1 /*
2  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
3  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
4  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
5  *  (at your option) any later version.
6  *
7  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
8  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
10  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
11  *
12  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
13  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
14  *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
15  */
17 #ifndef GENERATE_H
18 #define GENERATE_H
20 typedef struct GenerateFunctions GenerateFunctions;
22 #include "types.h"
23 #include "planets.h"
24 #include "libs/compiler.h"
26 #if defined(__cplusplus)
27 extern "C" {
28 #endif
30 /*
31  * To do (for further cleanups):
32  * - split off generateOrbital in a calculation and an activation
33  *   (graphics and music) part.
34  * - make generateOrbital return a meaningful value, specifically, whether
35  *   or not the player is going into orbit
36  * - for GenerateNameFunction, set the name in an argument, instead
37  *   of in GLOBAL_SYS(PlanetName)
38  * - make generateName work for moons
39  * - add parameters to initNcs, reinitNpcs, and uninitNpcs, so that
40  *   globals don't have to be used.
41  * - Add a reference from each world to the solar system, so that most
42  *   of these functions can do with one less argument.
43  * - (maybe) don't directly call the generate functions via
44  *   solarSys->genFuncs->..., but use a function for this, which first
45  *   checks for solar system dependent handlers, and if this does not exist,
46  *   or returns false, calls the default function.
47  */
49 // Any of these functions returning true means that the action has been
50 // handled, and that the default function should not be called.
51 typedef bool (*InitNpcsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys);
52 typedef bool (*ReinitNpcsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys);
53 typedef bool (*UninitNpcsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys);
54 typedef bool (*GeneratePlanetsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys);
55 typedef bool (*GenerateMoonsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys,
56 		PLANET_DESC *planet);
57 typedef bool (*GenerateOrbitalFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys,
58 		PLANET_DESC *world);
59 typedef bool (*GenerateNameFunction)(const SOLARSYS_STATE *,
60 		const PLANET_DESC *world);
61 // The following functions return the number of objects being generated
62 // (or the index of the current object in some cases)
63 typedef COUNT (*GenerateMineralsFunction)(const SOLARSYS_STATE *,
64 		const PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode, NODE_INFO *);
65 typedef COUNT (*GenerateEnergyFunction)(const SOLARSYS_STATE *,
66 		const PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode, NODE_INFO *);
67 typedef COUNT (*GenerateLifeFunction)(const SOLARSYS_STATE *,
68 		const PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode, NODE_INFO *);
69 // The following functions return true if the node should be removed
70 // from the surface, i.e. picked up.
71 typedef bool (*PickupMineralsFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys,
72 		PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode);
73 typedef bool (*PickupEnergyFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys,
74 		PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode);
75 typedef bool (*PickupLifeFunction)(SOLARSYS_STATE *solarSys,
76 		PLANET_DESC *world, COUNT whichNode);
79 struct GenerateFunctions {
80 	InitNpcsFunction initNpcs;
81 			// Ships in the solar system, the first time it is accessed.
82 	ReinitNpcsFunction reinitNpcs;
83 			// Ships in the solar system, every next time it is accessed.
84 	UninitNpcsFunction uninitNpcs;
85 			// When leaving the solar system.
86 	GeneratePlanetsFunction generatePlanets;
87 			// Layout of planets within a solar system.
88 	GenerateMoonsFunction generateMoons;
89 			// Layout of moons around a planet.
90 	GenerateNameFunction generateName;
91 			// Name of a planet.
92 	GenerateOrbitalFunction generateOrbital;
93 			// Characteristics of words (planets and moons).
94 	GenerateMineralsFunction generateMinerals;
95 			// Minerals on the planet surface.
96 	GenerateEnergyFunction generateEnergy;
97 			// Energy sources on the planet surface.
98 	GenerateLifeFunction generateLife;
99 			// Bio on the planet surface.
100 	PickupMineralsFunction pickupMinerals;
101 	PickupEnergyFunction pickupEnergy;
102 	PickupLifeFunction pickupLife;
103 };
105 #if defined(__cplusplus)
106 }
107 #endif
109 #endif  /* GENERATE_H */