1 // Copyright (C) 2011, 2014 Ben Asselstine
2 //
3 //  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 //  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 //  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
6 //  (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 //  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 //  GNU Library General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 //  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 //  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
16 //  02110-1301, USA.
18 #include <config.h>
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include "xmlhelper.h"
22 #include "tarhelper.h"
23 #include "File.h"
24 #include "profilelist.h"
25 #include "recently-played-game-list.h"
26 #include "gamelist.h"
27 #include "ucompose.hpp"
28 #include "file-compat.h"
29 #include "armyset.h"
31 int max_vector_width;
main(int argc,char * argv[])33 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
34 {
35   int err = EXIT_SUCCESS;
36   Glib::ustring filename;
37   Glib::ustring rewrite;
38   bool identify_file = false;
39   Vector<int>::setMaximumWidth(1000);
41   Gtk::Main kit(argc, argv);
42   if (argc > 1)
43     {
44       for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
45 	{
46           Glib::ustring parameter(argv[i-1]);
47 	  if (parameter == "--identify" || parameter == "-i")
48             {
49               identify_file = true;
50             }
51           else if (parameter == "--rewrite" || parameter == "-r")
52             {
53               rewrite = parameter;
54             }
55 	  else if (parameter == "--help" || parameter == "-?")
56 	    {
57               std::cout << File::get_basename(argv[0], true) << " [OPTION]... FILE" << std::endl << std::endl;
58               std::cout << "LordsAWar! File Upgrading Tool " << _("version") <<
59                 " " << VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;
60               std::cout << _("Options:") << std::endl << std::endl;
61               std::cout << "  -?, --help                 " << _("Display this help and exit") <<std::endl;
62               std::cout << "  -i, --identify             " << _("Show the file type instead of upgrading") << std::endl;
63               //std::cout << "  -r, --rewrite VERSION      " << _("Just change the version instead of upgrading") << std::endl;
64               std::cout << std::endl;
65               std::cout << _("Report bugs to") << " <" << PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">." << std::endl;
66 	      exit(0);
67 	    }
68 	  else
69 	    filename = parameter;
70 	}
71     }
73   bool same_version = false;
74   Armyset::support_backward_compatibility();
75   Profilelist::support_backward_compatibility();
76   RecentlyPlayedGameList::support_backward_compatibility();
77   Gamelist::support_backward_compatibility();
78   FileCompat::support_backward_compatibility_for_common_files();
79   if (identify_file == false && rewrite == "")
80     {
81       Glib::ustring ext = File::get_extension(filename);
82       Glib::ustring tmpfile = File::get_tmp_file(ext);
83       File::copy(filename, tmpfile);
84       bool upgraded = FileCompat::getInstance()->upgrade(tmpfile,
85                                                          same_version);
87       if (same_version)
88         {
89           std::cout << String::ucompose(_("%1 is already the latest version."),
90                                    filename) << std::endl;
92           bool is_tar_file = false;
93           FileCompat::Type type =
94             FileCompat::getInstance()->getTypeByFileInspection(tmpfile,
95                                                                is_tar_file);
96           if (type == FileCompat::GAMESCENARIO && is_tar_file)
97             {
98               bool armyset = false, tileset = false, cityset = false,
99                    shieldset = false;
100               std::cout << _("Trying to upgrade the other files inside the tar file...") << std::endl;
101               upgraded = FileCompat::getInstance()->upgradeGameScenario
102                 (tmpfile, LORDSAWAR_SAVEGAME_VERSION,
103                  armyset, tileset, cityset, shieldset);
104               if (upgraded)
105                 {
106                   if (armyset)
107                     std::cout << _("Armyset has been upgraded.") << std::endl;
108                   if (tileset)
109                     std::cout << _("Tileset has been upgraded.") << std::endl;
110                   if (cityset)
111                     std::cout << _("Cityset has been upgraded.") << std::endl;
112                   if (shieldset)
113                     std::cout << _("Shieldset has been upgraded.") << std::endl;
114                   if (armyset || tileset || cityset || shieldset)
115                     File::copy(tmpfile, filename);
116                   if (!armyset && !tileset && !cityset && !shieldset)
117                     std::cout << _("None of the other files needed to be upgraded.") << std::endl;
118                 }
119             }
120           File::erase(tmpfile);
121         }
122       else if (!upgraded && !same_version)
123         {
124           std::cout << String::ucompose(_("Error: %1 could not be upgraded."),
125                                    filename) << std::endl;
126           File::erase(tmpfile);
127         }
128       else
129         {
130           File::copy(tmpfile, filename);
131           File::erase(tmpfile);
132         }
133       if (!upgraded)
134         err = EXIT_FAILURE;
135     }
136   else if (identify_file && rewrite == "")
137     {
138       Glib::ustring tag, version;
139       FileCompat::Type type = FileCompat::getInstance()->getType(filename);
140       FileCompat::getInstance()->get_tag_and_version_from_file(filename, type, tag, version);
141       std::cout << String::ucompose("%1 (%2 %3)",
142                                     FileCompat::typeToString(type),
143                                     tag, version) << std::endl;
144     }
145   else if (identify_file == false && rewrite != "")
146     {
147       FileCompat *fc = FileCompat::getInstance();
148       Glib::ustring tag, version;
149       FileCompat::Type type = fc->getType(filename);
150       if (fc->get_tag_and_version_from_file(filename, type, tag, version))
151         {
152           if (!fc->rewrite_with_updated_version(filename, type, tag, rewrite))
153             err = EXIT_FAILURE;
154         }
155       else
156         err = EXIT_FAILURE;
157     }
158   else if (identify_file && rewrite != "")
159     {
160       std::cout << _("Error: The --identify and --rewrite options cannot be used at the same time.") << std::endl;
161       err = EXIT_FAILURE;
162     }
163   return err;
164 }