1 /* File save.c */
2 /***************************************************************************
3 *  Copyright 2003 -   Steven Shipway <steve@cheshire.demon.co.uk>          *
4 *                     Put "nospam" in subject to avoid spam filter         *
5 *                                                                          *
6 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify    *
7 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by    *
8 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or       *
9 *  (at your option) any later version.                                     *
10 *                                                                          *
11 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         *
12 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          *
14 *  GNU General Public License for more details.                            *
15 *                                                                          *
16 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License       *
17 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software             *
18 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA               *
19 *  02111-1307, USA.                                                        *
20 ***************************************************************************/
23 #include "wand_head.h"
24 #include <errno.h>
26 extern char screen[NOOFROWS][ROWLEN+1];
27 extern int saved_game;
28 extern char screen_name[ROWLEN+1];
29 extern void crypt_file();
30 extern int inform_me();
31 extern void readstring();
33 struct saved_game
34 {
35     short num;
36     long  score;
37     short bell;
38     short maxmoves;
39     short num_monsters;
40 };
42 struct save_vars  zz;
44 extern struct mon_rec start_of_list, *tail_of_list;
46 /*********************************************************
47 *                    function save_game                  *
48 **********************************************************/
save_game(num,score,bell,maxmoves)49 void save_game(num, score, bell, maxmoves)
50     int        num, *bell, maxmoves;
51     long *score;
52 {
53         char   fname[128], buf[70], *fp;
54         FILE   *fo;
55         struct saved_game  s;
56         extern char        *getenv();
57         struct mon_rec     *mp;
59         if ((char *)NULL == (fp = getenv("SAVENAME")))
60         {
61             move(20,0);
62             addstr("Saving: Filename? ");
63             refresh();
64             readstring(fname,127);
65             fp = fname;
66         }
67         move(20,0);
68         addstr("                                                                             ");
69         move(20,0);
70         refresh();
71         if ((FILE *)NULL == (fo = fopen(fp, W_BIN)))
72         {
73             perror(fp);
74             return;
75         }
77         s.num = num;
78         s.score = *score;
79         s.bell = *bell;
80         s.maxmoves = maxmoves;
81         s.num_monsters = 0;
83         mp = &start_of_list;                /* first entry is dummy        */
84         while (mp != tail_of_list)
85         {
86                 mp = mp->next;
87                 s.num_monsters++;        /* count them monsters        */
88         }
90         if ( (1 != fwrite((char *)&s, sizeof(s), 1, fo)) ||
91              (1 != fwrite((char *)screen, sizeof(screen), 1, fo)) ||
92              (1 != fwrite((char *)&zz, sizeof(zz), 1, fo)) )
93         {
94              sprintf(buf,"Write error on '%s'\n", fname);
95              inform_me(buf,0);
96              fclose(fo);
97              unlink(fname);
98              return;
99         }
101         mp = &start_of_list;
102         while (mp != tail_of_list)
103         {
104         /* save them monsters */
105             mp = mp->next;
106             if(1 != fwrite((char *)mp, sizeof(struct mon_rec), 1, fo))
107             {
108                 sprintf(buf,"Write error on '%s'\n", fname);
109                 inform_me(buf);
110                 fclose(fo);
111                 unlink(fname);
112                 return;
113             }
114         }
115         fwrite(screen_name,sizeof(char),strlen(screen_name),fo);
116         fclose(fo);
117 #ifndef NO_ENCRYPTION
118         crypt_file(fp,0);   /* encrpyt the saved game */
119 #endif
120         clear();
121         CBON;
122         echo();
123         refresh();
124         endwin();
125         printf("Game saved.\n\nWanderer Copyright (C) 1988 S Shipway\n\n");
126         exit(0);
127 }
129 /*************************************************
130 *              function restore_game             *
131 **************************************************/
restore_game(num,score,bell,maxmoves)132 void restore_game(num, score, bell, maxmoves)
133     int *num, *score, *bell, *maxmoves;
134 {
135     FILE        *fi;
136     struct        saved_game        s;
137     struct        mon_rec        *mp, *tmp, tmp_monst;
138     char        fname[128], *fp;
139     char        *m_terminate = NULL;
140     FILE        *fo;
141     extern        char        *getenv();
143     if ((char *)NULL == (fp = getenv("SAVENAME")))
144     {
145         move((LINES-1),0);
146         addstr("Restore Filename ? ");
147         refresh();
148         echo(); CBOFF;
149         fp = fname;
150         fgets(fp,sizeof(fname),stdin); /* Marina Brown */
151         m_terminate=strchr(fp,'\n');
152         m_terminate="\0";           /* End Marina delta */
153         CBON; noecho();
154     }
155     clear();
156     refresh();
157 #ifndef NO_ENCRYPTION
158      crypt_file(fp,1);   /* decrypt it */
159 #endif
160     if ((FILE *)NULL == (fi = fopen(fp, R_BIN)))
161     {
162         endwin();
163         printf("Open error on '%s'\n", fp);
164         printf("Cannot restore game --- sorry.\n");
165         exit(1);
166     }
167     if ( (1 != fread((char *)&s, sizeof(s), 1, fi)) ||
168          (1 != fread((char *)screen, sizeof(screen), 1, fi)) ||
169          (1 != fread((char *)&zz, sizeof(zz), 1, fi)) )
170     {
171         endwin();
172         printf("Read error on '%s'n", fp);
173         printf("Cannot restore game --- sorry.\n");
174         fclose(fi);
175         exit(1);
176     }
178     *num = s.num;
179     *score = s.score;
180     *bell = s.bell;
181     *maxmoves = s.maxmoves;
183     /* free any monsters already on chain, to start clean */
184     mp = start_of_list.next;
185     while ((mp != NULL) && (mp != &start_of_list))
186     {
187     /* free them monsters        */
188         tmp = mp;
189         mp = mp->next;
190         free(tmp);
191     }
193     /* re-initialize the monster list        */
194     /* start_of_list = {0,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL}; */
195     start_of_list.x = 0;
196     start_of_list.y = 0;
197     start_of_list.mx = 0;
198     start_of_list.my = 0;
199     start_of_list.under = 0;
200     start_of_list.next = (struct mon_rec *)NULL;
201     start_of_list.prev = (struct mon_rec *)NULL;
203     tail_of_list = &start_of_list;
205     while(s.num_monsters--)
206     {
207     /* use make_monster to allocate the monster structures     */
208     /* to get all the linking right without even trying        */
209         if ((struct mon_rec *)NULL == (mp = make_monster(0, 0)))
210         {
211             endwin();
212             printf("Monster alloc error on '%s'n", fp);
213             printf("Try again - it might work.\nBut then,pigs might fly...\n");
214             fclose(fi);
215             exit(1);
216         }
217         if(1 != fread((char *)&tmp_monst, sizeof(struct mon_rec),1,fi))
218         {
219             endwin();
220             printf("Monster read error on '%s'\n", fp);
221             printf("Cannot restore game --- sorry.\n");
222             fclose(fi);
223             exit(1);
224         }
225         /* copy info without trashing links        */
226         mp->x     = tmp_monst.x;
227         mp->y     = tmp_monst.y;
228         mp->mx    = tmp_monst.mx;
229         mp->my    = tmp_monst.my;
230         mp->under = tmp_monst.under;
231     }
232     if(fgets(screen_name,ROWLEN,fi) == NULL)
233         *screen_name = '#';
234     fclose(fi);
235     unlink(fp);
236     saved_game = 1;
237 }