1 /* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
2  *
3  * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
4  * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
5  * file distributed with this source distribution.
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20  *
21  */
23 #include "bladerunner/script/scene_script.h"
25 namespace BladeRunner {
InitializeScene()27 void SceneScriptUG13::InitializeScene() {
28 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG18toUG13)) {
29 		Setup_Scene_Information(-477.0f, 141.9f, -870.0f, 378);
30 	} else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG15toUG13)) {
31 		Setup_Scene_Information(  39.0f, 52.94f, -528.0f, 600);
32 	} else {
33 		// arrived from elevator (going down)
34 		Setup_Scene_Information( -22.0f, 54.63f, -883.0f, 578);
36 		Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, false);
37 #else
38 		// McCoy should not be visible starting this scene when he goes down with the elevator
39 		Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, true);
41 	}
43 	if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp)) {
44 		Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 394, 205, 464, 281, 0);
45 	}
46 	Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(1, 560, 90, 639, 368, 1);
47 	Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(2, 108, 85, 175, 210, 3);
49 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(kSfxSTMLOOP7, 15, 0, 1);
50 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(kSfxUGBED1,   40, 0, 1);
51 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Looping_Sound(kSfxUGBED2,   40, 0, 1);
52 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxYELL1M2,  2, 120, 11, 12, -100, 100, -100, 100, 0, 0);
53 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxYELL1M3,  2, 120, 11, 12, -100, 100, -100, 100, 0, 0);
54 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxGRUNT1M1, 2, 120, 11, 12, -100, 100, -100, 100, 0, 0);
55 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxGRUNT2M2, 2, 120, 11, 12, -100, 100, -100, 100, 0, 0);
56 	Ambient_Sounds_Add_Sound(kSfxGRUNT2M3, 2, 120, 11, 12, -100, 100, -100, 100, 0, 0);
58 	if ( Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4
59 	 && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT04HomelessKilledByMcCoy)
60 	) {
61 		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 390);
62 	}
64 	if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) == 599) {
65 		Actor_Change_Animation_Mode(kActorTransient, 89);
66 	}
68 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08toUG13)) {
69 		Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeLoseControl, 0, false);
70 		Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1);
71 	} else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp)) {
72 		Scene_Loop_Set_Default(4);
73 	} else {
74 		Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1);
75 	}
76 }
SceneLoaded()78 void SceneScriptUG13::SceneLoaded() {
79 	Obstacle_Object("BASKET", true);
80 	Obstacle_Object("BOLLARD", true);
81 	Unobstacle_Object("STAIR", true);
82 	Unobstacle_Object("BOX FOR ARCHWAY 02", true);
83 	Unobstacle_Object("STAIR_RAIL", true);
84 	Unobstacle_Object("DISC_LEFT", true);
86 #else
87 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp)) {
88 		Obstacle_Object("ELEVBLOCK", true);
89 	} else {
90 		Unobstacle_Object("ELEVBLOCK", true);
91 	}
93 	Clickable_Object("BASKET");
94 	Clickable_Object("BOLLARD");
95 	Unclickable_Object("BASKET");
97 	if (Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) >= 3
98 	    && !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueOriginalRequisitionForm)
99 	    && Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT04HomelessKilledByMcCoy)
100 	    && (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueShippingForm)
101 	        || Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueWeaponsOrderForm))
103 #else
104 	    && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13OriginalRequisitionFormPlaced)
106 	) {
107 		Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13OriginalRequisitionFormPlaced);
108 		Item_Add_To_World(kItemWeaponsOrderForm, kModelAnimationOriginalRequisitionForm, kSetUG13, -209.01f, 70.76f, -351.79f, 0, 16, 12, false, true, false, true);
109 	}
110 }
MouseClick(int x,int y)112 bool SceneScriptUG13::MouseClick(int x, int y) {
113 	return false;
114 }
ClickedOn3DObject(const char * objectName,bool a2)116 bool SceneScriptUG13::ClickedOn3DObject(const char *objectName, bool a2) {
117 	if (Object_Query_Click("BOLLARD", objectName)) {
118 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 7.0f, 44.0f, -695.0f, 0, true, false, false)) {
119 			Actor_Face_Object(kActorMcCoy, "BOLLARD", true);
120 			if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp)) {
121 				Scene_Loop_Set_Default(1);
123 #else
124 				// start elevator sound, but wait a bit before starting the special loop
125 				Ambient_Sounds_Play_Sound(kSfxCARGELE2, 90, 0, 0, 100);
126 				Delay(1500);
128 				Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeOnce, 0, false);
129 				Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp);
130 				Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13CallElevator);
132 #else
133 				Unobstacle_Object("ELEVBLOCK", true);
135 				return true;
136 			} else {
137 				Scene_Loop_Set_Default(4);
138 				Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeOnce, 3, false);
139 				Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp);
140 				Scene_Exit_Remove(0);
142 #else
143 				Obstacle_Object("ELEVBLOCK", true);
145 				return true;
146 			}
147 		}
148 	}
149 	return false;
150 }
ClickedOnActor(int actorId)152 bool SceneScriptUG13::ClickedOnActor(int actorId) {
153 	if (actorId == kActorTransient
154 	 && Global_Variable_Query(kVariableChapter) == 4
155 	) {
156 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -248.0f, 44.0f, -390.0f, 12, true, false, false)) {
157 			Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true);
158 			if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) != 6
159 			 && Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) != 599
160 			) {
161 				if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13HomelessTalk1)) {
162 					Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true);
163 					Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13HomelessTalk1);
164 					Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5560, 13); // hey
165 					Actor_Says_With_Pause(kActorMcCoy, 5565, 3.0f, 18); // haven't i seen...?
166 					Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 70, 31); // Ah, always chasing.
167 					Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 80, 32); // Got that big dumb lox...
168 					Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5570, kAnimationModeTalk); // small world...
169 					Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 90, 32); // Hm, guess so
170 				} else if (!Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview1) || !Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview2)) {
171 					dialogueWithHomeless1();
172 				} else {
173 					Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 391);
174 					if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueFlaskOfAbsinthe)) {
175 						dialogueWithHomeless1();
176 					} else {
177 						Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true);
178 						Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5600, 14);               // Let me ask you
179 						Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 100, 53);            // sleeping, mumbling
180 						Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5605, 18);               // I'm talking to you...
181 						Actor_Start_Speech_Sample(kActorTransient, 110); // sleeping, mumbling
182 						Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 395);
183 					}
184 				}
185 			} else if (Random_Query(0, 1) == 1) {
186 				Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8590, 16);
187 			} else {
188 				Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8655, 15);
189 			}
190 		}
191 	}
192 	return false;
193 }
ClickedOnItem(int itemId,bool a2)195 bool SceneScriptUG13::ClickedOnItem(int itemId, bool a2) {
196 	if (itemId == kItemWeaponsOrderForm) {
197 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_Item(kActorMcCoy, kItemWeaponsOrderForm, 36, true, false)) {
198 			Actor_Face_Item(kActorMcCoy, kItemWeaponsOrderForm, true);
199 			Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueOriginalRequisitionForm, true, -1);
200 			Item_Remove_From_World(kItemWeaponsOrderForm);
201 			Item_Pickup_Spin_Effect(kModelAnimationOriginalRequisitionForm, 426, 316);
202 			Actor_Voice_Over(3950, kActorVoiceOver);
203 			Actor_Voice_Over(3960, kActorVoiceOver);
204 			Actor_Voice_Over(3970, kActorVoiceOver);
205 			Actor_Voice_Over(3980, kActorVoiceOver);
206 			Actor_Voice_Over(3990, kActorVoiceOver);
207 			Actor_Voice_Over(4000, kActorVoiceOver);
208 			return true;
209 		}
210 	}
211 	return false;
212 }
ClickedOnExit(int exitId)214 bool SceneScriptUG13::ClickedOnExit(int exitId) {
215 	if (exitId == 0) {
216 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -32.0f, 54.63f, -883.0f, 0, true, false, false)) {
217 			Player_Loses_Control();
218 			Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13toUG08);
219 			Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG08ElevatorUp);
220 			Set_Enter(kSetUG08, kSceneUG08);
221 			Scene_Loop_Start_Special(kSceneLoopModeChangeSet, 3, false);
222 		}
223 		return true;
224 	}
226 	if (exitId == 1) {
227 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, 39.0f, 52.94f, -528.0f, 0, true, false, false)) {
228 			Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13toUG15);
229 			Set_Enter(kSetUG15, kSceneUG15);
230 		}
231 		return true;
232 	}
234 	if (exitId == 2) {
235 		if (!Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -267.0f, 44.0f, -795.0f, 0, true, false, false)) {
236 			Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 830, false);
237 			Footstep_Sound_Override_On(3);
238 			Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 11, true, kAnimationModeIdle);
239 			Footstep_Sound_Override_Off();
240 			// This path is unreachable in the original game
241 			// Restore this condition only for hard mode. Probably occurs before meeting with Guzza is set
242 			if (_vm->_cutContent && Query_Difficulty_Level() == kGameDifficultyHard) {
243 				if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCallWithGuzza)) {
244 					// Passage to UG18 is locked
245 					// These lines of dialogue are not in the code of the original game
246 					if (Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) == 391
247 					    || Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) == 395
248 					    || Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) == 599
249 					) {
250 						Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 8522, 14); // Locked
251 					} else {
252 						Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5555, 14); // How do I get this thing open?
253 						Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 60, 31); // Nah, it only happens when they want it to open.
254 					}
255 					// turn back
256 					Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 325, false);
257 					Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 11, false, kAnimationModeIdle);
258 					return true;
259 				}
260 			}
261 			Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -477.0f, 141.9f, -870.0f, 0, false, false, false);
262 			Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13toUG18);
263 			Set_Enter(kSetUG18, kSceneUG18);
264 		}
265 		return true;
266 	}
268 	return false;
269 }
ClickedOn2DRegion(int region)271 bool SceneScriptUG13::ClickedOn2DRegion(int region) {
272 	return false;
273 }
SceneFrameAdvanced(int frame)275 void SceneScriptUG13::SceneFrameAdvanced(int frame) {
276 	if (frame == 94) {
277 		Ambient_Sounds_Play_Sound(kSfxCARGELE2, 90, 0, 0, 100);
278 	}
280 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13CallElevator)
281 	 && frame > 29
282 	 && frame < 91
283 	) {
284 		Scene_Exit_Add_2D_Exit(0, 394, 205, 464, 281, 0);
285 		Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG13CallElevator);
286 		//return true;
287 		return;
288 	}
290 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG08toUG13)
291 	 && frame < 25
292 	) {
293 		Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, true);
294 	} else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13toUG08)
295 	        && frame >= 94
296 	        && frame <= 120
297 	) {
298 		Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, true);
299 	} else {
300 		Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, false);
301 	}
302 	//return false;
303 	return;
304 }
ActorChangedGoal(int actorId,int newGoal,int oldGoal,bool currentSet)306 void SceneScriptUG13::ActorChangedGoal(int actorId, int newGoal, int oldGoal, bool currentSet) {
307 }
PlayerWalkedIn()309 void SceneScriptUG13::PlayerWalkedIn() {
310 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG18toUG13)) {
312 		Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -389.0f, 143.0f, -844.0f, 0, false, false, false);
313 #else
314 		Actor_Set_At_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -389.0f, 143.0f, -844.0f, 325);
316 		Actor_Face_Heading(kActorMcCoy, 325, false);
317 		Footstep_Sound_Override_On(3);
318 		Loop_Actor_Travel_Stairs(kActorMcCoy, 11, false, kAnimationModeIdle);
319 		Footstep_Sound_Override_Off();
320 		Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG18toUG13);
321 	} else if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG15toUG13)) {
322 		Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -12.0f, 44.0f, -528.0f, 0, false, false, false);
323 		Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG15toUG13);
324 	} else {
325 		// arrived from elevator (going down)
326 		Loop_Actor_Walk_To_XYZ(kActorMcCoy, -60.0f, 55.24f, -816.0f, 0, false, false, false);
327 		Game_Flag_Reset(kFlagUG08toUG13);
328 		Player_Gains_Control();
329 	}
331 	if ( Actor_Query_Goal_Number(kActorTransient) >= 390
332 	 && !Game_Flag_Query(kFlagCT04HomelessKilledByMcCoy)
333 	) {
334 		if (!Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13Entered)) {
335 			Game_Flag_Set(kFlagUG13Entered);
336 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 50, kAnimationModeTalk); // Hey, another one? ...
337 		} else {
338 			if (Random_Query(1, 3) == 1) {
339 				Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 395);
340 			}
341 		}
342 	}
343 	//return false;
344 }
PlayerWalkedOut()346 void SceneScriptUG13::PlayerWalkedOut() {
347 	Actor_Set_Invisible(kActorMcCoy, false);
348 	Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Looping_Sounds(1u);
349 	if (Game_Flag_Query(kFlagUG13toUG08)) {
350 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound(kSfxYELL1M2,  false);
351 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound(kSfxYELL1M3,  false);
352 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound(kSfxGRUNT1M1, false);
353 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound(kSfxGRUNT2M2, false);
354 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_Sound(kSfxGRUNT2M3, false);
355 	} else {
356 		Ambient_Sounds_Remove_All_Non_Looping_Sounds(true);
357 	}
358 }
DialogueQueueFlushed(int a1)360 void SceneScriptUG13::DialogueQueueFlushed(int a1) {
361 }
talkAboutGuzza()363 void SceneScriptUG13::talkAboutGuzza() {
364 	Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview2, false, kActorTransient);
365 	Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorTransient, kActorMcCoy, -10);
366 	Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 220, 30); // Bunch of times. Last time weren't that long ago.
367 	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5640, 19);    // What was he doing?
368 	Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 230, 33); // Collecting guns like always.
369 	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5645, 16);    // Handguns? A blaster like mine?
370 	Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 240, 30); // Handguns, rifles. A whole armful. Took them through that gate.
372 	Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 250, 33); // Dumped them it a sewer. They're gone now. You sure you ain't got nothing to drink?
373 #else
374 	if (!Actor_Clue_Query(kActorTransient, kClueFlaskOfAbsinthe)) {
375 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 250, 33); // Dumped them it a sewer. They're gone now. You sure you ain't got nothing to drink?
376 	}
379 	Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5650, 14);    // Can you describe him?
380 	Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 260, 32); // Eh, rough guy. Barks out orders a lot. Everybody listens when he's around. A natural.
381 }
dialogueWithHomeless1()383 void SceneScriptUG13::dialogueWithHomeless1() {
384 	Dialogue_Menu_Clear_List();
385 	DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1320, 6, 3, 1); // OTHERS
386 	if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview1)) {
387 		DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1330, 5, 8, 5); // FAT MAN
388 	}
389 	DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1340, 2, 4, 6); // SEWERS
390 	if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueFlaskOfAbsinthe)) {
391 		DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1350, 1, 3, 7); // GIVE FLASK
392 	}
393 	Dialogue_Menu_Add_DONE_To_List(1360); // DONE
395 	Dialogue_Menu_Appear(320, 240);
396 	int answer = Dialogue_Menu_Query_Input();
397 	Dialogue_Menu_Disappear();
399 	switch (answer) {
400 	case 1320: // OTHERS
401 		Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true);
402 		Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview1, false, kActorTransient);
403 		Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorTransient, kActorMcCoy, -5);
404 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5575, 16); // You said another one...
405 		if (_vm->_cutContent) {
406 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 130, 31); // You got something...?
407 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5580, 14); // A lot of people...?
408 		}
409 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 120, 31); // None of that are people...
410 		if (_vm->_cutContent) {
411 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 380, 32); // Skin-jobs, okay?
412 		}
413 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5610, 15); // How do you know...?
414 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 140, 32); // Are you kidding?
415 		if (_vm->_cutContent) {
416 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 150, 31); // Something funny about their eyes.
417 		}
418 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5615, 18); // Describe them...
419 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 160, 33); // Sure you don't got that drink?
420 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5620, 9); // Maybe later
421 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 170, 30); //Well, there's the Japanese guy with the coat and the glasses.
422 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5625, 12); // Skinny...?
423 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 180, 32); // Yeah! And the guy with the muscles and the funny hair.
424 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5630, 18); // Dreadlocks?
425 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 190, 32); // Right! Seen them twice. And a two headed guy and a fat man.
426 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5635, 15); // Fat man?
427 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 200, 31); // Nah, the other fat man. You know him.
428 		if (_vm->_cutContent) {
429 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 210, 31); // Saw him wail...
430 		}
431 		break;
433 	case 1330: // FAT MAN
434 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5585, 16); // How many times have you seen the fat man down here?
435 		talkAboutGuzza();
436 		break;
438 	case 1340: // SEWERS
439 		Actor_Modify_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorTransient, kActorMcCoy, -10);
440 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5590, 15); // This is where...?
441 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 270, 31); // You could call it that.
442 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5655, 16); // You know your way...?
443 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 280, 32); // You got anything to drink? My throat's awful dry.
444 		break;
446 	case 1350: // GIVE FLASK
447 		Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorTransient, kClueFlaskOfAbsinthe, false, kActorMcCoy);
448 		Actor_Says_With_Pause(kActorMcCoy, 5595, 1.0f, 23); // You still thirsty, pal?
449 		Item_Pickup_Spin_Effect(kModelAnimationFlaskOfAbsinthe, 193, 325);
450 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 290, 33); // Mucho obligado, senor.
451 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5660, 13); // Stay with me for a minute, pal.
452 		Actor_Clue_Lose(kActorMcCoy, kClueFlaskOfAbsinthe);
453 		dialogueWithHomeless2();
454 		break;
456 	case 1360: // DONE
457 		return;
459 	default:
460 		Actor_Face_Actor(kActorMcCoy, kActorTransient, true);
461 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5600, 14);               // Let me ask you
462 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 100, 53);            // sleeping, mumbling
463 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5605, 18);               // I'm talking to you...
464 		Actor_Start_Speech_Sample(kActorTransient, 110); // sleeping, mumbling
465 		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 395);
466 		break;
467 	}
468 }
dialogueWithHomeless2()470 void SceneScriptUG13::dialogueWithHomeless2() {
471 	// This occurs after the homeless guy gets the flask of absinthe
472 	// Note: McCoy can only ask one item from the dialogue menu
473 	Actor_Set_Friendliness_To_Other(kActorTransient, kActorMcCoy, 40);
474 	Dialogue_Menu_Clear_List();
475 	DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1370, 1, 1, 8); // DIRECTIONS
476 	DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1380, 1, 8, 1); // FAT MAN
477 	DM_Add_To_List_Never_Repeat_Once_Selected(1390, 8, 1, 1); // REPLICANTS
479 	Dialogue_Menu_Appear(320, 240);
480 	int answer = Dialogue_Menu_Query_Input();
481 	Dialogue_Menu_Disappear();
483 	switch (answer) {
484 	case 1370: // DIRECTIONS
485 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5665, 16); // This place is a maze
486 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 300, 32); // This is the sewers, man.
487 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5680, 19); // So what? I just follow my nose?
488 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 310, 33); // Noses get a little overworked down here.
489 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 330, 30); // You can get to it all from down here.
490 		Actor_Start_Speech_Sample(kActorTransient, 110); // sleeping, mumbling
491 		Actor_Set_Goal_Number(kActorTransient, 395);
492 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5685, 18); // Triple-A...
493 		break;
495 	case 1380: // FAT MAN
496 		if (Actor_Clue_Query(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManInterview2)) {
497 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5670, 9); // About that fat man you saw.
498 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 340, 31); // You're "kid".
499 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5690, 19); // Huh?
500 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 350, 32); // No, you're his kid. That's what it is.
501 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5695, 14); // How's that?
502 			Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 360, 33); // Hell, I seen you guys together. Three weeks ago.
503 			Actor_Voice_Over(2710, kActorVoiceOver);
504 			Actor_Voice_Over(2730, kActorVoiceOver);
505 			Actor_Clue_Acquire(kActorMcCoy, kClueHomelessManKid, false, kActorTransient);
506 		} else {
507 			// McCoy could also have asked about "Fat Man" before he gives the flask of absinthe
508 			// to the homeless man. But if he didn't then he'll only get the same conversation
509 			// that he would have got without giving him the flask.
511 #else
512 			// Re-use this line here, so the question is not so abrupt
513 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5670, 9); // About that fat man you saw.
515 			Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5700, 15); // He been down here a lot?
516 			talkAboutGuzza();
517 		}
518 		break;
520 	case 1390: // REPLICANTS
521 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5675, 9); // You say this place is crawling with Reps...
522 		Actor_Says(kActorTransient, 370, 32); // They ain't too bad. You don't mess with them, they don't mess with you.
523 		Actor_Says(kActorMcCoy, 5705, 10); // Uh-huh.
524 		break;
525 	}
526 }
528 } // End of namespace BladeRunner