1 /* $Id: board.c,v 1.5 2002/03/02 21:02:21 sverrehu Exp $ */
2 /**************************************************************************
3  *
4  *  FILE            board.c
5  *  MODULE OF       Card game.
6  *
7  *  WRITTEN BY      Sverre H. Huseby <shh@thathost.com>
8  *
9  **************************************************************************/
11 #include <stdlib.h>
12 #include <string.h>
13 #include <time.h>
15 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
16 #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
17 #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
19 #include <shhmsg.h>
20 #include <xalloc.h>
21 #include <shhcards.h>
23 #include "card.h"
24 #include "pile.h"
25 #include "game.h"
26 #include "win.h"
27 #include "board.h"
29 /**************************************************************************
30  *                                                                        *
31  *                       P R I V A T E    D A T A                         *
32  *                                                                        *
33  **************************************************************************/
35 /* number of pixels the cursor must move for each repaint of the
36  * dragged card. only when save_under is not supported. */
37 #define DRAG_QUANT 15
39 static int dragQuantSquared = 0;
40 static int multiClickTime = 200;
41 static Pile *popupPile = NULL;
42 static Pile *popupFromPile;
43 static int pointerX, pointerY;
44 static int lastPointerX, lastPointerY;
45 static int popupDeltaX, popupDeltaY;
46 static int popupWidth, popupHeight;
47 static XFontStruct *fontInfo = NULL;
48 static GC fontGC = 0;
49 static char *theText = NULL;
50 static Pixmap pileCache[NUM_PILES];
51 static GC  pileCacheGC;
55 /**************************************************************************
56  *                                                                        *
57  *                        P U B L I C    D A T A                          *
58  *                                                                        *
59  **************************************************************************/
61 Window  boardWin;
62 Window  boardPopup;
63 int     boardWidth = (CARD_WIDTH * 7 + CARD_SEP_X * 8);
64 int     boardHeight = (CARD_HEIGHT * 2 + CARD_SEP_Y * 3 + CARD_SHOW_Y * 12);
65 int     boardCardBackground = 0;
69 /**************************************************************************
70  *                                                                        *
71  *                   P R I V A T E    F U N C T I O N S                   *
72  *                                                                        *
73  **************************************************************************/
75 /* must be called after the pile characteristics are set up in game.c */
76 static void
boardInitPileCache(void)77 boardInitPileCache(void)
78 {
79     int               q;
80     XGCValues         gcv;
81     unsigned long     gcvMask = 0;
82     XColor            xc, xc2;
83     XWindowAttributes xa;
84     Pile              *p;
86     XAllocNamedColor(winDisplay,
87 		     DefaultColormap(winDisplay, DefaultScreen(winDisplay)),
88 		     BOARD_BACKGROUND_COLOR, &xc, &xc2);
89     gcv.background = gcv.foreground = xc.pixel;
90     gcvMask |= GCBackground | GCForeground;
91     gcv.graphics_exposures = 0;
92     gcvMask |= GCGraphicsExposures;
93     pileCacheGC = XtGetGC(boardWidget, gcvMask, &gcv);
94     XGetWindowAttributes(winDisplay, boardWin, &xa);
96     for (q = 0; q < NUM_PILES; q++) {
97 	p = pile[q];
98 	pileCache[q] = XCreatePixmap(winDisplay, boardWin,
99 				     p->maxWidth, p->maxHeight, xa.depth);
100     }
101 }
103 static void
boardFinishPileCache(void)104 boardFinishPileCache(void)
105 {
106     XtReleaseGC(boardWidget, pileCacheGC);
107 }
109 static void
boardDrawPileToPixmap(Pile * p,Pixmap pix)110 boardDrawPileToPixmap(Pile *p, Pixmap pix)
111 {
112     int  x, y, count;
113     Card *c;
115     count = 0;
116     x = 0;
117     y = 0;
118     XFillRectangle(winDisplay, pix, pileCacheGC,
119 		   x, y, p->maxWidth, p->maxHeight);
120     if (p->numCards == 0) {
121 	XFillRectangle(winDisplay, pix, pileCacheGC,
122 		       x, y, CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT);
123 	if (p->outline > -1)
124 	    cardDraw(pix, x, y, CARD_OUTLINE, p->outline);
125     } else {
126 	c = p->bottom;
127 	for (;;) {
128 	    if (c->frontUp)
129 		cardDraw(pix, x, y, c->suit, c->value);
130 	    else
131 		cardDraw(pix, x, y, CARD_BACKGROUND, boardCardBackground);
132 	    ++count;
133 	    if ((c = c->next) == NULL)
134 		break;
135 	    if (p->deltaEach > 0 && (count % p->deltaEach) == 0) {
136 		x += p->dx;
137 		y += p->dy;
138 	    } else if (p->deltaEach < 0
139 		       && count > p->numCards + p->deltaEach) {
140 		x += p->dx;
141 		y += p->dy;
142 	    }
143 	}
144     }
145 }
147 static Card *
boardFindCard(int cx,int cy)148 boardFindCard(int cx, int cy)
149 {
150     int  q, x, y, count;
151     Pile *p;
152     Card *c, *found = NULL;
154     for (q = 0; q < NUM_PILES; q++) {
155 	p = pile[q];
156 	if (!p || p->numCards == 0)
157 	    continue;
158 	count = 0;
159 	x = p->x;
160 	y = p->y;
161 	c = p->bottom;
162 	for (;;) {
163 	    if (cx >= x && cx <= x + CARD_WIDTH
164 		&& cy >= y && cy <= y + CARD_HEIGHT)
165 		found = c;
166 	    ++count;
167 	    if ((c = c->next) == NULL)
168 		break;
169 	    if (p->deltaEach > 0 && (count % p->deltaEach) == 0) {
170 		x += p->dx;
171 		y += p->dy;
172 	    } else if (p->deltaEach < 0
173 		       && count > p->numCards + p->deltaEach) {
174 		x += p->dx;
175 		y += p->dy;
176 	    }
177 	}
178 	if (found)
179 	    break;
180     }
181     return found;
182 }
184 static void
boardGetCardPos(Card * card,int * x,int * y)185 boardGetCardPos(Card *card, int *x, int *y)
186 {
187     int           count;
188     register Pile *p;
189     register Card *c;
191     if (!card) {
192 	*x = *y = 0;
193 	return;
194     }
195     p = card->pile;
196     count = 0;
197     *x = p->x;
198     *y = p->y;
199     c = p->bottom;
200     for (;;) {
201 	if (c == card)
202 	    break;
203 	++count;
204 	if ((c = c->next) == NULL)
205 	    break;
206 	if (p->deltaEach > 0 && (count % p->deltaEach) == 0) {
207 	    *x += p->dx;
208 	    *y += p->dy;
209 	} else if (p->deltaEach < 0
210 		   && count > p->numCards + p->deltaEach) {
211 	    *x += p->dx;
212 	    *y += p->dy;
213 	}
214     }
215 }
217 static void
boardGetPileCoords(Pile * p,int * x0,int * y0,int * x1,int * y1)218 boardGetPileCoords(Pile *p, int *x0, int *y0, int *x1, int *y1)
219 {
220     int tmp;
222     if (!p->numCards) {
223 	*x0 = p->x;
224 	*y0 = p->y;
225 	*x1 = *x0 + CARD_WIDTH;
226 	*y1 = *y0 + CARD_HEIGHT;
227 	return;
228     }
229     boardGetCardPos(p->bottom, x0, y0);
230     boardGetCardPos(p->top, x1, y1);
231     if (*x1 < *x0) {
232 	tmp = *x1;
233 	*x1 = *x0;
234 	*x0 = tmp;
235     }
236     if (*y1 < *y0) {
237 	tmp = *y1;
238 	*y1 = *y0;
239 	*y0 = tmp;
240     }
241     *x1 += CARD_WIDTH;
242     *y1 += CARD_HEIGHT;
243 }
245 static void
boardCreatePopup(void)246 boardCreatePopup(void)
247 {
248     XSetWindowAttributes xwa;
249     unsigned long attr = 0;
250     Arg args[1];
251     Pixel bg;
253     XtSetArg(args[0], XtNbackground, &bg);
254     XtGetValues(boardWidget, args, 1);
255     boardPopup = XCreateSimpleWindow(winDisplay, boardWin,
256 				     0, 0, 1, 1, /* x, y, w, h */
257 				     0, 0, bg);
258     if (XDoesSaveUnders(XtScreenOfObject(winMainWindow))) {
259 	xwa.save_under = 1;
260 	attr |= CWSaveUnder;
261     } else {
262 #if 0
263 	msgError("for some stupid reason, your X server doesn't "
264 		 "support save_under.\n"
265 		 "     card dragging will cause lots of flickering.\n");
266 #endif
267 	dragQuantSquared = DRAG_QUANT * DRAG_QUANT;
268     }
269     xwa.override_redirect = 1; /* no WM intervention */
270     attr |= CWOverrideRedirect;
271     XChangeWindowAttributes(winDisplay, boardPopup, attr, &xwa);
272     XSelectInput(winDisplay, boardPopup, ExposureMask);
273 }
275 static int
boardRectIntersect(int r0x0,int r0y0,int r0x1,int r0y1,int r1x0,int r1y0,int r1x1,int r1y1)276 boardRectIntersect(int r0x0, int r0y0, int r0x1, int r0y1,
277 		   int r1x0, int r1y0, int r1x1, int r1y1)
278 {
279     if ((r0x0 < r1x0 && r0x1 < r1x0)           /* outside left */
280 	|| (r0x0 > r1x1 && r0x1 > r1x1)        /* outside right */
281 	|| (r0y0 < r1y0 && r0y1 < r1y0)        /* outside above */
282 	|| (r0y0 > r1y1 && r0y1 > r1y1))       /* outside below */
283 	return 0;
284     return 1;
285 }
287 static void
boardGetIntersectingPiles(int xx0,int yy0,int xx1,int yy1,int intersect[],int * n)288 boardGetIntersectingPiles(int xx0, int yy0, int xx1, int yy1,
289 			  int intersect[], int *n)
290 {
291     int  q, x0, y0, x1, y1;
292     Pile *p;
294     *n = 0;
295     for (q = 0; q < NUM_PILES; q++) {
296 	if ((p = pile[q]) == NULL)
297 	    continue;
298 	boardGetPileCoords(p, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
299 	if (boardRectIntersect(x0, y0, x1, y1, xx0, yy0, xx1, yy1))
300 	    intersect[(*n)++] = q;
301     }
302 }
304 static void
boardLoadFont(void)305 boardLoadFont(void)
306 {
307     char *fontName[] = {
308 	"-adobe-utopia-bold-i-*-*-60-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
309 	"-bitstream-courier-bold-i-*-*-60-*-*-*-*-*-*-*",
310 	"-*-*-*-*-*-*-60-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1",
311 	"12x24",
312 	"fixed"
313     };
314     int q;
315     XGCValues gcv;
316     unsigned long gcvMask = 0;
317     XColor xc, xc2;
319     if (fontInfo)
320 	return;
321     for (q = 0; q < sizeof(fontName) / sizeof(char *); q++)
322 	if ((fontInfo = XLoadQueryFont(winDisplay, fontName[q])) != NULL)
323 	    break;
324     if (q == sizeof(fontName) / sizeof(char *)) {
325 	msgError("can't load a font\n");
326 	return;
327     }
328     gcv.font = fontInfo->fid;
329     gcvMask |= GCFont;
330     XAllocNamedColor(winDisplay,
331 		     DefaultColormap(winDisplay, DefaultScreen(winDisplay)),
332 		     "red", &xc, &xc2);
333     gcv.foreground = xc.pixel;
334     gcvMask |= GCForeground;
335     fontGC = XCreateGC(winDisplay, boardWin, gcvMask, &gcv);
336 }
338 static void
boardUpdateText(void)339 boardUpdateText(void)
340 {
341     int w, h, len;
343     if (!theText)
344 	return;
345     len = strlen(theText);
346     w = XTextWidth(fontInfo, theText, len);
347     h = fontInfo->ascent + fontInfo->descent;
348     XDrawString(winDisplay, boardWin, fontGC,
349 		(boardWidth - w) / 2,
350 		(boardHeight - h) / 2 + fontInfo->ascent,
351 		theText, len);
352     winFlush();
353 }
357 /**************************************************************************
358  *                                                                        *
359  *                    P U B L I C    F U N C T I O N S                    *
360  *                                                                        *
361  **************************************************************************/
363 void
boardInit(void)364 boardInit(void)
365 {
366     XSelectInput(winDisplay, boardWin,
367 		 ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask
368 		 | PointerMotionMask);
369     multiClickTime = XtGetMultiClickTime(winDisplay);
370     boardLoadFont();
371 }
373 void
boardFinish(void)374 boardFinish(void)
375 {
376     boardFinishPileCache();
377     if (fontInfo) {
378 	XFreeFont(winDisplay, fontInfo);
379 	fontInfo = NULL;
380     }
381     if (fontGC)
382 	XFreeGC(winDisplay, fontGC);
383     if (theText) {
384 	free(theText);
385 	theText = NULL;
386     }
387     XDestroyWindow(winDisplay, boardPopup);
388 }
390 void
boardInitGame(void)391 boardInitGame(void)
392 {
393     int q;
395     boardShowText(NULL);
396     XClearArea(winDisplay, boardWin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
397     for (q = 0; q < NUM_PILES; q++)
398 	boardUpdatePileCache(pile[q]);
399 }
401 void
boardFinishGame(void)402 boardFinishGame(void)
403 {
404 }
406 void
boardHandleEvent(XEvent * evt)407 boardHandleEvent(XEvent *evt)
408 {
409     switch (evt->type) {
410       case Expose:
411 	{
412 	    int q, intersect[NUM_PILES], n;
413 	    static int setupDone = 0;
415 	    if (!setupDone) {
416 		setupDone = 1;
417 		boardShowText("Be patient...");
418 		cardInit(winDisplay, boardWin);
419 		boardShowText(NULL);
420 		boardInitPileCache();
421 		gameInitGame();
422 		boardCreatePopup();
423 	    }
424 	    boardGetIntersectingPiles(evt->xexpose.x, evt->xexpose.y,
425 				      evt->xexpose.x + evt->xexpose.width,
426 				      evt->xexpose.y + evt->xexpose.height,
427 				      intersect, &n);
428 	    for (q = 0; q < n; q++)
429 		boardDrawPile(pile[intersect[q]], 0);
430 	    boardUpdateText();
431 	}
432 	break;
433       case ButtonPress:
434 	  {
435 	      Card *c;
436 	      int x, y;
437 	      int doubleClick;
438 	      static Card *lastCard = NULL;
439 	      static Time lastClickTime = 0;
441 	      if (!gameRunning || !XtIsSensitive(boardWidget) || popupPile)
442 		  break;
443 	      x = evt->xbutton.x;
444 	      y = evt->xbutton.y;
445 	      c = boardFindCard(x, y);
446 	      if (evt->xbutton.button == 1) {
447 		  pointerX = lastPointerX = x;
448 		  pointerY = lastPointerY = y;
449 		  if (c != NULL) {
450 		      doubleClick = (c == lastCard
451 				     && evt->xbutton.time
452 				     < lastClickTime + multiClickTime);
453 		      if (doubleClick) {
454 			  gameHandleDoubleClick(c);
455 		      } else {
456 			  gameHandleSingleClick(c);
457 			  lastCard = c;
458 			  lastClickTime = evt->xbutton.time;
459 		      }
460 		  } else if (x >= pile[0]->x
461 			     && x <= pile[0]->x + CARD_WIDTH
462 			     && y >= pile[0]->y
463 			     && y <= pile[0]->y + CARD_HEIGHT){
464 		      gameDrawNext();
465 		  }
466 	      } else if (evt->xbutton.button == 2
467 			 || evt->xbutton.button == 3) {
468 		  /* to be a little bit helpful, allow other buttons to work
469 		   * as doubleclicks. */
470 		  if (c != NULL)
471 		      gameHandleDoubleClick(c);
472 	      }
473 	  }
474 	break;
475       case ButtonRelease:
476 	if (!gameRunning || !XtIsSensitive(boardWidget))
477 	    break;
478 	if (evt->xbutton.button == 1)
479 	    boardStopDrag();
480 	break;
481       case MotionNotify:
482 	if (popupPile) {
483 	    int dx, dy;
485 	    dx = evt->xmotion.x - lastPointerX;
486 	    dy = evt->xmotion.y - lastPointerY;
487 	    pointerX = evt->xmotion.x;
488 	    pointerY = evt->xmotion.y;
489 	    if (dx * dx + dy * dy >= dragQuantSquared) {
490 		lastPointerX = pointerX;
491 		lastPointerY = pointerY;
492 		XMoveWindow(winDisplay, boardPopup,
493 			    pointerX - popupDeltaX, pointerY - popupDeltaY);
494 	    }
495 	}
496 	break;
497     }
498 }
500 void
boardHandlePopupEvent(XEvent * evt)501 boardHandlePopupEvent(XEvent *evt)
502 {
503     switch (evt->type) {
504       case Expose:
505 	if (evt->xexpose.count)
506 	    break;
507 	boardDrawPile(popupPile, 1);
508 	break;
509     }
510 }
512 void
boardDrawPile(Pile * p,int popup)513 boardDrawPile(Pile *p, int popup)
514 {
515     int pileNum;
517     if (!p)
518 	return;
519     if (popup)
520 	boardDrawPileToPixmap(p, boardPopup);
521     else {
522 	pileNum = gameFindPileNumOfPile(p);
523 	XCopyArea(winDisplay, pileCache[pileNum], boardWin, pileCacheGC,
524 		  0, 0, p->maxWidth, p->maxHeight, p->x, p->y);
525     }
526 }
528 void
boardUpdatePileCache(Pile * p)529 boardUpdatePileCache(Pile *p)
530 {
531     if (!p)
532 	return;
533     boardDrawPileToPixmap(p, pileCache[gameFindPileNumOfPile(p)]);
534 }
536 void
boardStartDragCardAndAbove(Card * c)537 boardStartDragCardAndAbove(Card *c)
538 {
539     int px, py, x0, y0, x1, y1;
541     boardGetCardPos(c, &px, &py);
542     popupDeltaX = pointerX - px;
543     popupDeltaY = pointerY - py;
544     popupFromPile = c->pile;
545     popupPile = pileMoveToNewPileFromCard(popupFromPile, c);
546     boardUpdatePileCache(popupFromPile);
547     boardDrawPile(popupFromPile, 0);
548     boardGetPileCoords(popupPile, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1);
549     popupWidth = x1 - x0;
550     popupHeight = y1 - y0;
551     XResizeWindow(winDisplay, boardPopup, popupWidth, popupHeight);
552     XMoveWindow(winDisplay, boardPopup, px, py);
553     XMapRaised(winDisplay, boardPopup);
554 }
556 void
boardStopDrag(void)557 boardStopDrag(void)
558 {
559     int  intersect[NUM_PILES], n;
560     int  popx0, popy0, popx1, popy1;
561     Pile *p;
563     if (!popupPile)
564 	return;
565     XUnmapWindow(winDisplay, boardPopup);
567     popx0 = lastPointerX - popupDeltaX;
568     popy0 = lastPointerY - popupDeltaY;
569     popx1 = popx0 + popupWidth;
570     popy1 = popy0 + popupHeight;
571     boardGetIntersectingPiles(popx0, popy0, popx1, popy1, intersect, &n);
572     p = gameCardDropped(popupFromPile, popupPile, intersect, n);
573     pileAddPileTop(p, popupPile);
574     boardUpdatePileCache(p);
575     boardDrawPile(p, 0);
576     pileDelete(popupPile);
577     popupPile = NULL;
578     gameCheckIfSolution();
579 }
581 void
boardShowText(const char * s)582 boardShowText(const char *s)
583 {
584     if (!fontInfo) {
585 	printf("%s\n", s);
586 	return;
587     }
588     if (theText)
589 	free(theText);
590     if (!s || *s == '\0') {
591 	theText = NULL;
592 	return;
593     }
594     theText = xstrdup(s);
595     boardUpdateText();
596 }