1 /*
2  .-.
3 |  '
6 Authored by abakh <abakh@tuta.io>
7 To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
9 You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
10 */
12 #include <curses.h>
13 #include <string.h>
14 #include <time.h>
15 #include <float.h>
16 #include <limits.h>
17 #include <stdlib.h>
18 #include <signal.h>
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include "config.h"
22 #define LIGHT -1
23 #define DARK 1
24 #define KING 2
25 #define DOESNT_MATTER 1
26 #define IMAGINARY 0
27 #define NORMAL 1
28 #define ALT_IMG 2
29 #define ALT_NRM 3
30 #define WIN 100000
33 byte py,px;//cursor
34 byte cy,cx;//selected(choosen) piece
35 int dpt;
36 byte game[8][8];
37 byte computer[2]={0,0};
38 byte score[2];//set by header()
39 bool endgame=false;
40 byte jumpagainy , jumpagainx;
41 bool kinged;//if a piece jumps over multiple others and becomes a king it cannot continue jumping
in(byte A[4],byte B[4],byte a,byte b)43 bool in(byte A[4],byte B[4],byte a,byte b){
44 	for(byte c=0;c<4;++c)
45 		if(A[c]==a && B[c]==b)
46 			return true;
47 	return false;
48 }
rectangle(byte sy,byte sx)49 void rectangle(byte sy,byte sx){
50 	byte y,x;
51 	for(y=0;y<=8+1;++y){
52 		mvaddch(sy+y,sx,ACS_VLINE);
53 		mvaddch(sy+y,sx+8*2,ACS_VLINE);
54 	}
55 	for(x=0;x<=8*2;++x){
56 		mvaddch(sy,sx+x,ACS_HLINE);
57 		mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+x,ACS_HLINE);
58 	}
59 	mvaddch(sy,sx,ACS_ULCORNER);
60 	mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx,ACS_LLCORNER);
61 	mvaddch(sy,sx+8*2,ACS_URCORNER);
62 	mvaddch(sy+8+1,sx+8*2,ACS_LRCORNER);
63 }
header(void)64 void header(void){
65 	score[0]=score[1]=0;
66 	byte y,x;
67 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
68 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
69 			if(game[y][x]){
70 				if(game[y][x]<0)
71 					score[0]++;
72 				else
73 					score[1]++;
74 			}
75 		}
76 	}
77 	mvprintw(0,0," .-.");
78 	mvprintw(1,0,"|  '  %2d:%2d",score[0],score[1]);
79 	mvprintw(2,0,"'._,HECKERS ");
80 }
draw(byte sy,byte sx)81 void draw(byte sy,byte sx){//the game's board
82 	rectangle(sy,sx);
83 	chtype ch ;
84 	byte y,x;
85 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
86 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
87 			ch=A_NORMAL;
88 			if(y==py && x==px)
89 				ch |= A_STANDOUT;
90 			if(y==cy && x==cx)
91 				ch |= A_BOLD;
92 			if(game[y][x]){
93 				if(game[y][x]<0){
94 					if(has_colors())
95 						ch|=COLOR_PAIR(1);
96 					else
97 						ch |= A_UNDERLINE;
98 				}
99 				if(abs(game[y][x])<2)
100 					ch |='O';
101 				else
102 					ch |='K';
103 			}
104 			else if( (y%2) != (x%2) )
105 				ch|='.';
106 			else
107 				ch|=' ';
108 			mvaddch(sy+1+y,sx+x*2+1,ch);
109 		}
110 	}
111 }
112 //place the pieces on the board
fill(void)113 void fill(void){
114 	byte y,x;
115 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
116 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
117 			game[y][x]=0;
118 			if( (y%2) != (x%2)){
119 				if(y<3) game[y][x]=1;
120 				if(y>4) game[y][x]=-1;
121 			}
122 		}
123 	}
124 }
125 //fill mvy/x with possible moves
moves(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4])126 bool moves(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4]){
127 	bool ret=0;
128 	byte ndx=0;
129 	byte t= game[ty][tx];
130 	move(15,0);
131 	byte dy,dx;
132 	for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){
133 		for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){
134 			if( !dy || !dx || (!ty && dy<0) || (!tx && dx<0) || (dy==-t) || (ty+dy>=8) || (tx+dx>=8) )
135 				;
136 			else if(!game[ty+dy][tx+dx]){
137 				ret=1;
138 				mvy[ndx]=ty+dy;
139 				mvx[ndx]=tx+dx;
140 				++ndx;
141 			}
142 			else
143 				++ndx;
144 		}
145 	}
146 	return ret;
147 }
148 //would be much faster than applying moves() on every tile
can_move(byte side)149 bool can_move(byte side){
150 	byte y , x ,t, dy , dx;
151 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
152 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
153 			if( (t=game[y][x])*side > 0 ){
154 				for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){
155 					for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){
156 						if( !dy || !dx || (!y && dy<0) || (!x && dx<0) || (dy==-t) || (y+dy>=8) || (x+dx>=8) )
157 							;
158 						else if( !game[y+dy][x+dx] )
159 							return 1;
160 					}
161 				}
162 			}
163 		}
164 	}
165 	return 0;
167 }
168 //fill mvy/x with possible jumping moves
jumps(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4])169 bool jumps(byte ty,byte tx,byte mvy[4],byte mvx[4]){
170 	bool ret=0;
171 	byte ndx=0;
172 	byte ey,ex;
173 	byte t= game[ty][tx];
174 	byte dy,dx;
175 	for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){
176 		for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){
177 			ey = dy*2;
178 			ex = dx*2;
179 			if(!dy || !dx ||(dy==-t)|| (ty+ey<0) || (tx+ex<0) || (ty+ey>=8) || (tx+ex>=8) )
180 				;
181 			else if(!game[ty+ey][tx+ex] && game[ty+dy][tx+dx]*t<0){
182 				ret=1;
183 				mvy[ndx]=ty+ey;
184 				mvx[ndx]=tx+ex;
185 				++ndx;
186 			}
187 			else
188 				++ndx;
189 		}
190 	}
191 	return ret;
192 }
193 //same as can_move for jumps
can_jump(byte ty,byte tx)194 byte can_jump(byte ty,byte tx){
195 	byte dy,dx,t=game[ty][tx];
196 	byte ey,ex;
197 	byte ret=0;
198 	for(dy=-1;dy<2;++dy){
199 		for(dx=-1;dx<2;++dx){
200 			ey=dy*2;
201 			ex=dx*2;
202 			if((dy==-t)||(ty+ey<0)||(tx+ex<0)||(ty+ey>=8)||(tx+ex>=8) )
203 				;
204 			else if(!game[ty+dy*2][tx+dx*2]&&game[ty+dy][tx+dx]*t<0){
205 				++ret;
206 				if(ret>1)
207 					return ret;
208 			}
210 		}
211 	}
212 	return ret;
213 }
214 //see if the side is forced to do a jump
forced_jump(byte side)215 byte forced_jump(byte side){
216 	byte y,x;
217 	byte foo,ret;
218 	foo=ret=0;
219 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
220 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
221 			if(game[y][x]*side>0 && (foo=can_jump(y,x)) )
222 				ret+=foo;
223 			if(ret>1)
224 				return ret;
225 		}
226 	}
227 	return ret;
228 }
cmove(byte fy,byte fx,byte sy,byte sx)229 byte cmove(byte fy,byte fx,byte sy,byte sx){//really move/jump , 'move' is a curses function
230 	byte a = game[fy][fx];
231 	byte ret=0;
232 	game[fy][fx]=0;
233 	game[sy][sx]=a;
234 	if(abs(fy-sy) == 2){
235 		ret =game[(fy+sy)/2][(fx+sx)/2];
236 		game[(fy+sy)/2][(fx+sx)/2]=0;
237 	}
238 	return ret;
239 }
240 //make the pawn a king
king(byte y,byte x)241 bool king(byte y,byte x){
242 	byte t= (4-y)*game[y][x];
243 	if( (y==7 || !y) && t<0 && t>-5 ){
244 			game[y][x]*=2;
245 			return 1;
246 	}
247 	return 0;
248 }
advantage(byte side)249 double advantage(byte side){
250 	unsigned char own,opp;
251 	own=opp=0;
252 	byte foo;
253 	byte y,x;
254 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
255 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
256 			foo=game[y][x]*side;
257 			if(foo>0){
258 				++own;//so it wont sacrfice two pawns for a king ( 2 kings == 3 pawns)
259 				own+=foo;
260 			}
261 			else if(foo<0){
262 				++opp;
263 				opp-=foo;
264 			}
265 		}
266 	}
267 	if(!own)
268 		return 0;
269 	else if(!opp)
270 		return WIN;
271 	else
272 		return (double)own/opp;
273 }
posadvantage(byte side)274 double posadvantage(byte side){
275 	double adv=0;
276 	double oppadv=0;
277 	byte foo;
278 	byte y,x;
279 	byte goal= (side>0)*7 , oppgoal=(side<0)*7;
280 	/*This encourages the AI to king its pawns and concentrate its kings in the center.
281 	The idea is : With forces concentrated in the center, movements to all of the board would be in the game tree's horizon of sight(given enough depth);
282 	and with forces being focused , its takes less movements to make an attack. */
283 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
284 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
285 			foo=game[y][x]*side;
286 			if(foo>0){
287 				adv+=foo;
288 				++adv;
289 				if(foo==1)
290 					adv+= 1/( abs(y-goal) );//adding positional value
291 				else if(foo==2)
292 					adv+= 1/( fabs(y-3.5)+ fabs(x-3.5) );
293 			}
294 			else if( foo<0 ){
295 				oppadv-=foo;
296 				++oppadv;
297 				if(foo==-1)
298 					adv+=1/( abs(y-oppgoal) );
299 				else if(foo==-2)
300 					adv+= 1/( fabs(y-3.5)+ fabs(x-3.5) );
301 			}
302 		}
303 	}
304 	if(!adv)
305 		return 0;
306 	else if( !oppadv )
307 		return WIN;
308 	else
309 		return adv/oppadv;
310 	return adv;
311 }
312 //the AI algorithm
decide(byte side,byte depth,byte s)313 double decide(byte side,byte depth,byte s){//s is the type of move, it doesn't stand for anything
314 	byte fj=forced_jump(side);//only one legal jump if returns 1
315 	byte nextturn;
317 	byte mvy[4],mvx[4];
318 	byte n;
320 	bool didking;
321 	byte captured;
323 	double adv=0;
324 	byte toy,tox;
325 	byte y,x;
327 	double wrstadv=WIN+1;
329 	double bestadv=0;
330 	byte besttoy,besttox;
331 	byte besty,bestx;
332 	bestx=besty=besttox=besttoy=-100;
333 	bool canmove=0;
335 	byte nexts ;
336 	if(s == IMAGINARY || s == NORMAL )
337 		nexts=IMAGINARY;
338 	else
339 		nexts=ALT_IMG;
341 	for(y=0;y<8;++y){
342 		for(x=0;x<8;++x){
343 			if(fj && (s==NORMAL || s==ALT_NRM) && jumpagainy>=0 && (jumpagainy!=y || jumpagainx!=x) )
344 				continue;
345 			if(game[y][x]*side>0){
346 				canmove=0;
347 				memset(mvy,-1,4);
348 				memset(mvx,-1,4);
349 				if(fj)
350 					canmove=jumps(y,x,mvy,mvx);
351 				else
352 					canmove=moves(y,x,mvy,mvx);
353 				if(canmove){
354 					for(n=0;n<4;++n){
355 						if(mvy[n] != -1){//a real move
356 							toy=mvy[n];
357 							tox=mvx[n];
358 							captured=cmove(y,x,toy,tox);//do the imaginary move
359 							if(fj && can_jump(toy,tox) ) //its a double jump
360 								nextturn=side;
361 							else
362 								nextturn=-side;
363 							didking=king(toy,tox);
365 							//see the advantage you get
366 							if(fj==1 && (s==ALT_NRM || s==NORMAL) )
367 								adv= DOESNT_MATTER;//you have to do the move anyway
368 							else if(!depth){
369 								if(s==IMAGINARY || s==NORMAL)//calculating advantage only based on numerical superiority
370 									adv=advantage(side);
371 								else
372 									adv=posadvantage(side);//taking to account the position of the pieces
373 							}
374 							else{
375 								if(nextturn==side)
376 									adv=decide(nextturn,depth,nexts);
377 								else{ //best move is the one that gives least advantage to the opponet
378 									adv=decide(nextturn,depth-!fj,nexts);
379 									if(adv==WIN)
380 										adv=0;
381 									else if(adv)
382 										adv=1/adv;
383 									else
384 										adv=WIN;
385 								}
386 							}
387 							//undo the imaginary move
388 							if(didking)
389 								game[toy][tox]/=2;
390 							game[y][x]=game[toy][tox];
391 							game[toy][tox]=0;
392 							if(fj)
393 								game[(toy+y)/2][(tox+x)/2]=captured;
395 							if(besty<0 || adv>bestadv || (adv==bestadv && ( rand()%2 )) ){
396 								besty=y;
397 								bestx=x;
398 								besttoy=toy;
399 								besttox=tox;
400 								bestadv=adv;
401 							}
402 							if(adv<wrstadv)
403 								wrstadv=adv;
404 							if(fj == 1)
405 								goto EndLoop;
406 						}
407 					}
408 				}
409 			}
410 		}
411 	}
412 	EndLoop:
413 	if( (s==NORMAL || s==ALT_NRM) && besty >= 0 ){
414 		if(endgame && fj!=1 && s==NORMAL && bestadv==wrstadv ){//the algorithm is not given enough depth to determine which move is better
415 			if(wrstadv == WIN){//the randomization in the algorithm may cause an illusion of an inevitable win in several moves
416 				if(depth > 1)
417 					decide(side,depth-1,NORMAL);
418 				else
419 					goto Move;
420 			}
421 			else
422 				decide(side,depth,ALT_NRM);//change your opinion about what advantage means
423 		}
424 		else{
425 			Move:
426 			cmove(besty,bestx,besttoy,besttox);
427 			kinged=king(besttoy,besttox);
428 			if(!kinged && can_jump(besttoy,besttox) ){
429 				jumpagainy = besttoy;//so the next player (itself) can only continue the chain of jumps from there
430 				jumpagainx = besttox;
431 			}
432 			else
433 				jumpagainy=jumpagainx=-1;
434 		}
435 	}
436 	return bestadv;
437 }
438 //peacefully close when ^C is pressed
sigint_handler(int x)439 void sigint_handler(int x){
440 	endwin();
441 	puts("Quit.");
442 	exit(x);
443 }
mouseinput(void)445 void mouseinput(void){
446 #ifndef NO_MOUSE
447 	MEVENT minput;
448 	#ifdef PDCURSES
449 	nc_getmouse(&minput);
450 	#else
451 	getmouse(&minput);
452 	#endif
453 	if( minput.y-4 <8 && minput.x-1<16){
454 		py=minput.y-4;
455 		px=(minput.x-1)/2;
456 	}
457 	else
458 		return;
460 		ungetch('\n');
461 #endif
462 }
help(void)463 void help(void){
464 	erase();
465 	header();
466 	attron(A_BOLD);
467 	mvprintw(3,0,"  **** THE CONTROLS ****");
468 	mvprintw(8,0,"YOU CAN ALSO USE THE MOUSE!");
469 	attroff(A_BOLD);
470 	mvprintw(4,0,"RETURN/ENTER : Select or move the piece");
471 	mvprintw(5,0,"hjkl/ARROW KEYS : Move cursor");
472 	mvprintw(6,0,"q : quit");
473 	mvprintw(7,0,"F1 & F2 : Help on controls & gameplay");
474 	mvprintw(10,0,"Press a key to continue");
475 	refresh();
476 	getch();
477 	erase();
478 }
gameplay(void)479 void gameplay(void){
480 	erase();
481 	header();
482 	attron(A_BOLD);
483 	mvprintw(3,0,"  **** THE GAMEPLAY ****");
484 	attroff(A_BOLD);
485 	move(4,0);
486 	printw("1) The game starts with each player having 12 men;\n");
487 	printw("   men can only diagonally move forwards \n");
488 	printw("   (toward the opponet's side).\n\n");
489 	printw("2) Men can become kings by reaching the opponet's \n");
490 	printw("   first rank; kings can diagonally move both forwards\n");
491 	printw("   and backwards.\n\n");
492 	printw("3) Pieces can capture opponet's pieces by jumping over them\n");
493 	printw("   also they can capture several pieces at once by doing a\n");
494 	printw("   chain of jumps.\n\n");
495 	printw("4) You have to do a jump if you can.\n\n");
496 	printw("5) A player wins when the opponet can't do a move e. g. \n");
497 	printw("   all of their pieces are captured.\n\n");
498 	refresh();
499 	getch();
500 	erase();
501 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)502 int main(int argc,char** argv){
503 	dpt=4;
504 	if(argc>2){
505 		printf("Usage: %s [AIpower]\n",argv[0]);
506 		return EXIT_FAILURE;
507 	}
508 	if(argc==2){
509 		if(sscanf(argv[1],"%d",&dpt) && dpt<128 && dpt>0)
510 			;
511 		else{
512 			puts("That should be a number from 1 to 127.");
513 			return EXIT_FAILURE;
514 		}
515 	}
516 	initscr();
517 #ifndef NO_MOUSE
518 	mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL);
519 #endif
520 	noecho();
521 	cbreak();
522 	keypad(stdscr,1);
523 	int input ;
524 	printw("Dark plays first.\nChoose type of the dark player(H/c)\n" );
525 	refresh();
526 	input=getch();
527 	if(input=='c'){
528 		computer[0]=dpt;
529 		printw("Computer.\n");
530 	}
531 	else{
532 		computer[0]=0;
533 		printw("Human.\n");
534 	}
535 	printw("Choose type of the bright player(h/C)\n");
536 	refresh();
537 	input=getch();
538 	if(input=='h'){
539 		computer[1]=0;
540 		printw("Human.\n");
541 	}
542 	else{
543 		computer[1]=dpt;
544 		printw("Computer.\n");
545 	}
546 	if(has_colors()){
547 		start_color();
548 		use_default_colors();
549 		init_pair(1,COLOR_RED,-1);
550 	}
551 	signal(SIGINT,sigint_handler);
552 	Start:
553 	srand(time(NULL)%UINT_MAX);
554 	fill();
555 	cy=cx=-1;
556 	py=px=0;
557 	byte mvy[4],mvx[4];
558 	memset(mvy,-1,4);
559 	memset(mvx,-1,4);
560 	byte turn=1;
561 	bool t=1;
562 	bool fj;
563 	byte result;
564 	byte todraw=0;
565 	double adv = 1;//used to determine when the game is a draw
566 	double previousadv =1;
567 	Turn:
568 	curs_set(0);
569 	jumpagainy=jumpagainx=-1;
570 	kinged=0;
571 	turn =-turn;
572 	t=!t;//t == turn<0 that's turn in binary/array index format
573 	fj = forced_jump(turn);
574 	erase();
575 	flushinp();
576 	header();
577 	draw(3,0);
578 	if(t){
579 		previousadv=adv;
580 		adv= advantage(1) + (score[0]*score[1]);//just taking the dry scores to account too,nothing special
581 		if(previousadv==adv)
582 			++todraw;
583 		else
584 			todraw=0;
585 	}
586 	if(!score[0] || (turn==-1 && !fj && !can_move(-1))){
587 		result=1;
588 		goto End;
589 	}
590 	else if(!score[1] || (turn==1 && !fj && !can_move(1))){
591 		result=-1;
592 		goto End;
593 	}
594 	else if(todraw==50){ // 50 turns without any gain for either side
595 		result=0;
596 		goto End;
597 	}
598 	endgame= score[t]<=5 || score[!t]<=5;
599 	draw(3,0);
600 	refresh();
601 	while(computer[t]){
602 		mvprintw(13,0,"Thinking...");
603 		refresh();
604 		computer[t]=dpt+ (score[!t] != score[t]) + endgame;
605 		decide(turn,computer[t],1);
606 		if(!(fj && jumpagainy>=0 && !kinged )){
607 			goto Turn;
608 		}
609 	}
610 	while(1){
611 		erase();
612 		draw(3,0);
613 		header();
614 		if(!(computer[0]||computer[1])){
615 			if(t)
616 				addstr(" Bright's turn");
617 			else{
618 				attron(COLOR_PAIR(1));
619 				addstr(" Dark's turn");
620 				attroff(COLOR_PAIR(1));
621 			}
622 		}
623 		refresh();
624 		input=getch();
625 		if( input == KEY_F(1) || input=='?' )
626 			help();
627 		if( input == KEY_F(2) )
628 			gameplay();
629 		if( input == KEY_MOUSE )
630 			mouseinput();
631 		if( (input=='k' || input==KEY_UP) && py>0)
632 			--py;
633 		if( (input=='j' || input==KEY_DOWN) && py<7)
634 			++py;
635 		if( (input=='h' || input==KEY_LEFT) && px>0)
636 			--px;
637 		if( (input=='l' || input==KEY_RIGHT) && px<7)
638 			++px;
639 		if( input=='q'){
640 			result=2;
641 			goto End;
642 		}
643 		if(input=='\n' || input==KEY_ENTER){
644 			if(game[py][px]*turn>0){
645 				cy=py;
646 				cx=px;
647 				memset(mvy,-1,4);
648 				memset(mvx,-1,4);
649 				if(!fj)
650 					moves(py,px,mvy,mvx);
651 				jumps(py,px,mvy,mvx);
652 			}
653 			if( in(mvy,mvx,py,px) && !(jumpagainy>=0 && (cy !=jumpagainy || cx != jumpagainx) ) ){
654 				memset(mvy,-1,4);
655 				memset(mvx,-1,4);
656 				cmove(cy,cx,py,px);
657 				kinged=king(py,px);
658 				cy=-1;
659 				cx=-1;
660 				if( !(fj && can_jump(py,px) && !kinged ) ){
661 					goto Turn;
662 				}
663 				else{
664 					jumpagainy=py;
665 					jumpagainx=px;
666 				}
667 			}
668 		}
669 	}
670 	End:
671 	move(13,0);
672 	switch(result){
673 		case -1:
674 			printw("The dark side has won the game.");
675 			break;
676 		case 0:
677 			printw("Draw.");
678 			break;
679 		case 1:
680 			printw("The bright side has won the game.");
681 			break;
682 		case 2:
683 			printw("You resigned.");
684 	}
685 	printw(" Wanna rematch?(y/n)");
686 	curs_set(1);
687 	input=getch();
688 	if(result==2){
689 		if (input=='Y' || input=='y')
690 			goto Start;
691 	}
692 	else if(input!='n' && input!='N' && input!= 'q'){
693 		/*byte b=computer[0]; //switch sides, i don't know if it's necessary
694 		computer[0]=computer[1];
695 		computer[1]=b;*/
696 		goto Start;
697 	}
698 	endwin();
699 	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
700 }