2;; The 'init signal is sent after the instance is created. This is our chance
3;; to initialize fields to non-default values. Note: all the pclass values are
4;; defined in game.scm.
5(define (bridge-init kbridge)
6  (kern-obj-set-pclass kbridge pclass-bridge))
8;; Define the interface for the type
9(define bridge-ifc
10  (ifc '()
11       (method 'init bridge-init)))
13;; Make an object type. This is like a "class" in OO languages.
14(mk-obj-type 'TF_ew_bridge  ;; tag
15             "bridge"       ;; name
16             s_ew_bridge    ;; sprite
17             layer-tfeat    ;; stacking layer
18             bridge-ifc     ;; interface
19             )
21(mk-obj-type 'TF_ns_bridge  ;; tag
22             "bridge"       ;; name
23             s_ns_bridge    ;; sprite
24             layer-tfeat    ;; stacking layer
25             bridge-ifc     ;; interface
26             )
27;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28;; mk-bridge -- 'dir' is the orientation, one of the four cardinal directions
29;; and should be prepended by a single tick when called, as in 'north 'south
30;; 'east and 'west
31;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
32(define (mk-bridge dir)
33  (case dir
34    ((north) (bind (kern-mk-obj TF_ns_bridge 1) nil))
35    ((south) (bind (kern-mk-obj TF_ns_bridge 1) nil))
36    (else (bind (kern-mk-obj TF_ew_bridge 1) nil))))