referenced
5365     	 * UNBOUND_LAMBDA.
5366     	 */
5368         mp_int num_values;
5369         lambda_t *l2;
5371         l2 = l->function.lambda;
5372         xfree(l);
5374         if (--l2->ref)
5375             return;
5377         if (l2->prog_ob)
5378             free_object(l2->prog_ob, "free_closure: unbound lambda creator");
5380         svp = (svalue_t *)l2;
5381         if ( (num_values = EXTRACT_UCHAR(l2->function.code)) == 0xff)
5382             num_values = svp[-0x100].u.number;
5383         while (--num_values >= 0)
5384             free_svalue(--svp);
5385         xfree(svp);
5386         return;
5387     }
5389     if (type == CLOSURE_LFUN)
5390     {
5391         free_object(l->function.lfun.ob, "free_closure: lfun object");
5392         if(l->function.lfun.inhProg)
5393             free_prog(l->function.lfun.inhProg, MY_TRUE);
5394     }
5396 #ifdef USE_NEW_INLINES
5397     if (type == CLOSURE_LFUN)
5398     {
5399         unsigned short num = l->function.lfun.context_size;
5401         l->function.lfun.context_size = 0; /* ...just in case... */
5402         while (num > 0)
5403         {
5404             num--;
5405             free_svalue(&(l->context[num]));
5406         }
5407     }
5408 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
5411      * no further references held.
5412      */
5413     xfree(l);
5414 } /* free_closure() */
5416 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5417 Bool
is_undef_closure(svalue_t * sp)5418 is_undef_closure (svalue_t *sp)
5420 /* Return TRUE if <sp> is an efun closure to F_UNDEF.
5421  * It's a simple function, but it reduces the couplings to instrs.h .
5422  *
5423  * With the current way closure svalues are handled, no closure should
5424  * be found 'undef', but this check is kept around just in case...
5425  *
5426  * Called by swap.c and efuns.c
5427  */
5429 {
5430     return (sp->type == T_CLOSURE)
5431         && (sp->x.closure_type == F_UNDEF+CLOSURE_EFUN);
5432 } /* is_undef_closure() */
5434 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5435 void
closure_lookup_lfun_prog(lambda_t * l,program_t ** pProg,string_t ** pName,Bool * pIsInherited)5436 closure_lookup_lfun_prog ( lambda_t * l
5437                          , program_t ** pProg
5438                          , string_t ** pName
5439                          , Bool * pIsInherited
5440                          )
5442 /* For lfun/context closure <l>, lookup the defining program and
5443  * function name, and store the pointers (uncounted) in *<pProg>
5444  * and *<pName>. If the closure is defined in a program inherited
5445  * by <l>->function.lfun.ob, *<pIsInherited> is set to TRUE.
5446  *
5447  * The results are undefined if called for non-lfun/context closures.
5448  *
5449  * The function is used by closure_to_string() and the get_type_info()
5450  * efun.
5451  */
5453 {
5454     object_t       *ob;
5455     int             ix;
5456     program_t      *prog;
5457     fun_hdr_p       fun;
5458     funflag_t       flags;
5459     inherit_t      *inheritp;
5460     Bool            is_inherited;
5462     is_inherited = MY_FALSE;
5464     ob = l->function.lfun.ob;
5465     ix = l->function.lfun.index;
5467     /* Get the program resident */
5468     if (O_PROG_SWAPPED(ob)) {
5469         ob->time_of_ref = current_time;
5470         if (load_ob_from_swap(ob) < 0)
5471             errorf("Out of memory\n");
5472     }
5474     /* Find the true definition of the function */
5475     prog = ob->prog;
5477     if (l->function.lfun.inhProg)
5478     {
5479         while (prog != l->function.lfun.inhProg)
5480         {
5481 #ifdef DEBUG
5482             if (!prog->num_inherited)
5483                 errorf("(closure_lookup_lfun_prog): Couldn't find "
5484                        "program '%s' in object '%s' with function index %ld. "
5485                        "Found program '%s' instead.\n"
5486                      , get_txt(l->function.lfun.inhProg->name)
5487                      , get_txt(ob->name)
5488                      , (long) l->function.lfun.index
5489                      , get_txt(prog->name)
5490                      );
5491 #endif
5493             inheritp = search_function_inherit(prog, ix);
5494             ix -= inheritp->function_index_offset;
5495             prog = inheritp->prog;
5497 #ifdef DEBUG
5498             if (ix >= prog->num_functions)
5499                 errorf("(closure_lookup_lfun_prog): ix %ld > number of "
5500                        "functions %ld in program '%s'\n"
5501                      , (long) ix
5502                      , (long) prog->num_functions
5503                      , get_txt(prog->name)
5504                      );
5505 #endif
5506         }
5508         is_inherited = MY_TRUE;
5509     }
5511     flags = prog->functions[ix];
5512     while (flags & NAME_INHERITED)
5513     {
5514         is_inherited = MY_TRUE;
5515         inheritp = &prog->inherit[flags & INHERIT_MASK];
5516         ix -= inheritp->function_index_offset;
5517         prog = inheritp->prog;
5518         flags = prog->functions[ix];
5519     }
5521     /* Copy the function name pointer (a shared string) */
5522     fun = prog->program + (flags & FUNSTART_MASK);
5523     memcpy(pName, FUNCTION_NAMEP(fun) , sizeof *pName);
5525     /* Copy the other result values */
5526     *pProg = prog;
5527     *pIsInherited = is_inherited;
5528 } /* closure_lookup_lfun_prog() */
5530 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5531 const char *
closure_operator_to_string(int type)5532 closure_operator_to_string (int type)
5534 /* <type> is the code for a closure operator (the caller has to make sure
5535  * of that!).
5536  * If <type> denotes one of the non-efun operators, return its textual
5537  * presentation as a pointer to a constant string.
5538  * Otherwise return NULL.
5539  */
5541 {
5542     const char *str = NULL;
5544     if ((type & -0x0800) == CLOSURE_OPERATOR)
5545     {
5546         switch(type - CLOSURE_OPERATOR)
5547         {
5548         case F_POP_VALUE:
5549             str = ",";
5550             break;
5552         case F_BBRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO:
5553             str = "do";
5554             break;
5556         case F_BBRANCH_WHEN_ZERO:
5557             str = "while";
5558             break;
5560         case F_BRANCH:
5561             str = "continue";
5562             break;
5564         case F_CSTRING0:
5565             str = "default";
5566             break;
5568         case F_BRANCH_WHEN_ZERO:
5569             str = "?";
5570             break;
5572         case F_BRANCH_WHEN_NON_ZERO:
5573             str = "?!";
5574             break;
5576         case F_POST_INC:
5577             str = "++";
5578             break;
5580         case F_POST_DEC:
5581             str = "--";
5582             break;
5584         } /* switch() */
5585     } /* if() */
5587     return str;
5588 } /* closure_operator_to_string() */
5590 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5591 const char *
closure_efun_to_string(int type)5592 closure_efun_to_string (int type)
5594 /* <type> is the code for a closure efun (the caller has to make sure
5595  * of that!), result is the efun name.
5596  * If <type> denotes one of the non-efun operators, return its textual
5597  * presentation as a pointer to a constant string.
5598  *
5599  * Result is NULL if <type> is not an efun.
5600  */
5602 {
5603     const char *str = NULL;
5605     if ((type & -0x0800) == CLOSURE_EFUN)
5606     {
5607         switch(type - CLOSURE_EFUN)
5608         {
5609         case F_INDEX:
5610             str = "[";
5611             break;
5613         case F_RINDEX:
5614             str = "[<";
5615             break;
5617         case F_RANGE:
5618             str = "[..]";
5619             break;
5621         case F_NR_RANGE:
5622             str = "[..<]";
5623             break;
5625         case F_RR_RANGE:
5626             str = "[<..<]";
5627             break;
5629         case F_RN_RANGE:
5630             str = "[<..]";
5631             break;
5633         case F_MAP_INDEX:
5634             str = "[,]";
5635             break;
5637         case F_NX_RANGE:
5638             str = "[..";
5639             break;
5641         case F_RX_RANGE:
5642             str = "[<..";
5643             break;
5645         default:
5646             str = instrs[type - CLOSURE_EFUN].name;
5647             break;
5648         } /* switch() */
5649     } /* if() */
5651     return str;
5652 } /* closure_operator_to_string() */
5654 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5655 string_t *
closure_location(lambda_t * l)5656 closure_location (lambda_t *l)
5658 /* Return the location the lambda structure <l> was created as
5659  * the string 'from <filename> line <number>".
5660  */
5662 {
5663     string_t * rc = NULL;
5665     if (l && l->prog_ob && !(l->prog_ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED))
5666     {
5668         if (l->prog_ob->flags & O_SWAPPED)
5669         {
5670             if (load_ob_from_swap(l->prog_ob) < 0)
5671                 errorf("Out of memory\n");
5672         }
5674         do {
5675             int          lineno;
5676             char buf[20];
5677             string_t   * name = NULL;
5679             program_t  * prog    = l->prog_ob->prog;
5680             bytecode_p   prog_pc = prog->program + l->prog_pc;
5682             if (prog_pc <= prog->program || prog_pc >= PROGRAM_END(*prog))
5683                 break;
5685             lineno = get_line_number( l->prog_ob->prog->program + l->prog_pc
5686                                     , l->prog_ob->prog
5687                                     , &name
5688                                     );
5690             sprintf(buf, "%d", lineno);
5692             rc = mstr_add(STR_FROM, name);
5693             free_mstring(name);
5694             rc = mstr_append(rc, STR_LINE);
5695             rc = mstr_append_txt(rc, buf, strlen(buf));
5696         } while(0);
5697     }
5699     if (!rc)
5700         rc = ref_mstring(STR_EMPTY);
5702     return rc;
5703 } /* closure_location() */
5705 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5706 string_t *
closure_to_string(svalue_t * sp,Bool compact)5707 closure_to_string (svalue_t * sp, Bool compact)
5709 /* Convert the closure <sp> into a printable string and return it.
5710  * If <compact> is true, a compact (spaceless) representation is used.
5711  */
5713 {
5714     char buf[1024];
5715     string_t *rc;
5716     lambda_t *l;
5717     object_t *ob;
5719     rc = NULL;
5720     buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0';
5721     strcpy(buf, "#'");
5723     if (sp->type != T_CLOSURE)
5724     {
5725         fatal("closure_to_string() called for non-closure value %hd:%hd\n"
5726              , sp->type, sp->x.generic
5727             );
5728         /* NOTREACHED */
5729         return NULL;
5730     }
5732     l = NULL;
5733       /* Will be set to valid pointer if the closure has a lambda_t structure.
5734        */
5736     switch(sp->x.closure_type)
5737     {
5739     case CLOSURE_IDENTIFIER: /* Variable Closure */
5740       {
5741         l = sp->u.lambda;
5742         if (l->ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED)
5743         {
5744             strcat(buf, compact ? "<dest lvar>"
5745                                 : "<local variable in destructed object>");
5746             break;
5747         }
5749         if (l->function.var_index == VANISHED_VARCLOSURE_INDEX)
5750         {
5751             strcat(buf, compact ? "<repl lvar>"
5752                                 : "<local variable from replaced program>");
5753         }
5755         /* We need the program resident */
5756         if (O_PROG_SWAPPED(l->ob))
5757         {
5758             l->ob->time_of_ref = current_time;
5759             if (load_ob_from_swap(l->ob) < 0)
5760                 errorf("Out of memory.\n");
5761         }
5763         sprintf(buf, "#'%s->%s"
5764                    , get_txt(l->ob->name)
5765                    , get_txt(l->ob->prog->variables[l->function.var_index].name)
5766               );
5767         break;
5768       }
5770     case CLOSURE_LFUN: /* Lfun closure */
5771       {
5772         program_t *prog;
5773         string_t  *function_name;
5774         Bool       is_inherited;
5776         l = sp->u.lambda;
5778         /* For alien lfun closures, prepend the object the closure
5779          * is bound to.
5780          */
5781         if (l->ob != l->function.lfun.ob)
5782         {
5783             ob = l->function.lfun.ob;
5785             if (ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED)
5786             {
5787                 strcat(buf, compact ? "[<dest obj>]" : "[<destructed object>]");
5788             }
5789             else
5790             {
5791                 strcat(buf, "[");
5792                 strcat(buf, get_txt(ob->name));
5793                 strcat(buf, "]");
5794             }
5795         }
5797         ob = l->function.lfun.ob;
5799         closure_lookup_lfun_prog(l, &prog, &function_name, &is_inherited);
5801         if (ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED)
5802             strcat(buf, compact ? "<dest lfun>"
5803                                 : "<local function in destructed object>");
5804         else
5805             strcat(buf, get_txt(ob->name));
5807         if (is_inherited)
5808         {
5809             strcat(buf, "(");
5810             strcat(buf, get_txt(prog->name));
5811             buf[strlen(buf)-2] = '\0'; /* Remove the '.c' after the program name */
5812             strcat(buf, ")");
5813         }
5814         strcat(buf, "->");
5815         strcat(buf, get_txt(function_name));
5816         strcat(buf, "()");
5817         break;
5818       }
5820     case CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA: /* Unbound-Lambda Closure */
5821     case CLOSURE_PRELIMINARY:    /* Preliminary Lambda Closure */
5822       {
5823         l = sp->u.lambda;
5825         if (sp->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_PRELIMINARY)
5826             sprintf(buf, compact ? "<pre %p>" : "<prelim lambda %p>", l);
5827         else
5828             sprintf(buf, compact ? "<free %p>" : "<free lambda %p>", l);
5829         break;
5830       }
5832     case CLOSURE_LAMBDA:         /* Lambda Closure */
5833     case CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA:   /* Bound-Lambda Closure */
5834       {
5835         l = sp->u.lambda;
5837         if (sp->x.closure_type == CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA)
5838             sprintf(buf, compact ? "<bound %p:" : "<bound lambda %p:", l);
5839         else
5840             sprintf(buf, compact ? "<%p:" : "<lambda %p:", l);
5842         ob = l->ob;
5844         if (!ob)
5845         {
5846             strcat(buf, "{null}>");
5847         }
5848         else
5849         {
5850             if (ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED)
5851                 strcat(buf, "{dest}");
5852             strcat(buf, "/");
5853             strcat(buf, get_txt(ob->name));
5854             strcat(buf, ">");
5855         }
5856         break;
5857       }
5859     default:
5860       {
5861         int type = sp->x.closure_type;
5863         if (type >= 0)
5864             errorf("Bad arg 1 to to_string(): closure type %d.\n"
5865                  , sp->x.closure_type);
5866         else
5867         {
5868             switch(type & -0x0800)
5869             {
5870             case CLOSURE_OPERATOR:
5871               {
5872                 const char *str = closure_operator_to_string(type);
5874                 if (str)
5875                 {
5876                     strcat(buf, str);
5877                     break;
5878                 }
5880                 type += CLOSURE_EFUN - CLOSURE_OPERATOR;
5881               }
5882             /* default action for operators: FALLTHROUGH */
5884             case CLOSURE_EFUN:
5885               {
5886                 const char *str = closure_efun_to_string(type);
5888                 if (str)
5889                 {
5890                     strcat(buf, str);
5891                     break;
5892                 }
5893               }
5894               /* Shouldn't happen: FALLTHROUGH */
5896             case CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN:
5897                 strcat(buf, "sefun::");
5898                 strcat(buf, get_txt(simul_efunp[type - CLOSURE_SIMUL_EFUN].name));
5899                 break;
5900             }
5901             break;
5902         } /* if (type) */
5903       } /* case default */
5904     } /* switch(closure_type) */
5906     memsafe(rc = new_mstring(buf), strlen(buf), "converted lambda");
5908     /* If it's a closure with a lambda structure, we can determine
5909      * where it was created.
5910      */
5911     if (l && l->prog_ob && !(l->prog_ob->flags & O_DESTRUCTED))
5912     {
5913         string_t * rc2 = closure_location(l);
5914         string_t * rc3;
5916         /* Final step: append the created string rc2 to the original
5917          * string rc such that an out of memory condition won't
5918          * destroy rc itself.
5919          */
5920         rc3 = mstr_add(rc, rc2);
5921         if (rc3)
5922         {
5923             free_mstring(rc);
5924             rc = rc3;
5925         }
5927         free_mstring(rc2);
5928     }
5930     return rc;
5931 } /* closure_to_string() */
5933 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
5934 svalue_t *
v_bind_lambda(svalue_t * sp,int num_arg)5935 v_bind_lambda (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg)
5937 /* EFUN bind_lambda()
5938  *
5939  *     closure bind_lambda(closure cl [, object ob ])
5940  *
5941  * Binds an unbound closure <cl> to object <ob> and return the
5942  * bound closure.
5943  *
5944  * If the optional argument ob is not this_object(), the privilege
5945  * violation ("bind_lambda", this_object(), ob) occurs.
5946  *
5947  * If the argument <ob> is omitted, the closure is bound to
5948  * this_object(), and additionally the function accepts unbindable
5949  * closures without complaint.
5950  */
5952 {
5953     object_t *ob;
5955     if (num_arg == 1)
5956     {
5957         /* this_object() is fine */
5958         ob = ref_object(current_object, "bind_lambda");
5959     }
5960     else /* (sp->type == T_OBJECT) */
5961     {
5962         /* If <ob> is given, check for a possible privilege breach */
5963         ob = sp->u.ob;
5964         if (ob != current_object
5965          && !privilege_violation(STR_BIND_LAMBDA, sp, sp))
5966         {
5967             free_object(ob, "bind_lambda");
5968             sp--;
5969             return sp;
5970         }
5972         sp--; /* points to closure now */
5973     }
5975     inter_sp = sp;
5977     switch(sp->x.closure_type)
5978     {
5979     case CLOSURE_LAMBDA:
5982         /* Unbindable closures. Free the ob reference and
5983          * throw an error (unless <ob> has been omitted)
5984          */
5985         free_object(ob, "bind_lambda");
5986         if (num_arg == 1)
5987             break;
5988         errorf("Bad arg 1 to bind_lambda(): unbindable closure\n");
5989         /* NOTREACHED */
5990         return sp;
5991         break;
5993     case CLOSURE_LFUN:
5994         /* Rebind an lfun to the given object */
5995         free_object(sp->u.lambda->ob, "bind_lambda");
5996         sp->u.lambda->ob = ob;
5997         break;
5999     default:
6000         /* efun, simul_efun, operator closures: rebind it */
6002         free_object(sp->u.ob, "bind_lambda");
6003         sp->u.ob = ob;
6004         break;
6007       {
6008         /* Rebind an already bound lambda closure */
6010         lambda_t *l;
6012         if ( (l = sp->u.lambda)->ref == 1)
6013         {
6014             /* We are the only user of the lambda: simply rebind it.
6015              */
6017             object_t **obp;
6019             obp = &l->ob;
6020             free_object(*obp, "bind_lambda");
6021             *obp = ob; /* Adopt the reference */
6022             break;
6023         }
6024         else
6025         {
6026             /* We share the closure with others: create our own
6027              * copy, bind it and put it onto the stack in place of
6028              * the original one.
6029              */
6030             lambda_t *l2;
6032             l->ref--;
6033 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
6034             l2 = closure_new_lambda(ob, /* raise_error: */ MY_TRUE);
6035 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6036             l2 = closure_new_lambda(ob, 0, /* raise_error: */ MY_TRUE);
6037 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6038             l2->function.lambda = l->function.lambda;
6039             l->function.lambda->ref++;
6040             free_object(ob, "bind_lambda"); /* We adopted the reference */
6041             sp->u.lambda = l2;
6042             break;
6043         }
6044       }
6047       {
6048         /* Whee, an unbound lambda: create the bound-lambda structure
6049          * and put it onto the stack in place of the unbound one.
6050          */
6052         lambda_t *l;
6054 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
6055         l = closure_new_lambda(ob, /* raise_error: */ MY_TRUE);
6056 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6057         l = closure_new_lambda(ob, 0, /* raise_error: */ MY_TRUE);
6058 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6059         free_object(ob, "bind_lambda"); /* We adopted the reference */
6060         l->function.lambda = sp->u.lambda;
6061           /* The ref to the unbound closure is just transferred from
6062            * sp to l->function.lambda.
6063            */
6064         sp->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_BOUND_LAMBDA;
6065         sp->u.lambda = l;
6066         break;
6067       }
6068     }
6070     return sp;
6071 } /* v_bind_lambda() */
6073 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6074 svalue_t *
f_lambda(svalue_t * sp)6075 f_lambda (svalue_t *sp)
6077 /* EFUN lambda()
6078  *
6079  *   closure lambda(mixed *arr, mixed)
6080  *
6081  * Constructs a lambda closure, like lambda function in LISP.
6082  * The closure is bound the creating object, and thus can contain
6083  * references to global variables.
6084  *
6085  * The first argument is an array describing the arguments
6086  * (symbols) passed to the closure upon evaluation by funcall()
6087  * or apply(). It may be 0 if no arguments are required.
6088  */
6090 {
6091     lambda_t *l;
6092     vector_t *args;
6094     if (sp[-1].type != T_POINTER)
6095     {
6096         /* If '0' is given for the args array, replace it
6097          * with the null-vector.
6098          */
6099         if (sp[-1].type != T_NUMBER || sp[-1].u.number)
6100             efun_arg_error(1, T_POINTER, sp->type, sp);
6101         args = ref_array(&null_vector);
6102     }
6103     else
6104     {
6105         args = sp[-1].u.vec;
6106     }
6108     /* Create the lambda closure */
6109     l = lambda(args, sp, current_object);
6111     /* Clean up the stack and push the result */
6112     free_svalue(sp--);
6113     free_array(args);
6115     sp->type = T_CLOSURE;
6116     sp->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_LAMBDA;
6117     sp->u.lambda = l;
6119     return sp;
6120 } /* f_lambda() */
6122 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6123 svalue_t *
f_symbol_function(svalue_t * sp)6124 f_symbol_function (svalue_t *sp)
6126 /* EFUN symbol_function()
6127  *
6128  *   closure symbol_function(symbol arg)
6129  *   closure symbol_function(string arg)
6130  *   closure symbol_function(string arg, object|string ob)
6131  *
6132  * Constructs a lfun closure, efun closure or operator closure
6133  * from the first arg (string or symbol). For lfuns, the second
6134  * arg is the object that the lfun belongs to, specified by
6135  * the object itself or by its name (the object will be loaded
6136  * in the second case)
6137  *
6138  * Private lfuns can never be accessed this way, static and
6139  * protected lfuns only if <ob> is the current object.
6140  */
6142 {
6143     object_t *ob;
6144     program_t *prog;
6145     int i;
6147     /* If 'arg' is not a symbol, make sure it's a shared string. */
6148     if (sp[-1].type != T_SYMBOL)
6149     {
6150         sp[-1].u.str = make_tabled(sp[-1].u.str);
6151     }
6153     /* If 'ob' is not of type object, it might be the name of
6154      * an object to load, or we need to make an efun symbol.
6155      */
6156     if (sp->type != T_OBJECT)
6157     {
6158         /* If it's the number 0, an efun symbol is desired */
6159         if (sp->type == T_NUMBER && sp->u.number == 0)
6160         {
6161             string_t *name;
6162             sp--;
6163             inter_sp = sp;
6164             name = sp->u.str;
6165             symbol_efun(name, sp);
6166             free_mstring(name);
6167             return sp;
6168         }
6170         /* Find resp. load the object by name */
6171         if (sp->type != T_STRING)
6172         {
6173             efun_exp_arg_error(2, TF_STRING|TF_OBJECT, sp->type, sp);
6174             /* NOTREACHED */
6175             return sp;
6176         }
6177         ob = get_object(sp->u.str);
6178         if (!ob)
6179             errorf("Object '%s' not found.\n", get_txt(sp->u.str));
6180         free_svalue(sp);
6181         put_ref_object(sp, ob, "symbol_function");
6182     }
6183     else
6184     {
6185         ob = sp->u.ob;
6186     }
6188     /* We need the object's program */
6189     if (O_PROG_SWAPPED(ob))
6190     {
6191         ob->time_of_ref = current_time;
6192         if (load_ob_from_swap(ob) < 0)
6193         {
6194             inter_sp = sp;
6195             errorf("Out of memory\n");
6196         }
6197     }
6199     /* Find the function in the program */
6200     prog = ob->prog;
6201     i = find_function(sp[-1].u.str, prog);
6203     /* If the function exists and is visible, create the closure
6204      */
6205     if ( i >= 0
6206       && ( !(prog->functions[i] & (TYPE_MOD_STATIC|TYPE_MOD_PROTECTED|TYPE_MOD_PRIVATE) )
6207          || (    !(prog->functions[i] & TYPE_MOD_PRIVATE)
6208               && current_object == ob)
6209          )
6210        )
6211     {
6212         // check for deprecated functions.
6213         if (prog->functions[i] & TYPE_MOD_DEPRECATED)
6214         {
6215             warnf("Creating lfun closure to deprecated function \'%s\' in object %s (%s).\n",
6216                   get_txt(sp[-1].u.str),
6217                   get_txt(ob->name),
6218                   get_txt(ob->prog->name));
6219         }
6221         /* Clean up the stack */
6222         sp--;
6223         free_mstring(sp->u.str);
6224         inter_sp = sp-1;
6226 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
6227         closure_lfun(sp, ob, NULL, (unsigned short)i
6228                     , /* raise_error: */ MY_FALSE);
6229 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6230         closure_lfun(sp, ob, NULL, (unsigned short)i, 0
6231                     , /* raise_error: */ MY_FALSE);
6232 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6233         if (sp->type != T_CLOSURE)
6234         {
6235             inter_sp = sp - 1;
6236 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
6237             outofmem(sizeof(lambda_t), "symbol_function");
6238 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6239             outofmem(SIZEOF_LAMBDA(0), "symbol_function");
6240 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6241         }
6243         /* The lambda was bound to the wrong object */
6244         free_object(sp->u.lambda->ob, "symbol_function");
6245         sp->u.lambda->ob = ref_object(current_object, "symbol_function");
6247         free_object(ob, "symbol_function"); /* We adopted the reference */
6249         return sp;
6250     }
6252     /* Symbol can't be created - free the stack and push 0 */
6253     free_object(ob, "symbol_function");
6254     sp--;
6255     free_mstring(sp->u.str);
6256     put_number(sp, 0);
6258     return sp;
6259 } /* f_symbol_function() */
6261 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6262 svalue_t *
f_symbol_variable(svalue_t * sp)6263 f_symbol_variable (svalue_t *sp)
6265 /* EFUN symbol_variable()
6266  *
6267  *   closure symbol_variable(string arg)
6268  *   closure symbol_variable(symbol arg)
6269  *   closure symbol_variable(int arg)
6270  *
6271  * Constructs an identifier (lfun) closure from the global
6272  * variable arg of this_object(). The variable may be given as a
6273  * symbol, by name or by its ordinal number in the objects
6274  * variable table.
6275  * If there is no such variable, or if it is not visible outside
6276  * the object, 0 is returned.
6277  *
6278  * If the argument is an integer, and the variable is inherited
6279  * and private in the inherited object (i.e. hidden), then a
6280  * privilege violation ("symbol_variable", this_object(), arg)
6281  * will occur.
6282  *
6283  */
6285 {
6286     object_t *ob;
6287     int n;         /* Index of the desired variable */
6289     ob = current_object;
6290     if (!current_variables
6291      || !ob->variables
6292      || current_variables < ob->variables
6293      || current_variables >= ob->variables + ob->prog->num_variables)
6294     {
6295         /* efun closures are called without changing current_prog nor
6296          * current_variables. This keeps the program scope for variables
6297          * for calls inside this_object(), but would give trouble with
6298          * calling from other ones if it were not for this test.
6299          */
6300         current_prog = ob->prog;
6301         current_variables = ob->variables;
6302     }
6304     /* Test and get the arguments; set n to the index of the desired
6305      * variable.
6306      */
6307     switch(sp->type)
6308     {
6309     default:
6310         fatal("Bad arg 1 to symbol_variable(): type %s\n", typename(sp->type));
6311         break;
6313     case T_NUMBER:  /* The index is given directly */
6314         n = sp->u.number;
6315         if (n < 0 || n >= current_prog->num_variables)
6316         {
6317             sp->u.number = 0;
6318             return sp;
6319         }
6321         if (current_prog->variables[n].type.typeflags & NAME_HIDDEN)
6322         {
6323             if (!privilege_violation(STR_SYMBOL_VARIABLE, sp, sp))
6324             {
6325                 sp->u.number = 0;
6326                 return sp;
6327             }
6328         }
6329         break;
6331     case T_STRING:  /* Name is given by string */
6332         if (!mstr_tabled(sp->u.str))
6333         {
6334             /* If the variable exists, it must exist as tabled
6335              * string.
6336              */
6337             string_t *str;
6339             str = find_tabled(sp->u.str);
6340             if (!str)
6341             {
6342                 free_svalue(sp);
6343             	put_number(sp, 0);
6344             	return sp;
6345             }
6347             /* Make sp a tabled string value to continue processing */
6348             free_mstring(sp->u.str);
6349             sp->u.str = ref_mstring(str);
6350         }
6351         /* FALL THROUGH */
6353     case T_SYMBOL:  /* Name is given as shared string (symbol) */
6354       {
6355         string_t *str;
6356         variable_t *var;
6357         program_t *prog;
6358         int num_var;
6360         str = sp->u.str;
6361         prog = current_prog;
6362         var = prog->variables;
6363         num_var = prog->num_variables;
6364         for (n = num_var; --n >= 0; var++)
6365         {
6366             if (var->name == str && !(var->type.typeflags & NAME_HIDDEN))
6367                 break;
6368         }
6369         free_mstring(str);
6370         if (n < 0)
6371         {
6372             put_number(sp, 0);
6373             return sp;
6374         }
6375         n = num_var - n - 1;
6376       }
6377     }
6378     // check for deprecated object / global variable.
6379     if (current_prog->variables[n].type.typeflags & TYPE_MOD_DEPRECATED)
6380     {
6381         warnf("Creating closure to deprecated global variable %s.\n",
6382               get_txt(current_prog->variables[n].name));
6383     }
6385     /* Create the result closure and put it onto the stack */
6386     closure_identifier( sp, current_object
6387                       , (unsigned short)(n + (current_variables - current_object->variables))
6388                       , /* raise_error: */ MY_FALSE);
6389     if (sp->type != T_CLOSURE)
6390     {
6391         inter_sp = sp - 1;
6392 #ifndef USE_NEW_INLINES
6393         outofmem(sizeof(lambda_t), "variable symbol");
6394 #else /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6395         outofmem(SIZEOF_LAMBDA(0), "variable symbol");
6396 #endif /* USE_NEW_INLINES */
6397     }
6399     return sp;
6400 } /* f_symbol_variable() */
6402 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6403 svalue_t *
f_unbound_lambda(svalue_t * sp)6404 f_unbound_lambda (svalue_t *sp)
6406 /* EFUN closure unbound_lambda()
6407  *
6408  *   closure unbound_lambda(mixed *args, mixed)
6409  *
6410  *
6411  * Constructs a lambda closure that is not bound to an object,
6412  * like lambda function in LISP.
6413  * The closure cannot contain references to global variables, and
6414  * all lfun closures are inserted as is, since there is no native
6415  * object for this closure. You need to bind it before it can be
6416  * called. Ordinary objects can only bind to themselves, binding
6417  * to other objects causes a privilege violation(). The point is
6418  * that previous_object for calls done from inside the closure
6419  * will reflect the object doing bind_lambda(), and all object /
6420  * uid based security will also refer to this object.
6421  *
6422  * The first argument is an array describing the arguments
6423  * (symbols) passed to the closure upon evaluation by funcall()
6424  * or apply(), the second arg forms the code of the closure.
6425  */
6427 {
6428     lambda_t *l;
6429     vector_t *args;
6431     /* Get and test the arguments */
6432     if (sp[-1].type != T_POINTER)
6433     {
6434         if (sp[-1].type != T_NUMBER || sp[-1].u.number)
6435             efun_gen_arg_error(1, sp->type, sp);
6436         args = ref_array(&null_vector);
6437     }
6438     else
6439     {
6440         args = sp[-1].u.vec;
6441     }
6443     /* Compile the lambda */
6444     inter_sp = sp;
6445     l = lambda(args, sp, 0);
6446     l->ob = NULL;
6448     /* Clean up the stack and push the result */
6450     free_svalue(sp--);
6451     free_array(args);
6452     sp->type = T_CLOSURE;
6453     sp->x.closure_type = CLOSURE_UNBOUND_LAMBDA;
6454     sp->u.lambda = l;
6455     return sp;
6456 } /* f_unbound_lambda() */
6458 /*=========================================================================*/
6460 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6461 case_list_entry_t *
new_case_entry(void)6462 new_case_entry (void)
6464 /* Allocate a new case_list_entry, insert it into the case list
6465  * and return the pointer.
6466  * The memory will be deallocated in the call to free_symbols().
6467  */
6469 {
6470     case_list_entry_t *ret;
6472     /* Get a new case_list_entry from the free_block.
6473      * If the block is empty (or non-existing, the initial state),
6474      * get a new block.
6475      */
6476     if (!case_state.free_block
6477      || (ret = --case_state.next_free) == case_state.free_block)
6478     {
6479         case_list_entry_t *next;
6481         if ( !case_state.free_block
6482          || !(next = case_state.free_block->next)
6483            )
6484         {
6485             /* There was no following free block, so allocate a new
6486              * one and append it to the block list.
6487              */
6488             next = xalloc(sizeof(case_list_entry_t[CASE_BLOCKING_FACTOR]));
6489             next->next = NULL;
6490             if (!case_blocks)
6491             {
6492                 /* Initialize the total block list */
6493                 case_blocks = next;
6494                 case_blocks_last = next;
6495             }
6496             else
6497             {
6498                 /* Append the new block to the block list */
6499                 case_blocks_last->next = next;
6500                 case_blocks_last = next;
6501             }
6502         }
6504         /* Point .free_block to the new one and initialize .next_free */
6505         case_state.free_block = next;
6506         case_state.next_free = ret = next + CASE_BLOCKING_FACTOR - 1;
6507     }
6509     /* Add the new entry to the head of the entry list */
6510     /* DELETED: case_state.next_free->next = case_state.list1; */ /* TODO: ??? */
6511     ret->next = case_state.list1;
6512     case_state.list1 = case_state.list0;
6513     case_state.list0 = ret;
6515     return ret;
6516 } /* new_case_entry() */
6518 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6519 void
free_case_blocks(void)6520 free_case_blocks (void)
6522 /* Deallocate all block listed in case_blocks.
6523  */
6525 {
6526     while (case_blocks)
6527     {
6528         case_list_entry_t *tmp;
6530         tmp = case_blocks;
6531         case_blocks = tmp->next;
6532         xfree(tmp);
6533     }
6534     case_blocks_last = NULL;
6535 } /* free_case_blocks() */
6537 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6538 void
store_case_labels(p_int total_length,p_int default_addr,Bool numeric,case_list_entry_t * zero,bytecode_p (* get_space)(p_int),void (* move_instructions)(int,p_int),void (* cerror)(const char *),void (* cerrorl)(const char *,const char *,int,int))6539 store_case_labels( p_int total_length
6540                  , p_int default_addr
6541                  , Bool numeric
6542                  , case_list_entry_t *zero
6543                  , bytecode_p (*get_space)(p_int)
6544                  , void (*move_instructions)(int, p_int)
6545                  , void (*cerror)(const char *)
6546                  , void (*cerrorl)(const char *, const char *, int, int)
6547                  )
6549 /* This function creates the lookup tables for a switch instruction.
6550  * It expects that 'SWITCH b1 a2 <instruction>' has already been created
6551  * (with dummies for b1 and a2). The position of 'b1' is the reference
6552  * point for all addresses and offsets in the arguments. Speaking of arguments:
6553  *
6554  *   total_length:      length of the generated code so far
6555  *   default_addr:      address of the default-case code
6556  *   numeric:           flag if the switch has numeric or string cases.
6557  *   zero:              the case_list_entry for 'case 0', or NULL if none.
6558  *   get_space:         function to allocate more code space
6559  *   move_instructions: function to move a block of bytecode
6560  *   cerror, cerrorl:   error functions.
6561  *
6562  * For more detailed information about the argument functions, look at the
6563  * lambda_... implementations in this file.
6564  *
6565  * The created switch is not aligned, because later code generation ops may
6566  * still move this piece of code.
6567  */
6569 {
6570     case_list_entry_t *list0; /* (Sorted) list of case_entries */
6571     case_list_entry_t *list1; /* Current case_entry */
6572     int        type;          /* The type byte */
6573     mp_int     runlength;     /* Mergesort runlength */
6574     mp_int     key_num;       /* Number of keys */
6575     int        len;
6576     int        i;
6577     int        o;
6578     p_int      maxspan;       /* Max span of one 'l' lookup range */
6579     mp_int     current_key;   /* Current key */
6580     mp_int     last_key = 0;  /* Last key a table entry was generated for */
6581     mp_int     current_addr;  /* Adr of instructions for current_key */
6582     mp_int     last_addr;     /* Adr of instruction for last_key */
6583     bytecode_p p;
6584     mp_int     tablen;
6585     bytecode_t i0;
6587     list0 = case_state.list0;
6588     list1 = case_state.list1;
6590     /* Determine the type of the switch: numeric or string */
6591     if (numeric)
6592     {
6593         type = 0;
6594     }
6595     else
6596     {
6597         type = SWITCH_TYPE;
6598         if (zero)
6599         {
6600             /* 'case 0' in string-switches is special */
6601             zero->key = (p_int)ZERO_AS_STR_CASE_LABEL;
6602         }
6603     }
6605     /* length(list0) >= length(list1) */
6606     if (!list0)
6607         (*cerror)("switch without case not supported");
6609     /* Mergesort the list of case entries by their keys in ascending
6610      * order.
6611      *
6612      * The implementation combines the merge and split phase by
6613      * using two 'out' lists and switching them appropriately.
6614      */
6616     for (runlength = 1; list1; runlength *= 2)
6617     {
6618         case_list_entry_t *out_hook0, *out_hook1;
6619           /* The two out lists */
6620         case_list_entry_t **out0, **out1;
6621           /* Indirect access to the out lists, which also
6622            * helps in creating the single links of the lists.
6623            */
6624         mp_int count0, count1;
6625           /* Number of list elements left to merge in this run */
6627         out0 = &out_hook0;
6628         out1 = &out_hook1;
6629         while (list1)
6630         {
6631             /* Merge the next <runlength> elements from both lists */
6633             count0 = count1 = runlength;
6634             while (1)
6635             {
6636                 if (list1->key < list0->key)
6637                 {
6638                     /* Put element from list1 into out list */
6639                     *out0 = list1;
6640                     out0 = &list1->next;
6641                     list1 = *out0;
6643                     if (!--count1 || !list1)
6644                     {
6645                         /* All elements from list1 processed, now
6646                          * append the remaining ones from list0.
6647                          */
6648                         *out0 = list0;
6649                         do {
6650                             out0 = &list0->next;
6651                             list0 = *out0;
6652                         } while (--count0 && list0);
6653                         break;
6654                     }
6655                 }
6656                 else
6657                 {
6658                     /* Put element from list0 into out list */
6659                     *out0 = list0;
6660                     out0 = &list0->next;
6661                     list0 = *out0;
6663                     if (!--count0 || !list0)
6664                     {
6665                         /* All elements from list0 processed, now
6666                          * append the remaining ones from list1.
6667                          */
6668                         *out0 = list1;
6669                         do {
6670                             out0 = &list1->next;
6671                             list1 = *out0;
6672                         } while (--count1 && list1);
6673                         break;
6674                     }
6675                 }
6676             } /* while(1) */
6678             /* 2*runlength elements put into out0,
6679              * now switch the roles of out0 and out1.
6680              */
6681             {
6682                 case_list_entry_t **temp;
6684                 temp = out0;
6685                 out0 = out1;
6686                 out1 = temp;
6687             }
6688         } /* while (list1) */
6690         *out0 = list0;
6691         *out1 = NULL;
6692         list0 = out_hook0;
6693         list1 = out_hook1;
6694     } /* for (runlength, list1) */
6696     /* list0 now contains all entries, sorted.
6697      * Scan the list and determine the size of the switch, moving
6698      * the so far generated code if necessary.
6699      * For a numeric switch, also compute the range information and
6700      * generate the 'l' lookup table for sparse ranges.
6701      */
6702     key_num = 0;
6703     if (numeric)
6704     {
6705     	/* Numeric switch: scan the list for ranges
6706          * (which might have been separated during the sort).
6707          */
6708         case_list_entry_t *table_start;
6709           /* Begin of range to write a 'l' lookup range for */
6710         case_list_entry_t *max_gain_end = NULL;
6711           /* End of range to write a 'l' lookup range for */
6712         case_list_entry_t *previous = NULL;
6713         case_list_entry_t *range_start = NULL;
6714           /* Range currently build */
6715         int last_line = 0;  /* Source line of last_key */
6716         p_int keys;       /* Number of keys covered by this lookup table entry */
6717         p_int max_gain;     /* total gain so far */
6718         p_int cutoff;       /* Cutoff point during lookup table generation */
6720         /* Walk the list and join consecutive cases to ranges. Intermediate
6721          * entries are removed from the list, explicite range end entries
6722          * are left in the list.
6723          */
6724         for (last_addr = 0xffffff, list1=list0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
6725         {
6726             int curr_line;  /* Source line of current_key */
6728             key_num++;
6729             current_key = list1->key;
6730             curr_line = list1->line;
6731             current_addr = list1->addr;
6733             if (current_key == last_key && list1 != list0)
6734             {
6735                 (*cerrorl)("Duplicate case%s", " in line %d and %d",
6736                     last_line, curr_line);
6737             }
6739             if (curr_line)
6740             {
6741             	/* Not a range end */
6742                 if (last_addr == 1)
6743                 {
6744                     (*cerrorl)(
6745                       "Discontinued case label list range%s",
6746                       ", line %d by line %d",
6747                       last_line, curr_line);
6748                 }
6749                 else if (current_key == last_key + 1)
6750                 {
6751                     /* Consecutive keys: maybe a new case, maybe
6752                      * a continuation. Look at the code addresses
6753                      * to decide.
6754                      */
6755                     if (current_addr == last_addr)
6756                     {
6757                         /* range continuation with single value */
6758                         if (list1 != range_start->next)
6759                         {
6760                             range_start->addr = 1;
6761                               /* Mark the range start, in case it didn't
6762                                * happen already.
6763                                */
6764                             range_start->next = list1;
6765                               /* list1 becomes the new range end, replacing
6766                                * the old one.
6767                                */
6768                             list1->line = 0;
6769                               /* lookup table building uses !end->line */
6770                             key_num--;
6771                         }
6772                     }
6773                     else if (current_addr == 1
6774                           && list1->next->addr == last_addr)
6775                     {
6776                         /* range continuation with range start */
6778                         key_num -= 1 + (list1 != range_start->next);
6779                         range_start->addr = 1;
6780                           /* Mark the range start, in case it didn't
6781                            * happen already.
6782                            */
6783                         range_start->next = list1->next;
6784                           /* list1 becomes the new range end, replacing
6785                            * the old one.
6786                            */
6787                         /* list1->next was range end before, thus
6788                          * range_start->next->line == 0 already.
6789                          */
6790                         list1 = range_start;
6791                           /* list1 is now outside the list, therefore
6792                            * re-init list1 for proper continuation.
6793                            */
6794                     }
6795                     else
6796                     {
6797                         /* New range, or a single case */
6798                         range_start = list1;
6799                     }
6800                 }
6801                 else
6802                 {
6803                     /* New range, or a single case */
6804                     range_start = list1;
6805                 }
6806             }
6807             last_key = current_key;
6808             last_line = curr_line;
6809             last_addr = current_addr;
6810         } /* for() */
6811         /* The list contains now single cases, ranges, and some spurious
6812          * range ends. The following length computation is therefore a bit
6813          * on the big side.
6814          */
6816         /* Compute the needed offset size for the switch */
6817         if (        !( (total_length + key_num*(sizeof(p_int)+1))     & ~0xff) ) {
6818             len = 1;
6819             maxspan = MAXINT/len;
6820         }
6821         else if ( !( (total_length + key_num*(sizeof(p_int)+2) + 1) & ~0xffff) )
6822         {
6823             len = 2;
6824             maxspan = MAXINT/len;
6825         }
6826         else if ( !( (total_length + key_num*(sizeof(p_int)+3) + 2) & ~0xffffff) )
6827         {
6828             len = 3;
6829             maxspan = MAXINT/len;
6830         }
6831         else
6832         {
6833             (*cerror)("offset overflow");
6834             return;
6835         }
6837         /* For bigger offset sizes, move the instruction block to make
6838          * space for the additional bytes after the F_SWITCH.
6839          */
6840         if (len > 1)
6841         {
6842             (*move_instructions)(len-1, total_length);
6843             total_length += len-1;
6844             default_addr += len-1;
6845         }
6847         /* Now generate the 'l' lookup table for sparse ranges.
6848          * For every singular case count up how many bytes a range lookup
6849          * would save, and generate the next 'l' table entry when
6850          * the cutoff point has been reached (dynamic programming).
6851          * If the gain is negative, keep it singular.
6852          */
6853         cutoff =(long)(sizeof(p_int)*2 + len*2);
6854         list1 = list0;
6855         table_start = list1;
6856         for (max_gain = keys = 0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
6857         {
6858             p_int span, gain;
6860             keys++;
6861             if (list1->addr == 1)
6862             {
6863             	/* Range case - no gain possible here */
6864                 previous = list1;
6865                 continue;
6866             }
6868             /* Btw, adapt the .addr to the offset length */
6869             list1->addr += len-1;
6871             span = list1->key - table_start->key + 1;
6872             if ((p_uint)span >= (p_uint)maxspan) /* p_uint to catch span<0, too */
6873                 gain = -1;
6874             else
6875                 gain = (long)(keys * sizeof(p_int) - (span - keys)* len);
6877             /* If the gain is big enough, write the next l table entry
6878              * for the list from table_start to max_gain_end.
6879              */
6880             if (max_gain - gain > cutoff && max_gain >= cutoff)
6881             {
6882                 case_list_entry_t *tmp;
6883                 p_int key, addr, size;
6884                 bytecode_p p0;
6886                 span = max_gain_end->key - table_start->key + 1;
6887                 size = span * len;
6888                 p0 = (bytecode_p)(*get_space)(size);
6889                 tmp = table_start;
6890                 key = tmp->key;
6892                 if (tmp->addr == 1)
6893                 {
6894                     /* table_start is a range start: start with
6895                      * the associated end.
6896                      */
6897                     key_num--;
6898                     tmp = tmp->next;
6899                 }
6901                 /* Loop over the partial list, inserting the jump address
6902                  * for every singular case and range, and the default_addr
6903                  * for every other value without a case.
6904                  * The
6905                  */
6906                 do {
6907                     if (tmp->key < key)
6908                     {
6909                     	/* key is beyond the current list entry - move
6910                     	 * on to the next.
6911                     	 */
6912                         key_num--;
6913                         tmp = tmp->next;
6914                         /* This next entry might be the begin of a new range.
6915                          * However, we don't want to move tmp to its end
6916                          * entry quite yet, since we still have to fill in
6917                          * the 'default' jump points for all interim values.
6918                          */
6919                     }
6920                     if (key == tmp->key && tmp->addr == 1)
6921                     {
6922                         /* tmp is the beginning of a range, and key (finally)
6923                          * caught up with it. We can now move tmp to the end
6924                          * entry for this range.
6925                          * It's .line is 0 which will force the code
6926                          * to insert all values for this range.
6927                          */
6928                         key_num--;
6929                         tmp = tmp->next;
6930                     }
6932                     /* Get the address to insert */
6933                     addr = default_addr;
6934                     if (key == tmp->key  || !tmp->line)
6935                         addr = tmp->addr;
6937                     /* Insert the address */
6938                     p0 += len;
6939                     PUT_UINT8(p0-1, (unsigned char)addr);
6940                     if (len >= 2)
6941                     {
6942                         PUT_UINT8(p0-2, (unsigned char)(addr >> 8));
6943                         if (len > 2)
6944                         {
6945                             PUT_UINT8(p0-3, (unsigned char)(addr >> 16));
6946                         }
6947                     }
6948                 } while (++key <= max_gain_end->key);
6950                 /* Replace the partial list with singular range, and mark
6951                  * it as sparse lookup range.
6952                  */
6953                 key_num += 1;
6954                 max_gain_end->addr = total_length;
6955                 total_length += size;
6956                 table_start->addr = 0;
6957                 table_start->next = max_gain_end;
6959                 /* Restart the gain search */
6960                 gain = -1;
6961             }
6963             if (gain < 0)
6964             {
6965             	/* No gain with this entry - restart search
6966             	 * from here.
6967             	 */
6968                 if (list1->line)
6969                 {
6970                     /* Not a range end */
6971                     table_start = list1;
6972                     keys = 1;
6973                 }
6974                 else
6975                 {
6976                     /* A range end: restart from the range start */
6977                     table_start = previous;
6978                     keys = 2;
6979                 }
6980                 max_gain = 0;
6981             }
6982             else if (gain > max_gain)
6983             {
6984             	/* We gained space: remember this position */
6985                 max_gain = gain;
6986                 max_gain_end = list1;
6987             }
6988         } /* for (write lookup table) */
6989     }
6990     else
6991     {
6992         /* String case: neither ordinary nor lookup table ranges are viable.
6993          * Thus, don't spend unnecesarily time with calculating them.
6994          * Also, a more accurate calculation of len is possible.
6995          */
6996         int last_line = 0;
6998         /* Compute the number of keys, and check that none are duplicate.
6999          */
7000         for (list1 = list0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
7001         {
7002             int curr_line;
7004             key_num++;
7005             current_key = list1->key ;
7006             curr_line = list1->line ;
7007             if ( current_key == last_key && list1 != list0) {
7008                 (*cerrorl)("Duplicate case%s", " in line %d and %d",
7009                     last_line, curr_line);
7010             }
7011             last_key = current_key;
7012             last_line = curr_line;
7013         }
7015         if (        !( ( total_length   | key_num*sizeof(p_int)) & ~0xff) ) {
7016             len = 1;
7017         } else if ( !( ((total_length+1) | key_num*sizeof(p_int)) & ~0xffff) ) {
7018             len = 2;
7019         } else if ( !( ((total_length+2) | key_num*sizeof(p_int)) & ~0xffffff) ) {
7020             len = 3;
7021         } else {
7022             (*cerror)("offset overflow");
7023             return;
7024         }
7026         if (len > 1)
7027         {
7028             (*move_instructions)(len-1, total_length);
7029             total_length += len-1;
7030             default_addr += len-1;
7031             for (list1 = list0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
7032             {
7033                 list1->addr += len-1;
7034             }
7035         }
7036     }
7038     /* calculate starting index for iterative search at execution time */
7039     for (i = 0, o = 2; o <= key_num; )
7040         i++, o<<=1;
7042     /* and store it */
7043     type |= (i & SWITCH_START) | (len << SWITCH_TYPE_VALUELEN_SHIFT);
7045     /* Store the 'type' byte and the table length */
7046     tablen = (long)(key_num * sizeof(p_int));
7047       /*   = key_num << SWITCH_TABLEN_SHIFT */
7048     p = (bytecode_p)get_space((long)
7049         (tablen + key_num * len + 2 + len + sizeof(p_int) - 4));
7051     PUT_UINT8(p-total_length, (unsigned char)tablen);
7052     PUT_UINT8(p-total_length+1, (unsigned char)type);
7054     /* Store the total length, and rescue the first instruction byte i0.
7055      */
7056     i0 = GET_UINT8(p-total_length+1+len);
7057     PUT_UINT8(p-total_length+2, (unsigned char)total_length);
7058     if (len >= 2)
7059     {
7060         STORE_UINT8(p, (bytecode_t)(tablen >> 8));
7061         PUT_UINT8(p-total_length+2, (unsigned char)(total_length >> 8));
7062         if (len > 2)
7063         {
7064             STORE_UINT8(p, (bytecode_t)(tablen >> 16));
7065             PUT_UINT8(p-total_length+2, (unsigned char)(total_length >> 16));
7066         }
7067     }
7069     /* Store the default address and the saved instruction byte i0.
7070      */
7071     STORE_SHORT(p, (short)default_addr);
7072     STORE_CODE(p, i0);
7074     /* Dummy bytes for aligning. */
7075     p += sizeof(p_int) - 4;
7077     /* Create the value table 'v' */
7078     for (list1 = list0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
7079     {
7080         memcpy(p, &list1->key, sizeof(list1->key));
7081         p += sizeof(list1->key);
7082     }
7084     /* Create the offset table 'o' */
7085     for (list1 = list0; list1; list1 = list1->next)
7086     {
7087         p += len;
7088         PUT_UINT8(p-1, (unsigned char)list1->addr);
7089         if (len >= 2)
7090         {
7091             PUT_UINT8(p-2, (unsigned char)(list1->addr >> 8));
7092             if (len > 2)
7093             {
7094                 PUT_UINT8(p-3, (unsigned char)(list1->addr >> 16));
7095             }
7096         }
7097     }
7098     if (len > 2)
7099     {
7100         p = (*get_space)(1);
7101         PUT_UINT8(p, (unsigned char)(default_addr >> 16));
7102     }
7103 } /* store_case_labels() */
7105 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
7106 void
align_switch(bytecode_p pc)7107 align_switch (bytecode_p pc)
7109 /* Align the switch instruction starting at <pc> with the byte 'b1'.
7110  * Called from interpret.c when an unaligned switch is encountered
7111  * the first time.
7112  */
7114 {
7115     int len;
7116     int32 tablen, offset, size;
7117     unsigned char a2;  /* Alignment byte 2 */
7118     unsigned char abuf[sizeof(p_int)-1]; /* Buffer for the alignment bytes */
7119     bytecode_p     off_pc;  /* Pointer after the instruction block */
7120     unsigned char *startu;  /* Unaligned start address */
7121     unsigned char *starta;  /* Aligned start address */
7123     /* Get the valuelength from the 'type' byte and put it into
7124      * the 'b1' byte where it belongs.
7125      */
7126     tablen = GET_UINT8(pc);
7127     a2 = GET_UINT8(pc+1);
7128     len = a2 >> SWITCH_TYPE_VALUELEN_SHIFT;
7129     PUT_UINT8(pc, GET_UINT8(pc) | len);
7131     /* Get the offset, and move the first bytes */
7132     offset = GET_UINT8(pc+2);
7133     PUT_UINT8(pc+1, GET_UINT8(pc+2));
7134     if (len >=2)
7135     {
7136         PUT_UINT8(pc+2, GET_UINT8(pc+3));
7137         offset += GET_UINT8(pc+3) << 8;
7138         if (len > 2)
7139         {
7140             PUT_UINT8(pc+3, GET_UINT8(pc+4));
7141             offset += GET_UINT8(pc+4) << 16;
7142         }
7143     }
7145     if (len >=2)
7146     {
7147         tablen += GET_UINT8(pc+offset) << 8;
7148         if (len > 2)
7149         {
7150             tablen += GET_UINT8(pc+offset+1) << 16;
7151         }
7152     }
7154     /* Now align the tables, moving the alignment bytes around */
7155     off_pc = pc + offset + len;
7157     abuf[0] = off_pc[-1];
7158     abuf[1] = off_pc[0];
7159     abuf[2] = a2;
7160     PUT_UINT8(pc+len+1, GET_UINT8(off_pc+1));
7161     PUT_UINT8(off_pc+1, a2);
7162     startu = off_pc+2 + sizeof(p_int) - 4;
7163     starta = (unsigned char *)((p_int)startu & ~(sizeof(char *)-1));
7164     size = (long)(tablen + tablen / sizeof(char*) * len);
7165     if (starta != startu)
7166     {
7167         move_memory(starta, startu, (size_t)size);
7168         move_memory(starta+size, abuf + sizeof abuf - (startu-starta)
7169                    , (size_t)(startu-starta));
7170     }
7171 } /* align_switch() */
7173 /***************************************************************************/