2;; Constants
4(define engineer-start-lvl 8)
6(define voidship-parts
7  (list
8  	(list t_power_core 1)
9	(list sulphorous_ash 20)
10	(list t_gem 10)
11  ))
13(define voidship-loc (mk-loc 'p_shard 50 3))
16;; Schedule
18;; The schedule below is for the place "Engineer's Tower Ground Floor"
20(kern-mk-sched 'sch_engineer
21               (list 0  0  eng-workshop   "working")
22               (list 1  0  eng-bed        "sleeping")
23               (list 10 0  eng-workshop   "working")
24               )
27;; Gob
29;; Quest flags, etc, go here.
31(define (engineer-mk)
32  (list #f
33        (mk-quest)))
34(define (eng-met? gob) (car gob))
35(define (eng-quest gob) (cadr gob))
36(define (eng-met! gob val) (set-car! gob val))
38;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
39;; Voidship plans
40;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 't_voidship_plans "Voidship Plans" s_lexicon norm
43 (lambda (klexicon kuser)
44   (kern-ui-page-text
45   "Voidship Plans"
46   "Parts List:"
47   " Sulphurous Ash (20)"
48   " Gems (10)"
49   " Power Core (1)"
50   )))
53;; Conv
55;; The Engineer is a Wright of great knowledge, and one of the Wise.
56;; He dwells in an isolated workshop on a nearly inaccessible
57;; void-mesa (or void-island) off the edge of the Shard.
59(define (eng-hail knpc kpc)
60  (say knpc "[You meet a thin man with wild, white hair. "
61       "He doesn't seem to notice you at first] Oh, hello."))
63(define (eng-name knpc kpc)
64  (say knpc "Rudolph. I'm better known as the Engineer."))
66(define (eng-job knpc kpc)
67  (say knpc "Oh, this and that. I like to make things."))
69(define (eng-default knpc kpc)
70  (say knpc "I don't know. Ask the Enchanter."))
72(define (eng-bye knpc kpc)
73  (say knpc "[He seems to have forgotten about you already]"))
75(define (eng-join knpc kpc)
76  (say knpc "Too busy. Try the Warritrix, she likes adventures."))
78(define (eng-warr knpc kpc)
79  (say knpc "I understand she's one of the finest warriors to ever live, "
80       "but I know for a fact she's one of the most noble. When she isn't "
81       "off doing something incredibly brave and stupid you can find her "
82       "at Glasdrin.")
83    (quest-wise-subinit 'questentry-warritrix)
84  	(quest-data-update 'questentry-warritrix 'general-loc 1)
85       )
87(define (eng-make knpc kpc)
88  (say knpc "I work on all kinds of different things. Lately I've been "
89       "interested in devices for traveling: gates, voidships, etc. "
90       "Inventing is an obsession of mine."))
92(define (eng-wand knpc kpc)
93  (say knpc "You're a Wanderer? I've always wanted to meet one. "
94       "Did you build your own gate?")
95  (kern-conv-get-reply kpc)
96  (say knpc "I've always wondered how it could be done. "
97       "I have some theories, and I've designed a voidship "
98       "to test some of them, but it isn't finished yet."))
100(define (eng-void knpc kpc)
101  (let* ((eng (kobj-gob-data knpc))
102         (quest (eng-quest eng)))
104    (define (remove-stuff)
105      (map (lambda (ktype)
106             (kern-obj-remove-from-inventory kpc (car ktype) (cadr ktype)))
107           voidship-parts))
109	;;FIXME: the grammer here needs work
111    (define (really-has-parts?)
112      (display "really-has-parts?")(newline)
113      (let ((missing (filter
114				(lambda (ktype)
115					(let ((nrem (- (cadr ktype) (num-in-inventory kpc (car ktype)))))
116						(cond
117							((> nrem 1)
118								(begin
119									(say knpc "We still need " nrem " " (kern-type-get-name (car ktype)) "s")
120									#t))
121							((> nrem 0)
122								(begin
123									(say knpc "We still need the " (kern-type-get-name (car ktype)))
124									#t))
125							(else #f))))
126					voidship-parts)))
128        (if (null? missing)
129			#t
130            #f)))
132    (define (build-ship)
133      (say knpc "Yes, it looks like you have everything. "
134           "Well, let's get to work...")
135      (remove-stuff)
136      (kern-log-msg "[After a good deal of effort, cursing, trying, failing...]")
137      (prompt-for-key)
138      (kern-log-msg "[retrying, refailing, pacing up and down, tearing out "
139           "fistfuls of hair...]")
140      (prompt-for-key)
141      (kern-log-msg "[more cursing, arguing, starting over, failing again...]")
142      (prompt-for-key)
143      (kern-log-msg "[retrying, refailing, weeping, gnashing of teeth...]")
144      (prompt-for-key)
145      (kern-log-msg "[...and so on and so forth...]")
146      (prompt-for-key)
147      (kern-log-msg "[...finally...]")
148      (prompt-for-key)
149      (kern-log-msg "[...oh, hell, now what?...]")
150      (prompt-for-key)
151      (kern-log-msg "[...but then...]")
152      (kern-obj-relocate (mk-voidship) (eval-loc voidship-loc) nil)
153      (kern-log-msg "[You both collapse with exhaustion] ")
154      (say knpc
155           "Well. That wasn't so bad. She's all yours now, waiting "
156           "for you outside at the end of the dock. Good luck! ")
157      (kern-log-msg "[He starts to snore]")
158      (kern-obj-add-effect knpc ef_sleep nil)
159      (quest-done! quest #t)
160      (kern-conv-end))
162    (define (missing-power-core?)
163      (not (in-inventory? kpc t_power_core)))
165    (define (has-plans)
166      (say knpc "Ah, you've found the plans for my voidship! "
167           "Do you have all the parts we need?")
168      (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
169          (if (really-has-parts?)
170              (build-ship))
171          (if (missing-power-core?)
172              (say knpc "Somewhere across the chasm to the south lies a wrecked voidship. "
173                   "If you can find a way to cross the chasm it might have a power core "
174                   "you can salvage.")
175              (say knpc "Well, what are you waiting for? Go get them.")
176              )))
178    (define (no-plans)
179      (say knpc "A great void surrounds the Shard. I've designed a ship "
180           "which should be able to cross the void, but it isn't "
181           "finished yet. I've got the plans around here someplace. "
182           "If you find them let me know.")
183           (quest-data-update 'questentry-whereami 'shard 2)
184           )
186    (if (quest-done? quest)
187        (say knpc "It's all finished.")
188        (if (in-inventory? kpc t_voidship_plans)
189            (has-plans)
190            (no-plans)))))
192(define (eng-gate knpc kpc)
193  (say knpc "The moongates and Shrine Gate are a mystery. I'd love to figure "
194       "them out. You know about the Demon Gate, right?")
195  (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
196      (say knpc "I wish I knew if it really existed or not.")
197      (say knpc "It's a legend. The Demon Gate opened from this world to "
198           "others. Then somebody got paranoid, locked it shut, and "
199           "threw away the key. Pity if it's true.")))
201(define (eng-key knpc kpc)
202  (say knpc "Supposedly the key is a set of Runes that were subsequently "
203       "lost or scattered. Typical fairy-tale nonsense. But there may be "
204       "a kernel of truth to it."))
206(define (eng-wise knpc kpc)
207  (say knpc "Anyone with the arrogance to call themselves Wise is probably "
208       "an ass. Take the Stewardess of Glasdrin, for example."))
210(define (eng-stew knpc kpc)
211  (say knpc "She longs to be counted among the Wise, and doesn't care how "
212       "much blood she has to spill to do it. You've heard of Absalot, I "
213       "assume?")
214  (if (kern-conv-get-yes-no? kpc)
215      (say knpc "A perfect example of abusive power. Sad.")
216      (say knpc "The Stewardess conned the other cities and the Enchanter "
217           "into massacring the citizens of Absalot. "
218           "Supposedly Absalot was a hotbed of Accursed insurgency. If there "
219           "was any evidence of the Accursed being there, they burned it to "
220           "the ground with the rest of the city.")))
222(define (eng-accu knpc kpc)
223  (say knpc "Supposedly they're a cult of some sort engaging in evil "
224       "practices. People who make it their business to meddle are very "
225       "upset about them. I don't really give a fig."))
227(define (eng-shri knpc kpc)
228  (say knpc "I've studied the records about the Shrine Gate and investigated "
229       "the site, of course. But there's nothing to indicate how it works or "
230       "how to control it. I think the last time it opened was over one "
231       "hundred years ago."))
233(define (eng-rune knpc kpc)
234  (say knpc "The legend of the Demon Gate insists that it was locked by a set "
235       "of Runes. Some versions say the Runes were scattered so they could "
236       "not be reassambled to open the Gate, others say they were lost "
237       "through simple incompetence and bad luck. Of course, there's no "
238       "telling if the Runes or even the Gate ever existed!"))
240(define (eng-wiza knpc kpc)
241  (say knpc "Wizards as a rule tend to be obsessed with power."))
243(define (eng-wrog knpc kpc)
244  (say knpc "Mosts Wrogues are simply pests. They're into everything."))
246(define (eng-wrig knpc kpc)
247  (say knpc "Wrights are my kind of people. They like to make things, to "
248       "figure out how things work, and just want the freedom to follow "
249       "their own interests."))
251(define (eng-necr knpc kpc)
252  (say knpc "Not a bad sort. I've conferred with him a time or two.")
253  (quest-data-update 'questentry-necromancer 'nonevil 1)
254  )
256(define (eng-alch knpc kpc)
257  (say knpc "A tricky bastard but I have to respect him."))
259(define (eng-man knpc kpc)
260  (say knpc "A Wrogue, but a helpful one. We get along."))
262(define (eng-ench knpc kpc)
263  (say knpc "Bit of a fanatic if you ask me. But it takes all kinds."))
265(define eng-merch-msgs
266  (list "Not now."
267        "Let me show you some of my inventions..."
268        nil
269        nil
270        "Always glad to help out a fellow tinkerer."
271        "No problem."
272   ))
274(define eng-catalog
275  (list
276   ;; Various tools and devices
277   (list t_picklock       10 "I happen to have some spare picklocks. They're handy for all kinds of things.")  ;; high prices, not his specialty
278   (list t_shovel        100 "I hate to part with my shovel, you never know when it might come in handy.")  ;; high prices, not his specialty
279   (list t_pick          100 "I've actually used this pick. Once. I suppose I can part with it.")  ;; high prices, not his specialty
280   (list t_sextant       200 "This is one of my most successful inventions. With this sextant you don't neet the In Wis spell to find your location on the surface.")
281   (list t_chrono        200 "It's a little PORTABLE CLOCK! Isn't it amazing? [He giggles with glee]")
283   ;; A bit of oil and grease, for a grease-monkey:
284   (list t_grease         20 "I've got plenty of grease. I use it for everything.")
285   (list t_oil            10 "If I could figure out how to harness the explosive power of this oil, I'm sure I could make a useful engine.")  ;; high prices, not his specialty
287   ;; Crossbows and bolts, as he likes intricate devices
288   (list t_lt_crossbow    50 "Isn't this little crossbow cute? The little levers and actions are quite clever.")
289   (list t_crossbow      100 "I'm a terrible shot, but I wanted to study crossbows to see if I could figure out how to shoot myself safely across the void.")
290   (list t_hvy_crossbow  300 "I couldn't help making some improvements on the standard crossbow. This one works best if you mount it on something first.")
291   (list t_trpl_crossbow 500 "What if a crossbow could fire more than one bolt at a time? I had to try it out, so I made this.") ;; a mechanism of his devising
292   (list t_bolt            2 "I went through a lot of bolts while testing crossbows modifications, and I have a few crates left over.")
293   ))
295(define (eng-trade knpc kpc) (conv-trade knpc kpc "buy" eng-merch-msgs eng-catalog))
297(define engineer-conv
298  (ifc nil
299       (method 'default eng-default)
300       (method 'hail eng-hail)
301       (method 'name eng-name)
302       (method 'bye eng-bye)
303       (method 'job eng-job)
304       (method 'join eng-join)
306       (method 'trad eng-trade)
307       (method 'buy  eng-trade)
308       (method 'inve eng-trade)
310       (method 'make eng-make)
311       (method 'thin eng-make)
312       (method 'wand eng-wand)
313       (method 'void eng-void)
314       (method 'gate eng-gate)
315       (method 'key eng-key)
316       (method 'wise eng-wise)
317       (method 'stew eng-stew)
318       (method 'accu eng-accu)
319       (method 'shri eng-shri)
320       (method 'rune eng-rune)
321       (method 'wiza eng-wiza)
322       (method 'wrog eng-wrog)
323       (method 'wrig eng-wrig)
324       (method 'necr eng-necr)
325       (method 'alch eng-alch)
326       (method 'man eng-man)
327       (method 'ench eng-ench)
328       ))
330(define (mk-engineer)
331  (bind
332   (kern-char-arm-self
333    (kern-mk-char
334     'ch_engineer ;;..........tag
335     "Engineer" ;;.......name
336     sp_human ;;.....species
337     oc_wright ;;.. .occupation
338     s_companion_tinker ;;..sprite
339     faction-men ;;..faction
340     2 ;;...........custom strength modifier
341     10 ;;...........custom intelligence modifier
342     2 ;;...........custom dexterity modifier
343     10 ;;............custom base hp modifier
344     2 ;;............custom hp multiplier (per-level)
345     20 ;;............custom base mp modifier
346     5 ;;............custom mp multiplier (per-level)
347     max-health ;;..current hit points
348     -1  ;;...........current experience points
349     max-health ;;..current magic points
350     0
351     engineer-start-lvl  ;;..current level
352     #f ;;...........dead?
353     'engineer-conv ;;...conversation (optional)
354     sch_engineer ;;.....schedule (optional)
355     'townsman-ai ;;..........custom ai (optional)
356     ;;..............container (and contents)
357     (mk-inventory
358      (list
359       (list 1   t_dagger)
360       (list 1   t_doom_staff)
361       (list 1   t_trpl_crossbow)
362       (list 100 t_bolt)
363       (list 5   t_cure_potion)
364       (list 5   t_heal_potion)
365       ))
366     nil ;;.........readied arms (in addition to the container contents)
367     nil ;;..........hooks in effect
368     ))
369   (engineer-mk)))