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4  <!ENTITY legal SYSTEM "legal.xml">
5  <!ENTITY appversion "2.12">
6  <!ENTITY manrevision "2.8">
7  <!ENTITY date "September 2004">
8  <!ENTITY app "<application>Tali</application>">
9  <!ENTITY appname "Tali">
10  <!ENTITY version "2.8">
14      (Do not remove this comment block.)
15  Maintained by the GNOME Documentation Project
16  http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp
17  Template version: 2.0 beta
18  Template last modified Feb 12, 2002
21<!-- =============Document Header ============================= -->
23<article id="index" lang="en">
24<!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to -->
25<!-- appropriate code -->
26  <articleinfo>
27    <title>&app; Manual</title>
28    <abstract role="description">
29      <para>
30	Tali is like Yahtzee for GNOME or like poker with dice. The player
31	rolls dice to try to make the best possible combinations, like
32	4 of a kind, small straight, and full house. The player is allowed
33	3 rolls per turn and can hold certain dice with each roll.
34      </para>
35    </abstract>
36    <copyright>
37      <year>2001</year>
38      <holder>Scott D. Heavner</holder>
39    </copyright>
41  <!-- translators: uncomment this:
43  <copyright>
44   <year>2000</year>
45   <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder>
46  </copyright>
48   -->
49<!-- An address can be added to the publisher information.  If a role is
50     not specified, the publisher/author is the same for all versions of the
51     document.  -->
52    <publisher>
53      <publishername> GNOME Documentation Project </publishername>
54    </publisher>
56   &legal;
57   <!-- This file  contains link to license for the documentation (GNU FDL), and
58        other legal stuff such as "NO WARRANTY" statement. Please do not change
59	any of this. -->
61    <authorgroup>
62      <author role="maintainer">
63	<firstname>Scott D</firstname>
64	<surname>Heavner</surname>
65	<affiliation>
66	  <address> <email>sdh@po.cwru.edu</email> </address>
67	</affiliation>
68      </author>
69<!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators,
70      maintainers,  etc. Commented out by default.
71       <othercredit role="translator">
72	<firstname>Latin</firstname>
73	<surname>Translator 1</surname>
74	<affiliation>
75	  <orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname>
76	  <address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address>
77	</affiliation>
78	<contrib>Latin translation</contrib>
79      </othercredit>
81    </authorgroup>
83	<releaseinfo revision="2.26" role="review"/>
85    <revhistory>
86      <revision>
87	<revnumber>&appname; Manual V&manrevision;</revnumber>
88	<date>&date;</date>
89	<revdescription>
90	  <para role="author">Scott D Heavner
91	    <email>sdh@po.cwru.edu</email>
92	  </para>
93	  <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para>
94	</revdescription>
95      </revision>
96    </revhistory>
98    <releaseinfo>This manual describes version &appversion; of &appname;.
99    </releaseinfo>
100    <!-- The following feedback information only applies to appliactions
101    listed in bugzilla.gnome.org and bugzilla.ximian.com. For other
102    applications, please provide your own feedback info or remove thsi
103    section altogether -->
104    <legalnotice>
105      <title>Feedback</title>
106      <para>To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the &app; application or this manual, visit
107      the <ulink url="https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tali/issues/">GNOME Issue Tracker</ulink>.
108      </para>
109<!-- Translators may also add here feedback address for translations -->
110    </legalnotice>
112  </articleinfo>
114  <indexterm zone="index">
115    <primary>GNOME Tali</primary>
116  </indexterm>
118 <!-- ============= Document Body ============================= -->
120  <sect1 id="intro">
121    <title>Introduction</title>
123    <para>
124       <application>GNOME Tali</application> is a sort of poker with
125       dice and less money.  You roll five dice three times and try to
126       create the best <quote>hand</quote>. Your two rerolls may include
127       any or all of your dice.
128    </para>
129    <para>
130      <application>GNOME Tali</application> is very similar to the
131      dice game Yahtzee which is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc.
132    </para>
134    <para>
135      To run <application>GNOME Tali</application>, select
136      <menuchoice>
137	<guisubmenu>Games</guisubmenu>
138	<guimenuitem>GNOME Tali</guimenuitem>
139      </menuchoice>
140      from the <guimenu>Main Menu</guimenu>, or type
141      <command>gtali</command> on the command line.
142    </para>
144    <para>
145      <application>GNOME Tali</application> is included in the
146      <filename>gnome-games</filename> package, which is part of the
147      GNOME desktop environment. This document describes version
148      &version; of <application>GNOME Tali</application>.
149    </para>
150  </sect1>
152  <sect1 id="playing">
153    <title>Playing GNOME Tali</title>
155    <figure id="shot1">
156      <title>GNOME Tali in action</title>
157      <screenshot>
158	 <mediaobject>
159    <imageobject>
160  <imagedata fileref="figures/mainwindow.png" format="PNG"
161	srccredit="Trevor Curtis"/>
162	</imageobject>
163    <textobject>
164      <phrase>GNOME Tali main window screenshot.</phrase>
165    </textobject>
166  </mediaobject>
167      </screenshot>
168    </figure>
170    <para>
171      When play starts, you see the results of your first throw of the
172      dice.
173    </para>
175      <orderedlist>
176        <listitem>
177          <para>Click on the dice you wish to roll again.
178	  </para>
179        </listitem>
180        <listitem>
181          <para>When you have selected all the dice you wish to reroll,
182            press the <guibutton>Roll!</guibutton> button.
183	  </para>
184        </listitem>
185        <listitem>
186	  <para>When you have a hand you like or have run out of chances
187          to throw the dice, click on a row corresponding to what you think
188          is your best scoring combination.  It is very possible to have
189          a score of zero and if you click on the wrong row, you
190          will be scored accordingly. (Say for example, you get
191          yahtzee -- 5 of a kind -- and click on the large straight row,
192          you will receive a zero in your large straight score).</para>
193      </listitem>
194    </orderedlist>
196    <para>You can only use each combination once, i.e. once you've entered
197      something in a slot, you can't change the score later if you roll a
198      better hand.
199    </para>
201    <para>There is one exception to this rule, if you roll 5 of a kind a
202     second time you can put it in the 5 of a kind row again for an extra
203     fifty points. You can keep doing this each time you get another
204     5 of a kind. At the end of the game you will be given extra rolls to
205     fill in the other rows. Be warned that if you score zero in your
206     5 of a kind row (i.e. you filled that row with something that wasn't
207     a 5 of a kind) then you can't put a 5 of a kind in afterward, zero is
208     all you will score.
209    </para>
211    <para>There is also a bonus of 35 points if you score a total of
212    63 points or more in the top six rows.
213    </para>
215    <sect2 id="keyboard">
216    <title>Using the keyboard</title>
218      <para>As an alternative to using the mouse, the keys 1 through 5
219    toggle the dice just as if you had clicked them. The key 1
220    corresponds to the first die and so on. Use the usual controls to
221    roll the dice and select a row. i.e. use tab to switch between the
222    roll button and the score area, use the arrow keys to navigate up
223    and down the rows and use space to select.</para>
225    </sect2>
227  </sect1>
229  <sect1 id="options">
230    <title>Game Options</title>
232    <figure id="shot2">
233      <title>GNOME Tali preferences</title>
234      <screenshot>
235	 <mediaobject>
236    <imageobject>
237  <imagedata fileref="figures/preferences.png" format="PNG"
238	srccredit="Trevor Curtis"/>
239	</imageobject>
240    <textobject>
241      <phrase>GNOME Tali preferences dialog box.</phrase>
242    </textobject>
243  </mediaobject>
244      </screenshot>
245    </figure>
246      <variablelist><title>Human Players</title>
247	<varlistentry>
248	  <term><guimenuitem>Number of players</guimenuitem></term>
249	  <listitem>
250            <para>Selects the number of human players.  As described
251	      above you are only allowed six total
252	      players.
253            </para>
254          </listitem>
255	</varlistentry>
256      </variablelist>
258    <variablelist><title>Computer Opponents</title>
259      <varlistentry>
260        <term><guimenuitem>Delay between rolls</guimenuitem></term>
261	<listitem>
262	  <para>Make the computer opponents pause between rolls
263	    of the dice so you can see what they are doing.  Slows down
264	    game play some.
265          </para>
266        </listitem>
267	</varlistentry>
268	<varlistentry>
269	  <term><guimenuitem>Number of opponents</guimenuitem></term>
270	  <listitem>
271            <para>Select the number of computer opponents.  You are allowed a
272	      total of six human and computer players.  If you attempt to
273	      increase this number near the limit, the number of human players
274	      will be decreased to maintain only six total
275	      players.
276            </para>
277          </listitem>
278	</varlistentry>
279      </variablelist>
281    <variablelist><title>Game Type</title>
282      <varlistentry>
283        <term><guimenuitem>Version of the game to play</guimenuitem></term>
284	<listitem>
285	  <para>Play either the regular version (similar to Yahtzee) or the
286	    version with colors (similar to Kismet).
287          </para>
288        </listitem>
289	</varlistentry>
290      </variablelist>
292      <variablelist>
293	<varlistentry>
294	    <term><guimenuitem>Player Names</guimenuitem></term>
295	    <listitem>
296	      <para>To change the names of the players just enter new
297	      names in the boxes.
298	      </para>
299	    </listitem>
300	</varlistentry>
301      </variablelist>
302    </sect1>
304    <sect1 id="strategy">
305      <title>Game Strategy</title>
306      <para>The 63 points needed for the bonus in the upper half
307      corresponds to getting three of each die type in each row. If
308      you score more than three dice in the fives and sixes rows then
309      you can afford to place a bad roll in either the ones row or the
310      twos row and still get the bonus.
311      In the Colors version, you get a bonus of 55 if your upper half total
312      is between 71 and 77, and a bonus of 75 if your upper half total is
313      greater than 77.
314      </para>
315      <para>Don't forget about multiple 5 of a kinds, if you roll a second
316       5 of a kind you can also put it in the 5 of a kind row for even more
317       points. This only applies to the regular game.
318      </para>
319    </sect1>
320 <!-- ============= Bugs ================================== -->
321 <!-- This section should describe known bugs and limitations of
322      the program if there are any - please be frank and list all
323      problems you know of.
325      Better to leave this section out than to say something unhelpful.
328 <sect1 id="bugs">
329  <title>Known Bugs and Limitations</title>
330  <para>
331   When you switch game type, the game does not use the new dice images
332   until you restart gtali. It should play correctly with the "wrong" dice.
333  </para>
334 </sect1>
337 <sect1 id="glossary">
338   <title>Glossary</title>
339   <note>
340     <para>Remember that the order of the dice is not important.</para>
341   </note>
342   <glossary>
343       <glossentry id="threeofakind"><glossterm>3 of a Kind</glossterm>
344         <glossdef><para>
345	   Three of the dice have the same number. The score is the
346   total of all the dice. e.g. 1, 2, 2, 2, 5.
347	 </para></glossdef>
348       </glossentry>
349       <glossentry id="fourofakind"><glossterm>4 of a Kind</glossterm>
350         <glossdef><para>
351	   Four of the dice have the same number. The score is the
352   total of all the dice. e.g. 2, 5, 5, 5, 5.
353   In the Colors game, the score is 25 plus the total of all the dice.
354	 </para></glossdef>
355       </glossentry>
356       <glossentry id="yahtzee"><glossterm>5 of a Kind</glossterm>
357         <glossdef><para>
358	   Five identical dice. e.g. 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.
359   In the Colors game, the score is 50 plus the total of all the dice.
360	 </para></glossdef>
361       </glossentry>
362       <glossentry id="fullhouse"><glossterm>Full House</glossterm>
363         <glossdef><para>
364	   Five dice consisting of two groups: One group of three with
365   the same numbers and another group of two with the same
366   numbers. e.g. 1, 1, 1, 4, 4.
367   In the Colors game, the score is 15 plus the total of all the dice.
368	 </para></glossdef>
369       </glossentry>
370       <glossentry id="fullhousesamecolor"><glossterm>Full House Same Color</glossterm>
371         <glossdef><para>
372       This category is only used in the Colors game.
373   Five dice consisting of two groups: One group of three with
374   the same numbers and another group of two with the same
375   numbers. The numbers must be all the same color. e.g. 3, 3, 3, 4, 4.
376   Two dice are the same color if their numbers total 7: 1 and 6 are black,
377   2 and 5 are red, and 3 and 4 are green.
378   The score is 20 plus the total of all the dice.
379	 </para></glossdef>
380       </glossentry>
381       <glossentry id="twopairsamecolor"><glossterm>Two Pair Same Color</glossterm>
382         <glossdef><para>
383       This category is only used in the Colors game.
384   Five dice consisting of two groups: One group of two with
385   the same numbers and another group of two with the same
386   numbers. The pairs must be all the same color. e.g. 3, 3, 4, 4.
387   Two dice are the same color if their numbers total 7: 1 and 6 are black,
388   2 and 5 are red, and 3 and 4 are green. The fifth die can be any value.
389   The score is the total of all the dice.
390	 </para></glossdef>
391       </glossentry>
392       <glossentry id="flush"><glossterm>Flush</glossterm>
393         <glossdef><para>
394       This category is only used in the Colors game.
395   Five dice that are all the same "color":
396   Two dice are the same color if their numbers total 7: 1 and 6 are black,
397   2 and 5 are red, and 3 and 4 are green. The score is 35 points.
398	 </para></glossdef>
399       </glossentry>
400       <glossentry id="largestraight"><glossterm>Large Straight</glossterm>
401         <glossdef><para>
402	   Five dice with consecutive numbers. e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
403   The score is 40 points.
404	 </para></glossdef>
405       </glossentry>
406       <glossentry id="smallstraight"><glossterm>Small Straight</glossterm>
407         <glossdef><para>
408	   Four dice with consecutive numbers. The fifth die can be
409   any number. e.g. 2, 3, 4, 5, 5.
410   This category is only used in the regular game.
411   The score is 30 points.
412	 </para></glossdef>
413       </glossentry>
414   </glossary>
415 </sect1>
418<!-- ============= Authors ================================ -->
420 <sect1 id="authors">
421  <title>Authors</title>
422  <para>
423   <application>GNOME Tali</application> was written by Scott Heavner
424   (<email>sdh@po.cwru.edu</email>) and Orest Zborowski.
425   This manual was written by Scott D Heavner
426   (<email>sdh@po.cwru.edu</email>) with extra material added by
427   Callum McKenzie (<email>callum@physics.otago.ac.nz</email>).
428   To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding this application or
429   this manual, follow the directions in this
430   <ulink url="ghelp:user-guide?feedback-bugs" type="help">document</ulink>.
431  </para>
434  <!-- For translations: uncomment this:
436  <para>
437   Latin translation was done by ME
438   (<email>MYNAME@MYADDRESS</email>). Please send all  comments  and
439   suggestions regarding this translation to SOMEWHERE.
440  </para>
442  -->
444 </sect1>
446 <!-- ============= Application License ============================= -->
448 <sect1 id="license">
449  <title>License</title>
450  <para>
451   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
452   modify it under the terms of the  <ulink type="help" url="help:gpl">
453    <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle></ulink> as
454   published by the Free Software Foundation;
455   either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
456   version.
457  </para>
458  <para>
459   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
460   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
462   <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> for more details.
463  </para>
464  <para>
465   A copy of the <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> is
466   included as an appendix to the <citetitle>GNOME Users
467   Guide</citetitle>.  You may also obtain a copy of the
468   <citetitle>GNU General Public License</citetitle> from the Free
469   Software Foundation by visiting <ulink type="http"
470   url="http://www.fsf.org">their Web site</ulink> or by writing to
471   <address>
472    Free Software Foundation, Inc.
473    <street>59 Temple Place</street> - Suite 330
474    <city>Boston</city>, <state>MA</state> <postcode>02111-1307</postcode>
475    <country>USA</country>
476   </address>
477  </para>
478 </sect1>