1 #pragma warning disable 0659, 0661
2 using System;
4 namespace OpenBveApi.Textures
5 {
6 	/// <summary>Represents a region in a texture to be extracted.</summary>
7 	public class TextureClipRegion
8 	{
9 		// --- members ---
10 		/// <summary>The left coordinate.</summary>
11 		private readonly int MyLeft;
12 		/// <summary>The top coordinate.</summary>
13 		private readonly int MyTop;
14 		/// <summary>The width.</summary>
15 		private readonly int MyWidth;
16 		/// <summary>The height.</summary>
17 		private readonly int MyHeight;
18 		// --- properties ---
19 		/// <summary>Gets the left coordinate.</summary>
20 		public int Left
21 		{
22 			get
23 			{
24 				return this.MyLeft;
25 			}
26 		}
27 		/// <summary>Gets the top coordinate.</summary>
28 		public int Top
29 		{
30 			get
31 			{
32 				return this.MyTop;
33 			}
34 		}
35 		/// <summary>Gets the width.</summary>
36 		public int Width
37 		{
38 			get
39 			{
40 				return this.MyWidth;
41 			}
42 		}
43 		/// <summary>Gets the height.</summary>
44 		public int Height
45 		{
46 			get
47 			{
48 				return this.MyHeight;
49 			}
50 		}
52 		// --- constructors ---
53 		/// <summary>Creates a new clip region.</summary>
54 		/// <param name="left">The left coordinate.</param>
55 		/// <param name="top">The top coordinate.</param>
56 		/// <param name="width">The width.</param>
57 		/// <param name="height">The height.</param>
58 		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Raised when the left or top are negative.</exception>
59 		/// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Raised when the width or height are non-positive.</exception>
TextureClipRegion(int left, int top, int width, int height)60 		public TextureClipRegion(int left, int top, int width, int height)
61 		{
62 			if (left < 0 | top < 0)
63 			{
64 				throw new ArgumentException("The left or top coordinates are negative.");
65 			}
66 			else if (width <= 0 | height <= 0)
67 			{
68 				throw new ArgumentException("The width or height are non-positive.");
69 			}
70 			else
71 			{
72 				this.MyLeft = left;
73 				this.MyTop = top;
74 				this.MyWidth = width;
75 				this.MyHeight = height;
76 			}
77 		}
79 		// --- operators ---
80 		/// <summary>Checks whether two clip regions are equal.</summary>
81 		/// <param name="a">The first clip region.</param>
82 		/// <param name="b">The second clip region.</param>
83 		/// <returns>Whether the two clip regions are equal.</returns>
operator ==(TextureClipRegion a, TextureClipRegion b)84 		public static bool operator ==(TextureClipRegion a, TextureClipRegion b)
85 		{
86 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return true;
87 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, null)) return false;
88 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(b, null)) return false;
89 			if (a.MyLeft != b.MyLeft) return false;
90 			if (a.MyTop != b.MyTop) return false;
91 			if (a.MyWidth != b.MyWidth) return false;
92 			if (a.MyHeight != b.MyHeight) return false;
93 			return true;
94 		}
96 		/// <summary>Checks whether two clip regions are unequal.</summary>
97 		/// <param name="a">The first clip region.</param>
98 		/// <param name="b">The second clip region.</param>
99 		/// <returns>Whether the two clip regions are unequal.</returns>
operator !=(TextureClipRegion a, TextureClipRegion b)100 		public static bool operator !=(TextureClipRegion a, TextureClipRegion b)
101 		{
102 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)) return false;
103 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(a, null)) return true;
104 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(b, null)) return true;
105 			if (a.MyLeft != b.MyLeft) return true;
106 			if (a.MyTop != b.MyTop) return true;
107 			if (a.MyWidth != b.MyWidth) return true;
108 			if (a.MyHeight != b.MyHeight) return true;
109 			return false;
110 		}
112 		/// <summary>Checks whether this instance is equal to the specified object.</summary>
113 		/// <param name="obj">The object.</param>
114 		/// <returns>Whether this instance is equal to the specified object.</returns>
Equals(object obj)115 		public override bool Equals(object obj)
116 		{
117 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
118 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(this, null)) return false;
119 			if (object.ReferenceEquals(obj, null)) return false;
120 			if (!(obj is TextureClipRegion)) return false;
121 			TextureClipRegion x = (TextureClipRegion) obj;
122 			if (this.MyLeft != x.MyLeft) return false;
123 			if (this.MyTop != x.MyTop) return false;
124 			if (this.MyWidth != x.MyWidth) return false;
125 			if (this.MyHeight != x.MyHeight) return false;
126 			return true;
127 		}
128 	}
129 }