1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /**
9  * @file tcp_content_type.h Basic types related to the content on the content server.
10  */
15 /** The values in the enum are important; they are used as database 'keys' */
16 enum ContentType {
17 	CONTENT_TYPE_BEGIN         = 1, ///< Helper to mark the begin of the types
18 	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_GRAPHICS = 1, ///< The content consists of base graphics
19 	CONTENT_TYPE_NEWGRF        = 2, ///< The content consists of a NewGRF
20 	CONTENT_TYPE_AI            = 3, ///< The content consists of an AI
21 	CONTENT_TYPE_AI_LIBRARY    = 4, ///< The content consists of an AI library
22 	CONTENT_TYPE_SCENARIO      = 5, ///< The content consists of a scenario
23 	CONTENT_TYPE_HEIGHTMAP     = 6, ///< The content consists of a heightmap
24 	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_SOUNDS   = 7, ///< The content consists of base sounds
25 	CONTENT_TYPE_BASE_MUSIC    = 8, ///< The content consists of base music
26 	CONTENT_TYPE_GAME          = 9, ///< The content consists of a game script
27 	CONTENT_TYPE_GAME_LIBRARY  = 10, ///< The content consists of a GS library
28 	CONTENT_TYPE_END,               ///< Helper to mark the end of the types
29 	INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE       = 0xFF, ///< Invalid/uninitialized content
30 };
32 /** Enum with all types of TCP content packets. The order MUST not be changed **/
33 enum PacketContentType {
34 	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_LIST,      ///< Queries the content server for a list of info of a given content type
35 	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_ID,        ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of internal IDs
36 	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID,     ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of external IDs
37 	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_INFO_EXTID_MD5, ///< Queries the content server for information about a list of external IDs and MD5
38 	PACKET_CONTENT_SERVER_INFO,           ///< Reply of content server with information about content
39 	PACKET_CONTENT_CLIENT_CONTENT,        ///< Request a content file given an internal ID
40 	PACKET_CONTENT_SERVER_CONTENT,        ///< Reply with the content of the given ID
41 	PACKET_CONTENT_END,                   ///< Must ALWAYS be on the end of this list!! (period)
42 };
44 /** Unique identifier for the content. */
45 enum ContentID {
46 	INVALID_CONTENT_ID = UINT32_MAX, ///< Sentinel for invalid content.
47 };
49 /** Container for all important information about a piece of content. */
50 struct ContentInfo {
51 	/** The state the content can be in. */
52 	enum State {
53 		UNSELECTED,     ///< The content has not been selected
54 		SELECTED,       ///< The content has been manually selected
55 		AUTOSELECTED,   ///< The content has been selected as dependency
56 		ALREADY_HERE,   ///< The content is already at the client side
57 		DOES_NOT_EXIST, ///< The content does not exist in the content system
58 		INVALID,        ///< The content's invalid
59 	};
61 	ContentType type = INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE; ///< Type of content
62 	ContentID id = INVALID_CONTENT_ID;       ///< Unique (server side) ID for the content
63 	uint32 filesize = 0;                     ///< Size of the file
64 	std::string filename;                    ///< Filename (for the .tar.gz; only valid on download)
65 	std::string name;                        ///< Name of the content
66 	std::string version;                     ///< Version of the content
67 	std::string url;                         ///< URL related to the content
68 	std::string description;                 ///< Description of the content
69 	uint32 unique_id = 0;                    ///< Unique ID; either GRF ID or shortname
70 	byte md5sum[16] = {0};                   ///< The MD5 checksum
71 	std::vector<ContentID> dependencies;     ///< The dependencies (unique server side ids)
72 	StringList tags;                         ///< Tags associated with the content
73 	State state = State::UNSELECTED;         ///< Whether the content info is selected (for download)
74 	bool upgrade = false;                    ///< This item is an upgrade
76 	bool IsSelected() const;
77 	bool IsValid() const;
78 	const char *GetTextfile(TextfileType type) const;
79 };