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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


COPYINGH A D08-Oct-199914.8 KiB281237

Mac_Compat.hH A D25-Jan-20001.3 KiB386

Mac_FontServ.cppH A D12-Feb-200012.1 KiB419286

Mac_FontServ.hH A D03-May-20224.2 KiB14772

Mac_Resource.cppH A D20-Oct-200214.2 KiB532419

Mac_Resource.hH A D03-May-20222.8 KiB10849

Mac_Sound.cppH A D20-Oct-20026.4 KiB288202

Mac_Sound.hH A D03-May-20225.1 KiB209145

Mac_Wave.cppH A D25-Jan-200015.5 KiB572441

Mac_Wave.hH A D03-May-20222.7 KiB11875

Makefile.amH A D20-Oct-2002482 2821

Makefile.inH A D20-Oct-20028.4 KiB322236

READMEH A D08-Oct-19991 KiB3624

applefile.hH A D08-Oct-199911.8 KiB343135

bitesex.hH A D25-Jan-2000410 2012

macbinary.hH A D20-Oct-20021.9 KiB6326

macres.cppH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB7846

playwave.cppH A D25-Jan-20004.1 KiB177126

snd2wav.cppH A D03-May-20222.2 KiB9156


3This directory contains C++ classes that make Macintosh resource forks useful
4for programs running on other operating systems:
6	Mac_Compat.h
7		A header with some inline Macintosh compatibility functions.
9	Mac_Resource.h
10		A class for reading data from a Macintosh resource fork.
12	Mac_FontServ.h
13		A class for loading Macintosh bitmap fonts and using them
14		to convert text to sprites suitable for blitting to a FrameBuf.
16	Mac_Wave.h
17		A class for converting WAVE files and Macintosh 'snd '
18		resources into a WAVE chunk of a particular frequency.
20	Mac_Sound.h
21		A class that takes a sounds from a Macintosh resource fork
22		and becomes an audio server, playing them on 4 channels.
24	macres.cc
25		A program to list and optionally extract resources from
26		a Macintosh resource fork file.
28	playwave.cc
29		A program to play a WAVE file using the SDL library.
31	snd2wav.cc
32		A program to convert a file full of Macintosh sound resources
33		to WAVE files, named "snd_N.wav" where N is the number of the
34		sound resource in the resource fork file.