2; Defines general parameters of the game for which wadfiles are intended.
4;       Name            textual name for internal use
5;       IWAD            standard 8.3 base name and extension of main wadfile
6;       NewMap          default name for new map -- dictates format for all maps
7;       Directory       directory in which main wadfile (and game files) reside
8;       Run                     command to execute (from the directory) for running a map
16Run=vavoom.exe -heretic -progs progs/heretic/ -file $_Wadfile +map E1M1
17;Run=vavoom.exe -heretic -file $_Wadfile
19; Defines parameters of the default sector motif created when no motif
20; file can be located at startup.
32; Defines parameters of the default door motif created when no motif
33; file can be located at startup.
41; Defines parameters of the default stair motif created when no motif
42; file can be located at startup.
52;       ID                              used to classify things
53;       Flags                   supplies some additional information:
54;                                               0x0001 - indicate thing facing angle
55;       Red                             red value for drawing things of said class
56;       Green                   green value for drawing things of said class
57;       Blue                    blue value for drawing things of said class
58;       Name                    textual description of class
610x001   0x0001  255     255     255     Start
620x002   0x0001  255     0       0       Enemy
630x003   0x0000  255     255     0       Key
640x004   0x0000  0       192     0       Armor
650x005   0x0000  128     128     0       Weapon
660x006   0x0000  192     192     0	    Ammo
670x007   0x0000  0       255     255     Powerup
680x008   0x0000  192     192     192     Scenery
690x009   0x0000  96      96      96      Sounds
700x00a   0x0001  255     0       255     Teleport
710x00b   0x0000  0       0       255     Healing
720x00c   0x0000  192     0       0       Hazard
730x00d   0x0001  0       128     255     Special
740x00e   0x0000  96      96      96      Sound sequences
750x00f   0x0000  128     255     128     Particle effects
760x010	0x0001	128		128		255		Cameras
770x011	0x0000	255		128		128		Slopes
780x012	0x0000	255		255		255		Static/Dynamic Lights
80;       ID                      used to uniquely identify things in a map
81;       Class                   classification (defined above)
82;       Size                    approximate thing size (in map units)
83;       Sprite                  name of the sprite to use for display purposes
84;       Name                    textual description of thing
870x001   1       32      playa1          Player 1 *( number, -, -, -, - )
880x002   1       32      playa1          Player 2 *( number, -, -, -, - )
890x003   1       32      playa1          Player 3 *( number, -, -, -, - )
900x004   1       32      playa1          Player 4 *( number, -, -, -, - )
910x005   2       40      impxa1      	Gargoyle leader
920x006   2       64      heada1      	Ironlich
930x007   2       40      srcra1      	D'Sparil
940x008   6       20      bagha0      	Bag of holding
950x009   2       80      mntrv1      	Maulotaur
960x00a   6       20      amg1a0      	Wand crystal (10)
970x00b   1       32      playf1      	Deathmatch
980x00c   6       20      amg2a0     		Wand crystal (50)
990x00d   6       20      amm1a0      	Mace spheres (20)
1000x00e   10      20      teleg0      	Destination
1010x00f   2       40      wzrda1      	Disciple of D'Sparil
1020x010   6       20      amm2a0      	Mace spheres (100)
1030x011   8       20      skh1a0      	Skull hang (70)
1040x012   6       20      amc1a0      	Crossbow bolts (5)
1050x013   6       20      amc2a0      	Crossbow quiver (20)
1060x014   6       20      ams1a0      	Hellstaff lesser runes (20)
1070x015   6       20      ams2a0      	Hellstaff greater runes (100)
1080x016   6       20      amp1a0      	Phoenix orb (1)
1090x017   6       20      amp2a0      	Phoenix orb (10)
1100x018   8       20      skh2a0      	Skull hang (60)
1110x019   8       20      skh3a0      	Skull hang (45)
1120x01a   8       20      skh4a0      	Skull hang (35)
1130x01b   8       20      srtca0      	Serpent torch
1140x01c   8       20      chdlb0      	Chandelier
1150x01d   8       20      smpla0      	Small pillar
1160x01e   7       20      eggca0      	Morph ovum
1170x01f   4       20      shd2a0      	Enchanted shield
1180x020   7       20      artisphl        Mystic urn
1190x021   7       20      artitrch        Torch
1200x022   7       20      artifbmb        Time bomb of the ancients
1210x023   7       20      spmpa0      	Map scroll
1220x024   7       20      artiatlp        Chaos device
1230x025   8       20      stgsa0      	Stalagmite (small)
1240x026   8       20      stgla0      	Stalagmite (large)
1250x027   8       20      stcsa0      	Stalactite (small)
1260x028   8       20      stcla0      	Stalactite (large)
1270x029   9       20      telea0      	Waterfall (continuous)
1280x02a   9       20      telea0      	Wind (continuous)
1290x02b   12      20      ppodk0      	Pod spawner
1300x02c   12      20      barla0      	Barrel
1310x02d   2       40      mummy1      	Nitrogolem
1320x02e   2       40      mummy5      	Nitrogolem ghost
1330x02f   8       20      brpla0      	Brown pillar
1340x030   8       20      mos1a0      	Moss (three)
1350x031   8       20      mos2a0      	Moss (one)
1360x032   8       20      wtrhc0      	Wall torch
1370x033   8       20      hcora0      	Hanging corpse
1380x034   8       20      tgltg0      	Blue glitter
1390x035   5       20      wblsa0      	Dragon claw
1400x036   6       20      amb1a0      	Energy orb (10)
1410x037   6       20      amb2a0      	Energy orb (25)
1420x038   2       20      sor2i0      	D'Sparil teleport spot
1430x040   2       32      kniga1      	Undead warrior
1440x041   2       32      kniga5      	Undead warrior ghost
1450x042   2       40  	impxb1         	Gargoyle
1460x044   2       40      mumme1      	Golem
1470x045   2       40      mumme5      	Golem ghost
1480x046   2       50      beasa1      	Weredragon
1490x049   3       20      akyya0      	Green key
1500x04a   8       20      tgltb0      	Red glitter
1510x04b   7       20      artiinvs        Invisibility
1520x04c   8       20      kfr1a0      	Fire brazier
1530x04f   3       20      bkyya0      	Blue key
1540x050   3       20      ckyya0      	Yellow key
1550x051   11      20      ptn1a0      	Crystal vial (10)
1560x052   11      20      artiptn2        Quartz flask (25)
1570x053   7       20      artisoar        Wings of wrath
1580x054   7       20      artiinvu        Ring of invulnerability
1590x055   4       20      shlda0      	Silver shield
1600x056   7       20      artipwbk        Tome of power
1610x057   8       20      vlcoe0     		Volcano
1620x05a   2       20      clnka1      	Sabreclaw
1630x05c   2       40      snkea1      	Ophidian
1640x05e   8       20      kgzba0      	Blue orb
1650x05f   8       20      kgzga0      	Green orb
1660x060   8       20      kgzya0      	Yellow orb
1670x4b0   9       20      telea0      	Scream
1680x4b1   9       20      telea0      	Squish
1690x4b2   9       20      telea0      	Water drops
1700x4b3   9       20      telea0      	Slow footsteps
1710x4b4   9       20      telea0      	Heartbeat
1720x4b5   9       20      telea0      	Bells
1730x4b6   9       20      telea0      	Growl
1740x4b7   9       20      telea0      	Magic
1750x4b8   9       20      telea0      	Laughter
1760x4b9   9       20      telea0      	Running footsteps
1770x578   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 0
1780x579   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 1
1790x57a   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 2
1800x57b   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 3
1810x57c   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 4
1820x57d   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 5
1830x57e   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 6
1840x57f   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 7
1850x580   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 8
1860x581   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 9
1870x582   14      20      teleh0          Sector sound sequence 10
1880x5dc   17      20      puf4b0          Floor slope
1890x5dd   17      20      puf4b0          Ceiling slope
1900x5de   18      20      fx01e0          Static light *( radius, -, -, -, - )
1910x5df   18      20      fx01e0          Static colored light *( radius, r, g, b, - )
1920x5e0   17      20      puf4b0          Vertex floor height
1930x5e1   17      20      puf4b0          Vertex ceiling height
1940x7d1   5       20      wbowa0      	Crossbow
1950x7d2   5       20      wmcea0      	Mace
1960x7d3   5       20      wphxa0      	Phoenix rod
1970x7d4   5       20      wskla0      	Hellstaff
1980x7d5   5       20      wgnta0      	Gauntlets
1990x7f3   12      20      ppoda0      	Pod
2000x2340  13      10      fx17b0          Patrol pt *( next, delay, -, -, - )
2010x2341  16      16      fx17b0          Security Camera *( pitch, angles, speed, -, - )
2020x2342  15      20      fx18q0          Sparks *( amount, -, -, -, - )
2030x2343  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (red)
2040x2344  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (green)
2050x2345  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (blue)
2060x2346  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (yellow)
2070x2347  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (purple)
2080x2348  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (black)
2090x2349  15      20      fx18q0          Fountain (white)
2100x2357  13      10      fx17b0          Patrol special
2110x236e	16		16		fx17b0			Interp pt *( pitch, traveltime, holdtime, next, hinext )
2120x236f	16		16		fx17b0			Path follower *( pt, hipt, bLinear, -, - )
2130x2370	16		16		fx17b0			Moving camera *( pt, hipt, bLinear, lookat, - )
2140x2371	16		16		fx17b0			Aiming camera *( pitch, maxang, maxpitch, tid, - )
2150x2372	16		16		aclob0			Actor mover *( pt, hipt, bLinear, tid, - )
2160x2373	16		16		aclod0			Interp special
2170x2454  13      20      telea0      	Polyobject anchor
2180x2455  13      20      telea0      	Start spot
2190x2456  13      20      telea0      	Start spot w/crush
2200x2648	18	10	fx01e0		Point Light *( red, green, blue, radius, - )
2210x2649	18	10	fx01e0		Pulse Light *( red, green, blue, minradius, maxradius )
2220x2650	18	10	fx01e0		Flickering Light *( red, green, blue, minradius, maxradius )
2230x2651	18	10	fx01e0		Sector Light *( red, green, blue, radius, scale )
2240x2652	18	10	fx01e0		Randomly flickering Light *( red, green, blue,  minradius, maxradius )
2250x36f2  9       20      telea0      	Sound sequence *( number, mode, -, -, - )
227;	ID				used to classify linedefs
228;	Name			textual description of class
230;	Note:	When converting a sector to a door, the linedef types
231;			available are those in class number two.
2340x001   Special
2350x002   Door
2360x003   Ceiling
2370x004   Lift
2380x005   Floor
2390x006   Pillar
2400x007   Stairs
2410x008   ACS
2420x009   Scroll
2430x00a   Thing
2440x00b   Teleport
2450x00c   Lighting
2460x00d   Polyobject
2470x00e   Exit
2480x00f   Elevator
250;       ID
251;       class
252;       description
256; Special
2570x021	1	ForceField( -, -, -, -, - )
2580x022	1	ClearForceField( tag, -, -, -, - )
2590x031	1	GlassBreak( noJunk, alpha, -, -, - )
2600x078	1	Earthquake( intensity, duration, damrad, tremrad, tag )
2610x079	1	Line_SetIdentification( line, -, -, -, - )
2620x081	1	UsePuzzleItem( item, script, sArg0, sArg1, sArg2 )
2630x08c	1	Sector_ChangeSound( tag, sound, -, -, - )
2640x0a0	1	3d floor( tag, -, -, -, - )
2650x0a1	1	Contents( type, trans, flags, -, - )
2660x0ad	1	NoiseAlert( source, target, -, -, - )
2670x0b5	1	Plane_Align( floor, ceiling, line_id, -, - )
2680x0b7	1	Line_AlignCeiling( line, side, -, -, - )
2690x0b8	1	Line_AlignFloor( line, side, -, -, - )
2700x0b9	1	Sector_SetRotation( tag, f_angle, c_angle, -, - )
2710x0ba	1	Sector_SetCeilingPanning( tag, x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac )
2720x0bb	1	Sector_SetFloorPanning( tag, x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac )
2730x0bc	1	Sector_SetCeilingScale( tag, x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac )
2740x0bd	1	Sector_SetFloorScale( tag, x_int, x_frac, y_int, y_frac )
2750x0bf	1	SetPlayerProperty( who, set, which, -, - )
2760x0d0	1	TranslucentLine( line, amount, -, -, - )
2770x0d1	1	Transfer_Heights( tag, flags, -, -, - )
2780x0d2	1	Transfer_FloorLight( tag, -, -, -, - )
2790x0d3	1	Transfer_CeilingLight( tag, -, -, -, - )
2800x0d4	1	Sector_SetColor( tag, red, green, blue, - )
2810x0d5	1	Sector_SetFade( tag, red, green, blue, - )
2820x0d6	1	Sector_SetDamage( tag, damage, mod, -, - )
2830x0d8   1	Sector_SetGravity( tag, int, frac, -, - )
2840x0dc	1	Sector_SetWind( tag, strength, angle, line_vector, - )
2850x0db	1	Sector_SetFriction( tag, amount, -, -, - )
2860x0de	1	Sector_SetCurrent( tag, strength, angle, line_vector, - )
2870x0de	1	PointPush_SetForce( tag, tid, strength, line_vector, - )
2880x0ed	1	ChangeCamera( tag, who, revert, -, - )
290; Door
2910x00a	2	Door_Close( tag, speed, light_tag, -, - )
2920x00b	2	Door_Open( tag, speed, light_tag, -, - )
2930x00c	2	Door_Raise( tag, speed, delay, light_tag, - )
2940x00d	2	Door_LockedRaise( tag, speed, delay, lock, light_tag )
2950x0f9	2	Door_CloseWaitOpen( tag, speed, delay, light_tag, - )
2960x0ca	2	Generic_Door( tag, speed, kind, delay, lock )
298; Ceiling
2990x026	3	Ceiling_Waggle( tag, height, freq, offset, duration )
3000x028	3	Ceiling_LowerByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3010x029	3	Ceiling_RaiseByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3020x02a	3	Ceiling_CrushAndRaise( tag, speed, crush, -, - )
3030x02b	3	Ceiling_LowerAndCrush( tag, speed, crush, -, - )
3040x02c	3	Ceiling_CrushStop( tag, -, -, -, - )
3050x02d	3	Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStay( tag, speed, crush, -, - )
3060x02f	3	Ceiling_MoveToValue( tag, speed, height, negative, - )
3070x045	3	Ceiling_MoveToValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, negative, - )
3080x0c0	3	Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3090x0c1	3	Ceiling_LowerInstant( tag, -, height, -, - )
3100x0c2	3	Ceiling_RaiseInstant( tag, -, height, -, - )
3110x0c3	3	Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStayA( tag, dnspeed, upspeed, damage, - )
3120x0c4	3	Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseA( tag, dnspeed, upspeed, damage, - )
3130x0c5	3	Ceiling_CrushAndRaiseSilentA( tag, dnspeed, upspeed, damage, - )
3140x0c6	3	Ceiling_RaiseByValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3150x0c7	3	Ceiling_LowerByValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3160x0c9	3	Generic_Ceiling( tag, speed, height, target, chg/mdl/dir/crsh )
3170x0cd	3	Generic_Crusher( tag, dnspeed, upspeed, silent, damage )
3180x0fc	3	Ceiling_RaiseToNearest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3190x0fd	3	Ceiling_LowerToLowest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3200x0fe	3	Ceiling_LowerToFloor( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3210x0ff	3	Ceiling_CrushRaiseAndStaySilentA( tag, dnspeed, upspeed, damage, - )
323; Lift
3240x03c	4	Plat_PerpetualRaise( tag, speed, delay, -, - )
3250x03d	4	Plat_Stop( tag, -, -, -, - )
3260x03e	4	Plat_DownWaitUpStay( tag, speed, delay, -, - )
3270x03f	4	Plat_DownByValue( tag, speed, delay, height, - )
3280x040	4	Plat_UpWaitDownStay( tag, speed, delay, -, - )
3290x041	4	Plat_UpByValue( tag, speed, delay, height, - )
3300x0ac	4	Plat_UpNearestWaitDownStay( tag, speed, delay, -, - )
3310x0cb	4	Generic_Lift( tag, speed, delay, target, height )
3320x0ce	4	Plat_DownWaitUpStayLip( tag, speed, delay, lip, floor_sound )
3330x0cf	4	Plat_PerpetualRaiseLip( tag, speed, delay, lip, - )
3340x0e4	4	Plat_RaiseAndStayTx0( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3350x0e6	4	Plat_UpByValueStayTx( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3360x0e7	4	Plat_ToggleCeiling( tag, -, -, -, - )
338; Floor
3390x014	5	Floor_LowerByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3400x015	5	Floor_LowerToLowest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3410x016	5	Floor_LowerToNearest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3420x017	5	Floor_RaiseByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3430x018	5	Floor_RaiseToHighest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3440x019	5	Floor_RaiseToNearest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3450x01c	5	Floor_RaiseAndCrush( tag, speed, crush, -, - )
3460x023	5	Floor_RaiseByValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3470x024	5	Floor_LowerByValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3480x025	5	Floor_MoveToValue( tag, speed, height, negative, - )
3490x02e	5	Floor_CrushStop( tag, -, -, -, - )
3500x042	5	Floor_LowerInstant( tag, -, height, -, - )
3510x043	5	Floor_RaiseInstant( tag, -, height, -, - )
3520x044	5	Floor_MoveToValueTimes8( tag, speed, height, negative, - )
3530x08a	5	Floor_Waggle( tag, height, freq, offset, duration )
3540x0c8	5	Generic_Floor( tag, speed, height, target, chg/mdl/dir/crsh )
3550x0ee	5	Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3560x0ef	5	Floor_RaiseByValueTxTy( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3570x0f0	5	Floor_RaiseByTexture( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3580x0f1	5	Floor_LowerToLowestTxTy( tag, speed, -, -, - )
3590x0f2	5	Floor_LowerToHighest( tag, speed, adjust, -, - )
3600x0fa	5	Floor_Donut( tag, pillarspeed, slimespeed, -, - )
3610x0eb	5	Floor_TransferTrigger( tag, -, -, -, - )
3620x0ec	5	Floor_TransferNumeric( tag, -, -, -, - )
364; Pillar
3650x01d	6	Pillar_Build( tag, speed, height, -, - )
3660x01e	6	Pillar_Open( tag, speed, f_height, c_height, - )
3670x05e	6	Pillar_BuildAndCrush( tag, speed, height, crush, - )
369; Stair
3700x01a	7	Stairs_BuildDown( tag, speed, height, delay, reset )
3710x01b	7	Stairs_BuildUp( tag, speed, height, delay, reset )
3720x01f	7	Stairs_BuildDownSync( tag, speed, height, reset, - )
3730x020	7	Stairs_BuildUpSync( tag, speed, height, reset, - )
3740x0cc	7	Generic_Stairs (tag, speed, step, dir/idntext, reset )
3750x0d9	7	Stairs_BuildUpDoom( tag, speed, height, delay, reset )
377; ACS
3780x050	8	ACS_Execute( script, map, sArg0, sArg1, sArg2 )
3790x051	8	ACS_Suspend( script, map, -, -, - )
3800x052	8	ACS_Terminate( script, map, -, -, - )
3810x053	8	ACS_LockedExecute( script, map, sArg0, sArg1, lock )
3820x054	8	ACS_ExecuteWithResult( script, map, sArg0, sArg1, sArg2 )
3830x055	8	ACS_LockedExecuteDoor( script, map, sArg0, sArg1, lock )
3840x0e2	8	ACS_ExecuteAlways( script, map, sArg0, sArg1, sArg2 )
386; Scroll
3870x064	9	Scroll_Texture_Left( speed, -, -, -, - )
3880x065	9	Scroll_Texture_Right( speed, -, -, -, - )
3890x066	9	Scroll_Texture_Up( speed, -, -, -, - )
3900x067	9	Scroll_Texture_Down( speed, -, -, -, - )
3910x0dd	9	Scroll_Texture_Both( tag, leftSpd, rightSpd, upSpd, downSpd )
3920x0de	9	Scroll_Texture_Model( tag, bits, -, -, - )
3930x0df	9	Scroll_Floor( tag, bits, method, xspeed, yspeed )
3940x0e0	9	Scroll_Ceiling( tag, bits, method, xspeed, yspeed )
3950x0e1	9	Scroll_Texture_Offsets( -, -, -, -, - )
397; Thing
3980x013	10	Thing_Stop( tag, -, -, -, - )
3990x048	10	ThrustThing( angle, distance, -, -, - )
4000x049	10	DamageThing( damage, -, -, -, - )
4010x077	10	Thing_Damage( tag, damage, mod, -, - )
4020x07d	10	Thing_Move( tid, mapspot, -, -, - )
4030x07f	10	Thing_SetSpecial( tid, special, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
4040x080	10	ThrustThingZ( tid, zthrust, d/u, set, - )
4050x082	10	Thing_Activate( tag, -, -, -, - )
4060x083	10	Thing_Deactivate( tag, -, -, -, - )
4070x084	10	Thing_Remove( tag, -, -, -, - )
4080x085	10	Thing_Destroy( tag, -, -, -, - )
4090x086	10	Thing_Projectile( tag, type, angle, speed, vspeed )
4100x087	10	Thing_Spawn( tag, spawntype, angle, NewTid, - )
4110x088	10	Thing_ProjectileGravity( tag, type, angle, speed, vspeed )
4120x089	10	Thing_SpawnNoFog( tag, spawntype, angle, NewTid, - )
4130x08b	10	Thing_SpawnFacing( tag, spawntype, NoFog, NewTid, - )
4140x0b0	10	Thing_ChangeTID( oldtid, newtid, -, -, - )
4150x0b1	10	Thing_Hate( hater, hatee, flags, -, - )
4160x0b2	10	Thing_ProjectileAimed( tag, type, speed, targetTag, NewTid )
4170x0b4	10	Thing_SetTranslation( tag, range, -, -, - )
4180x0e5	10	Thing_SetGoal( tag, goal, delay, chasegoal, - )
4190x0f8	10	HealThing( amount, max, -, -, - )
421; Teleport
4220x027	11	Teleport_ZombieChanger( tag, sector_tag, no_src_fog, -, - )
4230x046	11	Teleport( tag, sector_tag, no_src_fog, -, - )
4240x047	11	Teleport_NoFog( tag, use_angle, sector_tag, -, - )
4250x04a	11	Teleport_NewMap( map, position, save_angle, -, - )
4260x04b	11	Teleport_EndGame( -, -, -, -, - )
4270x04c	11	TeleportOther( other_tid, dest_tid, fog, -, - )
4280x04d	11	TeleportGroup( group_tid, source_tid, dest_tid, moveSource, fog )
4290x04e	11	TeleportInSector( tag, source_tid, dest_tid, fog, group_tid )
4300x0d7	11	Teleport_Line( thisline, destline, reverse, -, - )
432; Lighting
4330x06d	12	Light_ForceLightning( tag, -, -, -, - )
4340x06e	12	Light_RaiseByValue( tag, value, -, -, - )
4350x06f	12	Light_LowerByValue( tag, value, -, -, - )
4360x070	12	Light_ChangeToValue( tag, value, -, -, - )
4370x071	12	Light_Fade( tag, value, tics, -, - )
4380x072	12	Light_Glow( tag, upper, lower, tics, - )
4390x073	12	Light_Flicker( tag, upper, lower, -, - )
4400x074	12	Light_Strobe( tag, upper, lower, u-tics, l-tics )
4410x075	12	Light_Stop( tag, -, -, -, -, )
4420x0e8	12	Light_StrobeDoom( tag, u-tics, l-tics, sync, - )
4430x0e9	12	Light_MinNeighbor( tag, -, -, -, - )
4440x0ea	12	Light_MaxNeighbor( tag, -, -, -, - )
446; Polyobject
4470x001	13	Polyobj_StartLine( po, mirror, sound, -, - )
4480x002	13	Polyobj_RotateLeft( po, speed, angle, -, - )
4490x003	13	Polyobj_RotateRight( po, speed, angle, -, - )
4500x004	13	Polyobj_Move( po, speed, angle, distance, - )
4510x005	13	Polyobj_ExplicitLine( po, order, mirror, sound, - )
4520x006	13	Polyobj_MoveTimes8( po, speed, angle, distance, - )
4530x007	13	Polyobj_DoorSwing( po, speed, angle, delay, - )
4540x008	13	Polyobj_DoorSlide( po, speed, angle, distance, delay )
4550x05a	13	Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft( po, speed, angle, -, - )
4560x05b	13	Polyobj_OR_RotateRight( po, speed, angle, -, - )
4570x05c	13	Polyobj_OR_Move( po, speed, angle, distance, - )
4580x05d	13	Polyobj_OR_MoveTimes8( po, speed, angle, distance, - )
460; Exit
4610x0f3	14	Exit_Normal( position, -, -, -, - )
4620x0f4	14	Exit_Secret( position, -, -, -, - )
464; Elevator
4650x05f	15	FloorAndCeiling_LowerByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
4660x060	15	FloorAndCeiling_RaiseByValue( tag, speed, height, -, - )
4670x0f5	15	Elevator_RaiseToNearest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
4680x0f6	15	Elevator_MoveToFloor( tag, speed, -, -, - )
4690x0f7	15	Elevator_LowerToNearest( tag, speed, -, -, - )
4700x0fb	15	FloorAndCeiling_LowerRaise( tag, fspeed, cspeed, -, - )
4730x0001	Phased light (manual)
4740x0002	Phased light sequence start
4750x0003	Phased light sequence 1
4760x0004	Phased light sequence 2
4770x001a	Stairs 1
4780x001b	Stairs 2
4790x0028	Wind east (weak)
4800x0029	Wind east (normal)
4810x002a	Wind east (strong)
4820x002b	Wind north (weak)
4830x002c	Wind north (normal)
4840x002d	Wind north (strong)
4850x002e	Wind south (weak)
4860x002f	Wind south (normal)
4870x0030	Wind south (strong)
4880x0031	Wind west (weak)
4890x0032	Wind west (normal)
4900x0033	Wind west (strong)
4910x0041	Blink (random)
4920x0042	Blink (1/2 second)
4930x0043	Blink (1 second)
4940x0044	-10/20% health, blink (1/2 second)
4950x0045	-5/10% health
4960x0046	-2/4% health
4970x0047	-2/5% health
4980x0048	Light oscillates
4990x004a	Ceiling drops (after 30 seconds)
5000x004b	-10/20% health, end level/game
5010x004c	Blink (1 second sync.)
5020x004d	Blink (1/2 second sync.)
5030x004e	Ceiling rises (after 300 seconds)
5040x004f	Reduced floor friction
5050x0050	-10/20% health
5060x0051	Light flickers randomly
5070x0052	-5/10% health, lava
5080x0053	-10/20% health, lava
5090x0054	-10/20% health, lava, scroll east
5100x0069	Hazardous area
5110x0073	Instant death
5120x0074	Double hazardous area
5130x0076	Scroll to current orientation
5140x00c7	Outdoor lightning
5150x00c7	Indoor lightning (bright)
5160x00c6	Indoor lightning (dim)
5170x00c8	Use second sky image
5180x00c9	Scroll north (slow)
5190x00ca	Scroll north (normal)
5200x00cb	Scroll north (fast)
5210x00cc	Scroll east (slow)
5220x00cd	Scroll east (normal)
5230x00ce	Scroll east (fast)
5240x00cf	Scroll south (slow)
5250x00d0	Scroll south (normal)
5260x00d1	Scroll south (fast)
5270x00d2	Scroll west (slow)
5280x00d3	Scroll west (normal)
5290x00d4	Scroll west (fast)
5300x00d5	Scroll northwest (slow)
5310x00d6	Scroll northwest (normal)
5320x00d7	Scroll northwest (fast)
5330x00d8	Scroll northeast (slow)
5340x00d9	Scroll northeast (normal)
5350x00da	Scroll northeast (fast)
5360x00db	Scroll southeast (slow)
5370x00dc	Scroll southeast (normal)
5380x00dd	Scroll southeast (fast)
5390x00de	Scroll southwest (slow)
5400x00df	Scroll southwest (normal)
5410x00e0	Scroll southwest (fast)
5420x00e1	Scroll east (very slow)
5430x00e2	Scroll east (slow)
5440x00e3	Scroll east (normal)
5450x00e4	Scroll east (fast)
5460x00e5	Scroll east (very fast)
5470x00e6	Scroll north (very slow)
5480x00e7	Scroll north (slow)
5490x00e8	Scroll north (normal)
5500x00e9	Scroll north (fast)
5510x00ea	Scroll north (very fast)
5520x00eb	Scroll south (very slow)
5530x00ec	Scroll south (slow)
5540x00ed	Scroll south (normal)
5550x00ee	Scroll south (fast)
5560x00ef	Scroll south (very fast)
5570x00f0	Scroll west (very slow)
5580x00f1	Scroll west (slow)
5590x00f2	Scroll west (normal)
5600x00f3	Scroll west (fast)
5610x00f4	Scroll west (very fast)
5620x0400	Secret