1# CVS $Revision$ $Author$ -- Tue Dec 15 01:48:08 2015 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Mongoose Publishing - Traveller's Tales - Seas of Blood	SOURCESHORT:SeasofBlood	SOURCEWEB:http://mongoosepublishing.com	SOURCEDATE:2001-01
4# Feat Name				Type			Required Feat			Required Skill					Required Stat	PRETOTALAB		Description																										Bonus to skill							Source Page
5# Ability Name			Category of Ability	Type			Required Ability						Required Skill					Required Stat	PRETOTALAB		Description																										Bonus to skill							Source Page
6Amazing Agility			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General									PRESKILL:1,Balance=12										DESC:May always Take 20 on a Balance check																													SOURCEPAGE:p.17
7Bargain				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																PRESTAT:1,CHA=13				DESC:+4 Competence bonus to Profession (Merchant) checks whilst buying/selling														BONUS:SKILL|Profession (Merchant)|4|TYPE=Competence	SOURCEPAGE:p.17
8Duck and Weave			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																PRESTAT:1,DEX=15				DESC:+7 cover AC bonus and +3 cover Reflex save bonus against all ranged attacks.																							SOURCEPAGE:p.17
9Eagle Eyes				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																						DESC:Add 50%% to all visibility ranges at sea.																													SOURCEPAGE:p.18
10Improved Underwater Combat	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Underwater Combat											PRETOTALAB:6	DESC:No penalty to Initiative and attack rolls in underwater melee combat whilst using piercing weapons. No effect on slashing or bludgeoning weapons.											SOURCEPAGE:p.18
11Inspire Loyalty			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Leadership															DESC:Crew automatically passes all Morale checks during boarding actions. Gain +4 bonus to avoid Mutiny checks.																		SOURCEPAGE:p.18
12Master Helmsman			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General									PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Seamanship)=8								DESC:Base and daily movement rates of a ship are increased by 10%%																									SOURCEPAGE:p.18
13Rapid Loader			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General									PRESKILL:1,Profession (Siege Engineer)=4							DESC:Halve the time to reload a siege weapon, round down. Never less than one round.																						SOURCEPAGE:p.18
14Sea Legs				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																						DESC:Whilst on board a ship, you gain +2 competence bonus to Climb, Concentration, Jump and Use Rope checks.																		SOURCEPAGE:p.19
15Steady Captain			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																						DESC:Crew gains +2 competence bonus to all Seamanship checks.																										SOURCEPAGE:p.19
16Superior Helmsman			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General									PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Seamanship)=6								DESC:Any ship you are controlling gains a +1 competence bonus to its Maneuvrability.																						SOURCEPAGE:p.19
17Strong Swimmer			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General									PRESKILL:1,Swim=8					PRESTAT:1,STR=13				DESC:Upon a successful Swim check, may swim at one-half speed as a move-equivalent action or full speed as full action.																	SOURCEPAGE:p.19
18Underwater Combat			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																PRESTAT:1,DEX=13				DESC:Only face a +2 penalty to Initiative and attack roll whilst fighting underwater. Only receive +2 penalty to damage with slashing or bludgeoning weapons.										SOURCEPAGE:p.19