1 /* NetHack 3.6	pray.c	$NHDT-Date: 1573346192 2019/11/10 00:36:32 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.118 $ */
2 /* Copyright (c) Benson I. Margulies, Mike Stephenson, Steve Linhart, 1989. */
3 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5 #include "hack.h"
7 STATIC_PTR int NDECL(prayer_done);
8 STATIC_DCL struct obj *NDECL(worst_cursed_item);
9 STATIC_DCL int NDECL(in_trouble);
10 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(fix_worst_trouble, (int));
11 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(angrygods, (ALIGNTYP_P));
12 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(at_your_feet, (const char *));
13 STATIC_DCL void NDECL(gcrownu);
14 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(pleased, (ALIGNTYP_P));
15 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(godvoice, (ALIGNTYP_P, const char *));
16 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(god_zaps_you, (ALIGNTYP_P));
17 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(fry_by_god, (ALIGNTYP_P, BOOLEAN_P));
18 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(gods_angry, (ALIGNTYP_P));
19 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(gods_upset, (ALIGNTYP_P));
20 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(consume_offering, (struct obj *));
21 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(water_prayer, (BOOLEAN_P));
22 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(blocked_boulder, (int, int));
24 /* simplify a few tests */
25 #define Cursed_obj(obj, typ) ((obj) && (obj)->otyp == (typ) && (obj)->cursed)
27 /*
28  * Logic behind deities and altars and such:
29  * + prayers are made to your god if not on an altar, and to the altar's god
30  *   if you are on an altar
31  * + If possible, your god answers all prayers, which is why bad things happen
32  *   if you try to pray on another god's altar
33  * + sacrifices work basically the same way, but the other god may decide to
34  *   accept your allegiance, after which they are your god.  If rejected,
35  *   your god takes over with your punishment.
36  * + if you're in Gehennom, all messages come from Moloch
37  */
39 /*
40  *      Moloch, who dwells in Gehennom, is the "renegade" cruel god
41  *      responsible for the theft of the Amulet from Marduk, the Creator.
42  *      Moloch is unaligned.
43  */
44 static const char *Moloch = "Moloch";
46 static const char *godvoices[] = {
47     "booms out", "thunders", "rings out", "booms",
48 };
50 /* values calculated when prayer starts, and used when completed */
51 static aligntyp p_aligntyp;
52 static int p_trouble;
53 static int p_type; /* (-1)-3: (-1)=really naughty, 3=really good */
55 #define PIOUS 20
56 #define DEVOUT 14
57 #define FERVENT 9
58 #define STRIDENT 4
60 /*
61  * The actual trouble priority is determined by the order of the
62  * checks performed in in_trouble() rather than by these numeric
63  * values, so keep that code and these values synchronized in
64  * order to have the values be meaningful.
65  */
67 #define TROUBLE_STONED 14
68 #define TROUBLE_SLIMED 13
70 #define TROUBLE_LAVA 11
71 #define TROUBLE_SICK 10
73 #define TROUBLE_REGION 8 /* stinking cloud */
74 #define TROUBLE_HIT 7
82 #define TROUBLE_PUNISHED (-1)
83 #define TROUBLE_FUMBLING (-2)
84 #define TROUBLE_CURSED_ITEMS (-3)
85 #define TROUBLE_SADDLE (-4)
86 #define TROUBLE_BLIND (-5)
87 #define TROUBLE_POISONED (-6)
88 #define TROUBLE_WOUNDED_LEGS (-7)
89 #define TROUBLE_HUNGRY (-8)
90 #define TROUBLE_STUNNED (-9)
91 #define TROUBLE_CONFUSED (-10)
95 #define ugod_is_angry() (u.ualign.record < 0)
96 #define on_altar() IS_ALTAR(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ)
97 #define on_shrine() ((levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask & AM_SHRINE) != 0)
98 #define a_align(x, y) ((aligntyp) Amask2align(levl[x][y].altarmask & AM_MASK))
100 /* critically low hit points if hp <= 5 or hp <= maxhp/N for some N */
101 boolean
critically_low_hp(only_if_injured)102 critically_low_hp(only_if_injured)
103 boolean only_if_injured; /* determines whether maxhp <= 5 matters */
104 {
105     int divisor, hplim, curhp = Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp,
106                         maxhp = Upolyd ? u.mhmax : u.uhpmax;
108     if (only_if_injured && !(curhp < maxhp))
109         return FALSE;
110     /* if maxhp is extremely high, use lower threshold for the division test
111        (golden glow cuts off at 11+5*lvl, nurse interaction at 25*lvl; this
112        ought to use monster hit dice--and a smaller multiplier--rather than
113        ulevel when polymorphed, but polyself doesn't maintain that) */
114     hplim = 15 * u.ulevel;
115     if (maxhp > hplim)
116         maxhp = hplim;
117     /* 7 used to be the unconditional divisor */
118     switch (xlev_to_rank(u.ulevel)) { /* maps 1..30 into 0..8 */
119     case 0:
120     case 1:
121         divisor = 5;
122         break; /* explvl 1 to 5 */
123     case 2:
124     case 3:
125         divisor = 6;
126         break; /* explvl 6 to 13 */
127     case 4:
128     case 5:
129         divisor = 7;
130         break; /* explvl 14 to 21 */
131     case 6:
132     case 7:
133         divisor = 8;
134         break; /* explvl 22 to 29 */
135     default:
136         divisor = 9;
137         break; /* explvl 30+ */
138     }
139     /* 5 is a magic number in TROUBLE_HIT handling below */
140     return (boolean) (curhp <= 5 || curhp * divisor <= maxhp);
141 }
143 /* return True if surrounded by impassible rock, regardless of the state
144    of your own location (for example, inside a doorless closet) */
145 boolean
stuck_in_wall()146 stuck_in_wall()
147 {
148     int i, j, x, y, count = 0;
150     if (Passes_walls)
151         return FALSE;
152     for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
153         x = u.ux + i;
154         for (j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
155             if (!i && !j)
156                 continue;
157             y = u.uy + j;
158             if (!isok(x, y)
159                 || (IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ)
160                     && (levl[x][y].typ != SDOOR && levl[x][y].typ != SCORR))
161                 || (blocked_boulder(i, j) && !throws_rocks(youmonst.data)))
162                 ++count;
163         }
164     }
165     return (count == 8) ? TRUE : FALSE;
166 }
168 /*
169  * Return 0 if nothing particular seems wrong, positive numbers for
170  * serious trouble, and negative numbers for comparative annoyances.
171  * This returns the worst problem. There may be others, and the gods
172  * may fix more than one.
173  *
174  * This could get as bizarre as noting surrounding opponents, (or
175  * hostile dogs), but that's really hard.
176  *
177  * We could force rehumanize of polyselfed people, but we can't tell
178  * unintentional shape changes from the other kind. Oh well.
179  * 3.4.2: make an exception if polymorphed into a form which lacks
180  * hands; that's a case where the ramifications override this doubt.
181  */
182 STATIC_OVL int
in_trouble()183 in_trouble()
184 {
185     struct obj *otmp;
186     int i;
188     /*
189      * major troubles
190      */
191     if (Stoned)
192         return TROUBLE_STONED;
193     if (Slimed)
194         return TROUBLE_SLIMED;
195     if (Strangled)
196         return TROUBLE_STRANGLED;
197     if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_LAVA)
198         return TROUBLE_LAVA;
199     if (Sick)
200         return TROUBLE_SICK;
201     if (u.uhs >= WEAK)
202         return TROUBLE_STARVING;
203     if (region_danger())
204         return TROUBLE_REGION;
205     if (critically_low_hp(FALSE))
206         return TROUBLE_HIT;
207     if (u.ulycn >= LOW_PM)
208         return TROUBLE_LYCANTHROPE;
209     if (near_capacity() >= EXT_ENCUMBER && AMAX(A_STR) - ABASE(A_STR) > 3)
210         return TROUBLE_COLLAPSING;
211     if (stuck_in_wall())
212         return TROUBLE_STUCK_IN_WALL;
213     if (Cursed_obj(uarmf, LEVITATION_BOOTS)
214         || stuck_ring(uleft, RIN_LEVITATION)
215         || stuck_ring(uright, RIN_LEVITATION))
217     if (nohands(youmonst.data) || !freehand()) {
218         /* for bag/box access [cf use_container()]...
219            make sure it's a case that we know how to handle;
220            otherwise "fix all troubles" would get stuck in a loop */
221         if (welded(uwep))
222             return TROUBLE_UNUSEABLE_HANDS;
223         if (Upolyd && nohands(youmonst.data)
224             && (!Unchanging || ((otmp = unchanger()) != 0 && otmp->cursed)))
225             return TROUBLE_UNUSEABLE_HANDS;
226     }
227     if (Blindfolded && ublindf->cursed)
228         return TROUBLE_CURSED_BLINDFOLD;
230     /*
231      * minor troubles
232      */
233     if (Punished || (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL))
234         return TROUBLE_PUNISHED;
235     if (Cursed_obj(uarmg, GAUNTLETS_OF_FUMBLING)
236         || Cursed_obj(uarmf, FUMBLE_BOOTS))
237         return TROUBLE_FUMBLING;
238     if (worst_cursed_item())
239         return TROUBLE_CURSED_ITEMS;
240     if (u.usteed) { /* can't voluntarily dismount from a cursed saddle */
241         otmp = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE);
242         if (Cursed_obj(otmp, SADDLE))
243             return TROUBLE_SADDLE;
244     }
246     if (Blinded > 1 && haseyes(youmonst.data)
247         && (!u.uswallow
248             || !attacktype_fordmg(u.ustuck->data, AT_ENGL, AD_BLND)))
249         return TROUBLE_BLIND;
250     /* deafness isn't it's own trouble; healing magic cures deafness
251        when it cures blindness, so do the same with trouble repair */
252     if ((HDeaf & TIMEOUT) > 1L)
253         return TROUBLE_BLIND;
255     for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++)
256         if (ABASE(i) < AMAX(i))
257             return TROUBLE_POISONED;
258     if (Wounded_legs && !u.usteed)
259         return TROUBLE_WOUNDED_LEGS;
260     if (u.uhs >= HUNGRY)
261         return TROUBLE_HUNGRY;
262     if (HStun & TIMEOUT)
263         return TROUBLE_STUNNED;
264     if (HConfusion & TIMEOUT)
265         return TROUBLE_CONFUSED;
266     if (HHallucination & TIMEOUT)
267         return TROUBLE_HALLUCINATION;
268     return 0;
269 }
271 /* select an item for TROUBLE_CURSED_ITEMS */
272 STATIC_OVL struct obj *
worst_cursed_item()273 worst_cursed_item()
274 {
275     register struct obj *otmp;
277     /* if strained or worse, check for loadstone first */
278     if (near_capacity() >= HVY_ENCUMBER) {
279         for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
280             if (Cursed_obj(otmp, LOADSTONE))
281                 return otmp;
282     }
283     /* weapon takes precedence if it is interfering
284        with taking off a ring or putting on a shield */
285     if (welded(uwep) && (uright || bimanual(uwep))) { /* weapon */
286         otmp = uwep;
287     /* gloves come next, due to rings */
288     } else if (uarmg && uarmg->cursed) { /* gloves */
289         otmp = uarmg;
290     /* then shield due to two handed weapons and spells */
291     } else if (uarms && uarms->cursed) { /* shield */
292         otmp = uarms;
293     /* then cloak due to body armor */
294     } else if (uarmc && uarmc->cursed) { /* cloak */
295         otmp = uarmc;
296     } else if (uarm && uarm->cursed) { /* suit */
297         otmp = uarm;
298     /* if worn helmet of opposite alignment is making you an adherent
299        of the current god, he/she/it won't uncurse that for you */
300     } else if (uarmh && uarmh->cursed /* helmet */
301                && uarmh->otyp != HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT) {
302         otmp = uarmh;
303     } else if (uarmf && uarmf->cursed) { /* boots */
304         otmp = uarmf;
305     } else if (uarmu && uarmu->cursed) { /* shirt */
306         otmp = uarmu;
307     } else if (uamul && uamul->cursed) { /* amulet */
308         otmp = uamul;
309     } else if (uleft && uleft->cursed) { /* left ring */
310         otmp = uleft;
311     } else if (uright && uright->cursed) { /* right ring */
312         otmp = uright;
313     } else if (ublindf && ublindf->cursed) { /* eyewear */
314         otmp = ublindf; /* must be non-blinding lenses */
315     /* if weapon wasn't handled above, do it now */
316     } else if (welded(uwep)) { /* weapon */
317         otmp = uwep;
318     /* active secondary weapon even though it isn't welded */
319     } else if (uswapwep && uswapwep->cursed && u.twoweap) {
320         otmp = uswapwep;
321     /* all worn items ought to be handled by now */
322     } else {
323         for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
324             if (!otmp->cursed)
325                 continue;
326             if (otmp->otyp == LOADSTONE || confers_luck(otmp))
327                 break;
328         }
329     }
330     return otmp;
331 }
333 STATIC_OVL void
fix_worst_trouble(trouble)334 fix_worst_trouble(trouble)
335 int trouble;
336 {
337     int i;
338     struct obj *otmp = 0;
339     const char *what = (const char *) 0;
340     static NEARDATA const char leftglow[] = "Your left ring softly glows",
341                                rightglow[] = "Your right ring softly glows";
343     switch (trouble) {
344     case TROUBLE_STONED:
345         make_stoned(0L, "You feel more limber.", 0, (char *) 0);
346         break;
347     case TROUBLE_SLIMED:
348         make_slimed(0L, "The slime disappears.");
349         break;
351         if (uamul && uamul->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION) {
352             Your("amulet vanishes!");
353             useup(uamul);
354         }
355         You("can breathe again.");
356         Strangled = 0;
357         context.botl = 1;
358         break;
359     case TROUBLE_LAVA:
360         You("are back on solid ground.");
361         /* teleport should always succeed, but if not, just untrap them */
362         if (!safe_teleds(FALSE))
363             reset_utrap(TRUE);
364         break;
365     case TROUBLE_STARVING:
366         /* temporarily lost strength recovery now handled by init_uhunger() */
367         /*FALLTHRU*/
368     case TROUBLE_HUNGRY:
369         Your("%s feels content.", body_part(STOMACH));
370         init_uhunger();
371         context.botl = 1;
372         break;
373     case TROUBLE_SICK:
374         You_feel("better.");
375         make_sick(0L, (char *) 0, FALSE, SICK_ALL);
376         break;
377     case TROUBLE_REGION:
378         /* stinking cloud, with hero vulnerable to HP loss */
379         region_safety();
380         break;
381     case TROUBLE_HIT:
382         /* "fix all troubles" will keep trying if hero has
383            5 or less hit points, so make sure they're always
384            boosted to be more than that */
385         You_feel("much better.");
386         if (Upolyd) {
387             u.mhmax += rnd(5);
388             if (u.mhmax <= 5)
389                 u.mhmax = 5 + 1;
390             u.mh = u.mhmax;
391         }
392         if (u.uhpmax < u.ulevel * 5 + 11)
393             u.uhpmax += rnd(5);
394         if (u.uhpmax <= 5)
395             u.uhpmax = 5 + 1;
396         u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
397         context.botl = 1;
398         break;
400         /* override Fixed_abil; uncurse that if feasible */
401         You_feel("%sstronger.",
402                  (AMAX(A_STR) - ABASE(A_STR) > 6) ? "much " : "");
403         ABASE(A_STR) = AMAX(A_STR);
404         context.botl = 1;
405         if (Fixed_abil) {
406             if ((otmp = stuck_ring(uleft, RIN_SUSTAIN_ABILITY)) != 0) {
407                 if (otmp == uleft)
408                     what = leftglow;
409             } else if ((otmp = stuck_ring(uright, RIN_SUSTAIN_ABILITY)) != 0) {
410                 if (otmp == uright)
411                     what = rightglow;
412             }
413             if (otmp)
414                 goto decurse;
415         }
416         break;
418         /* no control, but works on no-teleport levels */
419         if (safe_teleds(FALSE)) {
420             Your("surroundings change.");
421         } else {
422             /* safe_teleds() couldn't find a safe place; perhaps the
423                level is completely full.  As a last resort, confer
424                intrinsic wall/rock-phazing.  Hero might get stuck
425                again fairly soon....
426                Without something like this, fix_all_troubles can get
427                stuck in an infinite loop trying to fix STUCK_IN_WALL
428                and repeatedly failing. */
429             set_itimeout(&HPasses_walls, (long) (d(4, 4) + 4)); /* 8..20 */
430             /* how else could you move between packed rocks or among
431                lattice forming "solid" rock? */
432             You_feel("much slimmer.");
433         }
434         break;
436         if (Cursed_obj(uarmf, LEVITATION_BOOTS)) {
437             otmp = uarmf;
438         } else if ((otmp = stuck_ring(uleft, RIN_LEVITATION)) != 0) {
439             if (otmp == uleft)
440                 what = leftglow;
441         } else if ((otmp = stuck_ring(uright, RIN_LEVITATION)) != 0) {
442             if (otmp == uright)
443                 what = rightglow;
444         }
445         goto decurse;
447         if (welded(uwep)) {
448             otmp = uwep;
449             goto decurse;
450         }
451         if (Upolyd && nohands(youmonst.data)) {
452             if (!Unchanging) {
453                 Your("shape becomes uncertain.");
454                 rehumanize(); /* "You return to {normal} form." */
455             } else if ((otmp = unchanger()) != 0 && otmp->cursed) {
456                 /* otmp is an amulet of unchanging */
457                 goto decurse;
458             }
459         }
460         if (nohands(youmonst.data) || !freehand())
461             impossible("fix_worst_trouble: couldn't cure hands.");
462         break;
464         otmp = ublindf;
465         goto decurse;
467         you_unwere(TRUE);
468         break;
469     /*
470      */
471     case TROUBLE_PUNISHED:
472         Your("chain disappears.");
473         if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL)
474             buried_ball_to_freedom();
475         else
476             unpunish();
477         break;
478     case TROUBLE_FUMBLING:
479         if (Cursed_obj(uarmg, GAUNTLETS_OF_FUMBLING))
480             otmp = uarmg;
481         else if (Cursed_obj(uarmf, FUMBLE_BOOTS))
482             otmp = uarmf;
483         goto decurse;
484         /*NOTREACHED*/
485         break;
487         otmp = worst_cursed_item();
488         if (otmp == uright)
489             what = rightglow;
490         else if (otmp == uleft)
491             what = leftglow;
492  decurse:
493         if (!otmp) {
494             impossible("fix_worst_trouble: nothing to uncurse.");
495             return;
496         }
497         if (otmp == uarmg && Glib) {
498             make_glib(0);
499             Your("%s are no longer slippery.", gloves_simple_name(uarmg));
500             if (!otmp->cursed)
501                 break;
502         }
503         if (!Blind || (otmp == ublindf && Blindfolded_only)) {
504             pline("%s %s.",
505                   what ? what : (const char *) Yobjnam2(otmp, "softly glow"),
506                   hcolor(NH_AMBER));
507             iflags.last_msg = PLNMSG_OBJ_GLOWS;
508             otmp->bknown = !Hallucination; /* ok to skip set_bknown() */
509         }
510         uncurse(otmp);
511         update_inventory();
512         break;
513     case TROUBLE_POISONED:
514         /* override Fixed_abil; ignore items which confer that */
515         if (Hallucination)
516             pline("There's a tiger in your tank.");
517         else
518             You_feel("in good health again.");
519         for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {
520             if (ABASE(i) < AMAX(i)) {
521                 ABASE(i) = AMAX(i);
522                 context.botl = 1;
523             }
524         }
525         (void) encumber_msg();
526         break;
527     case TROUBLE_BLIND: { /* handles deafness as well as blindness */
528         char msgbuf[BUFSZ];
529         const char *eyes = body_part(EYE);
530         boolean cure_deaf = (HDeaf & TIMEOUT) ? TRUE : FALSE;
532         msgbuf[0] = '\0';
533         if (Blinded) {
534             if (eyecount(youmonst.data) != 1)
535                 eyes = makeplural(eyes);
536             Sprintf(msgbuf, "Your %s %s better", eyes, vtense(eyes, "feel"));
537             u.ucreamed = 0;
538             make_blinded(0L, FALSE);
539         }
540         if (cure_deaf) {
541             make_deaf(0L, FALSE);
542             if (!Deaf)
543                 Sprintf(eos(msgbuf), "%s can hear again",
544                         !*msgbuf ? "You" : " and you");
545         }
546         if (*msgbuf)
547             pline("%s.", msgbuf);
548         break;
549     }
551         heal_legs(0);
552         break;
553     case TROUBLE_STUNNED:
554         make_stunned(0L, TRUE);
555         break;
556     case TROUBLE_CONFUSED:
557         make_confused(0L, TRUE);
558         break;
560         pline("Looks like you are back in Kansas.");
561         (void) make_hallucinated(0L, FALSE, 0L);
562         break;
563     case TROUBLE_SADDLE:
564         otmp = which_armor(u.usteed, W_SADDLE);
565         if (!Blind) {
566             pline("%s %s.", Yobjnam2(otmp, "softly glow"), hcolor(NH_AMBER));
567             set_bknown(otmp, 1);
568         }
569         uncurse(otmp);
570         break;
571     }
572 }
574 /* "I am sometimes shocked by... the nuns who never take a bath without
575  * wearing a bathrobe all the time.  When asked why, since no man can see them,
576  * they reply 'Oh, but you forget the good God'.  Apparently they conceive of
577  * the Deity as a Peeping Tom, whose omnipotence enables Him to see through
578  * bathroom walls, but who is foiled by bathrobes." --Bertrand Russell, 1943
579  * Divine wrath, dungeon walls, and armor follow the same principle.
580  */
581 STATIC_OVL void
god_zaps_you(resp_god)582 god_zaps_you(resp_god)
583 aligntyp resp_god;
584 {
585     if (u.uswallow) {
586         pline(
587           "Suddenly a bolt of lightning comes down at you from the heavens!");
588         pline("It strikes %s!", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
589         if (!resists_elec(u.ustuck)) {
590             pline("%s fries to a crisp!", Monnam(u.ustuck));
591             /* Yup, you get experience.  It takes guts to successfully
592              * pull off this trick on your god, anyway.
593              * Other credit/blame applies (luck or alignment adjustments),
594              * but not direct kill count (pacifist conduct).
595              */
596             xkilled(u.ustuck, XKILL_NOMSG | XKILL_NOCONDUCT);
597         } else
598             pline("%s seems unaffected.", Monnam(u.ustuck));
599     } else {
600         pline("Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes you!");
601         if (Reflecting) {
602             shieldeff(u.ux, u.uy);
603             if (Blind)
604                 pline("For some reason you're unaffected.");
605             else
606                 (void) ureflects("%s reflects from your %s.", "It");
607         } else if (Shock_resistance) {
608             shieldeff(u.ux, u.uy);
609             pline("It seems not to affect you.");
610         } else
611             fry_by_god(resp_god, FALSE);
612     }
614     pline("%s is not deterred...", align_gname(resp_god));
615     if (u.uswallow) {
616         pline("A wide-angle disintegration beam aimed at you hits %s!",
617               mon_nam(u.ustuck));
618         if (!resists_disint(u.ustuck)) {
619             pline("%s disintegrates into a pile of dust!", Monnam(u.ustuck));
620             xkilled(u.ustuck, XKILL_NOMSG | XKILL_NOCORPSE | XKILL_NOCONDUCT);
621         } else
622             pline("%s seems unaffected.", Monnam(u.ustuck));
623     } else {
624         pline("A wide-angle disintegration beam hits you!");
626         /* disintegrate shield and body armor before disintegrating
627          * the impudent mortal, like black dragon breath -3.
628          */
629         if (uarms && !(EReflecting & W_ARMS)
630             && !(EDisint_resistance & W_ARMS))
631             (void) destroy_arm(uarms);
632         if (uarmc && !(EReflecting & W_ARMC)
633             && !(EDisint_resistance & W_ARMC))
634             (void) destroy_arm(uarmc);
635         if (uarm && !(EReflecting & W_ARM) && !(EDisint_resistance & W_ARM)
636             && !uarmc)
637             (void) destroy_arm(uarm);
638         if (uarmu && !uarm && !uarmc)
639             (void) destroy_arm(uarmu);
640         if (!Disint_resistance) {
641             fry_by_god(resp_god, TRUE);
642         } else {
643             You("bask in its %s glow for a minute...", NH_BLACK);
644             godvoice(resp_god, "I believe it not!");
645         }
646         if (Is_astralevel(&u.uz) || Is_sanctum(&u.uz)) {
647             /* one more try for high altars */
648             verbalize("Thou cannot escape my wrath, mortal!");
649             summon_minion(resp_god, FALSE);
650             summon_minion(resp_god, FALSE);
651             summon_minion(resp_god, FALSE);
652             verbalize("Destroy %s, my servants!", uhim());
653         }
654     }
655 }
657 STATIC_OVL void
fry_by_god(resp_god,via_disintegration)658 fry_by_god(resp_god, via_disintegration)
659 aligntyp resp_god;
660 boolean via_disintegration;
661 {
662     You("%s!", !via_disintegration ? "fry to a crisp"
663                                    : "disintegrate into a pile of dust");
664     killer.format = KILLED_BY;
665     Sprintf(killer.name, "the wrath of %s", align_gname(resp_god));
666     done(DIED);
667 }
669 STATIC_OVL void
angrygods(resp_god)670 angrygods(resp_god)
671 aligntyp resp_god;
672 {
673     int maxanger;
675     if (Inhell)
676         resp_god = A_NONE;
677     u.ublessed = 0;
679     /* changed from tmp = u.ugangr + abs (u.uluck) -- rph */
680     /* added test for alignment diff -dlc */
681     if (resp_god != u.ualign.type)
682         maxanger = u.ualign.record / 2 + (Luck > 0 ? -Luck / 3 : -Luck);
683     else
684         maxanger = 3 * u.ugangr + ((Luck > 0 || u.ualign.record >= STRIDENT)
685                                    ? -Luck / 3
686                                    : -Luck);
687     if (maxanger < 1)
688         maxanger = 1; /* possible if bad align & good luck */
689     else if (maxanger > 15)
690         maxanger = 15; /* be reasonable */
692     switch (rn2(maxanger)) {
693     case 0:
694     case 1:
695         You_feel("that %s is %s.", align_gname(resp_god),
696                  Hallucination ? "bummed" : "displeased");
697         break;
698     case 2:
699     case 3:
700         godvoice(resp_god, (char *) 0);
701         pline("\"Thou %s, %s.\"",
702               (ugod_is_angry() && resp_god == u.ualign.type)
703                   ? "hast strayed from the path"
704                   : "art arrogant",
705               youmonst.data->mlet == S_HUMAN ? "mortal" : "creature");
706         verbalize("Thou must relearn thy lessons!");
707         (void) adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, FALSE);
708         losexp((char *) 0);
709         break;
710     case 6:
711         if (!Punished) {
712             gods_angry(resp_god);
713             punish((struct obj *) 0);
714             break;
715         } /* else fall thru */
716     case 4:
717     case 5:
718         gods_angry(resp_god);
719         if (!Blind && !Antimagic)
720             pline("%s glow surrounds you.", An(hcolor(NH_BLACK)));
721         rndcurse();
722         break;
723     case 7:
724     case 8:
725         godvoice(resp_god, (char *) 0);
726         verbalize("Thou durst %s me?",
727                   (on_altar() && (a_align(u.ux, u.uy) != resp_god))
728                       ? "scorn"
729                       : "call upon");
730         /* [why isn't this using verbalize()?] */
731         pline("\"Then die, %s!\"",
732               (youmonst.data->mlet == S_HUMAN) ? "mortal" : "creature");
733         summon_minion(resp_god, FALSE);
734         break;
736     default:
737         gods_angry(resp_god);
738         god_zaps_you(resp_god);
739         break;
740     }
741     u.ublesscnt = rnz(300);
742     return;
743 }
745 /* helper to print "str appears at your feet", or appropriate */
746 static void
at_your_feet(str)747 at_your_feet(str)
748 const char *str;
749 {
750     if (Blind)
751         str = Something;
752     if (u.uswallow) {
753         /* barrier between you and the floor */
754         pline("%s %s into %s %s.", str, vtense(str, "drop"),
755               s_suffix(mon_nam(u.ustuck)), mbodypart(u.ustuck, STOMACH));
756     } else {
757         pline("%s %s %s your %s!", str,
758               Blind ? "lands" : vtense(str, "appear"),
759               Levitation ? "beneath" : "at", makeplural(body_part(FOOT)));
760     }
761 }
763 STATIC_OVL void
gcrownu()764 gcrownu()
765 {
766     struct obj *obj;
767     boolean already_exists, in_hand;
768     short class_gift;
769     int sp_no;
770 #define ok_wep(o) ((o) && ((o)->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || is_weptool(o)))
772     HSee_invisible |= FROMOUTSIDE;
773     HFire_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
774     HCold_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
775     HShock_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
776     HSleep_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
777     HPoison_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
778     godvoice(u.ualign.type, (char *) 0);
780     class_gift = STRANGE_OBJECT;
781     /* 3.3.[01] had this in the A_NEUTRAL case,
782        preventing chaotic wizards from receiving a spellbook */
783     if (Role_if(PM_WIZARD)
784         && (!uwep || (uwep->oartifact != ART_VORPAL_BLADE
785                       && uwep->oartifact != ART_STORMBRINGER))
786         && !carrying(SPE_FINGER_OF_DEATH)) {
787         class_gift = SPE_FINGER_OF_DEATH;
788     } else if (Role_if(PM_MONK) && (!uwep || !uwep->oartifact)
789                && !carrying(SPE_RESTORE_ABILITY)) {
790         /* monks rarely wield a weapon */
791         class_gift = SPE_RESTORE_ABILITY;
792     }
794     obj = ok_wep(uwep) ? uwep : 0;
795     already_exists = in_hand = FALSE; /* lint suppression */
796     switch (u.ualign.type) {
797     case A_LAWFUL:
798         u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth = 1;
799         verbalize("I crown thee...  The Hand of Elbereth!");
800         break;
801     case A_NEUTRAL:
802         u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth = 2;
803         in_hand = (uwep && uwep->oartifact == ART_VORPAL_BLADE);
804         already_exists =
805             exist_artifact(LONG_SWORD, artiname(ART_VORPAL_BLADE));
806         verbalize("Thou shalt be my Envoy of Balance!");
807         break;
808     case A_CHAOTIC:
809         u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth = 3;
810         in_hand = (uwep && uwep->oartifact == ART_STORMBRINGER);
811         already_exists =
812             exist_artifact(RUNESWORD, artiname(ART_STORMBRINGER));
813         verbalize("Thou art chosen to %s for My Glory!",
814                   ((already_exists && !in_hand)
815                    || class_gift != STRANGE_OBJECT) ? "take lives"
816                   : "steal souls");
817         break;
818     }
820     if (objects[class_gift].oc_class == SPBOOK_CLASS) {
821         obj = mksobj(class_gift, TRUE, FALSE);
822         bless(obj);
823         obj->bknown = 1; /* ok to skip set_bknown() */
824         at_your_feet("A spellbook");
825         dropy(obj);
826         u.ugifts++;
827         /* when getting a new book for known spell, enhance
828            currently wielded weapon rather than the book */
829         for (sp_no = 0; sp_no < MAXSPELL; sp_no++)
830             if (spl_book[sp_no].sp_id == class_gift) {
831                 if (ok_wep(uwep))
832                     obj = uwep; /* to be blessed,&c */
833                 break;
834             }
835     }
837     switch (u.ualign.type) {
838     case A_LAWFUL:
839         if (class_gift != STRANGE_OBJECT) {
840             ; /* already got bonus above */
841         } else if (obj && obj->otyp == LONG_SWORD && !obj->oartifact) {
842             if (!Blind)
843                 Your("sword shines brightly for a moment.");
844             obj = oname(obj, artiname(ART_EXCALIBUR));
845             if (obj && obj->oartifact == ART_EXCALIBUR)
846                 u.ugifts++;
847         }
848         /* acquire Excalibur's skill regardless of weapon or gift */
849         unrestrict_weapon_skill(P_LONG_SWORD);
850         if (obj && obj->oartifact == ART_EXCALIBUR)
851             discover_artifact(ART_EXCALIBUR);
852         break;
853     case A_NEUTRAL:
854         if (class_gift != STRANGE_OBJECT) {
855             ; /* already got bonus above */
856         } else if (obj && in_hand) {
857             Your("%s goes snicker-snack!", xname(obj));
858             obj->dknown = TRUE;
859         } else if (!already_exists) {
860             obj = mksobj(LONG_SWORD, FALSE, FALSE);
861             obj = oname(obj, artiname(ART_VORPAL_BLADE));
862             obj->spe = 1;
863             at_your_feet("A sword");
864             dropy(obj);
865             u.ugifts++;
866         }
867         /* acquire Vorpal Blade's skill regardless of weapon or gift */
868         unrestrict_weapon_skill(P_LONG_SWORD);
869         if (obj && obj->oartifact == ART_VORPAL_BLADE)
870             discover_artifact(ART_VORPAL_BLADE);
871         break;
872     case A_CHAOTIC: {
873         char swordbuf[BUFSZ];
875         Sprintf(swordbuf, "%s sword", hcolor(NH_BLACK));
876         if (class_gift != STRANGE_OBJECT) {
877             ; /* already got bonus above */
878         } else if (obj && in_hand) {
879             Your("%s hums ominously!", swordbuf);
880             obj->dknown = TRUE;
881         } else if (!already_exists) {
882             obj = mksobj(RUNESWORD, FALSE, FALSE);
883             obj = oname(obj, artiname(ART_STORMBRINGER));
884             obj->spe = 1;
885             at_your_feet(An(swordbuf));
886             dropy(obj);
887             u.ugifts++;
888         }
889         /* acquire Stormbringer's skill regardless of weapon or gift */
890         unrestrict_weapon_skill(P_BROAD_SWORD);
891         if (obj && obj->oartifact == ART_STORMBRINGER)
892             discover_artifact(ART_STORMBRINGER);
893         break;
894     }
895     default:
896         obj = 0; /* lint */
897         break;
898     }
900     /* enhance weapon regardless of alignment or artifact status */
901     if (ok_wep(obj)) {
902         bless(obj);
903         obj->oeroded = obj->oeroded2 = 0;
904         obj->oerodeproof = TRUE;
905         obj->bknown = obj->rknown = 1; /* ok to skip set_bknown() */
906         if (obj->spe < 1)
907             obj->spe = 1;
908         /* acquire skill in this weapon */
909         unrestrict_weapon_skill(weapon_type(obj));
910     } else if (class_gift == STRANGE_OBJECT) {
911         /* opportunity knocked, but there was nobody home... */
912         You_feel("unworthy.");
913     }
914     update_inventory();
916     /* lastly, confer an extra skill slot/credit beyond the
917        up-to-29 you can get from gaining experience levels */
918     add_weapon_skill(1);
919     return;
920 }
922 STATIC_OVL void
pleased(g_align)923 pleased(g_align)
924 aligntyp g_align;
925 {
926     /* don't use p_trouble, worst trouble may get fixed while praying */
927     int trouble = in_trouble(); /* what's your worst difficulty? */
928     int pat_on_head = 0, kick_on_butt;
930     You_feel("that %s is %s.", align_gname(g_align),
931              (u.ualign.record >= DEVOUT)
932                  ? Hallucination ? "pleased as punch" : "well-pleased"
933                  : (u.ualign.record >= STRIDENT)
934                        ? Hallucination ? "ticklish" : "pleased"
935                        : Hallucination ? "full" : "satisfied");
937     /* not your deity */
938     if (on_altar() && p_aligntyp != u.ualign.type) {
939         adjalign(-1);
940         return;
941     } else if (u.ualign.record < 2 && trouble <= 0)
942         adjalign(1);
944     /*
945      * Depending on your luck & align level, the god you prayed to will:
946      *  - fix your worst problem if it's major;
947      *  - fix all your major problems;
948      *  - fix your worst problem if it's minor;
949      *  - fix all of your problems;
950      *  - do you a gratuitous favor.
951      *
952      * If you make it to the last category, you roll randomly again
953      * to see what they do for you.
954      *
955      * If your luck is at least 0, then you are guaranteed rescued from
956      * your worst major problem.
957      */
958     if (!trouble && u.ualign.record >= DEVOUT) {
959         /* if hero was in trouble, but got better, no special favor */
960         if (p_trouble == 0)
961             pat_on_head = 1;
962     } else {
963         int action, prayer_luck;
964         int tryct = 0;
966         /* Negative luck is normally impossible here (can_pray() forces
967            prayer failure in that situation), but it's possible for
968            Luck to drop during the period of prayer occupation and
969            become negative by the time we get here.  [Reported case
970            was lawful character whose stinking cloud caused a delayed
971            killing of a peaceful human, triggering the "murderer"
972            penalty while successful prayer was in progress.  It could
973            also happen due to inconvenient timing on Friday 13th, but
974            the magnitude there (-1) isn't big enough to cause trouble.]
975            We don't bother remembering start-of-prayer luck, just make
976            sure it's at least -1 so that Luck+2 is big enough to avoid
977            a divide by zero crash when generating a random number.  */
978         prayer_luck = max(Luck, -1); /* => (prayer_luck + 2 > 0) */
979         action = rn1(prayer_luck + (on_altar() ? 3 + on_shrine() : 2), 1);
980         if (!on_altar())
981             action = min(action, 3);
982         if (u.ualign.record < STRIDENT)
983             action = (u.ualign.record > 0 || !rnl(2)) ? 1 : 0;
985         switch (min(action, 5)) {
986         case 5:
987             pat_on_head = 1;
988             /*FALLTHRU*/
989         case 4:
990             do
991                 fix_worst_trouble(trouble);
992             while ((trouble = in_trouble()) != 0);
993             break;
995         case 3:
996             fix_worst_trouble(trouble);
997         case 2:
998             /* arbitrary number of tries */
999             while ((trouble = in_trouble()) > 0 && (++tryct < 10))
1000                 fix_worst_trouble(trouble);
1001             break;
1003         case 1:
1004             if (trouble > 0)
1005                 fix_worst_trouble(trouble);
1006         case 0:
1007             break; /* your god blows you off, too bad */
1008         }
1009     }
1011     /* note: can't get pat_on_head unless all troubles have just been
1012        fixed or there were no troubles to begin with; hallucination
1013        won't be in effect so special handling for it is superfluous */
1014     if (pat_on_head)
1015         switch (rn2((Luck + 6) >> 1)) {
1016         case 0:
1017             break;
1018         case 1:
1019             if (uwep && (welded(uwep) || uwep->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS
1020                          || is_weptool(uwep))) {
1021                 char repair_buf[BUFSZ];
1023                 *repair_buf = '\0';
1024                 if (uwep->oeroded || uwep->oeroded2)
1025                     Sprintf(repair_buf, " and %s now as good as new",
1026                             otense(uwep, "are"));
1028                 if (uwep->cursed) {
1029                     if (!Blind) {
1030                         pline("%s %s%s.", Yobjnam2(uwep, "softly glow"),
1031                               hcolor(NH_AMBER), repair_buf);
1032                         iflags.last_msg = PLNMSG_OBJ_GLOWS;
1033                     } else
1034                         You_feel("the power of %s over %s.", u_gname(),
1035                                  yname(uwep));
1036                     uncurse(uwep);
1037                     uwep->bknown = 1; /* ok to bypass set_bknown() */
1038                     *repair_buf = '\0';
1039                 } else if (!uwep->blessed) {
1040                     if (!Blind) {
1041                         pline("%s with %s aura%s.",
1042                               Yobjnam2(uwep, "softly glow"),
1043                               an(hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE)), repair_buf);
1044                         iflags.last_msg = PLNMSG_OBJ_GLOWS;
1045                     } else
1046                         You_feel("the blessing of %s over %s.", u_gname(),
1047                                  yname(uwep));
1048                     bless(uwep);
1049                     uwep->bknown = 1; /* ok to bypass set_bknown() */
1050                     *repair_buf = '\0';
1051                 }
1053                 /* fix any rust/burn/rot damage, but don't protect
1054                    against future damage */
1055                 if (uwep->oeroded || uwep->oeroded2) {
1056                     uwep->oeroded = uwep->oeroded2 = 0;
1057                     /* only give this message if we didn't just bless
1058                        or uncurse (which has already given a message) */
1059                     if (*repair_buf)
1060                         pline("%s as good as new!",
1061                               Yobjnam2(uwep, Blind ? "feel" : "look"));
1062                 }
1063                 update_inventory();
1064             }
1065             break;
1066         case 3:
1067             /* takes 2 hints to get the music to enter the stronghold;
1068                skip if you've solved it via mastermind or destroyed the
1069                drawbridge (both set uopened_dbridge) or if you've already
1070                travelled past the Valley of the Dead (gehennom_entered) */
1071             if (!u.uevent.uopened_dbridge && !u.uevent.gehennom_entered) {
1072                 if (u.uevent.uheard_tune < 1) {
1073                     godvoice(g_align, (char *) 0);
1074                     verbalize("Hark, %s!", youmonst.data->mlet == S_HUMAN
1075                                                ? "mortal"
1076                                                : "creature");
1077                     verbalize(
1078                        "To enter the castle, thou must play the right tune!");
1079                     u.uevent.uheard_tune++;
1080                     break;
1081                 } else if (u.uevent.uheard_tune < 2) {
1082                     You_hear("a divine music...");
1083                     pline("It sounds like:  \"%s\".", tune);
1084                     u.uevent.uheard_tune++;
1085                     break;
1086                 }
1087             }
1088             /*FALLTHRU*/
1089         case 2:
1090             if (!Blind)
1091                 You("are surrounded by %s glow.", an(hcolor(NH_GOLDEN)));
1092             /* if any levels have been lost (and not yet regained),
1093                treat this effect like blessed full healing */
1094             if (u.ulevel < u.ulevelmax) {
1095                 u.ulevelmax -= 1; /* see potion.c */
1096                 pluslvl(FALSE);
1097             } else {
1098                 u.uhpmax += 5;
1099                 if (Upolyd)
1100                     u.mhmax += 5;
1101             }
1102             u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
1103             if (Upolyd)
1104                 u.mh = u.mhmax;
1105             if (ABASE(A_STR) < AMAX(A_STR)) {
1106                 ABASE(A_STR) = AMAX(A_STR);
1107                 context.botl = 1; /* before potential message */
1108                 (void) encumber_msg();
1109             }
1110             if (u.uhunger < 900)
1111                 init_uhunger();
1112             /* luck couldn't have been negative at start of prayer because
1113                the prayer would have failed, but might have been decremented
1114                due to a timed event (delayed death of peaceful monster hit
1115                by hero-created stinking cloud) during the praying interval */
1116             if (u.uluck < 0)
1117                 u.uluck = 0;
1118             /* superfluous; if hero was blinded we'd be handling trouble
1119                rather than issuing a pat-on-head */
1120             u.ucreamed = 0;
1121             make_blinded(0L, TRUE);
1122             context.botl = 1;
1123             break;
1124         case 4: {
1125             register struct obj *otmp;
1126             int any = 0;
1128             if (Blind)
1129                 You_feel("the power of %s.", u_gname());
1130             else
1131                 You("are surrounded by %s aura.", an(hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE)));
1132             for (otmp = invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
1133                 if (otmp->cursed
1134                     && (otmp != uarmh /* [see worst_cursed_item()] */
1135                         || uarmh->otyp != HELM_OF_OPPOSITE_ALIGNMENT)) {
1136                     if (!Blind) {
1137                         pline("%s %s.", Yobjnam2(otmp, "softly glow"),
1138                               hcolor(NH_AMBER));
1139                         iflags.last_msg = PLNMSG_OBJ_GLOWS;
1140                         otmp->bknown = 1; /* ok to bypass set_bknown() */
1141                         ++any;
1142                     }
1143                     uncurse(otmp);
1144                 }
1145             }
1146             if (any)
1147                 update_inventory();
1148             break;
1149         }
1150         case 5: {
1151             static NEARDATA const char msg[] =
1152                 "\"and thus I grant thee the gift of %s!\"";
1154             godvoice(u.ualign.type,
1155                      "Thou hast pleased me with thy progress,");
1156             if (!(HTelepat & INTRINSIC)) {
1157                 HTelepat |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1158                 pline(msg, "Telepathy");
1159                 if (Blind)
1160                     see_monsters();
1161             } else if (!(HFast & INTRINSIC)) {
1162                 HFast |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1163                 pline(msg, "Speed");
1164             } else if (!(HStealth & INTRINSIC)) {
1165                 HStealth |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1166                 pline(msg, "Stealth");
1167             } else {
1168                 if (!(HProtection & INTRINSIC)) {
1169                     HProtection |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1170                     if (!u.ublessed)
1171                         u.ublessed = rn1(3, 2);
1172                 } else
1173                     u.ublessed++;
1174                 pline(msg, "my protection");
1175             }
1176             verbalize("Use it wisely in my name!");
1177             break;
1178         }
1179         case 7:
1180         case 8:
1181             if (u.ualign.record >= PIOUS && !u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth) {
1182                 gcrownu();
1183                 break;
1184             }
1185             /*FALLTHRU*/
1186         case 6: {
1187             struct obj *otmp;
1188             int sp_no, trycnt = u.ulevel + 1;
1190             /* not yet known spells given preference over already known ones
1191              */
1192             /* Also, try to grant a spell for which there is a skill slot */
1193             otmp = mkobj(SPBOOK_CLASS, TRUE);
1194             while (--trycnt > 0) {
1195                 if (otmp->otyp != SPE_BLANK_PAPER) {
1196                     for (sp_no = 0; sp_no < MAXSPELL; sp_no++)
1197                         if (spl_book[sp_no].sp_id == otmp->otyp)
1198                             break;
1199                     if (sp_no == MAXSPELL
1200                         && !P_RESTRICTED(spell_skilltype(otmp->otyp)))
1201                         break; /* usable, but not yet known */
1202                 } else {
1203                     if (!objects[SPE_BLANK_PAPER].oc_name_known
1204                         || carrying(MAGIC_MARKER))
1205                         break;
1206                 }
1207                 otmp->otyp = rnd_class(bases[SPBOOK_CLASS], SPE_BLANK_PAPER);
1208             }
1209             bless(otmp);
1210             at_your_feet("A spellbook");
1211             place_object(otmp, u.ux, u.uy);
1212             newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
1213             break;
1214         }
1215         default:
1216             impossible("Confused deity!");
1217             break;
1218         }
1220     u.ublesscnt = rnz(350);
1221     kick_on_butt = u.uevent.udemigod ? 1 : 0;
1222     if (u.uevent.uhand_of_elbereth)
1223         kick_on_butt++;
1224     if (kick_on_butt)
1225         u.ublesscnt += kick_on_butt * rnz(1000);
1227     return;
1228 }
1230 /* either blesses or curses water on the altar,
1231  * returns true if it found any water here.
1232  */
1233 STATIC_OVL boolean
water_prayer(bless_water)1234 water_prayer(bless_water)
1235 boolean bless_water;
1236 {
1237     register struct obj *otmp;
1238     register long changed = 0;
1239     boolean other = FALSE, bc_known = !(Blind || Hallucination);
1241     for (otmp = level.objects[u.ux][u.uy]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) {
1242         /* turn water into (un)holy water */
1243         if (otmp->otyp == POT_WATER
1244             && (bless_water ? !otmp->blessed : !otmp->cursed)) {
1245             otmp->blessed = bless_water;
1246             otmp->cursed = !bless_water;
1247             otmp->bknown = bc_known; /* ok to bypass set_bknown() */
1248             changed += otmp->quan;
1249         } else if (otmp->oclass == POTION_CLASS)
1250             other = TRUE;
1251     }
1252     if (!Blind && changed) {
1253         pline("%s potion%s on the altar glow%s %s for a moment.",
1254               ((other && changed > 1L) ? "Some of the"
1255                                        : (other ? "One of the" : "The")),
1256               ((other || changed > 1L) ? "s" : ""), (changed > 1L ? "" : "s"),
1257               (bless_water ? hcolor(NH_LIGHT_BLUE) : hcolor(NH_BLACK)));
1258     }
1259     return (boolean) (changed > 0L);
1260 }
1262 STATIC_OVL void
godvoice(g_align,words)1263 godvoice(g_align, words)
1264 aligntyp g_align;
1265 const char *words;
1266 {
1267     const char *quot = "";
1269     if (words)
1270         quot = "\"";
1271     else
1272         words = "";
1274     pline_The("voice of %s %s: %s%s%s", align_gname(g_align),
1275               godvoices[rn2(SIZE(godvoices))], quot, words, quot);
1276 }
1278 STATIC_OVL void
gods_angry(g_align)1279 gods_angry(g_align)
1280 aligntyp g_align;
1281 {
1282     godvoice(g_align, "Thou hast angered me.");
1283 }
1285 /* The g_align god is upset with you. */
1286 STATIC_OVL void
gods_upset(g_align)1287 gods_upset(g_align)
1288 aligntyp g_align;
1289 {
1290     if (g_align == u.ualign.type)
1291         u.ugangr++;
1292     else if (u.ugangr)
1293         u.ugangr--;
1294     angrygods(g_align);
1295 }
1297 STATIC_OVL void
consume_offering(otmp)1298 consume_offering(otmp)
1299 register struct obj *otmp;
1300 {
1301     if (Hallucination)
1302         switch (rn2(3)) {
1303         case 0:
1304             Your("sacrifice sprouts wings and a propeller and roars away!");
1305             break;
1306         case 1:
1307             Your("sacrifice puffs up, swelling bigger and bigger, and pops!");
1308             break;
1309         case 2:
1310             Your(
1311      "sacrifice collapses into a cloud of dancing particles and fades away!");
1312             break;
1313         }
1314     else if (Blind && u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL)
1315         Your("sacrifice disappears!");
1316     else
1317         Your("sacrifice is consumed in a %s!",
1318              u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL ? "flash of light" : "burst of flame");
1319     if (carried(otmp))
1320         useup(otmp);
1321     else
1322         useupf(otmp, 1L);
1323     exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1324 }
1326 int
dosacrifice()1327 dosacrifice()
1328 {
1329     static NEARDATA const char cloud_of_smoke[] =
1330         "A cloud of %s smoke surrounds you...";
1331     register struct obj *otmp;
1332     int value = 0, pm;
1333     boolean highaltar;
1334     aligntyp altaralign = a_align(u.ux, u.uy);
1336     if (!on_altar() || u.uswallow) {
1337         You("are not standing on an altar.");
1338         return 0;
1339     }
1340     highaltar = ((Is_astralevel(&u.uz) || Is_sanctum(&u.uz))
1341                  && (levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask & AM_SHRINE));
1343     otmp = floorfood("sacrifice", 1);
1344     if (!otmp)
1345         return 0;
1346     /*
1347      * Was based on nutritional value and aging behavior (< 50 moves).
1348      * Sacrificing a food ration got you max luck instantly, making the
1349      * gods as easy to please as an angry dog!
1350      *
1351      * Now only accepts corpses, based on the game's evaluation of their
1352      * toughness.  Human and pet sacrifice, as well as sacrificing unicorns
1353      * of your alignment, is strongly discouraged.
1354      */
1355 #define MAXVALUE 24 /* Highest corpse value (besides Wiz) */
1357     if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) {
1358         register struct permonst *ptr = &mons[otmp->corpsenm];
1359         struct monst *mtmp;
1361         /* KMH, conduct */
1362         u.uconduct.gnostic++;
1364         /* you're handling this corpse, even if it was killed upon the altar
1365          */
1366         feel_cockatrice(otmp, TRUE);
1367         if (rider_corpse_revival(otmp, FALSE))
1368             return 1;
1370         if (otmp->corpsenm == PM_ACID_BLOB
1371             || (monstermoves <= peek_at_iced_corpse_age(otmp) + 50)) {
1372             value = mons[otmp->corpsenm].difficulty + 1;
1373             if (otmp->oeaten)
1374                 value = eaten_stat(value, otmp);
1375         }
1377         if (your_race(ptr)) {
1378             if (is_demon(youmonst.data)) {
1379                 You("find the idea very satisfying.");
1380                 exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1381             } else if (u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC) {
1382                 pline("You'll regret this infamous offense!");
1383                 exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
1384             }
1386             if (highaltar
1387                 && (altaralign != A_CHAOTIC || u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC)) {
1388                 goto desecrate_high_altar;
1389             } else if (altaralign != A_CHAOTIC && altaralign != A_NONE) {
1390                 /* curse the lawful/neutral altar */
1391                 pline_The("altar is stained with %s blood.", urace.adj);
1392                 levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask = AM_CHAOTIC;
1393                 angry_priest();
1394             } else {
1395                 struct monst *dmon;
1396                 const char *demonless_msg;
1398                 /* Human sacrifice on a chaotic or unaligned altar */
1399                 /* is equivalent to demon summoning */
1400                 if (altaralign == A_CHAOTIC && u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC) {
1401                     pline(
1402                     "The blood floods the altar, which vanishes in %s cloud!",
1403                           an(hcolor(NH_BLACK)));
1404                     levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ = ROOM;
1405                     levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask = 0;
1406                     newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
1407                     angry_priest();
1408                     demonless_msg = "cloud dissipates";
1409                 } else {
1410                     /* either you're chaotic or altar is Moloch's or both */
1411                     pline_The("blood covers the altar!");
1412                     change_luck(altaralign == A_NONE ? -2 : 2);
1413                     demonless_msg = "blood coagulates";
1414                 }
1415                 if ((pm = dlord(altaralign)) != NON_PM
1416                     && (dmon = makemon(&mons[pm], u.ux, u.uy, NO_MM_FLAGS))
1417                            != 0) {
1418                     char dbuf[BUFSZ];
1420                     Strcpy(dbuf, a_monnam(dmon));
1421                     if (!strcmpi(dbuf, "it"))
1422                         Strcpy(dbuf, "something dreadful");
1423                     else
1424                         dmon->mstrategy &= ~STRAT_APPEARMSG;
1425                     You("have summoned %s!", dbuf);
1426                     if (sgn(u.ualign.type) == sgn(dmon->data->maligntyp))
1427                         dmon->mpeaceful = TRUE;
1428                     You("are terrified, and unable to move.");
1429                     nomul(-3);
1430                     multi_reason = "being terrified of a demon";
1431                     nomovemsg = 0;
1432                 } else
1433                     pline_The("%s.", demonless_msg);
1434             }
1436             if (u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC) {
1437                 adjalign(-5);
1438                 u.ugangr += 3;
1439                 (void) adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, TRUE);
1440                 if (!Inhell)
1441                     angrygods(u.ualign.type);
1442                 change_luck(-5);
1443             } else
1444                 adjalign(5);
1445             if (carried(otmp))
1446                 useup(otmp);
1447             else
1448                 useupf(otmp, 1L);
1449             return 1;
1450         } else if (has_omonst(otmp)
1451                    && (mtmp = get_mtraits(otmp, FALSE)) != 0
1452                    && mtmp->mtame) {
1453                 /* mtmp is a temporary pointer to a tame monster's attributes,
1454                  * not a real monster */
1455             pline("So this is how you repay loyalty?");
1456             adjalign(-3);
1457             value = -1;
1458             HAggravate_monster |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1459         } else if (is_undead(ptr)) { /* Not demons--no demon corpses */
1460             if (u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC)
1461                 value += 1;
1462         } else if (is_unicorn(ptr)) {
1463             int unicalign = sgn(ptr->maligntyp);
1465             if (unicalign == altaralign) {
1466                 /* When same as altar, always a very bad action.
1467                  */
1468                 pline("Such an action is an insult to %s!",
1469                       (unicalign == A_CHAOTIC) ? "chaos"
1470                          : unicalign ? "law" : "balance");
1471                 (void) adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, TRUE);
1472                 value = -5;
1473             } else if (u.ualign.type == altaralign) {
1474                 /* When different from altar, and altar is same as yours,
1475                  * it's a very good action.
1476                  */
1477                 if (u.ualign.record < ALIGNLIM)
1478                     You_feel("appropriately %s.", align_str(u.ualign.type));
1479                 else
1480                     You_feel("you are thoroughly on the right path.");
1481                 adjalign(5);
1482                 value += 3;
1483             } else if (unicalign == u.ualign.type) {
1484                 /* When sacrificing unicorn of your alignment to altar not of
1485                  * your alignment, your god gets angry and it's a conversion.
1486                  */
1487                 u.ualign.record = -1;
1488                 value = 1;
1489             } else {
1490                 /* Otherwise, unicorn's alignment is different from yours
1491                  * and different from the altar's.  It's an ordinary (well,
1492                  * with a bonus) sacrifice on a cross-aligned altar.
1493                  */
1494                 value += 3;
1495             }
1496         }
1497     } /* corpse */
1499     if (otmp->otyp == AMULET_OF_YENDOR) {
1500         if (!highaltar) {
1501  too_soon:
1502             if (altaralign == A_NONE && Inhell)
1503                 /* hero has left Moloch's Sanctum so is in the process
1504                    of getting away with the Amulet (outside of Gehennom,
1505                    fall through to the "ashamed" feedback) */
1506                 gods_upset(A_NONE);
1507             else
1508                 You_feel("%s.",
1509                          Hallucination
1510                             ? "homesick"
1511                             /* if on track, give a big hint */
1512                             : (altaralign == u.ualign.type)
1513                                ? "an urge to return to the surface"
1514                                /* else headed towards celestial disgrace */
1515                                : "ashamed");
1516             return 1;
1517         } else {
1518             /* The final Test.  Did you win? */
1519             if (uamul == otmp)
1520                 Amulet_off();
1521             u.uevent.ascended = 1;
1522             if (carried(otmp))
1523                 useup(otmp); /* well, it's gone now */
1524             else
1525                 useupf(otmp, 1L);
1526             You("offer the Amulet of Yendor to %s...", a_gname());
1527             if (altaralign == A_NONE) {
1528                 /* Moloch's high altar */
1529                 if (u.ualign.record > -99)
1530                     u.ualign.record = -99;
1531                 /*[apparently shrug/snarl can be sensed without being seen]*/
1532                 pline("%s shrugs and retains dominion over %s,", Moloch,
1533                       u_gname());
1534                 pline("then mercilessly snuffs out your life.");
1535                 Sprintf(killer.name, "%s indifference", s_suffix(Moloch));
1536                 killer.format = KILLED_BY;
1537                 done(DIED);
1538                 /* life-saved (or declined to die in wizard/explore mode) */
1539                 pline("%s snarls and tries again...", Moloch);
1540                 fry_by_god(A_NONE, TRUE); /* wrath of Moloch */
1541                 /* declined to die in wizard or explore mode */
1542                 pline(cloud_of_smoke, hcolor(NH_BLACK));
1543                 done(ESCAPED);
1544             } else if (u.ualign.type != altaralign) {
1545                 /* And the opposing team picks you up and
1546                    carries you off on their shoulders */
1547                 adjalign(-99);
1548                 pline("%s accepts your gift, and gains dominion over %s...",
1549                       a_gname(), u_gname());
1550                 pline("%s is enraged...", u_gname());
1551                 pline("Fortunately, %s permits you to live...", a_gname());
1552                 pline(cloud_of_smoke, hcolor(NH_ORANGE));
1553                 done(ESCAPED);
1554             } else { /* super big win */
1555                 adjalign(10);
1556                 u.uachieve.ascended = 1;
1557                 pline(
1558                "An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...");
1559                 godvoice(altaralign, "Mortal, thou hast done well!");
1560                 display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
1561                 verbalize(
1562           "In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!");
1563                 You("ascend to the status of Demigod%s...",
1564                     flags.female ? "dess" : "");
1565                 done(ASCENDED);
1566             }
1567         }
1568     } /* real Amulet */
1570     if (otmp->otyp == FAKE_AMULET_OF_YENDOR) {
1571         if (!highaltar && !otmp->known)
1572             goto too_soon;
1573         You_hear("a nearby thunderclap.");
1574         if (!otmp->known) {
1575             You("realize you have made a %s.",
1576                 Hallucination ? "boo-boo" : "mistake");
1577             otmp->known = TRUE;
1578             change_luck(-1);
1579             return 1;
1580         } else {
1581             /* don't you dare try to fool the gods */
1582             if (Deaf)
1583                 pline("Oh, no."); /* didn't hear thunderclap */
1584             change_luck(-3);
1585             adjalign(-1);
1586             u.ugangr += 3;
1587             value = -3;
1588         }
1589     } /* fake Amulet */
1591     if (value == 0) {
1592         pline1(nothing_happens);
1593         return 1;
1594     }
1596     if (altaralign != u.ualign.type && highaltar) {
1597  desecrate_high_altar:
1598         /*
1599          * REAL BAD NEWS!!! High altars cannot be converted.  Even an attempt
1600          * gets the god who owns it truly pissed off.
1601          */
1602         You_feel("the air around you grow charged...");
1603         pline("Suddenly, you realize that %s has noticed you...", a_gname());
1604         godvoice(altaralign,
1605                  "So, mortal!  You dare desecrate my High Temple!");
1606         /* Throw everything we have at the player */
1607         god_zaps_you(altaralign);
1608     } else if (value
1609                < 0) { /* I don't think the gods are gonna like this... */
1610         gods_upset(altaralign);
1611     } else {
1612         int saved_anger = u.ugangr;
1613         int saved_cnt = u.ublesscnt;
1614         int saved_luck = u.uluck;
1616         /* Sacrificing at an altar of a different alignment */
1617         if (u.ualign.type != altaralign) {
1618             /* Is this a conversion ? */
1619             /* An unaligned altar in Gehennom will always elicit rejection. */
1620             if (ugod_is_angry() || (altaralign == A_NONE && Inhell)) {
1621                 if (u.ualignbase[A_CURRENT] == u.ualignbase[A_ORIGINAL]
1622                     && altaralign != A_NONE) {
1623                     You("have a strong feeling that %s is angry...",
1624                         u_gname());
1625                     consume_offering(otmp);
1626                     pline("%s accepts your allegiance.", a_gname());
1628                     uchangealign(altaralign, 0);
1629                     /* Beware, Conversion is costly */
1630                     change_luck(-3);
1631                     u.ublesscnt += 300;
1632                 } else {
1633                     u.ugangr += 3;
1634                     adjalign(-5);
1635                     pline("%s rejects your sacrifice!", a_gname());
1636                     godvoice(altaralign, "Suffer, infidel!");
1637                     change_luck(-5);
1638                     (void) adjattrib(A_WIS, -2, TRUE);
1639                     if (!Inhell)
1640                         angrygods(u.ualign.type);
1641                 }
1642                 return 1;
1643             } else {
1644                 consume_offering(otmp);
1645                 You("sense a conflict between %s and %s.", u_gname(),
1646                     a_gname());
1647                 if (rn2(8 + u.ulevel) > 5) {
1648                     struct monst *pri;
1649                     You_feel("the power of %s increase.", u_gname());
1650                     exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1651                     change_luck(1);
1652                     /* Yes, this is supposed to be &=, not |= */
1653                     levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask &= AM_SHRINE;
1654                     /* the following accommodates stupid compilers */
1655                     levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask =
1656                         levl[u.ux][u.uy].altarmask
1657                         | (Align2amask(u.ualign.type));
1658                     if (!Blind)
1659                         pline_The("altar glows %s.",
1660                                   hcolor((u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL)
1661                                             ? NH_WHITE
1662                                             : u.ualign.type
1663                                                ? NH_BLACK
1664                                                : (const char *) "gray"));
1666                     if (rnl(u.ulevel) > 6 && u.ualign.record > 0
1667                         && rnd(u.ualign.record) > (3 * ALIGNLIM) / 4)
1668                         summon_minion(altaralign, TRUE);
1669                     /* anger priest; test handles bones files */
1670                     if ((pri = findpriest(temple_occupied(u.urooms)))
1671                         && !p_coaligned(pri))
1672                         angry_priest();
1673                 } else {
1674                     pline("Unluckily, you feel the power of %s decrease.",
1675                           u_gname());
1676                     change_luck(-1);
1677                     exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
1678                     if (rnl(u.ulevel) > 6 && u.ualign.record > 0
1679                         && rnd(u.ualign.record) > (7 * ALIGNLIM) / 8)
1680                         summon_minion(altaralign, TRUE);
1681                 }
1682                 return 1;
1683             }
1684         }
1686         consume_offering(otmp);
1687         /* OK, you get brownie points. */
1688         if (u.ugangr) {
1689             u.ugangr -= ((value * (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC ? 2 : 3))
1690                          / MAXVALUE);
1691             if (u.ugangr < 0)
1692                 u.ugangr = 0;
1693             if (u.ugangr != saved_anger) {
1694                 if (u.ugangr) {
1695                     pline("%s seems %s.", u_gname(),
1696                           Hallucination ? "groovy" : "slightly mollified");
1698                     if ((int) u.uluck < 0)
1699                         change_luck(1);
1700                 } else {
1701                     pline("%s seems %s.", u_gname(),
1702                           Hallucination ? "cosmic (not a new fact)"
1703                                         : "mollified");
1705                     if ((int) u.uluck < 0)
1706                         u.uluck = 0;
1707                 }
1708             } else { /* not satisfied yet */
1709                 if (Hallucination)
1710                     pline_The("gods seem tall.");
1711                 else
1712                     You("have a feeling of inadequacy.");
1713             }
1714         } else if (ugod_is_angry()) {
1715             if (value > MAXVALUE)
1716                 value = MAXVALUE;
1717             if (value > -u.ualign.record)
1718                 value = -u.ualign.record;
1719             adjalign(value);
1720             You_feel("partially absolved.");
1721         } else if (u.ublesscnt > 0) {
1722             u.ublesscnt -= ((value * (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC ? 500 : 300))
1723                             / MAXVALUE);
1724             if (u.ublesscnt < 0)
1725                 u.ublesscnt = 0;
1726             if (u.ublesscnt != saved_cnt) {
1727                 if (u.ublesscnt) {
1728                     if (Hallucination)
1729                         You("realize that the gods are not like you and I.");
1730                     else
1731                         You("have a hopeful feeling.");
1732                     if ((int) u.uluck < 0)
1733                         change_luck(1);
1734                 } else {
1735                     if (Hallucination)
1736                         pline("Overall, there is a smell of fried onions.");
1737                     else
1738                         You("have a feeling of reconciliation.");
1739                     if ((int) u.uluck < 0)
1740                         u.uluck = 0;
1741                 }
1742             }
1743         } else {
1744             int nartifacts = nartifact_exist();
1746             /* you were already in pretty good standing */
1747             /* The player can gain an artifact */
1748             /* The chance goes down as the number of artifacts goes up */
1749             if (u.ulevel > 2 && u.uluck >= 0
1750                 && !rn2(10 + (2 * u.ugifts * nartifacts))) {
1751                 otmp = mk_artifact((struct obj *) 0, a_align(u.ux, u.uy));
1752                 if (otmp) {
1753                     if (otmp->spe < 0)
1754                         otmp->spe = 0;
1755                     if (otmp->cursed)
1756                         uncurse(otmp);
1757                     otmp->oerodeproof = TRUE;
1758                     at_your_feet("An object");
1759                     dropy(otmp);
1760                     godvoice(u.ualign.type, "Use my gift wisely!");
1761                     u.ugifts++;
1762                     u.ublesscnt = rnz(300 + (50 * nartifacts));
1763                     exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1764                     /* make sure we can use this weapon */
1765                     unrestrict_weapon_skill(weapon_type(otmp));
1766                     if (!Hallucination && !Blind) {
1767                         otmp->dknown = 1;
1768                         makeknown(otmp->otyp);
1769                         discover_artifact(otmp->oartifact);
1770                     }
1771                     return 1;
1772                 }
1773             }
1774             change_luck((value * LUCKMAX) / (MAXVALUE * 2));
1775             if ((int) u.uluck < 0)
1776                 u.uluck = 0;
1777             if (u.uluck != saved_luck) {
1778                 if (Blind)
1779                     You("think %s brushed your %s.", something,
1780                         body_part(FOOT));
1781                 else
1782                     You(Hallucination
1783                     ? "see crabgrass at your %s.  A funny thing in a dungeon."
1784                             : "glimpse a four-leaf clover at your %s.",
1785                         makeplural(body_part(FOOT)));
1786             }
1787         }
1788     }
1789     return 1;
1790 }
1792 /* determine prayer results in advance; also used for enlightenment */
1793 boolean
can_pray(praying)1794 can_pray(praying)
1795 boolean praying; /* false means no messages should be given */
1796 {
1797     int alignment;
1799     p_aligntyp = on_altar() ? a_align(u.ux, u.uy) : u.ualign.type;
1800     p_trouble = in_trouble();
1802     if (is_demon(youmonst.data) && (p_aligntyp != A_CHAOTIC)) {
1803         if (praying)
1804             pline_The("very idea of praying to a %s god is repugnant to you.",
1805                       p_aligntyp ? "lawful" : "neutral");
1806         return FALSE;
1807     }
1809     if (praying)
1810         You("begin praying to %s.", align_gname(p_aligntyp));
1812     if (u.ualign.type && u.ualign.type == -p_aligntyp)
1813         alignment = -u.ualign.record; /* Opposite alignment altar */
1814     else if (u.ualign.type != p_aligntyp)
1815         alignment = u.ualign.record / 2; /* Different alignment altar */
1816     else
1817         alignment = u.ualign.record;
1819     if ((p_trouble > 0) ? (u.ublesscnt > 200)      /* big trouble */
1820            : (p_trouble < 0) ? (u.ublesscnt > 100) /* minor difficulties */
1821               : (u.ublesscnt > 0))                 /* not in trouble */
1822         p_type = 0;                     /* too soon... */
1823     else if ((int) Luck < 0 || u.ugangr || alignment < 0)
1824         p_type = 1; /* too naughty... */
1825     else /* alignment >= 0 */ {
1826         if (on_altar() && u.ualign.type != p_aligntyp)
1827             p_type = 2;
1828         else
1829             p_type = 3;
1830     }
1832     if (is_undead(youmonst.data) && !Inhell
1833         && (p_aligntyp == A_LAWFUL || (p_aligntyp == A_NEUTRAL && !rn2(10))))
1834         p_type = -1;
1835     /* Note:  when !praying, the random factor for neutrals makes the
1836        return value a non-deterministic approximation for enlightenment.
1837        This case should be uncommon enough to live with... */
1839     return !praying ? (boolean) (p_type == 3 && !Inhell) : TRUE;
1840 }
1842 /* #pray commmand */
1843 int
dopray()1844 dopray()
1845 {
1846     /* Confirm accidental slips of Alt-P */
1847     if (ParanoidPray && yn("Are you sure you want to pray?") != 'y')
1848         return 0;
1850     u.uconduct.gnostic++;
1852     /* set up p_type and p_alignment */
1853     if (!can_pray(TRUE))
1854         return 0;
1856     if (wizard && p_type >= 0) {
1857         if (yn("Force the gods to be pleased?") == 'y') {
1858             u.ublesscnt = 0;
1859             if (u.uluck < 0)
1860                 u.uluck = 0;
1861             if (u.ualign.record <= 0)
1862                 u.ualign.record = 1;
1863             u.ugangr = 0;
1864             if (p_type < 2)
1865                 p_type = 3;
1866         }
1867     }
1868     nomul(-3);
1869     multi_reason = "praying";
1870     nomovemsg = "You finish your prayer.";
1871     afternmv = prayer_done;
1873     if (p_type == 3 && !Inhell) {
1874         /* if you've been true to your god you can't die while you pray */
1875         if (!Blind)
1876             You("are surrounded by a shimmering light.");
1877         u.uinvulnerable = TRUE;
1878     }
1880     return 1;
1881 }
1883 STATIC_PTR int
prayer_done()1884 prayer_done() /* M. Stephenson (1.0.3b) */
1885 {
1886     aligntyp alignment = p_aligntyp;
1888     u.uinvulnerable = FALSE;
1889     if (p_type == -1) {
1890         godvoice(alignment,
1891                  (alignment == A_LAWFUL)
1892                     ? "Vile creature, thou durst call upon me?"
1893                     : "Walk no more, perversion of nature!");
1894         You_feel("like you are falling apart.");
1895         /* KMH -- Gods have mastery over unchanging */
1896         rehumanize();
1897         /* no Half_physical_damage adjustment here */
1898         losehp(rnd(20), "residual undead turning effect", KILLED_BY_AN);
1899         exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
1900         return 1;
1901     }
1902     if (Inhell) {
1903         pline("Since you are in Gehennom, %s can't help you.",
1904               align_gname(alignment));
1905         /* haltingly aligned is least likely to anger */
1906         if (u.ualign.record <= 0 || rnl(u.ualign.record))
1907             angrygods(u.ualign.type);
1908         return 0;
1909     }
1911     if (p_type == 0) {
1912         if (on_altar() && u.ualign.type != alignment)
1913             (void) water_prayer(FALSE);
1914         u.ublesscnt += rnz(250);
1915         change_luck(-3);
1916         gods_upset(u.ualign.type);
1917     } else if (p_type == 1) {
1918         if (on_altar() && u.ualign.type != alignment)
1919             (void) water_prayer(FALSE);
1920         angrygods(u.ualign.type); /* naughty */
1921     } else if (p_type == 2) {
1922         if (water_prayer(FALSE)) {
1923             /* attempted water prayer on a non-coaligned altar */
1924             u.ublesscnt += rnz(250);
1925             change_luck(-3);
1926             gods_upset(u.ualign.type);
1927         } else
1928             pleased(alignment);
1929     } else {
1930         /* coaligned */
1931         if (on_altar())
1932             (void) water_prayer(TRUE);
1933         pleased(alignment); /* nice */
1934     }
1935     return 1;
1936 }
1938 /* #turn command */
1939 int
doturn()1940 doturn()
1941 {
1942     /* Knights & Priest(esse)s only please */
1943     struct monst *mtmp, *mtmp2;
1944     const char *Gname;
1945     int once, range, xlev;
1947     if (!Role_if(PM_PRIEST) && !Role_if(PM_KNIGHT)) {
1948         /* Try to use the "turn undead" spell.
1949          *
1950          * This used to be based on whether hero knows the name of the
1951          * turn undead spellbook, but it's possible to know--and be able
1952          * to cast--the spell while having lost the book ID to amnesia.
1953          * (It also used to tell spelleffects() to cast at self?)
1954          */
1955         int sp_no;
1957         for (sp_no = 0; sp_no < MAXSPELL; ++sp_no) {
1958             if (spl_book[sp_no].sp_id == NO_SPELL)
1959                 break;
1960             else if (spl_book[sp_no].sp_id == SPE_TURN_UNDEAD)
1961                 return spelleffects(sp_no, FALSE);
1962         }
1963         You("don't know how to turn undead!");
1964         return 0;
1965     }
1966     u.uconduct.gnostic++;
1967     Gname = halu_gname(u.ualign.type);
1969     /* [What about needing free hands (does #turn involve any gesturing)?] */
1970     if (!can_chant(&youmonst)) {
1971         /* "evilness": "demons and undead" is too verbose and too precise */
1972         You("are %s upon %s to turn aside evilness.",
1973             Strangled ? "not able to call" : "incapable of calling", Gname);
1974         /* violates agnosticism due to intent; conduct tracking is not
1975            supposed to affect play but we make an exception here:  use a
1976            move if this is the first time agnostic conduct has been broken */
1977         return (u.uconduct.gnostic == 1);
1978     }
1979     if ((u.ualign.type != A_CHAOTIC
1980          && (is_demon(youmonst.data) || is_undead(youmonst.data)))
1981         || u.ugangr > 6) { /* "Die, mortal!" */
1982         pline("For some reason, %s seems to ignore you.", Gname);
1983         aggravate();
1984         exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
1985         return 1;
1986     }
1987     if (Inhell) {
1988         pline("Since you are in Gehennom, %s %s help you.",
1989               /* not actually calling upon Moloch but use alternate
1990                  phrasing anyway if hallucinatory feedback says it's him */
1991               Gname, !strcmp(Gname, Moloch) ? "won't" : "can't");
1992         aggravate();
1993         return 1;
1994     }
1995     pline("Calling upon %s, you chant an arcane formula.", Gname);
1996     exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1998     /* note: does not perform unturn_dead() on victims' inventories */
1999     range = BOLT_LIM + (u.ulevel / 5); /* 8 to 14 */
2000     range *= range;
2001     once = 0;
2002     for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp2) {
2003         mtmp2 = mtmp->nmon;
2004         if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
2005             continue;
2006         /* 3.6.3: used to use cansee() here but the purpose is to prevent
2007            #turn operating through walls, not to require that the hero be
2008            able to see the target location */
2009         if (!couldsee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)
2010             || distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) > range)
2011             continue;
2013         if (!mtmp->mpeaceful
2014             && (is_undead(mtmp->data) || is_vampshifter(mtmp)
2015                 || (is_demon(mtmp->data) && (u.ulevel > (MAXULEV / 2))))) {
2016             mtmp->msleeping = 0;
2017             if (Confusion) {
2018                 if (!once++)
2019                     pline("Unfortunately, your voice falters.");
2020                 mtmp->mflee = 0;
2021                 mtmp->mfrozen = 0;
2022                 mtmp->mcanmove = 1;
2023             } else if (!resist(mtmp, '\0', 0, TELL)) {
2024                 xlev = 6;
2025                 switch (mtmp->data->mlet) {
2026                 /* this is intentional, lichs are tougher
2027                    than zombies. */
2028                 case S_LICH:
2029                     xlev += 2;
2030                     /*FALLTHRU*/
2031                 case S_GHOST:
2032                     xlev += 2;
2033                     /*FALLTHRU*/
2034                 case S_VAMPIRE:
2035                     xlev += 2;
2036                     /*FALLTHRU*/
2037                 case S_WRAITH:
2038                     xlev += 2;
2039                     /*FALLTHRU*/
2040                 case S_MUMMY:
2041                     xlev += 2;
2042                     /*FALLTHRU*/
2043                 case S_ZOMBIE:
2044                     if (u.ulevel >= xlev && !resist(mtmp, '\0', 0, NOTELL)) {
2045                         if (u.ualign.type == A_CHAOTIC) {
2046                             mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
2047                             set_malign(mtmp);
2048                         } else { /* damn them */
2049                             killed(mtmp);
2050                         }
2051                         break;
2052                     } /* else flee */
2053                 /*FALLTHRU*/
2054                 default:
2055                     monflee(mtmp, 0, FALSE, TRUE);
2056                     break;
2057                 }
2058             }
2059         }
2060     }
2062     /*
2063      *  There is no detrimental effect on self for successful #turn
2064      *  while in demon or undead form.  That can only be done while
2065      *  chaotic oneself (see "For some reason" above) and chaotic
2066      *  turning only makes targets peaceful.
2067      *
2068      *  Paralysis duration probably ought to be based on the strengh
2069      *  of turned creatures rather than on turner's level.
2070      *  Why doesn't this honor Free_action?  [Because being able to
2071      *  repeat #turn every turn would be too powerful.  Maybe instead
2072      *  of nomul(-N) we should add the equivalent of mon->mspec_used
2073      *  for the hero and refuse to #turn when it's non-zero?  Or have
2074      *  both and u.uspec_used only matters when Free_action prevents
2075      *  the brief paralysis?]
2076      */
2077     nomul(-(5 - ((u.ulevel - 1) / 6))); /* -5 .. -1 */
2078     multi_reason = "trying to turn the monsters";
2079     nomovemsg = You_can_move_again;
2080     return 1;
2081 }
2083 const char *
a_gname()2084 a_gname()
2085 {
2086     return a_gname_at(u.ux, u.uy);
2087 }
2089 /* returns the name of an altar's deity */
2090 const char *
a_gname_at(x,y)2091 a_gname_at(x, y)
2092 xchar x, y;
2093 {
2094     if (!IS_ALTAR(levl[x][y].typ))
2095         return (char *) 0;
2097     return align_gname(a_align(x, y));
2098 }
2100 /* returns the name of the hero's deity */
2101 const char *
u_gname()2102 u_gname()
2103 {
2104     return align_gname(u.ualign.type);
2105 }
2107 const char *
align_gname(alignment)2108 align_gname(alignment)
2109 aligntyp alignment;
2110 {
2111     const char *gnam;
2113     switch (alignment) {
2114     case A_NONE:
2115         gnam = Moloch;
2116         break;
2117     case A_LAWFUL:
2118         gnam = urole.lgod;
2119         break;
2120     case A_NEUTRAL:
2121         gnam = urole.ngod;
2122         break;
2123     case A_CHAOTIC:
2124         gnam = urole.cgod;
2125         break;
2126     default:
2127         impossible("unknown alignment.");
2128         gnam = "someone";
2129         break;
2130     }
2131     if (*gnam == '_')
2132         ++gnam;
2133     return gnam;
2134 }
2136 static const char *hallu_gods[] = {
2137     "the Flying Spaghetti Monster", /* Church of the FSM */
2138     "Eris",                         /* Discordianism */
2139     "the Martians",                 /* every science fiction ever */
2140     "Xom",                          /* Crawl */
2141     "AnDoR dRaKoN",                 /* ADOM */
2142     "the Central Bank of Yendor",   /* economics */
2143     "Tooth Fairy",                  /* real world(?) */
2144     "Om",                           /* Discworld */
2145     "Yawgmoth",                     /* Magic: the Gathering */
2146     "Morgoth",                      /* LoTR */
2147     "Cthulhu",                      /* Lovecraft */
2148     "the Ori",                      /* Stargate */
2149     "destiny",                      /* why not? */
2150     "your Friend the Computer",     /* Paranoia */
2151 };
2153 /* hallucination handling for priest/minion names: select a random god
2154    iff character is hallucinating */
2155 const char *
halu_gname(alignment)2156 halu_gname(alignment)
2157 aligntyp alignment;
2158 {
2159     const char *gnam = NULL;
2160     int which;
2162     if (!Hallucination)
2163         return align_gname(alignment);
2165     /* Some roles (Priest) don't have a pantheon unless we're playing as
2166        that role, so keep trying until we get a role which does have one.
2167        [If playing a Priest, the current pantheon will be twice as likely
2168        to get picked as any of the others.  That's not significant enough
2169        to bother dealing with.] */
2170     do
2171         which = randrole(TRUE);
2172     while (!roles[which].lgod);
2174     switch (rn2_on_display_rng(9)) {
2175     case 0:
2176     case 1:
2177         gnam = roles[which].lgod;
2178         break;
2179     case 2:
2180     case 3:
2181         gnam = roles[which].ngod;
2182         break;
2183     case 4:
2184     case 5:
2185         gnam = roles[which].cgod;
2186         break;
2187     case 6:
2188     case 7:
2189         gnam = hallu_gods[rn2_on_display_rng(SIZE(hallu_gods))];
2190         break;
2191     case 8:
2192         gnam = Moloch;
2193         break;
2194     default:
2195         impossible("rn2 broken in halu_gname?!?");
2196     }
2197     if (!gnam) {
2198         impossible("No random god name?");
2199         gnam = "your Friend the Computer"; /* Paranoia */
2200     }
2201     if (*gnam == '_')
2202         ++gnam;
2203     return gnam;
2204 }
2206 /* deity's title */
2207 const char *
align_gtitle(alignment)2208 align_gtitle(alignment)
2209 aligntyp alignment;
2210 {
2211     const char *gnam, *result = "god";
2213     switch (alignment) {
2214     case A_LAWFUL:
2215         gnam = urole.lgod;
2216         break;
2217     case A_NEUTRAL:
2218         gnam = urole.ngod;
2219         break;
2220     case A_CHAOTIC:
2221         gnam = urole.cgod;
2222         break;
2223     default:
2224         gnam = 0;
2225         break;
2226     }
2227     if (gnam && *gnam == '_')
2228         result = "goddess";
2229     return result;
2230 }
2232 void
altar_wrath(x,y)2233 altar_wrath(x, y)
2234 register int x, y;
2235 {
2236     aligntyp altaralign = a_align(x, y);
2238     if (u.ualign.type == altaralign && u.ualign.record > -rn2(4)) {
2239         godvoice(altaralign, "How darest thou desecrate my altar!");
2240         (void) adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, FALSE);
2241         u.ualign.record--;
2242     } else {
2243         pline("%s %s%s:",
2244               !Deaf ? "A voice (could it be"
2245                     : "Despite your deafness, you seem to hear",
2246               align_gname(altaralign),
2247               !Deaf ? "?) whispers" : " say");
2248         verbalize("Thou shalt pay, infidel!");
2249         /* higher luck is more likely to be reduced; as it approaches -5
2250            the chance to lose another point drops down, eventually to 0 */
2251         if (Luck > -5 && rn2(Luck + 6))
2252             change_luck(rn2(20) ? -1 : -2);
2253     }
2254 }
2256 /* assumes isok() at one space away, but not necessarily at two */
2257 STATIC_OVL boolean
blocked_boulder(dx,dy)2258 blocked_boulder(dx, dy)
2259 int dx, dy;
2260 {
2261     register struct obj *otmp;
2262     int nx, ny;
2263     long count = 0L;
2265     for (otmp = level.objects[u.ux + dx][u.uy + dy]; otmp;
2266          otmp = otmp->nexthere) {
2267         if (otmp->otyp == BOULDER)
2268             count += otmp->quan;
2269     }
2271     nx = u.ux + 2 * dx, ny = u.uy + 2 * dy; /* next spot beyond boulder(s) */
2272     switch (count) {
2273     case 0:
2274         /* no boulders--not blocked */
2275         return FALSE;
2276     case 1:
2277         /* possibly blocked depending on if it's pushable */
2278         break;
2279     case 2:
2280         /* this is only approximate since multiple boulders might sink */
2281         if (is_pool_or_lava(nx, ny)) /* does its own isok() check */
2282             break; /* still need Sokoban check below */
2283         /*FALLTHRU*/
2284     default:
2285         /* more than one boulder--blocked after they push the top one;
2286            don't force them to push it first to find out */
2287         return TRUE;
2288     }
2290     if (dx && dy && Sokoban) /* can't push boulder diagonally in Sokoban */
2291         return TRUE;
2292     if (!isok(nx, ny))
2293         return TRUE;
2294     if (IS_ROCK(levl[nx][ny].typ))
2295         return TRUE;
2296     if (sobj_at(BOULDER, nx, ny))
2297         return TRUE;
2299     return FALSE;
2300 }
2302 /*pray.c*/