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3###	Metamagical Theorems	###
6###Block: Metamagical Theorems
7# Ability Name				Unique Key						SORTKEY							Category of Ability		Type											Description																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									Cost		Source Page
8Metamagic / Amplify			KEY:Metamagic ~ Amplify				SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Amplify				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You know how to increase the raw power of your spells.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common applications include: &nl; Augment (+2 levels) adds +50%% to the damage or other effect inflicted. &nl; Maximize (+3 SL) automatically gets the maximum value for damage or other random effects. Spells with variable effects, such as Confusion allow the caster to select the effect. &nl; Double Effect (+4 SL) simply doubles the effect inflicted. &nl; Double Maximized (+7 SL) maximizes and doubles a spell's effects. Obviously, this trick can exceed a given spell's normal maximum damage by far, but few casters can use it.	DESC: &nl;Augment (+2 SL) adds +50%% to the effect inflicted. &nl; Maximize (+3 SL) gets maximum value for effects. &nl; Double Effect (+4 SL) doubles effect inflicted. &nl; Double Maximized (+7 SL) maximizes and doubles a spell's effects.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.56
9Metamagic / Area				KEY:Metamagic ~ Area				SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Area				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You know how to increase the area of effect of your spells.	DESC:(6 CP). Common applications include - Area (+1 SL) adds +50%% to the existing area or radius of a spell. &nl; Boost (+2 SL) improves the spell, changing Ray to Cone (same range) or Touch to a 10' radius. &nl; Hammer (+2 SL) doubles a spell's radius, the length of a cone, or any similar measurement. &nl; Ray Burst (+3 SL) causes a Ray to affect a 30' radius, with those within 10' receiving no save. &nl; Boundless (+8 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire battlefield. For example, a Magic Missile cast with the Boundless modifier would inflict 5d4+5 force damage to every enemy on an entire battlefield. &nl; Regional (+12 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire state, region, or small continent. &nl; Grandiose (+20 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire planet, pocket dimension, demiplane, or similarly-sized realm. We recommend against doing this with Fireball and similar spells. You usually live there, too.	DESC: &nl;Area (+1 SL) adds +50%% to the existing area or radius of a spell. &nl; Boost (+2 SL) improves the spell, changing Ray to Cone (same range) or Touch to a 10' radius. &nl; Hammer (+2 SL) doubles a spell's radius, the length of a cone, or any similar measurement. &nl; Ray Burst (+3 SL) causes a Ray to affect a 30' radius, with those within 10' receiving no save. &nl; Boundless (+8 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire battlefield. For example, a Magic Missile cast with the Boundless modifier would inflict 5d4+5 force damage to every enemy on an entire battlefield. &nl; Regional (+12 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire state, region, or small continent. &nl; Grandiose (+20 SL) allows a spell to affect an entire planet, pocket dimension, demiplane, or similarly-sized realm. We recommend against doing this with Fireball and similar spells. You usually live there, too.																																																																																																																																																																																																																	COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.56
10Metamagic / Easy				KEY:Metamagic ~ Easy				SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Easy				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You have learned to substitute raw power for some of the usual requirements of your spells.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common applications of this technique include: &nl; Material (+1 SL) removes the need for most material components unless they're integral to the spell effect. If you have a spell which animates a sword to fight, you still need the sword. However, you won't need ruby dust to sprinkle it with. The classic Eschew Materials feat does not increase the spell level, but only works on materials and only for those costing 1 GP or less. If you want that version, it's bought as Easy, with the Streamline metamagical modifier, Specialized to materials costing 1 GP or less only, for a total of 6 CP. &nl; Verbal (+1 SL) removes the need for incantations. &nl; Somatic (+1 SL) removes the need for gestures and arcane spell failure chance. &nl; Temporal (+1 SL) allows the caster to use the spell as a Free Action. Unfortunately, since you can't take any time to speak, gesture, or get out components, you must also apply the Material, Verbal, and Somatic effects for a total of +4 spell levels. Using this effect on spells with lengthy casting times requires another +1 SL, +2 SL if the normal casting time is measured in hours or more. The classic Quicken feat states that "you can cast a spell with a moment's thought." It isn't quite clear as to what this means or whether it effectively includes the Silent Spell and Still Spell feats; official and unofficial statements seem to go both ways. If you feel that the +4 level cost does not include one more of the earlier effects simply increase the spell level adjustment for Temporal by the number you do not include.	DESC: &nl;Material (+1 SL) removes material components &nl; Verbal (+1 SL) removes Verbal Component. &nl; Somatic (+1 SL) removes the Somatic Component &nl; Temporal (+4 SL) Cast as Free Action, includes the preceeding.																																																																																																																																																																																																													COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.57
11Metamagic / Elemental Manipulation	KEY:Metamagic ~ Elemental Manipulation	SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Elemental Manipulation	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:Elemental Manipulation allows the user to add additional energy types to a spell.	DESC:(6 CP).  Possible effects here include: &nl; Alter (+0 SL) changes the elemental effect of a spell from one type to another. &nl; Subdual (+1 SL) changes the damage from lethal to subdual or vice versa. &nl; SFX (+1 SL) changes special effects so that the spell looks and/or sounds different or even takes effect invisibly. Inherently obvious spells such as Meteor Swarm or Call Lightning may require +2 to +3 SL. This is the same general effect as Lacing: Hidden. &nl; Ether (+1 SL) makes the spell affect Ethereal creatures. Similar modifiers apply for other coexistent planes or extradimensional spaces. For +2 SL all such planes and spaces can be affected simultaneously. &nl; Infliction (+1 to +5 SL) causes the spell to inflict a condition on those who fail to resist. Such conditions normally last for one round per level of the spell. The SL adjustment depends on what condition is inflicted. (+1 SL)~ Blown Away, Dazed (1 round), Dazzled, Deafened, Fatigued, Knocked Down, or Sickened; [+2 SL] Blinded, Confused, Energy Drained (1 level, lasts 1 hour per Caster Level, max 20), Entangled, Exhausted, Frightened, or Shaken; [+3 SL] Cowering, Nauseated, Panicked, or Stunned; [+4 SL] Paralyzed or Unconscious; [+5 SL] Dead, Petrified. Concussive [+2 SL] causes the spell to toss those affected out of the way (either out of the area of effect or 10 feet per level of the spell), knocking them prone and inflicting damage as if they had fallen an equal distance. Holy/Unholy [+2 SL] makes half the damage Sacred or Profane. The spell gains the Good or Evil subtype as appropriate. No, you can't add both. Twining [+2 SL] adds secondary elemental effects at half of a base elemental effect. This effectively increases a spell's damage by +50%%. Improved Twining [+4 SL] adds a secondary elemental effect at full power for +4 spell levels. This effectively doubles a spell's damage. Sacred/Profane [+4 SL] changes the damage to Sacred or Profane damage as appropriate.	DESC: &nl;Alter [+0 SL] changes the elemental effect to another. Subdual [+1 SL] deal lethal or subdual. SFX [+1 SL, +2 or 3 for Obvious Spells] changes the look and/or sound. Ether [+1 SL] affect single coexistent plane. [+2 SL] affect all planes. Infliction [+1 SL] Blown Away, Dazed (1 round), Dazzled, Deafened, Fatigued, Knocked Down, or Sickened. [+2 SL] Blinded, Confused, Energy Drained (1 level, lasts 1 hour per Caster Level, max 20), Entangled, Exhausted, Frightened, or Shaken. [+3 SL] Cowering, Nauseated, Panicked, or Stunned. [+4 SL] Paralyzed or Unconscious. [+5 SL] Dead, Petrified. Concussive [+2 SL] creature pushed out of the area of effect or 10 feet per level of the spell, knocking them prone and inflicting damage as if they had fallen an equal distance. Holy/Unholy [+2 SL] makes half the damage Sacred or Profane. Twining [+2 SL] adds secondary elemental effects at half of a base elemental effect. Improved Twining [+4 SL] adds a secondary elemental effect at full power. Sacred/Profane [+4 SL] damage as Sacred or Profane damage.	COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.58
12Metamagic / Extension			KEY:Metamagic ~ Extension			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Extension				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:Extension covers the fine art of manipulating the range of spells.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common applications include:! Extension (+1 SL per step) increases the range of a spell from Touch to Short, Short to Medium, Medium to Long, Long to Extreme (800 ft + 80 ft/Level), and Extreme to Line of Sight (limited only by the user's direct vision). &nl; Indirect Fire (+2 SL) allows the spell to hit targets within range which the user is aware of but cannot see; this is not compatible with Line of Sight. &nl; Global (+6 SL) amplifies the range so that it may hit any known target on a planet (or in the atmosphere). &nl; Trans-dimensional (+8 SL) allows the user to target through scrying effects, to hit targets across the dimensional boundary, or to target people at interstellar ranges. Strangely, Trans-dimensional doesn't take any more time to reach the target than normal.	DESC: &nl;Extension (+1 SL per step) increases the range from Touch to Short, Short to Medium, Medium to Long, Long to Extreme (800 ft + 80 ft/Level), and Extreme to Line of Sight. &nl; Indirect Fire (+2 SL) hit targets within range which the user is aware of but cannot see. &nl; Global (+6 SL) hit any known target on a planet (or in the atmosphere). &nl; Trans-dimensional (+8 SL) target through scrying effects across the dimensional boundary, or interstellar ranges.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.58
13Metamagic / Lacing			KEY:Metamagic ~ Lacing				SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Lacing				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:Lacing is the art of weaving in counter-counter measures.	DESC:(6 CP).  While rare and difficult, it can make spells almost unstoppable. &nl; Hidden (+1) uses a subtle Illusion effect to hide spells that are already subtle or quiet. The spell has no visible or audible effect. &nl; Improved Hidden (+3 SL) is required to hide spells that otherwise would be flashy, noisy, or otherwise wildly obvious. &nl; Penetrating (Variable) allows the caster to better overcome Spell Resistance, providing a +3 on the roll per +1 SL applied. &nl; Brackish (+2 SL) renders the spell unabsorbable by items that can absorb and store spells or spell levels. It does not stop character abilities. &nl; Improved Brackish (+4 SL) renders the spell unabsorbable by character abilities as well as items. &nl; Bypass (+1 to +4 SL) allows a spell to bypass special immunities, such as an undead's resistance to mind-altering effects or a golem's magical immunity. The caster must specify which defense when he or she prepares this spell, or casts it (for Spontaneous casters). The GM must adjudicate the SL cost as needed. The more powerful and less specific the immunity, the more it costs to use Bypass. &nl; Dispelling counters defensive spells that would otherwise immunize the target against the spell cast with Lacing. Increasing the SL by +2/4/6/8 counters a spell of up to level 4/8/12/16.	DESC: &nl;Hidden (+1) subtle Illusion effect to hide spells. &nl; Improved Hidden (+3 SL) required to hide spells that are flashy, noisy, or otherwise wildly obvious. &nl; Penetrating (Variable) overcome Spell Resistance, +3 on the roll per +1 SL. &nl; Brackish (+2 SL) spell unabsorbable by items that absorb/store spells. &nl; Improved Brackish (+4 SL) unabsorbable by character abilities and items. &nl; Bypass (+1 to +4 SL) bypass special immunities. &nl; Dispelling bypasses spells that immunize the target against the spell cast with Lacing. Increasing the SL by +2/4/6/8 counters a spell of up to level 4/8/12/16.																																																																																																																																																																																												COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.58
14Metamagic / Multiple			KEY:Metamagic ~ Multiple			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Multiple				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You have learned how to combine multiple spells into one.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common applications of this technique include: &nl; Combine. You may stuff a number of spell levels into a single spell slot equal to the (slot level -1) and cast them as one effect. Thus, several low level spells can go off with one casting. The spells do not need the same target, duration, or any other attribute. The sole exception is if the caster uses a spell slot with inherent limitations on it such as those possessed by a Wizard with school specialization. In that case, every spell within the slot must meet every requirement of the slot. &nl; Spamming repeats a spell multiple times.. The cost is equal to (+2 SL + the number of times the character desires the spell to activate). This cost is reduced by 1 if the spell takes effect once per round instead of all going off at once and by 2 if the user must "recast" each successive repetition on successive rounds. For example, a Fireball that takes effect four times would cost +6 spell levels. If only one goes off per round, it's +5. If you have to keep casting, it's only +4. &nl; The Chain variant (+3 SL) jumps from target to target, just like the 3.0 Chain Lightning spell. It homes in on the nearest available valid target, then strikes the next. GM's and players should use some caution with this power, as it tends to go out of control. This effect reduces the effective Caster Level by 1 per jump. Some spells, such as Charm Monster, may not be suitable and the GM can ban them or increase the cost. Reduce this option to +2 SL if the spell only jumps once per round. &nl; Bump (+4 SL), similar to Chain, lets spells hit the primary target, then affect one secondary target per Caster Level at half power. Reduce this option to +3 SL if the spell only takes effect once per round.																																																																																																																																																																																																																									COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.59
15Metamagic / Persistent			KEY:Metamagic ~ Persistent			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Persistent			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You have learned how to extend the duration of your spells.	DESC:(6 CP).  The available effects include: &nl; Persistent (+1 SL) makes spells last longer, doubling the duration. &nl; Improved Persistent allows the user to add +2/3/4 levels to change the duration from hours/a few hours/a few minutes to 24-hours. This can only make the duration 24 hours long. After using Improved Persistent, a character may make a spell last for a week with another +2 SL, for a month with +4 SL, for a year with +8 SL, or permanent until dispelled or cancelled for +12 SL. &nl; Sacrifice lets you make a spell with a duration truly permanent in a different fashion; you must permanently sacrifice a spell slot three levels higher than the level of the spell in question. It then becomes an innate ability and remains in effect permanently as a supernatural power. Note that this does not mean that you can keep casting it; if you give up a sixth level spell slot to gain the ability to Fly indefinitely, you can't grant that ability to other people.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.59
16Metamagic / Sculpting			KEY:Metamagic ~ Sculpting			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Sculpting				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You have learned to manipulate the shape and targeting of your spells.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common effects include: &nl; Shaping (+1 SL) allows the caster to change an areaeffect spell into a predetermined, specifically shaped area of effect with the same volume as it normally has. &nl; Instant Shaping (+2 SL) instead shapes the spell as above while casting. &nl; Personal Immunity (+1 SL) renders the spellcaster immune to his or her own magical area effects. &nl; Targeting (+3 SL) lets you select which targets within the area of effect will actually be affected, exempting anyone you please. &nl; Precision adds a +10/+15/+20 Insight bonus on the attack roll for ranged touch spells for +1/2/3 spell level																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.59
17Metamagic / Stabilize			KEY:Metamagic ~ Stabilize			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Stabilize				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You can make your spells sustain themselves.	DESC:(6 CP).  Common effects using this technique include: &nl; Attend (+1 SL) lets a spell which normally requires concentration sustain itself for up to (Cha Mod +1) rounds, after which time the caster must concentrate on it for one round before it can be left on it's own again. &nl; Stabilize (+2 SL) removes the need to concentrate on spells. Spells or powers which normally require concentration instead run automatically. The user must concentrate to actually control the spell. &nl; Obliging (+3 SL) allows a spell to both maintain and control itself according to what the caster would want it to do. The player can still control the spell even if the character is unconscious or dead. Spells which do not require concentration to maintain may be rendered obliging for only +1 SL.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.59
18Metamagic / Transference		KEY:Metamagic ~ Transference			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Transference			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You have learned how to transfer magic to others.	DESC:(6 CP).  Some possible effects here include - Grant (+0 SL) allows you to lend someone else one of your prepared or spontaneous spells (chosen at the time you grant it) to use when they need it. You may not regain the slot until it's used. &nl; Giveaway (+1 SL) allows you to hand over control and concentration on a spell to another character aftercasting it. &nl; Sharing (+2 SL) allows you to use a spell with a range of self-only on another friendly character. &nl; True Grant (+3 SL) allows spells to originate from another character who is both within the caster's line of sight and the spell's basic range (120 feet minimum). &nl; Great Grant (+4 SL) allows spells to originate from anybody the caster is in mental contact with. &nl; Grand Blessing (+6 SL) allows you to grant a spell to someone else and still regain it normally. Unfortunately, no one recipient can carry more than (Con) levels of imbued spells, the limit includes the +6 spell levels, and the spells dissipate in a week. Most people can only carry one spell.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.59
19Metamagic / Triggering			KEY:Metamagic ~ Triggering			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Triggering			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable.Streamline	DESC:You can set up delays or activation conditions and program your spells to choose between options on their own.	DESC:(6 CP).  Triggering options normally persist for 24 hours, except where noted otherwise. &nl; Holding keeps a touch spell ready while you do something else for up to 10 minutes. This costs no spell levels, although spontaneous casters do have the casting time extended as usual. &nl; Simple Conditions (+1 SL) or a time delay costs +1 spell level. This includes 'Activate on command,' 'Wait ten minutes,' and 'When the next group of people come by.' &nl; Complex Conditions (+2 SL) allow the caster to use multiple Simple triggers at once. &nl; Programmed Conditions (+3 SL) allow the caster to set up contingent effects (or several contingent effects) with a specified target, such as 'Activate when I reach half my hit points.' &nl; Mobile Focus (+1 SL) allows the spell to locate and select targets on its own initiative. These spells have a +0 ranged attack bonus, should it matter. This includes 'Fire yourself at my enemies chasing after me past the obelisk.' Also, this anchors the spell to a physical item which can be moved or left behind, whereas the previous versions either kept the spell near the caster or at a specific location.! Clockwise (+1 SL) adds to the time limit. Casters may relax the limit by an additional 24 hours with Extension. This doesn't increase the spell's duration, but will allow a trigger to remain active for longer. The caster may stack as many of these as he or she can afford.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.60
21Metamagic / Battle Magic		KEY:Metamagic ~ Battle Magic			SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Battle Magic			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable			DESC:See text.	DESC:(6 CP). Battle Magic, unique among metamagic, does not add levels to spells. It has other, more expensive, requirements. Note that if the spell does not include the ability to specifically target individuals it will affect every valid target in its area of effect. This includes the caster(s). Beware using attack magic with this, as it tends to destroy everything and everybody in range. Area spells, while especially dangerous, do not strike any one target multiple times, unless this is a normal feature of the spell or was added through metamagic. &nl; Battlefield allows a character with a dozen aides (usually minor spellcasters themselves), a trunk full of gear worth 1000 GP, and 20 rounds to cast a spell affecting a massive area (10x to 20x the normal scale, targeting units instead of individuals). This can also be used to enhance the effective Caster Level by up to +12 (+1 per available assistant) instead of expanding the scale. This is mostly used when creating static wards or for long-term projects. &nl; Epic allows a character with one month, a major power source (usually an artifact with abilities related to the spell to be cast) and 10,000 GP worth of gear to cast a spell affecting an entire state or region. &nl; Universal allows a character with a year or more to kill and a point of Godfire (see page 76) to craft a spell which affects an entire planet or similarly sized world. Only Gods normally have access to Godfire. Still, some spellcaster might have been granted a point as a boon, find one entrapped in an artifact, or be working with some minor deity.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.57
22Metamagic / Compact			KEY:Metamagic ~ Compact				SORTKEY:Metamagic_1_Compact				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable			DESC:You have learned to reduce the level of spells by adding special requirements and components to their casting.	DESC:(6 CP). In general, no matter how many conditions are added, spells cannot have their base level reduced by more than 3. Another 3 levels' worth of conditions can be used to compensate for other metamagics, however. Unfortunately, what conditions may be applied to any given spell or in any given world must be left to the discretion of the Game Master. The following list should cover most possibilities. &nl; (-1 SL) Taking 10 times the usual casting time. Assume that this modifier has already been applied to any spell with a casting time of one minute or more. Using the Easy/Temporal metamagic on such a spell requires buying off this bonus first. &nl; (-1 SL) Using expensive components or foci. Spells that already require such things have this modifier applied already. &nl; (-1 SL) Calling on a friendly extraplanar patron with powers similar to the spell (and owing them a minor favor). Most major divine magic already includes this modifier. &nl; (-1 SL) Spending 10-200 XP. Spells which already cost XP already include this modifier. &nl; (-1 SL) Taking 1d4 points of attribute damage from the casting. &nl; (-1 SL) Taking 1d6 damage per level of the spell in casting it (use the base level of the spell). &nl; (-1 SL) Becoming exhausted when you cast it. &nl; (-1 SL) Drastically reducing the range, duration, and/or area of effect.  &nl; (-1 SL) Working at an appropriate time or place of power for the type of magic you're invoking.! (-2 SL) Taking days or weeks to cast. This supersedes the -1 SL time modifier. Only -1 SL for spells which normally take a minute or more to cast. &nl; (-2 SL) Using outrageously elaborate or expensive spell components, such as a large temple. This supersedes expensive components, above. &nl; (-2 SL) Spending 201-1000 XP. See above. &nl; (-2 SL) Undertaking a quest for an extraplanar patron with similar powers in exchange for their help (only -1 level for divine spellcasters). &nl; (-3 SL) Spending 1001-5000 XP. See above. &nl; (-4 SL) Dying to cast it. (Raise Dead still works.) &nl; (-5 SL) Being crippled or horribly, and nearly irrevocably, cursed to cast it. &nl; (-6 SL) Dying irreversibly to cast it.																																																																																																																																													COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.57
25###Block: General Metamagical Upgrades
26# Ability Name						Unique Key						SORTKEY							Category of Ability		Type									Description																																																																																						Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose																																														Selections	Cost		Source Page
27Metamagic Upgrade / Glory				KEY:Metamagic ~ Glory				SORTKEY:Metamagic_2_Glory				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable	DESC:(6 CP) Once Glory is applied to a metamagic theorem the character may use it spontaneously, adding up to + (%1) spell levels worth of the effect to a spell up to (%1) times per day. This boost doesn't allow any other metamagic feat, even if the character has more spell levels left over. Casters who prepare spells may still use this effect spontaneously, but the +(%1) must cover the whole cost of the metamagic that they wish to add unless they've prepared the spell in a higher-level (but insufficient) slot.|CON																																																						COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.60
28Metamagic Upgrade / Glory / Improved Glory	KEY:Metamagic ~ Glory ~ Improved Glory	SORTKEY:Metamagic_3_Glory ~ Improved Glory	CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable	DESC:(+12 CP) allows the character to use any metamagic feat he or she knows in this way, or any combination of such feats.																																																																																																																								COST:12	SOURCEPAGE:p.60
29Metamagic Upgrade / Streamline			KEY:Metamagic ~ Streamline			SORTKEY:Metamagic_4_Streamline			CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable	DESC:(6 CP) A favored ability for casters, this reduces the level cost of any two metamagic feats by -1. Casters may take this more than once, but cannot reduce the level cost below 0.																																																									STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:STRING|Metamagic / Amplify|Metamagic / Area|Metamagic / Easy|Metamagic / Elemental Manipulation|Metamagic / Extension|Metamagic / Lacing|Metamagic / Multiple|Metamagic / Persistent|Metamagic / Sculpting|Metamagic / Stabilize|Metamagic / Transference|Metamagic / Triggering	SELECT:2	COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.60
30Metamagic Upgrade / Fast				KEY:Metamagic ~ Fast				SORTKEY:Metamagic_5_Fast				CATEGORY:Special Ability	TYPE:EclipseAbilityOutput.Metamagical.Corruptable	DESC:(6 CP) For spontaneous spellcasters, Fast allows the use all known metamagic feats without increasing the casting time. In general, this replaces any special preparation feats.																																																																																																														COST:6	SOURCEPAGE:p.60