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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Application.csH A D22-Dec-202120.5 KiB618522

Lexer.csH A D22-Dec-20215.1 KiB165143

LispWriter.csH A D22-Dec-20211.9 KiB7664

MakefileH A D22-Dec-2021310 1410

Parser.csH A D22-Dec-20212.4 KiB10388

READMEH A D22-Dec-2021238 74

TODOH A D22-Dec-2021164 75

Tile.csH A D22-Dec-202110.9 KiB311264

TileSet.csH A D22-Dec-20217.4 KiB244215

tiler.gladeH A D22-Dec-202137.9 KiB948884


1This Tool allows to edit supertux .stgt/.strf files in a comfortable manner.
2Warning: This tool is pre-alpha and meant for developers only.
4Compilation: You need to have mono and gtk-sharp installed
5in order to compile and run the app.