1 /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mkroom.h	3.3	92/11/14	*/
2 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #ifndef MKROOM_H
6 #define MKROOM_H
8 /* mkroom.h - types and structures for room and shop initialization */
10 struct mkroom {
11 	schar lx,hx,ly,hy;	/* usually xchar, but hx may be -1 */
12 	schar rtype;		/* type of room (zoo, throne, etc...) */
13 	schar rlit;		/* is the room lit ? */
14 	schar doorct;		/* door count */
15 	schar fdoor;		/* index for the first door of the room */
16 	schar nsubrooms;	/* number of subrooms */
17 	boolean irregular;	/* true if room is non-rectangular */
18 	struct mkroom *sbrooms[MAX_SUBROOMS];  /* Subrooms pointers */
19 	struct monst *resident; /* priest/shopkeeper/guard for this room */
20 };
22 struct shclass {
23 	const char *name;	/* name of the shop type */
24 	char	symb;		/* this identifies the shop type */
25 	int	prob;		/* the shop type probability in % */
26 	schar	shdist;		/* object placement type */
27 #define D_SCATTER	0	/* normal placement */
28 #define D_SHOP		1	/* shop-like placement */
29 #define D_TEMPLE	2	/* temple-like placement */
30 	struct itp {
31 	    int iprob;		/* probability of an item type */
32 	    int itype;	/* item type: if >=0 a class, if < 0 a specific item */
33 	} iprobs[5];
34 	const char **shknms;	/* list of shopkeeper names for this type */
35 };
37 extern NEARDATA struct mkroom rooms[(MAXNROFROOMS+1)*2];
38 extern NEARDATA struct mkroom* subrooms;
39 /* the normal rooms on the current level are described in rooms[0..n] for
40  * some n<MAXNROFROOMS
41  * the vault, if any, is described by rooms[n+1]
42  * the next rooms entry has hx -1 as a flag
43  * there is at most one non-vault special room on a level
44  */
46 extern struct mkroom *dnstairs_room, *upstairs_room, *sstairs_room;
48 extern NEARDATA coord doors[DOORMAX];
50 /* values for rtype in the room definition structure */
51 #define OROOM		 0	/* ordinary room */
52 #define COURT		 2	/* contains a throne */
53 #define SWAMP		 3	/* contains pools */
54 #define VAULT		 4	/* contains piles of gold */
55 #define BEEHIVE		 5	/* contains killer bees and royal jelly */
56 #define MORGUE		 6	/* contains corpses, undead and ghosts */
57 #define BARRACKS	 7	/* contains soldiers and their gear */
58 #define ZOO		 8	/* floor covered with treasure and monsters */
59 #define DELPHI		 9	/* contains Oracle and peripherals */
60 #define TEMPLE		10	/* contains a shrine */
61 #define LEPREHALL	11	/* leprechaun hall (Tom Proudfoot) */
62 #define COCKNEST	12	/* cockatrice nest (Tom Proudfoot) */
63 #define ANTHOLE		13	/* ants (Tom Proudfoot) */
64 #define SHOPBASE	14	/* everything above this is a shop */
65 #define ARMORSHOP	15	/* specific shop defines for level compiler */
66 #define SCROLLSHOP	16
67 #define POTIONSHOP	17
68 #define WEAPONSHOP	18
69 #define FOODSHOP	19
70 #define RINGSHOP	20
71 #define WANDSHOP	21
72 #define TOOLSHOP	22
73 #define BOOKSHOP	23
74 #define UNIQUESHOP	24	/* shops here & above not randomly gen'd. */
75 #define CANDLESHOP	24
76 #define MAXRTYPE	24	/* maximum valid room type */
78 /* Special type for search_special() */
79 #define ANY_TYPE	(-1)
80 #define ANY_SHOP	(-2)
82 #define NO_ROOM		0	/* indicates lack of room-occupancy */
83 #define SHARED		1	/* indicates normal shared boundary */
84 #define SHARED_PLUS	2	/* indicates shared boundary - extra adjacent-
85 				 * square searching required */
87 #define ROOMOFFSET	3	/*
88 				 * (levl[x][y].roomno - ROOMOFFSET) gives
89 				 * rooms[] index, for inside-squares and
90 				 * non-shared boundaries.
91 				 */
93 #define IS_ROOM_PTR(x)		((x) >= rooms && (x) < rooms + MAXNROFROOMS)
94 #define IS_ROOM_INDEX(x)	((x) >= 0 && (x) < MAXNROFROOMS)
95 #define IS_SUBROOM_PTR(x)	((x) >= subrooms && \
96 				 (x) < subrooms + MAXNROFROOMS)
97 #define IS_SUBROOM_INDEX(x)	((x) > MAXNROFROOMS && (x) < (MAXNROFROOMS*2))
98 #define ROOM_INDEX(x)		((x) - rooms)
99 #define SUBROOM_INDEX(x)	((x) - subrooms)
100 #define IS_LAST_ROOM_PTR(x)	(ROOM_INDEX(x) == nroom)
101 #define IS_LAST_SUBROOM_PTR(x)	(!nsubroom || SUBROOM_INDEX(x) == nsubroom)
103 #endif /* MKROOM_H */