1Spellcast is a strange little strategy game, which I found
2on the Net and have implemented for X.
4Basically, two or more players try to vaporize each other
5with a wide assortment of wizardly spells. For the complete
6rules, see the man page (spellcast.6), which goes into
7exhaustive detail.
9Compiling should be straightforward; spellcast uses only
10Xlib, with no widget sets or other libraries.
12NOTE: Some (all?) versions of SunOS have a buggy
13realloc(), which causes spellcast to crash early and often.
14If you're on a Sparc and you have this problem, the fix
15is to compile with -lbsdmalloc. Uncomment the OTHERLIBS
16line in the Makefile.
18The Makefile begins with a few definitions which you
19can change:
20the directories where everything gets installed;
21the default fonts that the program tries to load (usually
22	times 14, helvetica 12, and fixed, in that order);
23the directory in which game transcripts are stored (usually
24	/tmp.)
26Type "make" or "make spellcast" to create the executable.
28"make stupid" will create a version of the game with a
29terribly stupid, text-only interface -- this is not very
30playable, and is really only good for testing. You enter
31all the players' moves in a single string at the prompt,
32and answer questions as they appear.
34The file spelllist.ps is a PostScript document showing all
35the available spells, in two columns: one sorted by gesture,
36and one sorted by name. By default, it will be installed as
39The original paper-and-pencil version of this game was
40created by Richard Bartle (76703.3042@compuserve.com).
41This implementation is by Andrew Plotkin
42(ap1i+@andrew.cmu.edu). It is copyright 1993 by Andrew
43Plotkin. The source code may be freely copied, distributed,
44and modified, as long as this copyright notice is retained. The
45source code and any derivative works may not be sold for
46profit without the permission of Andrew Plotkin and Richard