1#version 130 2 3// license:BSD-3-Clause 4// copyright-holders:ImJezze 5//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6// Distortion Effect 7//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 9#define saturate(c) clamp(c, 0.0, 1.0) 10#define mul(a,b) (b*a) 11const int ScreenCount = 1; 12 13#if defined(VERTEX) 14 15#if __VERSION__ >= 130 16#define COMPAT_VARYING out 17#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE in 18#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture 19#else 20#define COMPAT_VARYING varying 21#define COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE attribute 22#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D 23#endif 24 25#ifdef GL_ES 26#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump 27#else 28#define COMPAT_PRECISION 29#endif 30 31COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 VertexCoord; 32COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 COLOR; 33COMPAT_ATTRIBUTE vec4 TexCoord; 34COMPAT_VARYING vec4 COL0; 35COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0; 36 37vec4 _oPosition1; 38uniform mat4 MVPMatrix; 39uniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection; 40uniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount; 41uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize; 42uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize; 43uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize; 44 45// compatibility #defines 46#define vTexCoord TEX0.xy 47#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize 48#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize) 49 50void main() 51{ 52 gl_Position = MVPMatrix * VertexCoord; 53 TEX0.xy = TexCoord.xy; 54} 55 56#elif defined(FRAGMENT) 57 58#ifdef GL_ES 59#ifdef GL_FRAGMENT_PRECISION_HIGH 60precision highp float; 61#else 62precision mediump float; 63#endif 64#define COMPAT_PRECISION mediump 65#else 66#define COMPAT_PRECISION 67#endif 68 69#if __VERSION__ >= 130 70#define COMPAT_VARYING in 71#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture 72out COMPAT_PRECISION vec4 FragColor; 73#else 74#define COMPAT_VARYING varying 75#define FragColor gl_FragColor 76#define COMPAT_TEXTURE texture2D 77#endif 78 79uniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameDirection; 80uniform COMPAT_PRECISION int FrameCount; 81uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 OutputSize; 82uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 TextureSize; 83uniform COMPAT_PRECISION vec2 InputSize; 84uniform sampler2D Texture; 85COMPAT_VARYING vec4 TEX0; 86 87// compatibility #defines 88#define Source Texture 89 90#define SourceSize vec4(TextureSize, 1.0 / TextureSize) //either TextureSize or InputSize 91#define OutSize vec4(OutputSize, 1.0 / OutputSize) 92 93// effect toggles and multi 94uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float bloomtoggle, ntscsignal, scanlinetoggle, chromatoggle, 95 distortiontoggle, screenscale_x, screenscale_y, screenoffset_x, screenoffset_y, swapxy; 96// bloom params 97uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float bloomblendmode, bloomscale, bloomoverdrive_r, bloomoverdrive_g, bloomoverdrive_b, 98 level0weight, level1weight, level2weight, level3weight, level4weight, level5weight, level6weight, level7weight, level8weight; 99// uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float vectorscreen; // unused 100// post params 101uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float mask_width, mask_height, mask_offset_x, mask_offset_y, preparebloom, shadowtilemode, 102 power_r, power_g, power_b, floor_r, floor_g, floor_b, chromamode, conversiongain_x, conversiongain_y, conversiongain_z, 103 humbaralpha, backcolor_r, backcolor_g, backcolor_b, shadowalpha, shadowcount_x, shadowcount_y, shadowuv_x, shadowuv_y; 104// ntsc params // doesn't work here, so commenting all of them. 105// uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float avalue, bvalue, ccvalue, ovalue, pvalue, scantime, notchhalfwidth, yfreqresponse, ifreqresponse, qfreqresponse, signaloffset; 106// color params 107uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float col_red, col_grn, col_blu, col_offset_x, col_offset_y, col_offset_z, col_scale_x, 108 col_scale_y, col_scale_z, col_saturation; 109// deconverge params 110uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float converge_x_r, converge_x_g, converge_x_b, converge_y_r, converge_y_g, converge_y_b, 111 radial_conv_x_r, radial_conv_x_g, radial_conv_x_b, radial_conv_y_r, radial_conv_y_g, radial_conv_y_b; 112// scanline params 113uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float scanlinealpha, scanlinescale, scanlineheight, scanlinevariation, scanlineoffset, 114 scanlinebrightscale, scanlinebrightoffset; 115// defocus params 116uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float defocus_x, defocus_y; 117// phosphor params 118uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float deltatime, phosphor_r, phosphor_g, phosphor_b, phosphortoggle; 119// chroma params 120uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float ygain_r, ygain_g, ygain_b, chromaa_x, chromaa_y, chromab_x, chromab_y, chromac_x, chromac_y; 121// distortion params 122uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float distortion_amount, cubic_distortion_amount, distort_corner_amount, round_corner_amount, 123 smooth_border_amount, vignette_amount, reflection_amount, reflection_col_r, reflection_col_g, reflection_col_b; 124// vector params //doesn't work here, so commenting all of them. 125// uniform COMPAT_PRECISION float timeratio, timescale, lengthratio, lengthscale, beamsmooth; 126// I'm not going to bother supporting implementations without runtime parameters. 127 128//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 129// Constants 130//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 131 132const float Epsilon = 1.0e-7; 133const float PI = 3.1415927; 134const float E = 2.7182817; 135const float Gelfond = 23.140692; // e^pi (Gelfond constant) 136const float GelfondSchneider = 2.6651442; // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant) 137 138//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139// Functions 140//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 141 142// www.stackoverflow.com/questions/5149544/can-i-generate-a-random-number-inside-a-pixel-shader/ 143float random(vec2 seed) 144{ 145 // irrationals for pseudo randomness 146 vec2 i = vec2(Gelfond, GelfondSchneider); 147 148 return fract(cos(dot(seed, i)) * 123456.0); 149} 150 151// www.dinodini.wordpress.com/2010/04/05/normalized-tunable-sigmoid-functions/ 152float normalizedSigmoid(float n, float k) 153{ 154 // valid for n and k in range of -1.0 and 1.0 155 return (n - n * k) / (k - abs(n) * 2.0 * k + 1); 156} 157 158// www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions/distfunctions.htm 159float roundBox(vec2 p, vec2 b, float r) 160{ 161 return length(max(abs(p * InputSize / TextureSize) - b + r, 0.0)) - r; 162 163} 164 165#define DiffuseSampler Source 166 167float DistortionAmount = distortion_amount; // k - quartic distortion coefficient 168float CubicDistortionAmount = cubic_distortion_amount; // kcube - cubic distortion modifier 169float DistortCornerAmount = distort_corner_amount; 170float RoundCornerAmount = round_corner_amount; 171float SmoothBorderAmount = smooth_border_amount; 172float VignettingAmount = vignette_amount; 173float ReflectionAmount = reflection_amount; 174vec3 LightReflectionColor = vec3(reflection_col_r, reflection_col_g, reflection_col_b); // color temperature 5.000 Kelvin 175 176vec2 QuadDims = OutputSize.xy * InputSize / TextureSize; 177vec2 TargetDims = OutputSize.xy; 178float TargetScale = 1.0; 179 180vec2 ScreenScale = vec2(screenscale_x, screenscale_y); 181vec2 ScreenOffset = vec2(screenoffset_x, screenoffset_y); 182bool SwapXY = bool(swapxy); 183const float vectorscreen = 0.0; 184bool VectorScreen = bool(vectorscreen); 185 186bool Distortion = bool(distortiontoggle); 187 188float GetNoiseFactor(vec3 n, float random) 189{ 190 // smaller n become more noisy 191 return 1.0 + random * max(0.0, 0.25 * pow(E, -8 * n.x)); 192} 193 194float GetVignetteFactor(vec2 coord, float amount) 195{ 196 vec2 VignetteCoord = coord; 197 198 float VignetteLength = length(VignetteCoord); 199 float VignetteBlur = (amount * 0.75) + 0.25; 200 201 // 0.5 full screen fitting circle 202 float VignetteRadius = 1.0 - (amount * 0.25); 203 float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, VignetteLength); 204 205 return saturate(Vignette); 206} 207 208float GetSpotAddend(vec2 coord, float amount) 209{ 210 vec2 SpotCoord = coord; 211 212 // upper right quadrant 213 vec2 spotOffset = vec2(-0.25, 0.25); 214 215 // normalized screen canvas ratio 216 vec2 CanvasRatio = SwapXY 217 ? vec2(1.0, QuadDims.x / QuadDims.y) 218 : vec2(1.0, QuadDims.y / QuadDims.x); 219 220 SpotCoord += spotOffset; 221 SpotCoord *= CanvasRatio; 222 223 float SpotBlur = amount; 224 225 // 0.5 full screen fitting circle 226 float SpotRadius = amount * 0.75; 227 float Spot = smoothstep(SpotRadius, SpotRadius - SpotBlur, length(SpotCoord)); 228 229 float SigmoidSpot = amount * normalizedSigmoid(Spot, 0.75); 230 231 // increase strength by 100% 232 SigmoidSpot = SigmoidSpot * 2.0; 233 234 return saturate(SigmoidSpot); 235} 236 237float GetBoundsFactor(vec2 coord, vec2 bounds, float radiusAmount, float smoothAmount) 238{ 239coord = coord * TextureSize / InputSize; 240 // reduce smooth amount down to radius amount 241 smoothAmount = min(smoothAmount, radiusAmount); 242 243 float range = min(bounds.x, bounds.y); 244 float amountMinimum = 1.0 / range; 245 float radius = range * max(radiusAmount, amountMinimum); 246 float smooth_ = 1.0 / (range * max(smoothAmount, amountMinimum * 2.0)); 247 248 // compute box 249 float box = roundBox(bounds * (coord * 2.0), bounds, radius); 250 251 // apply smooth 252 box *= smooth_; 253 box += 1.0 - pow(smooth_ * 0.5, 0.5); 254 255 float border = smoothstep(1.0, 0.0, box); 256 257 return saturate(border); 258} 259 260// www.francois-tarlier.com/blog/cubic-lens-distortion-shader/ 261vec2 GetDistortedCoords(vec2 centerCoord, float amount, float amountCube) 262{ 263centerCoord = centerCoord * TextureSize / InputSize; 264 // lens distortion coefficient 265 float k = amount; 266 267 // cubic distortion value 268 float kcube = amountCube; 269 270 // compute cubic distortion factor 271 float r2 = centerCoord.x * centerCoord.x + centerCoord.y * centerCoord.y; 272 float f = kcube == 0.0 273 ? 1.0 + r2 * k 274 : 1.0 + r2 * (k + kcube * sqrt(r2)); 275 276 // fit screen bounds 277 f /= 1.0 + amount * 0.25 + amountCube * 0.125; 278 279 // apply cubic distortion factor 280 centerCoord *= f; 281 282 return centerCoord * InputSize / TextureSize; 283} 284 285vec2 GetTextureCoords(vec2 coord, float distortionAmount, float cubicDistortionAmount) 286{ 287coord = coord * TextureSize / InputSize; 288 // center coordinates 289 coord -= 0.5; 290 291 // distort coordinates 292 coord = GetDistortedCoords(coord, distortionAmount, cubicDistortionAmount); 293 294 // un-center coordinates 295 coord += 0.5; 296 297 return coord * InputSize / TextureSize; 298} 299 300vec2 GetQuadCoords(vec2 coord, vec2 scale, float distortionAmount, float cubicDistortionAmount) 301{ 302coord = coord * TextureSize / InputSize; 303 // center coordinates 304 coord -= 0.5; 305 306 // apply scale 307 coord *= scale; 308 309 // distort coordinates 310 coord = GetDistortedCoords(coord, distortionAmount, cubicDistortionAmount); 311 312 return coord * InputSize / TextureSize; 313} 314 315 316void main() 317{ 318vec2 vTexCoord = TEX0.xy;// * TextureSize / InputSize; 319 if(!Distortion) 320 { 321 FragColor = texture(Source, vTexCoord); 322 return; 323 } 324 else 325 { 326 // image distortion 327 float distortionAmount = DistortionAmount; 328 float cubicDistortionAmount = CubicDistortionAmount > 0.0 329 ? CubicDistortionAmount * 1.1 // cubic distortion need to be a little higher to compensate the quartic distortion 330 : CubicDistortionAmount * 1.2; // negativ values even more 331 332 // corner distortion at least by the amount of the image distorition 333 float distortCornerAmount = max(DistortCornerAmount, DistortionAmount + CubicDistortionAmount); 334 335 float roundCornerAmount = RoundCornerAmount * 0.5; 336 float smoothBorderAmount = SmoothBorderAmount * 0.5; 337 338 vec2 TexelDims = 1.0 / TargetDims; 339 340 // base-target dimensions (without oversampling) 341 vec2 BaseTargetDims = TargetDims / TargetScale; 342 BaseTargetDims = SwapXY 343 ? BaseTargetDims.yx 344 : BaseTargetDims.xy; 345 346 // base-target/quad difference scale 347 vec2 BaseTargetQuadScale = (ScreenCount == 1) 348 ? BaseTargetDims / QuadDims // keeps the coords inside of the quad bounds of a single screen 349 : vec2(1.0); 350 351 // Screen Texture Curvature 352 vec2 BaseCoord = GetTextureCoords(vTexCoord, distortionAmount, cubicDistortionAmount); 353 354 // Screen Quad Curvature 355 vec2 QuadCoord = GetQuadCoords(vTexCoord, BaseTargetQuadScale, distortCornerAmount, 0.0); 356 /* 357 // clip border 358 if (BaseCoord.x < 0.0 - TexelDims.x || BaseCoord.y < 0.0 - TexelDims.y || 359 BaseCoord.x > 1.0 + TexelDims.x || BaseCoord.y > 1.0 + TexelDims.y) 360 { 361 // we don't use the clip function, because we don't clear the render target before 362 return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); 363 } 364 */ 365 366 // Color 367 vec4 BaseColor = COMPAT_TEXTURE(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord); 368 BaseColor.a = 1.0; 369 370 // Vignetting Simulation 371 vec2 VignetteCoord = QuadCoord; 372 373 float VignetteFactor = GetVignetteFactor(VignetteCoord, VignettingAmount); 374 BaseColor.rgb *= VignetteFactor; 375 376 // Light Reflection Simulation 377 vec2 SpotCoord = QuadCoord; 378 379 vec3 SpotAddend = GetSpotAddend(SpotCoord, ReflectionAmount) * LightReflectionColor; 380 BaseColor.rgb += SpotAddend * GetNoiseFactor(SpotAddend, random(SpotCoord)); 381 382 // Round Corners Simulation 383 vec2 RoundCornerCoord = QuadCoord; 384 vec2 RoundCornerBounds = (ScreenCount == 1) 385 ? QuadDims // align corners to quad bounds of a single screen 386 : BaseTargetDims; // align corners to target bounds of multiple screens 387 RoundCornerBounds = SwapXY 388 ? RoundCornerBounds.yx 389 : RoundCornerBounds.xy; 390 391 float roundCornerFactor = GetBoundsFactor(RoundCornerCoord, RoundCornerBounds, roundCornerAmount, smoothBorderAmount); 392 BaseColor.rgb *= roundCornerFactor; 393 394 FragColor = BaseColor; 395 } 396} 397#endif 398