2 #ifndef KINGDOM_HPP
3 #define KINGDOM_HPP
5 /* "Species" - a CoreWars evolver.  Copyright (C) 2003 'Varfar'
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
9  * Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later
10  * version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
14  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
15  * more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
18  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
19  * 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20  */
22 #include "species.hpp"
24 class CKingdomFile {
25 	friend class CKingdom;
26 	public:
27 		CKingdomFile();
28 	protected:
29 		std::string _filename;
30 		FILE *_f;
31 		void writeKingdom(const CGeneration::NUM generation,const CWarrior::TUid uid);
32 		void readKingdom(CGeneration::NUM &generation,CWarrior::TUid &uid);
33 };
35 class CKingdom {
36 	public:
37 		CKingdom();
38 		~CKingdom();
39 		void load(const bool runnable = true); // if false, a lazy load is allowed
40 		void save();
41 		void clear(); /* clears all the genera */
in_experiment() const42 		bool in_experiment() const { return _in_experiment; }
size() const43 		int size() const { return _num_genera; }
coresize() const44 		int coresize() const { return _coresize; }
processes() const45 		int processes() const { return _processes; }
cycles() const46 		int cycles() const { return _cycles; }
minsep() const47 		int minsep() const { return _minsep; }
rounds() const48 		int rounds() const { return _rounds; }
pspacesize() const49 		int pspacesize() const { return _pspacesize; }
TUid_NEXT()50 		CWarrior::TUid TUid_NEXT() { return ++_uid; }
TUid_CUR() const51 		CWarrior::TUid TUid_CUR() const { return _uid; }
generation() const52 		CGeneration::NUM generation() const { return _generation; }
53 		void set_generation(const CGeneration::NUM num);
num_genera() const54 		int num_genera() const { return _num_genera; }
55 		int num_evolving_species() const;
56 		int num_evolved_warriors() const;
57 		int num_warriors() const; /* returns a trivia number of warriors 'live' in the kingdom at this time */
58 		void fight(); /* this will actually do all the fights for a generation */
fitness() const59 		CFitness *fitness() const { return _fitness; }
length() const60 		CLength *length() const { return _length; }
freq() const61 		CInstGenerator *freq() const { return _freq; }
operands() const62 		COperand *operands() const { return _operands; }
reproduction() const63 		CReproduction *reproduction() const { return _reproduction; }
benchmark() const64 		CSpecies *benchmark() const { return _benchmark_species; }
benchmark_n() const65 		float benchmark_n() const { return _benchmark_n; }
benchmark_candidate() const66 		int benchmark_candidate() const { return _benchmark_candidate; }
67 		void core_check() const;
hill() const68 		const std::string &hill() const { return _hill; }
author() const69 		const std::string &author() const { return _author; }
email() const70 		const std::string &email() const { return _email; }
71 		CWarrior *warrior(const CWarrior::TUid uid) const; /* fetch a particular warrior from this kingdom; NULL if not present */
72 		// array index accessors
73 		CGenus &genus(unsigned index) const;
74 	protected:
75 		bool _in_experiment;
76 		CFitness *_fitness;
77 		CLength *_length;
78 		CInstGenerator *_freq;
79 		COperand *_operands;
80 		CReproduction *_reproduction;
GEN_NEXT()81 		int GEN_NEXT() { return ++_generation; }
82 		CGeneration::NUM _generation;
83 		CWarrior::TUid _uid;
84 		int _num_genera;
85 		CGenus **_genus,
86 			*_benchmark_genus;
87 		CSpecies *_benchmark_species;
88 		int _benchmark_candidate;
89 		float _benchmark_n;
90 		std::string _hill,
91 			_author,
92 			_email;
93 		bool _mars_prepared;
94 		void alloc_mars();
95 		void dealloc_mars();
96 		insn_t *_core; /* the actual mars core */
97 		int	/* key core metrics */
98 			_coresize, /* size of core */
99 			_processes, /* max. number of processes per warrior */
100 			_cycles, /* cycles until tie */
101 			_rounds, /* rounds per match */
102 			_minsep, /* minimum separation between warriors */
103 			_pspacesize; /* size of pspace */
104 		CKingdomFile *_kingdom_file;
105 		void read_ini(INIFile &ini);
106 		void write_ini(std::ostream &os);
107 };
109 #endif // ifdef KINGDOM_HPP