1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /**
9  * @file ai_changelog.hpp Lists all changes / additions to the API.
10  *
11  * Only new / renamed / deleted api functions will be listed here. A list of
12  * bug fixes can be found in the normal changelog. Note that removed API
13  * functions may still be available if you return an older API version
14  * in GetAPIVersion() in info.nut.
15  *
16  * \b 12.0
17  *
18  * API additions:
19  * \li AINewGRF
20  * \li AINewGRFList
21  * \li AIGroup::GetNumVehicles
22  * \li AIMarine::BT_LOCK
23  * \li AIMarine::BT_CANAL
24  * \li AITile::IsSeaTile
25  * \li AITile::IsRiverTile
26  * \li AITile::BT_CLEAR_WATER
27  * \li AIObjectTypeList
28  * \li AIObjectType
29  *
30  * \b 1.11.0
31  *
32  * API additions:
33  * \li AICargo::GetName
34  * \li AIPriorityQueue
35  *
36  * Other changes:
37  * \li AIVehicle::CloneVehicle now correctly returns estimate when short on cash
38  *
39  * \b 1.10.0
40  *
41  * API additions:
42  * \li AIGroup::SetPrimaryColour
43  * \li AIGroup::SetSecondaryColour
44  * \li AIGroup::GetPrimaryColour
45  * \li AIGroup::GetSecondaryColour
46  * \li AIVehicle::BuildVehicleWithRefit
47  * \li AIVehicle::GetBuildWithRefitCapacity
48  * \li AIRoad::GetName
49  * \li AIRoad::RoadVehCanRunOnRoad
50  * \li AIRoad::RoadVehHasPowerOnRoad
51  * \li AIRoad::ConvertRoadType
52  * \li AIRoad::GetMaxSpeed
53  * \li AIEngine::CanRunOnRoad
54  * \li AIEngine::HasPowerOnRoad
55  * \li AIRoadTypeList::RoadTypeList
56  * \li AIEventVehicleAutoReplaced
57  *
58  * Other changes:
59  * \li AITile::DemolishTile works without a selected company
60  *
61  * \b 1.9.0
62  *
63  * API additions:
64  * \li AIAirport::GetMonthlyMaintenanceCost
65  * \li AIGroup::SetParent
66  * \li AIGroup::GetParent
67  * \li AICompany::SetPrimaryLiveryColour
68  * \li AICompany::SetSecondaryLiveryColour
69  * \li AICompany::GetPrimaryLiveryColour
70  * \li AICompany::GetSecondaryLiveryColour
71  *
72  * Other changes:
73  * \li AIBridge::GetName takes one extra parameter to refer the vehicle type
74  * \li AIGroup::CreateGroup gains parent_group_id parameter
75  *
76  * \b 1.8.0
77  *
78  * No changes
79  *
80  * API additions:
82  *
83  * \b 1.7.0 - 1.7.2
84  *
85  * No changes
86  *
87  * \b 1.6.1 - 1.6.0
88  *
89  * No changes
90  *
91  * \b 1.5.3 - 1.5.1
92  *
93  * No changes
94  *
95  * \b 1.5.0
96  *
97  * API additions:
98  * \li AIList::SwapList
99  * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlanned
100  * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedFrom
101  * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedFromVia
102  * \li AIStation::GetCargoPlannedVia
103  * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingFromVia
104  * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedByFrom
105  * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedByVia
106  * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedFromByVia
107  * \li AIStationList_CargoPlannedViaByFrom
108  * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingByFrom
109  * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingByVia
110  * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingFromByVia
111  * \li AIStationList_CargoWaitingViaByFrom
112  *
113  * \b 1.4.4 - 1.4.1
114  * No changes
115  *
116  * \b 1.4.0
117  *
118  * API additions:
119  * \li AICargo::GetDistributionType
120  * \li AIDate::DATE_INVALID
121  * \li AIDate::IsValidDate
122  * \li AIStation::HasCargoRating
123  * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingFrom
124  * \li AIStation::GetCargoWaitingVia
125  * \li AITile::GetTerrainType
126  * \li AITown::FoundTown
127  * \li AITown::GetFundBuildingsDuration
128  * \li AITown::TOWN_GROWTH_NONE
129  *
130  * Other changes:
131  * \li AIStation::GetCargoRating does return -1 for cargo-station combinations that
132  *     do not have a rating yet instead of returning 69.
133  *
134  * \b 1.3.3 - 1.3.2
135  *
136  * No changes
137  *
138  * \b 1.3.1
139  *
140  * API additions:
141  * \li AITile::GetTerrainType
142  *
143  * \b 1.3.0
144  *
145  * API additions:
146  * \li AIEventExclusiveTransportRights
147  * \li AIEventRoadReconstruction
148  * \li AIIndustryType::IsProcessingIndustry
149  * \li AIStation::IsAirportClosed
150  * \li AIStation::OpenCloseAirport
151  * \li AIController::Break
152  *
153  * \b 1.2.3 - 1.2.1
154  *
155  * No changes
156  *
157  * \b 1.2.0
158  *
159  * API additions:
160  *
161  * \li AIAirport::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
162  * \li AICargo::CT_AUTO_REFIT
163  * \li AICargo::CT_NO_REFIT
164  * \li AICargo::IsValidTownEffect
165  * \li AICargoList_StationAccepting
166  * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyIncome
167  * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyExpenses
168  * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyCargoDelivered
169  * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyPerformanceRating
170  * \li AICompany::GetQuarterlyCompanyValue
171  * \li AIController::GetOpsTillSuspend
172  * \li AIEngine::GetMaximumOrderDistance
173  * \li AIEventAircraftDestTooFar
175  * \li AIInfrastructure
177  * \li AIOrder::GetOrderDistance
178  * \li AIOrder::GetOrderRefit
179  * \li AIOrder::IsRefitOrder
180  * \li AIOrder::SetOrderRefit
181  * \li AIRail::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
182  * \li AIRoad::GetMaintenanceCostFactor
183  * \li AITile::GetTownAuthority
184  * \li AITown::GetCargoGoal
185  * \li AITown::GetGrowthRate
186  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthReceived
187  * \li AITownEffectList (to walk over all available town effects)
188  * \li AIVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_LONG in case vehicle length limit is reached
189  * \li AIVehicle::GetMaximumOrderDistance
190  *
191  * API renames:
192  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransported to AITown::GetLastMonthSupplied to better
193  *     reflect what it does.
194  * \li AIInfo has all its configure settings renamed from AICONFIG to just CONFIG
195  *     like CONFIG_RANDOM.
196  * \li AIEvent has all its types renamed from AI_ET_ prefix to just ET_ prefix,
197  *     like ET_SUBSIDY_OFFER.
198  * \li AIOrder has all its types renamed from AIOF_ prefix to just OF_ prefix.
199  *
200  * API removals:
201  * \li AICompany::GetCompanyValue, use AICompany::GetQuarterlyCompanyValue instead.
202  *
203  * Other changes:
204  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthProduction no longer has prerequisites based on town
205  *     effects.
206  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransported resp. AITown::GetLastMonthSupplied no longer has prerequisites based on
207  *     town effects.
208  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage no longer has prerequisites
209  *     based on town effects.
210  *
211  * \b 1.1.5
212  *
213  * No changes
214  *
215  * \b 1.1.4
216  *
217  * API additions:
218  * \li AIVehicle::ERR_VEHICLE_TOO_LONG in case vehicle length limit is reached.
219  *
220  * \b 1.1.3 - 1.1.1
221  *
222  * No changes
223  *
224  * \b 1.1.0
225  *
226  * API additions:
227  * \li IsEnd for all lists.
228  * \li AIEventTownFounded
229  * \li AIIndustry::GetIndustryID
230  * \li AIIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_TOWN
231  * \li AIIndustryType::INDUSTRYTYPE_UNKNOWN
232  * \li AIOrder::IsVoidOrder
233  * \li AIRail::GetName
234  * \li AITown::IsCity
235  *
236  * API removals:
237  * \li HasNext for all lists.
238  * \li AIAbstractList, use AIList instead.
239  * \li AIList::ChangeItem, use AIList::SetValue instead.
240  * \li AIRail::ERR_NONUNIFORM_STATIONS_DISABLED, that error is never returned anymore.
241  *
242  * Other changes:
243  * \li AIEngine::GetMaxTractiveEffort can be used for road vehicles.
244  * \li AIEngine::GetPower can be used for road vehicles.
245  * \li AIEngine::GetWeight can be used for road vehicles.
246  * \li AIIndustry::IsCargoAccepted now returns CargoAcceptState instead of a boolean.
247  * \li AIOrder::GetOrderFlags returns AIOrder::AIOF_INVALID for void orders as well.
248  * \li AIRoad::BuildDriveThroughRoadStation now allows overbuilding.
249  * \li AIRoad::BuildRoadStation now allows overbuilding.
250  *
251  * \b 1.0.5 - 1.0.4
252  *
253  * No changes
254  *
255  * \b 1.0.3
256  *
257  * API additions:
259  *
260  * \b 1.0.2
261  *
262  * Other changes:
263  * \li AIBridge::GetPrice now returns the price of the bridge without the cost for the rail or road.
264  *
265  * \b 1.0.1
266  *
267  * API additions:
268  * \li AIRail::GetMaxSpeed
269  *
270  * \b 1.0.0
271  *
272  * API additions:
273  * \li AIBaseStation
274  * \li AIEngine::IsBuildable
275  * \li AIEventCompanyAskMerger
276  * \li AIIndustry::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage
277  * \li AIInfo::AICONFIG_INGAME
278  * \li AIMarine::GetBuildCost
280  * \li AIOrder::GetStopLocation
281  * \li AIOrder::SetStopLocation
282  * \li AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRectangle
283  * \li AIRail::RemoveRailWaypointTileRectangle
284  * \li AIRail::GetBuildCost
285  * \li AIRoad::GetBuildCost
286  * \li AISubsidy::SubsidyParticipantType
287  * \li AISubsidy::GetSourceType
288  * \li AISubsidy::GetSourceIndex
289  * \li AISubsidy::GetDestinationType
290  * \li AISubsidy::GetDestinationIndex
291  * \li AITile::GetBuildCost
292  * \li AITown::GetLastMonthTransportedPercentage
293  * \li AIVehicleList_Depot
294  * \li AIWaypoint::WaypointType
295  * \li AIWaypoint::HasWaypointType
296  * \li Some error messages to AIWaypoint
297  *
298  * API removals:
299  * \li AIOrder::ChangeOrder, use AIOrder::SetOrderFlags instead
300  * \li AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRect, use AIRail::RemoveRailStationTileRectangle instead
301  * \li AIRail::RemoveRailWaypoint, use AIRail::RemoveRailWaypointTileRectangle instead
302  * \li AISign::GetMaxSignID, use AISignList instead
303  * \li AIStation::ERR_STATION_TOO_LARGE, use AIError::ERR_STATION_TOO_SPREAD_OUT instead
304  * \li AISubsidy::SourceIsTown, use AISubsidy::GetSourceType instead
305  * \li AISubsidy::GetSource, use AISubsidy::GetSourceIndex instead
306  * \li AISubsidy::DestinationIsTown, use AISubsidy::GetDestinationType instead
307  * \li AISubsidy::GetDestination, use AISubsidy::GetDestinationIndex instead
308  * \li AITile::GetHeight, use AITile::GetMinHeight/GetMaxHeight/GetCornerHeight instead
309  * \li AITown::GetMaxProduction, use AITown::GetLastMonthProduction instead
310  * \li AIVehicle::SkipToVehicleOrder, use AIOrder::SkipToOrder instead
311  * \li AIWaypoint::WAYPOINT_INVALID, use AIBaseStation::STATION_INVALID instead
312  *
313  * Other changes:
314  * \li The GetName / SetName / GetLocation functions were moved from AIStation
315  *     and AIWaypoint to AIBaseStation, but you can still use AIStation.GetName
316  *     as before
317  * \li The GetConstructionDate function was moved from AIStation to
318  *     AIBaseStation, but can still be used as AIStation.GetConstructionDate
319  * \li WaypointID was replaced by StationID. All WaypointIDs from previous
320  *     savegames are invalid. Use STATION_INVALID instead of WAYPOINT_INVALID
321  * \li AIWaypointList constructor now needs a WaypointType similar to AIStationList,
322  *     it can also handle buoys.
323  * \li AIVehicleList_Station now also works for waypoints
324  * \li Stations can be build over rail without signals that is in the right
325  *     direction for the to-be built station. It will also convert the rail if
326  *     the station's rail type supports the old type.
327  * \li GetAPIVersion() was added as function to info.nut. If it does not exist
328  *     API version 0.7 is assumed. This function should return the major and
329  *     minor number of the stable version of the API the AI is written against.
330  *     For 0.7.2 that would be 0.7, for 1.1.3 it would be 1.1, etc.
331  * \li The subsidy logic has changed. Subsidy is now awarded when cargo
332  *     originating from subsidy source is delivered to station that has subsidy
333  *     destination it its catchment area. One industry tile or one town house
334  *     is enough as long as station accepts the cargo. Awarded subsidies are no
335  *     longer bound to stations used for first delivery, any station can be
336  *     used for loading and unloading as long as cargo is transferred from
337  *     source to destination.
338  * \li Make AIEngine:CanRefitCargo() not report refittability to mail by
339  *     default for aircraft. It is not necessarily true. This means that even
340  *     if the aircraft can carry mail (as secondary cargo) it does not return
341  *     true if the aircraft cannot carry it as its only cargo.
342  * \li Improve behaviour of AIEngine::GetCargoType(), AIEventEnginePreview::GetCargoType()
343  *     and AIEngine::CanRefitCargo() for articulated vehicles. For
344  *     CanRefitCargo true is returned if at least one part can be refitted.
345  *     For GetCargoType the first most used cargo type is returned.
346  * \li AIIndustryType::GetConstructionCost() now returns -1 if the industry is
347  *     neither buildable nor prospectable.
348  * \li AIEngine::IsValidEngine will now return true if you have at least one
349  *     vehicle of that type in your company, regardless if it's still buildable
350  *     or not. AIEngine::IsBuildable returns only true when you can actually
351  *     build an engine.
352  * \li AITile::GetCargoProduction will now return the number of producers,
353  *     including houses instead the number of producing tiles. This means that
354  *     also industries that do not have a tile within the radius, but where
355  *     the search bounding box and the industry's bounding box intersect, are
356  *     counted. Previously these industries (and their cargoes), although they
357  *     produced cargo for a station at the given location, were not returned.
358  * \li AIRail::BuildRail will now fail completely if there is an obstacle
359  *     between the begin and end, instead of building up to the obstacle and
360  *     returning that everything went okay.
361  * \li Orders for buoys are now waypoint orders, i.e. instead of using the
362  *     station orders for buoys one has to use waypoint orders.
363  * \li Autoreplaces can now also be set for the default group via AIGroup.
364  *
365  * \b 0.7.5 - 0.7.4
366  *
367  * No changes
368  *
369  * \b 0.7.3
370  *
371  * API additions:
372  * \li AIAbstractList::SORT_ASCENDING
373  * \li AIAbstractList::SORT_DESCENDING
374  * \li AIAirport::IsAirportInformationAvailable
375  * \li AICompany::GetPresidentGender
376  * \li AICompany::SetPresidentGender
377  * \li AIEngine::GetDesignDate
378  * \li AIStation::GetConstructionDate
379  *
380  * Other changes:
381  * \li AIs are now killed when they execute a DoCommand or Sleep at a time
382  *     they are not allowed to do so.
383  * \li When the API requests a string as parameter you can give every squirrel
384  *     type and it will be converted to a string
385  * \li AIs can create subclasses of API classes and use API constants as part
386  *     of their own constants
387  *
388  * \b 0.7.2
389  *
390  * API additions:
391  * \li AIVehicle::GetReliability
392  *
393  * Other changes:
394  * \li DoCommands and sleeps in call, acall, pcall and valuators are disallowed
395  *
396  * \b 0.7.1
397  *
398  * API additions:
399  * \li AIAirport::GetPrice
400  * \li AIController::GetVersion
401  * \li AIOrder::AIOF_DEPOT_FLAGS
402  * \li AIOrder::AIOF_STOP_IN_DEPOT
403  * \li AIOrder::IsCurrentOrderPartOfOrderList
404  * \li AIOrder::IsGotoDepotOrder
405  * \li AIOrder::IsGotoStationOrder
406  * \li AIOrder::IsGotoWaypointOrder
407  * \li AISignList
408  * \li AITile::CORNER_[WSEN]
411  * \li AITile::GetCornerHeight
412  * \li AITile::GetMaxHeight
413  * \li AITile::GetMinHeight
414  * \li AIVehicle::SendVehicleToDepotForServicing
415  *
416  * Other changes:
417  * \li GetURL() was added as optional function to info.nut
418  * \li UseAsRandomAI() was added as optional function to info.nut
419  * \li A limit was introduced on the time the AI spends in the constructor and Load function
420  *
421  * \b 0.7.0
422  * \li First stable release with the NoAI framework.
423  */