1                        * W A N D E R E R *
2                ----------------------------------
4    This program requires the header files string.h and curses.h, and
5the curses and termcap libraries libcurses.a and libtermcap.a. If your
6system doesn't have them then you might as well give up now.
8    Still here? Good - then everything's OK.
10    First thing to do is edit the wand_head.h file. Most of the filenames
11are self-explanatory - the lock file is usually in /tmp , you probably
12dont need to change it. SCREENPATH is the directory in which the screen
13files, screen.* , are kept. HISCOREPATH is the name of the hiscore table
14file - this will be created when you run the program, but must have group
15and other read and write permission. Also, the directory SCREENPATH is used
16to hold the credits file.
17    The masterpassword is the password that you can give when you try to
18jump screen with ~ (see file wand.info) that will allow you to go to any
19screen at will. This is for wanderer 'wizards' only. Separate passwords
20for each screen are drawn from the file /usr/dict/words - if you dont have
21it on your system then you'll have to change the file jump.c . These passwords
22are given to the player upon completing each screen. The passwords can be
23disabled by creating a file in the SCREENPATH directory called no_pws .
25    New screens can be created by using the editor (thanx play@nl.cwi) that
26is built into the game. You enter it with the -e flag, and the screen you edit
27is held in the file ./screen . To add this one to the others, place it in the
28SCREENPATH directory with a name of the form screen.* , making sure that it is
29readable by everyone and that the screens number is subsequent to the last of
30the screens already held in the directory. Screens may be tested with
31either 'p' or 'n', and by using 'm' the number of moves for the screen may be
34    The hiscore table holds only one entry per username - this is to
35prevent one or two people from taking over the entire table.  If you object to
36this feature, it is easily removed from the scores.c file. The table can also
37be edited by the 'wizard' using the -m flag. This prompts for the
38masterpassword before allowing you to remove any entry by typing its
39number. Use '0' to exit the editor.
41    Not much more to say, really. Info on playing the game can be found in
42the wand.info file. Once you have edited the header file, just type 'make'
43to run the makefile. You may need to edit the makefile so that it conforms
44with your system. If you dont know how to do this, there's bound to be
45someone around who does.
47    Environment variables:
48        Wanderer uses several of these. Here they are...
49SAVEFILE ---- the path of the file to be used for saved games
50NEWKEYS  ---- if you want to redefine the keys
51NEWNAME, NAME, USER ---- scanned in that order to get a name for the hiscore
52                         table.
54    The MSDOS port and save routines are courtesy of Greg Margo, who has also
55tidied up a lot of my messy programming :-). Any problems with them, send
56to HIM, since I wont know what to do.
58    All that remains is for me to say that the source was written by me,
59Steven Shipway,  on a sun/3-160 called poppy at Warwick University. The
60latter are completely unaware of this major breakthrough in software
61design (:-), and this is probably a good idea, since they may well disapprove
62of this use of computing time and facilities! (Only kidding)
64                                -Steven Shipway
67Summary of flags:
69-c  Reads credits file from SCREENPATH/credits
70-s  Shows hiscore table from HISCOREPATH
71-e  Enters screen editor working on file ./screen
72-m  Enters hiscore table editor after prompting for the MASTERPASSWORD
73-f  Starts game with map-type screen instead of normal screen - although I
74        personally think this makes the game too easy...
75-v  Prints version
76-t  Tests the screen
77-r  Record mode. Records keypresses into the given file