2;; Sched
4;; In Green Tower.
6(define (mk-zone x y w h) (list 'p_green_tower x y w h))
7(kern-mk-sched 'sch_deric
8               (list 0  0 (mk-zone 17  4  1   1)  "sleeping")
9               (list 6  0 (mk-zone 30 30  5   5)  "working")
10               (list 12  0 (mk-zone 52 54  1   1)  "eating")
11               (list 13  0 (mk-zone 30 30  5   5)  "working")
12               (list 18  0 (mk-zone 52 54  1   1)  "eating")
13               (list 19  0 (mk-zone 30 30  5   5)  "working")
14               (list 21  0 (mk-zone 13  2  4   4)  "idle")
15               (list 22  0 (mk-zone 17  4  1   1)  "sleeping")
16               )
19;; Gob
21(define (deric-mk tell-secret?) (list tell-secret? (mk-quest)))
22(define (deric-tell-secret? deric) (car deric))
23(define (deric-set-tell-secret! deric) (set-car! deric #t))
24(define (deric-bandit-quest deric) (cadr deric))
27;; Conv
29;; Deric is a Captain of the Rangers in Green Tower.
32(define (deric-name knpc kpc)
33  (say knpc "I am Captain Deric, commander of the Rangers, at your service."))
35(define (deric-job knpc kpc)
36  (say knpc "I command the Rangers, though I aspire to greater things. I "
37       "think I have proved myself quite well as a leader, but around here "
38       "you have to wait for someone to die before you get promoted!"))
40(define (deric-health knpc kpc)
41  (say knpc "I am the very definition of good health!"))
43(define (deric-rangers knpc kpc)
44  (say knpc "Right then! The Rangers are charged with keeping the peace in "
45       "the Great Wood. We enforce the law, keep an eye on the goblins, that "
46       "sort of thing. We're also charged with maintenance of the forest and "
47       "keeping the roads in and out clear. If I say so myself, we have done "
48       "an amazing job under my leadership. Thanks to the hard work of my "
49       "people, of course. Ahem."))
51(define (deric-two knpc kpc)
52  (say knpc "The upper level of the tower is mostly fortifications. The lower "
53       "level is where the council chamber, barracks, kitchen and other "
54       "facilities are. We also have a prison down there. Some think the "
55       "lower level is haunted."))
57(define (deric-haunted knpc kpc)
58  (say knpc "They say the lower level is haunted, and I for one have heard "
59       "some strange noises. They sound like they're coming from deep within "
60       "the walls - chanting, or shrieking. But I've never seen any ghosts. "
61       "And of course I am not afraid of such things!"))
63(define (deric-gen knpc kpc)
64  (say knpc "A splendid old chap, if a bit daft. He's a legend among the "
65       "Rangers for his efforts during the Goblin War, and one of the last "
66       "surviving veterans. Still looks to be in good shape physically, but "
67       "he's gone a bit native, if you know what I mean."))
69(define (deric-native knpc kpc)
70  (say knpc "Yes, he's adopted some of the habits of the Wood Folk - the "
71       "forest goblins. But I don't suspect him of conspiring against us - if "
72       "I did I would turn him in and perhaps get a promotion! But alas, 'tis "
73       "not the case."))
75(define (deric-shroom knpc kpc)
76  (say knpc "A nice old hag. Bit of a witch, but not any trouble. Keeps a "
77       "reagent shop in the northeast corner of town."))
79(define (deric-abe knpc kpc)
80  (say knpc "A queer young man. Queer as in strange, you know, not that "
81       "other... well, maybe... it's hard to say. Anyway, he studies the "
82       "ruins in the southwest corner. Working for the Royal Library or some "
83       "such."))
86(define (deric-tower knpc kpc)
87  (say knpc "Yes, the Tower itself which gives Green Tower its name is "
88       "located in the center of town. It is my command post and headquarters "
89       "for the Rangers. A fascinating building! Did you know it is built on "
90       "the ruins of an older tower?")
91  (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
92      (say knpc "Interesting, eh? Not that I'm an expert on such things. "
93           "You'd have to talk with old Abe, or perhaps Shroom, to learn "
94           "more.")
95      (say knpc "'Tis true! What is now the Tower was once only the central "
96           "spire of a very great structure that reached much higher! And "
97           "much lower as well, if young Abe is to be believed. Currently "
98           "there are only two stories.")))
100(define (deric-ambition knpc kpc)
101  (say knpc "Yes, I am quite ambitious and not afraid to admit it! No point "
102       "sneaking about when one is ambitious, it just makes people nervous. "
103       "I wouldn't do anything immoral to advance my position, of course, "
104       "I believe too firmly in the principles of our great society. Do you "
105       "have any ambitions?")
106  (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
107      (begin
108        (say knpc "Well, enough about you! I hope someday to be a Lord. "
109             "Do you think I have a chance?")
110        (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
111            (begin
112              (say knpc "I knew it! You know, I wasn't sure if I could trust "
113                   "you, but you're obviously a person of insight, so I'll "
114                   "let you in on a secret.")
115              (deric-set-tell-secret! (kobj-gob-data knpc)))
116            (say knpc "[laughing] I'm sorry if I must disagree! People of "
117                 "destiny are never appreciated by their fellows.")))
118      (say knpc "[sigh] So many people lead worthless, wasted lives. I'm glad "
119           "I'm not one of them!")))
121(define (deric-secret knpc kpc)
122  (if (deric-tell-secret? (kobj-gob-data knpc))
123      (say knpc "In the lower level of the Tower there is a hidden passage. "
124           "Go down the ladder and enter the southeast supply room. "
125           "On the east wall is a secret door! "
126           "I have no idea what it was for.")
127      (say knpc "Nothing I want to tell a stranger like you!")))
129(define (deric-afraid knpc kpc)
130  (say knpc "Of course not! Fear is the hobgoblin of little minds. "
131       "Or is it hobgoblins are the fear of little minds? "
132       "Damn, I can never remember that silly saying."))
134(define (deric-prison knpc kpc)
135  (say knpc "Yes. Very secure. We currently only have one prisoner, "
136       "a forest goblin we caught skulking around here. "
137       "A quite vicious-looking brute, I must say. "
138       "Not that I am afraid of him. Ahem."))
140(define (deric-gobl knpc kpc)
141  (say knpc "Sneaky fellows! Why, just the other day I caught one here in town and had him thrown into prison."))
143(define (deric-brute knpc kpc)
144  (say knpc "Very suspicious. He obviously did not come to trade, "
145       "for he carried no merchandise. And he speaks not a lick of Common. "
146       "In fact, he refuses to say anything! Well, some time spent "
147       "underground should loosen his tongue. I'll find out what he's "
148       "scheming."))
150(define (deric-default knpc kpc)
151  (say knpc "You must ask another of that!"))
153;; Scan the player party looking for mercs
156(define (deric-hail knpc kpc)
158  (define (get-ranger-merc)
159    (let ((mercs (filter (lambda (kchar)
160                           (kbeing-is-npc-type? kchar 'ranger))
161                         (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player)))))
162      (cond ((null? mercs) nil)
163            (else
164           (car mercs)))))
166  (define (rm-ranger-merc)
167    (let ((kmerc (get-ranger-merc)))
168      (if (not (null? kmerc))
169          (begin
170            (prompt-for-key)
171            (say knpc "I'll need to re-assign that ranger to a patrol.")
172            (kern-char-leave-player kmerc)
173            ))))
175  (cond ((in-player-party? 'ch_nate)
176         (say knpc "I see you have apprehended the bandit leader! "
177              "Deliver him downstairs to the jailer and I will give you the "
178              "reward.")
179         (rm-ranger-merc)
180         (quest-data-update-with 'questentry-bandits 'captured-nate-and-talked-to-deric 1 (quest-notify nil))
181         )
182        ((has? kpc t_prisoner_receipt 1)
183         (say knpc "Putting that bandit behind bars will look very good on my "
184              "record! Here is your reward.")
185         (give-player-gold 100)
186         (kern-char-add-experience kpc 64)
187         (take kpc t_prisoner_receipt 1)
188         (quest-done! (deric-bandit-quest (kobj-gob-data knpc)) #t)
189         (rm-ranger-merc)
190         (quest-data-update-with 'questentry-bandits 'done 1 (grant-party-xp-fn 30))
191         (quest-data-complete 'questentry-bandits)
192         )
193        (else
194         (say knpc "Well met, indeed!")
195         )))
197(define (deric-bye knpc kpc)
198  (say knpc "Until next time"))
200(define (deric-thie knpc kpc)
201  (say knpc "Hm. The goblin brute we have locked up below may be a thief. But "
202       "he's been in our prison for some time. Now, our rangers did report "
203       "a lone man traveling north through the forest, but we know not "
204       "whence. The only thing to the north is Bole.")
205       (quest-data-update 'questentry-thiefrune 'tower 1)
206       (quest-data-update-with 'questentry-thiefrune 'bole 1 (quest-notify (grant-party-xp-fn 10)))
207       )
209(define (deric-accu knpc kpc)
210  (say knpc "I assure you, my good man, there are no Accursed around here."))
213(define (deric-band knpc kpc)
214  (let ((quest (deric-bandit-quest (kobj-gob-data knpc))))
215    (cond ((quest-done? quest)
216           (say knpc "I don't expect any more trouble from bandits since I "
217                "had their leader apprehended. "
218                "By you, of course. "
219                "But I had it done. "
220                "Ahem."))
221          ((quest-accepted? quest)
222           (say knpc "The bandits have a hideout somewhere in these "
223                "woods.  Keep searching! And bring me their leader "
224                "back alive.")
225           )
226          (else
227           (say knpc "So you've heard of our bandit problem. "
228                "Yes, they have a secret hideout somewhere in these woods. "
229                "I would have flushed them out long ago, "
230                "but I haven't the men to spare. You understand. ")
231           (prompt-for-key)
232           (say knpc
233                "Say, you seem like a plucky sort. "
234                "If you capture the bandit leader and bring him here I'll "
235                "gladly reward you for your trouble. What do you say?")
236           (if (yes? kpc)
237               (begin
238                 (quest-accepted! quest #t)
239                 (say knpc "Good! You may need some help. "
240                      "[He gives you a parchment]."
241                      "These orders will temporarily assign one of my Rangers "
242                      "to you. Just ask one to join your party.")
243                 (give kpc t_ranger_orders 1)
244                 (quest-data-update-with 'questentry-bandits 'talked-to-deric 1 (quest-notify nil))
245                 )
246               (say knpc "You'll never gain a reputation that way!")))
247          )))
250(define deric-conv
251  (ifc green-tower-conv
252       (method 'abe        deric-abe)
253       (method 'afra       deric-afraid)
254       (method 'ambi       deric-ambition)
255       (method 'aspi       deric-ambition)
256       (method 'band       deric-band)
257       (method 'brut       deric-brute)
258       (method 'bye        deric-bye)
259       (method 'comm       deric-rangers)
260       (method 'default    deric-default)
261       (method 'die        deric-ambition)
262       (method 'gen        deric-gen)
263       (method 'hail       deric-hail)
264       (method 'haun       deric-haunted)
265       (method 'heal       deric-health)
266       (method 'job        deric-job)
267       (method 'name       deric-name)
268       (method 'nati       deric-native)
269       (method 'pris       deric-prison)
270       (method 'prom       deric-ambition)
271       (method 'rang       deric-rangers)
272       (method 'secr       deric-secret)
273       (method 'shro       deric-shroom)
274       (method 'skul       deric-brute)
275       (method 'stor       deric-two)
276       (method 'thie       deric-thie)
277       (method 'towe       deric-tower)
278       (method 'two        deric-two)
279       (method 'gobl       deric-gobl)
282(define (mk-deric tag)
283  (bind
284   (kern-mk-char tag                 ; tag
285                 "Deric"            ; name
286                 sp_human            ; species
287                 nil                 ; occ
288                 s_ranger_captain   ; sprite
289                 faction-men         ; starting alignment
290                 1 3 2               ; str/int/dex
291                 0 0                 ; hp mod/mult
292                 0 0                 ; mp mod/mult
293                 max-health -1 max-health 0 4  ; hp/xp/mp/AP_per_turn/lvl
294                 #f                  ; dead
295                 'deric-conv        ; conv
296                 sch_deric          ; sched
297                 'townsman-ai        ;; special ai
298                 nil                 ; container
299                 (list  t_sword_2
300					         t_armor_leather_2
301					         t_leather_helm_2
302					         )                  ; readied
303                 )
304   (deric-mk #f)))