1 /* omega copyright (C) by Laurence Raphael Brothers, 1987,1988,1989 */
2 /* village.c */
3 /* some functions to make the village levels */
5 #include "glob.h"
8 /* loads the village level into Level*/
load_village(villagenum,populate)9 void load_village(villagenum, populate)
10 int villagenum;
11 int populate;
12 {
13   int i,j;
14   char site;
16   FILE *fd;
19   TempLevel = Level;
20   if (ok_to_free(TempLevel)) {
21 #ifndef SAVE_LEVELS
22     free_level(TempLevel);
23 #endif
24     TempLevel = NULL;
25   }
27   initrand(Current_Environment, villagenum);
29   assign_village_function(0,0,TRUE);
31 #ifndef SAVE_LEVELS
32   Level = ((plv) checkmalloc(sizeof(levtype)));
33 #else
34   msdos_changelevel(TempLevel,0,-1);
35   Level = &TheLevel;
36 #endif
37   clear_level(Level);
38   Level->environment = E_VILLAGE;
39   strcpy(Str3,Omegalib);
40   switch(villagenum) {
41   case 1:strcat(Str3,"village1.dat");break;
42   case 2:strcat(Str3,"village2.dat");break;
43   case 3:strcat(Str3,"village3.dat");break;
44   case 4:strcat(Str3,"village4.dat");break;
45   case 5:strcat(Str3,"village5.dat");break;
46   case 6:strcat(Str3,"village6.dat");break;
47   }
48   site = cryptkey("village.dat");
49   fd = checkfopen(Str3,"rb");
50   for(j=0;j<LENGTH;j++) {
51     for(i=0;i<WIDTH;i++) {
52       lset(i,j,SEEN);
53       site = getc(fd)^site;
54       Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_NO_OP;
55       switch(site) {
56       case 'f':
57 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
58 	if (populate)
59 	  make_food_bin(i,j);
60 	break;
61       case 'g':
62 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
63 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_GRANARY;
64 	break;
65       case 'h':
66 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
67 	if (populate)
68 	  make_horse(i,j);
69 	break;
70       case 'S':
71 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
72 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_STABLES;
73 	break;
74       case 'H':
75 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
76 	if (populate)
77 	  make_merchant(i,j);
78 	break;
79       case 'C':
80 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
81 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_COMMONS;
82 	break;
83       case 's':
84 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
85 	if (populate)
86 	  make_sheep(i,j);
87 	break;
88       case 'x':
89 	assign_village_function(i,j,FALSE);
90 	break;
91       case 'X':
92 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
93 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_COUNTRYSIDE;
94 	break;
95       case 'G':
96 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
97 	if (populate) {
98 	  make_guard(i,j);
99 	  Level->site[i][j].creature->aux1 = i;
100 	  Level->site[i][j].creature->aux2 = j;
101 	}
102 	break;
103       case '^':
104 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
105 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_TRAP_SIREN;
106 	break;
107       case '"':
108 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = HEDGE;
109 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_HEDGE;
110 	break;
111       case '~':
112 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = WATER;
113 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_WATER;
114 	break;
115       case '+':
116 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = WATER;
117 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_CHAOS;
118 	break;
119       case '\'':
120 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = HEDGE;
121 	Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_TRIFID;
122 	break;
123       case '!':
124 	special_village_site(i,j,villagenum);
125 	break;
126       case '#':
127 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = WALL;
128 	Level->site[i][j].aux = 100;
129 	break;
130       case '.':
131 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = FLOOR;
132 	break;
133       case '-':
134 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = CLOSED_DOOR;
135 	break;
136       case '1':
137 	Level->site[i][j].locchar = STATUE;
138 	break;
139       }
140       if (loc_statusp(i,j,SECRET))
141 	Level->site[i][j].showchar = WALL;
142       else Level->site[i][j].showchar = Level->site[i][j].locchar;
143     }
144     site = getc(fd)^site;
145   }
146   fclose(fd);
147   initrand(E_RESTORE, 0);
148 }
make_guard(i,j)150 void make_guard(i,j)
151 int i,j;
152 {
153   pml tml = ((pml) (checkmalloc(sizeof(mltype))));
154   tml->m = (Level->site[i][j].creature = make_creature(GUARD));
155   tml->m->x = i;
156   tml->m->y = j;
157   tml->next = Level->mlist;
158   Level->mlist = tml;
159 }
make_sheep(i,j)161 void make_sheep(i,j)
162 int i,j;
163 {
164   pml tml = ((pml) (checkmalloc(sizeof(mltype))));
165   tml->m = (Level->site[i][j].creature = make_creature(SHEEP));
166   tml->m->x = i;
167   tml->m->y = j;
168   tml->next = Level->mlist;
169   Level->mlist = tml;
170 }
make_food_bin(i,j)172 void make_food_bin(i,j)
173 int i,j;
174 {
175   pol tol;
176   int k;
178   for(k=0;k<10;k++) {
179     tol = ((pol) checkmalloc(sizeof(oltype)));
180     tol->thing = ((pob) checkmalloc(sizeof(objtype)));
181     make_food(tol->thing,15); /* grain */
182     tol->next = Level->site[i][j].things;
183     Level->site[i][j].things = tol;
184   }
185 }
make_horse(i,j)187 void make_horse(i,j)
188 int i,j;
189 {
190   pml tml = ((pml) (checkmalloc(sizeof(mltype))));
191   tml->m = (Level->site[i][j].creature = make_creature(HORSE));
192   tml->m->x = i;
193   tml->m->y = j;
194   tml->next = Level->mlist;
195   Level->mlist = tml;
196 }
make_merchant(i,j)199 void make_merchant(i,j)
200 int i,j;
201 {
202   pml tml = ((pml) (checkmalloc(sizeof(mltype))));
203   tml->m = (Level->site[i][j].creature = make_creature(MERCHANT));
204   tml->m->x = i;
205   tml->m->y = j;
206   tml->next = Level->mlist;
207   Level->mlist = tml;
208 }
assign_village_function(x,y,setup)211 void assign_village_function(x,y,setup)
212 int x,y,setup;
213 {
214   static int next=0;
215   static int permutation[24]; /* number of x's in village map */
216   int i,j,k;
219   if (setup) {
220     next = 0;
221     for(i=0;i<24;i++)
222       permutation[i] = i;
223     for(i=0;i<24;i++) {
224       j = permutation[i];
225       k = random_range(24);
226       permutation[i] = permutation[k];
227       permutation[k] = j;
228     }
229   }
230   else {
232     lset(x,y+1,STOPS);
233     lset(x+1,y,STOPS);
234     lset(x-1,y,STOPS);
235     lset(x,y-1,STOPS);
236     lset(x,y,STOPS);
239     switch(permutation[next++]) {
240     case 0:
241       Level->site[x][y].locchar = OPEN_DOOR;
242       Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_ARMORER;
243       break;
244     case 1:
245       Level->site[x][y].locchar = OPEN_DOOR;
246       Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_HEALER;
247       break;
248     case 2:
249       Level->site[x][y].locchar = OPEN_DOOR;
250       Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_TAVERN;
251       break;
252     case 3:
253       Level->site[x][y].locchar = OPEN_DOOR;
254       Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_COMMANDANT;
255       break;
256     case 4:
257       Level->site[x][y].locchar = OPEN_DOOR;
258       Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_CARTOGRAPHER;
259       break;
260     default:
261       Level->site[x][y].locchar = CLOSED_DOOR;
262       if (random_range(2))
263 	Level->site[x][y].aux = LOCKED;
264       if (random_range(2))
265 	Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_HOVEL;
266       else Level->site[x][y].p_locf = L_HOUSE;
267       break;
268     }
269   }
270 }
special_village_site(i,j,villagenum)273 void special_village_site(i,j,villagenum)
274 int i,j,villagenum;
275 {
276   if (villagenum == 1) {
277     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
278     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_LAWSTONE;
279   }
280   if (villagenum == 2) {
281     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
282     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_BALANCESTONE;
283   }
284   else if (villagenum == 3) {
285     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
286     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_CHAOSTONE;
287   }
288   else if (villagenum == 4) {
289     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
290     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_MINDSTONE;
291   }
292   else if (villagenum == 5) {
293     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
294     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_SACRIFICESTONE;
295   }
296   else if (villagenum == 6) {
297     Level->site[i][j].locchar = ALTAR;
298     Level->site[i][j].p_locf = L_VOIDSTONE;
299   }
300 }