1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Fri Jan  1 12:57:05 2016 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Eldritch Sorcery	SOURCESHORT:EldSor	SOURCEWEB:http://www.necromancergames.com/	SOURCEDATE:2005-06
3# Original Entry by: Tir Gwaith
5#	Several Spells have Save info None (harmless), and Spell Res No (harmless) ??
6#			Why the (harmless) if None and No???
7#	Charm Animal/Person, Mass - Comps V, when the normal spell is V, S?
8#	Charm Person, Mass -- Really supposed to be days/level?
9#	Claws of Digging - Save info and Spell resistance
10#		- shouldn't they be the same as Claws of Beast?  Fortitude (harmless) and Yes (harmless)?
11#	Cloak of Serpents - lists itself as Serpent [Good] 5, but no such domain listed.
12#	Divining Rod - shouldn't it be Comps F, not M?
13#	False Tracks - Comps "M"  ---- um...
14#	Favor Mount & Favor Servant - Save Info "Yes (harmless)" has to be wrong.
15#	Feather Step seems wrong with No saving throw or Spell resistance, even with (harmless)
16#	Foggy Flying carpet is missing Target/Area/Effect
17#	Lasting Breath - Save info "Yes (harmless)" ???  Which one?
18#	Lifeleech - Shouldn't it have Descriptor Evil?
19#	Lost Wanderer - Save info "None or Will negates (harmless) - from description, more like Will negates, period.
20#		- Same with Spell Resistance, should be Yes
21#	Luck of the Saints - Shouldn't it be Spell Resistance Yes (harmless) similar to Save info?
22#	Mage Armor, Greater - no (D) on duration?
23#	Malicious Intent & Greater - Range 60 feet, but lists as 30 ft. radius spread centered on caster??  So, 30 or 60?
24#	Mangling Foot - Cast time - One full round, or 1 standard action?
25#	Massmorph into Trees - No max Duration, just concentration?
26#	Open Trail - no maximum duration?
27#		- No Save info or Spell resistance
28#	Plant Door - Why (Harmless) on Save info and Spell Resist, if None and no?
29#	Pocket Paradise - Save and Spell resistance should match (either harmless or not)
30#	Protection from Pressure - Save info and Spell Res - No (harmless) ??
31#	Scorching - 1 round, or Instantaneous?? - based on description, sounds like Instantaneous
32#	Slimeball - Arcane level 4, Domain 7?  4 level spread?
33#	Song of Vengeance - Shouldn't it be Range: 0 ft.?  has area of effect (and spell resistance).
34#	Storm of Vitriol - The Spell reistances [Yes/No] is confusing, not sure if it is wrong.
35#	Transmute Gold to Steel - Shouldn't it be Instantaneous, instead of permanent - no mention of how to undo, like Transmute Dust to Water, etc.
37# Changes from source:
38#	Acid Wind to Descriptor Acid, not Subschool
39#	Animate Skeleton - lists Undead domain.  Assuming Necromancy Domain, since no Undead domain listed, and Necromancy list has the spell.
40#	Air Sphere to Descriptor Air, not Subschool
41#	Boarding Plank to Descriptor Force, not Subschool
42#	Branch Assult - Comps V, S, instead of M, S
43#	Buoyancy to Descriptor Water, not Subschool
44#	Brittle Comps to V, S, M instead of V/S/M
45#	Chill of Evil to Descriptor Evil, not Subschool
46#	Cone of Decay - removed DF component.  Only Sorcerer/Wizard spell.
47#	Crystal Wail - added Duration Instantaneous from description of spell
48#	Death Bringer to Descriptor Evil, not Subschool
49#	Detune - level 0 to Bard 0, from spell listings
50#	Dire Rage (Companion) - added (harmless) to Spell resistance, from Save info..
51#	Divine Sovereignty to Subschool Compulsion, not Descriptor
52#	Dolphin Fins to Range Touch, based on Target (touched creature)
53#	Dolphin Fins and Mass, Save Throw and Spell resitance to (harmless) from /harmless
54#	Donor - removed "both of" from Target
55#	Dream Speaker - Range Touch, based on description. Close touch makes no sense.
56#			- Save info to "(harmless); see text" from "/harmless (see text)"
57#	Earthen Wave - added Range 30 ft. - nothing listed in source
58#	Elemental Scimitar - added Range 0 from the description
59#	Feed Summoned Creature at Casting Time default of 1 standard action - none listed.
60#	Foggy Flying Carpet - Range Personal instead of "Caster"
61#	Harmonic Discord - added Range 60 from spell description - missing entry.
62#	Headwind - Descriptor Air, instead of Subschool
63#	Heart Rip - Descriptor Evil, instead of Subschool
64#	Headwind set to Casting Time default of 1 standard action - none listed.
65#	Holy Fire Hammer - added Effect "One divine fire hammer" from description
66#	Ice Sled to Descriptor Water, not Subschool
67#			- Comps to V, S, M/DF instead of V, S, M, DF - based on spell text.
68#			- dropped (harmless) from Save info.
69#	Icy Hammer to Descriptor Cold, not Subschool
70#	Identify Tracks to Divintion, not Abjuration/Divination
71#	Mangling Foot - Duration changed to "Concentration, up to 2 rounds/level" - cleaner
72#	Mind Meld - added Component M from description
73#	Nature's Aura - range Personal added, based on description and Target
74#	Net - Descriptor Water, not Subschool
75#	Paean of Greater Glory - Subschool Compulsion, not Descriptor
76#	Plant Aura - Range Personal based on Target
77#	Protection from Pressure - Component Focus from description
78#	Prowess of the Prophet - Range Personal instead os Self
79#	Rimshatter - Descriptor Cold, not Subschool
80#			- 20-ft. radius burst (removed second radius)
81#	Rot to the Core - added target One living creature, based on descripion
82#	Sacred Watch - Spell Info "Yes (harmless)" - which save??
83#	Scalding Sea - Descriptors Air, Water, Not subschool
84#	Shattering Cry - Descriptor Sonic, not Subschool
85#	Shield of Crackling Fire - Descriptors Fire, Electricity, not Subschool
86#	Silent Hunter - Either harmless or not....  added (harmless) to Spell resistance
87#	Silver Lance - not subschool Creation?
88#	Skull Bomb - Descriptor Evil, not subschool
89#	Sleep of Power - Spell Res None, Saveinfo NO, since it is Personal.  Not (harmless)
90#	Spectral Sail - Descriptor Force, not Subschool
91#	Steam Cloud - Descriptor Fire, not Subschool
92#	Striking Likeness - Subschool Shadow, not Descriptor
93#	Storm of Vitriol - Descriptor Acid, not Subschool
94#	Teleport Other - Subschool Teleportation, not Descriptor
95#	Track Magic - Range is Personal - dropping Save Throw and Spell Resistance - Personals are None/No, not Yes (harmless).
96#	Transform Pebble to Boulder - Added Druid, from spell list at beginning of book
97#	Tremor Sense needs to be Abjuration or Divination - can't be both  Putting in as Divination
98#	Tune of Passage - Saving throw "None" instead of Personal
99#	Undertow - Descriptor Force, not Subschool
100#	Undulating Earth - Descriptor Earth, not Subschool
101#	Unholy Ice Axe - Descriptor Cold, not Subschool
102#	Wound Reading - Spell Resistance No, not None
103#	Zephyr of Death - Descriptor Evil, not subschool
104#				- No Duration listed, going with Instantaneous from description
106# Submitted to Necromancer in last wave:
107#	Vines of Binding - Never heard of Subschool or Descriptor "Plant" - going with Descriptor...
108#				- Range?  Range field seems more like Target field.  More correct to say "30 ft."
109#				- Target field should mention creatures
112### Missing DESCs.
113#	Align Weapon, Mass not in Cleric list
114#	Animate Roots not in Druid list
115#	Blight Fog not in Druid list
116#	Bloodburn is listed as Blood Fire - which is correct?
117#	Charm Animal, Mass while on Ranger list, is not on Druid list.
118#	Chaos Bolt not on Sor/Wiz list
119#	Forest Home not on Cleric or Druid lists
120#	Heart Rip not on Sor/Wiz spell list
121#	Identify Tracks not on Druid or Ranger spell lists
122#	Open Trail not on Druid or Ranger lists.
123#	Quash Summoning does not have a short description in either Druid or Sor/Wizard lists.
124#	Reinstate Spell not on Sor/Wiz list
125#	Reinstate Spell, Greater not on Sor/Wiz list
126#	Steam Cloud not on Sor/Wiz list
127#	Undead Alteration not on Sor/Wiz list
128#	Unluck not on Sor/Wiz list
129#	Weapon of Retribution not on Paladin list
130#	Wind Speak not on Druid or Ranger lists.
131#	Woodland Shriek not in Druid list.
133#	Zatmenye's Combat Mind in spell list as Sor/Wiz1, but spell block lists as Sor/Wiz2.  Which one?
134#	Discern Lycanthrope listed on Ranger 4 list, spell entry lists all as 3.  Which one?
135#	Steam Cloud listed as Sor/Wiz5, spell entry lists 4.  Which one?
137### Same spell, 2 different names.
138#	Strengthen Mind - Cleric, Sor/Wiz 2 spell lists
139#	Bolster Mental Fortitude not in Cleric, Sor/Wiz lists
142###Block: A
143# Spell Name		Product Identity?	Output Name					Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor		Spell Variations				Components		Casting Time			Range							Target Area or Effect														Duration										Save Info						Spell Resistance				Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
144Absorption												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=4										SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One creature														DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude, see text			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.31	DESC:Water and potions dry up.
145Acid Blast												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6|Cleric,Druid=7						SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Acid							COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst													DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Reflex half				SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.31	DESC:(min(CASTERLEVEL,15))d6 acid damage.
146Acid Storm												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Acid							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius circle												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:Reflex half				SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.31	DESC:You bring a caustic, damaging downpour of acid into the area.
147Acid Wind												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Acid							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:one 5 ft. square													DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Reflex negates				SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.31	DESC:Creates a breeze of stinging acid droplets.
148Acorn Grove												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/2+6) acorns												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours							SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.31	DESC:You can grow a grove of trees from a handful of acorns.
149Aerial Pilot											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Conjuration														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Maximum of 150 ft. from caster	TARGETAREA:See text														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Special unseen servant that can pilot a ship.
150Affect Normal Fog											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*50) cubic feet											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Alter the density of normally occuring fog.
151Air Breathing											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Living creatures touched												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) hours; see text					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Allows water-breathing creatures to breathe air.
152Air Sphere												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=5		DOMAINS:Air=4			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Air							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One 10 ft. diameter sphere											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL+1) hours						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Conjure a sphere of pure air for breathing.
153Align Weapon (Mass)				OUTPUTNAME:Align Weapon, [NAME]	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=4										SCHOOL:Transmutation								VARIANTS:Good|Evil|Lawful|Chaotic	COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.					TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) weapons or (CASTERLEVEL*50) projectiles, all of which must be within 30 ft.	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)					SOURCEPAGE:p.32
154Alter Normal Fires										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One Medium size or smaller fire										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Changes the brightness of a fire.
155Anchor												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Abjuration															COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:1 ship					TARGETAREA:See text														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) hours [D]						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:Magically secure a ship against moving currents and winds.
156Angel's Cloak											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=5										SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Good							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until discharged			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.32	DESC:The subject gains damage reduction 10/silver and evil.
157Angel's Cloak (Lesser)				OUTPUTNAME:Angel's Cloak, [NAME]	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=3								SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Good							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.33	DESC:The subject gains damage reduction 5/silver and evil.
158Animal Auditory											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1									SCHOOL:Divination															COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]																							SOURCEPAGE:p.33	DESC:You listen through a willing animal's ears.
159Animal Ocular											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2									SCHOOL:Divination															COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]																							SOURCEPAGE:p.33	DESC:You see through a willing animal's eyes.
160Animal Scout											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=2|Druid=3								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:One Fine, Tiny, or Small animal										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:Non					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.33	DESC:Charms an animal to do a task.
161Animate Rock											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=7										SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/3) Large rock or all rocks within range; see text					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds or (CASTERLEVEL) hours; see text	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.33	DESC:One or more rock creatures animate and fight for you.
162Animate Roots											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=4					DOMAINS:Plant=5			SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:15 ft. radius spread												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.33
163Animate Skeleton											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1		DOMAINS:Necromancy=1		SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:One or more corpses touched											DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					COST:10			SOURCEPAGE:p.34	DESC:Creates (CASTERLEVEL) undead skeletons
164Animate Zombie											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:One or more corpses touched											DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					COST:10			SOURCEPAGE:p.34	DESC:Creates (CASTERLEVEL) undead zombies
165Annihilate												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8								SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Death							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One living creature												DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.35	DESC:Snuffs out victim's life force; prevents raising.
166Annihlation Vortex										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8								SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:5-ft./ diameter vortex												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL/2) rounds concentration [D]			SAVEINFO:Reflex negates				SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.35	DESC:Creates a vortex of nothingness that disintegrates objects and creatures.
167Anointed												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=2								SCHOOL:Abjuration															COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.35	DESC:Grants a saving throw bonus that you may use to reroll a save.
168Aquatic Entangle											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1					DOMAINS:Plant=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long						TARGETAREA:40 ft. diameter spread												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Reflex (see text)			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.35	DESC:As entangle, but works in the ocean.
169Aspect Tattoo											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=4|Cleric=5								SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:1 hour			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched													DURATION:Permanent								SAVEINFO:No (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)					XPCOST:2000	SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:Use an animal's strength to create a tattoo granting some of its power.
170Assassin's Coin											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Assassin=3									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:one gold or platinum coin											DURATION:Permanent [until discharged] [D]					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)					SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:A customer signals you for work.
171Assassin's Mark											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Assassin=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Evil							COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:a body slain by your own hand											DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)					SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:Leaves a symbol on a victim.
172Augment Skeleton											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Necromancy															COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Undead skeleton touched												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:One skeleton gains a +4 bonus to AC.
173Augment Skeleton (Mass)				OUTPUTNAME:Augment Skeleton, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Necromancy															COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:One or more undead skeletons											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:Multiple skeletons gain a +4 bonus to AC.
174Aura of Tsathogga		NAMEISPI:YES							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Acid							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:None (harmless)			SPELLRES:No (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.36	DESC:Aura deals acid damage to foes; protects you from acid attacks.
175Aura of Valiance											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=1										SCHOOL:Abjuration															COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes																							SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:Your presence wipes away doubt and fear.
176Avert Attack											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Abjuration															COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One Creature														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds or until discharged			SAVEINFO:None (harmless)			SPELLRES:No (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:Grants a +5 deflection bonus to AC against the next attack directed at the target.
177Axe of Destruction										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=3										SCHOOL:Transmutation														COMPS:DF		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Axe touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)					SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:Imbues an axe to destroy objects.
179###Block: B
180# Spell Name			Output Name						Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range				Target Area or Effect											Duration								Save Info							Spell Resistance				Cost		Source Page		Description																				Temporary Bonus
181Babel's Curse										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Cleric=4						SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:Subject cannot speak or understand any language.
182Bad Luck											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:1 living creature										DURATION:see text							SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:Force a target to use the worst of two saving throw rolls.
183Bare the Soul										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:1 living creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.37	DESC:You compel the target to reveal the truth.
184Beesting											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1										SCHOOL:Conjuration										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial; see text		SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:(min(max(CASTERLEVEL/3,1),6)) foes are stung for minor damage and poison effect.
185Bestow Speach (Companion)								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Animal Companion										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:Grant an animal companion the ability to speak.
186Bewildering Tracks									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal or Touch	TARGETAREA:You or a Large or smaller creature touched						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]			SAVEINFO:None or Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:No or Yes (harmless)				SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:A target creature leaves tracks of a different creature type.
187Bewitch											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Illusion											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes																				SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:You gain a +4 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.										TEMPBONUS:PC|SKILL|Bluff,Diplomacy|4|TYPE=Circumstance
188Blackout											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:20 foot radius										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:Blocks darkvision.
189Blades of Jade										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:30 ft. radius										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Reflex special, see text			SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.38	DESC:You give leaves and grasses a razor sharp edge.
190Blade Song											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3		DOMAINS:Music=4			SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Bladed weapon touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Weapon deals 1d6 sonic damage.
191Blessed Warmth										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=3								SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched; see text								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)					SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:You create a shaft of light that wards the subject against cold.
192Blessed Watchman										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=2								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Living creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Subject gains a +4 sacred bonus on Spot and Listen checks and a +2 sacred bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.	TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Listen,Spot|4|TYPE=Sacred
193Blight Fog											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6										SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:20 ft. radius gray cloud that moves away from the caster			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial; see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.39
194Blinding Ash										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Cloud 30 ft. diameter and 20 ft. high						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:None (See text)				SPELLRES:No (see text)					SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Obscure vision and cause 2d6 fire damage per round.
195Blindness/Deafness (Mass)	OUTPUTNAME:Blindness/Deafness, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7|Cleric=8							SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:Permanent [D]						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates				SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Multiple opponents are blinded or deafened.
196Blood Bath											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long			TARGETAREA:One creature											DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Force blood out of creature damaging it.
197Blood Blade											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One bladed weapon touched								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.39	DESC:Weapon gains the wounding special ability.
198Blood Purge											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One living creature									DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.40	DESC:You disgorge blood from the target's body dealing Con damage.
199Bloodburn											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, F, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:One living creature									DURATION:1d4+2 rounds						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.40	DESC:You ignite the blood of the target, 2d6 fire damage for the duration.
200Boarding Plank										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force			COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:See text		TARGETAREA:See text											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.40	DESC:Create a boarding plank of force.
201Bolster Mental Fortitude								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			COST:5	SOURCEPAGE:p.41	DESC:Subject gains +4 resistance bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects.
202Bone Armor											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=3										SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes or until discharged	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)					SOURCEPAGE:p.41	DESC:The subject gains DR 10/slashing or piercing.
203Bone Blight											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One living creature									DURATION:See text							SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.41	DESC:Afflicts creature with supernatural curse that causes its bones to collapse.
204Bonetrap											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One skull touched										DURATION:Permanent until discharged [D]			SAVEINFO:See text						SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.41	DESC:Touched skull or large bone deals (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d4 damage.
205Branch Assualt										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:One tree											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.41	DESC:You cause a natural tree attack creatures.
206Breach Defense										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates				SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.42	DESC:Negates a creature's damage reduction.
207Brittle											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:1 object (see text)									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:See text						SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.42	DESC:Reduces the hardness of an item.
208Bubble Goop											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:(min(CASTERLEVEL/2,6)) bubbles								DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Reflex negates					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.42	DESC:You breathe forth bubbles that coat a target with sticky goo when popped.
209Buoyancy											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1		DOMAINS:Water=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Water			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Fortitude (Harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.42	DESC:Make a creature lighter than water.
211###Block: C
212# Spell Name			Unique Key				Output Name					Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor					Components		Casting Time			Range					Target Area or Effect																			Duration										Save Info									Spell Resistance			Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description																Temporary Bonus											TEMPVALUE
213Cacophony															TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 5-ft.-squares																DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (see text)				SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.43	DESC:Clap of thunder; (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 sonic damage.
214Call Upon Faith														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=1								SCHOOL:Conjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until discharged; see text																				SOURCEPAGE:p.43	DESC:You gain a +3 sacred bonus to a single skill or ability check.
215Call Lesser Demon														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling								COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One summoned demon of up to 5 HD															DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Well negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.43	DESC:Calls a demon of 5 HD or less to serve you.
216Camouflage															TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:Grants +(min(floor((CASTERLEVEL+3)/4)*10,30)) bonus to Hide checks.					TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Hide|min(floor((%CHOICE+3)/4)*10,30)|TYPE=Competence	TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
217Cat's Eyes															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=2									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal or Touch		TARGETAREA:You or one creature touched																DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:Grants low-light vision to creature touched.
218Cat Nip															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2									SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:10 berries																			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:Creat tokens to lure and bewilder animals.
219Cavewalker															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]																								SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:You temporarily adapt to the subterranean.
220Chain Enervation														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:One primary target, plus (CASTERLEVEL) secondary targets [each of which must be within 30 ft. of the primary target]	DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None and Reflex, see text					SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:Fires a bolt of negative energy at a primary target that hits additional targets nearby.
221Chant																TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=2								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.			TARGETAREA:All allies and foes within a 30-ft. radius centered on you.											DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.44	DESC:+1 bonus to allies, -1 penalty to enemies.
222Chant (Greater)														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=4								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.			TARGETAREA:All allies and foes within a 30-ft. radius centered on you.											DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.45	DESC:+2 bonus to allies, -2 penalty to enemies.
223Chaos																TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:All ceatures within a 40-ft. radius burst														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None and Will negates; see text				SPELLRES:No and Yes; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.45	DESC:Causes confusion in multiple creatures.
224Chaos Bolt															TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Chaotic|Force		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One creature																			DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Reflex half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.45
225Charge															TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Electricity			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Object touched																		DURATION:Permanent until discharged						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.45	DESC:Touched object deals 1d4+(min(CASTERLEVEL,20)) electricty damage
226Chariot of Fire														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=8										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning	DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Flaming chariot pulled by two fiery horses														DURATION:1 houre + (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.45	DESC:You call forth a fiery chariot and horses to carry you and your allies.
227Charm Animal (Mass)							OUTPUTNAME:Charm Animal, [NAME]	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=4									SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm		DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One or more animals, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours							SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.46	DESC:As Charm Animal, except it affects multiple targets.
228Charm Person (Mass)							OUTPUTNAME:Charm Person, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm		DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days							SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.46	DESC:Makes multiple people your friends.
229Charnel Stench														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:10 ft.			TARGETAREA:10-ft.-radius emanation centered on you														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:None or Fortitude negates					SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.46	DESC:You exude a carrion stench that sickens creatures within 10 feet.
230Chill of Evil														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=7										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm		DESCRIPTOR:Evil|Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:1 living creature																		DURATION:1 week									SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.46	DESC:Make a good creature feel heartless and evil.
231Chlorophyll															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You																				DURATION:24 hours [D]																											SOURCEPAGE:p.46	DESC:Absorb healing energy from the sun through your skin.
232Choose Fate															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=3										SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Living creature touched																	DURATION:See text									SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:The subject can roll any single roll twice, keping whichever result is better.
233Chrysalis															TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=3										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours							SAVEINFO:No (see text)							SPELLRES:None							SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:Creates a cocoon that accelerates healing for subject within.
234Circle of Divine Censure												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:30 ft. radius from you																	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:Will Partial							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:Magical aura damages undead, evil outsiders.
235Claws of the Beast		KEY:Claws of the Beast (ES)							TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1					DOMAINS:Beast=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:Gives you claws with which you can make natural attacks.
236Claws of Digging														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6			DOMAINS:Beast=7			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL+5) minutes						SAVEINFO:None (harmless)						SPELLRES:No (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:Claws grant natural attack and ability to burrow through rock.
237Cloak of Serpents														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=5										SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:No (see text)							SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.47	DESC:Writhing mass of snakes provides protection and can attack nearby targets with poisonous bites.
238Clot																TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One being																			DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates						SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.48	DESC:Causes a being's blood to harden in its veins.
239Cold Fog															TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6			DOMAINS:Cold=7			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Cold				COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:Fog spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.48	DESC:Cloud of icy fog deals cold damage.
240Cone of Decay														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.			TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst																		DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Reflex half (see text)					SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.48	DESC:Destroys non-living organic matter.
241Control Lycanthrope													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm		DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) HD of lycanthropes, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.48	DESC:Lycanthropes don't attack you while under your command.
242Control Temperature													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=4		DOMAINS:Weather=4			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:(CASTERLEVEL*10) ft.	TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*10) ft.-radius circle, centered on you.												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.49	DESC:Change temperature by (CASTERLEVEL*10) degrees
243Conflagration														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One creature																			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None; see text							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.48	DESC:Incinerates a subject in fire; deals 2d6 points of fire damage / round, no save.
244Copy																TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S, F, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One page or book																		DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Will negates (object); see text				SPELLRES:Yes (object)						SOURCEPAGE:p.49	DESC:Copies pages, books, or maps.
245Corrupt Water														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid=4|Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5						SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Water				COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Water in a volume of (CASTERLEVEL*10) ft. by (CASTERLEVEL*10) ft. by (CASTERLEVEL*2) ft. [S]					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates of Fortitude half; see text	SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.49	DESC:Changes water into poison; damages water-based creatures.
246Crawling Chaos														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Conjuration											COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:One creature																			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:Varies; see text						SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.49	DESC:Chaos field follows target, inflicting random effects.
247Create Crypt Thing													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=7							SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 hour			RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:one corpse																			DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No				COST:300			SOURCEPAGE:p.49	DESC:Turn a corpse into a crypt thing.
248Create Iceburg														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6			DOMAINS:Water=7			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Cold				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*50) cubic feet																DURATION:Permanent, see text							SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No				COST:50			SOURCEPAGE:p.50	DESC:Create an iceburg out of nearby sea water.
249Crystal Transformation													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One touched object of up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) cu. ft.												DURATION:Permanent								SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) or Fortitude half (see text)	SPELLRES:Yes (object)						SOURCEPAGE:p.50	DESC:Changes a volume of metal into brittle, crystalline, glass-like substance.
250Crystal Wail														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=4										SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Sonic				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:40 ft.			TARGETAREA:40 ft. radius centered on you																DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.50	DESC:Inflict (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 points of sonic damage on objects and crystalline creatures.
251Cure/Cause Bends														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One humanoid																			DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates						SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.51	DESC:Cure or inflict the bends on target.
252Curse of the Ancient Mariner												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=9										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M, DF	CASTTIME:1 hour			RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One creature																			DURATION:Permanent								SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.51	DESC:Curse a captain making it impossible to sail again.
253Curse of Life														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=4										SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:Two full rounds	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One Dead Creature (see text)																DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						XPCOST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.51	DESC:Brings a creature back to life, with penalties.
254Curse of Light														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2|Cleric=3								SCHOOL:Enchantment					DESCRIPTOR:Light				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours							SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.51	DESC:Curses a creature with sensitivity to bright light.
256###Block: D
257# Spell Name		Output Name					Type				Classes of caster							Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor					Components		Casting Time			Range							Target Area or Effect												Duration									Save Info										Spell Resistance				Source Page		Description																Temporary Bonus
258Darken Forest								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=8												SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:40 ft. radius											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds						SAVEINFO:Special, see text							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.52	DESC:Summons dark powers to bring tress to life and cause creatures to flee.
259Daze Animal									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1											SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One animal of 4 HD or less									DURATION:1 round								SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.52	DESC:Dazes one animal of 4 or fewer HD.
260Dead Man's Hands								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]																						SOURCEPAGE:p.52	DESC:You gain a claw attack that deals 1d6 points of damage.
261Death Bringer								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8					DOMAINS:Evil=7			SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:30 minutes		RANGE:1 mile burst				TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:See text									SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.52	DESC:Through injuring yourself you slay sleeping creatures within 1 mile.
262Death Gaze									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6									SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.					TARGETAREA:One living creature/round									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]					SAVEINFO:None or Fortitude partial or Fortitude negates; see text	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.53	DESC:Your gaze deals damage or kills its target.
263Death March									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:20-ft. radius spread										DURATION:Instantaneous (see text)					SAVEINFO:Reflex half								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.53	DESC:Ghostly drummer marches to target and explodes.
264Death Wish									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7										SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Unlimited					TARGETAREA:An unknown evil higher power (see text)							DURATION:1 month								SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.53	DESC:Challenges an outsider to come hunt you down and kill you.
265Decrypt									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0|Assassin=1								SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Document touched											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes					SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.53	DESC:Helps decipher a coded message or cipher.
266Deflect Ram									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:50 ft.					TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds						SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.53	DESC:Protect a ship from being rammed.
267Delay Death									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3									SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One living creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:Subject continues to fight normally even at 0 or negative hit points.
268Delude									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes																						SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:You borrow the alignment of one creature within 30 ft. in order to mask your own.
269Demon Flesh									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5									SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until discharged		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:The subject gains damage reduction 10/cold iron and good.
270Demon Flesh (Lesser)	OUTPUTNAME:Demon Flesh, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Blackguard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Creature touched											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until discharged		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:The subject gains damage reduction 5/cold iron and good.
271Desail									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:On sail of a ship											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:Remove a sail from a ship to slow it.
272Destroy Water								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=1											SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Water				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) gallons of water							DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None; see text								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:Dries up and destroys water or damages creatures with the Water subtype.
273Detect Balance								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=1											SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.					TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation										DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.54	DESC:Reveals how far away from true neutral a creature, object, or area is.
274Detect Charm								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=0|Paladin=1							SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.					TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation										DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Reveals charm effects on creatures within 30 ft.
275Detect Current								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1		DOMAINS:Water=1			SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:(floor(CASTERLEVEL/3))/3 miles	TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Detect the direction and speed of any water currents nearby.
276Detect Curse								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2									SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:Creature or Object touched, or a cone-shaped emanation					DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (object)						SPELLRES:Yes (object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Detects curses on creatures, objects, or an area.
277Detect Disease								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Paladin,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube							DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Detects disease in one creature or object.
278Detect Illusion								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2									SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.					TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation										DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Reveals illusions on creatures or area.
279Detect Land									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1			DOMAINS:Earth,Water=2		SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:(CASTERLEVEL) miles			TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.55	DESC:Locate nearby islands or land while on the ocean.
280Detect Life									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=1												SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:You determine whether a creature is alive or dead.
281Detune									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=0												SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:1 instrument												DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:Removes the tuning from a nearby instrument.
282Devuring Darkness								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5									SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:20-foot-radius											DURATION:Instantaneous and see text					SAVEINFO:Reflex half; see text						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:Inflicts (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 points of damage and creates darkness.
283Devour Essence								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8										SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:One corpse												DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:You consume a corpse's essence, thereby preventing revivification.
284Dig										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Earth				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) 10-ft. cubes [S]							DURATION:Permanent or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds; see text		SAVEINFO:See text									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:Excavates earth in (CASTERLEVEL/2) 10-ft.cubes; deals 4d6 points of damage to earth creatures.
285Dire Rage (Companion)							TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2											SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Animal Companion											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.56	DESC:Inspire primitive rage in your animal companion.
286Discern Lycanthrope							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]	SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.57	DESC:Reveals whether a creature is a lycanthrope or not.
287Disguise Magic Aura							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2									SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Glamer								COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:one magic item											DURATION:24 hours [D]							SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)	SOURCEPAGE:p.57	DESC:Make an item appear more or less magical.
288Distance Distortion							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Glamer								COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 10-ft. cube [S]									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours						SAVEINFO:Will disbelief (if interacted with)				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.57	DESC:You can alter the dimensions of an area, making it larger or smaller.
289Divine Lock									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=2												SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:The door, chest, or portal touched, up to (CASTERLEVEL*30) sq. ft. in size	DURATION:Permanent							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.57	DESC:Magically locks a door, portal, or chest.
290Divine Sovereignty							TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard,Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Personal					TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]																						SOURCEPAGE:p.57	DESC:Creatures look upon you as their rightful sovereign.
291Divining Rod								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=0|Ranger=1										SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:1 object [stick]; (CASTERLEVEL) miles							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]					SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:Use natural spirits as a guide to food or water.
292Dolphin Fins								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=2											SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:Touched creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:Grants subject +20 to swim skill check for (CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes.					TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Swim|20
293Dolphin Fins (Mass)	OUTPUTNAME:Dolphin Fins, [NAME]	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6|Cleric=7					DOMAINS:Water=6			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which may be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:Grants (CASTERLEVEL) subjects +20 to swim skill check for (CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes.
294Donor										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3									SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch; see text				TARGETAREA:Two creatures, which can be no more than 10 ft. apart; see text.			DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:Transfers hit points from one creature to another.
295Dread Scream								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=3												SCHOOL:Enchantment					DESCRIPTOR:Fear|Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:40 ft.					TARGETAREA:40 ft. cone												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds						SAVEINFO:Will partial								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:Sound vibrations panic creatures in a 40 ft. cone.
296Dream Speaker								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:One Sleeping Creature										DURATION:10 minutes [see text]					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless); see text				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.58	DESC:You question a sleeping creature.
297Dream Thief									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Medium					TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days [D]					SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.59	DESC:Subject does not get a good night's sleep and suffers array of penalties.
298Drench									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=0												SCHOOL:Conjuration											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close						TARGETAREA:One object or creature up to size Large							DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:Reflex negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.59	DESC:Puts out Fine or Tiny fires and deals 1 point of subdual.
299Dust of Death								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch						TARGETAREA:A few ounces of sand										DURATION:1 hour								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.59	DESC:Transforms a small amount of normal sand into deadly poison.
301###Block: E
302# Spell Name			Unique Key		Output Name						Type				Classes of caster					School			Sub-School		Descriptor			Spell Variations								Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect										Duration						Save Info							Spell Resistance				Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description																					Temporary Bonus															TEMPVALUE
303Earth Ear														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2				SCHOOL:Divination																			COMPS:S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:100 ft. radius									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:Locate creatures based on vibrations in the ground.
304Earthen Blast													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1		SCHOOL:Evocation					DESCRIPTOR:Earth												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:15 ft.	TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst									DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Reflex half					SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:You release a blast of rock and earth in a 15-ft. cone; 1d4 damage and stone for 1 round.
305Earthen Snare													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=5	SCHOOL:Conjuration																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:Single creature									DURATION:Instantaneous, see text		SAVEINFO:Reflex at -4 negates				SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:Trap a target in a pocket dimension of Elemental Earth.
306Earthen Wave													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=4		SCHOOL:Transmutation				DESCRIPTOR:Earth												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.	TARGETAREA:5 ft. line, 30 ft. long								DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Reflex, see text				SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:You knock opponents prone in a straight line.
307Electrical Storm													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid=7|Sorcerer,Wizard=8		SCHOOL:Evocation					DESCRIPTOR:Electricity											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Burst, centered on you, with a radius of (CASTERLEVEL*10+100) ft.	DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Reflex half					SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:Burst centered around you, (min(CASTERLEVEL,20))d6 electricity damage to all in area.
308Elemental Cloak													TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6|Cleric=7			SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Willing creature touched								DURATION:Permanent				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes						XPCOST:2500	SOURCEPAGE:p.60	DESC:Alter the subtype of a willing creature.
309Elemental Scimitar												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6					SCHOOL:Evocation																			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0		TARGETAREA:Scimitar-like blade								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:See text						SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.61	DESC:Create a cimitar with various elemental effects.
310Encrypt														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=0|Assassin=1	SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Document touched									DURATION:Permanent [D]				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.61	DESC:Encode a message to protect it from view.
311Enrich Soil														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=5|Cleric=7			SCHOOL:Transmutation				DESCRIPTOR:Earth												COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:(floor(CASTERLEVEL/2)) square ft.						DURATION:(floor(CASTERLEVEL/2)) years	SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.61	DESC:You create an area of fertile earth capable of suporting plant life.
312Empower Companion													TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1				SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Animal Companion									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.61	DESC:Give your animal companion a +10 competence bonus to a skill.
313Erase					KEY:Erase (ES)								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Page or pages touched								DURATION:Permanent				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)l see text	SPELLRES:Yes (object); see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.61	DESC:Removes magical and mundane writings.
314Etch Stone														TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Stone or stone object								DURATION:One hour					SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.62	DESC:Inscribe messages on stone.
315Eternal Sleep													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9			SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S, M, XP	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:Permanent				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates				SPELLRES:Yes				COST:4000	XPCOST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.62	DESC:As temporal stasis, but condition allows spell to be broken.
316Exact Task														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=9					SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling	DESCRIPTOR:See text	VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:5 minutes		RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One called outsider or elemental of 27 HD or less			DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.62	DESC:Calls one outsider or elemental of 27 HD or less to perform a task.
317Exorcise														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=4					SCHOOL:Abjuration																			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:10 ft.	TARGETAREA:One creature or object								DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes (see text)							SOURCEPAGE:p.63	DESC:Ejects possessing creature from host.
318Expeditious Retreat (Greater)				OUTPUTNAME:Expeditious Retreat, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2		SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No									SOURCEPAGE:p.63	DESC:All movement modes increase by 30 ft.															TEMPBONUS:PC|POSTMOVEADD|TYPE.Walk,TYPE.Burrow,TYPE.Climb,TYPE.Fly,TYPE.Swim|30|TYPE=Enhancement
319Eye of Ice														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Ranger=2|Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3	SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)							SOURCEPAGE:p.63	DESC:See through bad weather and ice out to 120 feet.
320Eyes of the Hawk													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=2	SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.63	DESC:Subject gets +(min(max(floor((CASTERLEVEL+2)/4)*10,10),30)) bonus on Spot checks								TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Spot|min(max(floor((%CHOICE+2)/4)*10,10),30)|TYPE=Competence				TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
321Eyes of the Hawk (Greater)				OUTPUTNAME:Eyes of the Hawk, [NAME]		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=3	SCHOOL:Transmutation																		COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes								SOURCEPAGE:p.63	DESC:Subject gets +(min(max(floor((CASTERLEVEL+2)/4)*10,10),30)) bonus on Spot checks plus provides immunity to blindness effects.	TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Spot|min(max(floor((%CHOICE+2)/4)*10,10),30)|TYPE=Competence				TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
323###Block: F
324# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor					Components		Casting Time			Range				Target Area or Effect										Duration							Save Info								Spell Resistance		Cost		Source Page		Description
325Faerie Ward			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:10-ft.-radius emanation centered on touched creature			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:Fortitude half						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Hedges out and damages fey creatures.
326False Tracks		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1|Druid=3								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:1 mile											DURATION:Permanent [D]					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:You alter your tracks to make them difficult to follow.
327Fangstorm			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long			TARGETAREA:20 ft. radius, 40 ft. high							DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Fortitude half						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Fangs of force cause 10d6 damage and may cause bleeding for (min(CASTERLEVEL/4,5)) hp/round.
328Farsighted			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [see text]		SAVEINFO:Will negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Alter a target's ability to focus on things nearby.
329Farvision			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) inches of touched transparent object			DURATION:Permanent					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Create an object giving darkvision 90 ft.
330Favor Mount			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=3										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Paladin's mount									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Grants +4 luck bonus to your mount's attack and damage rolls.
331Favor Servant		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard=3									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Blackguard's fiendish servant							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Grant your fiendish servant combat and ability bonuses.
332Feather Step		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.64	DESC:Allows you to walk lightly and avoid sinking into soft surfaces.
333Feed Summoned Creature	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Living creature touched								DURATION:Instantaneous and 1 hour; see text	SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.65	DESC:Outsider gains stolen hit points from subject.
334Feign Death			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Necromancy												COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.65	DESC:The subject appears dead.
335Fiery Blast			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5			DOMAINS:Fire=5			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.		TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst									DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Reflex half						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.65	DESC:You fire a blast of fire in a 60-ft. cone dealing (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 points of damage.
336Fiery Constrictor		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Creates a fiery tendril that constricts opponents			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.65	DESC:A snake-like tendril lashes out and constricts a foe, dealing fire damage.
337Fiery Grasp			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:Will negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:Flames coat your arms granting a burning touch attack.
338Fill the Sails		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4			DOMAINS:Air=4			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One ships sail									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:Creates a strong wind to drive a ship forward.
339Fire Bolt			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Ray											DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:You fire a bolt of flame, 1d3 fire.
340Fire Burst			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:10-ft. radius circle								DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Reflex negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:You cause an existing fire source to shoot fiery arrows in a 10 ft. radius.
341Fire Charm			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Fire|Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Living creatures within range that view the fire source		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds			SAVEINFO:Will negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:Subject are charmed by dancing flames; susceptible to suggestions.
342Fire Gills			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=3				DOMAINS:Fire=2			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:S, M		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.66	DESC:Grants the ability to breathe normally in lava or heavy fires.
343Fire Touch			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA: One creature									DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:Touch deals 1d4 fire.
344Firewater			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) pints of water						DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:Transforms water into flammable liquid.
345Fist of Stone		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds																			SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:One of your hands turns to stone; you gain Str 23 with that hand.
346Flame Spiral		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0			TARGETAREA:Spinning flames out to a 30 ft. radius					DURATION:Instantaneous; see text			SAVEINFO:Fortitude half						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:Fire deals (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 damage and may daze targets.
347Flameswell			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Cylinder up to 40 ft. high, 10 ft. wide					DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Reflex negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:Fire soars up to 40 ft. high, dealing (max(CASTERLEVEL/2,5))d6 damage.
348Fluid Form			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Assassin=2|Sorcerer,Wizard=4						SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]																		SOURCEPAGE:p.67	DESC:You turn yourself and your equipment into a liquid.
349Foggy Flying Carpet	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Conjuration											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:Creates a bank of fog that can carry up to (CASTERLEVEL*200) lb.	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:None (harmless)											SOURCEPAGE:p.68	DESC:Conjures a flying carpet made of fog.
350Fool's Gold			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:10 ft.		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 1 ft. cubes							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours				SAVEINFO:None or Will negates; see text			SPELLRES:No			COST:50	SOURCEPAGE:p.68	DESC:Changes copper coins or brass items into gold.
351Force Corporeality	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One incorporeal or spirit creature						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:Will negates						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.68	DESC:You force a single incorporeal creature to assume a corporeal state.
352Forecast			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:50 mile radius	TARGETAREA:See Text										DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.68	DESC:Predict the local weather.
353Forest Home			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=4|Cleric=5								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:15 ft. square underground structure						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL+2) hours																		SOURCEPAGE:p.68
354Forked Tongue		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=1										SCHOOL:Enchantment											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or discharge	SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Provides +5 circumstance bonus on attempt to verbally bluff someone.
355Fortify Armor		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard,Paladin=2|Cleric=3	DOMAINS:Protection=2		SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:1 non-magical shield or suit of armor					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Doubles the effectiveness of a non-magical shield or suit of armor.
356Friendly Form		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:None and Will negates; see text									SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Gain a bonus on Diplomacy checks to alter NPCs' attitudes.
357Frost Touch			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Cold				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Touch deals 1d4 cold.
358Frostfire			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1|Cleric,Druid=2	DOMAINS:Cold=1			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Cold				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:15 ft.		TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst									DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Cone deals (min(CASTERLEVEL,5))d4 cold
359Fumble			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:Will partial and Reflex negates; see text	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Subject drops held items and falls prone.
360Fusing of Bones		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8								SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One living creature								DURATION:Instantaneous and permanent; see text	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.69	DESC:Subject's Dexterity is permanently reduced to 1.
362###Block: G
363# Spell Name	Type				Classes of caster				Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Components		Casting Time				Range					Target Area or Effect											Duration							Save Info					Spell Resistance		Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
364Gaze Reflector	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds																		SOURCEPAGE:p.70	DESC:Reflects gaze attacks back on the attacker.
365Ghostly Throttle	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Evocation						COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:A pair of ghostly hands									DURATION:1d4+2 rounds					SAVEINFO:Fortitude half; see text	SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.70	DESC:A pair of ghostly hands strangle the subject for 1d4+2 rounds.
366Glass House		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3		DOMAINS:Protection=3		SCHOOL:Abjuration						COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:1 or more ceratures (see text)								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes			SAVEINFO:Reflex negates			SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.70	DESC:Create a protective cube of magical glass.
367Glass Window	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Transmutation					COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:3-ft. wide by 2-ft. high area of stone, metal, or wood				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.70	DESC:Transform an area of stone, metal, or wood allows viewing through it.
368Glass to Steel	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8							SCHOOL:Transmutation					COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round				RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Object touched, which cannot exceed (CASTERLEVEL*10) pounds of weight	DURATION:Permanent					SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.71	DESC:Gives glass the strength and resiliency of steel.
369Glide			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Transmutation					COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 free action (see text)	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:1 living creature										DURATION:Until landing or (CASTERLEVEL) rounds	SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)					SOURCEPAGE:p.71	DESC:Allows you to control descent durring a fall.
370Glowing Bones	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=8						SCHOOL:Necromancy						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:20 ft. radius burst	TARGETAREA:Living creatures within range								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:Will negates			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.71	DESC:A creature's bones glow, revealing their whereabouts.
371Godsblood		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=8									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing		COMPS:V, S, M, XP	CASTTIME:10 minutes			RANGE:0 ft.				TARGETAREA:Enchants a single vial of liquid							DURATION:1 day or until used				SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No			COST:50	XPCOST:1000	SOURCEPAGE:p.72	DESC:Vial of holy water is enchanted with various effects.
372Greater Curse	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=7|Sorcerer,Wizard=8	DOMAINS:Retribution=8		SCHOOL:Necromancy						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature touched										DURATION:Permanent					SAVEINFO:Will negates			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.72	DESC:-12 to one ability score; -6 to two ability scores; -8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; 25%% chance of acting normally.
373Green Water		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=2				DOMAINS:Slime=1			SCHOOL:Transmutation					COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 minute				RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Water in a volume of 5 ft. by 5 ft. by 1 ft.					DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Will negates (object)	SPELLRES:Yes (object)					SOURCEPAGE:p.72	DESC:Change water into green slime.
374Grim Resilience	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Necromancy						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]																	SOURCEPAGE:p.72	DESC:Remain alive and active despite any hit point damage below 0.
376###Block: H
377# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range				Target Area or Effect												Duration					Save Info						Spell Resistance				Source Page		Description
378Halt Plant			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=3										SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:Up to four plant creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates (see text)		SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.73	DESC:Makes as many as 4 plant creatures immobile
379Hard Water Blast		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3			DOMAINS:Water=4			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Water|Force		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:300 ft.		TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Reflex half				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.73	DESC:Blast a target with a stream of water.
380Hard Water Weapons	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4			DOMAINS:Water=5			SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:See text												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes	SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)	SOURCEPAGE:p.73	DESC:Create simple melee weapons out of water.
381Harmonic Discord		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard=4					DOMAINS:Music=5			SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.		TARGETAREA:60 ft. radius from caster									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.73	DESC:Discordant sound makes it difficult for those in range to act.
382Harmonious Dissolution	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard=6|Sorcerer,Wizard=8		DOMAINS:Music=7			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Sonic			COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:10 ft. radius burst										DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.74	DESC:Sonic burst damages everything in a limited area.
383Headwind			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2										SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Air			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Single creature											DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.74	DESC:You use a focused blast of air to Bull Rush an opponent.
384Heart Rip			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil			COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Single living creature										DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None (see text)			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.74
385Heat Bone			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Will negates, see text		SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.74	DESC:A creature's bones burn from within, possibly crumbling.
386Heat Flesh			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Will special (see text)		SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.75	DESC:Flesh burns and blisters.
387Hemophilia			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One living creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.75	DESC:Target's wounds bleed profusely, suffering Con damage.
388Hesitate			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One or more creatures within a 20-ft.-radius burst					DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.75	DESC:Creatures second-guess their actions.
389Hide the Soul		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=9						SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Personal or touch	TARGETAREA:You and one creature touched									DURATION:Permanent			SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.75	DESC:Subject's soul is hidden in an animal.
390Holy Fire Hammer		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=3										SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Fire			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:One divine fire hammer										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.75	DESC:Conjure a hammer of divine fire.
391Holy Infusion		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=1										SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:Your melee weapon											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:Weapon does extra damage to undead.
392Hound's Scent		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:1 hour				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:Gain the ability to use the Scent ability for Tracking.
393Hovership			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One ship touched											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:Allows an ocean-going ship to pass over land.
395###Block: I
396# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster							Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect																					Duration					Save Info							Spell Resistance			Cost		Source Page		Description
397Ice Geyser			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8										SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Cylinder; see text																				DURATION:2 rounds				SAVEINFO:Reflex half					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:Ice fountains into the air, dealing 20d6 cold damage.
398Ice Shards			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1									SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature																					DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Reflex half					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:Sharp icicles fly from your hands to strike enemies.
399Ice Sled			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=6									SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Water			COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:Createsa caravan of sleds made of ice with (CASTERLEVEL*5) square feet of cargo space. Weight capacity is (CASTERLEVEL*500) lbs.	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*3) hours	SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.76	DESC:You create one or more sleds made of ice for travel in arctic conditions.
400Icebreaker			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7					DOMAINS:Water=7			SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:See text	TARGETAREA:See text																					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.77	DESC:Clear a passage through ice for a ship.
401Icy Hammer			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2									SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Cold			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0 ft.		TARGETAREA:Hammer-like weapon of ice																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.77	DESC:You create a magical warhammer that deals cold damage.
402Identify Tracks		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1|Druid=2										SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:10 ft. radius																				DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.77
403Ignite			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature or object																			DURATION:1d6 rounds (See text)	SAVEINFO:Reflex partial					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.77	DESC:Ray burns target and can set them on fire.
404Illusionary Forest	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=4											SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Pattern							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 30-ft. cube																		DURATION:Permanent [D]			SAVEINFO:None and Will disbelief; see text	SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.77	DESC:Creates an illusionary forest.
405Immunity to Energy	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=9			DOMAINS:Guardian=9		SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)				SOURCEPAGE:p.77	DESC:Subject gains immunity to one energy type.
406Immunity to Fear		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Paladin=1|Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Abjuration						DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature																					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)				SOURCEPAGE:p.78	DESC:The subject gains immunity to fear effects for (CASTERLEVEL) rounds.
407Insomnia			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:One living creature																			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL/3+1) days	SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.78	DESC:Target can't rest or sleep to heal or regain spells.
408Instant Exit		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:You and touched objects or other willing creatures														DURATION:1 round; see text		SAVEINFO:None and Will negates (object)		SPELLRES:No and Yes (object)	COST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.78	DESC:Opens a door that teleports creatures stepping through it to a random location.
409Interdiction		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:One arcane caster whose HD is equal to or less than yours													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.79	DESC:Prevents subject from casting arcane spells.
410Iron Judgement		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4												SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes (see text)				SOURCEPAGE:p.79	DESC:Touch attack outlines evil outsider with holy fire.
411Ironrope			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*100) ft. rope or (CASTERLEVEL*100) square feet of rigging											DURATION:1 day				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.79	DESC:Give ropes or rigging the hardness of iron.
412Ironshot			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/2) iron shots																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:See text						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.79	DESC:Creates balls of iron for use as ranged weapons.
413Irritation			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature																					DURATION:1d4 rounds; see text		SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates				SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.79	DESC:Afflicts target with itching sensation or a deep red rash.
415###Block: J
416# Spell Name			Product Identity?	Type		Classes of caster				School			Sub-School		Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range		Target Area or Effect												Duration										Save Info							Spell Resistance		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
417Jaerel's Curtain of Fire	NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9		SCHOOL:Conjuration				DESCRIPTOR:Fire			COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:3 rounds			RANGE:Long	TARGETAREA:moving 20 ft. tall curtain of fire (CASTERLEVEL*20) ft. long				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:Fortitude special, see text		SPELLRES:Yes		XPCOST:5000	SOURCEPAGE:p.80	DESC:Conjure curtain of magical flames that burns all organic matter.
418Jelver's Illusory Illusion	NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=6	SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Figment						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long	TARGETAREA:20-ft. cube + (CASTERLEVEL*10) 10-ft. cubes						DURATION:Permanent until triggered, then (CASTERLEVEL) rounds	SAVEINFO:Will disbelief (if interacted with)	SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.80	DESC:Make a real item appear to be illusionary.
419Jolt								TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5		SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:See text			RANGE:Close	TARGETAREA:You + (CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL+4) rounds						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Caste haste on your party and allows an additional spell that round.
420Jungle Cry							TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Ranger=1|Druid=2		SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long	TARGETAREA:All animals within range										DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Agitates animals and makes them aggressive.
422###Block: K
423# Spell Name		Product Identity?	Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor		Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect			Duration					Save Info						Spell Resistance	Source Page		Description													Temporary Bonus												TEMPVALUE
424Keen Ears						TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes	SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Subject gains +(10*(min(floor((CASTERLEVEL+2)/4),3))) bonus on Listen checks.	TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Listen|10*(min(floor((%CHOICE+2)/4),3))|TYPE=Enhancement	TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
425Kiss of the Nereid				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=5		DOMAINS:Water=4			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Water	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:One living creature	DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial; see text	SPELLRES:Yes	SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Subject's lungs fill with water.
426Know Alignment					TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Paladin=2|Druid=3						SCHOOL:Divination									COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.	TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped emanation	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No		SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Reveals alignment of creatures in the area.
427Kristoff's Solar Window	NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3|Cleric=4						SCHOOL:Evocation									COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Cone				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*5) minutes	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No		SOURCEPAGE:p.81	DESC:Draw sunlight to your location through a magic window.
429###Block: L
430# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster						Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time				Range			Target Area or Effect							Duration										Save Info					Spell Resistance		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
431Lasting Breath		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) living creatures				DURATION:Instantaneous; 1d4 + (CASTERLEVEL) rounds (see text)	SAVEINFO:Will negages (harmless)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.82	DESC:Increases the amount of time subjects can hold their breath.
432Leaf Fall			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round				RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:Leaves or pine needles in a 10-ft. radius spread	DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.82	DESC:You cause leaves to fall from nearby trees.
433Leaf Tide			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:Pile of leaves						DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Reflex avoids			SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.82	DESC:Leaves rise up to slam a foe.
434Lifeleech			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5|Cleric=6								SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil			COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:10 minutes			RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched						DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No			XPCOST:10	SOURCEPAGE:p.83	DESC:Extends life with the sacrifice of an intelligent creature
435Lightning Wheel		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4|Druid=5								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Electricity		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Long		TARGETAREA:one creature or object					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds or until discharged			SAVEINFO:Reflex half			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.83	DESC:Creates a flying lightning disc that deals (min(CASTERLEVEL,15))d6 to one target.
436Locate Fish			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1				DOMAINS:Water=1			SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:100-ft. diameter						DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.83	DESC:You learn where fish are in the local area.
437Locust Leap			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=3											SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds [D]																		SOURCEPAGE:p.84	DESC:You gain extraordinary leaping ability.
438Lost Wanderer		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Druid=6									SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:3 rounds				RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:Will negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.84	DESC:Creature becomes hopelessly lost and cannot find its way.
439Lower Spell Resistance	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.84	DESC:Reduces a creature's spell resistance.
440Luck of the Saints	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=1|Cleric,Druid=2								SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes or until discharged			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.84	DESC:Grant a +(max(CASTERLEVEL/3,1)) luck bonus to single roll within (CASTERLEVEL) minutes.
441Lucky Cloak			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard=2|Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3	DOMAINS:Luck=2			SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, F		CASTTIME:Free action (see text)	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:Self								DURATION:See text									SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.84	DESC:You gain a luck bonus in certain situations
442Luna's Glare		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8				DOMAINS:Water=8			SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Shadow							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action		RANGE:Sight		TARGETAREA:100-mile radius						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL/4) hours						SAVEINFO:None				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:Creates a false moon that causes tides and effects lycanthropes.
444###Block: M
445# Spell Name			Output Name					Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time					Range				Item		Target Area or Effect																	Duration								Save Info						Spell Resistance				Cost		Source Page		Description														Temporary Bonus
446Mage Armor (Greater)		OUTPUTNAME:Mage Armor, [NAME]		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Force			COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Touch			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Creature touched																DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:Grants subject a +10 armor bonus to AC.								TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|COMBAT|AC|10|TYPE=Armor
447Magic Circle against Spirits							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard actioon			RANGE:Touch			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:10-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:No; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:As protection from spirits, but all within a 10-ft. radius.
448Magic Circle against Undead							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard actioon			RANGE:Touch			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:10-ft.-radius emanation from touched creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:No; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:As protection from undead, but all within a 10-ft. radius.
449Magma Eruption									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Fire			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:100-ft.-radius spread [S]														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Reflex half; see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:Ground spews magma over a 100-ft. radius, 20d6 damage, continuing effects.
450Malicious Intent (Greater)	OUTPUTNAME:Malicious Intent, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3			DOMAINS:Retribution=3		SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:60 ft.				TARGETAREA:All creatures in a 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you.									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.85	DESC:Subjects in area take -2 or -4 on saves.								TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SAVE|Fortitude,Reflex,Will|-2
451Malicious Intent									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:60 ft.				TARGETAREA:All creatures in a 30-ft.-radius spread centered on you.									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.86	DESC:Subjects in area take -1 or -2 on saves.								TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SAVE|Fortitude,Reflex,Will|-1
452Mangling Foot									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force			COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 full round				RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:Large foot [10 ft. by 10 ft.]														DURATION:Concentration, up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.86	DESC:Giant foot appears to stomp on targets.
453Mark of Exile									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=7|Druid=8								SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Touch			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Creature touched																DURATION:Permanent [see text]					SAVEINFO:None (see text)			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.86	DESC:Force a creature to stay away from an area under penalty of complete destruction.
454Mass Polymorph									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=8										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/3) Medium or smaller humanoids within a 30-ft. radius								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours					SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.87	DESC:Changes a group of enemies into sheep.
455Massmorph into Trees								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Glamer							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:One or more creatures, no two of which can be more than 30-ft. apart							DURATION:Concentration						SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text		SPELLRES:Yes; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.87	DESC:Subjects appear as normal trees.
456Megalomania										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Charm		DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One living Creature															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.87	DESC:You make the target believe they are better than they really are.
457Melt											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) 5-ft squares													DURATION:Instantaneous; see text				SAVEINFO:Fortitude half; see text		SPELLRES:Yes; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.87	DESC:Raises temperature in area enough to melt ice or snow.
458Merge into Art									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Assassin,Blackguard=3								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Personal				TARGETAREA:Caster																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:see text					SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.87	DESC:Hide within a painting or tapestry.
459Message (Greater)									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:1,000 miles				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None (see text)			SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:You are able to speak to creatures over great distances.
460Message Cache									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1										SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Glamer							COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:One written message															DURATION:See text							SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:Hides a not that others can retrieve.
461Metamorphose Weapon								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Weapon touched or fifty projectiles [all of which must e in contact with each other at the time of casting]	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:Temporarily change the material type of even magical weapons.
462Mighty Steed									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=3										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Your mount																	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)					SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:Your special mount is enhanced for war.
463Mind Carve										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Medium		ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Ray of negative energy															DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:Creature takes Intelligence and Wisdom damage.
464Mind Meld										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round					RANGE:30 ft.; see text			TARGETAREA:You and one other arcane caster within 30 ft. that is at least 2 levels lower than you.				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			COST:1000	SOURCEPAGE:p.88	DESC:Two casters fuse their minds together to increase their casting ability.
465Moon Servant									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:1 medium servant																DURATION:5 hours							SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.89	DESC:You call forth a nighttime servant from the energies of nature.
466Moonbeam										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=3										SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Light			COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Cylinder [10-ft. radius, 60 ft. high]												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None, see text				SPELLRES:No							SOURCEPAGE:p.89	DESC:Creates a beam of moonlight that can be moved as a searchlight.
467Muck											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=3|Druid=4			DOMAINS:Slime=3			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:15-ft. radius spread															DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Reflex negates; see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.89	DESC:Creates sticky ooze beneath the feet of your foes to hold them fast.
468Mucus Mask										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4		DOMAINS:Slime=4			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Acid			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One creature																	DURATION:Permanent; see text					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.90	DESC:Glob of acidic slime causes an array of effects.
469Mud Slam										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:One creature																	DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Reflex half, see text		SPELLRES:Yes						SOURCEPAGE:p.90	DESC:A wall of mud slams into a foe potentially knocking them prone.
470Multiple Contingency								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:At least 10 minutes [see text]	RANGE:Personal				TARGETAREA:You																		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days or until discharged																	SOURCEPAGE:p.90	DESC:As Contingency but allows a wider range of spells.
472###Block: N
473# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster				School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect							Duration									Save Info					Spell Resistance		Source Page		Description																							Temporary Bonus
474Nap				TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=2				SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) living creatures				DURATION:1 hour								SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)	SOURCEPAGE:p.91	DESC:Subjects sleep for one hour, but feel as if they had slept for eight and regain lost hit points, heal ability damage, and regain spells.
475Nature's Aura		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2			SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes															SOURCEPAGE:p.91	DESC:Aura helps you put wild animals at ease.
476Nearsighted			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1		SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One living creature					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds; see text				SAVEINFO:Will negates			SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.91	DESC:Alter a target's ability to focus on things at a distance.
477Necrotic Touch		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5	SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Living creature touched					DURATION:Instantaneous; see text					SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates		SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.91	DESC:Touch deals pain to target;(min(CASTERLEVEL,10)) and 2d4 Str damage.
478Net				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2	SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	DESCRIPTOR:Water			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:One 20 ft. diameter net					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes					SAVEINFO:Reflex negates			SPELLRES:None		SOURCEPAGE:p.91	DESC:Conjure an underwater net to trap foes.
479Negative Energy Armor	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2	SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds																SOURCEPAGE:p.92	DESC:Foes attacking you unarmed or with natural weapons take 2d6 points of damage.
480Negative Energy Mantle	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6		SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Living creature within a 20-ft. radius burst	DURATION:Instantaneous; (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes; see text	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates		SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.92	DESC:You create an aura around the subjects that prevents healing and regeneration.
481Nullifying Cloak		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5		SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:One spellcasting creature				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]					SAVEINFO:Will negates			SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.92	DESC:Damages subject any time it attempts to cast a spell.
482Nymph's Aura		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=6				SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:Self								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes															SOURCEPAGE:p.92	DESC:Gain additional Charisma and a bonus on saving throws to AC.														TEMPBONUS:PC|SAVE|Fortitude,Reflex,Will|max(CHA,0)|TYPE=NoStack	TEMPBONUS:PC|COMBAT|AC|max(CHA,0)|TYPE=Deflection	TEMPBONUS:PC|STAT|CHA|8
484###Block: O
485# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster				Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Components		Casting Time			Range				Target Area or Effect		Duration									Save Info		Spell Resistance	Source Page		Description
486One with the Earth	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=5|Cleric=6							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation	COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours or until expended; see text							SOURCEPAGE:p.92	DESC:Allows movement from one natural earthen structure to another.
487Ooze Bolt			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2|Cleric=3	DOMAINS:Slime=2			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation	COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One ooze bolt	DURATION:Instantaneous; see text					SAVEINFO:None	SPELLRES:No		SOURCEPAGE:p.93	DESC:Bolt of acid deals 2d6 points of damage.
488Open Trail			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1|Druid=2							SCHOOL:Transmutation					COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Special; see text	TARGETAREA:Special; see text	DURATION:Concentration							SAVEINFO:None	SPELLRES:No		SOURCEPAGE:p.93
490###Block: P
491# Spell Name				Output Name						Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor					Components			Casting Time			Range						Target Area or Effect															Duration										Save Info										Spell Resistance		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
492Paean of Greater Glory										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=4										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:100 ft.				TARGETAREA:100-ft.-radius around you												DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds; see text	SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.94	DESC:Continuous song gives combat bonuses to allies and penalties to enemies.
493Paean of the Holy											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:40 ft.				TARGETAREA:All allies and foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst centered on you.						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.94	DESC:Song brings bonuses and blessings to allies.
494Paean of the Unholy										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard=4									SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:40 ft.				TARGETAREA:All foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst centered on you.								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.95	DESC:Song inflicts penalties and fear on foes.
495Paper Tigers											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=4										SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Shadow								COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Several semi-real creatures												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will disbelief (if interacted with); varies; see text	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.95	DESC:You fold a horde of paper constructs, one of which is deadly.
496Paralyze												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4			DOMAINS:Malediction=4		SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Shadow								COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Several living creatures within a 20-ft.-radius burst								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will disbelief								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.95	DESC:Convinces creatures that they are paralyzed.
497Pattern Grass											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:20 ft. radius														DURATION:1 hour									SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.95	DESC:Flatten grass to expose opponents or hide tracks.
498Peacebinding											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Lawful|Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:80 ft.				TARGETAREA:All creatures with an Int of 3 or higher within range that are aware of you and your actions	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [see text]					SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.95	DESC:By putting away your weapons, you compel others to foolow your example.
499Phantom Accompaniment										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=2										SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Figment								COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Audible within normal hearing range											DURATION:Concentration + 1 minute						SAVEINFO:Will partial								SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.96	DESC:Summons an illusory band to play along with you.
500Plague												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=7|Sorcerer,Wizard=8						SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S,			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart					DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates							SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.96	DESC:You infect multiple creatures with disease.
501Plant Aura												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=6					DOMAINS:Plant=7			SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal				TARGETAREA:You																DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]																						SOURCEPAGE:p.96	DESC:Take on the characteristics of a plant.
502Plant Door												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=4									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal or touch			TARGETAREA:You or one creature touched												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes						SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.96	DESC:Creates a magic portal through trees and undergrowth.
503Plant Enlightenment										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=9										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, DF, XP	CASTTIME:24 hours			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Animal Touched														DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes		XPCOST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.96	DESC:Turn a willing animal into a sentient plant.
504Player Instrument											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=3										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling								COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:1 musical instrument													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.99	DESC:Plays an instrument without physical contact by hand.
505Player Instrument (Greater)		OUTPUTNAME:Player Instrument, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=5										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling								COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:1 musical instrument													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.99	DESC:As Player Instrument with a longer duration.
506Pocket Paradise											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=6										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:30 ft.				TARGETAREA:Extradimensional paradise, up to (CASTERLEVEL*30) ft. radius area						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.99	DESC:Create illusory palace that provides no rest, but allows recovery from certain mind-affecting and status conditions.
507Pollen Cloud											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2										SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, M			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:20-ft.-rdius, 10 ft. high cloud											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds							SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.100	DESC:Conjures a 20-ft.-radius cloud of pollen and floating seeds making breathing difficult.
508Portrait												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:One object															DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.100	DESC:Obtain an image of the last person to touch an item.
509Precipitation											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:60-ft.-radius circle													DURATION:1 minute									SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.100	DESC:Area is covered in rain, snow, or sleet for 1 minute.
510Predict Weather											TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.100	DESC:Provides bonus to Survival checks to predict weather.
511Primeval Seal											TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7|Cleric=8		DOMAINS:Guardian=6		SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, M, XP		CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:One location [Up to (CASTERLEVEL) 20-ft. cubes]									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours							SAVEINFO:Will partial								SPELLRES:Yes		XPCOST:1000	SOURCEPAGE:p.101	DESC:Hedges out outsiders, aberrations, and undead.
512Prismatic Chain											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8								SCHOOL:Evocation												COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One primary target, plus up to seven secondary targets within 30 feet					DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:See text									SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.101	DESC:Target suffers from all colors of Prismatic Spray and nearby targets are struick as per a Prismatic Spray.
513Progressive Curse											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil				COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:Unlimited, on same plane only	TARGETAREA:One creature															DURATION:Permanent [D]								SAVEINFO:Will negates								SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.101	DESC:Bestow a long-term curse that grows wors as days pass.
514Prophet's Eye											TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Self and one living creature												DURATION:1 hour									SAVEINFO:Will negates (See text)						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.101	DESC:See, hear, and feel a target's experiences.
515Protection from Oozes and Slimes								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, M/DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:No; see text			SOURCEPAGE:p.102	DESC:+2 to AC and saves, hedge out oozes and slimes.
516Protection from Paralysis									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, M/DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.102	DESC:Creature touched gains immunity to paralyzing effects.
517Protection from Pressure									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:1d10 + (CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes					SAVEINFO:None (harmless)							SPELLRES:No (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.102	DESC:Protects deep divers from ocean pressures.
518Protection from Spirits										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, M/DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:No; see text			SOURCEPAGE:p.102	DESC:+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, against spirits.
519Protection from Undead										TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S, M/DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:Creature touched														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]						SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)						SPELLRES:No; see text			SOURCEPAGE:p.102	DESC:+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, against undead.
520Prowess of the Prophet										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, F			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal				TARGETAREA:Self																DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes						SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.103	DESC:Provides insight for attack rolls.
521Pummel												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1										SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:Single creature														DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None									SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.103	DESC:Bombard a target with branches and debris.
522Push													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force				COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Single creature or object												DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:None (see text)							SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.103	DESC:You force a creature or object back 10 feet.
523Putrefy Food and Drink										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:10 ft.				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) cu. ft. of food and water										DURATION:Instantaneous								SAVEINFO:Will negates (object) and Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes (object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.103	DESC:Spoils and poisons food and drink.
526###Block: Q
527# Spell Name	Type				Classes of caster				School			Sub-School		Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect				Duration					Save Info				Spell Resistance	Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
528Quash Summoning	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=6	SCHOOL:Abjuration					COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:30 ft. radius			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Special; see text	SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.104
529Quicken Assassin	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9		SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Shadow	COMPS:V, S, M, XP	CASTTIME:4 hours, see text	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Duplicate creature			DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None			SPELLRES:No		COST:15000	XPCOST:5000	SOURCEPAGE:p.104	DESC:Create loyal clone to assassinate and replace a foe.
530Quicksand		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=4				SCHOOL:Transmutation				COMPS:V, S, M, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 5 ft. squares	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]	SAVEINFO:Reflex; see text								SOURCEPAGE:p.104	DESC:Transform normal earth or stone into quicksand.
531Quill Skin		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=1				SCHOOL:Transmutation				COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*2) rounds [D]													SOURCEPAGE:p.104	DESC:Coat your body with sharp quills to damage creatures swallowing you.
533###Block: R
534# Spell Name			Unique Key			Output Name					Type				Classes of caster						Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor			Components			Casting Time			Range								Target Area or Effect										Duration						Save Info						Spell Resistance		XP Cost	Source Page		Description
535Radiance														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=2										SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Fire		COMPS:V, S, DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal						TARGETAREA:5-ft. radius emanation, centered on you					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]		SAVEINFO:None and Reflex half; see text	SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:You sheath your body in fire; deals 1d6 points of damage in 5-ft. radius and by touch.
536Ranibow Spear													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation					COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0 ft.							TARGETAREA:Rainbow-colored shortspear							DURATION:See text					SAVEINFO:See text					SPELLRES:See text				SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:Creates a magical spear with an array of effects.
537Rainbow Staff													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation					COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0 ft.							TARGETAREA:Rainbow-colored staff								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:See text					SPELLRES:See text				SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:Creates magical staff with an array of effects.
538Raise Island			KEY:Raise Island (ES)							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7									SCHOOL:Conjuration									COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:5 rounds			RANGE:Up to 300 yards from caster, see text	TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*50) square feet							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:Conjures an island of bare stone in the ocean.
539Raise Shipwreck													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8									SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force		COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:3 rounds			RANGE:(CASTERLEVEL*100) feet				TARGETAREA:One ship										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*20) minutes [D]	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:Pull a ship from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface.
540Random Pain														TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=3											SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S, DF, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close							TARGETAREA:One melee weapon									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:Will negates (object)		SPELLRES:Yes (object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.105	DESC:An affected weapon deals damage to its wielder or one of the wielder's allies rather than the target of a successful attack.
541Ravaging Fire													TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=9											SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Earth|Fire	COMPS:V, S, DF, XP	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Long							TARGETAREA:moving 100-ft.-radius cloud of fire and rock				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]		SAVEINFO:Special; see text			SPELLRES:No			XPCOST:2500	SOURCEPAGE:p.106	DESC:Destroy a vast area with crushing rocks and fire.
542Ray of Desiccation												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4|Druid=5								SCHOOL:Necromancy										COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close							TARGETAREA:Ray											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.106	DESC:A desiccating ray inflicts 1d6+(min(CASTERLEVEL/2,5)) Con penalty.
543Ray of Paralysis													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3									SCHOOL:Necromancy										COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close							TARGETAREA:Ray											DURATION:Instantaneous; see text		SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Ray paralyzes target 1d6+4 rounds.
544Reduce Nausea													TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=1									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing						COMPS:V, S, DF, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:A nauseated creature becomes sickened, and the duration is halved.
545Regenerate Plant Life												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2						DOMAINS:Plant=2			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing						COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:One Medium or larger plant or all small plants in a 25 ft. radius	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*5) rounds		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Cure's plants of diseases and allows them to heal quickly.
546Reinstate Spell													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5									SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal						TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:Instantaneous																	SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Renew a spell whose duration has just expired, up to 4th level.
547Reinstate Spell (Greater)					OUTPUTNAME:Reinstate Spell, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7									SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal						TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:Instantaneous																	SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Renew (CASTERLEVEL/3) spells whose duration has just expired, up to 6th level.
548Remember Seas													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4									SCHOOL:Divination										COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:Ship's wheel										DURATION:See text					SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Allow a ship to pilot itself on a known path.
549Remove Nausea													TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=3									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing						COMPS:V, S, DF, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:Cures nausea and sickness.
550Resistance to Fear												TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=0							SCHOOL:Abjuration										COMPS:V, S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:1 minute					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.107	DESC:The subject gains +2 morale bonus against fear effects for 1 minute.
551Resonant Imbalance												TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=3											SCHOOL:Evocation										COMPS:V, M			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.						TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst									DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.108	DESC:Creates a cone of nauseating sound.
552Restraining Order													TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1									SCHOOL:Abjuration										COMPS:V, S, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close							TARGETAREA:One medium or smaller creature							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [see text]	SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.108	DESC:Prevents a creature from approaching or attacking.
553Revelation Field													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6|Druid=7						SCHOOL:Abjuration										COMPS:V, S, DF		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:0 ft.							TARGETAREA:40-ft.-radius emanation from caster						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.108	DESC:Suppresses illusions and shapeshifts.
554Righteous Conviction												TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=2											SCHOOL:Abjuration										COMPS:S			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal						TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.109	DESC:Immunity to Evil Mind-Affecting spells and abilities.
555Rimeshatter														TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Cold		COMPS:V			CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long							TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius burst								DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Fortitude half				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.109	DESC:Causes (min(CASTERLEVEL,20))d6 cold and (min(CASTERLEVEL/10,2))d6 Con damage.
556Rooted in Place													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.109	DESC:Cause a target to sprout roots and become immobile.
557Rot to the Core													TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8				DOMAINS:Torment=9			SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch							TARGETAREA:One living creature								DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (see text)	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.109	DESC:Kills subject from the inside out.
559###Block: Sa-Sp
560# Spell Name			Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range			Item		Target Area or Effect										Duration								Save Info									Spell Resistance			Cost		XP Cost	Source Page		Description																Temporary Bonus													TEMPVALUE
561Sacred Watch			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=1					DOMAINS:Guardian=1		SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:One living creature touched							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) days					SAVEINFO:Yes (harmless)							SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Watches over the target, giving immediate knowledge when they are in danger.
562Sanctified Reverie of Arms	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard=1|Paladin=2							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:1d4 + (CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Holy/Unholy trance gives combat advantages.
563Sand Blast				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Cone											DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Hurl a cone of scorching sand to damage and daze your foes.
564Scalding Sea			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4			DOMAINS:Water=4|Air=5		SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Air|Water		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:50-ft.-radius									DURATION:3 rounds							SAVEINFO:Reflex half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Draws scalding steam from the surface of the water doing damage over several rounds.
565Scent Mask				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) touched creatures						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Yes (harmless) or Fortitude negates; see text	SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Conceals the subject's natural scent, making it harder to track.
566Scintillating Doom		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9								SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Mobile energy field in a 20 foot cube					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:See text								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.110	DESC:Create mobile field of lights that target all within with prismatic spray effect.
567Scorching				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6|Cleric,Druid=7						SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:40 ft. radius burst								DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Heat waves cause (min(CASTERLEVEL/2,10))d6 subdual damage.
568Share Spell Resistance		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard,Paladin=4								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, DF		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Paladin's mount or Blackguard's fiendish servant				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Share your mount or servant's SR.
569Shattering Cry			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Sonic			COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:50 ft.			TARGETAREA:Cone shaped effect									DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half							SPELLRES:Yes			COST:25			SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Causes (min(CASTERLEVEL,10))d6 sonic damage, ignores (min(CASTERLEVEL/2,5)) hardness.
570Shield of Crackling Fire	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire|Electricity	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:See text								SPELLRES:Yes; see text						SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Fire and lightning protect you and damage attackers.
571Shield Open Flame			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=0							SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:10 ft.			TARGETAREA:One small flame									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Protects small fire from being extinguished.
572Shock Torch				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Electricity		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Creature or object touched							DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Touch deals 1d4 electricity damage.
573Signal Flare			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1|Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:120 ft. radius or 1 creature [see text]					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:Reflex negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.111	DESC:Launch a flare that provides light in a large area.
574Silent Hunter			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=2									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.112	DESC:Subject gets +(10*(min(floor((CASTERLEVEL+2)/4),3))) bonus on Move Silently checks.			TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Move Silently|10*(min(floor((%CHOICE+2)/4),3))|TYPE=Enhancement	TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
575Silver Lance			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Conjuration										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.112	DESC:Conjures a lance of liquid silver inflicting 4d4 points of damage.
576Silver Shield			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=4										SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [See text]		SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.112	DESC:Gives AC to you, your mount, and innocents.
577Skull Bomb				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:See text			TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius blast								DURATION:Instantaneous; see text				SAVEINFO:None for creature struck, Reflex half			SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.112	DESC:Create a destructive bomb from a skill or large bone.
578Sleep of Power			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, XP	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:Special; see text					SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						XPCOST:1	SOURCEPAGE:p.112	DESC:Caster goes into coma; last spell cast is extended.
579Slimeball				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4			DOMAINS:Slime=7			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Acid|Fire		COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long				TARGETAREA:20-ft. radius spread								DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Reflex half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.113	DESC:Ball of slime deals fire and acid damage to target and posessions.
580Slime Bucket			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=5					DOMAINS:Slime=5			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium																DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Reflex half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.113	DESC:Slime does (min(CASTERLEVEL,15))d6 points of cold damage to an area.
581Slur					TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates						SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.113	DESC:Make a target's speech garbled, possibly preventing spellcasting.
582Smart Arrow				TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=3										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/2) arrows or bolts						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [see text]			SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Allows you to shoot an arrow at a target out of line of sight or behind cover without penalty.
583Snake Charm				TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Ranger=2								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.			TARGETAREA:One or more snakes, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours					SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Charm snakes only, as per charm animal.
584Snakes to Sticks			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=4									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.			TARGETAREA:1d4 + (CASTERLEVEL) snakes							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates						SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Change living snakes into inanimate sticks.
585Sneeze				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One creature										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Subject takes -4 on attacks, checks, and saves while sneezing.
586Song of Vengeance			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=5										SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:0 ft.				TARGETAREA:30 ft. radius									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Share damage with enemies.
587Sonic Shield			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=1										SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, M		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.114	DESC:Confers a +(min(max((CASTERLEVEL/4)+1,2),5)) deflection bonus to your AC.				TEMPBONUS:PC|COMBAT|AC|min(max((%CHOICE/4)+1,2),5)|TYPE=Deflection				TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
588Soul Shatter			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:Living creature touched								DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial						SPELLRES:Yes			COST:300			SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:You deal 1d6 Cha drain or damage to a single target.
589Soul Strike				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7|Cleric=8							SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M/DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:40-ft.-radius burst								DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Fortitude half							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:Burst of negative energy, 40-ft. radius, (min(CASTERLEVEL,20))d6 damage.
590Sound Worm				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=3										SCHOOL:Enchantment										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium			TARGETAREA:One or more spellcasters								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Will partial							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:Distracts spell-users.
591Spark					TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=0								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Electricity		COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Ray											DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:Ray deals 1d3 electricity damage.
592Speak with Objects		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2|Cleric=3							SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes																							SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:You can talk to objects.
593Spectral Sail			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:See text			TARGETAREA:See text										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*3) hours				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:Create a sail out of magical energy to keep a ship on course.
594Speed Undead			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=2										SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) skeletons or zombies						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)						SOURCEPAGE:p.115	DESC:Undead gain +10 feet speed, +2 Dexterity and Reflex saves.
595Spell Kill				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Ray											DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.116	DESC:Wipes spells or slots from subject's mind.
596Spell Legs				TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Assassin=4|Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=5						SCHOOL:Universal											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:Spell effect already created							DURATION:Concentration up to (CASTERLEVEL) rounds	SAVEINFO:Special; see text						SPELLRES:Special; see text					SOURCEPAGE:p.116	DESC:Moves a magical area of effect.
597Spellcaster's Refusal		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) 20-ft. cubes							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.116	DESC:Wards area, preventing spellcasters from entering.
598Spellchain Grounding		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal			TARGETAREA:You											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]																							SOURCEPAGE:p.116	DESC:Attract secondary bolts from chain-type spells and negate them.
599Spilling of Blood			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Necromancy											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One living creature								DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text				SPELLRES:Yes							SOURCEPAGE:p.116	DESC:Opens wound in subject that causes continuous bleeding.
600Spiritual Trance			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=1										SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:100 ft.			TARGETAREA:100-ft.-spread, centered on you						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No								SOURCEPAGE:p.117	DESC:You enter a trance that lets you sense magical creatures and effects around you.
601Spiritbreaker			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Abjuration											COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:3 rounds; see text	RANGE:Close				TARGETAREA:One outsider										DURATION:See text							SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes; see text						SOURCEPAGE:p.117	DESC:Damages an outsider and condemns it to its own plane.
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604# Spell Name		Type				Classes of caster				Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Spell Variations								Components		Casting Time			Range				Item		Target Area or Effect													Duration							Save Info						Spell Resistance		Cost		Source Page		Description															Temporary Bonus											TEMPVALUE
605Squeaking Floor Alarm	TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=3									SCHOOL:Transmutation																				COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One section of ground or floor (CASTERLEVEL*10) ft. by (CASTERLEVEL*10) ft.		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.117	DESC:A 10-ft. by 10-ft. area of ground or floor squeaks loudly when stepped on or touched.
606Starlight			TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2									SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Light													COMPS:V, S, DF, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Dim light and shadowy illumination in a 60-ft.-radius area					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes [D]		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.117	DESC:Creates shadowy illumination in a 60-ft.-radius area.
607Steal Breath		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric=6									SCHOOL:Necromancy																					COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:One living creature											DURATION:Instantaneous; see text			SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (See text)	SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.118	DESC:Steals a victim's air from their lungs leaving them unable to breath or speak.
608Steam Bolt			TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Fire													COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:One creature													DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.118	DESC:Burns an opponent with a blast of super-heated steam.
609Steam Cloud			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Fire													COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:Cloud spreads in a 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:Fortitude half				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.118	DESC:Conjures a cloud of burning steam.
610Stench of Death		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2									SCHOOL:Necromancy																					COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:Object or creature												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes			SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:Pungent oder drives away animals.
611Sticks to Snakes		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=4								SCHOOL:Transmutation																				COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.				TARGETAREA:1d4 + (CASTERLEVEL) sticks										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:Will negates (object)		SPELLRES:Yes (object)			SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:Turn inanimate sticks into poisonous snakes.
612Storm of Vitriol		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=9							SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Acid													COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:one mile				TARGETAREA:100 foot radius												DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:Fortitude half				SPELLRES:Yes/No				SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:Causes acid, unnamed and Dex damage to a large area.
613Strength of the Earth	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Earth													COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch					TARGETAREA:One object touched												DURATION:Permanent					SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No			COST:200	SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:Touched object gains +5 hardness and Break DC; hitpoints are doubled.
614Striking Likeness		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=5									SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Shadow																	COMPS:V, S, M, F	CASTTIME:See text			RANGE:0 ft.					TARGETAREA:One semi-real object											DURATION:1 day						SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:You paint an image so realistic it becomes real.
615Subdual Ray			TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1							SCHOOL:Evocation																					COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One living creature											DURATION:Instantaneous					SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.119	DESC:Ray deals 1d6+(min(CASTERLEVEL,10)) points of nonlethal damage.
616Summon Animals		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=5|Cleric=6		DOMAINS:Beast=5			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning																COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.120	DESC:Summons normal animals whose total HD don't exceed (CASTERLEVEL*2).
617Summon Dust Devil		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=2								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling																	COMPS:V, S,DF	CASTTIME:3 rounds			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One called elemental of 2 HD										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.120	DESC:Calls a 2 HD dust devil to fight for you.
618Summon Hellhounds		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Calling		DESCRIPTOR:Evil													COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium				TARGETAREA:Three or more hellhounds, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; see text	DURATION:One week or one year [D]; see text	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.121	DESC:Summons 1d4+2 hellhounds to fight for you.
619Summon Shadow		TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning	DESCRIPTOR:Evil													COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more shadows, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.121	DESC:Calls one or more shadows to fight for you.
620Summon Undead I		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One summoned creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.121	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
621Summon Undead II		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.121	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
622Summon Undead III		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.122	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
623Summon Undead IV		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.122	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
624Summon Undead V		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=5						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.122	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
625Summon Undead VI		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=6						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.122	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
626Summon Undead VII		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=7						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
627Summon Undead VIII	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=8						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
628Summon Undead IX		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=9						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Summoning						VARIANTS:Air|Chaotic|Earth|Evil|Fire|Good|Lawful|Water	COMPS:V, S, F/DF	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close					TARGETAREA:One or more summoned creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Call undead to fight for you.
629Swim				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=2						SCHOOL:Transmutation																				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:Creature touched												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes [D]			SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Subject gets bonus to Swim checks.										TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SKILL|Swim|10*(min(floor((%CHOICE+2)/4),3))|TYPE=Enhancement	TEMPVALUE:MIN=1|MAX=20|TITLE=Choose spell caster level
630Swirling Leaves		TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1									SCHOOL:Abjuration																					COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal				TARGETAREA:You														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Leaves swirl around you making you difficult to hit.
631Symbol of Discord		TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=7						SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:0 ft.; see text			TARGETAREA:One symbol													DURATION:See text						SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes		COST:5000	SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:Causes discord in those that view the symbol.
632Symbol of Hopelessness	TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=7						SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:10 minutes		RANGE:0 ft.; see text			TARGETAREA:One symbol													DURATION:See text						SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes		COST:5000	SOURCEPAGE:p.123	DESC:All creatures within the area suffer hopelessness.
633Synaotic Disturbance	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Transmutation																				COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			ITEM:Potion	TARGETAREA:One living creature											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]			SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.124	DESC:Creature takes damage each time it takes an action.
635###Block: T
636# Spell Name			Unique Key				Type				Classes of caster					Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range				Target Area or Effect												Duration					Save Info									Spell Resistance			Cost		Source Page		Description
637Taunt										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard,Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One or more creatures, whose total HD do not exceed (CASTERLEVEL*2)		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.124	DESC:Enrage creatures into attacking you.
638Teleport Other								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8								SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Teleportation						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.		TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.124	DESC:Teleports an unwilling target to away from you.
639Thicken									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=0									SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Object touched											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.124	DESC:You can alter the strength and thickness of small inanimate objects.
640Thorn Snare									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Cleric,Druid=2									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation						COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Thorn thicket (CASTERLEVEL*5) ft. radius							DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.125	DESC:Thicket of thorns snags and slows enemies.
641Time Acceleration								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7			DOMAINS:Time=6			SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Phantasm						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.		TARGETAREA:One 10-ft. cube											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.125	DESC:Makes time appear to go much faster than normal.
642Time Deceleration								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7								SCHOOL:Illusion		SUBSCHOOL:Phantasm						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft.		TARGETAREA:One 10-ft. cube											DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.125	DESC:Makes time appear to go much slower than normal.
643Torrent									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=5|Cleric=6								SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Water			COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.		TARGETAREA:Cone-shaped burst											DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Reflex half							SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.125	DESC:Strike creatures with a cone of high pressure water doing non-lethal damage.
644Touch of Madness			KEY:Touch of Madness (ES)	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:One creature												DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Will negates; see text					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.126	DESC:Drop a victim's Wisdom score to 1.
645Track Magic									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=4										SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.126	DESC:Allows you to trail a magical creature or spellcaster.
646Transform Boulder to Pebble						TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:50 ft.		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) boulders, all of which must be no larger than a 10-ft. cube	DURATION:Permanentl see text [D]	SAVEINFO:None (object)							SPELLRES:No (object)				SOURCEPAGE:p.127	DESC:Changes boulders into small pebbles.
647Transform Pebble to Boulder						TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/3+1) pebbles									DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None (object)							SPELLRES:No (object)				SOURCEPAGE:p.127	DESC:Turns a thrown pebble into a boulder.
648Transmute Dust to Water							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Water			COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) 10-ft. cubes [S]							DURATION:Permanent; see text		SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No				COST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.127	DESC:Transforms (CASTERLEVEL*2) 10-ft. cubes per level.
649Transmute Gold to Steel							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL) lbs.										DURATION:Permanent			SAVEINFO:None (See text)						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.127	DESC:Transforms gold into high quality steel.
650Transmute Water to Acid							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Acid			COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) gallons of water							DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:None and Will negates and Fortitude half; see text	SPELLRES:No and Yes; see text			SOURCEPAGE:p.127	DESC:Transform ordinary water into acid.
651Transmute Water to Dust							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=6							SCHOOL:Transmutation					DESCRIPTOR:Earth			COMPS:V, S, DF/M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*2) 10-ft. cubes [S]							DURATION:Permanent			SAVEINFO:None or Fortitude partial; see text			SPELLRES:No				COST:500	SOURCEPAGE:p.128	DESC:Transforms (CASTERLEVEL*2) 10-ft. cubes per level.
652Transparent Steel								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=6								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:Up to (CASTERLEVEL*10) lbs.									DURATION:Permanent			SAVEINFO:None (See text)						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.128	DESC:Transforms high quality steel to make it transparent.
653Treacherous Blow								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4								SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal or Touch	TARGETAREA:You or living creature touched									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)					SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.128	DESC:Grants the ability to make sneak attacks.
654Tree Ladder									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger,Sorcerer,Wizard=1						SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One tree												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:See text								SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.128	DESC:Create a ladder on the trunk of a natural tree.
655Tremor Sense								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=1|Druid=2								SCHOOL:Divination											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:You													DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*5) rounds	SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.128	DESC:Gain the Tremor Sense ability for a short period of time.
656Trip										TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Druid=2										SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V,.S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch			TARGETAREA:One vine or similar object, (CASTERLEVEL*5) ft. long [see text]			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:None (see text)						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.129	DESC:Animate a vine or other object to trip opponents.
657Tune of Passage								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=2										SCHOOL:Evocation											COMPS:V,.S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) locks										DURATION:1 minute				SAVEINFO:None								SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.129	DESC:Substitute your Perform skill check for Open Lock check.
658Turn to Ooze								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7			DOMAINS:Slime=6			SCHOOL:Transmutation										COMPS:V,.S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium		TARGETAREA:Ray													DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Fortitude partial						SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.129	DESC:Turns target into harmless ooze.
659Twig Torture								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Sorcerer,Wizard=4							SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil			COMPS:V,.S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:1 mile		TARGETAREA:1 creature												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.129	DESC:Twig totem inflicts damage when broken.
660Twitch									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1								SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V,.S, F	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close			TARGETAREA:One living creature										DURATION:5 rounds				SAVEINFO:Will negates							SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.129	DESC:Cause a target's fingers to tremble and shake disrupting spells and skill checks.
662###Block: U
663# Spell Name			Output Name					Type				Classes of caster				Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School			Descriptor		Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect					Duration					Save Info						Spell Resistance		Cost		Source Page		Description
664Unchained Melody									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:20 ft. radius				DURATION:1 round				SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:P.130	DESC:Provides a +5 circumstance bonus to Escape Artist checks
665Unchained Melody (Greater)	OUTPUTNAME:Unchained Melody, [NAME]	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=4									SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:1 lock or chain				DURATION:Instantaneous [see text]	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:P.130	DESC:Causes a lock or chain to malfunction
666Undead Alteration									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2							SCHOOL:Illusion									COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Undead equal to (CASTERLEVEL) HD	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:P.130
667Undertow										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2		DOMAINS:Water=3			SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Force	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL*10) ft. radius		DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*3) rounds	SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:P.130	DESC:Pull creatures beneath the water and attempt to drown them.
668Undetectable Charm								TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Bard,Cleric,Paladin=2							SCHOOL:Abjuration									COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One creature or object			DURATION:24 hours				SAVEINFO:Will negates (object)		SPELLRES:Yes (object)			SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Conceals charm and compulsion effects for 24 hours.
669Undulating Earth									TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Sorcerer,Wizard=3						SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Earth	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:60 ft.	TARGETAREA:60 ft. cone					DURATION:Instantaneous			SAVEINFO:Reflex negates				SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Knock creatures prone by sending a wave through the ground.
670Unfettered Steed									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Paladin=1									SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Your mount, touched			DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Allows warhorse or other special mount to move freely in armor.
671Unholy Ice Axe									TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard=3								SCHOOL:Conjuration					DESCRIPTOR:Cold	COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Conjure an axe of unholy ice to slay your foes.
672Unluck										TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3							SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:40 ft.	TARGETAREA:One living creature			DURATION:1d6 + 2 rounds [D]		SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:P.131
673Unseen Attendant									TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Bard=0									SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation				COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Cleans and grooms person touched	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL/2) minutes	SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Cleans and straightens you and your clothing.
674Unstoppable Tracker								TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Ranger=3									SCHOOL:Divination									COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You						DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours		SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:You ignore negative modifiers to your Tracking ability.
675Unyielding Durability								TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5							SCHOOL:Transmutation								COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Object touched				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes	SAVEINFO:None or Will negates (harmless)	SPELLRES:No			COST:500	SOURCEPAGE:P.131	DESC:Item becomes impervious to physical damage.
677###Block: V
678# Spell Name		Unique Key		Output Name				Type		Classes of caster			Domains granting the spell	School			Sub-School		Descriptor				Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect												Duration									Save Info							Spell Resistance					Source Page		Description
679Vengeful Environs										TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Ranger=4|Druid=5						SCHOOL:Transmutation									COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:40 ft. radius spread										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds						SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.132	DESC:Local flora and fauna lash out at your enemies.
680Vigor				KEY:Vigor (ES)						TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Paladin=3						SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Healing						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/4+1) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)				SOURCEPAGE:p.132	DESC:Fatigued creatures are rested; exhausted creatures are fatigued.
681Vigor (Improved)					OUTPUTNAME:Vigor, [NAME]	TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=5												SUBSCHOOL:Healing						COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/4+1) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)				SOURCEPAGE:p.132	DESC:Removes fatigue and exhaustion from multiple creatures.
682Vines of Binding										TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Druid=4			DOMAINS:Plant=4			SCHOOL:Conjuration				DESCRIPTOR:Plant			COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:30 ft		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) targets										DURATION:Instantaneous							SAVEINFO:Reflex negates					SPELLRES:No						SOURCEPAGE:p.132	DESC:Conjures vines that wrap up your opponents.
683Voice of Confession									TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Bard=4								SCHOOL:Enchantment									COMPS:V, S, F	CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One humanoid creature										DURATION:See description						SAVEINFO:Will partial					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.132	DESC:Target must answer your questions.
684Voice of Memories										TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Bard=5								SCHOOL:Enchantment				DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One humanoid creature										DURATION:Special								SAVEINFO:Will negates					SPELLRES:Yes					SOURCEPAGE:p.133	DESC:Hypnotize a target and alter their memories.
685Volley Spell										TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7						SCHOOL:Abjuration										COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:One creature touched										DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours or until discharged; see text	SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless) and see text	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless) and see text	SOURCEPAGE:p.133	DESC:Returns a single spell toward the original caster.
687###Block: W
688# Spell Name		Type		Classes of caster			School			Sub-School			Descriptor				Spell Variations				Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect																					Duration								Save Info							Spell Resistance				Source Page		Description																		Temporary Bonus
689Wall of Blood		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Blackguard=4		SCHOOL:Evocation																	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Wall whose area is up to (CASTERLEVEL/2) 5 ft. suqares														DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:See text						SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.133	DESC:Create a quivering wall of blood that provides concealment and makes creatures passing through nauseated.
690Wall of Water		TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3	SCHOOL:Evocation						DESCRIPTOR:Water									COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Curtain of water whose area is up to (CASTERLEVEL) 5-ft. squares, or hemisphere of water with a radius of up to (CASTERLEVEL+3) ft.	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) minutes				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.133	DESC:Create a thick curtain of water that provides concealment and can damage fire-based creatures.
691Warrior's Touch		TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=4	SCHOOL:Transmutation																COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds					SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)			SOURCEPAGE:p.134	DESC:Grants a creature the BAB of a fighter and other bonuses.									TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|SAVE|Fortitude|2	TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|COMBAT|BASEAB|TL|TYPE=Base	TEMPBONUS:ANYPC|STAT|CON|4|TYPE=Enhancement
692Water Double		TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=3	SCHOOL:Conjuration																COMPS:V, F		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:A single body of liquid																			DURATION:See text; (CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:None; see text					SPELLRES:Yes; see text			SOURCEPAGE:p.135	DESC:Creates a double out of water that tries to engulf and kill the target.
693Weaken Outsider Will	TYPE:Arcane	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=5	SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting	VARIANTS:Lawful|Chaotic|Good|Evil	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:One extraplanar creature																			DURATION:3 rounds							SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.135	DESC:Weakens the resistance of an oppositely-aligned outsider in order to force compliance.
694Weapon of Retribution	TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Paladin=3			SCHOOL:Transmutation																COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Melee weapon touched																			DURATION:10 minutes or until discharged [D]		SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless, object)		SPELLRES:Yes (harmless, object)	SOURCEPAGE:p.135
695Wind Speak			TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Druid,Ranger=1		SCHOOL:Evocation																	COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Long		TARGETAREA:Familiar creature																				DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.136
696Wings of Heaven		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Paladin=3			SCHOOL:Transmutation																COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Paladin's mount																				DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL*10) minutes				SAVEINFO:Will negates (harmless)			SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.136	DESC:Your mount grows wings and can fly.
697Wither Limb			TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=7|Druid=9	SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil									COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:3 full rounds		RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Living creature touched																			DURATION:Instantaneous and Permanent; see text		SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates				SPELLRES:Yes				SOURCEPAGE:p.136	DESC:Withers one limb; reduces subject's speed or hampers combat abilities.
698Woodland Shriek		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Druid=1			SCHOOL:Abjuration																	COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 minute			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius emanation centered on inanimate trees and bushes												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours [D]				SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.136
699Wound Reading		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric,Druid,Ranger=2	SCHOOL:Divination																	COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Touch		TARGETAREA:Creature touched																				DURATION:Instantaneous						SAVEINFO:None						SPELLRES:No					SOURCEPAGE:p.136	DESC:By touching subject, you learn what caused its wounds.
700Wyvern Guard		TYPE:Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=2			SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation												COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:Creates one wyvern-like creature																	DURATION:8 hours and (CASTERLEVEL) rounds; see text	SAVEINFO:None and Fortitude negates; see text	SPELLRES:No and Yes; see text		SOURCEPAGE:p.136	DESC:Creates an insubstantial guardian that paralyzes an opponent.
702###Block: X-Z
703# Spell Name				Product Identity?	Type				Classes of caster				School			Sub-School			Descriptor					Components		Casting Time			Range			Target Area or Effect											Duration						Save Info						Spell Resistance		Source Page		Description
704Xenophobic Rage							TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7|Cleric=8	SCHOOL:Enchantment	SUBSCHOOL:Compulsion	DESCRIPTOR:Mind-Affecting		COMPS:V, S, DF	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL/4) Medium or smaller humanoids					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) hours; see text	SAVEINFO:Will partial; see text		SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.137	DESC:Causes the target to hate and attack all creatures of a different race.
705Yellow Smoke							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2		SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Medium	TARGETAREA:Cloud spreads in 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high					DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates; see text	SPELLRES:No			SOURCEPAGE:p.137	DESC:Creates a 20-ft.-radius bank of yellow fog that sickens anyone inside.
706Zatmenye's Coat of Arms			NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=1		SCHOOL:Conjuration	SUBSCHOOL:Creation							COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:1d4+(CASTERLEVEL) rounds		SAVEINFO:None									SOURCEPAGE:p.137	DESC:Conjures weapons with differing enchantments.
707Zatmenye's Combat Mind			NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2		SCHOOL:Divination												COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:None					SPELLRES:No			SOURCEPAGE:p.137	DESC:Provides AC bonus through knowledge of opponent's actions.
708Zatmenye's Tracer				NAMEISPI:YES	TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=2		SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:No			SOURCEPAGE:p.138	DESC:Melee weapons leave a confusing after image.
709Zephyr of Death							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=8		SCHOOL:Necromancy						DESCRIPTOR:Evil|Fear|Mind-Affecting	COMPS:V		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:100 ft.	TARGETAREA:Living creatures with a 100 ft. cone							DURATION:Instantaneous				SAVEINFO:Will negates				SPELLRES:Yes		SOURCEPAGE:p.139	DESC:Send a breeze of death magic over your enemies slaining (CASTERLEVEL)d4 HD.
710Zone of Ablation							TYPE:Divine			CLASSES:Blackguard,Paladin=4		SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Personal	TARGETAREA:You												DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]													SOURCEPAGE:p.139	DESC:Minimizes all variable weapon damage inflicted on you.
711Zone of Metamagic Minimization				TYPE:Arcane.Divine	CLASSES:Cleric=7|Sorcerer,Wizard=8	SCHOOL:Abjuration												COMPS:V, S		CASTTIME:1 round			RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:20-ft.-radius emanation									DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds [D]													SOURCEPAGE:p.139	DESC:Field minimizes all variable damage results from spells inflicted on those within.
713# Missing Spell - Place holder, MASS Spell is normally +4 Spell Levels
714Haste (Mass)							TYPE:Arcane			CLASSES:Sorcerer,Wizard=7		SCHOOL:Transmutation											COMPS:V, S, M	CASTTIME:1 standard action	RANGE:Close		TARGETAREA:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart	DURATION:(CASTERLEVEL) rounds			SAVEINFO:Fortitude negates (harmless)	SPELLRES:Yes (harmless)				DESC:(CASTERLEVEL) creatures moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.|!PRERULE:1,DisplayFullSpell