2                   Using and Installing Amiga NetHack 3.3
3      (or Everything You Never Wanted to Know Before NetHacking)
4        (or Not Everything That Happens Always Comes Knocking)
6	     Last Revision: 28 March 2000 for NetHack 3.3.1
90. Pre-intro for NetHack 3.3.1:
10   Amiga-specific changes for 3.3.1:
11     Most (around 99%) known bugs fixed (volunteers welcome).
12     HackWB and HackCli are no longer supported.  Use the main binary.
14   We would like to thank each and every one of the people who took
15   the time and effort to report bugs to us.  THANK YOU!
17I. Introduction
19I.A. Overview
20    Welcome to Amiga NetHack!  If this is your first visit to our fair
21    city, you are in for an amazing but dangerous journey; if you have
22    visited us before, beware! the city has changed in many strange and
23    subtle ways; it has also grown quite a bit.  This missive brings to
24    light those mundane tasks which must be dealt with before beginning
25    your journey; for those of you who are faced with the task of
26    installing the pre-fabricated version of our town, section III
27    (Installing Amiga NetHack 3.3) will guide you through the task at
28    hand.  If you are ready to visit, the local visitors guide is in
29    section II (Using Amiga NetHack 3.3); please also see the general
30    guide packaged separately (the file "GuideBook").
32    To all our visitors, a hearty Welcome! - and please be careful.
34    [Those responsible for the previous paragraphs have been sacked.  The
35    documentation has been completed at great expense in a more traditional
36    style. -- The Management]
38I.B. Getting Help
39    If you have questions about strategy, weapons, or monsters, the best
40    place to go for help is the Usenet newsgroup rec.games.roguelike.nethack.
42    If you have problems with installation or think you have found a bug
43    in the game, please report it by electronic mail to the development
44    team at nethack-bugs@nethack.org, where it will be routed to the
45    appropriate person.  Include your configuration, the version of
46    NetHack you are playing (use the 'v' command), whether or not you are
47    using an official binary release (and if so which one) and as much
48    specific information as possible.  As NetHack runs on many different
49    machines, be sure to mention that you are playing the Amiga version.
51I.C. Credits
52    Olaf Seibert first ported NetHack 2.3 and 3.0 to the Amiga.  Richard
53    Addison, Andrew Church, Jochen Erwied, Mark Gooderum, Ken Lorber,
54    Greg Olson, Mike Passaretti, and Gregg Wonderly polished and extended
55    the 3.0 and 3.1 ports.  Andrew Church, Ken Lorber, and Gregg Wonderly
56    are responsible for the 3.2 port.  Janne Salmij�rvi resurrected the
57    amigaport for 3.3.
59II. Using Amiga NetHack 3.3
60    Run NetHack from the shell or from some tool that allows that,
61    ie. ToolManager.  See the NetHack.txt file for command line options
62    and other usage.
64II.A. Sources of Information
65    Where to go depends on what you want to find out.  If you want to find
66    out about distributing NetHack, read the license (in NetHack:license
67    or type ?i during the game).  For an introduction to NetHack, read
68    the GuideBook file.  To find out what options are compiled into your
69    copy of NetHack, type #v during the game.  Finally, for information
70    during the game on all kinds of things, type ? and select from the
71    menu or by pressing Help key.
73II.B. The Amiga NetHack WorkBench Front End
74    3.3.1 no longer supports HackWB.
76II.C. The Amiga NetHack CLI Front End
77    3.3.1 no longer supports CLI Front End either.
79    Instead, use the main binary.  See NetHack.txt file for the standard Unix
80    flags for NetHack.  In addition to those flags, Amiga NetHack accepts
81    the flags -l to force non-interlaced mode and -L to force interlaced mode.
83II.D. Amiga-Specific Information for NetHack
85    There are several options that are unique to the Amiga version of
86    NetHack that may be specified in the NetHack.cnf file or on an
87    OPTIONS line:
89    altmeta     allows the ALT keys to function as META keys.  The default
90                is altmeta.
91    flush       flush discards all characters in the queue except the first,
92                which limits typeahead accidents.  The default is !flush.
93    silent      turn off the audio output.  The default is silent.
95    The current version of Amiga NetHack also supports menu accelerators.
96    See Guidebook.txt for a detailed description.  Also supported is
97    selecting the number of stacked objects to drop, used with the (D)rop
98    command.  Type the number and then select an item (or items with
99    accelerators).  Items with a count associated with them are denoted
100    with # in place of -.  I.e. 'd - 3 blessed daggers' becomes
101    'd # 3 blessed daggers'.  You can clear the count by hitting esc
102    while counting or deselect and reselect the item.  The default
103    is to drop all selected items (as before).
106III. Installing Amiga NetHack 3.3
108III.A. General Installation
109    Installation should be easy - basically it consists of putting files
110    where they belong and adding an assign to your startup.  If you are
111    installing from the official binary distribution, simply unpacking
112    the archive in the appropriate directory will put the files in the
113    places they belong.
116    OLD SAVE AND BONES FILES - THEY WILL NOT WORK!  This includes save
117    and bones files from all previous versions of NetHack (yes, even 3.3.0).
118    If you have a game in progress and want to finish it, use your
119    current version and then update.
121Will NetHack fit on your machine?
122    NetHack 3.3 is large.  NetHack 3.3 is very large.  You will need:
123    > Any standard series Amiga: 500, 600, 1000, 1200, 2000, 2500, 3000, 4000.
124    > WorkBench 2.04 or later.
125    > At least 3 meg of RAM.  NetHack will NOT run in 1 meg (probably even 2).
126    > Mass storage:  A hard drive with over 3 meg of free space is highly
127      recommended.
129Hard Disk Installation:
130    Unpack the archive to your place of choice.  Since you are reading this
131    you've probably done that already.  Now just assign NetHack: to
132    NetHack directory containing the executable and datafiles and other needed
133    directories.
135    Use the table in the next section to see where things should end up.
136    Be sure that the file 8 ends up in NetHack:hack/8.
139    Using your favorite text editor, edit NetHack:NetHack.cnf to match
140    your system.
142    Create the save file directory (makedir NetHack:save) and the levels file
143    directory (makedir NetHack:levels), if they don't already exist.
145    Create the score file (echo to NetHack:record) and, if desired, the log
146    file (echo to NetHack:logfile), if they don't already exist. You may
147    leave out logfile, but record is needed.
149III.B. File Location Table
151	amii.hlp	Guidebook.txt	hack.font
152	license		NetHack		NetHack.cnf
153	NetHack.txt	nhdat		nhsdat
154	record		Recover		Recover.txt
155	logfile (optional, but useful)
157	8
159	monsters.iff	objects.iff	other.iff
161IV. BBS Interface
163    [Since HackCli and split binary is no longer supported the following
164    probably doesn't apply anymore.  Due to lack of a suitable environment
165    it is also untested.]
167    The BBS mode is based on the standard NetHack tty port and is designed
168    for use in a BBS setting - it is specifically not recommended for use
169    on the console.  The current TTY mode has changed significantly since
170    the preliminary version released with 3.1.2.  In particular, BBS mode
171    now works with split binaries (only), and now supports multiple games
172    in progress at the same time for multi-line boards (note however that
173    any individual user should not be allowed to run two instances of
174    NetHack at the same time).
176    To set up NetHack for use with a BBS, set OPTIONS=windowtype:tty
177    and unset DUNGEONS, TRAPS, and EFFECTS in NetHack.cnf.  Configure
178    the BBS to expect I/O through stdin and stdout, and have NetHack
179    invoked as:
180       HackCLI :uid -u uname options...
181    where uid is any string (without embedded spaces, colons, or slashes)
182    that is unique for each BBS user and uname is some corresponding human-
183    readable name for that user.  Uid is used in constructing file names
184    to prevent collisions between simultaneous games and to prevent
185    people from using other people's save files.  Uname is the name the
186    character will have in the game and the name that will appear in the
187    record file.
189    The terminal is assumed to be a 24x80 ANSI-compatible terminal.
190    The present version does not deal with situations such as low
191    memory gracefully - as NetHack uses a considerable amount of
192    memory this is particularly painful with multiple games in
193    progress.  Sysops are reminded to be familiar with the recover
194    utility, which may be needed from time to time and which should
195    probably not be available directly to users.  Bug reports and
196    suggestions for improvements are requested from the user community -
197    this is still considered alpha software.