1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Fri Jun 17 21:51:56 2016 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
3###	Combat Enhancements	###
6###Block: Combat Enhancements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7# Ability Name								Unique Key								SORTKEY							Category of Ability		Type												Visible		Required Ability									Restricted Ability								Multiple Requirements																																					Var. Must Be Lower				Var. Max. Value			Define																																																	Description																																																																																																										Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose										Ability										Bonus Ability Pool																			Combat bonus																																																																														% bonus to range								Modify VAR																																				Weapon prof. bonus							Wield Category bonus		Cost		Apply Kit		Source Page
8Anime Master																	SORTKEY:Anime Master_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Anime Master allows the user to grapple, overbear, and wield weapons, as if he or she was one size category larger.																																																																																																																																							BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Grapple|4																																																																																																																																					BONUS:WIELDCATEGORY|ALL|-1	COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
9Anime Master / Choice							KEY:Anime Master ~ Choice					SORTKEY:Anime Master_1b					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Anime Master allows the user to grapple, overbear, and wield weapons, as if he or she was one size category larger.																																																																																							STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Anime Master Choice																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
10Anime Master / Specialized Weapon Only				KEY:Anime Master ~ Weapon Only ~ Half Cost		SORTKEY:Anime Master_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Anime Master allows the user to wield weapons, as if he or she was one size category larger.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				BONUS:WIELDCATEGORY|ALL|-1	COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
12Augment Attack																									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(3 CP). Augment Attack grants +1d6 damage or +1 to hit in some specific situation (essentially, this feat is already "Specialized"), per 3 CP invested (a mere +1 damage costs 1 CP and +1d8 costs 4 CP). Characters may double the cost to make the situation relatively common or triple it to make it very common (e.g., with a particular type of weapon which you almost always use). No character may possess more than 36 CP worth of basic augmentations.																																		MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Augment Attack Type																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
14Augment Attack / +1 Damage						KEY:Augment Attack ~ +1 Damage ~ very common		SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1a				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Combat.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:increase damage by +1 per time taken																																																																																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|DAMAGE|1										COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
15Augment Attack / +1d6							KEY:Augment Attack ~ +1d6					SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1b				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																	DEFINE:AugmentDiceSix|0	DEFINE:AugmentSizeSix|0																																											DESC:Augment attack +%1d%2|AugmentDiceSix|AugmentSizeSix																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Augment +1d6																																																																																																																																	BONUS:VAR|AugmentSizeSix|6	BONUS:VAR|AugmentDiceSix|1																																											COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
16Augment Attack / +1d8							KEY:Augment Attack ~ +1d8					SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1c				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements																																																																																			DEFINE:AugmentDiceEight|0	DEFINE:AugmentSizeEight|0																																									DESC:Augment attack +%1d%2|AugmentDiceEight|AugmentSizeEight																																																																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Augment +1d8																																																																																																																																	BONUS:VAR|AugmentSizeEight|8	BONUS:VAR|AugmentDiceEight|1																																											COST:4				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
18Augment Attack / Sneak Attack d6					KEY:Augment Attack ~ Sneak Attack d6			SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2d				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																	DEFINE:SneakDiceSix|0	DEFINE:SneakSizeSix|0																																											DESC:Sneak attack +%1d%2|SneakDiceSix|SneakSizeSix																																																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|SneakSizeSix|6	BONUS:VAR|SneakDiceSix|1																																											COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
19Augment Attack / Sneak Attack d8					KEY:Augment Attack ~ Sneak Attack d8			SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2e				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements																																																																																			DEFINE:SneakDiceEight|0	DEFINE:SneakSizeEight|0																																											DESC:Sneak attack +%1d%2|SneakDiceEight|SneakSizeEight																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|SneakSizeEight|8	BONUS:VAR|SneakDiceEight|1																																											COST:4				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
20Augment Attack / Skirmish Attack d6					KEY:Augment Attack ~ Skirmish Attack d6			SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2f				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																	DEFINE:SkirmishDiceSix|0	DEFINE:SkirmishSizeSix|0																																									DESC:Skirmish attack +%1d%2|SkirmishDiceSix|SkirmishSizeSix																																																																																																		STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|SkirmishSizeSix|6	BONUS:VAR|SkirmishDiceSix|1																																											COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
21Augment Attack / Skirmish Attack d8					KEY:Augment Attack ~ Skirmish Attack d8			SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2g				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements																																																																																			DEFINE:SkirmishDiceEight|0	DEFINE:SkirmishSizeEight|0																																									DESC:Skirmish attack +%1d%2|SkirmishDiceEight|SkirmishSizeEight																																																																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|SkirmishSizeEight|8	BONUS:VAR|SkirmishDiceEight|1																																											COST:4				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
22Augment Attack / Weapon Specialization				KEY:Augment Attack ~ Weapon Specialization		SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2h				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Combat.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:increase damage by +2 to selected weapon																																																																																																				STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|DAMAGE|2|TYPE=WeaponSpecialization						COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
23Augment Attack / Greater Weapon Specialization			KEY:Augment Attack ~ Greater Weapon Specialization	SORTKEY:Augment Attack_2i				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.Combat.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:increase damage by +2 to selected weapon																																																																																																				STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|DAMAGE|2|TYPE=GrtWeaponSpc							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
24Augment Attack / Crippling						KEY:Augment Attack ~ Crippling				SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1d				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) makes attacks cause one point of ability damage. Characters must select the target ability when this ability is taken.																																																																																								MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Crippling Choice																																																																																																																																																																																				COST:6
25Augment Attack / Extended Range					KEY:Augment Attack ~ Extended Range				SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1e				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) adds +45' to projectile weapon ranges or +60' for thrown weapons.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												COST:6
26Augment Attack / Continuing						KEY:Augment Attack ~ Continuing				SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1f				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) lets an attack cause +1 point/ round of damage until treated with an easy (DC 13) Heal check. It otherwise lasts up to twice the attacking character's level in rounds.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											COST:6
27Augment Attack / Silencing						KEY:Augment Attack ~ Silencing				SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1g				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) keeps the target from speaking for one round.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																COST:6
28Augment Attack / Disabling						KEY:Augment Attack ~ Disabling				SORTKEY:Augment Attack_1h				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) reduces target's movement by 10' (to a minimum of 10') for the duration of the encounter.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								COST:6
30Blind Fight																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:In melee, every time a character with Blind-Fight misses because of concealment, he or she may reroll his or her miss chance percentile roll once to see if he or she actually hits. He or she does not lose his or her Dex bonus to Armor Class, and the enemy doesn't get the usual +2 bonus, for being invisible. An invisible enemy's bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks. In poor light, the user's speed slows to normal.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
31Blind Fight / Combat Awareness					KEY:Blind Fight ~ Combat Awareness				SORTKEY:Blind Fight_1a / Combat Awareness		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Blind Fight																																																																																																																				DESC:prevents you from being flanked.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
32Blind Fight / Darksense							KEY:Blind Fight ~ Darksense					SORTKEY:Blind Fight_1b / Darksense			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Blind Fight																																																																																																																				DESC:extends a character's Blind-Fight senses out to a 10' radius. For the purposes of the bonuses and penalties of Blindfight this is the melee range. With ranged attacks the user takes no penalties due to lighting within this range.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
33Blind Fight / Darksense Improved					KEY:Blind Fight ~ Darksense Improved			SORTKEY:Blind Fight_1c / Darksense Improved	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Blind Fight ~ Darksense																																																																																																																		DESC:(+3 CP) requires Darksense and extends a character's Blind-Fight senses out to a 30' radius. For the purposes of the bonuses and penalties of Blind-Fight, this is the melee range. With ranged weapons the user takes no penalties due to lighting within this range.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
34Blind Fight / Sense of Perception					KEY:Blind Fight ~ Sense of Perception			SORTKEY:Blind Fight_1d / Sense of Perception	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Blind Fight																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) requires Darksense and allows the character to sense the structure of matter within the Darksense radius. The character can now feel matter, its divisions, and any empty spaces (or spaces filled with air or water). He or she can sense the internal mechanism of a lock and the heartbeats of living creatures. Creatures can still Hide from users, but the user gains a +10 bonus to find hidden doors and spaces.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
36Block / Missile								KEY:Block ~ Missile						SORTKEY:Block_1a_Missile				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																DEFINE:BlockMissileDC|0																																															DESC:Block lets a character counter an incoming missile attack with DC %1 Reflex save once per round. In general, each Block attempt uses up an Attack of Opportunity and provides Great Immunity to the attack (Stops 60 Points of Damage). Attackers may give up part of their BAB to increase the Block save DC on a 1-to-1 basis.|BlockMissileDC																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|BlockMissileDC|20																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
37Block / Missile / Master						KEY:Block ~ Missile ~ Master					SORTKEY:Block_1b_Missile / Master			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Missile																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) upgrades the roll, so that it requires only a DC 15 save.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|BlockMissileDC|-5																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
38Block / Missile / Riposte						KEY:Block ~ Missile ~ Riposte					SORTKEY:Block_1c_Missile / Riposte			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Missile																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to immediately retaliate in the same mode, launching a single attack of their own. This counts as an Attack of Opportunity and requires a successful Block check - which also counts as an Attack of Opportunity. You'll need extras.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
39Block / Missile / Catch							KEY:Block ~ Missile ~ Catch					SORTKEY:Block_1d_Missile / Catch			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Missile																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to grab a ranged weapon aimed at him or her out of the air and keep it with a successful block. If combined with Riposte, the user may retaliate with the attackers own weapon.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
40Block / Missile / Deflections						KEY:Block ~ Missile ~ Deflections				SORTKEY:Block_1e_Missile / Deflection		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Missile																																																																																																																				DESC:(+12 CP) allows the user to catch individually-directed magical attacks to release on their action next round. This can be combined with Riposte to allow such spells to be retargeted against their casters.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
41Block / Missile / Multiple						KEY:Block ~ Missile ~ Multiple				SORTKEY:Block_1f_Missile / Multiple			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Missile																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to block 1 extra attack each round. No, you can't take Bonus Uses on actions per round. This was actually asked.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
43Block / Melee								KEY:Block ~ Melee							SORTKEY:Block_2a_Melee					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																DEFINE:BlockMeleeDC|0																																															DESC:Block lets a character counter an incoming melee attack with DC %1 Reflex save once per round. In general, each Block attempt uses up an Attack of Opportunity and provides Great Immunity to the attack (Stops 60 Points of Damage). Attackers may give up part of their BAB to increase the Block save DC on a 1-to-1 basis.|BlockMeleeDC																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|BlockMeleeDC|20																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
44Block / Melee / Master							KEY:Block ~ Melee ~ Master					SORTKEY:Block_2b_Melee / Master			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Melee																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) upgrades the roll, so that it requires only a DC 15 save.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|BlockMeleeDC|-5																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
45Block / Melee / Riposte							KEY:Block ~ Melee ~ Riposte					SORTKEY:Block_2c_Melee / Riposte			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Melee																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to immediately retaliate in the same mode, launching a single attack of their own. This counts as an Attack of Opportunity and requires a successful Block check - which also counts as an Attack of Opportunity. You'll need extras.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
46Block / Melee / Catch							KEY:Block ~ Melee ~ Catch					SORTKEY:Block_2d_Melee / Catch			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Melee																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to grab a ranged weapon aimed at him or her out of the air and keep it with a successful block. If combined with Riposte, the user may retaliate with the attackers own weapon.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
47Block / Melee / Deflections						KEY:Block ~ Melee ~ Deflections				SORTKEY:Block_2e_Melee / Deflection			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Melee																																																																																																																				DESC:(+12 CP) allows the user to catch individually-directed magical attacks to release on their action next round. This can be combined with Riposte to allow such spells to be retargeted against their casters.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
48Block / Melee / Multiple						KEY:Block ~ Melee ~ Multiple					SORTKEY:Block_2f_Melee / Multiple			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Melee																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to block 1 extra attack each round. No, you can't take Bonus Uses on actions per round. This was actually asked.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
50Block / Arcane								KEY:Block ~ Arcane						SORTKEY:Block_3a_Arcane					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																DEFINE:BlockArcaneDC|0																																															DESC:Block lets a character counter an incoming arcane attack with DC %1 Reflex save once per round. In general, each Block attempt uses up an Attack of Opportunity and provides Great Immunity to the attack (Stops 60 Points of Damage). Attackers may give up part of their BAB to increase the Block save DC on a 1-to-1 basis.|BlockArcaneDC																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|BlockArcaneDC|20																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
51Block / Arcane / Master							KEY:Block ~ Arcane ~ Master					SORTKEY:Block_3b_Arcane / Master			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Arcane																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) upgrades the roll, so that it requires only a DC 15 save.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|BlockArcaneDC|-5																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.50
52Block / Arcane / Riposte						KEY:Block ~ Arcane ~ Riposte					SORTKEY:Block_3c_Arcane / Riposte			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Arcane																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to immediately retaliate in the same mode, launching a single attack of their own. This counts as an Attack of Opportunity and requires a successful Block check - which also counts as an Attack of Opportunity. You'll need extras.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
53Block / Arcane / Catch							KEY:Block ~ Arcane ~ Catch					SORTKEY:Block_3d_Arcane / Catch			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Arcane																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to grab a ranged weapon aimed at him or her out of the air and keep it with a successful block. If combined with Riposte, the user may retaliate with the attackers own weapon.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
54Block / Arcane / Deflections						KEY:Block ~ Arcane ~ Deflections				SORTKEY:Block_3e_Arcane / Deflection		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Arcane																																																																																																																				DESC:(+12 CP) allows the user to catch individually-directed magical attacks to release on their action next round. This can be combined with Riposte to allow such spells to be retargeted against their casters.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
55Block / Arcane / Multiple						KEY:Block ~ Arcane ~ Multiple					SORTKEY:Block_3f_Arcane / Multiple			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Block ~ Arcane																																																																																																																				DESC:(+6 CP) allows the user to block 1 extra attack each round. No, you can't take Bonus Uses on actions per round. This was actually asked.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
57Bonus Attack																	SORTKEY:Bonus Attack_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Grants an additional attack at highest attack bonus with a -2 penalty for all attacks																																																																																												STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																										BONUS:COMBAT|ATTACKS|1	BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|-2																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
58Bonus Attack / Improved							KEY:Bonus Attack ~ Improved					SORTKEY:Bonus Attack_1b / Improved			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bonus Attack																																																																																																																				DESC:Reduces the penalties for your normal attack sequence by -2.																																																																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																										BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT|2																																																																																																																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
59# COMMENT: Added Additional Support
60Bonus Attack / Cleave							KEY:Bonus Attack ~ Cleave					SORTKEY:Bonus Attack (Cleave)				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Corrupted (Only applies if last melee attack drops foe) [Cleave]																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
61Bonus Attack / Two-Weapon Fighting					KEY:Bonus Attack ~ TWF						SORTKEY:Bonus Attack / Off-Hand			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Grants an Additional Attack for an Off-Hand																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-PRIMARY|2	BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-SECONDARY|6																																																																																																																																				COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
62Bonus Attack / Off-Hand Attack x2					KEY:Bonus Attack ~ ITWF						SORTKEY:Bonus Attack / Off-Hand			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Grants a second Attack for Off-Hand																																																																																																																																																					BONUS:COMBAT|SECONDARYATTACKS|1																																																																																																																																									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
63Bonus Attack / Off-Hand Attack					KEY:Bonus Attack ~ Off Hand Attack				SORTKEY:Bonus Attack / Off-Hand			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Grants an Additional Attack for an Off-Hand																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-PRIMARY|2	BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT-SECONDARY|6																																																																																																																																				COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
65Chain of Ki																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:A martial arts technique with broad applications, this allows the use of a length of rope, cloth, or chain as a whip-like weapon without penalty. Such weapons inflict 1d4 (ribbons, string), 1d6 (rope, cloak, light chain, barbed whip), or 1d8 (spiked or heavy chain) points of damage and have reach.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
66Defender									KEY:Defender ~ Base						SORTKEY:Defender_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Grants +%1 to AC in the form of the choice|TL/5																																																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																				BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Defender Choice|6	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Defender Choice|1																																																																																																																																																									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
67Defender / Improved							KEY:Defender ~ Improved						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements									VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																																																																																													DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 AC and may be taken multiple times. Characters don't actually have to take Defender first, although it is recommended. Many characters take a Corrupted version: not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses																																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																				BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Improved Defender Choice|6																																																																																																																																																													COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
69Defender Tracker																									CATEGORY:Internal																																																																																												DEFINE:DefenderNaturalACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderInsightACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderDeflectionACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderSacredACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderOtherACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderDodgeACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderArmorACBonus|0	DEFINE:DefenderProfaneACBonus|0																																																																																																																																																																	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderNaturalACBonus|TYPE=NaturalArmor.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderDeflectionACBonus|TYPE=Deflection.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderInsightACBonus|TYPE=Insight.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderSacredACBonus|TYPE=Sacred.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderProfanceACBonus|TYPE=Profane.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderArmorACBonus|TYPE=Armor.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderDodgeACBonus|TYPE=Dodge.STACK	BONUS:COMBAT|AC|DefenderOtherACBonus|TYPE=DefenderOther
71Defender / Natural Armor						KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Natural				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Natural		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Natural Armor to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Natural AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderNaturalACBonus																																																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderNaturalACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
72Defender / Insight							KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Insight				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Insight		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Insight Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Insight AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderInsightACBonus																																																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderInsightACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
73Defender / Deflection							KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Deflection				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Deflection		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Deflection Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Deflection AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDeflectionACBonus																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderDeflectionACBonus|1																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
74Defender / Sacred								KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Sacred				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Sacred		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Sacred Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Sacred AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderSacredACBonus																																																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderSacredACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
75Defender / Profane							KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Profane				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Profane		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Profane Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Profane AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderProfaneACBonus																																																																					STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderProfaneACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
76Defender / Armor								KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Armor					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Armor		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Armor Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version; not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses.	DESC: &nl;+1 to Armor AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderArmorACBonus																																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderArmorACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
77Defender / Dodge								KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Dodge					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Dodge		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 Dodge Bonus to AC and may be taken multiple times. Many characters take a Corrupted version: not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses	DESC: &nl;+1 to Dodge AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDodgeACBonus																																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderDodgeACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
78Defender / Other								KEY:Defender ~ Improved_Other					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Improved_Other		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																	DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 AC and may be taken multiple times. Characters don't actually have to take Defender first, although it is recommended. Many characters take a Corrupted version: not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses	DESC: &nl;+1 to AC Bonus Type[Total +%1].|DefenderOtherACBonus																																																											STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderOtherACBonus|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
79Defender / Improved / Specialized vs Melee			KEY:Defender ~ Improved ~ Specialized vs Melee		SORTKEY:Defender_1c					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.ImprovedDefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																															DEFINE:DefenderACvMelee|0																																														DESC:(+6 CP) adds +1 AC and may be taken multiple times. Characters don't actually have to take Defender first, although it is recommended. Many characters take a Corrupted version: not cumulative with armor and shield bonuses	DESC:AC Bonus vs. Melee Attack +%1|DefenderACvMelee																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|DefenderACvMelee|count("ABILITIES","CATEGORY=Special Ability","NAME=Defender ~ Improved ~ Specialized vs Melee")|TYPE=NoStack																														COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
81Defender / Natural Armor						KEY:Defender ~ Natural						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Natural				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Natural Armor AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Natural AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderNaturalACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderNaturalACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
82Defender / Insight							KEY:Defender ~ Insight						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Insight				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Insight Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Insight AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderInsightACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderInsightACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
83Defender / Deflection							KEY:Defender ~ Deflection					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Deflection			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Deflection Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Deflection AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDeflectionACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																														BONUS:VAR|DefenderDeflectionACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
84Defender / Sacred								KEY:Defender ~ Sacred						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Sacred				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Sacred Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Sacred AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderSacredACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderSacredACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
85Defender / Profane							KEY:Defender ~ Profane						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Profane				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Profane Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Profane AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderProfaneACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderProfaneACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
86Defender / Armor								KEY:Defender ~ Armor						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Armor				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Armor Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Armor AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderArmorACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	BONUS:VAR|DefenderArmorACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
87Defender / Dodge								KEY:Defender ~ Dodge						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Dodge				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Dodge Bonus AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Dodge AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDodgeACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	BONUS:VAR|DefenderDodgeACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
88Defender / Other								KEY:Defender ~ Other						SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Other				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to AC|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1	DESC: &nl;+%1 to AC Bonus Type[Total +%1].|DefenderOtherACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|DefenderOtherACBonus|floor((TL/5)+(0.50001))+1																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
90Defender / Natural Armor (Double Effect)				KEY:Defender ~ Natural Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Natural				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Natural Armor AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Natural AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderNaturalACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderNaturalACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
91Defender / Insight (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Insight Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Insight				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Insight Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Insight AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderInsightACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderInsightACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
92Defender / Deflection (Double Effect)				KEY:Defender ~ Deflection Double				SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Deflection			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Deflection Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Deflection AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDeflectionACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|DefenderDeflectionACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
93Defender / Sacred (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Sacred Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Sacred				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Sacred Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Sacred AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderSacredACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderSacredACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
94Defender / Profane (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Profane Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Profane				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Profane Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Profane AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderProfaneACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|DefenderProfaneACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
95Defender / Armor (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Armor Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Armor				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Armor Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Armor AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderArmorACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																BONUS:VAR|DefenderArmorACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
96Defender / Dodge (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Dodge Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Dodge				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to Dodge Bonus AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to Dodge AC Bonus [Total +%1].|DefenderDodgeACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																BONUS:VAR|DefenderDodgeACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
97Defender / Other (Double Effect)					KEY:Defender ~ Other Double					SORTKEY:Defender_1b / Other				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.DefenderChoice.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:Grants +%1 to AC|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2	DESC: &nl;+%1 to AC Bonus Type[Total +%1].|DefenderOtherACBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|DefenderOtherACBonus|floor((TL/2.5)+(0.50001))+2																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
102Doubled Damage																									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP) The character must choose a very specific situation (this is difficult to Specialize further), in which he or she deals double damage from physical attacks. This situation must be so specific as to make the ability rare and difficult to use.																																																																			MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Specific Situation for Doubled Damage																																																																																																																																																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
103Enhanced Strike / Crushing						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Crushing				SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1a, Crushing		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:applies all damage from an entire attack sequence as a single attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
104Enhanced Strike / Focused						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Focused					SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1b, Focused			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:changes the attack to a touch attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
105Enhanced Strike / Hurling						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Hurling					SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1c, Hurling			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:throws a weapon for double damage; this supersedes Doubled Damage.|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Enhanced Strike ~ Hurling (Returning)	DESC:throws a weapon for double damage; this supersedes Doubled Damage. The weapon returns after the attack sequence.|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Enhanced Strike ~ Hurling (Returning)																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
106Enhanced Strike / Hurling Returning					KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Hurling Returning			SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1d, Hurling Returning	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable							PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Enhanced Strike ~ Hurling																																																																																																																		DESC:adds returning to the hurling ability.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
107Enhanced Strike / Whirlwind						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Whirlwind				SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1e, Whirlwind		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:allows the user to make a single full-BAB attack against every target within reach.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
108Enhanced Strike / Hammer						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Hammer					SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1f, Hammer			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:allows the attack to deal maximum damage while gaining a +5 bonus to hit.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
109Enhanced Strike / Shattering						KEY:Enhanced Strike ~ Shattering				SORTKEY:Enhanced Strike_1g, Shattering		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:ignores half the total hardness when the character attacks an object.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.51
111Evasive / Uncommon Actions						KEY:Evasive ~ Uncommon Actions				SORTKEY:Evasive_1a, Uncommon Actions		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Evasive characters may take an action (select one) that usually provokes an Attack of Opportunity without being so exposed. You may take this multiple times, selecting a different action each time.																																																																												MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Uncommon Actions																																																																																																																																																																																				COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
112Evasive / Common Actions						KEY:Evasive ~ Common Actions					SORTKEY:Evasive_1b, Common Actions			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Evasive characters may take an action (select one) that usually provokes an Attack of Opportunity without being so exposed. You may take this multiple times, selecting a different action each time.																																																																												MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Common Actions																																																																																																																																																																																				COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
113Evasive / Very Common Actions						KEY:Evasive ~ Very Common Actions				SORTKEY:Evasive_1c, Very Common Actions		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:Evasive characters may take an action (select one) that usually provokes an Attack of Opportunity without being so exposed. You may take this multiple times, selecting a different action each time.																																																																												MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Very Common Actions																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
115Far Shot									KEY:Far Shot ~ Eclipse														CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). Far Shot multiplies projectile weapon ranges by x1.5 and thrown weapon ranges by x2. This may be taken multiple times.																																																																																						STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																										BONUS:RANGEMULT|PROJECTILE|50	BONUS:RANGEMULT|THROWN|100																																																					COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
116Favored Enemy								KEY:Favored Enemy ~ Eclipse													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																	!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Favored Foe																																																							DEFINE:FavoredEnemyCount|0																																														DESC:(6 CP, 3.0 Version). With Favored Enemy, the character selects a type of enemy, either by species or by type (although "humanoids" isn't allowed for no known reason). This brings a bonus of +(level/4) to damage and on Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival skill rolls versus the chosen foe. The character adds another foe type at a -1 (cumulative each time) penalty whenever the bonus rises. Favored Enemy and Favored Foe do not stack.																																																												BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Eclipse Favored Enemy|TL/4																																																																																																									BONUS:VAR|FavoredEnemyCount|TL/4																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
117Favored Foe																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																	!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Favored Enemy ~ Eclipse																																																					DEFINE:FavoredEnemyBaseBonus|0	DEFINE:FavoredEnemyCount|0	DEFINE:FavoredEnemyBonusCount|0	DEFINE:EclipseFavoredFoeLVL|0	DEFINE:EclipseFavoredFoes|0	DEFINE:EclipseFavoredFoeBonuses|0																		DESC:A character with Favored Foe may select an enemy creature type at levels 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, and so on, gaining a +2 to damage and on Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against a chosen enemy creature type. Each time a new foe is added the character may select one of his or her foes (including the one just chosen) and increase his or her bonuses against that foe type by +2.																																																																BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Eclipse Favored Foe Bonus|EclipseFavoredFoeBonuses	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Eclipse Favored Foe|EclipseFavoredFoes																																																																																											BONUS:VAR|FavoredEnemyBaseBonus|2	BONUS:VAR|EclipseFavoredFoeLVL|TL	BONUS:VAR|EclipseFavoredFoes|EclipseFavoredFoeLVL/5+1	BONUS:VAR|EclipseFavoredFoeBonuses|EclipseFavoredFoeLVL/5																						COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.52
119#Fortune										SOURCEPAGE:p.53	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																				COST:6
120Fortune / Evasion								KEY:Fortune ~ Evasion						SORTKEY:Fortune_1a (Evasion)				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:The ever-useful Fortune feat gives the character the ability to entirely ignore certain effects on a successful save. If a spell or effect has an entry such as "Fort Partial" or "Ref half," this feat works.	DESC: &nl;On Successful Reflex Save, ignore effect of Reflex Half/Partial.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
121Fortune / Impervious							KEY:Fortune ~ Impervious					SORTKEY:Fortune_1b (Impervious)			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:The ever-useful Fortune feat gives the character the ability to entirely ignore certain effects on a successful save. If a spell or effect has an entry such as "Fort Partial" or "Ref half," this feat works.	DESC: &nl;On Successful Fortitude Save, ignore effect of Fortitude Half/Partial.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
122Fortune / Defiant								KEY:Fortune ~ Defiant						SORTKEY:Fortune_1c (Defiant)				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:The ever-useful Fortune feat gives the character the ability to entirely ignore certain effects on a successful save. If a spell or effect has an entry such as "Fort Partial" or "Ref half," this feat works.	DESC: &nl;On Successful Will Save, ignore effect of Will Half/Partial.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
123Fortune / Evasion / Improved						KEY:Fortune ~ Evasion Improved				SORTKEY:Fortune_1d (Evasion Improved)		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fortune ~ Evasion																																																																																																																			DESC:upgrades the ability so that the character takes half damage or effect even on an unsuccessful save. Alternatively, for many Will or Fort saves, half duration may be appropriate.	DESC: &nl;As Fortune (Evasion), only on failed save only take half effect.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
124Fortune / Impervious / Improved					KEY:Fortune ~ Impervious Improved				SORTKEY:Fortune_1e (Impervious Improved)		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fortune ~ Impervious																																																																																																																			DESC:upgrades the ability so that the character takes half damage or effect even on an unsuccessful save. Alternatively, for many Will or Fort saves, half duration may be appropriate.	DESC: &nl;As Fortune (Impervious), only on failed save only take half effect.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
125Fortune / Defiant / Improved						KEY:Fortune ~ Defiant Improved				SORTKEY:Fortune_1f (Defiant Improved)		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Fortune ~ Defiant																																																																																																																			DESC:upgrades the ability so that the character takes half damage or effect even on an unsuccessful save. Alternatively, for many Will or Fort saves, half duration may be appropriate.	DESC: &nl;As Fortune (Defiant), only on failed save only take half effect.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
127Imbuement																		SORTKEY:Imbuement_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																	DEFINE:ImbuementPool|0	DEFINE:ImbuementLvl|0	DEFINE:ImbuementBonusGrade|0																																						DESC:Once taken, the user defines this for a specific weapon type or for unarmed attacks. Weapons gain a +(level/4) enhancement bonus to hit and damage. This does not stack with a magic weapon's bonuses.																																																																																									ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|ImbuementLvl|1	BONUS:VAR|ImbuementPool|floor((TL/4)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:ImbuementLvl,1																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
128Imbuement / Improved							KEY:Imbuement ~ Improved					SORTKEY:Imbuement_1c_Improved				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) reduces the divisor for the weapon formula to 3 and to the unarmed formula to 5. The weapon formula becomes +(level/3) and the unarmedformula +(level/5).																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|ImbuementLvl|1	BONUS:VAR|ImbuementPool|floor((TL/3)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:ImbuementLvl,2																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
129Imbuement / Superior							KEY:Imbuement ~ Superior					SORTKEY:Imbuement_1d_Superior				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP requires Improved) reduces the divisor for the weapon formula to 2 and to the unarmed formula to 3. The weapon formula becomes +(level/2) and the unarmed formula +(level/3).																																																																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:VAR|ImbuementLvl|1	BONUS:VAR|ImbuementPool|floor((TL/2)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:ImbuementLvl,3																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
130Imbuement / Focused							KEY:Imbuement ~ Focused						SORTKEY:Imbuement_1e_Focused				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) allow the user to change "plusses" into specific magic weapon powers. Once spent on a specific power (such as Holy or Shocking Burst), the user may not reclaim the "plusses." You may also count your weapon as any given special material for a plus.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
131Imbuement / Versatile							KEY:Imbuement ~ Versatile					SORTKEY:Imbuement_1f_Versatile			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) requires the Focused upgrade and allows characters to reclaim and reallocate "plusses" given 8 hours to rest.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																					COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
133Imbuement Bonus								KEY:Imbuement ~ DISPLAY														CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack
134CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+%1 Attack and Damage Bonus|WeaponImbuementBonus
135CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+1d6 Fire Damage|PREVAREQ:WeaponFireDamage,1	DESC:+1d6 Fire Damage, xd10|PREVARGTEQ:WeaponFireDamage,2
136CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+1d6 Electricity Damage|PREVAREQ:WeaponElectrictyDamage,1	DESC:+1d6 Electricity Damage, xd10|PREVARGTEQ:WeaponElectrictyDamage,2
137CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+1d6 Cold Damage|PREVAREQ:WeaponColdDamage,1
138CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+1d6 Sonic Damage|PREVAREQ:WeaponSonicDamage,1
139CATEGORY=Special Ability|Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																			DESC:+1d6 Acid Damage|PREVAREQ:WeaponAcidDamage,1
141Base Enhancement Bonus ~ Auto Gain					KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement				SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
143+1 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement 1			SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
144+2 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement 2			SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
145+3 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement 3			SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
146+4 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement 4			SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
147+5 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Enhancement 5			SORTKEY:Weapon_1a						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementWeaponBonus|1																																														COST:1
149+1 Fire Damage								KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Fire													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Weapon Focused																																																																DEFINE:WeaponFireDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|WeaponFireDamage|1
150+1 Cold Damage								KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Cold													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Weapon Focused																																																																DEFINE:WeaponColdDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|WeaponColdDamage|1
151+1 Electricity Damage							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Electricity												CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Weapon Focused																																																																DEFINE:WeaponElectrictyDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|WeaponElectrictyDamage|1
152+1 Acid Damage								KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Acid													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Weapon Focused																																																																DEFINE:WeaponAcidDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|WeaponAcidDamage|1
153+1 Sonic Damage								KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Sonic													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement.BaseImbuementWeaponEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Weapon Focused																																																																DEFINE:WeaponSonicDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|WeaponSonicDamage|1
156+1 Special Ability							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Special Ability_One		SORTKEY:Weapon_1b						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:1
157+2 Special Ability							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Special Ability_Two		SORTKEY:Weapon_1c						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:2
158+3 Special Ability							KEY:Weapon Imbuement ~ Special Ability_Three		SORTKEY:Weapon_1d						CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementWeaponEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:3
161Imbuement / Unarmed							KEY:Imbuement ~ Unarmed						SORTKEY:Imbuement_1b_Unarmed				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																	DEFINE:ImbuementUnarmedPool|0	DEFINE:UnarmedImbuementLvl|0																																									DESC:Once taken, the user defines this for a specific weapon type or for unarmed attacks. Weapons gain a +(level/4) enhancement bonus to hit and damage. This does not stack with a magic weapon's bonuses.																																																																																									ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY																																																																																																																	BONUS:VAR|ImbuementUnarmedPool|floor((TL/7)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:UnarmedImbuementLvl,1	BONUS:VAR|UnarmedImbuementLvl|1																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
162Imbuement / Unarmed Improved						KEY:Imbuement ~ Unarmed Improved				SORTKEY:Imbuement_2a_Unarmed Improved		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) reduces the divisor for the weapon formula to 3 and to the unarmed formula to 5. The weapon formula becomes +(level/3) and the unarmedformula +(level/5).																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|ImbuementUnarmedPool|floor((TL/6)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:UnarmedImbuementLvl,2	BONUS:VAR|UnarmedImbuementLvl|1																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
163Imbuement / Unarmed Superior						KEY:Imbuement ~ Unarmed Superior				SORTKEY:Imbuement_2b_Unarmed Superior		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP requires Improved) reduces the divisor for the weapon formula to 2 and to the unarmed formula to 3. The weapon formula becomes +(level/2) and the unarmed formula +(level/3).																																																																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:VAR|ImbuementUnarmedPool|floor((TL/3)+(0.500001))|PREVAREQ:UnarmedImbuementLvl,3	BONUS:VAR|UnarmedImbuementLvl|1																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
164Imbuement / Unarmed Focused						KEY:Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused				SORTKEY:Imbuement_2c_Unarmed Focused		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) allow the user to change "plusses" into specific magic weapon powers. Once spent on a specific power (such as Holy or Shocking Burst), the user may not reclaim the "plusses." You may also count your weapon as any given special material for a plus.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
165Imbuement / Unarmed Versatile						KEY:Imbuement ~ Unarmed Versatile				SORTKEY:Imbuement_2d_Unarmed Versatile		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:(+6 CP) requires the Focused upgrade and allows characters to reclaim and reallocate "plusses" given 8 hours to rest.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																					COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
167Imbuement Bonus								KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY												CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack
168CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+%1 Attack and Damage Bonus|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus
169CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+1d6 Fire Damage|PREVAREQ:UnarmedFireDamage,1	DESC:+1d6 Fire Damage, xd10|PREVARGTEQ:UnarmedFireDamage,2
170CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+1d6 Electricity Damage|PREVAREQ:UnarmedElectrictyDamage,1	DESC:+1d6 Electricity Damage, xd10|PREVARGTEQ:UnarmedElectrictyDamage,2
171CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+1d6 Cold Damage|PREVAREQ:UnarmedColdDamage,1
172CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+1d6 Sonic Damage|PREVAREQ:UnarmedSonicDamage,1
173CATEGORY=Special Ability|Unarmed Imbuement ~ DISPLAY.MOD																																																																																																																																																																		DESC:+1d6 Acid Damage|PREVAREQ:UnarmedAcidDamage,1
176Base Enhancement Bonus ~ Auto Gain					KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement				SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
178+1 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement 1			SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
179+2 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement 2			SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
180+3 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement 3			SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
181+4 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement 4			SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
182+5 Enhancement Bonus							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Enhancement 5			SORTKEY:Unarmed_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|BaseImbuementUnarmedBonus|1																																														COST:1
184+1 Fire Damage								KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Fire													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused																																																																DEFINE:UnarmedFireDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|UnarmedFireDamage|1
185+1 Cold Damage								KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Cold													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused																																																																DEFINE:UnarmedColdDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|UnarmedColdDamage|1
186+1 Electricity Damage							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Electricity												CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused																																																																DEFINE:UnarmedElectrictyDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|UnarmedElectrictyDamage|1
187+1 Acid Damage								KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Acid													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused																																																																DEFINE:UnarmedAcidDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|UnarmedAcidDamage|1
188+1 Sonic Damage								KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Sonic													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement.BaseImbuementUnarmedEnhancement					PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Imbuement ~ Unarmed Focused																																																																DEFINE:UnarmedSonicDamage|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:VAR|UnarmedSonicDamage|1
191+1 Special Ability							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Special Ability_One		SORTKEY:Unarmed_1b					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:1
192+2 Special Ability							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Special Ability_Two		SORTKEY:Unarmed_1c					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:2
193+3 Special Ability							KEY:Unarmed Imbuement ~ Special Ability_Three		SORTKEY:Unarmed_1d					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:ImbuementUnarmedEnhancement																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:3
197Improved Critical								KEY:Improved Critical ~ Eclipse				SORTKEY:Improved Critical_1a				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). Improved Critical doubles a specific weapon's critical threat range.																																																																																														STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|CRITRANGEDOUBLE|1									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
198Improved Critical / Superior						KEY:Improved Critical ~ Superior				SORTKEY:Improved Critical_1b				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) allows the character to add personal critical range improvements to a single magical one. Use the standard rules for adding multipliers. Do not stack increases directly.																																																																													STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|CRITRANGEDOUBLE|1									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
199Improved Critical / Lethal						KEY:Improved Critical ~ Lethal				SORTKEY:Improved Critical_1c				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) increases the critical multiplier by +1.																																																																																																					MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|CRITMULTADD|1									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
200Improved Initiative																								CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:The character gains +2 to Initiative per 3 CP invested, up to a maximum +8 bonus. [Current Bonus is +%1]|2*count("ABILITIES","CATEGORY=Special Ability","NAME=Improved Initiative")	DESC: &nl;+2 to initiative each time taken [+%1 Bonus]|2*count("ABILITIES","CATEGORY=Special Ability","NAME=Improved Initiative")																																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=4|NOCHOICE																																								BONUS:COMBAT|INITIATIVE|2																																																																																																																																										COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
201Improvise Weapon																									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(3 CP). With Improvise Weapon, a character may pick up and wield any item he or she can handle as a weapon or shield with statistics identical to manufactured weapons. Most items equate to clubs, daggers, staves, or mauls of various types.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
202Improvise Weapon / Surprise Strike					KEY:Improvise Weapon ~ Surprise Strike			SORTKEY:Improvise Weapon / Surprise Strike	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) lets the user select one opponent, who is then considered flat-footed against the user for one round. This works once per combat encounter.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
203Legionary																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). A Legionary has great coordination when fighting in a team. The character gains +1/2/3 bonus to AC, Attacks and Reflex Saves when teamed with 1-2/3-4/5+ others with who also possess this feat.	DESC: &nl;Gain +1/2/3 bonus to AC, Attacks and Reflex Saves when with 1-2/3-4/5+ others who have this feat.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																					COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
204Lunge																											CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). Add +5 feet to your effective reach. Creatures with tentacles, stretching powers, or very long limbs may take this more than once.	DESC: &nl;Adds +5 feet to your reach																																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																										BONUS:COMBAT|REACH|5																																																																																																																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
205Manuever																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). You may use the Tumble skill in combat to try to evade an Attack of Opportunity 1/round, with a DC equal to the attack roll.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
207Martial Arts								KEY:Martial Arts															CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																												PREVARLTEQ:MartialArtsTaken,5	DEFINE:UseMartialArts|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsTaken|0																																										DESC:Unarmed Damage %1d%2+%3, lethal or non-lethal as desired without penalty|MartialArtsDie|MartialArtsDieSize|MartialArtsBonusDamage	DESC:(3 CP). A character is considered armed when using unarmed combat so long as he or she places at least 3 CP in this ability. He or she gains a base damage of 1d4 with unarmed attacks. Each +3 CP invested after that increases the damage by one die type (d6/d8/d10/d12), up to a maximum of 1d12 at 15 CP.	DESC: &nl; [Damage %1d%2]|MartialArtsDie|MartialArtsDieSize																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE									ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Martial Arts Counter																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|UseMartialArts|1	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsTaken|1																																											COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
208Martial Arts / Martial Arts Damage Cap 2d10			KEY:Martial Arts ~ Martial Arts Damage Cap (2d10)									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable				VISIBLE:DISPLAY																							PREMULT:2,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Martial Arts Damage (1d20)],[PREVAREQ:MartialArtsTaken,5]	PREMULT:2,[PREVAREQ:MartialArtsTaken,5],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Martial Arts ~ Martial Arts Damage Cap (1d20)]																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDie|1	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDieSize|-2																																										COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
209Martial Arts / Martial Arts Damage Cap 1d20			KEY:Martial Arts ~ Martial Arts Damage Cap (1d20)									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable				VISIBLE:DISPLAY																							PREMULT:2,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Martial Arts Damage (2d10)],[PREVAREQ:MartialArtsTaken,5]	PREMULT:2,[PREVAREQ:MartialArtsTaken,5],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Martial Arts ~ Martial Arts Damage Cap (2d10)]																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDieSize|8																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.53
211Martial Arts Counter																								CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:Counter										VISIBLE:NO																																																																												DEFINE:UseMartialArts|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsTaken|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsBonusDamage|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsDie|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsDieSize|0	DEFINE:MartialArtsTOHIT|0																																																																																																																																																ABILITY:FEAT|AUTOMATIC|Martial Arts Output																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDie|1	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDieSize|2	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsBonusDamage|STR	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsTOHIT|var("WEAPONH.TOTALHIT")	BONUS:VAR|MartialArtsDieSize|2*var("MartialArtsTaken")
212# Buggy when used with Automatic and Normal -
213#Used to display in PDF
214Martial Arts Output																								CATEGORY:FEAT															VISIBLE:NO
215Drop Class Skill Max by one																							CATEGORY:Special Ability																																																																																										DEFINE:ClassSkillMax|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|ClassSkillMax|-1																																																		KIT:1|Fake Monk
217Occult Combat																	SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1a_Base				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(3+ CP). This talent grants the use of one psionic or mystic combat mode (with a dramatic name of choice) for every 3 CP invested. Each uses and attacks an attribute chosen when this ability is taken. The user and target make opposed (D20 + Attribute Mod + Will Save Bonus) checks (Wis Mod may apply to both). If the target loses he or she takes 1d4 points of damage to the attribute attacked (Con may not be reduced below 1 in this fashion). Such attacks have a range of 60 feet and cost 4 Power, 2 spell levels, or 1 Mana to launch. Upgrades apply to all modes.																																																																																																																																																																																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
218Occult Combat / Improved						KEY:Occult Combat ~ Improved					SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1b_Improved			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) boosts the damage done to 1d4+2 attribute points.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
219Occult Combat / Drain							KEY:Occult Combat ~ Drain					SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1c_Drain			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) is an advanced mode that uses opposed will saves only: if the target loses he or she is drained of spell levels (at 1 for 1) or power (at 2 for 1) instead of attribute points. The target may decide what specific spells or reserves are lost but the user may decide which effect, spell levels or Power, to apply if the target has both. The Improved modifier applies normally.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
220Occult Combat / Area / First Option					KEY:Occult Combat ~ Area ~ First Option			SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1d_Area I			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+12 CP) allows the user to affect either a 60' cone or a 20' radius within range. Using either doubles the cost of the attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
221Occult Combat / Area / Second Option				KEY:Occult Combat ~ Area ~ Second Option			SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1e_Area II			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:The second option may be added for another +6 CP.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
222Occult Combat / Entrap							KEY:Occult Combat ~ Entrap					SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1f_Entrap			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) requires Drain and pulls 1d2 spell levels (1d4 with Improved) or 1d8 Power (1d10 with Improved) from a successful attacker using Occult Combat. It is otherwise like Drain.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
223Occult Combat / Vampire							KEY:Occult Combat ~ Vampire					SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1g_Vampire			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) requires Drain and allows the user to personally absorb half the spell levels or Power drained from the target via the Drain or Entrap options. It grants no special ability to use said energy.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
224Occult Combat / Occult Armor						KEY:Occult Combat ~ Occult Armor				SORTKEY:Occult Combat_1h_Occult Armor		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+6 CP) protects the character from mystic or psionic ability drains. The character is not affected by Drain unless he or she fails the opposed saving throw by 10 points or more. At the GM's option, the character might be immune to similar minor ability drains (i.e., 0-2nd level spells or weak side effects of stronger spells) unless he or she fails the save by a similar margin.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
225#Classical psionic combat employs five basic attack modes (15 CP), Area (Specialized in one mode, 3 CP), Occult Armor (Specialized: costs 1 power per point absorbed, 3 CP), Blessing (Radius, Specialized: may extend Occult Armor to a 5' radius for 2 Power/round, 6 CP), and a +1 on Will Saves (3 CP), for a total of 30 CP.
227Overwhelm																										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). A character with this may choose to use Overwhelm Attacks. These function exactly as normal attacks but can drive opponents back 5 feet. Enemies resist as per Bull Rush. Note that this renders any subsequent attacks without a ranged weapon useless that round if it succeeds. Reach allows for subsequent attacks as well.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
229#COMMENT: These "Rapid Strike" abilities require a massive dynamic change for the OS, something that we can't support at this time.
230#		In essence they change the parameters for the next attack iteration.
231Rapid Strike																	SORTKEY:Rapid Strike_1a					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																DEFINE:RapidStrike|0																																															DESC:(6 CP). Normally, characters attack every 5 BAB steps. With Rapid Strike, they may select one specific weapon type (or unarmed attacks), and use that attack every 4 steps instead. (BAB +20/16/12/8/4)																																																																											MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|PC																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|RapidStrike|1																																																	COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
232Rapid Strike / Improved							KEY:Rapid Strike ~ Improved					SORTKEY:Rapid Strike_1b					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+12 CP) grants the ability to attack every 3 BAB steps. (BAB +20/17/14/11/8/5/2)																																																																																															MULT:YES	CHOOSE:ABILITY|Special Ability|Rapid Strike																																																																																																																															BONUS:VAR|RapidStrike|1																																																	COST:12				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
233Rapid Strike / Superior							KEY:Rapid Strike ~ Superior					SORTKEY:Rapid Strike_1c					CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(+18 CP) grants the ability to attack every 2 BAB steps. (BAB +20/18/16/14/12/10/8/6/4/2)																																																																																														MULT:YES	CHOOSE:ABILITY|Special Ability|Rapid Strike ~ Improved																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|RapidStrike|1																																																	COST:18				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
235Smite										KEY:Smite ~ Eclipse														CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:SpecialAttack.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																			DESC:The character adds his or her Charisma Modifier [+%1] to Hit, and level [+%2] to damage, against a chosen type of foe 1/day. Most characters take this with Bonus Uses. See page 52 for some possible enemy types.|CHA|TL																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
237Specialist									KEY:Specialist ~ Eclipse													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																						DESC:(3 CP). Specialist grants a +4 bonus on any one of the following checks: Grapple, Trip, Sunder, Disarm, Strength-based Overrun checks, or another specialty attack the GM allows.																																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																				BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Specialist Combat Selection|1																																																																																																																																																													COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.54
238# Selections
239Specialist / Grapple							KEY:Specialist ~ Grapple					SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 1 Grapple			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Grapple checks.																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:COMBAT|TOHIT.Grapple|4
240Specialist / Trip								KEY:Specialist ~ Trip						SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 2 Trip				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Trip checks.
241Specialist / Sunder							KEY:Specialist ~ Sunder						SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 3 Sunder				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Sunder checks.
242Specialist / Disarm							KEY:Specialist ~ Disarm						SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 4 Disarm				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Disarm checks.
243Specialist / Overrun							KEY:Specialist ~ Overrun					SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 5 Overrun			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Overrun checks.
245Specialist / Other specialty attack					KEY:Specialist ~ Other						SORTKEY:Specialist ~ 6 Other				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.SpecialistSelection																																																																																																																																				DESC:(3 CP). Grants a +4 bonus on Selected checks.
247Spirit Weapon / Melee							KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Melee					SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_1a				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeapon																																																																														DEFINE:UseSpiritWeaponMelee|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeToHit|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeDie|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeBonusDamage|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeCritRange|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponMeleeCritMult|0										DESC:(6 CP). With Spirit Weapon, the character may manifest a personal-use weapon which does subdual or lethal damage. The character picks either subdual or physical, not both, and the user also chooses slashing, piercing, crushing, a magical energy type, or a non-magical energy for the damage type. Most characters who take this also purchase Imbuement (page 53). The weapon may be any the user is proficient with including unarmed strikes. Unarmed strikes bought with the Spirit Weapon power are considered armed attacks. Spirit Weapon damage may be upgraded as per Martial Arts.												MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Choose Damage Type					ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Spirit Weapon Tracker Output		BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Spirit Weapon Choice|1																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponMeleeBonusDamage|STR	BONUS:VAR|UseSpiritWeaponMelee|1	BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponMeleeToHit|BAB+STR																																COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
248Spirit Weapon / Ranged							KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Ranged					SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_1b				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeapon																																																																														DEFINE:UseSpiritWeaponRanged|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedToHit|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedDie|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedBonusDamage|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedCritMult|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedCritRange|0	DEFINE:SpiritWeaponRangedRange|0	DESC:(9 CP). With Spirit Weapon, the character may manifest a personal-use weapon which does subdual or lethal damage. The character picks either subdual or physical, not both, and the user also chooses slashing, piercing, crushing, a magical energy type, or a non-magical energy for the damage type. Most characters who take this also purchase Imbuement (page 53). The weapon may be any the user is proficient with including unarmed strikes. Unarmed strikes bought with the Spirit Weapon power are considered armed attacks. Spirit Weapon damage may be upgraded as per Martial Arts.	DESC:Damage dealt %1d%2|SpiritWeapon|SpiritWeaponSize			MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Choose Damage Type					ABILITY:Internal|AUTOMATIC|Spirit Weapon Tracker Output		BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Spirit Weapon Choice|1																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|UseSpiritWeaponRanged|1	BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponRangedToHit|BAB+DEX																																								COST:9				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
249Spirit Weapon / Exotic Appearance					KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Exotic Appearance			SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_2b_Exotic Appearance	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeapon																																																																																																																			DESC:(+3 CP) upgrades the Spirit Weapon to look like almost anything the user desires, such as "Bolts of Black Lighting" rather than a short bow.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
250Spirit Weapon / Switch							KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Switch					SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_2b_Switch_a			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeapon																																																																																																																			DESC: (+3 CP) enables a character to do either stun or lethal damage at will. For each additional +3 CP the user may add an additional type of damage to his or her repertoire.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
251Spirit Weapon / Switch / Add Damage					KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Switch Damage				SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_2b_Switch_b			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Spirit Weapon ~ Switch																																																																																																																		DESC: (+3 CP) enables a character to do either stun or lethal damage at will. For each additional +3 CP the user may add an additional type of damage to his or her repertoire.																																																																																MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Damage Type																																																																																																																																																																																					COST:3				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
252Spirit Weapon / Touch Attack						KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Touch Attack				SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon_2b_Touch Attack		CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable						PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeapon																																																																	DEFINE:SpiritTouchAttacks|0																																														DESC: (+6 CP) enables the character to make touch attacks rather than normal ones. Note that this costs (+6 CP) per attack per round so upgraded, not (+6 CP) for all attacks together. [x%1 touch attack]|SpiritTouchAttacks																																																																							STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|SpiritTouchAttacks|1																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
255Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade / Melee				KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Damage Upgrade ~ Melee										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeaponDamage			VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																															PREVARLT:SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize,12																																																																																																																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																																																								COST:3
256Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade / Ranged				KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Damage Upgrade ~ Ranged										CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeaponDamage			VISIBLE:DISPLAY																																																															PREVARLT:SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize,12																																																																																																																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																																																								COST:3
259# KEY vs. NAME would be good. Have I mentioned this already? Do not Change this NAME.
260Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade Max Cap 2d10			KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Damage Upgrade Max Cap 2d10		SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade 2d10	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeaponCap				VISIBLE:DISPLAY	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeapon		!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeaponCap		PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize,12],[PREVAREQ:SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize,12]																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize,SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize|-2	BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponMeleeDie,SpiritWeaponRangedDie|1
261Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade Max Cap 1d20			KEY:Spirit Weapon ~ Damage Upgrade Max Cap 1d20		SORTKEY:Spirit Weapon / Damage Upgrade 1d20	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:CombatEnhancements.Corruptable.SpiritWeaponCap				VISIBLE:DISPLAY	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeapon		!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.SpiritWeaponCap		PREMULT:1,[PREVAREQ:SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize,12],[PREVAREQ:SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize,12]																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|SpiritWeaponMeleeDieSize,SpiritWeaponRangedDieSize|8
263Split Movement																									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). The user selects a specific type of action (like attacking or spellcasting) He or she may then split his or her movement up into sections before and after that type of action. Consider each move separately. He or she does not gain any bonus for using Move-Equivalent Actions and may not use more of them than he or she normally could. The Game Master may want to draw a distinction between ranged and melee attacks, schools of magic, or disciplines, making this ability much more specific.																																																																																																																																																																																																																						COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
264Throwing Master																									CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). With Throwing Master, the character may throw any object he or she can pick up with one hand, with a basic range of 10' (20' for light, aerodynamic items) for 1d4 (lethal) bludgeoning damage, or its usual base damage, whichever is higher. Again, the damage may be increased as per Martial Arts.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
265Trick																											CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.CombatEnhancements.Corruptable																																																																																																																																		DESC:(6 CP). You may make a special attack under Specialized circumstances or 3/day, which forces a save and causes a dangerous special effect. The usual DC stands at 10 +(1/2 your level) +(any one relevant attribute modifier). This usually uses Intelligence or Dexterity, but anything's possible.	DESC: &nl;You have a Combat Trick you can employ.																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																				BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Trick Choice|1																																																																																																																																																															COST:6				SOURCEPAGE:p.55
266#Comment: Trick has multiple variables we can make into a standard, but need to break it out. Thinking a Trick Pool might be best.
268Trick / Death Attack							KEY:Trick ~ Death Attack													CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.TrickChoice																																																																																																																																					DESC: &nl;You have a Combat Trick you can employ.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.55
269Trick / Stun Attack							KEY:Trick ~ Stun Attack														CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.TrickChoice																																																																																																																																					DESC: &nl;Stun Attack forces the victim to make a Ref save or becomes Stunned for 3 rounds. You may either use this 3/day or under specific circumstances. Stun Attack usually uses Dexterity bonus.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.55
270Trick / Trip Attack							KEY:Trick ~ Trip Attack														CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.TrickChoice																																																																																																																																					DESC: &nl;Trip Attack forces the victim to make an opposed grapple check.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.55