1 #pragma once
3 #include "trap-type.h"
5 struct trap_def
6 {
7     /// The position of the trap on the map
8     coord_def pos;
9     /// The type of trap
10     trap_type type;
11     /// The amount of ammo remaining. For web traps, if 1, destroy on exit.
12     short     ammo_qty;
14     bool is_mechanical() const;
15     dungeon_feature_type feature() const;
16     string name(description_level_type desc = DESC_PLAIN) const;
17     bool is_bad_for_player() const;
18     bool is_safe(actor* act = 0) const;
19     void trigger(actor& triggerer);
20     void destroy(bool known = false);
21     void hide();
22     void reveal();
23     void prepare_ammo(int charges = 0);
24     bool type_has_ammo() const;
25     bool active() const;
definedtrap_def26     bool defined() const { return active(); }
27     int max_damage(const actor& act);
28     int to_hit_bonus();
30 private:
31     void shoot_ammo(actor& act, bool was_known);
32     item_def generate_trap_item();
33     int shot_damage(actor& act);
34 };