1 /* #define DEBUG */
2 /* #define VERBOSE */
4 /*
5 * Enable verbose logging if requested on platforms that support it.
6 *
7 * Verbose logging adds metadata to printf, including the source file location
8 * from where printf was called and the time it was called at runtime.
9 */
10 #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(VERBOSE) && defined(__GNUC__)
11 #include <stdio.h>
12 #include <time.h>
14 #define printf(args...) do { \
15     time_t now = time(NULL); \
16     printf("\n### %s, line %d in %s() @ %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, ctime(&now)); \
17     printf(args); \
18 } while(0)
19 #endif
22 /*
23 * Define a convenience macro DEBUG_PRINTF().  This macro resolves to printf()
24 * if and only if DEBUG is enabled, otherwise resolves to nothing.  In other
25 * words,
26 *
27 *   DEBUG_PRINTF("Hello, world!\n");
28 *
29 * ... is equivalent to:
30 *
31 *   #if defined(DEBUG)
32 *   printf("Hello, world!\n");
33 *   #endif
34 *
35 * (To be precise, the semicolon falls outside of the #if test, but an empty
36 * semicolon resolves to nothing in standard C.)
37 *
38 * If VERBOSE logging is enabled, DEBUG_PRINTF should resolve to the verbose
39 * version of printf() defined earlier in this file.
40 */
41 #if defined(DEBUG)
42 #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
43 #else
44 #define DEBUG_PRINTF(...)
45 #endif