1# CVS $Revision: 12957 $ $Author: jbaril $ -- Fri Jun 17 21:51:56 2016 -- reformated by PCGen PrettyLST v6.06.00
2SOURCELONG:Advanced Class Guide	SOURCESHORT:ACG	SOURCEWEB:http://paizo.com/products/btpy92zi	SOURCEDATE:2014-08
3# Original Entry by: Stefan Radermacher and Douglas Limmer
5##Block: Feats
7# COMMENT: Seems to work with all current classes with an aberrant bloodline
8# WORKAROUND: An ability with type AberrantBloodline will also allow it; if people happen to know to use it in the future
9# Ability Name			Category of Ability	Type				Required Ability																												Restricted Ability													Required AL	Required Class				PREDEITYALIGN		Required Domain			Multiple Requirements																																										Required Skill						Req. Known Spell						Required Spell Descriptor	Required Stat		Required Text													PRETOTALAB		Var. Min. Value								Define											Innate Spells								Description																																																																																																																																																								Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose																																																																												Selections	Ability																																		Bonus Ability Pool					Save bonus									Modify VAR												Weapon prof. bonus									Source Page		Aspects																																																																																																									Benefits
10Aberrant Tumor			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager Bloodline ~ Aberrant,Arcanist Bloodline ~ Aberrant,Sorcerer Bloodline ~ Aberrant,Crossbloodline ~ Aberrant,TYPE.AberrantBloodline																																																																																																																																																										DESC:To the surprise of others, that strange growth on you is actually your spellcasting companion.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.136																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain a tumor familiar, as the tumor familiar alchemist discovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 17), with an effective alchemist level equal to the level of the class that grants your aberrant bloodline for determining the tumor familiar's abilities. If multiple classes grant you the aberrant bloodline, those class levels stack for determining your effective alchemist level.
11# WORKAROUND: The swapping for Extra Inspiration is to be done manually.
12Amateur Investigator		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration																																																																				PRESKILL:1,TYPE.Knowledge=1																	PRESTAT:1,INT=13																														DEFINE:InspirationTimes|0																		DESC:Your knowledge is more than plain smarts-it's inspired.	DESC:&nl;Special: If you gain levels in a class that has the inspiration class feature, you can immediately trade this feat for the Extra Inspiration feat.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:VAR|InspirationTimes|INT																				SOURCEPAGE:p.141	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|InspirationTimes																																																																																															BENEFIT:Like an investigator, you have the ability to augment your Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft skill checks. You gain a pool of inspiration equal to %1. You can expend one use of inspiration as a free action to add 1d6 to the result of a Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft check, as long as you are trained in that skill [even if you take 10 or 20 on that check]. You make this choice after the check is rolled and before the results of the roll are revealed. You can use inspiration only once per skill check. Your pool of inspiration refreshes each day, typically after you get a restful night's sleep.|InspirationTimes
13Amateur Swashbuckler		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																	!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache																																																																																																																									DEFINE:PanacheMax|0																			DESC:Though not a swashbuckler, you have and can use panache.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:VAR|PanacheMax|max(1,CHA)																				SOURCEPAGE:p.141																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain a small amount of panache and the ability to perform a single 1st-level swashbuckler deed. Choose a 1st-level deed from the swashbuckler's deeds class feature (you can't select opportune parry and riposte). Once chosen, this deed cannot be changed. At the start of each day, you gain 1 panache point. Throughout the day, you can gain a number of panache points, up to a maximum of %1 [minimum 1]. You can regain panache points as the swashbuckler's panache class feature. You can spend these panache points to perform the 1st-level deed you chose upon taking this feat as well as any other deeds you have gained through feats or magic items.	BENEFIT:&nl;Special: If you gain levels in a class that has the panache class feature, you can immediately trade this feat for the Extra Panache feat.|PanacheMax
14# COMMENT: Didn't test with every single animal companion class out there
15Animal Soul				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion,TYPE.Mount,TYPE.Special Mount																																																																																																																																																																									DESC:Your close bond with an animal allows you to ignore harmful magic that cannot affect your wild side.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.141																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can choose not to allow spells and effects to effect you if they would not be capable of affecting both your original creature type and the animal creature type.
16Anticipate Dodge			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Mobility																																																									PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:7],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,4]																																																																																																															DESC:You automatically know whether a creature you can see has a dodge bonus to its AC. You gain up to a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a target that has a dodge bonus. This bonus cannot exceed the dodge bonus of the creature you attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.141
17Barroom Brawler			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																																																																																																							PRETOTALAB:4																																	DESC:You have learned how to mimic the combat tricks and forms of others.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.141																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day as a move action, you can gain the benefit of a combat feat that you do not possess for 1 minute. You must otherwise meet the feat's requirements. &nl;Special: If you have the martial flexibility class feature, this feat instead grants you one additional use per day of that ability.
18Battle Cry				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																		PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:5],[PRESKILL:1,Perform (Oratory)=5],[PRESKILL:1,Perform (Sing)=5],[PRESKILL:1,Perform (Act)=5]																																															PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																														DEFINE:BattleCryTimes|0																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				BONUS:VAR|BattleCryTimes|CHA																					SOURCEPAGE:p.141	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|BattleCryTimes DESC:%1 times per day, you can let out a battle cry as a swift action. When you do, allies within 30 feet who can hear you gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear. This effect lasts for 1 minute.&nl; If an ally is under the effect of this feat and fails a saving throw against a fear effect, she can choose to end the battle cry's effect on her to reroll the failed save. The ally must take the result of the reroll, even if it's lower. Each ally can use this effect only once per use of this feat.|BattleCryTimes
19Befuddling Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																																																																																									PRESTAT:2,DEX=13,WIS=13																PRETOTALAB:8											DEFINE:BefuddlingStrikeTimes|0																	DESC:Befuddling Strike forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to attempt a DC %1 Fortitude saving throw, in addition to dealing damage normally. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll-thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt. A defender who fails this saving throw is confused for 1d4 rounds. You can use Befuddling Strike %2 times per day, but no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, mindless creatures, plants, undead, and creatures that are immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.|CL/2+10+WIS|BefuddlingStrikeTimes																																																																																																																																																																																												BONUS:VAR|BefuddlingStrikeTimes|CL/4																			SOURCEPAGE:p.142	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|BefuddlingStrikeTimes
20# COMMENT: I don't think CHOOSE:DOMAIN is using the QUALIFIED qualifier
21Believer's Boon			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																!PREABILITY:2,CHECKMULT,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon																																																																																											PRESTAT:1,WIS=13																														DEFINE:BelieversBoonTimes|0																		DESC:Your deity rewards you for your faithfulness.																																																																																																																																																			MULT:YES	CHOOSE:DOMAIN|!PC,QUALIFIED																																																																									SELECT:1																																																						BONUS:VAR|BelieversBoonTimes|1																				SOURCEPAGE:p.142																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you take this feat, choose one domain granted by your deity. You can use the 1st-level domain ability that clerics of that domain can use a number of times or rounds per day, but you can use it only once per day or 1 round per day, whichever is appropriate. Your effective cleric level in regard to this ability is 1st level. If the domain has a 1st-level ability that does not meet this specification, you cannot use it.
22# NEEDS DATA WORK: Doesn't seem to work right when paladin's lay on hands gained after taking this feat.
23Believer's Hands			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon																																							PREALIGN:LG							PREDEITYALIGN:LG,LN,NG																																																																								PRESTAT:1,WIS=13																																																				DESC:You can heal others with a touch of your hand.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Believer's Hands ~ Lay on Hands|PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Believer's Hands ~ Lay on Hands],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Lay on Hands]																			BONUS:VAR|LayOnHandsTimes|1																					SOURCEPAGE:p.142																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day, you can use the paladin's lay on hands ability. Your effective paladin level is equal to 1/2 your character level [minimum 1]. If you already have [or later gain] the lay on hands ability, you instead gain one extra use of lay on hands each day.&nl; Special: This feat counts as having the lay on hands ability for the purpose of qualifying for feats such as Extra Lay on Hands.&nl; If you grossly violate the code of conduct required by your deity, your alignment shifts so that it is more than one step away from your deity's, or you no longer worship your deity, you lose access to this feat. You can regain it once you atone for your misdeeds to your deity [see the atonement spell on page 245 of the Core Rulebook].
24Blasting Charge			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager ~ Bloodline																																																																																																																																										PRETOTALAB:7	PREVARGTEQ:BloodlineCasterLVL,2																											DESC:You funnel the power of your bloodrage into a strike capable of erupting with arcane power.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.143																																																																																																											BENEFIT:While you are bloodraging, at the end of a charge you can expend a bloodrager spell slot as a swift action to imbue your charge attack with extra power. You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the spell slot expended. This extra damage is force damage, and it's not multiplied in the case of a critical hit. If your bloodline has a specific energy type associated with it [such as the elemental or draconic bloodlines], you can choose to increase the damage to 1d8 points per level of the spell slot expended, and this extra damage is of that energy type.
25Blessed Striker			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																		PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Divine=1																																																																																															PRETOTALAB:11																																	DESC:All of your attacks are treated as having whatever alignment components you and your deity share for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If you grossly violate the code of conduct required by your deity or no longer worship your deity, you lose access to this feat. You can regain it once you atone for your misdeeds to your deity (see the atonement spell).																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.143
26# PREALIGN:10 ???
27Blooded Arcane Strike		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager ~ Bloodrage	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Arcane Strike																															PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1																																																																																																																																		DESC:While you are bloodraging, you don't need to spend a swift action to use your Arcane Strike-it is always in effect. When you use this ability with Vital Strike, Improved Vital Strike, or Greater Vital Strike, the bonus on damage rolls for Arcane Strike is multiplied by the number of times (two, three, or four) you roll damage dice for one of those feats.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.143
28Bookish Rogue			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue Talent ~ Minor Magic																																																																																																																																																																													DESC:By studying a spellbook for 10 minutes, you can change one spell you are able to cast using your minor magic or major magic rogue talent to one sorcerer/wizard spell of the same level contained in the spellbook. This change is permanent until you take the time to change it via this feat again.																																																																																																								STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.143
29Canny Tumble			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Mobility																																																																																																						PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=5																																																																								DESC:When you use Acrobatics to move through an opponent's threatened area or space without provoking an attack of opportunity from that opponent, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your next melee attack roll against that opponent and that opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC, as long as you make that attack before the start of your next turn.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.143
30Channeled Blessing		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Warpriest ~ Blessings	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ChannelEnergy																																																																																																																																																																				DESC:Your channeled energy can deliver a warpriest's blessing.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.143																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you channel energy to heal, you can instead deliver a warpriest's blessing to a single willing creature [including yourself] in the area that otherwise would have been healed by your channeled energy. The blessing must be one that requires a standard action and affects one or more creatures. If the blessing would normally affect multiple targets, you affect only a single target. The target receives the blessing in place of the healing and any other effects of the channeled energy. [This application doesn't count toward your uses of blessings per day.]
31Channeling Force			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ChannelEnergy																																																																																																																			PRESPELLDESCRIPTOR:1,Force=0																																																							DESC:You distill your channeled energy into a sheen of force that surrounds your weapon for a limited time.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.143																																																																																																											BENEFIT:A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to the number of dice of your channel energy. This extra damage is force damage. This lasts for your next three weapon attacks or until the end of combat, whichever comes first.
32Confounding Tumble Deed		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Panache		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Canny Tumble																																																									PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache]																									PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=7																																																																								DESC:You can befuddle a foe by striking a blow after tumbling.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.143																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use Acrobatics to move through an opponent's threatened area or space without provoking an attack of opportunity from that opponent and then hit that foe with a melee attack in the same round, as a free action you can spend 1 panache point to deny that foe its Dexterity bonus to its armor class until the end of your next turn.
33Coordinated Shot			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Teamwork	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Point-Blank Shot																																																																																																																																																																																DESC:If your ally with this feat is threatening an opponent and is not providing cover to that opponent against your ranged attacks, you gain a +1 bonus on ranged attacks against that opponent. If your ally with this feat is flanking that opponent with another ally (even if that other ally doesn't have this feat), this bonus increases to +2.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.144
34Counter Reflexes			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:3,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Mobility,Anticipate Dodge																																																						PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:9],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,6]																																																																																																															DESC:Opponents with the Mobility feat do not gain the dodge bonus granted by that feat when they provoke attacks of opportunity by moving out of or within your threatened area.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.144
35Counterpunch			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																		PREMULT:3,[PRESTAT:1,DEX=18],[PREABILITY:3,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Reflexes,Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike),Improved Unarmed Strike],[PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:16],[PRECLASS:1,Brawler=12]]																																																																																											DESC:Once per round, when you are fighting unarmed with both hands free and an opponent misses you with a melee attack, it provokes an attack of opportunity from you. You must use an unarmed strike for this attack of opportunity.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.144
36Dazing Fist				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																																																																																									PRESTAT:2,DEX=13,WIS=13																PRETOTALAB:4											DEFINE:DazingFistTimes|0																		DESC:Dazing Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to attempt a DC %1 Fortitude saving throw, in addition to dealing damage normally. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll-thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt. A defender who fails this saving throw is dazed for 1 round, until just before your next turn. You can use Dazing Fist %2 times per day, but no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, mindless creatures, plants, undead, and creatures that are immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.|CL/2+10+WIS|DazingFistTimes																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|DazingFistTimes|CL/4																				SOURCEPAGE:p.144	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|DazingFistTimes
37Disable Dweomer			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Trapfinding																																																																																																			PRESKILL:2,Disable Device=5,Use Magic Device=5																																																																				DESC:You can disable a magic item, suppressing it for a short time.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.144																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can use Disable Device to suppress the magic of a non-artifact magic item for 1d4 rounds, after which the item recovers its magical properties. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical for the duration of the suppression. Using Disable Device in this way takes 2d4 rounds, with a DC of 15 + the item's caster level.
38Disarming Threat Deed		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Panache																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache]																									PRESKILL:2,Diplomacy=2,Intimidate=2																																																																						DESC:Even your threats are curiously charming.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.144																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you succeed at an Intimidate check to force an opponent to act friendly toward you, you can spend 1 panache point to cause the target to regard you with indifference when the duration of the effect expires. A target influenced in this manner is unlikely to report you to authorities.&nl Normal: An opponent forced to act friendly toward you by Intimidate becomes unfriendly when the duration expires, and is likely to report you to the authorities.
39Disheartening Display		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																		PREMULT:2,[PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Focus,Dazzling Display],[PRETOTALAB:6]																																																																																																											DESC:When you successfully use Dazzling Display against any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponents, their fear increases by one step. An already panicked creature demoralized by this feat cowers. Once affected by this feat, a creature cannot be affected by it again (by you or anyone else) for 24 hours.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.144
40Distracting Charge		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Teamwork																																																																																																																																																																																								DESC:When your ally with this feat uses the charge action and hits, you gain a +2 bonus on your next attack roll against the target of that charge. This bonus must be used before your ally's next turn, or it is lost.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.144
41# NEEDS DATA WORK: Bonus not implemented.  Surgery would have to be done to at least the paladin divine grace ability.
42Divine Protection			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																																																														PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Religion)=5																PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																														DEFINE:DivineProtectionBonus|0																	DESC:Your deity protects you against deadly attacks.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									BONUS:VAR|DivineProtectionBonus|WIS																				SOURCEPAGE:p.144																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day as an immediate action before rolling a saving throw, you can add your Charisma modifier on that saving throw. As usual, this does not stack if you already apply your Charisma modifier to that saving throw.  If you possess the charmed life class feature, you can instead apply Divine Protection's bonus after rolling the saving throw but before the result is revealed.
43Draining Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																																																																																									PRESTAT:2,DEX=13,WIS=13																PRETOTALAB:8											DEFINE:DrainingStrikeTimes|0																		DESC:Draining Strike forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to attempt a DC %1 Fortitude saving throw, in addition to dealing damage normally. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll-thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt. A defender who is fails this saving throw fatigued for 1 minute or until the foe is subject to any spell or effect that heals hit point damage. If you have a base attack bonus of +14 or higher, the target is exhausted for the same duration instead. You can use Draining Strike %2 times per day, but no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, mindless creatures, plants, undead, and creatures that are immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.|CL/2+10+WIS|DrainingStrikeTimes																																																																																																																																																														BONUS:VAR|DrainingStrikeTimes|CL/4																				SOURCEPAGE:p.145	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|DrainingStrikeTimes
44Dual Enhancement			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Two-Weapon Fighting	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Warpriest ~ Sacred Weapon,Divine Bond ~ Celestial Spirit																																																																																																																																																																DESC:You can enhance two weapons, or both ends of a double weapon, with a single act.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.145																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use divine bond or sacred weapon to improve your weapon, you can choose to enhance two weapons or both ends of a double weapon. All weapons affected must be in hand or otherwise wielded. Any enhancement bonus you add to one of your weapons gets added to both automatically, but weapon special abilities must be accounted for separately. For example, if you can enhance up to the equivalent of a +2 bonus, you could give both your weapons an additional +1 bonus and apply the keen special weapon ability to one of those weapons.
45Dueling Cape Deed			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Panache	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge																																																										PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache]																									PRESKILL:1,Sleight of Hand=1																																																																							DESC:As a move action, you can wrap a cape that you're wearing around your arm (removing it if necessary), and treat it as a buckler. If you are using the cape in this way, and an opponent misses you with a melee attack, as an immediate action you can spend 1 panache point to release your cape from your arm and entangle your foe in it. The foe can free it by using a full-round action to escape or by destroying the cape; a typical cape has hardness 1 and 3 hit points. You can use this feat with items similar in shape and weight to a cape, such as a cloak or a curtain.																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.145
46Energy Channel			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ChannelEnergy																																																						PREMULT:1,[PREDOMAIN:1,Air,Earth,Fire,Water],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Blessings ~ Air Blessing,Blessings ~ Earth Blessing,Blessings ~ Fire Blessing,Blessings ~ Water Blessing]																																																																																									DESC:You distill your channeled energy into your weapon to empower it.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:A swift action, you can expend one use of channel energy to grant your weapon attacks a bonus on damage rolls equal to twice the number of dice rolled for your channel energy. This additional damage is of an energy type determined by your domain or blessing: acid [Earth], cold [Water], electricity [Air], or fire [Fire]. If you have more than one of those domains or blessings, you must choose one of those damage types when you use this ability. This effect lasts for your next three weapon attacks or until the end of combat, whichever comes first.
47Esoteric Linguistics		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Linguistics)																																																																																																																																																																															DESC:You can attempt a Linguistics check in place of a Use Magic Device check to activate a scroll, or in place of a Spellcraft check to identify a scroll. You must still have (or emulate) the ability score required to cast a spell of the desired level, and you cannot use Linguistics on the check to emulate the required ability score.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.146
48#NEEDS CODE/DATA WORK: Weird things happen.  I don't know if it's a problem with the Hunter class,
49#    the animal companion, or something else.
50#  When a hunter with an animal companion was created, and this feat taken, the companion got a notification
51#    to take an eidolon evolution, but the eidolon evolution pool didn't show in the UI.
52#  When (in the same session, with the Hunter open) I created a Druid with an animal companion,
53#    the Druid's animal companion got access to eidolon evolutions, even though the Druid hadn't taken the feat.
54Evolved Companion			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion																																																																																																																								PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																														DEFINE:EvolvedCompanionFeatCount|0																	DESC:Your animal companion has abilities that makes it different from others of its kind.																																																																																																																																											STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|EvolvedCompanionFeatCount|1																			SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Select a 1-point evolution other than pounce or reach from those available to a summoner's eidolon. Your animal companion gains this evolution. The animal companion must conform to any limitations of the evolution. For instance, only an animal companion of an appropriate size and base form can have the mount evolution.&nl; If you gain a new animal companion, your old animal companion loses this evolution, and you can select a new 1-point evolution for the new animal companion.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, select an additional 1-point evolution for your animal companion.
55Evolved Summoned Monster	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Augment Summoning,Spell Focus (Conjuration)																																																				PREMULT:1,[PRESPELL:1,Summon Monster I],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Summon Monster SLA]																																																					PRETEXT:Augmented Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration), ability to cast summon monster I.																																				DESC:The creatures you summon have evolved to have even greater abilities.																																																																																																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Each time you cast a summon monster spell, you can select a 1-point evolution other than pounce or reach from those available to a summoner's eidolon. Your summoned creature gains this evolution. The summoned creature must conform to any limitations of the evolution. [For instance, only a creature with a reach of 10 feet or more can have the pull evolution.] Evolutions that grant additional attacks or enhance existing attacks can be applied only to Medium or larger summoned creatures.&nl; If you summon more than one creature with a single spell, only one creature gains this evolution.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, select an additional 1-point evolution for one of your summoned creatures. If you summon more than one creature, you can choose to apply all the evolutions to a single summoned creature, or split them between the creatures summoned.
56# NEEDS DATA WORK: The extra spell slot/s is/are not implemented
57Expanded Preparation		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																!PREABILITY:3,CHECKMULT,CATEGORY=FEAT,Expanded Preparation									PRECLASS:1,Arcanist=1																																																																																																																																				DESC:You can prepare more spells than other arcanists can.																																																																																																																																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain an extra spell prepared of the highest level you can currently cast as an arcanist when selecting this feat. This is in addition to the number of spells you can normally prepare from your spellbook. You can instead add two spells prepared, but both of these spells must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell you can currently cast as an arcanist when selecting this feat.  You must choose which benef it you gain when you take this feat, and the extra spells prepared do not change level when you gain access to higher-level spells.
58Extended Animal Focus		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Hunter ~ Animal Focus,Sacred Huntsmaster ~ Animal Focus																																																																																																																																																																								DESC:Your ability to emulate an animal lingers longer.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								BONUS:VAR|HunterAnimalFocusMinutes|max(1,WIS)																		SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Add your Wisdom modifier [minimum 1] to the number of minutes per day that you can use your animal focus ability.
59Extra Arcanist Exploit		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Arcanist ~ Arcanist Exploits																																																																																																																																																																												DESC:Your repertoire of arcanist exploits expands.																																																																																																																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|ArcanistExploitPool|1																				SOURCEPAGE:p.146																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain one additional arcanist exploit. You must meet the prerequisites for this arcanist exploit.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another arcanist exploit.
60# Extra Channel - reprinted?
61# Extra Hex - reprinted?
62Extra Inspiration			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Investigator],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration]	PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Extra Inspiration],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration]																																																																														DESC:You are more able to draw upon inspiration than most.																																																																																																																																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|InvestigatorInspirationPoolBonus|3	BONUS:VAR|InspirationTimes|3													SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain three extra use per day of inspiration in your inspiration pool.&nl; Special: If you have levels in the investigator class, you can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain three extra uses of inspiration per day.
63Extra Investigator Talent	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Investigator Talents																																																																																																																																																																											DESC:You learn a new way to use your training and inspiration.																																																																																																																																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Investigator Talent|1																																					SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain one additional investigator talent. You must meet the prerequisites for this investigator talent.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another investigator talent.
64Extra Martial Flexibility	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Brawler ~ Martial Flexibility																																																																																																																																																																												DESC:You are extremely versatile in a fight.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										BONUS:VAR|BrawlerMartialFlexibilityTimes|3																		SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can use your martial flexibility ability three additional times per day.
65Extra Panache			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Panache																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache,TYPE.Panache]	PREMULT:1,[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Extra Panache],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache,TYPE.Panache]																																																																												DESC:You have more panache than the ordinary swashbuckler.																																																																																																																																																STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|PanachePoints|2	BONUS:VAR|PanacheTotal|2																SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain two more panache points at the start of each day, and your maximum panache increases by two.&nl; Special: If you have levels in the swashbuckler class, you can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
66Extra Reservoir			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Arcanist ~ Arcane Reservoir,TYPE.Arcane Reservoir																																																																																																																																																																									DESC:Your reservoir of arcane energy is greater than others'.																																																																																																																																															STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|MaxArcanistReservoirSize|3																			SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain three more points in your arcane reservoir, and the maximum number of points in your arcane reservoir increases by that amount.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
67Extra Slayer Talent		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Slayer ~ Slayer Talents																																																																																																																																																																													DESC:Through long practice, you have learned how to perform a special talent.																																																																																																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Slayer Talent|1																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain one additional slayer talent. You must meet the prerequisites for this slayer talent.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain another slayer talent.
68Extreme Prejudice			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Seething Hatred	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Slayer ~ Studied Target																																																																																																																																					PREVARGTEQ:SneakAttackDice,3																												DESC:Your hatred of a particular type of creature has honed your killer instinct.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you succeed at a sneak attack against a creature you selected as the target of your Seething Hatred feat, you use d8s to roll sneak attack damage instead of d6s.
69Faerie's Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Vital Strike																																																									PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Nature Magic],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Ranger=4],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Druid=1],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Hunter=1]																			PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Nature)=5																																																																						DESC:%1 times per day, when you use Vital Strike (or Improved Vital Strike or Greater Vital Strike), your strike saps the strength of your opponent. The creature hit must succeed at a DC %2 Fortitude save or be illuminated as if by faerie fire for 1 minute. You can choose to use this ability as a free action after you hit the target with the attack. This is a supernatural ability.|max(WIS,1)|CL/2+10+WIS																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.147	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|max(WIS,1)
70Favored Enemy Spellcasting	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																		PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER=1																																																																																																																																			DESC:Your spells are more effective against creatures that you especially abhor.																																																																																																																																												STACK:NO	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:STRING|Aberration|Animal|Construct|Dragon|Fey|Humanoid (Aquatic)|Humanoid (Dwarf)|Humanoid (Elf)|Humanoid (Giant)|Humanoid (Gnoll)|Humanoid (Gnome)|Humanoid (Goblinoid)|Humanoid (Halfling)|Humanoid (Human)|Humanoid (Orc)|Humanoid (Reptilian)|Magical Beast|Monstrous Humanoid|Ooze|Outsider (Air)|Outsider (Chaotic)|Outsider (Earth)|Outsider (Evil)|Outsider (Fire)|Outsider (Good)|Outsider (Lawful)|Outsider (Native)|Outsider (Water)|Plant|Undead|Vermin																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.147																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you select this feat, choose a creature type or a humanoid subtype from the Ranger Favored Enemies table [Core Rulebook 64]. When creatures of the chosen type attempt saving throws against your spells, they treat the spells' DCs as 1 higher. If you also have the favored enemy class feature and the chosen type is already a favored enemy of yours, such creatures treat your spells' DCs as 2 higher.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, it applies to a different creature type.
71Flexible Hex			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman ~ Wandering Hex																																																																																																																																																																													DESC:Your wandering hex shifts at your command.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day as a swift action, you can change your wandering hex. When you change your hex, the new hex must be associated with the wandering spirit with which you are currently bonded. At 12th level, you can change either or both of your wandering hexes with the feat.&nl; Normal: Shamans select their hexes every day when they prepare their spells and cannot change them.
72#NEEDS CODE WORK: Because semi-preparing two spells in one spell slot can't be done right now.
73Flexible Wizardry			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Spell Mastery																																										PRECLASS:1,Wizard=1																																																																																																																																				DESC:You have learned a trick that makes your spellcasting more flexible.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you prepare your spells each day, you can choose to keep a number of spell slots equal to %1 [minimum 1] flexibly prepared. Instead of preparing a single spell within each of these slots, you can partially prepare two spells. Anytime after you prepare these flexible slots, you can spend a fullround action to finalize one slot, choosing one of the two spells to be finished and fully prepared in that slot.|max(INT,1)
74Focused Inspiration		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration,Investigator ~ Keen Recollection																																																																																																																																																																							DESC:Two of your skills gain a bit more from your inspiration than others.																																																																																																																																															MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=2|SKILL|ALL																																																																									SELECT:2																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose two skills that you either are trained in or can otherwise use untrained. You must be able to use inspiration on these skills. When you use inspiration with those skills, roll a d8 instead of a d6, or a d10 if you would normally roll a d8. If you have the true inspiration class feature, you roll twice as many such dice (2d8 or 2d10) as normal.
75# NEEDS CODE WORK: Prereq should be one *arcane* force spell
76Force Dash				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																		PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=2																																																																							PRESPELLDESCRIPTOR:1,Force=0																				PRETOTALAB:4																																	DESC:You can absorb the magic in your force spells to give you a concentrated burst of speed.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:As a swift action, you can sacrifice a prepared arcane force spell (or if you are a spontaneous caster, a spell slot of the same level as an arcane force spell you know) to give yourself an enhancement bonus to speed. The bonus gained is equal to 10 feet x the level of the spell sacrificed. The bonus applies to all forms of movement, and it lasts 1 round. If you charge while this bonus is in effect, you do not take the normal -2 penalty to AC until the start of your next turn.
77Formula Recollection		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Keen Recollection																																																																																																	PRESKILL:1,Spellcraft=5																																																																								DESC:You are able to record and recall even the complex and intricate details of spellcasting.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day, you can record the formula for a spell that you saw being cast and identified with Spellcraft in the past 24 hours. This spell must be on the alchemist formula list.
78Grabbing Drag			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grabbing Style,Improved Grapple																																																						PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:8],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,4],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=4,Brawler=4]																																																																																																										DESC:You can move easily with a grappled enemy in tow.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you are using Grabbing Style, if you use the move grapple action, you can move both yourself and a single target that you're grappling your full speed instead of half your speed. After you have done so, you can use a move action to move yourself and the target of your grapple half your speed without needing to attempt an additional combat maneuver check. You cannot use this feat if you are grappling two targets.
79Grabbing Master			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:3,CATEGORY=FEAT,Grabbing Drag,Grabbing Style,Improved Grapple																																																			PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:12],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,8],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=8,Brawler=8]																																																																																																										DESC:You can grapple two foes as easily as one.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you are grabbing two opponents while using Grabbing Style, you can use your grapple to move or damage one or both opponents you are grappling, instead of just one.
80Grabbing Style			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Style		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Grapple																																																								PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:6],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Brawler ~ Brawler's Flurry],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Monk ~ Flurry of Blows]																																																																																															DESC:You are adept at the one-handed grab.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.148																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use this style, you do not take a -4 penalty on combat maneuver checks to grapple a foe with only one hand. Additionally, you do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC while pinning an opponent.&nl; Normal: Without two hands free, you take a -4 penalty on the combat maneuver roll to grapple a foe. While pinning a foe, you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC.
81Grasping Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Vital Strike																																																									PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Nature Magic],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Ranger=4],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Druid=1],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Hunter=1]																			PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Nature)=5																																																																						DESC:when you use Vital Strike (or Improved Vital Strike or Greater Vital Strike), you cause the foliage in the area to reach out and entangle your foe (as the condition) if it fails a DC %2 Reflex save. The effect lasts for 1 minute or until the enemy breaks free with a successful Strength check or an Escape Artist check (DC = %2), whichever comes first.&nl; You can use this benefit a %1 times per day. You can choose to use this ability as a free action after you hit the enemy with the attack. This is a supernatural ability.|max(WIS,1)|CL/2+10+WIS																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.148	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|max(WIS,1)
82Greater Dirge of Doom		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Dirge of Doom	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Skald ~ Dirge of Doom,Bardic Performance ~ Dirge of Doom,TYPE.DirgeOfDoom																																																																																																																																																												DESC:The haunting sound of sepulchral intonations chills the most stalwart adversary to its very core.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.149																																																																																																											BENEFIT:The effect of your dirge of doom lingers with a target for 2 rounds after the creature leaves the dirge's area of effect. If you use your dirge on a creature that is shaken, it becomes frightened. If you use it on a creature that is frightened, it becomes panicked.&nl; Normal: Fear effects on a creature end immediately once it leaves the area of dirge of doom. A fear effect cannot be made more extreme by dirge of doom and can be changed only to the frightened condition by the Improved Dirge of Doom feat. Once affected by this feat, a creature cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
83Greater Skald's Vigor		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE=SkaldRagingSong	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skald's Vigor																																																																																												PRESKILL:1,Perform (Song)=10																																																																							DESC:Your allies share in the fast healing granted by your Skald's Vigor, starting in the round when you begin your performance. They must be able to hear the performance. If you stop maintaining the song, the fast healing ends immediately, even if other effects of your song linger.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.149
84Greater Weapon of the Chosen	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:3,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Weapon of the Chosen,Weapon of the Chosen,Weapon Focus																																																																																																																																																																								DESC:When you use your deity's favored weapon to attempt a single attack with the attack action, you roll two dice for your attack roll and take the higher result. You do not need to use your Weapon of the Chosen feat to gain this feat's benefit.  As usual, the reroll does not apply to any confirmation rolls.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.149
85Gruesome Slaughter		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Killing Flourish,Intimidating Prowess																																						PRECLASS:1,Slayer=11																																																									PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=11																																																																							DESC:Creatures you demoralize by using the Killing Flourish feat must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = %1) or become sickened for 1 minute.|CL/2+10+max(DEX,STR)																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.150
86Improved Awesome Blow		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack																																																									PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Brawler ~ Awesome Blow,TYPE.AwesomeBlow],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Awesome Blow]																																													PRESTAT:1,STR=13																																																				DESC:You are skilled at sending your opponents flying.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.150																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You receive a +2 bonus on checks to perform an awesome blow combat maneuver. You also gain a +2 bonus to your combat maneuver defense whenever an opponent tries to perform an awesome blow combat maneuver against you. Whenever you successfully perform an awesome blow combat maneuver, your opponent's movement provokes attacks of opportunity from all your allies (but not you).&nl; Normal: Creatures moved by awesome blow do not provoke attacks of opportunity.
87Improved Dirge of Doom		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Skald ~ Dirge of Doom,Bardic Performance ~ Dirge of Doom,TYPE.DirgeOfDoom																																																																																																																																																																					DESC:The foreboding tone of your dirge is especially effective at unsettling your enemies.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.150																																																																																																											BENEFIT:The range of your dirge of doom ability is extended to 60 feet. Additionally, if a creature is shaken from another effect, the effect of your dirge of doom is changed to frightened for that specific creature. This benefit cannot cause a creature to become panicked, even if a target is already frightened from another effect.&nl; Normal: The range of dirge of doom is 30 feet. A creature that is already shaken cannot become frightened by dirge of doom. Once affected by this feat, a creature cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
88Improved Duck and Cover		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Teamwork		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Duck and Cover																																																																																																																																																																																	DESC:Whenever you use Duck and Cover, your ally has evasion or improved evasion, and your ally's saving throw roll succeeds, half of the damage you would have taken is transferred to your ally. (This damage is not reduced by the ally's evasion or improved evasion.)																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.150
89Improved Flexible Wizardry	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Flexible Wizardry,Spell Mastery																																							PRECLASS:1,Wizard=8																																																																																																																																				DESC:You possess an impressive flexibility with casting that other wizards lack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.150																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use Flexible Wizardry, you can flexibly prepare a number of spell slots equal to %1. Furthermore, you can finalize one of these slots with a standard action instead of a full-round action.|INT+4
90# COMMENT: Not tested with every single class/ability that gives a familiar, animal companion, special mount, or eidolon
91Improved Spell Sharing		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Teamwork																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion,TYPE.Eidolon,TYPE.Familiar,TYPE.Special Mount],[PREVARGT:MasterLevel,0]																																																																																																	DESC:Your link with your companion creature allows you to share your magic with it.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.150																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you are adjacent to or sharing a square with your companion creature and that companion creature has this feat, you can cast a spell on yourself and divide the duration evenly between yourself and the companion creature. You can use this feat only on spells with a duration of at least 2 rounds. For example, you could cast bull's strength on yourself, and instead of the spell lasting 1 minute per level on yourself, it lasts 5 rounds per level on yourself and 5 rounds per level on your companion.&nl; Once the spell is cast, you and the companion creature can move farther apart without ending the effect.
92Improved Studied Combatant	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:5,[PRESTAT:1,INT=13],[PRETOTALAB:8],[PRESKILL:1,TYPE.Knowledge=1],[PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Investigator,Studied Combatant],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration]																																																																																						DESC:Deep understanding of your foes' tics grants you the upper hand in combat.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.150																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Your bonuses for Studied Combatant increase to a +4 insight bonus on melee attack rolls and a +4 bonus on damage rolls. This feat otherwise works like the Studied Combatant feat.
93Improved Swap Places		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Teamwork	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Swap Places																																																																																																																																																																																	DESC:When you and your ally use Swap Places, your ally can be up to one size larger or smaller than you, and your movement into the ally's square does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If your ally cannot fit into the space you had been occupying and there are no available adjacent squares to accommodate the rest of the ally's space, the ally must squeeze. Alternatively, as part of its movement, the ally can attempt a bull rush combat maneuver against a creature that occupies a space your ally would occupy, but this bull rush cannot move the creature more than 5 feet.																																																																																																																																																																																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.150
94Improved Weapon of the Chosen	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon of the Chosen,Weapon Focus																																																																																																																																																																													DESC:This feat acts as Weapon of the Chosen, except you gain the benefits on all attacks until the start of your next turn. Your attacks gain a single alignment component of your deity-either chaotic, evil, good, or lawful-for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. If your deity is neutral with no other alignment components, your attacks instead overcome damage reduction as though your weapon were both cold iron and silver.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.151
95# COMMENT: Assumed they meant poison lore, not poison use [since investigators get studied strike but not poison use]
96Insightful Delivery		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Poison Lore																																																																																																																																													PREVARGTEQ:InvestigatorStudiedStrikeDice,4																									DESC:Your knowledge of where to strike makes your poisons more deadly.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use a poisoned weapon to attempt an attack in conjunction with studied strike, the DC to resist the poison increases by half the number of your studied strike dice.
97Inspired Alchemy			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Alchemy,TYPE.Alchemy																									PRECLASS:1,Investigator=4																																																																																																																																			DESC:With some inspiration and elbow grease, you can recreate a consumed extract in a pinch.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can recreate an extract that you consumed during the past hour. You must spend 10 minutes and expend a number of uses of inspiration equal to the level of the extract's formula to do so. When you recreate an extract in this way, it does not count toward the number of extracts you can prepare in a day.
98Inspired by Fear			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Skald ~ Dirge of Doom,Bardic Performance ~ Dirge of Doom																																																																																																																																																																								DESC:When spreading fear to your enemies, you further embolden your allies.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Allies in the area of your dirge of doom receive a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects. At least one enemy must be in the dirge's area and become shaken by the dirge for you and your allies to receive this bonus.
99Inspired Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Studied Combat																																																																																																																																																																												DESC:You can turn your natural talent as easily to weapon-work as to skills.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you damage a creature by using the studied combat class feature, you can expend one use of inspiration to roll an inspiration die and increase the damage by the number rolled.
100Intercept Charge			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Teamwork																																																																																																																																																																																								DESC:When an opponent charges your ally with this feat, as an immediate action you can move up to your speed toward any square in the path of the charge. If you end your movement in the path of the charge, the opponent must stop when it becomes adjacent to you and then attack you instead of your ally. Your movement from using this feat counts toward your movement on your next turn.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.151
101# WORKAROUND: Prereq. should be "ability to start a performance (or raging song) as a move action".  The PRECLASS tag doesn't guarantee that, I imagine.
102Intimidating Performance	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Skald ~ Raging Song,Bard ~ Bardic Performance																																			PRECLASS:1,Skald=7,Bard=7																																																																																																																																			DESC:Your performance strikes fear in the hearts of foes.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you start a performance [or a raging song] as a move or swift action, you can use a standard action to demoralize a foe [Core Rulebook 99], attempting a Perform check appropriate to your performance in place of the Intimidate check. Your performance must be one with an audible component.&nl; If you can start a performance as a swift action and you have the Dazzling Display feat, you can gain the benefit of Dazzling Display by succeeding at a Perform check in place of an Intimidate check.
103Jabbing Dancer			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:4,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Improved Unarmed Strike,Jabbing Style,Mobility																																																		PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:9],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,5],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=5,Brawler=5]																																																																																																										DESC:You've learned to bend and shift your body to avoid attacks and reposition yourself advantageously.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Each time you hit with an unarmed strike while using Jabbing Style, you can move 5 feet without provoking an attack of opportunity as long as you move to a space adjacent to the opponent you hit with the unarmed strike. If you use this feat, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn.
104Jabbing Master			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:6,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dodge,Improved Unarmed Strike,Jabbing Dancer,Jabbing Style,Mobility,Power Attack																																														PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:12],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,8],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=8,Brawler=8]																																																																																																										DESC:Your quick punches become even more lethal.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.151																																																																																																											BENEFIT:While using Jabbing Style, the extra damage you deal when you hit a single target with two unarmed strikes increases to 2d6, and the extra damage when you hit a single target with three or more unarmed strikes increases to 4d6.
105Jabbing Style			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Style		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																							PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:6],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Brawler ~ Brawler's Flurry],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Monk ~ Flurry of Blows]																																																																																															DESC:A cluster of quick strikes deals more damage than a single roundhouse swing.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.152																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you hit a target with an unarmed strike and you have hit that target with an unarmed strike previously that round, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage to that target.
106Kick Up				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Acrobatic																																										PRECLASS:1,Slayer=1,Swashbuckler=1																																																							PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1																		PRESTAT:1,DEX=13																																																				DESC:As long as you have at least one hand free, you can use a swift action to retrieve a single unattended item or weapon that weighs 10 pounds or less from the ground, either in your square or in any adjacent square not occupied or threatened by an enemy. Additionally, when you kick up a weapon and attempt a feint before the end of your turn, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on the feint attempt.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.152
107Killing Flourish			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Intimidating Prowess																																									PRECLASS:1,Slayer=4																																																									PRESKILL:1,Intimidate=4																																																																								DESC:When you reduce your target to below 0 hit points with a melee attack, as a swift action you can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30 feet who can see your attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																										SOURCEPAGE:p.152
108# NEEDS DATA WORK: Favored Terrain not granted/choices not chosen.  The ability is subtly different from the ranger's, and may need separate entries
109Lay of the Land			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Hunter ~ Animal Focus,Hunter ~ Wild Empathy																	!PREABILITY:4,CHECKMULT,CATEGORY=FEAT,Lay of the Land																																																																																																																																																	DESC:Your affinity to nature grants you greater insight into specific biomes.																																																																																																																																													STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.152																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain a favored terrain as the ranger ability of the same name, though the favored terrain bonuses you receive do not increase with your level. This ability counts as the favored terrain class feature for the purposes of prerequisites and other effects.&nl; Special: You can select this feat up to four times. Each time you take it, you apply it to a different terrain. Unlike with the ranger's favored terrain class feature, the bonuses you gain for previously chosen terrains do not increase.
110Lunging Spell Touch		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																																																														PRESKILL:1,Spellcraft=5																																																																								DESC:You can increase the reach of your spells' melee touch attacks by 5 feet until the end of your turn by taking a -2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. You must decide to use this ability before you attempt any attacks on your turn.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.152
111# NEEDS DATA WORK: The "draconic or elemental bloodline" prereq is just a PRETEXT.
112Manifested Blood			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																																																																																			PRESTAT:1,CHA=13		PRETEXT:Draconic or elemental bloodline																						DEFINE:ManifestedBloodTimes|0																		DESC:You can use the power of your bloodline to surround yourself in its element.																																																																																																																																												STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|ManifestedBloodTimes|1																				SOURCEPAGE:p.152	ASPECT:CheckType|User per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|ManifestedBloodTimes																																																																																															BENEFIT:%2 time[s] per day, you can surround yourself with the element associated with your bloodline. For a number of rounds equal to %1(minimum 1), you gain resistance 5 to that energy type, and all creatures that attempt a natural weapon attack or an unarmed strike against you take 2 points of damage of that same energy type. If you already have resistance to that energy type, the resistance increases by 5.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain an additional daily use of this feat.|max(1,CHA)|ManifestedBloodTimes
113Merciless Butchery		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Dastardly Finish	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Slayer ~ Studied Target																																																																																																																																					PREVARGTEQ:SneakAttackDice,5																												DESC:Your talent for slaughter lets you dispatch helpless opponents before they can recover.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.152																																																																																																											BENEFIT:As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, you can attempt a coup de grace against a cowering, helpless, or stunned opponent that you have designated as your studied target.
114# COMMENT: Choose a 0-level druid spell as a SLA - not yet possible?
115Nature Magic			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																																																														PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Nature)=1																																																												SPELLS:Innate|TIMES=ATWILL|CASTERLEVEL=TL|Know Direction	DESC:You are able to use simple spells by drawing on nature's raw majesty.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.152																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain know direction as a constant spell-like ability, and can choose another druid orison you can cast as a spell-like ability once per day. Your caster level for both of these spell-like abilities is equal to your character level.
117Orator				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Skill Focus (Linguistics)																																																																																																																																																																															DESC:You can use a Linguistics check in place of a Bluff check to tell a falsehood or conceal information, in place of a Diplomacy check to change the attitude of a creature, or in place of an Intimidate check to force a creature to cooperate. You must deliver your attempt in a language the target understands.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.152
118Pack Flanking			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Teamwork		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Expertise	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion																																																																																																																PRESTAT:1,INT=13																																																				DESC:You and your companion creature are adept at fighting together against foes.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.153																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.&nl; Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.
119Paralyzing Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																																																																																									PRESTAT:2,DEX=13,WIS=13																PRETOTALAB:14											DEFINE:ParalyzingStrikeTimes|0																	DESC:Paralyzing Strike forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to attempt a DC %1 Fortitude saving throw, in addition to dealing damage normally. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll-thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt. A defender who fails this saving throw is paralyzed for 1 round, until just before your next turn. You can use Paralyzing Strike %2 times per day, but no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, mindless creatures, plants, undead, and creatures that are immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.|CL/2+10+WIS|ParalyzingStrikeTimes																																																																																																																																																																																						BONUS:VAR|ParalyzingStrikeTimes|CL/4																			SOURCEPAGE:p.153	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|ParalyzingStrikeTimes
120Pommel Strike Deed		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Panache																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Swashbuckler],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Panache]																																																																	PRETOTALAB:3																																	DESC:With a surprise swipe with your pommel, you can topple a foe.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.153																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can spend 1 panache point to make a melee attack with the pommel of a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon as a standard action. You make this attack as if you were using the weapon normally (including any bonuses gained from the swashbuckler's finesse class feature, Weapon Finesse, or other similar feats and effects), but you deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage (or 1d4 if you are Small) instead of the weapon's normal damage. Regardless of your size, the critical threat range and critical multiplier of this attack are 20/x2, and they are not affected by Improved Critical, the keen weapon special ability, or similar effects. If the attack hits, you can attempt a combat maneuver check to knock the target prone as a free action.
121Pummeling Bully			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:4,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Reposition,Improved Trip,Improved Unarmed Strike,Pummeling Style																																															PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:9],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,5],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=5,Brawler=5]																																																																																																										DESC:Your combo has the chance to trip or move your target.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.153																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you use Pummeling Style make an entire full attack or flurry of blows against a single target, if you hit with any of your attacks, you can attempt a reposition or trip combat maneuver check as a free action.
122Pummeling Charge			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike,Pummeling Style																																																				PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:12],[PREVARGTEQ:MonkFeatQualify,8],[PRECLASS:1,Monk=8,Brawler=8]																																																																																																										DESC:Your charge ends with a mighty haymaker.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.154																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can charge and make a full attack or flurry of blows at the end of your charge as part of the charge action. You can use Pummeling Charge in this way only if all of your attacks qualify for using Pummeling Style against a single target.; Normal: You cannot make a full attack on a charge.
123Pummeling Style			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Style		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																							PREMULT:1,[PRETOTALAB:6],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Brawler ~ Brawler's Flurry,Monk ~ Flurry of Blows]																																																																																																					DESC:Your unarmed strikes weave together in an effortless combo, focusing on the spots you've weakened with the last hit.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																						SOURCEPAGE:p.154																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Whenever you use a full-attack action or flurry of blows to make multiple attacks against a single opponent with unarmed strikes, total the damage from all hits before applying damage reduction. This ability works only with unarmed strikes, no matter what other abilities you might possess.
124Quicken Blessing			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Warpriest ~ Blessings																																																																																																																																														PREVARGTEQ:WarpriestLVL,WarpriestMajorBlessingGrantedLVL																							DESC:You can deliver one of your blessings with greater speed.																																																																																																																																																	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:USERINPUT|TITLE=Blessing Choice																																																																																																																																																							SOURCEPAGE:p.154																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose one of your blessings that normally requires a standard action to use. You can expend two of your daily uses of blessings to deliver that blessing (regardless of whether it's a minor or major effect) as a swift action instead.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a different blessing.
125Rage Casting			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager ~ Blood Casting																																						PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1																																																																																																																																		DESC:When you cast a bloodrager spell, as a swift action you can sacrifice some of your life force to augment the spell's potency. You can opt to take up to 1d6 points of damage per spell level of the spell you are casting, choosing the amount of dice before rolling. You cannot overcome this damage in any way, and it cannot be taken from temporary hit points. For each of these damage dice you roll, the DC of the spell you are casting increases by 1.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.154
126Raging Absorption			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager ~ Bloodrage																																						PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=2																																																																																																																																		DESC:While you are bloodraging, if you successfully save against a damaging arcane spell that either targets you or includes you in its area, and you take no damage from that spell, you can absorb a portion of its arcane energy to replenish your bloodrage. You regain 1 round of bloodrage for every 2 levels of the spell you successfully saved against. You cannot use this feat to regain more rounds of bloodrage each day than your daily maximum number of rounds, nor can you ever exceed your maximum number of rounds.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.154
127# NEEDS DATA WORK: Eldritch Heritage doesn't allow the raging blood choice, for some reason
128Raging Blood			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Eldritch Heritage],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Sorcerer ~ Sorcerer Bloodline]																																																																																																			DESC:Your blood boils with latent energy, filling you with an intense fury.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Raging Blood Bloodline|1																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.155																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You gain the 1st-level bloodrager bloodline power for your bloodline. In addition, you gain the ability to enter a state similar to (but less powerful than) a bloodrager's bloodrage. You can enter this lesser bloodrage twice per day, for up to 4 rounds. During this lesser bloodrage, you gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, and no morale bonus on Will saving throws. Otherwise, this benefit is the same as the bloodrage class feature. If you have more than one bloodline, you choose the bloodline this applies to upon taking the feat.
129Raging Concentration		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Bloodrager ~ Blood Casting																																						PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1																																																																																																																																		DESC:While in a bloodrage, you gain a +%1 bonus on concentration checks.|BloodrageConBonus																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.154
130Ranged Study			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:2,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Focus],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Studied Combat]																																																																																																				DESC:You can use a limited form of studied combat and studied strike with a weapon of your choice.																																																																																																																																											MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|WEAPONPROFICIENCY|ABILITY=FEAT[Weapon Focus],EQUIPMENT[TYPE=Ranged]																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.155																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose one kind of ranged weapon. You gain the bonuses for studied combat with your chosen weapon and can use studied strike with your chosen weapon as long as the target of your studied strike is within 30 feet of you.&nl; Normal: You gain the bonuses for studied combat and can use studied strike only with melee weapons.
131Reactive Healing			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Quick Channel,Quicken Spell	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.ChannelEnergy,TYPE.Channel Energy,TYPE.Lay on Hands,TYPE.LayOnHands																																																																																																																																																											DESC:You can channel healing energy in response to an attack that would knock you unconscious.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																											SOURCEPAGE:p.155																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When the damage from an attack or an effect would reduce you to 0 or fewer hit points, you can expend one use of channel energy (of a form that would heal you) or lay on hands as an immediate action to heal yourself. The healing affects only you, even if it would normally affect others.
132Reckless Rage			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Power Attack	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE=Rage,TYPE=SkaldRagingSong																																																																																																																																																																					DESC:When you use Power Attack while raging or while using raging song, you take an additional -1 penalty on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks, and you gain an additional +2 bonus on melee damage rolls. Modify this damage bonus appropriately based on the type of weapon you are using, as normal for Power Attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.155
133Recovered Rage			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE=Rage,TYPE=SkaldRagingSong																																																																																																																																																																												DESC:Whenever you reduce a foe to 0 or fewer hit points while you are raging or using raging song, you regain 1 round of rage or raging song (your choice if you have both abilities), as long as the number of Hit Dice that foe possesses are equal to or greater than %1. You cannot use this feat to regain more rounds of rage or raging song each day than your daily maximum number of rounds, nor can you ever exceed your maximum number of rounds.|CL/2																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.155
134# COMMENT: Probably should be the Divine Bond ~ Celestial Spirit ability; not checked if item is armor or shield.
135Resilient Armor			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Warpriest ~ Sacred Armor,Paladin ~ Divine Bond																																																																																																																																																																									DESC:When you enhance your armor or shield, you gain a measure of damage reduction.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.155																																																																																																											BENEFIT:While your armor or shield is under the effect of your divine bond or your sacred armor ability, you gain an amount of damage reduction equal to your armor's enhancement bonus (including the bonus from your divine bond or sacred armor) against the first attack to strike you in each round. An adamantine weapon overcomes this damage reduction, but any attack against you made with such a weapon does not count against this effect's duration.
136Riving Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Arcane Strike																																										PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Arcane=1																																																																																																																																		DESC:If you have a weapon that is augmented by your Arcane Strike feat, when you damage a creature with an attack made with that weapon, that creature takes a -2 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This effect lasts for 1 round.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.155
137Seething Hatred			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Slayer ~ Studied Target																																																																																																																																																																													DESC:You've learned to channel your hatred of a particular type of creature into a devastating strike.																																																																																																																																										MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NUMCHOICES=1|USERINPUT|TITLE=Creature Type																																																																																																																																																					SOURCEPAGE:p.155																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Select a creature type from the Ranger Favored Enemies table (Core Rulebook 64). When you designate a creature of this type as your studied target and hit it with a melee or ranged weapon attack, your favored target bonus on damage rolls against it is doubled.
138Seize Advantage			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Swashbuckler ~ Opportune Parry and Riposte																																																																																																																																																																										DESC:You can take advantage of your foes when they overcommit on their attacks.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When your foe is using Power Attack and you successfully use the opportune parry and riposte deed to parry its attack and then respond with a riposte, you add your foe's current bonus on damage rolls from Power Attack to your own damage roll, but you do not take the penalty to hit from your foe's Power Attack.
139# COMMENT: Not tested with every single class/ability that gives a familiar, animal companion, special mount, or eidolon
140Share Healing			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Teamwork																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion,TYPE.Eidolon,TYPE.Familiar,TYPE.Special Mount,TYPE.Mount],[PREVARGT:MasterLevel,0]																																																																																															DESC:Your link with your companion creature allows you to share with it any healing magic that's cast upon you.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you receive the benefit of a healing spell (whether from yourself or another source), you can divide the hit points healed evenly between yourself and your companion creature.
141Silent Kill				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Slayer Talent ~ Assassinate,Ninja Trick ~ Assassinate																																																																																													PRESKILL:1,Stealth=12																																																																								DESC:You are quite adept at killing your prey without making noise or alerting others.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you kill a creature during a surprise round, you can attempt a Stealth check, opposed by the Perception checks of potential observers, to prevent them from noticing your action and subsequently identifying you as the assailant.
142Skald's Vigor			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE=SkaldRagingSong																																																																																																																																																																														DESC:While maintaining a raging song, you gain fast healing equal to the Strength bonus your song provides, starting in the round after you begin the song. If you stop maintaining your song, the fast healing ends, even if the effects of your song persist.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.155
143Skilled Rager			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Rage																																																																																																																																																																																DESC:With practice, you've mastered your rage to allow yourself more versatility.																																																																																																																																														MULT:YES	CHOOSE:SKILL|TYPE=Charisma|TYPE=Dexterity|TYPE=Intelligence																																																																																																																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose one Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skill. While you are raging, you can use this skill.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, it applies to a different skill.
144Slashing Grace			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Finesse	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Focus																																																																																																																				PRESTAT:1,DEX=13																																																				DESC:Choose one kind of slashing weapon (such as the longsword). When wielding your chosen weapon one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a swashbuckler's or a duelist's precise strike) and you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon's damage. The weapon must be one appropriate for your size.You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two weapons or using flurry of blows, or any time another hand is otherwise occupied.																																																										MULT:YES	CHOOSE:WEAPONPROFICIENCY|ABILITY=FEAT[Weapon Focus]																																																																																																																																									BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|DAMAGE|DEX	BONUS:WEAPONPROF=%LIST|DAMAGE|-STR	SOURCEPAGE:p.156	ASPECT:CombatBonus|When wielding your %1 one-handed, you can treat it as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon and you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to that weapon's damage.|%LIST
146Slayer's Feint			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Expertise																																																								PREMULT:1,[PRECLASS:1,Slayer=1],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Acrobatic]																																		PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=1																		PRESTAT:1,DEX=15																																																				DESC:You can use Acrobatics instead of Bluff to feint in combat.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.156
147Slow Faller				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:1,[PRESKILL:1,Acrobatics=5],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Monk ~ Slow Fall]																																																																																																									DESC:You can reduce the amount of falling damage you take when you are close to a wall.																																																																																																																																											STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|SlowFall|10																						SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:When you are within arm's reach of a wall, you can slow your descent, as long as you are not in heavy armor. You take damage as if the fall were %1 feet shorter than it actually is. This ability stacks with the slow fall class feature.&nl; Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you take damage as if the fall were an additional 10 feet shorter.|COUNT[FEATNAME=Slow Faller]*10
148Spirit Talker			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman ~ Hex,Witch ~ Hex																																						PRECLASS:1,Shaman=6,Witch=6																																																																																																																																			DESC:By forging a temporary bond with a spirit, you gain access to an unfamiliar hex.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.156																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Once per day, you can spend 10 minutes communing with a shaman spirit of your choice. When you do, you gain the temporary use of one hex from its list of hexes. This hex is added to your list of available hexes for the next  hour, after which you immediately lose all benefits of that hex.
149Spirit's Gift			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.Animal Companion,TYPE.Familiar																																																																																																																																																																											DESC:You commune with a spirit of your choice, and it grants your animal companion or familiar a boon.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																									SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:At the start of the day, you can choose to commune with a single shaman spirit. (Although a shaman would need an hour of preparation, this takes you no time.) Once during the next 24 hours, you can spend a standard action to grant your animal companion or familiar that shaman spirit's spirit animal ability for 1 minute/level in the class that grants you animal companion or familiar.
150Spiritual Guardian		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Shaman ~ Spirit Magic																																																																																																											PRESPELL:1,Spiritual Weapon,Spiritual Ally																																																												DESC:Your spiritual guardians are more powerful than those of most others.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Whenever you cast spiritual weapon, spiritual ally, or a similar spell that grants you a spiritual guardian, that guardian uses your shaman level instead of your base attack bonus to determine its base attack bonus, potentially granting it multiple attacks. Additionally, it gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance as well as on damage rolls.
151# COMMENT: May not have all means of spontaneously casting cure or inflict spells
152Spontaneous Nature's Ally	CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Warpriest ~ Spontaneous Casting,Cleric ~ Spontaneous Casting																																										PREDOMAIN:1,Animal,Plant																																														PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Nature)=5																																																																						DESC:Instead of casting a cure spell, you can instead cast summon nature's ally.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can "lose" a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower, instead of casting a cure spell or an inflict spell as you normally would. For the purpose of this feat only, the summon nature's ally spells of the appropriate spell levels count as being on your spell list at the same spell level as for a druid.
153Staggering Fist			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Unarmed Strike																																																																																																																									PRESTAT:2,DEX=13,WIS=13																PRETOTALAB:14											DEFINE:StaggeringFistTimes|0																		DESC:Staggering Fist forces a foe damaged by your unarmed attack to attempt a DC %1 Fortitude saving throw, in addition to dealing damage normally. You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll-thus, a failed attack roll ruins the attempt. A defender who fails this saving throw is staggered for 1 round, until just before your next turn. You can use Staggering Fist %2 times per day, but no more than once per round. Constructs, incorporeal creatures, mindless creatures, plants, undead, and creatures that are immune to critical hits cannot be affected by this ability.|CL/2+10+WIS|StaggeringFistTimes																																																																																																																																																																																							BONUS:VAR|StaggeringFistTimes|CL/4																				SOURCEPAGE:p.157	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|StaggeringFistTimes
154# NEEDS DATA WORK: Choice of animal type not implemented
155Stalker's Focus			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																!PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Hunter ~ Animal Focus,Sacred Huntsmaster ~ Animal Focus																																																															PRESKILL:2,Knowledge (Nature)=3,Survival=3																																																																				DESC:Your affinity to the natural world allows you to adopt the focus of a single animal.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose a single type of animal to emulate from the hunter's animal focus class feature. Once per day, you or your animal companion (if you have one) can gain the benefit of that animal focus for 1 minute. Treat your character level as your hunter level for the purpose of determining the benefits granted by your chosen animal focus.&nl; Special: If you gain levels in a class that has the animal focus class feature, when you gain that feature you gain 1 additional minute of use each day of your animal focus class feature.
156Steadfast Personality		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																																																																																																																																									DESC:You rely on your sense of self to keep your mind clear.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																													BONUS:SAVE|Will|CHA-WIS	BONUS:SAVE|Will|WIS|PREVARLT:WIS,0																										SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Add your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting effects. If you have a Wisdom penalty, you must apply both your Wisdom penalty and your Charisma modifier.
157Stouthearted			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE=SkaldRagingSong																																																																																																																																																																														DESC:While you are maintaining a raging song, if you fail a saving throw against a fear effect, you can expend a round of performing to reroll your saving throw as an immediate action. You must keep this second result, even if it lower.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																			SOURCEPAGE:p.157
158Studied Combatant			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																																	PREMULT:5,[PRESTAT:1,INT=13],[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Amateur Investigator],[PRETOTALAB:6],[PRESKILL:1,TYPE.Knowledge=1],[!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Investigator ~ Inspiration]																																																																																									DESC:Your inspiration guides your strikes when you take a moment to assess your foe.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																												SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:You can expend one use of inspiration as a move action to study a single enemy that you can see. When you do so, you gain a +2 insight bonus on melee attack rolls and a +2 bonus on damage rolls for a number of rounds equal to %1. The bonus on damage rolls is precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit. Once affected by this feat, a target cannot be affect by your use of it again for 24 hours.|INT
159# COMMENT: Might consider only displaying the appropriate text, depending on having sneak attack and/or studied combat
160Surprise Maneuver			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Combat Expertise																																																								PREMULT:1,[PREVARGTEQ:SneakAttackDice,3],[PREVARGTEQ:InvestigatorStudiedStrikeDice,3]																																																																																																										DESC:Your maneuvers are devastating against disadvantaged foes.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																SOURCEPAGE:p.157																																																																																																											BENEFIT:If you have sneak attack, when you attempt a combat maneuver check against a creature that you are flanking or that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against your attack, you gain a bonus on the combat maneuver check that's equal to %1.&nl; If you have the studied combat class feature, you can use studied strike on a combat maneuver check. When you do so, you gain a bonus on the combat maneuver check equal to %2.|SneakAttackDice|InvestigatorStudiedStrikeDice
161Talented Magician			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:2,CATEGORY=Special Ability,Rogue Talent ~ Major Magic,Rogue Talent ~ Minor Magic																																																																																																																																																		DEFINE:TalentedMagicianTimes|0																	DESC:You gain an additional daily use of each of your minor magic and major magic rogue talents. You can take this feat multiple times.																																																																																																																																			STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|TalentedMagicianTimes|2																				SOURCEPAGE:p.158	ASPECT:CheckType|Extra Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|TalentedMagicianTimes
162Twinned Feint			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																																																																																				PRESTAT:1,CHA=13																																																				DESC:As a standard action, you can attempt to feint against a foe within your reach. If you succeed at the feint, you can make an additional feint attempt against a foe that is adjacent to the first one and also within reach. You can attempt only one additional feint per action with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a -2 penalty to your AC until your next turn. If you have the Improved Feint feat, you can use this feat as a move action instead.|!PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Feint	DESC:As a move action, you can attempt to feint against a foe within your reach. If you succeed at the feint, you can make an additional feint attempt against a foe that is adjacent to the first one and also within reach. You can attempt only one additional feint per action with this feat. When you use this feat, you take a -2 penalty to your AC until your next turn.|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Improved Feint																																																																																																																																																																		SOURCEPAGE:p.158
163Twist Away				CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																																																																																																																																										DESC:You must have Evasion or Improved Evasion to use this feat. While you are wearing light armor or no armor, if you are forced to attempt a Fortitude saving throw, you can use an immediate action to instead attempt a Reflex saving throw (at the same DC). If you succeed at this saving throw and the attack has a reduced effect on a successful save, you avoid the effect entirely. Whether the saving throw is successful or not, you are staggered until the end of your next turn. If you are prevented from becoming staggered, you can't use Twist Away, nor can you ingnore the staggered condition from Twist Away or remove it early.																																																																																																																																																																																																																	SOURCEPAGE:p.158
164Undersized Mount			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat																																																																																																															PRESKILL:1,Ride=1																																																																									DESC:You can ride a mount of your own size category, although encumbrance or other factors might limit how you can use this ability.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																				SOURCEPAGE:p.158
165Unfettered Familiar		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General																																																		PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER=5																																																																																																													DEFINE:UnfetteredFamiliarTimes|0	DEFINE:UnfetteredFamiliarRange|0											DESC:%1 times per day, you can cast a touch spell without being in contact with your familiar and designate your familiar as the "toucher." You do not require line of sight to your familiar to use this ability, but you must be within 20 (+%2) feet of your familiar when you cast the spell, and if you can't see or hear your familiar, you must at least be able to speak with it. You may pick this feat multiple times. The range and uses per day increase each time you pick this feat.|UnfetteredFamiliarTimes|UnfetteredFamiliarRange																																																																	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE																																																																																																																																		BONUS:VAR|UnfetteredFamiliarTimes|1	BONUS:VAR|UnfetteredFamiliarRange|10													SOURCEPAGE:p.158	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|UnfetteredFamiliarTimes
166# NEEDS DATA WORK: Choice of blessing, and addition of abilities, not implemented.
167# COMMENT: Probably tricky to implement "Your effective warpriest level is the highest level that you have in the class that has the mystery or domain class feature."
168War Blessing			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:General		PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=Special Ability,TYPE.OracleMystery,TYPE.Domains,TYPE.CF_Domain																																																																																																																																																																									DESC:Your fervent call to your deity imbues you with a temporary blessing.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																														SOURCEPAGE:p.159																																																																																																											BENEFIT:Choose two warpriest blessings when you take this feat. Each of these blessings must be tied to a domain granted by your deity or to one of the two domains that represent your spiritual inclination and abilities. Twice per day, you can call upon the minor blessing from one or the other of your chosen blessings. This ability otherwise acts like the warpriest blessings class feature. Your effective warpriest level is the highest level that you have in the class that has the mystery or domain class feature.
169Weapon of the Chosen		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Weapon Focus																																										PRECLASS:1,SPELLCASTER.Divine=1																																																																																PRETEXT:Must have Weapon Focus with one of the deity's favored weapons.																																							DESC:As a swift action, you can call upon your deity to guide an attack you make with your deity's favored weapon. On your next attack in that round with that weapon, your weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction or striking an incorporeal creature. If your attack misses because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance one time to see whether you actually hit.																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.158
170Winter's Strike			CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat			PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Vital Strike																																																									PREMULT:1,[PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Nature Magic],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Ranger=4],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Druid=1],[PRECLASS:2,SPELLCASTER=1,Hunter=1]																			PRESKILL:1,Knowledge (Nature)=5																																																																						DESC:%1 times per day, when you use Vital Strike (or Improved Vital Strike or Greater Vital Strike), your strike saps the strength of your opponent. The creature hit must succeed at a DC %2 Fortitude save or become fatigued for %3 rounds. You can choose to use this ability as a free action after you hit the target with the attack. This is a supernatural ability.|max(WIS,1)|CL/2+10+WIS|min(WIS,1)																																																																																																																																																																																																																																																								SOURCEPAGE:p.158	ASPECT:CheckType|Uses per Day	ASPECT:CheckCount|%1|max(WIS,1)
171Wounded Paw Gambit		CATEGORY:FEAT		TYPE:Combat.Teamwork	PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Broken Wing Gambit																																																																																																					PRESKILL:1,Bluff=5																																																																								DESC:Whenever you use Broken Wing Gambit and an opponent attacks you as a result, each ally who has this feat and is within 30 feet of that opponent can attempt a ranged attack against it as an immediate action. The ally's ranged weapon must be in hand, loaded, and ready to be fired or thrown in order to make this attack possible.&nl; An ally who has this feat and Broken Wing Gambit can instead use Broken Wing Gambit to attempt an attack of opportunity against the foe, but cannot attempt both that attack of opportunity and this ranged attack.																																																																																																																																																																																																																															SOURCEPAGE:p.158
173###Block: Modified Feats for Bloodrager Bloodlines
174# Feat Name				Type
175# Ability Name					Type
176CATEGORY=FEAT|Blind-Fight.MOD			TYPE:DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline
177CATEGORY=FEAT|Cleave.MOD			TYPE:AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline
178CATEGORY=FEAT|Combat Reflexes.MOD		TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline.ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline.FeyBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline
179CATEGORY=FEAT|Deceitful.MOD			TYPE:InfernalBloodRagerBloodline
180CATEGORY=FEAT|Diehard.MOD			TYPE:DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
181CATEGORY=FEAT|Disruptive.MOD			TYPE:ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline
182CATEGORY=FEAT|Dodge.MOD				TYPE:CelestialBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline.FeyBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
183CATEGORY=FEAT|Endurance.MOD			TYPE:DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
184CATEGORY=FEAT|Great Fortitude.MOD		TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline.AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline
185CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Bull Rush.MOD	TYPE:AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline
186CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Disarm.MOD		TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline
187CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Grapple.MOD		TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline
188CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Initiative.MOD	TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline.ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline.CelestialBloodRagerBloodline.DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline.FeyBloodRagerBloodline
189CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Sunder.MOD		TYPE:AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline
190CATEGORY=FEAT|Improved Unarmed Strike.MOD	TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline
191CATEGORY=FEAT|Intimidating Prowess.MOD	TYPE:FeyBloodRagerBloodline.AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
192CATEGORY=FEAT|Iron Will.MOD			TYPE:AberrantBloodRagerBloodline.ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline.CelestialBloodRagerBloodline.InfernalBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
193CATEGORY=FEAT|Leadership.MOD			TYPE:DestinedBloodRagerBloodline
194CATEGORY=FEAT|Lightning Reflexes.MOD	TYPE:DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline.FeyBloodRagerBloodline
195CATEGORY=FEAT|Mobility.MOD			TYPE:CelestialBloodRagerBloodline.FeyBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
196CATEGORY=FEAT|Mounted Combat.MOD		TYPE:CelestialBloodRagerBloodline
197CATEGORY=FEAT|Power Attack.MOD		TYPE:AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline.DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline
198CATEGORY=FEAT|Quick Draw.MOD			TYPE:ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline
199CATEGORY=FEAT|Ride-By Attack.MOD		TYPE:CelestialBloodRagerBloodline
200CATEGORY=FEAT|Spellbreaker.MOD		TYPE:ArcaneBloodRagerBloodline
201CATEGORY=FEAT|Step Up.MOD			TYPE:FeyBloodRagerBloodline
202CATEGORY=FEAT|Toughness.MOD			TYPE:AbyssalBloodRagerBloodline.DraconicBloodRagerBloodline.UndeadBloodRagerBloodline
203CATEGORY=FEAT|Weapon Focus.MOD		TYPE:CelestialBloodRagerBloodline.DestinedBloodRagerBloodline.ElementalBloodRagerBloodline
205###Block: Giving ability based on believer's boon domain choice
206# COMMENT: Didn't test all of these; in principle, they work.
207# COMMENT: Any time a new domain is invented, a new one of these would have to be added.
208# NEEDS DATA WORK: Subdomains not entered.  There are too, too many.
209# Ability Name				Define				Ability																				Modify VAR
210CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainAirLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Lightning Arc|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Air)			BONUS:VAR|DomainAirLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|LightningArcTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
211CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainAnimalLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Speak with Animals|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Animal)		BONUS:VAR|DomainAnimalLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|SpeakWithAnimalsTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
212CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainArtificeLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Artificer's Touch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Artifice)	BONUS:VAR|DomainArtificeLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|ArtificersTouchTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
213CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainChaosLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Chaos|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Chaos)		BONUS:VAR|DomainChaosLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfChaosTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
214CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainCharmLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Dazing Touch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Charm)			BONUS:VAR|DomainCharmLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|DazingTouchTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
215CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainCommunityLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Calming Touch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Community)		BONUS:VAR|DomainCommunityLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|CalmingTouchTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
216CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainDarknessLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Darkness|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Darkness)	BONUS:VAR|DomainDarknessLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfDarknessTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
217CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainDeathLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Bleeding Touch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Death)		BONUS:VAR|DomainDeathLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|BleedingTouchTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
218CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainDestructionLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Destructive Smite|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Destruction)	BONUS:VAR|DomainDestructionLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|DestructiveSmiteTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
219CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainEarthLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Acid Dart|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Earth)			BONUS:VAR|DomainEarthLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|AcidDartTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
220CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainEvilLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Evil|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Evil)			BONUS:VAR|DomainEvilLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfEvilTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
221CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainFireLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Fire Bolt|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Fire)			BONUS:VAR|DomainFireLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|FireBoltTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
222CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainGloryLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Glory|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Glory)		BONUS:VAR|DomainGloryLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfGloryTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
223CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainGoodLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Good|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Good)			BONUS:VAR|DomainGoodLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfGoodTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
224CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainHealingLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Rebuke Death|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Healing)		BONUS:VAR|DomainHealingLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|RebukeDeathTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
225CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainKnowledgeLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Lore Keeper|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Knowledge)		BONUS:VAR|DomainKnowledgeLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|LoreKeeperTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
226CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainLawLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Touch of Law|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Law)			BONUS:VAR|DomainLawLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|TouchOfLawTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
227CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainLiberationLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Liberation|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Liberation)		BONUS:VAR|DomainLiberationLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|LiberationTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
228CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainLuckLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Bit of Luck|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Luck)			BONUS:VAR|DomainLuckLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|BitOfLuckTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
229CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainMadnessLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Vision of Madness|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Madness)		BONUS:VAR|DomainMadnessLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|VisionOfMadnessTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
230CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainMagicLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Hand of the Acolyte|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Magic)		BONUS:VAR|DomainMagicLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|HandOfTheAcolyteTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
231CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainNobilityLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Inspiring Word|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Nobility)		BONUS:VAR|DomainNobilityLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|InspiringWordTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
232CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainPlantLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Wooden Fist|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Plant)			BONUS:VAR|DomainPlantLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|WoodenFistTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
233CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainProtectionLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Resistant Touch|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Protection)	BONUS:VAR|DomainProtectionLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|ResistantTouchTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
234CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainReposeLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Gentle Rest|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Repose)			BONUS:VAR|DomainReposeLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|GentleRestTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
235CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainRuneLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Blast Rune|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Rune)			BONUS:VAR|DomainRuneLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|BlastRuneTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
236CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainStrengthLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Strength Surge|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Strength)		BONUS:VAR|DomainStrengthLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|StrengthSurgeTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
237CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainSunLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Sun's Blessing|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Sun)			BONUS:VAR|DomainSunLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|SunsBlessingTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
238CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainTravelLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Agile Feet|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Travel)			BONUS:VAR|DomainTravelLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|AgileFeetTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
239CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainTrickeryLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Copycat|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Trickery)			BONUS:VAR|DomainTrickeryLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|CopycatTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
240CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainWarLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Battle Rage|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (War)			BONUS:VAR|DomainWarLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|BattleRageTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
241CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainWaterLVL|0		ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Icicle|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Water)				BONUS:VAR|DomainWaterLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|IcicleTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
242CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	DEFINE:DomainWeatherLVL|0	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Domain Power ~ Storm Burst|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon (Weather)			BONUS:VAR|DomainWeatherLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|StormBurstTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
244# COMMENT: Not sure what source these are from
245#CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Scalykind Domain ~ Venemous Stare|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon(Scalykind)	DEFINE:DomainScalykindLVL|0	BONUS:VAR|DomainScalykindLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|VenemousStareTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
246#CATEGORY=FEAT|Believer's Boon.MOD	ABILITY:Special Ability|AUTOMATIC|Void Domain ~ Guarded Mind|PREABILITY:1,CATEGORY=FEAT,Believer's Boon(Void)	DEFINE:DomainVoidLVL|0	BONUS:VAR|DomainVoidLVL|1	BONUS:VAR|GuardedMindTimes|BelieversBoonTimes
249###Block: Negate existing Witch hex, and force selection
250# Ability Name			Bonus Ability Pool
253###Block: Current Selections
254# Ability Name	Unique Key					Category of Ability	Type				Stackable?	Multiple?	Choose		Bonus Ability Pool
255Witch Hex		KEY:Hex Selection ~ Witch Hex		CATEGORY:Internal		TYPE:Hex Selection	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Witch Hex|1
256Shaman Hex		KEY:Hex Selection ~ Shaman Hex	CATEGORY:Internal		TYPE:Hex Selection	STACK:YES	MULT:YES	CHOOSE:NOCHOICE	BONUS:ABILITYPOOL|Shaman Hex|1
260# End