1y k u   7 8 9   Move commands:
2 \|/     \|/            yuhjklbn: go one step in specified direction
3h-.-l   4-.-6           YUHJKLBN: go in specified direction until you
4 /|\     /|\                        hit a wall or run into something
5b j n   1 2 3           g<dir>:   run in direction <dir> until something
6      numberpad                     interesting is seen
7                        G<dir>,   same, except a branching corridor isn't
8 <  up                  ^<dir>:     considered interesting (the ^ in this
9                                    case means the Control key, not a caret)
10 >  down                m<dir>:   move without picking up objects/fighting
11                        F<dir>:   fight even if you don't sense a monster
12                With the qwertz_layout option, the y and z keys are swapped
13                (this requires option QWERTZ to be set at compile-time).
14                If the number_pad option is set, the number keys move instead.
15                Depending on the platform, Shift number (on the numberpad),
16                Meta number, or Alt number will invoke the YUHJKLBN commands.
17                Control <dir> may or may not work when number_pad is enabled,
18                depending on the platform's capabilities.
20General commands:
21?       help    display one of several informative texts
22#quit   quit    end the game without saving current game
23S       save    save the game (to be continued later) and exit
24!       sh      escape to some SHELL (if allowed)
25^Z      suspend suspend the game (independent of your current suspend char)
26                (^Y if option qwertz_layout is set)
27O       options set options
28/       whatis  tell what a map symbol represents
29\       known   display list of what's been discovered
30v       version display version number
31V       history display game history
32X       explore switch the game to explore (discovery) mode
33^A      again   redo the previous command (^A denotes the keystroke CTRL-A)
34^R      redraw  redraw the screen
35^P      prevmsg repeat previous message (subsequent ^P's repeat earlier ones)
36#               introduces an extended command (#? for a list of them)
38Game commands:
39^D      kick    kick (a door, or something else)
40^T      'port   teleport (if you can)
41^X      show    show your attributes
42a       apply   apply or use a tool (pick-axe, key, camera, etc.)
43A       armor   take off all armor
44c       close   close a door
45C       call    name an individual monster (ex. baptize your dog)
46d       drop    drop an object.  d7a:  drop seven items of object 'a'
47D       Drop    drop selected types of objects
48e       eat     eat something
49E       engrave write a message in the dust on the floor  (E-  use fingers)
50f       fire    fire ammunition from quiver
51F       fight   followed by direction, fight a monster
52i       invent  list your inventory (all objects you are carrying)
53I       Invent  list selected parts of your inventory
54                Iu: list unpaid objects
55                Ix: list unpaid but used up items
56                I$: count your money
57o       open    open a door
58p       pay     pay your bill (in a shop)
59P       puton   put on an accessory (ring, amulet, etc)
60q       quaff   drink something (potion, water, etc)
61Q       quiver  select ammunition for quiver
62r       read    read a scroll or spellbook
63R       remove  remove an accessory (ring, amulet, etc)
64s       search  search for secret doors, hidden traps and monsters
65t       throw   throw or shoot a weapon
66T       takeoff take off some armor
67w       wield   wield a weapon  (w-  wield nothing)
68W       wear    put on some armor
69x       xchange swap wielded and secondary weapons
70z       zap     zap a wand (y if option qwertz_layout is set)
71Z       Zap     cast a spell (Y if option qwertz_layout is set)
72<       up      go up the stairs
73>       down    go down the stairs
74^       trap_id identify a previously found trap
75),[,=,",(       ask for current items of specified symbol in use
76*               ask for combination of ),[,=,",( all at once
77$       gold    count your gold
78+       spells  list the spells you know; also rearrange them if desired
79_       travel  move via a shortest-path algorithm to a point on the map
80.       rest    wait a moment
81,       pickup  pick up all you can carry
82@               toggle "pickup" (auto pickup) option on and off
83:       look    look at what is here
84;       farlook look at what is somewhere else by selecting a map symbol
86Keyboards that have a meta key can also use these extended commands
87via the meta modifier instead of the # prefix:
89M-?             Display extended command help (if the platform allows this)
90M-2     twoweapon toggle two-weapon combat (unless number_pad is enabled)
91M-a     adjust  adjust inventory letters
92M-c     chat    talk to someone
93M-d     dip     dip an object into something
94M-e     enhance advance or check weapons skills
95M-f     force   force a lock
96M-i     invoke  invoke an object's special powers
97M-j     jump    jump to another location
98M-l     loot    loot a box on the floor
99M-m     monster use a monster's special ability
100M-n     name    name an item or type of object
101M-o     offer   offer a sacrifice to the gods
102M-p     pray    pray to the gods for help
103M-q     quit    stop playing
104M-r     rub     rub a lamp or a stone
105M-s     sit     sit down
106M-t     turn    turn undead
107M-u     untrap  untrap something
108M-v     version print compile time options for this version
109M-w     wipe    wipe off your face
111If the "number_pad" option is on, these additional variants are available:
113n               followed by number of times to repeat the next command
114h       help    display one of several informative texts, like '?'
115j       jump    jump to another location
116k       kick    kick something (usually a door)
117l       loot    loot a box on the floor
118N       name    name an item or type of object
119u       untrap  untrap something (usually a trapped object)