1$RCSfile: fixes34.1,v $ $Revision: 1.331 $ $Date: 2003/02/20 00:19:46 $
3General Fixes and Modified Features
5prevent panic() obj_not_free when pushing a boulder over a landmine
6there was no feedback when successfully hitting shock resistant monsters
7	with Mjollnir via hand-to-hand attack
8unbought single-bite food eaten in shops was not billed properly
9charge for shop contents inside "no charge" containers
10add wishing for "nothing" and genociding "none" to the conduct section
11	of the Guidebook
12allow both wishing and genocide to accept either "none" or "nothing" when
13	the player wants to decline
14left word in format string in get_wet() causing "The spellbook fadefades"
15two bad wizkit items in a row shouldn't make the user hit space many times
16kicking thrones no longer loosens rocks
17wall symbol not replaced when digging while blind and levitating
18increment FQN_NUMBUF from 2 to 3 to prevent premature reuse of a buffer
19	that caused a level creation error to be reported as a lock file error
20print regular death message when leashed, mounted steed dies of starvation
21fix more funny messages, new and old
22restore the behavior of bumping into closed doors when moving while impaired
23fix iron ball cases that could put the chain in solid rock
24discovering a mimic on a closed door location should not unblock the location
25don't drop corpse when a monster kills another monster on an inaccessible
26	location (i.e. behave like xkilled behaves)
27half-physical-damage from gas spore explosion should only affect you
28Sunsword didn't stop glowing when hero killed a monster wielding it
29mimics caught in explosions with messages printed about them are discovered
30let lev_comp and dgn_comp accept optional carriage return character prior to
31	the terminating newline in special level and dungeon description files
32Wizard of Yendor will start harassing you after the invocation if you've
33	managed to get that far without ever killing him
34characters polymorphed into centaurs can't wear boots
35if an unknown rolling boulder trap kills a monster, you shouldn't be a murderer
36touchstone entry in data.base
37specific message for engraving headstone with wand of digging
38wielded/quivered chained ball should be unwielded when thrown
39polymorphing into a form that cannot twoweapon should immediately disable
40	twoweapon mode; likewise when reverting from a monster form which
41	can use two weapons to a normal form which can't
42taking partial count of merged objects from a container while your pack
43	was full split the object and did not re-merge
44animal_parts are not always appropriate for ravens
45prevent panic if tombstone window cannot be created
46clarify travel command behavior in the Guidebook
47touch_artifact checks needed when snagging w/bullwhip and stealing
48cannot trip over submerged objects if you're water walking
49wand of striking was not identified if it activated a statue trap
50cannot sacrifice while you're swallowed
51player polymorphed into an eel cannot drown breathless/amphibious monsters
52avoid dmonsfree impossible message due to migrating a dead monster via
53	mhurtle causing the monster to end up in a hole or other trap
54avoid temporary disappearing Burdened message due to updating status line
55	midway thru in_container
56don't credit player's wisdom when makelevel creates random Elbereth engravings
57reduce insect/monster creation from monster spells and limit chain summons
58avoid "couldn't place lregion type 5" warning when arriving at Plane of Fire
59avoid crash due to delayed poly or were change no longer being valid
60ensure that Priest's ability to recognize B/U/C is considered in B/U/C menus
61can't push boulders through iron bars; traps can't roll such through either;
62	likewise for objects thrown by monsters
63thrown objects susceptible to breaking might do so when they hit iron bars
64assorted monsters can pass through iron bars; ditto for polymorphed character
65attempting to dig iron bars will wake nearby monsters instead of yielding
66	"you swing your pick-axe through thin air"
67autodig won't accept iron bars as candidate location
68allow knight to retaliate for all thefts except those "you gladly hand over..."
69randomize starting position on goal level for M, P, and S quests
70prevent the Wizard of Yendor from displacing the high priest of Moloch out of
71	the Sanctum's temple
72ATR_BOLD on spell menu header
73travel command should restrict its shortest paths to areas of the map the
74	hero knows about or might reasonably guess
75non-altar prayer should limit god action, not maximize it
76potions of acid explode, not dilute, so make water_damage behave this way
77lookat monster notes if you see monster is trapped
78don't crash when angry shopkeeper re-enters the shop and you pick up something
79monsters with WAITFORU strategy should act if successfully attacked by
80	non-damaging attacks (e.g. seduction, rust damage)
81don't summon kops if credit covers cost of unpaid goods taken out of shop
82update swallowed display immediately if an engulfing monster polymorphs
83	into another engulfing monster
84undo xname FAKE_AMULET_OF_YENDOR AD_DRIN check, the_unique_obj checks this case
85axes should chop trees; picks shouldn't
86chance to aim grappling hook when skilled or better
87level limit of monsters like naga hatchlings should be high enough to grow up
88scroll of enchant weapon will become discovered when read in some cases
89don't crash when using lookat on a boulder an BOULDER sym is unique
90attaching a single candle to fill candelabrum's last slot gave message with
91	poor grammar: "The candelabrum now has seven candle attached."
92vault guards won't ask who you are if you're unconscious or paralyzed
93monsters should not repeatedly try to teleport on noteleport levels
94crocodiles legs are not designed for kicking open doors, chests, et al.
95walls of one of the luckstone locations in minend-3 were diggable
96minetn-6 could place downstairs in a cut-off location
97corpses in bones files don't retain their role characteristic
98boulder was not displayed if blind and discovered with a monster known via
99	ESP behind it
100don't claim that statue comes to life if the monster it turns into is invisible
101fix goodpos() so worm segments don't get placed on top of each other (causing
102	a possible display problem if the worm is cut in two)
103fix fountain noises on some special levels (castle, valk home, various mines)
104disallow mounting a trapped steed to avoid inappropriate trap effects
105#chat with meditating monster will rouse it
106suppress redundant message when stoning effect transforms a golem
107clear worn bits of any object grabbed by shopkeeper to avoid extract_nobj panic
108looting any container on a location should suppress looting nearby monsters
109give more specific message when forbidden role attempts to use twoweapon mode
110avoid double billing if #loot causes a shop's bag of holding to explode
111when polymorphed, player killing a paper or straw golem via fire damage
112	would kill the golem twice, resulting in an impossible error
113usually stop mimicing if you polymorph while using #monster mimic capability
114under !GOLDOBJ, gold shouldn't disappear if you try to throw it at yourself
115under !GOLDOBJ, remove temp gold from inventory during restore
116Staff of Aesculapius did not always cure sliming
117correct singularization of fungi, liches, vortices
118prevent "remove_object: obj not on floor" panic for iron ball placement if
119	riding while punished leads to a fall off steed when changing levels
120specifying -D (or -X) to enter explore mode while restarting from a save
121	file was lost in the restore process
122fix crash when using lookat on an known invisible monster with monster syms set
123prevent getting stuck in infinite loop when using wizard mode #levelchange
124	command to reduce level while having level-drain resistance
125naming an already wielded elven dagger "Sting" activates warning against orcs
126naming either of the wielded weapons unintentionally ends two-weapon combat
127Various nemesis monsters must resist stoning so their death messages make sense
128don't call DEBUG impossible in rn2 when a level 0 monster tries to cast a spell
129GOLDOBJ: don't call money2mon with 0 zero when killed by shopkeeper
130headstone writing was using the adjective "weird" when engraving with a wand
131	of digging.
132don't report "you were riding" if you die as a result of dismounting
133allow #untrapping of chests that are co-located with floor traps and hero
134unmap "I" symbols when searching while blind and levitating
135monsters that are frozen or sleeping cannot be grateful for untrapping
136grammar of blessed-detection eating warning messages when eating 1 of N objects
137message for charging for items lost in a cursed magic bag wasn't always shown
138dropping gold on an altar printed no message and didn't change gnostic conduct
139don't allow cursed daggers thrown by monsters to go thru closed doors
140hero polymorphed into an exploding monster should explode when attacking
141	thin air, just like the monster itself
142don't mark holes/trapdoors as seen if you levitate over them while blind
143player polymorphed as rust monster would lose gold in inventory by
144	attempting to eat it, even though the eat failed
145no messages were printed when dowaterdemon or dowaternymph failed to create
146	a monster doe to the G_GONE check
147knights should be able to avenge attacks from covetous monsters
148eating various rotten food items would not break vegan/vegetarian conduct
149unaligned special levels should inherit alignment from the dungeon
150Samurai quest was missing several doors
151Cancelled while polymorphed and Unchanging should provide feedback
152stone to flesh on a statue with contents would lose the contents if a
153	monster was on the same location as the statue
154steed movement would use your speed if walking step by step
155kicking a known, unseen monster would sometimes leave behind an extra I symbol
156applying a lance against a long worm could cause an impossible
157a knight applying a lance did not do a caitiff check
158blessed gain level when already at level 30 won't reduce experience points
159keep counting spell skill exercise even after expert status is reached
160when a fountain dries up or a throne vanishes, make sure it really happens
161allow player to name polymorph potion if nothing seems to happen
162avoid crash when drinking a potion causes the hero to float up over a fire
163	trap, for example, which might try to destroy the in-use potion
164in some situations, if hero stood still, a hostile dwarf would switch back
165	and forth between weapon and pick-axe and never move
166uncontrolled teleports did not handle leashed pets
167minetown fountain warnings shouldn't prevent finding gems/coins in fountain
168order of container and objects was different for mazelike and roomfilled levels
169minetown guards only enforce town rules inside the town proper
170electric damage heals hero polymorphed into flesh golem rather than iron golem
171fix bug preventing wishing for bear traps (not beartrap objects) in debug mode
172be notified about cessation of hallucinations even if blind and the time
173when using '/' to examine multiple map items in succession, don't mislabel
174	some with "or a splash of venom" after having looked at a '.' item
175martial arts kick that knocks a monster into a trap would result in warning
176	"dmonsfree: 1 removed doesn't match 2 pending" if the trap was fatal
177if you can't see or sense a monster when it dies, don't set dknown on corpse
178effect of wearing or removing the Eyes of the Overworld took effect on the
179	next move, but should take effect immediately.
180dragon scale mail is magic armor
181invoking or applying an artifact must pass a touch_artifact check
182document 'D'rop BUCX behavior in the Guidebook
183remove levitation boots over a portal, the portal teleport is delayed until
184	 your next command is typed.
185armor vs cursed two-handed weapon anomalies: with 'T', couldn't remove armor,
186	but with 'A', could remove it, and with 'W', could put it on
187don't print ape data.base description for other words that end in "ape"
188prevent crash after animating a statue via stone_to_flesh by avoiding use
189	of the obj in newsym() after it was deleted
190print "magic spreads" message when eating ring of increase damage, etc.
191grammar tid: "The looking glass miss the <monster>."
192fix wishing for "looking glass" and "<color> glass"
193Archeologists suffer same alignment penalty for statue destruction by
194	stone_to_flesh as they do by other means of statue destruction
195being unable to see a vault guard doesn't prevent him from arriving
196in town, secret doors should be called "wall", not "fountain"
197in town, watch should not allow trees to be cut down
198cancel chat direction cancels the chat
199prevent "the mimic looks better" on an unrecognized mimic hit with
200	healing spell
201after forcefighting a concealed lurker, the lurker wouldn't fight back
202when polymorphed into a hider, cease hiding during level changes
203let mind flayer grow up into master mind flayer; also giant/sewer rat and
204	cave/large spider
205engulfing green slime as a purple worm was causing stoning not sliming
206zero entries in DUNGEON, MONSTERS, et al, of config file are now treated
207	as preserving the default rather than being ignored
208enlightenment: don't misreport polymorphed lycanthrope as "in beast form"
209remove TIMED_DELAY from the features checked for version compatibility
210rolling boulder hitting monster stuck in pit should stop even when mon survives
211don't see chest trap gas colors while Blind
212adjust fruit name in potion juice messages if it has the form "foo of bar"
213wielded camera passes harmlessly through shade
214reading spellbooks while confused should allow tearing the book
215Breaking wand of digging dug through rock which should be undiggable.
216Breaking wand of digging near shop walls wouldn't anger the shopkeeper
217Shop walls wouldn't be restored if there were pits in the way.
218If there were a hole outside a shop, you could kick stuff out of the door
219	into the hole without the shopkeeper noticing.
220curing hallucination while wielding Grayswandir should print a message
221removing unowned pick-axe from container in shop gave inappropriate message
222don't let monster end up with more current HP than max HP after life drain
223make sure that missing file trickery in wizard mode which is discovered during
224	level change doesn't try to keep going after discarding current level
225contribution by Adam Wozniak adds several const & changes some char* to char[]
226fix impossible when hitting/jousting a monster causes it to be killed twice
227fix a GOLDOBJ crash/hang in take_gold() that could be triggered by reading a
228	cursed spellbook, or by sitting on a throne
229kicking a tree could produce 0 to 4 killer bees but it should have been 1 to 5
230mounting a steed allowed hero to make moves that would otherwise be disallowed
231	including mounting diagonally in a shop doorway
232monsters lose intrinsic speed when pertrified
233if you have converted, the quest leader banishes you instead of asking you
234	to come back later, and tells you that you won't succeed without Bell
235don't state that "you narrowly avoid losing all chance" message if you try
236	to put on a helm of opposite alignment in the quest after converting
237fix enlightenment feedback for bonus or penalty on damage and chance to hit
238effects of purple worms consuming special monsters is now more consistent
239	across eating, digesting and dropped corpses while engulfed
240avoid "you finish disrobing" when disarming via the 'A' command
241make sure corpses and statues which remember monster attributes don't keep
242	ones that were conferred by no longer worn items (mainly speed boots)
243elevate the trouble priority of any cursed item which is preventing removal
244	of a ring of levitation
245starving pets will eat more aggressively
246when a pet starves to death, say so instead of just "Fido dies."
247starved pet raised from dead shouldn't immediately starve again
248skilled spell of detected treasure wasn't acting like blessed potion of
249	object detection (from Roderick Schertler)
250fix end of game attribute disclosure for levitation negated by sink
251kicking a box embedded in a wall will knock it free rather than bust it open
252stop running or travelling if the vibrating square message is triggered
253show correct gender in ^X display when polymorphed into non-humanoid form
254for wizard and explore modes, skip second screen of ^X output when first
255	screen is cancelled by ESC
256for wizard mode, override confusion when using ^F to reveal map
257polyself into minotaur causes hard headgear to fall off
258with multiple leashes in use, 2nd had 50/50 chance of having unbounded length
259GOLDOBJ: coins aren't subject to curses/blesses and don't need identification
260can no longer activate a figurine while engulfed
261can't use figurines to get too many erinyes or Nazgul
262include currently wielded weapon among the list of likely choices for 'w'
263likewise for currently quivered ammo among choices for 'Q'
264only include unknown gems as likely choices when applying known touchstone
265prevent mbodypart() from returning animal parts for lights
266removing a ring might relearn what it is after amnesia
267sleeping shopkeeper shouldn't talk to digging player
268give more specific feedback when dipping unicorn horns into potions
269can see self via infravision or ESP or monster detection when invisible
270class genocide that killed polymorphed self while `Unchanging' reported
271	incomplete cause of death and possibly left rest of class in bones
272class genocide of @ by human or elf character polymorphed into non-@ gave
273	"you feel dead inside" message twice
274unskilled rider who can't reach items on floor also can't dip into moat or
275	pool from flying steed
276when summoning nasty monsters, use new monster's type to decide if they can
277	be placed on boulders, et al, not the summoning monster's type
278don't display the "intones:" prefix when !soundok since the message suffix
279	won't be displayed in this case
280document "sound" option in Guidebook
281destroy traps that are buried by boulders dropped in water
282renamed debug commands: light sources -> lightsources,
283	monpoly_control -> monpolycontrol, poly -> polyself
284detect attempt to swap places with big pet through narrow opening
285stinking clouds in bones files do not get their ttl set reasonably
286stinking clouds in bones files may incorrectly set player_inside
287breaking wand of digging on a drawbridge shouldn't dig/hole a pit in the bridge
288avoid mimicking gold when the character has the Unchanging attribute
289handle polearm wielded prior to mounting the same as one wielded while mounted,
290	and one still used after dismounting like one wielded while not mounted
291non-lawful angels don't chat using lawful messages and shouldn't summon
292	lawful help
293cancelled yellow lights should not explode against other monsters, as well as
294	not exploding against you
295becoming confused, eg from nausia, while reading a spellbook should result
296	in the usual confusion effects
297teleports should not be controlled if you're stunned, confusion should have
298	some effect on your ability to control level teleports
299vault wall repair should remove traps subsequently created at affected spots
300don't reveal deity name when a high priest(ess) gives temple entry greeting
301for ordinary remove curse, don't uncurse quivered object unless it is suitable
302	to be used as a quivered weapon (ammo or missile)
303salamanders have no legs and cannot ride
304all objects carried by a monster who's hit by a polymorph zap are protected
305	from that zap, not just worn armor which falls off due to shape change
306sparkle option for display effects was ignored on explosions
307level teleport while on a sleeping steed caused panic and possible crash
308breaking wand of digging causing a shopkeeper to fall left unpaid items unpaid
309use get_adjacent_loc() rather than getdir() directly for some things where
310	you want to ensure valid adjacent coordinates are returned
311minor experience calculation tweaks
312level telporting out of the dungeon while carrying unpaid shop goods would
313	trigger "not on any bill" warnings during final inventory disclosure
314only hard helmets protect against falling piercers
315don't crash teleporting out of a monster while engulfed, punished but not
316	carrying the ball
317web breaking should consider steed strength and other characteristics
318various missing or inappropriate "killed by" death messages
319second attack for two-weapon combat will miss if first knocks target away
320jousting effect no longer occurs every time riding character hits with lance
321skeletons should be able to wear the armor they're created with
322bouncing zaps should not bounce around the edge of closed doors
323mimics that are detected but not seen should not display as their mimiced
324	form when the detection ends
325not all cavemen are human, so avoid using human in quest messages
326tengu is singular and plural, some rumors were incorrect
327don't let leader or nemesis be renamed
328non-moving monster are not affected by liquid
329'A' command wouldn't remove cursed item from quiver or alternate weapon slot
330'A' command behaved differently depending on menustyle when non-weapons were
331	present in the quiver or alternate weapon inventory slots
332most cases of the hero dropping things need to check for dropping on an altar
333zapping undiggable trees with wand or spell of dig gave feedback about rock
334being able to see invisible shouldn't cause you to not notice when potion
335	or spell of invisibility wears off
336can't successfully bribe a demon who happens to be carrying the Amulet
337while over water, killing a monster that had engulfed you does not result
338	in the usual water effects
339removing a ring of levitation while engulfed should not invoke spoteffects
340feedback from invoking Orb of Detection was sometimes misleading or wrong
341ranger quest artifact (Longbow of Diana) confers reflection when wielded by
342	monsters like it does for the player
343avoid discrepancies in size and associated armor-wearing ability between
344	wizard gnome player and same player polymorphed into gnomish wizard
345	by forcing newman() if poly-target matches your_race()
346add missing data.base entries for caveman, healer, monk, priest, and samurai
347allow "grey spellbook" as alternative spelling of "gray spellbook"
348handle attacks by cancelled monsters more consistently
349armor worn by monsters might negate some magic attacks like it does for hero
350give feedback and discovery when visible monster puts on cloak of invisibility
351really add artifacts inside carried containers to final score (3.3.1 fix
352	displayed them them but didn't include any points for them)
353drop alternate weapon to terminate twoweapon combat if the alternate
354	weapon gets cursed
355restore monster creation sanity checks to wizard mode ^G command
356prevent recoil from hurtling you through narrow areas that you wouldn't
357	be able to move through intentionally
358grammar in cause of death when killed by slipping while mounting named steed
359ensure `m'enu is still an available traditional menu choice for
360	menu-upon-request even when there is only one class of object present
361engraving on headstone will appropriately dull your weapon
362certain types of golems should not "catch fire" so adjust the messages
363no longer need to manually examine inventory after regaining sight in order
364	to give a type name to an object picked up while blind
365when adding an object to inventory, it is possible for it to becomed both
366	wielded and quivered if it merges with weapon and autoquiver is enabled
367include rocks as likely candidates for quivering if alternate weapon is a sling
368Asmodeus fails an is_armed() check, so code in m_initweap() to give him wands
369	of fire and cold never got called; move the code to m_initinv()
370#rub would wield the target tool even when already being worn as eyewear
371monks lose their to-hit bonus for bare-handed attacking if wearing a shield
372fix case on leading character in "Crunched in the head..." in ball.c
373using travel mode to move next to a known trap and then trying to step onto
374	that trap required an extra step; the first one ended up as a no-op
375punished with ball and chain on the same floor square as a trapped chest
376	when it exploded resulted in panic "remove_object: obj not on floor"
377see_monsters() wasn't called when you lost the innate warning intrinsic due
378	to level loss
379xorns sink if the drawbridge they're standing on is raised
380applying figurines to an adjacent spot over water does drowning checks
381fix sequencing of Magicbane's hit messages
382avoid buffer overflow from long or too many -s params
383wake up first if trying to crawl out of water while asleep
384while waiting, don't try to change into were form when already in were form
385steed should remember traps encountered while mounted
386killing shopkeeper by throwing unpaid things would result in
387	"item not on bill" impossible error
388choking pet to death with cursed leash incurs various pet-killing penalties
389wielding Werebane prevents catching lycanthropy via monster attack (but not
390	via eating, nor does it cure an existing case)
391character inflicted with lycanthropy is vulnerable to Werebane when in
392	human/elf/&c form as well as when in beast form
393shopkeeper could get angry without remembering the customer name
394any object held by ghost during recorporealization would cease to exist
395	including the Amulet of Yendor
396harassing monsters will be less likely to teleport to your location while
397	they're running away from you
398randomize warning symbols during hallucination
401Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
403wince: added Windows CE port from Alex Kompel
404win32: win32 build no longer defines MICRO
405win32: allow error save files to be generated
406win32: strip illegal file name characters from plname and replace with '_'
407win32: don't let recover build a save file out of level files belonging
408	to an active NetHack.exe or NetHackw.exe process
409win32,winCE: SELF_RECOVER to let NetHack itself recover aborted games
410win32gui: make error() work; it was essentially non-operative in 3.4.0
411win32gui: fix alignment of columns in menu windows
412win32gui: Window menu File|Save worked during #quit disclosure processing
413win32gui: make mswin_yn_function() case insensitive like the tty version
414win32gui: In msg window, gray out lines that are old and concatenate msgs
415win32gui: --More-- prompt if there are more messages than can fit this turn
416win32gui: flicker reduction because clear_nhwindow no longer redraws window
417win32gui: A caret bug was fixed
418win32gui: fix bug that caused two lines too many to be drawn on each paint
419win32gui: last line no longer highlighted
420win32gui: reduce the number of popups and support for !popup
421win32tty: honour the use_inverse option and default to ATR_BOLD if disabled
422win32tty: respond only to mouse clicks not mouse movement
423win32tty: allow ^C to abort the game at the "Who are you?" prompt
424win32tty: fix truncated score list
425win32tty: prevent ALT+CTRL from sending NUL to core with the meta bit set
426win32tty: international keyboard handling improved by letting ToAscii()
427	generate input char based on VK and state of shift and caps lock
428Gnome: add support for non-square tiles
429Gnome: destroy main game windows correctly
430Gnome: Dylan Alex Simon's port of KDE-style worn window
431Gnome: Dylan Alex Simon's port of KDE-style hero cursor color
432Gnome/Linux: more portable getres*id workaround
433X11: restore support for non-square tiles when USE_XPM is defined
434X11: getlin dialog got steadily narrower each time it was used
435msdos: compiling without NO_TERMS resulted in a link-time error
436msdos: reworked Makefile.GCC to get rid of need to duplicate source files
437msdos,win32: stop doing chdir when NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS is defined
438tty: remove #define DEBUG that forced debug behavior in production builds
439tty: correctly handle an empty TERM environment variable
440tty: don't lose messages when ESC has canceled their display
441tty: clear topl after pickup_burden prompt
442tty: support terms where turning off inverse video turns off color too
443tty: object selection at --More-- prompt after '?' didn't work anymore
444tty: ext command autocomplete now lets you enter auto-completed characters
445non-tty: silently ignore tty msg_window option to allow sharing of config file
446unix: install recover command into GAMEDIR by default
447vms: prevent error() from indirectly triggering hangup save during forced exit
450General New Features
452lootabc option
453runmode option
454showrace option
455travel option
456cmdassist option to provide additional error feedback for some commands
457mouse_support wincap option
458scroll_amount wincap option to adjust how many cells to scroll at scroll_margin
459debug mode: #panic routine to test panic() and panic save file generation
460a new PANICLOG optional file to log the reason for panic and impossible messages
461added validate_prefix_locations() for early directory prefix validation
462fire traps are particularly bad for paper and straw golems
463cream pies can be 'a'pplied to cause direct temporary blindness
464eating newt corpse or tin of same can boost magical energy (Malcolm Ryan)
465applying a eucalyptus leaf produces a whistle effect (Malcolm Ryan)
466hobbits can wear elven mithril-coats
467eating mimics now has an hallucination effect
468prefix pickup command with 'm' to force menu of all objects present
469provide feedback which states the correct command when players try to use
470	'R' or 'P' for armour, or use 'W' or 'T' for accessories
471optional #portdebug wizard mode command to invoke port-specific debug routines